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Posted by Member Wolf on :
Come drown your tears and mend your broken heart at the swankiest new club on Legion World.

Unlike most bars and "scenes" in the real world, Lonely Hearts caters to the "nice guys" and "good girls" who have more charisma in their little pinkie toe than a whole "in-crowd" put together!

Share your tale of woe or cruise the club for a hidden treasure, while the haunting melodies of the mellotron soothes you.
Posted by MLLASH on :
I like this club! Miss T is the most indie-rawk babe around!

My lonely heart? Yeah, it's beating. I just checked.

Sometimes I wonder if it will EVER finally have repaid the debts of sins past and be allowed to love again.

Until then, I remain a member of this club!
Posted by Loser Lad on :
I recently became reacquainted with a girl I graduated from high school with after 12 years, and I realize that I still have feeings for her. I had a huge crush on her in school, and I'm pretty sure she liked me, but for some reason it never happened back then. She was with someone, and I was with a few different girls (not at the same time mind you), and the timing just never worked out where we were both single at the same time (or in the same place, once I went away to college). After awhile we drifted apart, as I became involved in a serious relationship which lasted for several years, and she went on to get married, and then divorced.

Anyhow, a few weeks ago I ran into her at a birthday party for another high school classmate and right away all of those feelings that I had for her came flooding back. And judging by the way she acted towards me, I think she still has some feelings for me. The problem is she's living with another man, and they seem to be pretty happy together. The last thing I want to do is get in the way of her happiness, but I just don't know if I can live with myself if I lost out *again*.

So, I'm torn. Should I just be content to be friends and have her in my life again? Should I tell her how I feel and take the chance of alienating her and losing any chance for even a friendship? Aaargh! This sucks!
Posted by Member Wolf on :
I canceled my first real date in 8 months last night. One of my best friends arranged it and I had looked forward to it all week. But I woke up Friday absolutely dreading it. I called him and gave a bunch of excuses but the truth is I'm just not ready to be available to anyone. I love flirting on-line but I'm so withdrawn in real life it's troublesome.

Feh! Lonely hearts space-rawk!
Posted by SorceressMorgause on :
This is Terry (I'm booting Sara off to post): Be upfront with her Bill. Tell her everything you told us. Say that you had feelings for her, you realize they never went away, but you don't want to ruin anything that she has going. If you see her a lot and feel that this will make you and her uncomfortable, then you have to re-assert the task at hand, but you have to look out for yourself, you can't be happy with such a big burden.
Posted by Loser Lad on :
I hardly go out at all anymore. Whenever I do all I meet are washed up booze-hags and other assorted space-trash. Where did all the nice girls go...?
Posted by SorceressMorgause on :
Terry again: I understand completely, I need another in my life to make myself happy, and I never even try, if someone comes to me, that's fine, but I feel like I sabotage it. Crap Sara wants back on.
Posted by SorceressMorgause on :
Terry and Sara: HEY!!!

Terry: Bill!

Sara: I'm gonna kick some ass!
Posted by MLLASH on :
Miss T, I feel your pain.

Sometimes I wonder WHY I get all spruced up and go out and stuff when I'm usually more content hanging out online.
Posted by Loser Lad on :
I appreciate the advice Terry.

If she wasn't in a relationship I'd have no problem telling her how I feel. I just don't know if I'm comfortable doing that since she's living with this guy. They're obviously fairly committed, and I care too much about her to cause her that type of pain, and I know in the face of that I really don't stand much of a chance. It just sucks because I know we'd be good together.
Posted by SorceressMorgause on :
That's it, me and Terry are going out tomorrow, picking up guys and losing our virginity.
Posted by Loser Lad on :
Anybody want to whack him for me???
Posted by SorceressMorgause on :
Whack who, is that another term for doing it, cause I'm gonna get some tomorrow so I can be just as slutty like the other girls at school.
Posted by Loser Lad on :
Erm. No. That's not what I meant...
Posted by Member Wolf on :
My brother calls me a f. hag all the time. Maybe it's because he was my father figure (he's 10 years older) and I just love him madly. But I have trouble relating to straight men. I'm terribly passive-aggressive and it usually wrecks things. I come on too sexy at first (because I think all men are ruled by their penises) but I'm also more talk than walk. Not to mention that I find a ga-zillion people and projects to put before any personal relationship. How's it working for me? Not well.

I wish life was more scripted. [Razz]
Posted by Loser Lad on :
I definitely put work before my social life, which makes no sense since my job sucks and the company doesn't do anything for me to deserve such loyalty.

When I'm not at work I'm usually too wiped out to do anything other than relax at home and get ready to go back to work. It's been this way for so long that even when I do have the free time to go out and interact with other people (like this week when I was off all week) that I rarely ever do.
Posted by Member Wolf on :
Feh! To Lonely Hearts! [Cheers]
Posted by MLLASH on :
I just feel so BORED with it all.

I want, just one more time, to feel that excitement in my heart again. No s#!+... the excitement you can get from someone you're crazy about just holding your hand.

But I guess that's something special reserved for those who haven't spat in Cupid's face...

Golly!! It feels GREAT to vent here!!! Thanks again, Miss T!
Posted by Member Wolf on :
Gary needs to create a :jaded: graemlin for us Lonely Hearts! *tee hee*
Posted by SorceressMorgause on :
Lou's a lounger like myself.

[ October 16, 2004, 02:28 AM: Message edited by: SorceressMorgause ]
Posted by Re-AniMiner on :
Originally posted by Member Wolf:
Gary needs to create a :jaded: graemlin for us Lonely Hearts! *tee hee*

But which character to choose? We already have a Gates graemlin.

Can I be the club's mellotron player?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
My love life has been a mess for a few months. I hope no one minds if I vent it here.

I've been with my girlfriend for three and a half years, and sometimes I just feel so trapped in the relationship, and that I'm too young to be so committed. I mean, I don't wanna be married for a LONG time! Plus, we were fighting a lot all summer (almost every day) because we were both stressed out about looking for jobs and we only saw each other about once a week.

Then there is this girl at the bar I work at, one of the bartenders about five years older than me is totally gorgeous and one of the most fun people I've met in a long time. She also has a boyfriend. Well, I was hanging out with my friends from the bar (waitresses, bartenders, etc.) a lot this summer and we hung out a lot. We clicked instantly, and it was obvious there was some sort of connection between us.

Well, one night it happened and we were at a party, took a long walk away from everyone else along the beach with a bottle of vodka (couldn't make it *too* romantic [Razz] ) and had a great night together. I actually wrote about this in the poetry thread awhile ago. We didn't know what to do, since we both were in serious relationships, but eventually we called each other again and then started 'seeing' each other a lot more.

It was amazing, and an August I'll never forget. But it was also guilt-filled, sneaky and left my totally unsure of what I wanted anymore. Even worse: her boyfriend is kind of my friend now and works with us both at the bar, and she and my girlfriend get along great. We only really 'hooked up' a handful of times, but we spent a lot of time together and hung out every night, emailed and text messaged all day everyday and stuff like that.

Well, it had to end, so it did. The problem is that now I can't get her out of my mind and wish it didn't end. And I feel guilty about the whole thing. And my problems with my g/f come and go, just like her problems with her b/f do too. We don't hook up anymore (haven't for awhile) and are really just good friends, but the fact that I see her so often leaves me wanting her at the same time and wanting to get passed these feelings.

Ugh. I try not to think about it a lot.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Originally posted by Member Wolf:
Share your tale of woe or cruise the club for a hidden treasure, while the haunting melodies of the mellotron soothes you.

Seems appropriate:

Nights in white satin,
Never reaching the end,
Letters I've written,
Never meaning to send.

Beauty I'd always missed
With these eyes before,
Just what the truth is
I can't say anymore.

'Cause I love you,
Yes, I love you,
Oh, how, I love you.

Gazing at people,
Some hand in hand,
Just what I'm going thru
They can understand.

Some try to tell me
Thoughts they cannot defend,
Just what you want to be
You will be in the end,

And I love you,
Yes, I love you,
Oh, how, I love you.
Oh, how, I love you.
Posted by Stoopid Cat on :
"What Is Love?" A philosopher once asked.

The humans in the room struggled to answer that question. His cat merely rolled her eyes, gave a short burst of <silent cat Laughter> and wandered away.

The cat knew something that humans struggle to understand.

Love and sex are two completely different subjects, and neither has very much to do with romantic entanglements (which are usually created by preexisting notions or fantasies that one human has about another human, IE, He/She is sooo hot! He/She must be a great lover. OR! He/She is such a dog! Who would want to hook up with that?) and/or the potential for future happiness.

I've been watching Abin and Pagan for several cat years now and I can tell you that if nothing else...

(wait for it)

Human Mating Rituals are
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Stoopid Cat, I've always laughed at you saying that before, but this time...I think I agree...
Posted by Mrs C B H.I.V.E. on :
Scat is right when he says sex and romance are seperate issues to love.

Staying in love with someone is bloody hard work, and both parties have to make the effort or it's going to end in tears.

After a little over ten years with Alan there's one thing we've learned - don't be scared to tell someone what you feel, and be patient as others try to tell you what they have to say. Don't try to score points, just be honest. Sometimes it's difficult and sometimes it hurts but it's always worthwhile.

Hopefully [Big Grin]
Posted by Stoopid Cat on :
"What Is Love?" A philosopher once asked.

The humans in the room struggled to answer that question. His cat merely rolled her eyes, gave a short burst of <silent cat Laughter> and wandered away.

The cat knew something that humans struggle to understand.

Love and sex are two completely different subjects, and neither has very much to do with romantic entanglements (which are usually created by preexisting notions or fantasies that one human has about another human, IE, He/She is sooo hot! He/She must be a great lover. OR! He/She is such a dog! Who would want to hook up with that?) and/or the potential for future happiness.

Now, some of you may be reluctant to take advice from a cat, but consider carefully a few things...

1. Is your partner's happiness equally (or more) important to you than your own happiness? Conversely, does your partner feel The same way?
(if either answer is no, SCAT!)

2. Don't be afraid to meet people and get to know them, even if the situation is slightly uncomfortable. But, please note that a "Roll in the hay" is not getting to know someone, No One sthupps all day and night! You'll spend a majority of your time with your significant other with both of you fully dressed. Do you like each other just as much then?

3. Doing something because everyone else is is usually a bad idea. If and when you make a personal choice to do something (especially for the first time) it should be because you feel it is right for you, not because someone else beat you to it and you feel like you need to catch up to the KEWL KIDS! (who may be lying about it anyway).

And above all else remember this!

You are not the only person in the world who has emotions. Every bit of fear, doubt, and uncertainty you have ever felt about your relationships has been felt by others, often the other person in your relationship. Open and honest discussions about such feelings are extremely difficult and best handled with extreme care but can also be the key to building a lasting and loving relationship.

[ October 16, 2004, 09:56 AM: Message edited by: Stoopid Cat ]
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Sage advice, Stoopid Cat.
Posted by Member Wolf on :
I understand, intellectually, the wisdom that has been shared. But it's overcoming the fear of experiencing that I'm working on. I dread the possibility of failure so much that I tend to cancel out any possibility of success along with it. I'm a goofapotamus!
Posted by MLLASH on :
A loveable goofapotamus.
Posted by Abin Quank on :
Misty, if that's true, you have plenty of company out there in Goofapotamus Land. The fear of failure is a common problem for most young people when they consider the relationship landscape.

"Is it better to have loved and lost or to never have loved at all?"

Old Billy really asked a wonderful question when he wrote that line...

The honest answer is that we are all destined to experience that dilemma and must each find our own answer to that question.

Being an old (very happily) married man I can tell you one thing that is totally and irrefutably true. No person can totally live up to someone else's expectations of them.

I'm married to a goddess. Scratch that. I'm married to a GODDESS!!! (And not just in LW terms either [LOL] )

But sometimes, she disappoints me. Not anywhere near as often as I disappoint her, but on occasion it happens.

When it happens we find a way to work things out. It's hard (just as Belinda so eloquently said) but we are both willing to work at it.

The point here is that relationships require TWO (or more, if you live in Utah) People actively involved in making them work.

Arranged dates aren't the only way to meet new people. Explore every avenue open to you. Look past the initial impressions and try to see the person behind the facade. Odds are that person is just as scared as you are where the expectations are concerned.
Posted by RTVU2 on :
EDE, I LOVE the Moody Blues!
Posted by Zombie STU on :
Here's a question for y'all:

If you could go through life having either true friendships, or true love, but not both... which you would choose?
Posted by Loser Lad on :
True friendships with frequent, meaningless casual sex would work for me!
Posted by DivineOpalJanell on :
Oh, Lou, what are we going to do with you?
Posted by Loser Lad on :
I have a couple of ideas... [Wink]
Posted by DivineOpalJanell on :
Can't a shoot a cannon at you, point blank of course?

[ October 17, 2004, 12:10 AM: Message edited by: DivineOpalJanell ]
Posted by Loser Lad on :
Erm, that's one idea.

Not sure it's the way I would go though...
Posted by DivineOpalJanell on :
Don't worry, I'll enjoy it.
Posted by Loser Lad on :
I'm sure you would. Not so sure I'd feel the same way.
Posted by DivineOpalJanell on :
Well, you won't be feeling much of anything when it's done.
Posted by Loser Lad on :
C'mon now, that's not nice.
Posted by DivineOpalJanell on :
Who said anything about being nice?
Posted by Loser Lad on :
Umm, actually Miss T. did.

Originally posted by Member Wolf:
Lonely Hearts caters to the "nice guys" and "good girls" who have more charisma in their little pinkie toe than a whole "in-crowd" put together!

Posted by DivineOpalJanell on :
Well is she here right now, no.

*kicks him in the shins*
Posted by Loser Lad on :
Why you gotta be like that?
Posted by DivineOpalJanell on :
The line is "Why you gotta do me like that?" or is that just Cali thing.

Would you have preferred if I aimed for the loser jewels?
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Originally posted by Zombie STU:
Here's a question for y'all:

If you could go through life having either true friendships, or true love, but not both... which you would choose?

True love, because that also involves true friendship.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Originally posted by RTVU2:
EDE, I LOVE the Moody Blues!

Oh, yeah? They were my first concert, ever.

Justin Hayward has got to be near the top of my favorite singers, and few can match him in the raw beauty of his songs.
Posted by Re-AniMiner on :
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
Originally posted by RTVU2:
EDE, I LOVE the Moody Blues!

Oh, yeah? They were my first concert, ever.

They would have been mine, had I been allowed to go.

I did get to seem them later, though, with Stevie Ray Vaughn as opening act.
Posted by Re-AniMiner on :
Originally posted by Zombie STU:
Here's a question for y'all:

If you could go through life having either true friendships, or true love, but not both... which you would choose?

True friendships.

If for no other reason that this option is a plural.
Posted by Somber Lass on :
(Orders a Nyquil toddy and curls up in a corner booth.)

I love the Lonely Hearts Club because of the "come as you are" dress code. Sweats and slippers are actually considered sexy here.
Posted by Loser Lad on :
Do any of our threads have a dress code? You'd figure with all the shirtless (and pantsless in some cases) guys and scantily clad ladies running around that it's pretty much a big "come as you are" party!

Or at least a "come as you wish you were" party! [LOL]
Posted by Somber Lass on :
That may be so, Lou. But you probably should wear some pants at the Lonely Hearts Club. Think of the children - the poor little children!!!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Children? Bah! Feed them to the lions!
Posted by Somber Lass on :
Children, move slowly from CK now. Unless he makes a sudden move, then you might want to run. And go to bed, it's way past your bedtimes.
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Originally posted by Re-AniMiner:
Originally posted by Zombie STU:
Here's a question for y'all:

If you could go through life having either true friendships, or true love, but not both... which you would choose?

True friendships.

If for no other reason that this option is a plural.

I'd pick the friendship option. It's more natural I think.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
True friendships, definitely. True love may exist, but I think it's largely an invention of romantic novels and Hollywood. Besides, that mental, emotionally-hyped craziness of falling in love passes and you better hope you manage to be true friends in the end.

On the other hand, I'd like to believe that true love - and love at first sight - happens for some people, and endures, and that it's from these cases that the novels and movies emerged.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Originally posted by Member Wolf:
I come on too sexy at first (because I think all men are ruled by their penises) but I'm also more talk than walk.

If you're behaving certain ways because you believe "men are ruled by their penises", then you really are setting yourself up for failure.

For one thing, you shouldn't make such broad generalizations about the behavior or motivations of guys. There a lot of different types of guys out there. Personally, I find few things less attractive than a woman who comes on too strong, whether she's willing to follow through with it or not.

Furthermore, being a tease or flirt will usually only get you in trouble. If you create expectations in guys that you have no intention of fulfilling, then you're only going to irritate them. And if you're the sort that flirts with everyone (which you appear to be, at least online), that's going to foster jealousies and resentments among the people you flirt with.

Know who you are and what you want, and be straightforward about it. If you have confidence in yourself, that'll hold the attention of worthwhile guys far longer than any amount of superficial flirting.

Or at least, that's what I think, for what it's worth.
Posted by Somber Lass on :
I never did like taking medicine.
Posted by Re-AniMiner on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Children? Bah! Feed them to the lions!

You might want to consider that your children outnumber you by a considerable amount these days.
Posted by Zombie STU on :
Remember what Cronus's kids did to him?
Posted by Somber Lass on :
Well, it's only fitting. Consider what Kronos did to Ouranos.
Posted by ferroboy on :
It's been a while since I've *dated* I guy. (I won't mention other things I might have done.) I'm overdue, but I really hate the bar scene, and social organizations in my area are just non-existant. Plus, I'm fairly picky. I could have had this one guy, and I think I had fallen for him to some degree, but he wasn't much in the thinking department. It would have driven me nuts, especially since I do things like correct grammar on notes my bosses put up at work. [Smile] I'm sure I'd be too much to put up with for a guy who doesn't know that grammar in the first place.

[ October 18, 2004, 08:06 PM: Message edited by: ferroboy ]
Posted by Somber Lass on :
As a fellow picky Patsy, ferroboy, I empathize with you that it's a shame our anal rententia isn't viewed by the general public as being "bootylicious." [Wink]
Posted by ferroboy on :
Thanks, Somber Lass. I know there are guys out there who I don't have to correct. Someday I'll find one...
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
You *might* be bored by a guy you don't have to correct.

Maybe you ought to look for a guy who likes to *be* corrected. [Wink]

Sort of a 'english tutor/dumb jock' kind of thing.

Then again, intelligence shouldn't be discounted. Though there're many kinds of intelligence...
Posted by Space Boy on :
intellectual, emotional, social, ethical, practical, and just because someone is "intelligent" in one or more areas doesn't make him/her intelligent in them all.

I'm smart as a whip that fails to snap. [Big Grin]
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Gee, I don't really care if he's smart. The threshold is that you like looking at the other person. Then you have to like being with each other. Usually that happens if you make each other feel important and interesting. It's work, but the payoff is great.
Posted by ferroboy on :
Mystery Lad - I've _had_ a guy I had to correct. He wasn't smart in a lot of ways. I think he would have ultimately driven me nuts. (Like the guy with the OCD personality...)

Space Boy - I know, but he was lacking in enough areas. I just used grammar as an example, but there's really more to it than that.

Semi - A hot body is nice for a lot of things, but I need a little more than that for a relationship. I'd settle for a more intelligent guy with an average body.
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
ferroboy, I didn't mean that a hot body is essential, only that you have to find the other person attractive, whatever that may be. We all have different tastes. I've tried many times to stick with someone who was great in all respects, except that I wasn't really attracted to him. It just doesn't work. That's why it is a threshold requirement for me. But by threshold requirement, I don't mean that's sufficient - just that it's the starting point. There are many people I find attractive that I couldn't stand to be with.

[ October 20, 2004, 03:49 PM: Message edited by: Semi Transparent Fellow ]
Posted by Space Boy on :
I'm still smart as a whip that fails to snap!

[Big Grin]
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
I'm going to have to ponder that a bit, Space Boy. Sometimes I'm slow.
Posted by Miss Tricks on :
Well I'm colorful if not always cogent.
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Colorful? Why you're a veritable rainbow!
Posted by Miss Tricks on :
Semi, if you have the time or inclination, please look at pages 6-10 of Misty's World.

There you'll meet the likes of Outlet [Quislet] , Chutes [Gates] , Pride Kid [Color Kid] , and Racy the Valorcat [Streaky]

[ October 21, 2004, 11:49 AM: Message edited by: Miss Tricks ]
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
A little Roy Orbison, to remind us all why we're here at the Lonely Hearts Club.

I was all right for a while
I could smile for a while
but I saw you last night
You held my hand so tight
When you stopped to say hello
you wished me well
You couldn’t tell that
I’ve been crying over you,
Crying over you and you said so long
Left me standing all alone,
Alone and crying, crying, crying, crying
It’s hard to understand
but the touch of your hand can start me crying

I thought that I was over you
But it’s true, so true
I love you even more than I did before
But darling, what can I do?
For you don’t love me
and I’ll always be
Crying over you, crying over you

yes now you’re gone
and from this moment on, I’ll be crying, crying, crying, crying
Yeah, crying, crying over you
Posted by Re-AniMiner on :
Lord, but that man could sing.
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
He could, couldn't he. When we were growing up, he was my older brother's favorite singer. Along with Gene Pitney, that is.
Posted by Re-AniMiner on :
He'd easily be on a list of my favorite singers.

Pitney was OK, too, but his songs were cheesier.
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Of course, I had pretty shallow music tastes. I liked Ricky Nelson, the Hollies, the Turtles. It was the early 60's and I was pretty young.
Posted by Re-AniMiner on :
Actually, I think all those acts had some great songs.

Nelson and the Hollies seem terribly underrated to me these days.
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
I have to admit, I do have a Ricky Nelson greatest hits cd and I'd love to get a Hollies' cd. I still like Bus Stop.
Posted by Re-AniMiner on :
"Look Through Any Window" is a great one, too.

The Hollies came out with a box set not that long ago, but I think I could do with just a single hits CD.
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :

I'm going to order this tomorrow. Yes, Look Through Any Window is a great song.

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