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Author Topic: OneVision: Dragons
Ghost of Numf El
Waste ....... Of Space!

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Numf-El only had a flickering of time to register Stacys look of surprise turn to shock before the spark that was his life was snuffed out.

Which was kind of lucky for him, because he wouldn’t have liked seeing his top half thrown in one direction and his bottom in the other.

Nor all the blood and other liquids sprayed all over the room, and all over Rody and Stacy.

At least it wouldn’t be up to him to clean it up.


“You crever girlie,” said Kaant barely above a whisper.

Stacy stood there in wide-eyed shock, splattered in her new boyfriends blood, slapped by his entrails.
She couldn’t believe that she was standing here facing the giant red dragon that they had all thought killed. And who had now killed Numfy. She might not have fallen in love with him, but she’d been having a hell of a lot of fun.

“H h h h how…..?” asked Stacy, the terror of the situation slowly welling up her from her feet. She would have backed away from the monster in front of her, but her feet felt like they had been turned into very large, heavy blocks of ice.

“Your boyfliend not tell you I can change?” asked Kaant. “Sirry bugger! I change to saramander when lava hit me – mythical fire saramander who can rive in fire.”

“But how could you turn into a mythical animal?” asked Stacy.

“What ,you think dragon a normal, evelyday animal?”

“Well, now you mention it….”

“I rand in doorway of spaceship when you hit by terburance,” continued Kaant. “After lava hit me my tail was cooked, so I got rid of it and glow another - I see you find my old one – and then change back to dragon. But this time bigger, faster, better, nastier dragon. So I can kill everyone. And you’re next.”


“And I managed to get a confession from Michael J. Hunt and his cohorts,” said Marvin to Harbinger. “That was a good idea of yours to pick up a DVD camcorder from one of the electronic hardware shops.”

“Good, they didn’t give you any trouble, did they?”

“No, not at all, they seemed very talkative. I promised them a change of bodycasts once you’d viewed the footage. I think that convinced them,” Marvin explained.

“Eugh! What’s that?” asked Harbi suddenly, pointing at the small, red and brown object scampering it’s way in through the door of the bridge.

“Squeak!” shreiked Rody, for it was he, having sneaked out for help while Stacy distracted Kaant.

“no!” whispered Harbi.

[ May 09, 2005, 08:27 AM: Message edited by: Numf-El ]

From: Scatland | Registered: Sep 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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"no!" Indeed! I'd forgotten abou Bishop! ooooh it's gettting scary again Numf. I [Love] it!

Hope all is well mannie

"Tempus Fugitive" the final part of the Adventures of Dream Boy series, set in the Three-Boot Universe. Read it only in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.

From: here, more often than not | Registered: Sep 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Ghost of Numf El
Waste ....... Of Space!

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Sonnies walk around the ship hadn’t taken very long, and he still really wanted some quiet time to himself.

As he sat on the smallest seat in the spaceship he contemplated the small green piece of plastic in his hand. There was a kind of poetic justice that he should end up here in Marvins nephews playroom.

He knew that he must look ridiculous sitting on a very small childs bright red seat, but he didn’t care, his six feet five frame at ludicrous angles as he rested his chin on his knees, one arm wrapped around his legs.

He looked up briefly when he heard a wet thump on the bulkhead, but since there was no other noise to be heard he reverted to his contemplating.

He held the small plastic brick up at eye level.

“Alas, poor Lego-lass – I ….”

That was the point when he heard Rodys squeak from the bridge.

Confusion changed very quickly to anger.
Fear to rage.
Shock to madness.

Within two seconds Sonnie was flying at twice the speed of sound through the very small ship. Travelling at such a high speed means that it doesn’t take very long to get from one end to the other. And it’s a bugger to stop safely too!

Catching her by surprise, Sonnie slammed into the side of Kaants head and knocked her off her feet.

She landed with a thump, which unbalanced the trajectory of Marvins spaceship, sending it steeply upwards.

Kaant picked herself up at about the same time that Sonnie managed to gain his own balance.

“Tha’ hur’!” exclaimed Kaant. “I kir you rike I did your brova! For kirring my babies! You toast rittle boy.”

She plodded menacingly towards Sonnie.

“Take a rast rook at your brova before you join him,” Kaant said.

Stacy was still rooted to the spot. She had gone into shock. And although she wanted with every fibre of her body to turn and run, she just couldn’t.
She couldn’t even speak.

Harbi had raced to help out, entering the hold just as Sonnie was distracted by the sight of his brothers legs thrown into one corner in a puddle of a sticky red liquid. Sonnie stood there briefly, and then dropped to his knees. Tears fell down his face.

Kaant was midway through raising her front leg to claw Sonnie to death.

“HEY!” shouted Harbi, waving her arms. “Over here!”

Kaant turned her head slowly to face Harbi, and put her front claw down.

“I s’pose I could take a few seconds out of my day to kick your ass. No. Scratch that. To dismember you. Slowly and painfully. Sonnie’ll still be here when I get back,” explained Kaant.

Harbi could see that Kaant was changed from their earlier encounter.
She had obviously upgraded her armour and weaponry.
Amongst other things her armour plates looked thicker and redder.
Big, razor sharp blades ran the length of her back, from head to tip of tail.
Her claws were bigger and sharper, and her mouth had developed rows of pin sharp teeth.

And her eyes held a glint of madness instead of the normal calculating evil. Which made her very unpredictable.

[ May 20, 2005, 02:50 PM: Message edited by: Numf-El ]

From: Scatland | Registered: Sep 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Ghost of Numf El
Waste ....... Of Space!

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Harbi turned and ran.
From: Scatland | Registered: Sep 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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Bloody right too! Discretion being the better part of Valour and all tht [Big Grin]

"Tempus Fugitive" the final part of the Adventures of Dream Boy series, set in the Three-Boot Universe. Read it only in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.

From: here, more often than not | Registered: Sep 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Ghost of Numf El
Waste ....... Of Space!

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Not only was discretion the better part of valour, and all that, but taking the fight into the hold / viewing gallery / general living area would have meant severe and instant danger to Sonnie and Stacy, who were both out of it at the moment.

There was no hope at all for Numf, but there would be time enough for mourning once they were all out of here alive.
What the hell, Harbi had seen him legless before!

Harbi knew that as soon as she had got Kaant out of the hold, Marvin and Rody would be in to rescue Sonnie and Stacy, so she had to keep her away for as long as possible.

But where to go? It wasn’t a big ship, so there weren’t that many options available.

Past the door to the bridge Harbi went, hoping that Kaant would follow, rather than searching all of the options.

Thankfully it worked. Kaant had taken a while getting her speed up, due to her increased size and weight. Harbi had been counting on this, it gave her a head start. But she had to make sure that Kaant knew where she had gone so that she could follow.

“Ah – in here,” said Harbi to anyone that was listening. Which in this case was no-one.

From: Scatland | Registered: Sep 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Ghost of Numf El
Waste ....... Of Space!

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Harbi climbed quickly over the boxes and crawled through the conveniently open HVAC vent behind, through to the adjoining room, the sickbay.

She ignored the grunted questions of the immobilised traitors and sneaked back out into the corridor after she heard Kaant pass, just in time to see the tip of her tail disappear into the room.

Using the door manual over-ride button Harbi closed the door to Marvins personal quarters.
She then opened the panel and pulled a few wires out. Thankfully this disabled the door opening mechanism, rather than immediately opening the door again.

Inside Kaant found herself faced with three walls of wooden crates.

“Come out come out wherever you are!” said Kaant in a sweet little singsong voice.
“ I know you’re in here! I saw you come in.” Her voice was losing that playful quality.
“Come out rittle piggy or I brow your fu’in’ house down! Rast chance!”

Just what Harbi had been waiting for.

Harbi was one of the few people that knew of Marvin’s fetish. She had accidently caught him once in flagrante delicto. She didn’t know who had been more embarrassed.
It had never been spoken about.
What the hell, live and let live.
Whatever floats your boat.
Whatever gets you through the night, it’s alright.
One mans taste is another mans perversion.
And he was stuck alone on his spaceship for long periods of time. By himself.

But it didn’t hurt anyone, and some secrets were best kept.
So who was she to judge?

She had been very, very glad to see the stacked boxes in his room – he had obviously stocked up with supplies.


Kaant took a deep breath and let it out. “I’ll huff, and I’ll puff….,” she uttered before she took a deep breath again.

….. Buttered ………

Kaant held her breath and said “…And I’ll blow your house down!”
And so saying she sprayed a semi-circle of mega-napalm-breath around the room. This wasn’t your normal dragon fire. This was super, mega, hyper dragon fire.

The room exploded. And kept exploding. And continued to explode. And exploded some more. And then, just when you thought it had finished it exploded some more.
Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!


……… Popcorn.

From: Scatland | Registered: Sep 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Ghost of Numf El
Waste ....... Of Space!

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Even in the present circumstances Harbinger couldn't resist a laugh to herself at the thought of Kaant stuck in a room full of exploding popcorn.

There was so much popcorn that a large amount had come through the HVAC vent that Harbi had escaped through, and a small number of pieces were rolling out of the sickbay door.

Harbi had to laugh, or she would cry. There was so much raw emotion built up in her that it had to come out somehow. She knew that the tears would come eventually, but a few laughs were less life threatening for now.

Marvin, on his way back to the relative safety of the bridge with a stunned looking Stacy over his shoulders, just about crumpled into a ball when he noticed the escaping popcorn and realised the obvious explanation.

Harbi couldn't help herself laugh even more when she noticed his unconscious reaction when the smell hit him. 47 boxes of corn. Turned into popcorn. Pre-buttered. Still popping away merrily to itself.

Poor Marvin. He looked ever so embarrassed.
He shuffled away, red faced.

Harbi shook her head. Bringing her focus back to the present she vowed to make it up to Marvin - he was one of the good guys.

From: Scatland | Registered: Sep 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Abin Quank
Except when I'm someone else...

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Say it ain't so Ken, Please make it not be so...

The Numfster Kaant be dead, He just Kaant!

MORE, MORE, MORE, Ya Bastich!

Just an Old, Broke-Down, Drunk, Bum!!

With a Power Ring...

From: Westerly Rhode Island | Registered: Aug 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Ghost of Numf El
Waste ....... Of Space!

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Your wish is my command - just this once though, so don't get your hopes up..........

Here's a bit more more more for ya.

I don't know about Numf though - he's been ripped in half and all of his blood will have drained out of him by now......

Ummm, is there a doctor in the house?


It's amazing, the acoustic softening qualities of 4 tons of buttered popcorn.

However, Kaants screams were still loud and shrill enough for Harbi, Marvin and Stacy to clearly hear ever single word that she screamed.

"I KILL YOU ALL YOU F[censored]ERS!!!!"

Stacy reacted with a start, scurrying down off of Marvins shoulder and running down the corridor into the old playroom, whimpering.

Marvin glanced guiltily at Harbinger.

"Don't follow her - leave her be. You pilot the ship, get us the hell out of here Marvin - straight up!" said Harbinger encouragingly.

"Hey Harbi," Marvin said over his shoulder as he entered the bridge.

"Yeah Marv?"

"This is going to be one to tell the grand kids, isn't it!"

"It sure as hell is!" agreed Harbi.

"A real 9 point 5 on the sphincter scale," said Marvin, and closed the door behind himself.

Harbi couldn't help but agree.

[ May 20, 2005, 02:54 PM: Message edited by: Numf-El ]

From: Scatland | Registered: Sep 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Ghost of Numf El
Waste ....... Of Space!

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They were going to die. They were all going to die. They had killed her babies and they would die. One gone, five to go. Five slow painful deaths to savour. Or quick ones - they'd work too. She'd remember Numfs death for a LOOOOOONG time to come.

Kaant had to fight down her desire to explode. The anger and tension in her body had to be calmed. She had to think rather than just reacting.

Here she was trapped under a mountain of stick, buttery stuff with no room to move.
Come to think of it, it wasn't as unpleasant a sensation as she had first thought.......

No, get thinking!

She was still in too much pain from her last two transformations to even contemplate a third one at the moment.

Perhaps she could........

Yeah! Eat her way out!

Popcorn. Not one of her favourite, but all she had to do was eat her way to a wall.

With a mouth the size of a large dragon it doesn't take too long to eat such a vast amount of popcorn.

When she reached the wall she had to focus. She had to concentrate. Hard.

Pursing her lips to as small a hole as possible she turned on her dragon breath. This wasn't the big red and yellow flame that dragons were known for. This was a small bright blue 'oxy-aceteline' steel cutting flame.

For cutting through steel.

Steel walls.

From: Scatland | Registered: Sep 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Ghost of Numf El
Waste ....... Of Space!

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SMASH !!!! !!!!! !!!!!

The sound of a collapsing metal wall reverberated through the ship.
With the ship angled up steeply, this large metal panel slid across the floor of the sick-bay,

SKKREEEECHing nastily. The kind that left an after-ring in your ears and scrambled your brain ever so slightly.

An avalanche of popcorn flowed out over the floor exposing a very buttery dragon. She shook her head to get the popcorn out of her ears, in much the same way that a wet dog shakes itself. With feeling!

Automatically she let loose with with an arc of red / yellow / agent orange type of dragon breath.

Harbi peeked around the corner of the door, and then withdrew her head quickly. Just in time before the liquid flame hit the door.

Kaant opened her eyes, and saw before her three very large marshmallows. Big and white and melting as if on a stick in the middle of an open fire. They were all held up by string at each end.

She was feeling slightly light-headed from all of the steel cutting that she'd had to do - it had taken a lot of concentration - and she felt a bit giggly.

Big white marshmallows looked fabby!

The popcorn hadn't really filled her up, but looking at the size of the marshmallows they might do the trick.

With one bite she took a snap out of all three. She was a big dragon now, and she had a big appetite.

She chewed.
The after-ring of the skreeching metal was finally wearing off, and it sounded like there was the echo of a scream in the accoustically harsh minimalist room with her.

Oh well.

The big marshmallows may have looked all big and hot and melty, but it hadn't been the sweet sickly taste that she'd expected......

"Yeeeeeuch!" she said, spitting out a mouthful. "They tas'e li'e shiiiiii' !"
She did that horrible spitting and spitting and spitting thing to get the horrible taste out of her mouth.

Three sets of upper torsos/ arms and three sets of legs dripped blood onto pristine white bedding.

Outside Harbi puked. The screams still span around inside her ears.
She promised herself that this was one story she'd never tell her grandchildren.

[ May 20, 2005, 02:47 PM: Message edited by: Numf-El ]

From: Scatland | Registered: Sep 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Ghost of Numf El
Waste ....... Of Space!

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Stacy was terrified.


And petrified.

And lets not forget horrified.

She lay curled up in the corner of the playroom, with the blackboard leaning against the wall, shielding her.

Unlike the sickbay, the playroom was not covered in hard, cold linoleum tiles. It was thick, plush carpet. nice and soft on small tiny feet, but a bugger to get Ribena out of.

Therefore Stacy didn't hear the pitter patter of tiny feet.

Sobbing to herself she couldn't make out the pulling of string through a tiny aperture, nor its release.

She did, however, hear the small metallic voice ask " Excuse me Ma'am, may we be of assitance?"

From: Scatland | Registered: Sep 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Ghost of Numf El
Waste ....... Of Space!

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Stacey looked over her shoulder through tear swollen eyes and saw yet an unbelievable sight. And considering what she'd seen in the last few days that was an expression that couldn't be taken lightly.

There in front of her was a GI Joe doll. Numf would have called it, more accurately, an Action Man.
Naked apart from its boots and a sleek gun-metal semi-automatic pistol in its hand. The gun hand seemed rigid and unadaptable, index finger pointed and the rest curled into the hand, fistlike.
No genitals to talk of, which was odd really for such a seemingly masculine toy.
This one had 'real' dark brown hair, a scar down its right cheek and its left forearm missing. Probably the result of a foray into enemy territory. Or else some little bugger had pulled it off.
It had a dog tag hanging down from a small hole in its chest, which seemed to be riddled with a circular pattern of holes. Too regular for machine gun fire.

It stood as near to attention as it could.
Considering the lack of clothes, half an arm and the fact it had a gun in its other hand it still had a certain amount of military grace.

This strange looking apparition looked Stacy in the eye. Unblinkingly.

There was something of the Ray Harryhausen about him.

Using his pistol to tug out the dog tag and release it he spoke again. His lips didn't move, the voice coming from the holes in his chest.

"Officer Sheridan, Ma'am, how may we be of service?"

"How? What? Why? When? HUUUUUUH!" said Stacy, with as much confusion as she could muster.

From: Scatland | Registered: Sep 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Ghost of Numf El
Waste ....... Of Space!

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"The bravest animals in the land,
Are Captain Beaky and his band....."

Well, that's absolute Grade A horse manure. A large pile of the fresh, steamy kind.

The bravest animal in the land is Rody the Super Rat.

Bar none.

Captain Beaky's a wuss compared to Rody, and as for Timid Toad and Batty Bat, well just don't get me started .......

If I said that he was fearless, then I'd be wrong.
But then, if he was fearless then he couldn't be classed as brave, because he wouldn't know any better. He'd just be stupid, not brave.

Rody feared.
Rody had been hurt badly in the past by Kaant. Near-death badly.
Rody had every reason to fear.

But Rody knew that, as a hero, there were certain things that had to be done. And he was the only one around here that could do them.

Sonnie had been unable to move. The only thing that seemed to be working of their own volition were his tear-ducts.
Rody had managed to lead him to safety, sneaking him past a puking Harbi, the sickbay and toyroom and locking him in trap #1 in the gents toilets. He'd made sure that he was as comfortable as possible and then sneaked back out.

He was tempted to wash himself off in the sink, but knew that he didn't have a lot of time to play with.
He'd just have to deal with things caked in Numfs blood.

In fact, that could be a bonus ........

From: Scatland | Registered: Sep 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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