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Author Topic: MATTER-EATER LAD: The Series!!!
Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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Panel 1

caption: When last we saw our heroes, they had arrived on the mysterious world of Avatanda...

Taryn: Look, we're here looking to help our friend. We've heard your "esteemed doctor" might be able to cure him of his recent... ungainly weight gain.

Panel 2

Qut-ube: I'm sure the doctor will be very pleased to hear his friends have come to pay him a visit!

Lester: Why do I get the feeling this is going to be something really stupid?

Panel 3

Doctor Mayavale: My dear DEAR friends! I've awaited your arrival for lifetimes! Won't you give a hug to your old chum... won't you show some affection for... DOCTOR MAYAVALE!!!

Panel 4

Doctor Mayavale: Well, don't just sit there gawking! This is a reunion, not a funeral! Qut-ube, bring our guests some Vxxniarade! They must be thirsty after their long journey!

Panel 5

Tenzil: Listen... Doctor... Mayavale, was it? I don't believe we've ever met... but we were told to come here because you might be able to help Lester here...

Panel 6

Doctor Mayavale: Lester! Dear DEAR Lester! Why yes! And help him I shall! Ah, Qut-ube has brought the Vxxniarade! Won't you join me in a glass, Lester, for old time's sake?

[ August 05, 2004, 07:38 PM: Message edited by: Eryk Davis Ester ]

From: Liberty City | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Page 3

Panel 1

Lester: "Old time's sake"? No offense, Doctor... if you ARE in fact one... but I can absolutely assure you if I weren't desperately hoping you could cure my fatassedness, I wouldn't give you the time of day.

Panel 2

Mayavale: Aah, but that was not ALWAYS the case.

Panel 3

*mists have begun to swirl about*

Mayavale: It wasn't so many millennia ago when I-- Matilda, the most sought-after virgin of the village, met you-- Lucas, the most handsome boy of a neighboring village!

Panel 4

*the scene plays out in the mists*

Mayavale: It wasn't very long after we met that I -- Matilda-- became a virgin-no-more!

Panel 5

Mayavale: I gave myself to you... and you selfishly took as only a handsome 16-year-old boy can! I loved you!! I loved you more than life itself!

Panel 6

Mayavale: When it became apparent that I was with child, I begged you to marry me.

Panel 7

Mayavale: You refused!! You spat on me!!! You called me "trollop"!!! You called me "strumpet"!!!

Panel 8

Mayavale: My family disowned me; the villagers would have nothing to do with me! I lay in the street, sick and starving and with child!!! I lay in the street helplessly in my own filth, while the villagers cursed me and my unborn child!! And all the while, I never stopped loving you.

Panel 9

Mayavle: I died in the eighth month of my pregancy. Died with the name "Lucas" on my lips.

[ August 05, 2004, 09:24 PM: Message edited by: MLLASH ]

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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Panel 1

Lester: Look, Doctor Matildale... my name is Lester, not Lucas. And I don't sleep with women. I don't know what you've been smoking, but I've suffered enough ignominity in the past few weeks, and I don't feel like putting up with crap. I'm fat. I don't want to be. Are you going to help me?

Panel 2

Mayavale: Ha ha ha ha ha! Why, of course, Lester, dear friend! Drink of the Vxxniarade, while I contemplate your situation!

Panel 3

caption: And, with that, Doctor Mayavale's strange form becomes deathly still, as he slips into a deep trance...

Tenzil: Do you think he's okay?

Taryn: I don't like this. I don't like this at all.

Lester's thoughts: Sheesh! I can't believe I'm actually placing all of my hope in this multi-armed hippy freak!

Plant Lad: Man, this Vxxniarade packs quite a kick.

Westerner's thoughts: I've heard some strange things told back home about this here Hippie World, but this beats all!

Questar's thoughts: Why do girls always dump me for cowboys?

Panel 4

Caption: Five minutes later, Mayavale suddenly springs to life!

Mayavale: Aha! I think I know the solution to your problem, dear Lester! But... egads! It's time for my afternoon laugh! I try to laugh for three hours every day! Keeps one healthy, you know! We'll talk afterwards! Feel free to have the run of the place in the meantime...

Panel 5

*Mayavale begins to exit the chamber*

Tenzil: But...

Mayavale: Oh, and it is very delightful to see you again, my friends!

Panel 6

*A door closes behind Mayavale*

Tenzil: Okay, so it looks like we've got three hours to kill...

Taryn: Maybe we should try to do something for Tiffany?

[ August 06, 2004, 11:53 PM: Message edited by: Eryk Davis Ester ]

From: Liberty City | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Panel 1

Tiffany: *coming out of it* No... I'm fine... I was just suddenly overcome with so many images... so many feelings... and the main feelings were fear! Fear... and utter, hopeless insanity.

Panel 2

Tiffany: *to Westerner* Umm, Westerner... you can put me down now.

Taryn: YES, Tim-Thee... put her down. NOW.

Panel 3

Tenzil: Jeepers H. Tutu, Tiffany! Maybe you have, like, super-powers! Empathy or telepathy or something!

Panel 4

*Tiffany contemplating*

Tiffany: Hmmm. Well, I do have a knack for getting what I want and stuff. Is that a power?

Tenzil: It could be a form of empathy or emotion-controlling powers!

Panel 5

Tiffany: And it was strange how that icky monster on Zentor was drawn to me... and how I knew exactly which provocative poses to strike in order to get that nutty old man's magic shoes back on Sexat... and how guys always seem to fall in love with me and all!

Panel 6

Plant Lad: Well, if she IS empathic, shouldn't we all be a little worried about her "danger danger, death" warning?

Panel 7

Lester: You're ALL insane! I'm the only rational one here! Her "powers" are all in her big rack!

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

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Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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Panel 1

Questar: Look, I, Questar, am gifted with limited psychic abilities. And I felt no premonition of danger. I think she just had some bad chili back on Hick's World...

Panel 2

Westerner: Hey, pardner, that's my homeworld you're talkin' about there. I don't take to kindly to you dissin' it. As they say, "You Don't Spat on Sexat!"

Panel 3

*As Taryn and Tenzil try to break the tension between Questar and the Westerner, Tiffany can be seen wandering near the window*

Tenzil: Guys, let's not go after one another, okay?

Taryn: Tenz is right. We need both of you to be alert. I've got a feeling that something bad is going to happen...

Panel 4

*A giant gorilla hand reaches through the window, grabbing Tiffany*

Tiffany: Yiiieeee!

Panel 5

*The gang run to the window, as Tiffany is pulled out by the giant gorilla*

Tenzil: Tiffany!

Panel 6

*As the gang look out the window, the giant gorilla can be seen climbing a replica of the Empire State Building, Tiffany in hand*

Tenzil: Jumpin' fishhooks!

Taryn: What's he doing?

Plant Lad: He's taking her up to the top of that strange building!

Lester: I recognize that place from my Ancient Earth History classes. It's called the Parthenon. And Tiffany should know better than to cavort with big furry ape-men. To think, Daddy used to say that I hung out with the wrong crowd. Hmph!

From: Liberty City | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Panel 1

Westerner *to Questar*: 'Port me UP there, boy! Now!

Quester: You're crazy!

Panel 2

Westerner: *placing his hands on Questar's face* Never mind, I'll do it myself! You ain't forgotten my power to temorarily absorb the strength, endurance and abilities of others have ya?

Questar: Noooooo...!

Panel 3

*As Questar collapses, Westerner blinks out*

Panel 4

*Westerner appears in the air in front of Kong's face*

Westerner: Howdy, monkey!

Panel 5

*Westerner allows himself to drop onto Kong's cheek*

Westerner: Don't send a boy to do a MAN'S job, I always say.

Panel 6

*Westerner places hands upon Kong*

Westerner: The POWER-- so MUCH...!

Panel 7

*shot of the rest of the gang below, watching upwards as Kong loses his grip on the building*

Tenzil: Oh... my... giddy... Aunt...

Taryn: NO!! We're DEAD!!! DEAD!!!!

Lester: I'm too rich to die!!!

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

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Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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Panel 1

*As the gang stands in terrified stillness, a white streak can be seen rushing upward*

Panel 2

*Shot of Questar in excrutiating agony as he tries to slow Kong's descent*

Panel 3

*Questar manages to suspend Kong in mid-air*

Questar: Anti... grav... field... can't... hold... him... for... long...

Panel 4

*Kong drops Tiffany*

Panel 5

*Taryn super-leaps and catches Tiffany as she falls*

Taryn: I've got ya, girl!

Panel 6

*As the gang has moved into the clear, Questar gently lets Kong down*

Questar: *Whew*

Panel 7

*Kong whacks Questar, sending him flying*

From: Liberty City | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Panel 1

Taryn: Poor guy. All he ever gets for his toubles is smacked around.

Tiffany: Did you see, Taryn? That giant creature was also drawn to me, like the monster on Zentor! I must have empathic, giant-creature-attracting powers! Plus the power to make men fall in love with me! I could join... THE LEGION!

Panel 2

Taryn: I'm not sure there's much call for giant-creature-attracting powers.

Panel 3

Questar *flying back in*: Taryn! My love... are you alright?

Taryn: Never better. And Questar... thanks.

Panel 4

*Questar blushing, his eyes shaped like hearts*

Panel 5

Plant Lad: The creature-- it's vanishing!

Panel 6

*Kong has disappeared, Westerner who was lying unconscious on his cheek, falls to the ground with a PLOP!*

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

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Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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Panel 1

Taryn: Tim-Thee! Are you okay?

Westerner (getting up): Yeah. I reckon that varmit was just a little tougher than I'd expected.

Panel 2

*Qut-ube rushes to the scene!!*

Qut-ube: Is everyone okay?

Tenzil: Yeah, it looks like it. What was that thing?

Panel 3

Qut-ube: Oh, Kong? He's usually as gentle as a lamb. I don't know what came over him.

Tiffany: I think it was my not-yet-controlled psychic powers which are to blame!

Panel 4

Qut-ube: Hmm... could be. Anyway, the great Mayavale sent me to escort all of you to the dining hall. He should be joining you once he finishes his afternoon laugh.

Panel 5

Tenz: Sounds good! I'm so hungry I could eat a rocketship!

Taryn: Hmm... where's Big Toes gotten to?

From: Liberty City | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Panel 1

*Big Toes wandering the streets of Avatanda, sweating, looking slightly ill*

Panel 2

caption: You remember, don't you? DON'T you, old friend? Unlike the others... YOU remember our shared past.

*B-Toes looks scared as mists begin to swirl about*

Panel 3

caption: You remember lifetimes ago when you were Professor Oppenhiemer B. Topaz... and I was your lab assistant, Marvin...

*the scene plays out in the mists as B-Toes looks on, horrified*

Panel 4

caption: You were a genuis! Your patents brought you billions! And I? I made minimum wage!

Panel 5

caption: And when the day finally came that I discovered a scientific breakthrough-- one that would have earned me TRILLIONS-- were you happy for me? Were you, dear Professor Topaz?

Panel 6

caption: Of COURSE you weren't. You bashed my head in with one of your many awards! You disolved my body with your super-chemicals and claimed I never came back to work. You made it as if I never existed!! But you were unable to duplicate my successful experiment!

Panel 7

caption: My blood stained your hands permanently-- as did the blood of any since who have died of cancer. My discovery would have saved them all... except for YOUR jealousy and betrayal, Professor Topaz!

Panel 8

*B-Toes waving mists away with his arms*

Opposable Big-Toes Boy: NOOOooooOOOOooo!!!

Panel 9

*B-Toes running off & disappearing into the darkness*

[ August 12, 2004, 05:37 AM: Message edited by: MLLASH ]

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

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Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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Panel 1

*The gang enter a huge dining room that looks like something from a medieval castle. Except that contains numerous anachronistic objects, including a ping pong table in the corner.*

Tenzil: Wowza!

Qut-ube: The Doctor requests that you wait here.

Panel 2

*After Qut-ube leaves*

Taryn: Tenz, I'm worried. That doctor creeps me out. And... have you seen Big Toes around?

Tenz: Oh, I'm sure Big Toes can take care of himself. There's more to him than meets the eye, you know?

Panel 3

Tenzil: And as for the Doc, he was recommended by someone recommended by a friend of mine! What could possibly go wrong?

Taryn: Well, you've got to admit that whole "Matilda" thing was a bit weird...

Panel 4

Tenzil: So he's eccentric! He's a hippie guru! What would you expect?

<Taryn still looks worried and slightly annoyed>

Panel 5

*Noyd is bouncing the ball on the ping pong table*

Noyd: You up for a game, Tiff? I'll show you how to play...

Tiffany: Well, I guess...

Lester: Tiffany! That's probably some game they play in plebian pubs or something!

Panel 6

Questar: I, Questar, am familiar with this game from one of my special missions to the past! It is quite fun. I'd love to play!

Westerner: Well, I'm game, though I don't rightly know what I'm doin'. How 'bout you an' me, Questar, 'gainst them two?

Noyd: We're on, then!

From: Liberty City | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Panel 1

Tiffany: NO!!! We daren't play ping-pong!!

Plant lad: Huh? Why not?

Panel 2

Tiffany: Death!!! Annihilation!! Both will be ours if we play ping-pong!

Questar: Well, that would certainly be no fun.

Panel 3

Lester: Bah! Tiffany, quit trying to make everyone think you have marvy psychic powers!

Tiffany: I'm NOT... and I DO!

Panel 4

Lester: Well, I think your metagene is on the fritz.

Westerner: Now, you look here, son...!

Lester: Don't you "son" me, cowboy! Hah! I bet those heels are filled with helium...!

Panel 5

*Westerner punches Lester*

Panel 6

*Tiffany runs to lester, who is on ground*

Tiffany: Lester!! Oh, Lester...!

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

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Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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Panel 1

Taryn: Tim-Thee! How could you?

Westerner: I'm sorry you had to see that ma'am, but I jes don't take kindly to bein' insulted like that.

Panel 2

*As Tiffany comforts Lester on the ground, the Westerner suddenly starts clutching his stomach in pain*

Westerner: OOOHHHHH, what's going on...

Panel 3

*The Westerner face and body start contorting. Plant Lad leans up against a mural on the wall*

Tenzil: What's going on?

Taryn: What's happening to him?

Panel 4

*The Westerner is suddenly super-fatassed. Unnoticed by everyone else, Plant Lad falls through a trap door in the wall!*

Tenzil: Jumpin' fishhooks! He must have accidentally absorbed some of the super-energy that super-fatassed Lester!

Westerner: Oh... no...

Panel 5

*Questar has a slight smirk on his face*

Tiffany: Serves him right picking on poor Lester like that! Are you okay?

Lester: Ohhhh... stupid cowboy...

From: Liberty City | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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panel 1

*dark panel*

green caption: Wha... where... am I?

white caption: Where? You are in the limbo of your guilt... blacker than evil. Why? because I willed it.

Panel 2

*black panel*

green caption: Evil? Not likely, man. I've got love for everyone, despite my "rebel" image...

white caption: Oh? And have you always been this way?

green caption: Yeah, man... I was the kid popular in all the cliques... 'cause I was nice to everybody...

Panel 3

*tiny Plant Lad floating in front of image of jock guy beating up smaller guy*

white caption: Then how do you explain this?

Plant Lad: Whoa... poor li'l dude...

Panel 4

white caption: That "dude" has a name... Mason. As does the monster beating him... Noah.

Plant Lad: Noah...

Panel 5

caption: Yes. Noah... who beat Mason until the smaller lad lost consciousness. Who continued to beat Mason until he lost his very life...

Plant Lad: ...no...

Panel 6

caption: Oh, yes... and enjoyed every minute of it. The bloodlust... the terrible things he did to the body afterwards... Noah revelled in it all. Didn't you?

Plant Lad: ...no... not Noah...

Panel 7

*huge image of Mayavle appears before PL*

Mayavale: YES! YOU ARE NOAH! Noah! Who killed the boy because he represented everything Noah feared about himself!! KILLED ME!!! KILLED YOUR OWN BROTHER!!

Panel 8

*Plant Lad screams*

Panel 9

*Plant Lad back with others, looks terrified*

Taryn: Noyd...?

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

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Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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Panel 1

*Plant Lad is looking all delirious and crazy!*

Plant Lad: no... no... ah... noah...

Tiffany: What's wrong with him?

Panel 2

Lester: You're the psychic. Why don't you mind meld with him or something?

Tiffany: Don't be facetious, Lester. It's so common.

Panel 3

Questar: I, Questar, think he may have a good idea! Let me see what I can do!

Panel 4

*Quester puts his hands to Noyd's forehead and screams*

Questar: AHHHHH!!!

Panel 5

*Questar collapses to the ground*

Questar: No-ah!

Lester: Oh great. Now he's turned into a muttering nincompoop as well.

Panel 6

*Questar snaps out of it*

Questar: No, I'm okay.

Tenzil: Good to hear, buddy. What'd you see?

Questar: Mayavale. I believe there is something horribly wrong going on here.

Panel 7

Plant Lad: Ah... man... so cold...

Tiffany: Poor guy, he's shivering.

Panel 8

*Tiffany goes and puts her arms around Noyd*

Tiffany: Come on. You'll feel better soon li'l Noyddy Woyddy.

Lester: Ah, grife.

Panel 9

Taryn: Guys, I'm starting to think we should just find Big Toes and get off this planet.

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