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Author Topic: MATTER-EATER LAD: The Series!!!
Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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Panel 1

caption: Soon...

*Trav-us and Tiffany are riding Jiggles down the trail*

Trav-us: Might obliged to ya for savin' me from that kattletock back there, Miss Tiffany, ma'am!

Tiffany: No biggie! That Ernie wasn't so bad once I gave him some Boil-Be-Gone for that nasty boil on his big toe! Though he really didn't need to give me both of his nasty old shoes!

Panel 2

Trav-us: If you don't mind my askin' ma'am, why exactly is it that you carry a tube of that Boil-Be-Gone wherever you go?

Tiffany: Uh... did I mention how brave you were so brave protecting me from that kattletock?

Panel 3

Trav-us: You sure is purdy!

Panel 4


*Big Toes is looking at the piece of paper he's been given. On it is written "A tail-feather from a predatory bird*

Panel 5

*Big Toes looks up in the sky, and sees a large eagle like creature with small animal in its talons*

Panel 6

*Bird lands in a very, very, large and tall tree*

Panel 7

*Big Toes starts to climb tree*

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Pasnel 1

*B-Toes midway up tree*

Panel 2

*B-Toes nearing the treetop; the eaglon's nest is visible at the top*

Panel 3

*B-Toes reaches treetop, across from eaglon nest*

Panel 4

*the Mama eaglon spots B-Toes*

Panel 5

*eaglon swooping in to attack B-Toes, B-Toes reaching in pocket*

Panel 6

*B-Toes sprays something on the eaglon*

Panel 7

*the eaglon very drowsily flying back to nest, collapsing on it*

Panel 8

*B-Toes nearing nest where Mama eaglon is passed out*

Panel 9

*closeup of B-Toes' hands; one is plucking a tail-feather from the eaglon, the other is holding a small canister labelled "Predatory Bird Knockout Gas"

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

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Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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Panel One


*Taryn and Questar are walking through a prairie environment*

Taryn: So... Questar, do you have... like... another name or something?

Questar: Are you asking me to reveal my secret identity?

Panel Two

Taryn: Secret Identity? Grife!

Questar: I am afraid, even as beautiful as you are, you cannot know who I truly am! Nor can we get married, for my many enemies might try to hurt you to get at me!

Panel Three

Taryn: Many enemies? Like who?

Questar: Well, there was the Every 6 Hours Monster, and the Every Ten Years Monster...

Panel Four

Taryn: *Sigh* Do these cameras have to follow us around?

Questar: They are just filming my mighty exploits for my adoring fans!

Panel Five

Taryn: I... I think I'm alergic to some of these weeds... ah... ah... ah-CHOOO!

Questar: Let me offer you my hankerchief, my lady!

Panel Six

Taryn (using hankerchief): Thanks. What's this written on it? "Reges"? Is that your name?

Questar: Uh... I must have picked up some citizen's hankerchief by mistake! Quick, give it back, and perhaps I can... uh... find the rightful owner!

Panel Seven

*The two walking along some more*

Panel Eight

Taryn: Reges?

Questar: Yes? I mean... that's not my name! It's must be some other good citizen...

Panel Nine

*Spies some kind of Alamo type fort*

Taryn (smiling): Nevermind. I think we may have just found what we're looking for!

[ July 27, 2004, 10:17 PM: Message edited by: Eryk Davis Ester ]

From: Liberty City | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Panel 1

Questar: You think we're likely to find the bones of a ne'er-do-well here?

Panel 2

Taryn: Maybe. Looks like some serious carnage took place here at one time. Let's check it out.

Panel 3

*the 2 looking around the fort*

Panel 4


Taryn: What? What?

Panel 5

*shows a sweet little bunnylike creature*

Questar: W... what IS it...?

Taryn: I don't know, but it sure is cute.

panel 6

Questar: Well, if you LIKE that sort of thing, I guess...

panel 7

*the 2 continue to search*

Panel 8

*a trap-door opens beneath their feet*

Panel 9

*the 2 fall through the trap door, Questar looks panicked*

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

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Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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Panel 1

*The room is very shadowy, Taryn can be seen dusting herself off*

Taryn: Questar? You okay?

Panel 2

Taryn: Questar?

Panel 3

*Questar's hand can be seen, with a kind of glow around it, illuminating the room, the room they are in is a kind of dungeon, with a few skeletons chained to the walls*

Panel 4

Questar (looking at the skeletons): *Gasp!*

Taryn: Hmm... this place seems to be the ruins of some sort of ancient fort, and this would be the stockade. But how would we know if any of these are ne'er-do-wells, or just captured enemy soldiers?

Panel 5

*Taryn notices one of the soldiers is wearing a much different uniform than the others*

Taryn: Hmm... that one stands out.

Panel 6

*Taryn takes some old paper out of the skeletons pocket*

Panel 7

Taryn: So it says this fellow was thrown in the stockade for continously shirking his duty. They'd considered discharging him, but decided he'd just be a burden on society, since he'd never been able to hold a steady job before. I guess he'll do.

Panel 8

Taryn: Can you fly him up, and then come back and get me?

Questar: Certainly!

Panel 9

*Questar flies out of dungeon, carrying skeleton*

[ July 28, 2004, 08:01 PM: Message edited by: Eryk Davis Ester ]

From: Liberty City | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Panel 1

caption: Sonuvva...! We nearly forgot all about the alleged star of this comic magazine!

Jo-Don: MMM MMM MMM! Smell that, fellers? that's GEN-YOU-WINE Sexat Six-Alarm chili y'smell cookin'! I'd like to see the politician over there top THIS!

Panel 2

*Tenzil stirring*

Tenzil's thoughts: Just you wait, you skinny little podunk! If my friends come through...!

Panel 3

Lester: I got your stupid ingredient, Tenzil... but please don't ever ask something like this of me again, for I shall refuse you.

Tenzil: WOW! thanks, Les!

Panel 4

Plant Lad: You don't even WANT to know what I went through to get this, Kem. Suffice to say, it involved drawling.

Tenzil: Noyd, you're the coolest of the cool!

Panel 5

*Tiffany & Trav-Us ride up on Jiggles*

Tiffany: I got these enchanted shoes from an old crazy man, Tenzil! I would have made a print for you but I'm not touching the icky ol' things. Did you notice my new very special friend? His name is Trav-Us?

Trav-us: Howdy!

Tenzil: *accepting shoes* Dang tootin'!

Panel 6

*Big Toes presents the feather to Tenzil*

Tenzil: I always said you were handy to have around, Opposable Big Toes Boy!

Panel 7

Tiffany: Where's Taryn and her beau?

Tenzil: I know Taryn won't let me down...

Panel 8

Jo-Don: 30 minutes til the TASTE-OFF, hippies!!

Panel 9

*Tenzil looking worried*

caption: Come ON, Taryn...!

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

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Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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*First three panels running along the top of the page*

Panel 1

Taryn (looking worried): Questar? Hmm... he should be back down here by now.

Panel 2

Taryn (looking really worried): Where IS he?

Panel 3

*Taryn looks up at the trap door above in fright as a scream can be heard up above*


Panel 4

*Big splash panel as Questar falls, unconscious, back into the dungeon*

Taryn: Questar!

NEXT ISSUE CAPTION (in corner): What foul fate has befallen Questar? And will he and Taryn make it to the Chili-cookoff in time to save Tenzil? Stay tuned for the exciting next issue of Matter-Eater Lad!

[ July 28, 2004, 08:32 PM: Message edited by: Eryk Davis Ester ]

From: Liberty City | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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*Big Splash Panel of Taryn holding the unconscious form of Questar*

CAPTION: Taryn Loy has faced many a challenge since MATTER-EATER LAD: THE SERIES began. She has been shot by a Ninja Super-Maid, and has fallen prey to the Nudie-Medi-Center of Doom. She escaped the Realm of Darkness, the Realm of Scantily-Clad, Over-Endowed Vixens, and the Realm of Bright Lights and Good Times. She has risked interstellar war to save her best friend from a would-be galactic dictator turned super-fatass fetishist. She has braved the gay discos of Thrann.

But will Taryn face her greatest challenge yet as not one but two mighty super-heroes fight to win her affection? And will this rivalry endanger the one she cares for the most, Tenzil (Matter-Eater Lad) Kem, currently in desperate need of the final ingredient to complete his entry in the Great Chili-Cookoff of Space?

Turn the page and find out, gentle reader, in a story we call "ENTER... THE WESTERNER!"

[ July 30, 2004, 02:03 PM: Message edited by: Eryk Davis Ester ]

From: Liberty City | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Panel 1

Taryn: Questar! What
could have done this to you?

Panel 2

off-panel voice: I'm afraid I'm the guilty party, ma'am!

*Taryn looking up in shock*

Panel 3

*a figure leaps down in front of Taryn, we see only his backside*

Taryn: And you are...?

Panel 4

Westerner: M'name's Tim-Thee Santoza, ma'am. But folks 'round here like to call me... THE WESTERNER.

Taryn's thoughts: That BODY...! MrrrrroWWW!

Panel 5

*Taryn staring at him dreamily*

Westerner: Ma'am? Ma'am? You look a mite space-happy.

Taryn: *shaking off her stupor* Oh, I'm so sorry...! Got lost in thought there for a moment...

Panel 6

Westerner: S'quite alright.
Taryn: What happened to Questar?

Panel 7

Westerner: Yer boyfriend here will be jes' fine shortly. I didn't take kindly to ya'll traipsin' 'round my Fort of Solitude, so I used my power to absorb his strength and endurance and beat the tar outta him.

Panel 8

Taryn: Oh NO! I'm so sorry we trespassed...! And let me assure you-- Questar is NOT my boyfriend, Tim-Thee. I'm very much a single woman.

Westerner: I'sat right? A purdy thing like you?

Panel 9

Taryn *all goofy*: *titter*

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

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Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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Panel 1

Westerner: Well, regardless, you shouln't a-been wanderin' round these old ruins. It's more than a mite dang'rous.

Taryn: We certainly wouldn't have, if it hadn't been the direst of emergencies! You see, my friend... OH NO! Tenzil!

Panel 2

Westerner: Wha's that?

Taryn: My friend Tenzil is being held prisoner by a bunch of ruffians! They're making him participate in a chili-cookoff! I'm supposed to bringing back a key ingredient he needs, the bones of a ne'er do-well!

Panel 3

Westerner: Tarnation! Jo-Dun's up to his ol' tricks again?! Ever' time some stranger shows up he forces 'em into a chili-cookoff! And 'taint no one's ever bested 'em!

Panel 4

Taryn: If anyone could, it's Tenzil. But not without the secret ingredient that I was supposed to bring! And the taste-off's in twenty minutes! Oh, Tim-Thee, can you help me?

Panel 5

Westerner: Twenty minutes! Hmm... Jo-Dun's ranch is to far for me to make that, even with my enhanced strength and endurance! Our best bet's to wake up your flyin' friend here and get him to take it!

Panel 6

*The Westerner picks up Questar*

Westerner: Come on... I'll lead you through the series of secret passages to my secret laboratory!

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Panel 1

caption: And speaking of secrets... Anyone remember a pretty big one that came out a while back on Tartarus...?

Drura: Renkil Kem... not Tenzil at all... and you never were!

Panel 2

Policy Pam: Evillo's flunkies are escaping!

Incredible Girl: I'm on it...!

Panel 3

*Drura, enraged, raises her arms into the air*

Panel 4

*Drura flings her arms downward*

Panel 5

*Stick w/ a Nail in it Kid, Apollo, Tess and Lotus Fruit Lass collapse, screaming*

Panel 6

*Pam, Incredible Girl and Chet, who were chasing after the ex-Dozen, step back in shock*

Incredible Girl: Wha... what's wrong with them...?

Pam: It's Drura...

Chet: She's gone insane insane insane insane insane insane insane!

Panel 7

*Drura facing Renkil*

Drura: You... Unspeakable... Bastard.

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

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Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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Panel 1

Renkil: Drura... I... I can explain, honey...

Drura: DON'T call me, honey, creep!

Panel 2

*Drura waves her hand and Renkil starts clutching his stomach*

Panel 3

Incredible Girl: Can I just point out that my power to reverse the direction of motion of moving objects would have perfect to stop those guys?

Panel 4

*SWaNiiK, Apollo, Tess, and LFL begin to vanish*

Incredible Girl: Oh, and *now* they're vanishing!

Pam: Cheer up, IG! At least I managed to sell that Stick-With-A-Nail-In-It Kid some tetanus insurance! That means I've got the address of their hideout right here on this policy!

Panel 5

*Pam's insurance papers that she's holding begin to vanish*

Pam: Oh no!

Pieces of Brittle Boy: Uh, can somebody please gather me up?

[ July 31, 2004, 09:59 AM: Message edited by: Eryk Davis Ester ]

From: Liberty City | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Panel 1

Drura: Shut UP, all of you!

*in background, the HOTties are looking a bit sickly*

Panel 2

Sugyn: Drura, m'lass... don't do this... let's talk about it over a hearty ale, eh?

Panel 3

*Drura screams in rage*

Panel 4

*the HOTties look even worse than before*

Panel 5

Drura: *regaining composure somewhat* No... must focus my anger where it really belongs...

Panel 6

Drura: *to Renkil* On YOU, you heartless monster! You DARED wear your brother's face... you DARED to tell me you loved me... Do you still love me NOW, Renkil...?

Panel 7

Renkil: *suddenly looking extremely ill* AAAcccck! But, Drura... I DO lov... ARRRRRGH!

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

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Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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Panel 1

*All the HOTties are starting to recover, except Sugyn, who still looks very ill*

Pam: Come on, gang! We've got to stop her before she kills him!

Sugyin: Ooooohh... I'm really not feeling so hot, lassie!

Panel 2

*A great burst of puke spews forth from Sugyn, covering everyone but hitting Drura straight on, knocking her unconscious*

Panel 3

Incredible Girl: Eeeew, Sugyn!

Chet: Well, at least he seems to have stopped her stopped her stopped her stopped her stopped her

Panel 4

Pam: We need to get Tenz... I mean Renkil, to a hospital. He's in bad shape.

Incredible Girl: And what about the queen?

Panel 5

Pam: We'll take her back to the palace, and get her cleaned up. Once her rage subsides she'll be in a much better position to think clearly about this.

Panel 6

Pam (to Sugyn): We should probably keep this whole thing secret from the League of Overly-Endowed Former Assassins. It's hard to tell how they'll react to you taking down the queen like that.

Panel 7

*Pull back, to where the sillhouette of a very busty figure can be seen watching them from the shadows*

From: Liberty City | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Panel 1

caption: I swear, Eryk, we're going to have to change the title of this book to TENZIL'S PALS & GALS...

Tiffany: *arm around Trav-Us* Goodness! It's not like Taryn to be such a complete and utter failure, bringing nothing but disappointment and sorrow to those who care for her. Is it, Tenzil? Is it?

Panel 2

Tenzil: *stirring chili* Taryn's been doing a FEW surprising things lately... But, well... there's still a few minutes left... and if I have to, I can wing it...

Panel 3

Lester: *eyeing Trav-us* May I ask who you are and what your intentions toward my sister are?

Trav-us: Sister? Shoot-a-mile! I'd never have guessed that! You're so...

Panel 4

*Lester looking mad*

Panel 5

Trav-us: ...Ummmm.... so, uh... dif'rent from her and all.

Panel 6

Lester: Duh! Tiffany, I insist you send this extremely handsome but socially inferior ragamuffin on his way. He and his ilk are beneath you.

Panel 7

Tiffany: *to Trav* Well, maybe it's for the best if you go reopen your store... plus things are likely to get ugly here very soon...

Trav-us: but I could help ya'll...!

Panel 8

Lester: Toddle off now, Cowboy. See you half past never again.

Panel 9

*Trav-us walking off dejectedly in background*

Plant Lad: Uh oh! The natives are looking a little restless....!

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

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