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Author Topic: MATTER-EATER LAD: The Series!!!
Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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Panel 1

Tenzil: Jeebus. Okay, let use the laces from the shoes rather than the prints, add a bit more enchanted hair, and... jeebus. I really hate to have to do this.

Panel 2

*Tenzil removes his Umbra 3000s*

Panel 3

*Tenz tosses his Umbra 3000s into the chili pot*

Panel 4

*The cauldron really begins to start smoking*

Panel 5

*Everyone starts coughing*

Panel 6

Tenzil: Okay, it should just about be ready.

Panel 7

Tenzil thoughts: Hope this worked...

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Panel 1

Jo-Don: It's TASTE TEST TIME, liberals! Get yer free-love, high-on-dope rears over here!

Panel 2

*the gang gathers around Jo-Don's pot, as he dishes out samples to his posse*

Jo-Don: I know you boys can't wait fer this!

Panel 3

*Jo-Don's buddies eating chili, looking happy*

Cowboy: Dang, Jo-Don, this's the best yet!

Panel 4

*Jo-Don grinning at Tenzil*

Jo-Don: You don't say?

Panel 5

Plant Lad: Mmmm... it IS pretty darn good...

Tenzil: Well, you good ol' boys have hed the REST-- now you better get ready for the BEST!

Panel 6

Jo-Don: Big talk, politician... but do you practice what you preach?

Tenzil: Come find out.

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

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Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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Panel 1

*Jo-Dun's posse begins sampling Tenz's chili*

Cowboy #1: Hmm... that ain't half bad!

Cowboy #2: Fer a metro-slicker, you sure can make chili!

Panel 2

*Jo-Dun pushes his posse out of the way to sample it*

Jo-Dun: Let ME try that!

Panel 3

Jo-Dun: Hmm... it's better than I expected, all right!

Cowboy #3: Still, it ain't quite up to par with yours, Jo-Dun!

Panel 4

Cowboy #2: Yup. I reckon you've done won another chili-cookoff, Jo-Dun!

Panel 5

Jo-Dun: Why, thanks, boys! Now, to string up these metro-slickers! All 'cept that cute fillie, o'course! It's our God-given duty to make sure there ain't no more inferior chili bein' made!

Cowboy #1: There ain't nothin' I love more than a good hangin'! Let's get to it right away!

Panel 6

Cowboy #2: What about them other two?

Jo-Dun: We'll have to wait to string up that yella-haired actor fella. But I hope that purdy yella-haired fillie comes back! I reckon she's gonna be more fun to break than ol' Red!

[ July 31, 2004, 07:26 PM: Message edited by: Eryk Davis Ester ]

From: Liberty City | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Panel 1

Plant Lad - thoughts: Well, sprock! Maybe I should have sang to them.

Panel 2

Lester - thoughts: Even though he wants to kill me, I still find that Jo-Don irresistible!

Panel 3

Tiffany - thoughts: I guess I shouldn't have sent Trav-us away after all.

Panel 4

Big Toes Boy - thoughts: Nth

Panel 5

Tenzil - thoughts: If only Taryn and Questar hadn't failed to show up...!

Panel 6

Jo-Don *rear veiw only, facing Tenzil's gang*: GET 'em , boys!!!

Panel 7

Jo-Don *now a full frontal view; Jo-Don's features have become those of a female*: STRING 'EM UP!!

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

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Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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Panel 1

Cowboy #3 (who's features are also changing): Jo-Dun! What's happenin' to you?

Panel 2

Jo-Dun (begins rapidly aging): Them hippies must've put some lotus fruit or somethin' in that chili! I'm feelin' funny!

Panel 3

Tenzil: Now Noyd!

*Plant Lad begins transfomring into an octopus vine!*

Panel 4

*PL snatches the force beam generaters (which Jo-Dun and his boys were using to prevent them from escaping) from the hands of the cowboys-turned-old-hags!*

Jo-Dun: Eeek!

Lester's thoughts: I am SO not finding him attractive anymore!

Panel 5

Tenzil (Now holding one of the force beam generators): Fortunately, it was a simple task to modify Granny's recipe for "fatal chili" into the recipe for "old hag chili"! You'll be stuck as old hags for two weeks! That'll learn you to mess with a Bismollian!

Panel 6

Tiffany: Gosh, Tenz! If your Granny's "old hag chili" turns them into old hags, would your fatal chili have... *gulp*!

Panel 7

Tenzil: Nah, Tiff! They just call it that because it's so darn hot! When I knew I wouldn't have the ingredients to make Granny's best regular recipe, I resorted to one of her "magic" chili potions!

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Panel 1

Lester to dispersing cowhags: Ha, ha, ha! You're all a bunch of worthless old ladies!

random cowhag: Why you fat whippersnapper...!

random cowhag: My back hurts!

random cowhag: I've got a craving for pluberry gelatin!

random cowhag: That chili is making my stomach hurt.

Panel 2

Tenzil: Once again truth, justice and culinary skills prevail!

Panel 3

Plant Lad: ALl I know is I'm NEVER eating your cooking again.

Tenzil: Space-Philistine!

Panel 4

Tiffany: Lester's talk of worthless ladies reminded me... what happened to Taryn?

off-panel voice: Someone mention my name...?

Panel 5

*Taryn, Westerner & Questar flying in; Questar has one black eye*

Taryn: Sorry we're late...

Westerner: The fault is entirely mine.

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

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Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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Panel 1

Tenzil: Taryn! You're okay! Where've you been?

Taryn (looking dejected): I'm sorry... we found the bones you needed... but then...

Panel 2

Westerner: Don't blame the li'l lady any. I saw them snoopin' around my Fort of Solitude and thought they was thieves. Ol' Questar here gave me quite the tussle 'fore I caught 'em by surprise. Too bad we couldn't get him woke back up in time to deliver yer ingredient.

Panel 3

Taryn: Look, Tenz, I'm just glad you're okay. Again, I'm really, really sorry.

Tenzil: Yeah, no biggy. I just mixed the ingredients around a little bit and turned Jo-Dun and his boys into old ladies.

Panel 4

Lester: Look, I hate to break up this lovely reunion, but what about ME? Can't you whip up some defatassing chili or something?

Tenzil: You know if would if I could, Lester. But I guess we've got to find away to get off planet so we can visit that doctor on Avatanda.

Panel 5

Questar: Give me a few moments to finishing recovering, and...

Tenzil, Noyd, and Lester: NO!

Panel 6

Tenzil: Sorry, Questar, but after this experience, I think it would be best if we found a more conventional mode of travel.

Panel 7

Westerner: Well, I reckon I owe it to you to offer you a ride in my space-wagon, to help you get where you're goin'. I don't get off planet much these days myself, so I wouldn't mind the trip. And it looks like you've made sure ol' Jo-Dun won't be causin' any problems for awhile.

Panel 8

*Questar looks on jealously*

Tenzil: We'd be much obliged, pard'ner!

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Panel 1

caption: And, true to his word...

*scene depicts Westerner piloting; Taryn sits beside him, Tenzil by her; Questar looks on jealously*

Taryn: Wow, Tim-thee... you sure know how to handle this ship!

Westerner: I reckon so, Ms. Taryn.

Questar: I don't see what's so outstanding about his flying. I mean, a MONKEY could be trained to pilot a spaceship.

Panel 2

*Tenzil leaning to Taryn, whispering*

Tenzil: I'm sensing some hostility here.

Taryn: Don't be ridiculous.

Panel 3

caption: elsewhere...

*Plant Lad, Tiffany, Lester & Big Toes chitchat*

Plant Lad: ...and when I was singing to those drunks, I felt... well, complete. I'd forgotten that feeling...

Panel 4

Lester: Blah blah blah. What about ME? I've completely forgotten the feeling of having a totally hot bod!

Tiffany: No wonder Dev-Em left.

Panel 5

Lester: WHAT DID YOU SAY!!??!!

Tiffany: You heard me. Maybe he would have stayed around if... oh, never mind.

Panel 6

Lester: If I could, I'd be storming out of here in outrage right now. But since that would be so much effort... get OUT, ALL OF YOU!!!

Panel 7

*Noyd & Tiff exiting*

Plant Lad & Tiffany: Gladly.

Panel 8

*B-Toes looking at Lester, shaking his head in disgust*

Panel 9

Lester: What are YOU looking at, you stupid monkey man?

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

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Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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Panel 1

Caption: Soon...

Westerner: We ought to be comin' up on Avatanda directly...

Panel 2

*All of the instrument panels light up*

Caption: Suddenly, the cockpit fills with glorious music!

Tenzil: That sound! Where's it coming from?

Taryn: It... it's beautiful!

Panel 3

*The face of a bald monk appears on all of the screens*

Monk: Welcome to Avatanda! We are so delighted that you have chosen to visit our humble world!

Panel 4

Tenzil: Uh... hi there. We're here to visit the Central Monastery. We've come seeking a cure for my friend's... medical condition.

Panel 5

Monk: I have been told to expect your arrival, Tenzil Kem. You may proceed to land at the co-ordinates I am now transmitting.

Panel 6

*Monk disappears from screens*

Tenzil: Told to expect our arrival? Hmm... I guess Dr. Yeilek must have sent word ahead that we were coming...

Panel 7

*Shot of ship landing on landing strip*

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Panel 1

*the gang exiting the ship, looking around at the mishmash of buildings that all appear to be from differing eras, planets and realities*

Panel 2

Plant Lad: Woah! I feel like I'm having a bad space-trip, if you know what I mean...

Tenzil: Taryn might!

Panel 3

Taryn: *slapping Tenzil's arm* Shut UP!!

Tenzil: OOooWWWWch!!

Panel 4

Taryn *whispering to Tenzil*: I'd appreciate you not bringing up my experiences on Thrann in front of Tim-thee... or at ALL, ever AGAIN, actually.

Tenzil *rubbing arm*: Sure, if it keeps you from hitting me. Jeebus!

Panel 5

*Tiffany screaming*

Tiffany: NO!!! It's... it's HORRIBLE...!!! I can't bear to LOOK at it...!!!!

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

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Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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Panel 1

*Tenzil catches Tiffany as she faints*

Plant Lad: What'd she see, man?

Tenzil: I don't know.

Panel 2

Tenzil: I think she's coming around...

Tiffany: Horrible... so horrible...

Tenzil: She's delirious. I think we'll have to carry her for awhile.

Panel 3

*The gang continues, the Westerner carrying Tiff*

Questar: The landscape seems to be shifting around us as we walk!

Tenzil: I guess as long as we keep following these signs to the Central Monastery we'll be okay.

Panel 4

*The building seem to shift around them*

Plant Lad: Look... what's that up ahead?

Panel 5

*A crowd of monks can be gathered outside the entranceway to the Central Monastery*

Tenzil: That must be where we're headed.

Lester: *Sigh*! Another planet full of bald people! But at least their heads are normal-sized!

[ August 03, 2004, 02:01 PM: Message edited by: Eryk Davis Ester ]

From: Liberty City | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Panel 1

*the gang draws closer to the crowd*

Questar: There must be THOUSANDS gathered...

Plant Lad: It looks like someone's up there giving a speech or something... I hear 'em but can't tell what they're saying...

Panel 2

Taryn: Something about this planet doesn't feel... right.

Lester: You just don't want me to be defatassed! You're enjoying my despair, aren't you?

Panel 3

Westerner: The li'l lady here is wakin' up again!

Panel 4

*Tiffany babbling in Westerner's arms*

Tiffany: Danger... a million lifetimes... in a million realities... danger... death... afro!

Panel 5

Lester: Bah! She's dreaming about that bad perm she got when she was 12!

Panel 6

Tenzil: Ssssh! I'm almost able to hear what the dude way up there is saying...!

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

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Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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Panel 1

*Close up on the speaker. Readers who've been paying careful attention will recognize him as the pilgrim from back in Matter-Eater Lad #11!*

Speaker: ...and the great teacher said to me, "Qut-ube, for v'undas have I waited for the coming day, the day in which I shall perform my greatest service to this decaying galaxy. For I shall destroy he who consumes all. Those who have betrayed me so many times shall fall before the sacred dagger of rebirth!" Blessed be our great teacher, for truly he is chosen as the ultimate savior of the cosmos!

Panel 2

*Qut-ube gestures towards the gang*

Qut-ube: And hark! Here now is the one whose presence we have long-awaited! The great Tenzil Kem has come seeking our esteemed doctor! No doubt the mysterious ways of Dhrum have led him to his old friend just in time to assist him in achieving his cosmic apotheosis!

Panel 3

Tenzil: Jillkers! And I thought that Glad Hander guy was hard to understand!

Taryn: Look, we're here looking to help our friend. We've heard your "esteemed doctor" might be able to cure him of his recent... ungainly weight gain.

Panel 4

Qut-ube: Yes, yes! I'm sure the doctor will be very pleased to hear his friends have come to pay him a visit! Right this way!

Panel 5

Lester: Why do I get the feeling this is going to be something really stupid?

Westerner: Relax, pardner. Keep your chin up. Uh... both of 'em.

Panel 6

*Lester looking really annoyed at Tim-Thee*

[ August 04, 2004, 09:57 PM: Message edited by: Eryk Davis Ester ]

From: Liberty City | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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*small panels run along top, final panel is large splash panel*

Panel 1

off-panel voice, to Qut-ube: I am here, my faithful! Nothing that transpires, has ever transpired or will ever transpire in a million million realities escapes my notice!

Panels 2, 3 & 4

*feature the gang's shocked expressions*

Tenzil: Whoa!

Plant Lad: Get a load of THAT!

Taryn: I think this may have been a very BAD idea...

Westerner: Sure don't look none like the doctors back on Sexat.

Tiffany: *still held by Westerner* Afro... like... Ike...

Questar: Who's Ike?

Lester: That dude is UGLY!!

*Big Toes is wide-eyed in fear*

Panel 5

*the large splash panel*

Dr. Mayavale: My friends! My dear DEAR friends! I've awaited your arrival for lifetimes! Won't you give a hug to your old chum... won't you show some affection for... DOCTOR MAYAVALE!!!

next issue box: The VENGEANCE of MAYAVALE!

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

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*splash page featuring drawings of the myriad of Tenzil images described*

caption: All comic book readers know that the reality we live in is but one of an infinite number of realities. In our reality, Tenzil Kem is the former chef for THE LEGION!

But, in OTHER realities...

Legionnaire Tenzil! Terminator Tenzil! Giant Turtle Tenzil! Tenzil the Hot Chick! Bizarro Tenzil # 7! Robot Tenzil! Hillbilly Tenzil! Tenzil of the Jungle! Tenzil Tot!

But who could imagine a reality where Tenzil... was a vicious killer??

Too crazy to be true? Too true to be crazy? Or is it all a part of... "The VENGEANCE of MAYAVALE"!!

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

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