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Author Topic: LMBP: The Fight Against Thora!
Cobalt Kid

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*oops, another same time reply. fits nicely though*
From: If you don't want my peaches, honey... | Registered: Sep 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Super Lad Kid
part-time lurker

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Meanwhile, Super Lad Kid has been patroling the Headquarters making sure that Thora's gang did not make a surprise attack while the team was away. He just finished cleaning and closing up SHAKES when he thought he heard a noise down a nearby alley.

"Man, I sure wish Cobalt Kid or SharkLad or some of the other more powerful members were here. I don't know what use my powers of smell-replication could be if things got rough."

He stared down the dark alley in hopes of seeing what caused the noise. It was just a mouse.

"Whew, looks like there was nothing to be afraid of," he thought.

Just then, in a blinding rush, a giant robotic arm reached out and siezed Super Lad Kid into the alley.

And all became as quiet as it was before.


[ October 05, 2003, 07:20 PM: Message edited by: Super Lad Kid ]

From: Michigan | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Outdoor Miner
Vote for Gates!

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"Space Ranger, why he's my new First Consort. He was betrothed to me in a special ceremony shortly before you cretinous males arrived here. He belongs to me now!" cackled Thora.

"No!" cried New Kid. The femizons stiffened, awaiting any potential attack by the LMBPers.

I can see we aren't gonna need the pregnancy tests, thought Miner. Wonder how CK's gonna talk us out of this one.

Cobalt Kid, smiling, stepped up to Thora and said..

Legion World's Badwill Ambassador

From: A Huge, Pulsating, Ever-Expanding Chicken Heart | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Semi Transparent Fellow

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Balderdash. Don't try to bamboozle me, baby. Space Ranger is just not equipped to handle your perversions. He'd never go willingly.

Suddenly, Icefire lunged...

Semi, still invisible cried, "no, bro!!!"

But it was too late.

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Cobalt Kid

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Icefyre lunged at Thora, who prepared to fight, when Space Ranger suddenly threw a vicious punch at Icefyre, knocking him back!

"SP?" said Miner, shocked.

"Now Leave us!" Yelled Thora, as Space Ranger said nothing. "I'm not going anywhere without my kid and my friend!" yelled Cobalt back. "I wouldn't advise you to come any closer cretinous male. As comely as you are, I have a new betrothed now, and will not hesitate to vanquish you."

Cobalt thought about using his magnetism to crush Thora when he realized that he could not. Wouldn't that also kill his unborn child? Now he was unsure what to do...

Suddenly, Thora and Space Ranger dissapeared in a flash of light, teleporting home. Unknown to them, Semi and Vee had snuck along for the ride...

The LMBPers in the cruiser were now left staring at a huge dreadnought and a legion of femizons. "Well", smiled Shark Lad, "no one ever said this it'd be easy!", as he leaped out into Space to start up a brawl.

"Well EDE, looks like this won't be diplomatic after all..." said Cobalt, as...

From: If you don't want my peaches, honey... | Registered: Sep 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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the cruiser was rocked by a blast from the dreadnaught.

"Damage?" asked Cobalt Kid, as picked himself up from the floor of the bridge.

"Nothing too bad," answered EDE, "But, we can't take another hit like that."

"Return fire!"

"They can definitely out-gun us," asserted Arachne after several tense mintues, "our chances are much better in hand-to-hand combat."

"Then let's take it to the surface!" commanded Cobalt Kid, "SWEET ASS ..."

Cobie was interrupted as Thora's visage appeared on the viewscreen holding a spear with a bloody, triangular mass on the end.

"Holy sprock!" exclaimed Miner, "that's SharkLad's ..."

"Yes," interrupted Thora, "his mighty dorsal fin. Now, leave! Or you will all suffer similar fates!"

The viewscreen went blank.

"Alright team, to the transporter room" spoke Cobalt Kid, his fists clenched, "Let's go kick some femizon ass!"

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water...

From: The waters off eastern Long Island | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Abin Quank
Except when I'm someone else...

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“Hold it Cobie,” Princess Crujectra’s quiet voice stopped all movement in the room.

“Arachne, check your screen,” she continued, “I think you’ll find that Dreadnaught has some problems.”

She nodded to CK, “Cobie, you’re a sweetie, but maybe this time you’ll think before sticking your ‘Little Friend’ someplace he doesn’t belong. Strategy first, then we kick the slut’s ass.”

Everyone left on the LMBP Cruiser gathered around the view screen. The scene it showed caused a huge cheer to break out. Kara and Harbinger were out in space, rapidly reducing the Dreadnaught’s armaments and propulsion systems to scrap metal.

“Hmm… Guess I forgot just how tough those two Supergirl types are…” Cobalt Muttered.

Princess Crujectra focused her attention on Almost New Kid, she wasn’t smiling, “ANK, none of us know what your powers are, or Space Rangers. Start talking.”

ANK seemed to shrink under Crujeckie’s glare. He glanced nervously around the room before speaking. “My only power is semi-super annoyance; I can cause people to become annoyed by almost anything I say. Hmmm… the Ranger, Ummm… I guess I should have told you guys before… I’m… I mean… well… I was adopted by his parents, on… Daxam. He’s a Daxamite.

“Oh Sprock!” Cobalt slammed his fist onto a table. “Jeese ANK couldn’t you have told us that earlier…”

On Taltar

Thora watched her personal physician work rapidly on the form laying face down on a crude medical table.

“He didn’t respond fast enough during that battle, Dr. Lesbon, that cretin Icefyre almost reached me… I don’t care how painful it becomes for him… make whatever adjustments are necessary…”

Space Ranger lay face down on the table, his uniform pants pulled down to expose his buttocks. A strange golden glow lit the area around his anus.

“Thora, My Liege, as long as the Golden Dildo of Taltar resides in his ass, he is yours to command. I have changed the batteries. His response to your mental commands should now be instantaneous.”

Hidden in a dark corner of the room Semi reached down and adjusted Vee’s position. Suddenly he began to quietly but urgently whisper, “Not Now Sweets, we need to get this info back to the cruiser. Ummm… please stop that… there’ll be time later, I promise.”

Space Ranger rose from the table and knelt at Thora’s feet, “Mistress…”

Thora began laughing…

Just an Old, Broke-Down, Drunk, Bum!!

With a Power Ring...

From: Westerly Rhode Island | Registered: Aug 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Just like old Times!

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Icefyre grabs his chest and a sharp pain goes up his side. "Princess something is wrong". As the room goes black Icey, falls to the floor.

Let the Fun Begin!

From: tennessee | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Outdoor Miner
Vote for Gates!

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On Taltar

Space Ranger rose from the table and knelt at Thora’s feet, “Mistress…”

His head cocked, then, towards the corner in which the LMBers had concealed themselves.

"...there are intruders!"

Suddenly, Space Ranger lunged towards Semi and Vee. Or rather, where they had been. Alerted by Ranger's sudden movements, Semi had thrown himself to the floor and slid under the operating table.

Space Ranger, unable to stop, crashed through the wall and into a hallway. Where he remained, momentarily dazed.

"Mistress, what is happening?" cried the doctor. "I...ack!"

The doctor hit the floor, shoved aside by an invisible Semi, now up from under the table and bolting for the door.

"Don't just stand there, you fool!" shouted Thora at Space Ranger. "Find them! Destroy them!"

Semi flung the door open and ran down a hallway. "You OK down there Vee?"

"I'm hanging in there," came the reply. "Literally."

"He must have heard us. He's a lot stronger than we thought, too. What do we do now?"

Behind them, much closer than either would have liked, they could hear the sounds of pursuit.

"Keep going!" urged Vee. "I've got an idea...."

Legion World's Badwill Ambassador

From: A Huge, Pulsating, Ever-Expanding Chicken Heart | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Cobalt Kid

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...and I think you might like it!" Suddenly Vee used his power to momentarily shrink the dildo in SP's ass! Space Ranger suddenly stopped, and hesitated as if in a daze. Vee and Semi ran down the hall concealed.

"He's stronger than we thought!" said Vee.

"We need to come up with another plan while we're here..."

Back in the room, Thora ran up to SP and slid two fingers where she knew she could keep SP under control. "Now male, obey your mistress. Find those two and destroy them. Then come back and pleasure me..."

Icefyre fell to the ground as Princess Crujectra checked to see if something was wrong. He began gasping for air...


Outside, Dev-Em flew by Shark Lad to grab him from harms' way. "Let me back!" yelled the LMBer, "I'll satisfy my appetite yet." "No" said EDE over the com-link. "Get back here. There's too many and we've lost sight our goal. You, Dev and Furball try to hold them off but don't go too far. Miner, Arachne, Kara, Cobalt, Harbinger and I are going to try and find a way to get planetside. Lash, New Kid, Lucien and Danny Blaine are here for your back up." "No good EDE, you might have to send them in now..." said Dev, "wait'll you see what they have now."


Back in the HQ at home, Super Lad Kid was grabbed by a Gigantic Robot Hand, to see Giant Robotic Gay Man (formerly Lesbian) and Evil Queen! "We promised Thora we'd do our part!" yelled Evil Queen as they prepared to attack him.

"Not so fast boys" replied the Emerald Empress. "There are more people on Legion World than Crujectra's security." she smiled, as she unleashed the Emerald Eye on them. Fat Cramer ran to Super Lad Kid's side "I wonder how they're doing in space right now..."

From: If you don't want my peaches, honey... | Registered: Sep 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Semi Transparent Fellow

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As he ran down the hall, invisible, with tiny Vee stashed in his thong, Semi said, "Vee, I told you making the dildo small wasn't the answer. You had to make Space Ranger's ass really big so the dildo would fall out, and Thora's backup plans wouldn't work."

Vee sighed, Semi was sometimes just a bit too much of an "I told you so."

Meanwhile, the Princess attended to Icefire. Her finely atuned senses informed her that Icefire was suffering from the one thing that could truly do him in.... lack of lovin'. Summoning up all the nobility she possessed, the Princess did the only thing she could .... a deep, lingering, full tongue kiss ... Icefire's eyes flickered momentarily. The Princess realized this was a matter of life or death. Duty as her badge of honor, she got down to business ... (Never say the Princess cares not for her subjects.)

But there is much more to tell...

[ October 06, 2003, 08:58 PM: Message edited by: Semi Transparent Fellow ]

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Space Ranger
Private Dick

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Space Ranger slowly woke from the strange nightmare, he remembered sitting in his cruiser eating chili dogs with sauerkraut – and then nothing… Nothing but pain… at first he thought that his digestive system was simply acting up… a dozen sauerkraut chili dogs will do that.

But then the voices started… telling him to do things… things that disgusted him… the woman was horrible but he had to obey…

Then the pain eased momentarily… He heard Vee’s voice… and Semi’s… and the pain returned but it was different…

And his stomach started to rumble…

Truth and Justice shall Prevail!
(Just as soon as the Check Clears!)

From: The Back Office in Abin's Fixit Shop. | Registered: Sep 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Abin Quank
Except when I'm someone else...

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At the end of the universe, where time and space meet their distruction in a horrifyingly beautiful light show, there is a wall.

The wall is an immense solid black slab of obsidian. It has one flaw.

In the exact center of the wall is a hole, a mouse hole.

Inside that hole sits a mouse wearing a garish purple cloak. The mouse watches the struggles of the LMBP and squeaks happily to itself.

"Soon Cobalt Kid, soon you and the Space Ranger will be mine. BWASqueak... BWASqueak... BWASqueak... "

*end Interlude*

[ October 07, 2003, 03:05 PM: Message edited by: Almost New Kid ]

Just an Old, Broke-Down, Drunk, Bum!!

With a Power Ring...

From: Westerly Rhode Island | Registered: Aug 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Cobalt Kid

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Dev, Kara and Harbinger swung out in a trident formation, smashing through the femizons. Not far away, Shark Lad ripped through the femizons in a complete rage after losing his fin. Furball was near him, an accidentally threw a femizon in his direction. Shark Lad, encompassed in a rage turned now on his fellow LMBer...

Lash, Lucien and Crusader continued to fight as the endless wave of femizons came in. New Kid watched hopelessly, wondering "what am I going to do?! Is this the end for my brother? I won't allow it even if I have to-" Suddenly Danny Blaine was sucked away to another dimension and Mantis appeard. "This one greets you. It appears there is a war..."

Down below, EDE, Cobalt, Miner and Arachne made their way onto Taltar. "Should we find Vee and Semi?" asked Arachne. "I don't know. What do you think Cobalt. What can we do to Thora that won't harm your baby?" "I don't know. I've already lost a wife, I don't want to lose another child too..." "I've got it!" yelled Miner. "We can just-"

From: If you don't want my peaches, honey... | Registered: Sep 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Abin Quank
Except when I'm someone else...

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Whatever Miner was about to say was drowned out by a thunderous explosion which rocked the battlefield, scattering the various groups of combatants. EDE and Cobalt were separated from Miner and Arachne. Cobalt looked around, LMBPers and Femizons had been scattered every which way, the only battle still going on was the furious fight between Sharklad and Furball.

As Cobalt watched the two tear into each other he realized that they probably hadn’t even noticed the explosion.

“Got to put a stop to that,” Cobalt mumbled as he slowly got to his feet, “Funny, suddenly I feel weak…”
Simultaneously, EDE rose to his feet but his eyes were drawn to movement in the other direction. A large blocky shape was approaching their position…

Miner and Arachne wound up several hundred yards away from Cobalt and EDE, Miner, being the lowest to the ground of all the LMBPers was least affected by the explosion. He quickly assisted Arachne to her feet and asked “Can your eye get us into the palace? I think I know how to end this…”

Just an Old, Broke-Down, Drunk, Bum!!

With a Power Ring...

From: Westerly Rhode Island | Registered: Aug 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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