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Author Topic: MATTER-EATER LAD: The Series!!!
Mystery Lad

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Geez, guys... this is funny stuff! I don't know why I haven't read this till now... poo on me.

I *was* waiting for Drura to give Mama Kem a dose of something really nasty... which brings up a semi-serious question. Can Drura 'take away' a disease which she infected/created right away, or does it have to run its natural course? I don't recall this coming up in 'official' stories...

I wish I'd read this before I started using Sugyn in DUELA DOES DALLAS. Maybe I'll make my guy Sugyn's brother...

Anyways, keep up the good work! You've had fun so far and it shows.


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Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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Glad you're enjoying it, Todd!

Uh... Lash, am I suppossed to know why Lester and Taryn are fuming at Tenzil?

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Here's how I see it....

Lester's pissed off because he's hungry, tired and hasn't been able to spend any quality time with Tenzil.

Taryn's pissed off because the mission to Tartarus was a colossal failure and no one seems to care but her.

Oh, and Todd-- THANKS, man!

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

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Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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Panel 1

Tenzil: Suffering Sasquatch, guys! I don't even know why y'all are mad at me!

Panel 2

Lester: Well, for starters, I've been starved since before we started watching that boring home movie back on Tartarus, and the in-transit space food this shuttle leaves much to be desired.

Panel 3

Lester: Then there's the fact that I thought we'd get to spend some quality time together on vacation. But no! Your mom gets to lounge around in a space-spa the whole time, and I get thrown in some creepy dungeon and sat upon by an old fat man! Not to mention the other horrors...

Panel 4

Lester: I've done nothing but selflessly devote myself to you since we've met, Tenzil Kem. And yet I feel like you are not giving me the attention and consideration I deserve. You haven't even tried to kiss me, once! A boy wants to feel wanted, and I'm starting to feel like this relationship is completely one-sided.

Panel 5

Lester: I need to know where I stand with you, Tenzil Kem.

Tenzil: Well, jeepers, Lester. I guess we do need to talk...

[ April 25, 2004, 04:16 PM: Message edited by: Eryk Davis Ester ]

From: Liberty City | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Panel 1

Tenzil: Look, Lester... you truly have been wonderful to me. Your help has been invaluable!

Lester: Finally! Some recognition! But it's easy to say you appreciate me.

Panel 2

Tenzil: That's all you're going to get from me, though. Look, I care about you as much as I do my own brother-- though I'm not sure that's much of a compliment-- AS A FRIEND. Only. Ever. Okay?

Panel 3

Lester: You mean... you're... you're...

Panel 4

*Tenzil looking expectantly*

Panel 5

Lester: You're breaking UP with me...!?!?

Taryn: Oh, Sirius on a stick!! There never WAS anything to break UP, Lester! Go use your frelling fortune to buy a CLUE, already!

Panel 6

Lester: STOP this spaceship!! Stop it AT ONCE!!

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

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Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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Splash Page

(close up on Lester, in a strange combination of shock, anger, and sadness that Tenzil just doesn't feel that way towards him)

Title: "Sissy Hissy!"

Lester: I am never speaking to you again, Tenzil Kem!

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Panel 1

Taryn: Aren't you going to go after him?

Tenzil: No. He needs to deal with this in his own way... he'll come around. He was about due for a spotlight issue anyway, and this seems to be the perfect chance for that.

Panel 2

Taryn: I don't know what you're sprocking talking about half the time.

Panel 3

*Lester approaching Spaceship Attendant*

Lester: You there, with the eyestalk... I need to board a shuttlecraft.

Panel 4

Attendant: But... these crafts are for emergency usage only!

Panel 5

Lester: HERE'S your emergency, Stalky!

*Lester holds out a large pile of credits*

Panel 6

*shot of shuttlecraft leaving the Spaeship*

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

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Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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Panel 1

(Lester in shuttlecraft)

Lester: *sob* I can't believe that Tenzil... how could he be so mean to me... and that witch Taryn... I hate her! I hate both of them!

Panel 2

Lester: Hmm... but what if she has Tenzil under mind-control or something? Maybe he's in trouble! Maybe he needs me to rescue him?

Panel 3

Lester: No... it all makes sense now. Tenzil never loved me at all... that's why he was so cold towards me... And Taryn knew all along... and the producers of that stupid holo-show... everyone's just been making fun of me!

Panel 4

Lester: They're stupid! All of them stupid! I'll show them! Just as soon as I... hey, what am I doing? Where am I going?

Panel 5

(A larger spacecraft is approaching the tiny shuttlecraft Lester is in...)

Lester: Well, I can't go back to Bismoll, and going home to cry to daddy would suck, too.

Panel 6

(Lester's ship is drawn into the larger spacecraft)

Lester: Uh... what's going on here?

Panel 7

(a strange bald, monocled man appears on Lester's viewscreen...)

Othar: Greetings, Lester Spiffany! I am Othar of Thrann. It is good to finally meet you!

From: Liberty City | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Panel 1

Lester: Thrann? Never heard of it. Must be some backwater slum. Why have you abducted me? And... more importantly-- Why's your head so big and bald?

Panel 2

Othar: *ahem.* All on Thrann are possessed of oversize bare craniums!

Lester: Well, no wonder you left it. And I suppose you captured me to seek out some hair-care tips after you have a hair transplant?

Panel 3

Othar: Errr... no. Actually, I have been studying you via the KEM FAMILY & FRIENDS holo-show.

Panel 4

Lester: Oh, I get it-- a fan! Well, I hate to tell ya, I won't be on THAT show anymore!

Panel 5

Othar: It pleases me to hear that. Come, Lester Spiffany... I want you to meet my companions!

Lester: Great. Are they all bald too?

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

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Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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Panel 1

Othar: No! Well, one of them happens to have an over-sized bare cranium as well, but he's not from Thrann...

Lester: Oh, brother...

Panel 2

caption: Soon...

Othar: My friend, let me introduce you to my Super-Companions...

Panel 3

Othar: Splash, from the planet Cruxl, a scientist whose great genius allowed him to invent a serum which changes him into a puddle of water!

Panel 4

Othar: This is Shower, Splash's young partner, whose scientist father gave him the ability to make it rain!

Panel 5

Othar: And here is Bobb Barker, better known as Treehugger, whose mutant ability to grow extra limbs and extend them to giant proportions means few evildoers can escape his embrace!

Panel 6

Othar: And here is poor Shadow! The particles of his body were altered in a bizarre experiment so that he can walk through anything, but is only able to align his particles to make him capable of physical contact for brief periods!

Panel 7

Othar: And lastly, Mzgrzz the Magnificent, whose mind-over-matter powers allow him to reshape ordinary objects into fabulous inventions!

[ April 25, 2004, 04:19 PM: Message edited by: Eryk Davis Ester ]

From: Liberty City | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Panel 1

Lester: Hmm. Too bad he can't reshape that big bald head of his... and yours.

Panel 2

Othar: ENOUGH about the big bald heads, already!

Lester: Hey, don't yell at ME, Monocle-face! I didn't ASK to be here with a bunch of chrome-domes, tree-dudes and ghost guys. What's up with this Dweeb Festival, anyway?

Panel 4

Treehugger: We had hoped to get you to join our Super-Companions.

Lester: Look, Budd...

Treehugger: Bobb.

Lester: Like it matters. I'm not much of a joiner. I'm a loner.

Panel 5

Othar: You CERTAINLY aren't the sweet young man you portrayed on the Kem Show!

Panel 6

Lester: I was in love then. Now, I'm rejected and bitter. Back to my old self. And it feels GOOD to be ME again. I hate the stupid space-simp I became for a while.

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

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Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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Panel 1

Splash: But... we were going to give you this space-tiara and make you our leader!

Lester: Hmmph! I've got all the fancy jewelry I need, bozo! That cheap knockoff doesn't impress me!

Panel 2

Othar: Look, we're offeriring you a chance to come to a place where you will be respected and loved for who you are!

Lester: Bah! I don't need you stupid bald men and your stupid admiration! I'll be fine on my own!

Panel 3

(The ship begins to shake violently as alarms go off!)

Treehugger: What's that?

Shower: I think we're under attack!

Panel 4

Othar (to communicator): What's going on?

Voice on Communicator: Another ship has opened fire on us! I'm afraid it's Anti-Lad, sir!

Panel 5

Splash: Anti-Lad! Arch-nemesis of the super-companions! The greatest threat to our way of life on Thrann! Why would she be attacking us here in space!

Panel 6

Othar: Quick! To the control room!

Shower: Come along, Lester! You'll be safer if you stick with us!

From: Liberty City | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Panel 1

caption: before you know it...

Mzgrzz: DAMN! It IS Anti-Lad and her Fatal Femmes!

Lester: Fatal Femmes?

Panel 2

Othar: I'm afraid we're going to have to fight out way out of this one, fellas.

Shadow: I'm ready!

Splash: As am I!

Panel 3

Lester: Yeah, like YOU two can do much. QUICK! Throw water on her! Walk through her!

Panel 4

Shower: You're rude! We try not to point out their general uselessness!

Splash: HEY!

Shower: Oh, come on, you know its true!

Panel 5

Treehugger: NO!!!! I can't believe she DID it...!

Lester: What? What?

Panel 6

Treehugger: She's released an unstoppable monster to attack us!

Panel 7

caption: The Super-Moby Dick of Space!

*shot of Super-Moby*

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

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Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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Panel 1

Mzgrzz: We've got no hope of fighting the Super-Moby Dick in Space! We must land at that small, nearby planetoid!

Panel 2

(shows the Super-Companions stepping out of the ship as the SMD approaches!)

Treehugger: I'll grow extra limbs and try to grab it before it eats our spaceship!

Shower: I'll try to scare it away by making it rain!

Splash (to Shadow): And he says we'reuseless!

Panel 3

Treehugger: Oh no! Strange radiation from the Super-Moby Dick is causing my extra limbs to fall off as quickly as I can grow them!

Panel 4

Splash: I... I'm getting scared...

Panel 5

(Splash turns into a puddle...)

Lester: Oh brother...

Panel 6

Mzgrzz: Keep it distracted, my Super-Companions! I'm whipping up something to stop it!

From: Liberty City | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Panel 1

Shower: The rain doesn't bother it-- but let's see how it likes a HAILSTORM!

Panel 2

*Moby being hailed on, looks enraged*

Panel 3

Shadow: I'll get it to follow me since it can't hurt me!

Panel 4

*shot of Lester watching the battle*

Thought-caption: I would be helpless to stop that monster-- but The Super-Companions are actually quite capable against it so far... well, except for Splash...

Panel 5

Mzgrzz: BACK, Shadow and Shower! Back, as I STRIKE the beast...!

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

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