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Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Well, early on it was us doing whatever job Lash assigned us, but now that we've grown as a community and settled in, I think it's time for us to take up regular occupations here on Legion World! As many of you have noticed, I have signed up for the important duty of Legion World milliner! So what is your official occupation here on Legion World?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Will we see a festive array of hats in the weeks to come?

I will be Legion World food critic. It's a big job, but so am I.

(Actually, my first job is to point out to Saturn Girl, in her comment re:Jinxes, that baloney is a much-maligned meat product; a true Italian baloney, well prepared, can be quite the tasty treat.)

[ September 13, 2003, 09:48 AM: Message edited by: Fat Cramer ]
Posted by Danny Blaine - Starman on :
I will be Legion World historian!
Posted by Italian Boy on :
I will be the Legion World fluffer
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Post whore of course. [Big Grin]
Posted by Gossamer on :
If Lightning Lad is post whore does that make icefire just the whore?
Posted by Portfolio Boy on :
I believe that I have alredy assumed the role of Legion World Statistition. Unless someone else wants it...
Posted by Kid Prime on :
I'll be Legion World chaplain! [Big Grin]
Posted by Greybird on :
Well, I'm already the lovable, cuddly curmudgeon. It's a dirty job, but someone's gotta do it {g}
Posted by Gossamer on :
How do you put someone else's post in your reply?
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Ecentric political gadfly and complainer here.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Originally posted by Gossamer:
How do you put someone else's post in your reply?

Of the icons at the top of their post, click on the far right one (it will say "reply with quote when you click on it!).
Posted by Gossamer on :
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
Originally posted by Gossamer:
How do you put someone else's post in your reply?

Of the icons at the top of their post, click on the far right one (it will say "reply with quote when you click on it!).
Posted by Saturn Girl on :
I'd like to take on responsibilities as the Legion World chef. I'll try to make meals festive and fun without being as tight-assed as Martha Stewart. We'll have great parties, and I'll learn everyone's favorite dishes and treats and try to keep them on hand. I'll get the serving droids to stock your in-room refrigerators and pantries a lot more often than they used to. Fat Cramer may inspect my kitchen at any time, and sample and critic. I will take all recommendations into consideration. [Saturn Girl]
Posted by MLLASH on :
I'll be the Official LEGION WORLD People-Watcher.
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
I guess I could be Legion World bartender. There seems to be a demand for one. [Invisible Kid]
Posted by Suddenly Seymour on :
I'll be the official Legion World copyeditor and point out all your mispellings and tpyos.
Posted by Varalent on :
I'll assume the position of headmaster of the Legion World Training Academy. Of course I'll need an assistant Headmistress to supervise the girls wing while I supervise and train all the boys, lads, & kids.

Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Originally posted by Varalent:
I'll assume the position of headmaster of the Legion World Training Academy. Of course I'll need an assistant Headmistress to supervise the girls wing while I supervise and train all the boys, lads, & kids.


Are you of the "spare the rod" school of thought?
Posted by Varalent on :
Originally posted by Semi Transparent Fellow:
Originally posted by Varalent:
I'll assume the position of headmaster of the Legion World Training Academy. Of course I'll need an assistant Headmistress to supervise the girls wing while I supervise and train all the boys, lads, & kids.


Are you of the "spare the rod" school of thought?
I believe that judicious use of "the rod" provides incentives to improve future performance.

Posted by icefire on :
Well I guess I get to be Legion World Boy Toy!!!
Posted by icefire on :
Originally posted by Gossamer:
If Lightning Lad is post whore does that make icefire just the whore?

Does Gossamer not like me?
Posted by MLLASH on :
Originally posted by icefire:
Originally posted by Gossamer:
If Lightning Lad is post whore does that make icefire just the whore?

Does Gossamer not like me?
Oh, tish-posh, she thinks you're swell, Icey! You know how we tease the ones we like!

Hey, Teeds is good at being bossy. Perhaps she should be in charge of training the new recruits of the lass persuasion. But I bet she'd rather be official LEGION WORLD Punster or something like that... Maybe in charge of creating new dance crazes, I dunno....
Posted by the boy with UltraPowers on :
since everyone thinks i'm ultra tidy !!!

i can organise everyone's comic collections !!!

Posted by icefire on :
Mine will take awhile Matthew about 12,000 comics!!!!!
Posted by Healex on :
Hello guys....been awhile, but I guess I would be the accounting legion .... paying the bills and cashing all your credits in.
Posted by the boy with UltraPowers on :
Originally posted by the boy with UltraPowers:
since everyone thinks i'm ultra tidy !!!

i can organise everyone's comic collections !!!


i didn't give myself a title !!??

i suppose i would be LEGIONWORLD's Comics Curator !!!

Posted by the boy with UltraPowers on :
Originally posted by icefire:
Mine will take awhile Matthew about 12,000 comics!!!!!

that's a lot of comics !!!

but that's okay !!! i have ultra speed [Wink] remember !!!

Posted by Varalent on :
Originally posted by Healex:
Hello guys....been awhile, but I guess I would be the accounting legion .... paying the bills and cashing all your credits in.

Hey Healex, how are you doing! Been wondering where you disappeared to? Hope everything is okay and welcome back!

Posted by New Kid on :
has anyone claimed the Legion World Gadfly Position yet? If not it's Mine, Mine I Tell You, Mine... All Mine...
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Sorry, New Kid, but we already have both a gadfly and a curmudgeon! Glad to see everyone is filling up the essential occupations first!
Posted by New Kid on :
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
Sorry, New Kid, but we already have both a gadfly and a curmudgeon! Glad to see everyone is filling up the essential occupations first!

Speaking of essential positions, how about Pun-Catcher? or Annoying Visitor? or...
Posted by Awkward Pause Boy on :
I can be the Legion World Conversation Stopper. Whenever anyone's taking up too much panel time with dreary personal melodrama or tedious technicalities, I'll put a stop to it.
Posted by STU on :
Legion World layabout and dilettante.
Posted by Italian Boy on :
i'm ready to work. who needs to be fluffed?
Posted by Tarik the Mute on :
Posted by superboymddjr on :
Hey, I thought that was MLLash's job as a chef... [Big Grin] Anyway, for me - hmmm...yeah gamemaster or Puzzle-Solver.

And I am a Legionologist. [Big Grin]
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
I think we have enough space-lawyers here now to start our (their) own space-firm.
Posted by Ambassador Crujectra on :
Well, I am already the Legion World Ambassador, but in my spare time I could be headmistress for the Legion World Little Princess Academy, the galaxy's most exclusive finishing school (exclusive in the way the we let anyone in [Wink] ).

After all, who better to run a finishing school than someone with my grace and quiet elegance? [Wink]

[ September 14, 2003, 06:54 AM: Message edited by: Ambassador Crujectra ]
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Bet you could crack the whip when you had to bring the little helions under control, Princess...
Posted by Sonnie Boy on :
Well I was a baker for quite a few years so I'll go for that post if it's open. I'm sure you don't want me in my current role as a serious fraud investigator... there'll be no call for that here I'm sure!
Posted by Ambassador Crujectra on :
Originally posted by Fat Cramer:
Bet you could crack the whip when you had to bring the little helions under control, Princess...

I could just bonk them on the heads with my royal scepter [Wink]
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Way back when, while watching Star Trek, the episode about Apollo, there was the ship's historian. I was impressed that the Enterprise would have such a person and wondered what other obscure (for a starship) specialists were on board. From that I always wanted to be ship's fisherman.

So can I become message Board fisherman? (even though I hate fishing)
Posted by New Kid on :
Originally posted by Tarik the Mute:

I agree totally. [Big Grin]
Posted by Kid Prime on :
Originally posted by icefire:
Originally posted by Gossamer:
If Lightning Lad is post whore does that make icefire just the whore?

Does Gossamer not like me?
I think we can safely say at this point that the answer is probably "no."

Awww... c'mere, Icey!


You can hang out here in my strong embrace until you feel better! [Big Grin]
Posted by Crujectra Temple Black on :
Originally posted by Kid Prime:
I think we can safely say at this point that the answer is probably "no."

Impressive detective work, Jeffy Poo. Perhaps I should make you the Chief of Legion World Intelligence [Wink] [Love]
Posted by Kid Prime on :
I'll pass. [Smile]
Posted by Icefyre on :
In light of recent events the position of Legion World Boy Toy is open. I will be moving to my new position as Activities Coordinater!!!!
Posted by Bicycle Repair Man on :
My Legion World Occupation is (hopefully) self-evident. [Cool]
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
I nominate myself as Legion World's bass player.
Posted by FRUNTaholic on :
Legion Lush, reporting for *hic* duty!
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Originally posted by Sonnie Boy:
Well I was a baker for quite a few years so I'll go for that post if it's open. I'm sure you don't want me in my current role as a serious fraud investigator... there'll be no call for that here I'm sure!

/McCauley Culkin {Oh NO!} /MC

We've lost our Baker? Where am I gonna get my morning pluberry muffin?
Posted by Sonnie Boy on :
I'll gladly bake your muffins freshly everyday BB
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
He's back! Place your orders now! Bakers get up very early.
Posted by Sonnie Boy on :
Indeed we do which is why I'm away to bed now anyway - that and it's nearly midnight on this side of the atlantic and I've had a lo-o-o-ong day.

And are you reallly surprised that I'm back? heh heh you're not that lucky Cramer!

[Big Grin]
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
And after gale, as Legion World sails into the sun-set, once again it rights itself. [Smile]
Posted by Super Lad Kid on :
Official Legion World sports-reviewer and food-tester reporting for duty. I'll get right to work and watch football and eat Taco Bell to make sure that both activities will be safe for other Legion World residents to take part in.
Posted by The Mighty Quinn M. on :
Fashion Consultant and/or Spokesmodel!!
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Originally posted by New Kid:
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
Sorry, New Kid, but we already have both a gadfly and a curmudgeon! Glad to see everyone is filling up the essential occupations first!

Speaking of essential positions, how about Pun-Catcher? or Annoying Visitor? or...
If New Kid was in the Navy (wasn't he?), then he should be Admiral of the Royal Squadron. I think I could scare up a rowboat for flagship. This could be an important job soon, since Winema appears to be preparing her space yacht for battle.
Posted by Varalent on :

hehe! I always wanted to say that!
Posted by New Kid on :
Originally posted by Fat Cramer:
Originally posted by New Kid:
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
Sorry, New Kid, but we already have both a gadfly and a curmudgeon! Glad to see everyone is filling up the essential occupations first!

Speaking of essential positions, how about Pun-Catcher? or Annoying Visitor? or...
If New Kid was in the Navy (wasn't he?), then he should be Admiral of the Royal Squadron. I think I could scare up a rowboat for flagship. This could be an important job soon, since Winema appears to be preparing her space yacht for battle.
Actually, FC I think my 'Twin Brother' Space Ranger, who also happens to be the Newest Member of our happy little group, wants that job.

Now if only that uptight little nerd could figure out how to log on properly he might be able to help!! [Laugh Out Loud] [Confused]
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
After this past week of posting, I believe we're in desperate need of a Legion World Psychiatrist.

Any takers?
Posted by MLLASH Lass on :
All I know is, I like the hooters, but this vagina dealie is SOOOOOOO weird....!
Posted by Space Ranger on :
Originally posted by Nightcrawler:
After this past week of posting, I believe we're in desperate need of a Legion World Psychiatrist.

Any takers?

Sentient, I believe there was a super type who was studying to become a priest. I am having a difficult time remembering his name. But, I believe that in this era Priests are considered to be excellent councelors. Would he do?
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Originally posted by Nightcrawler:
After this past week of posting, I believe we're in desperate need of a Legion World Psychiatrist.

Any takers?

What about you, Nightie? You seem level headed and most of us would love to lie on your couch. [Big Grin]
Posted by Frostfyre on :
Must resist urge to comment.............
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Originally posted by Frostfyre:
Must resist urge to comment.............

Come on Icey, open up. I'll help bring you back.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Originally posted by Space Ranger:
Sentient, I believe there was a super type who was studying to become a priest. I am having a difficult time remembering his name. But, I believe that in this era Priests are considered to be excellent councelors. Would he do?

I believe you're referring to an alternate reality version of me. I'm an atheist. My real name is Baalshazzar and I was a member of the Outsiders but now I'm a member of the Legion.

Go here for more info. [Smile]

Oh, and thanks for the compliment Semi, but...
"I would not do it if you SPROCKING paid me."
Posted by Space Ranger on :
Originally posted by Nightcrawler:
"I would not do it if you SPROCKING paid me."

[Laugh Out Loud] [Laugh Out Loud] [Laugh Out Loud]

Sentient, I believe that you have me confused with my brother.
Posted by Space Boy on :
What a smart thread. We probably need an update, though. Has anyone changed their LW occupation? What about the new people?

I'm a LW entrepreneur, La Donna Trump, if you will. I own a publishing company (produces the LMB Comet and the LW Directory), a hospital world (Medicus Two), a fast food franchise (McCauley's), a production company (produces The Poster's Studio), and I fund many charities, including Our Sister of the Breasted Virgin.

Golly! I hope I haven't forgotten anything.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I have a variety of roles on Legion World. I’ll disclose a few, since my space-lawyers insist that I don’t have to give out any information about my wealth than I don’t wish to disclose.

I am Chief of Security, for life, and in total control of Legion World Security.

I am a Legion World Triumvir, and in total control of one third of the Legion World armies, totally loyal to me. Their loyalty to me and their efficiency are directly related, therefore making me a Triumvir for life as well.

With my funds from faraway conquests, I have begun a variety of investments on Legion World.

I am co-owner of chocalatte with Stu.

I am one of the three chief investors in the construction of the Giant Squid Memorial Center for Alt ID Culture, along with Eryk Davis Ester and the HighPriestess Viviane, thereby making the three of us the chief executive officers of the center, although we have chosen to have little to no role in the way it runs. Since Viviane is currently deceased and her funds are being transferred to Opal, she will probably take on her role as a chief investor, although this is currently tied up in litigation. In plain terms, EDE and I own the Center, although we do not have anything to do with running it at this time.

I have founded the first Legion World bank with Princess Crujectra, and we now are in control of all loans and investments.

I have combined excesses of my fortune with the other Triumvirs, Eyrk Davis Ester and Greybird, as well as Princess Crujectra and the wealth of the Psyionian family and the Spiffany family to purchase the majority of Legion World’s land that previously had not been purchased.

To sell this land more efficiently to the public, we have opened the Real Estate offices of Ester, Greybird, Cobaltus, Jectra and Spiffany.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Also, I’m one of the official Legion World historians and *thee* official historian for the LMBP. This is not really a job, but an honorary position I fill in my spare time.

And I’m also the official Spider-Man historian, although only two or three people ever read those critiques
Posted by Loser Lad on :
I am an unemployed drifter, and happy about it.
Posted by Loser Lad on :
Unofficially I am the Keeper of the LMB Archives, but that's not so much a job as it is a labor of love that I work on from time to time.

Most of the old volumes of LMB Lore that I possess are just collecting dust in the basement of the Loser Cave rather than being on display in the Archives reading room as they should be. I use one of them to support an uneven leg on my kitchen table.

[ October 20, 2004, 07:33 AM: Message edited by: Loser Lad ]
Posted by Space Boy on :
Adding to my above entry, Prime has named me the political liaison to the Alt community, under his leadership. As such I'm currently serving as one of the Trinity that runs the Squid Center.

And, CK, you and EDE may own the Squid Center building but the land it's on is owned by me, as it was the original site of the Dreamerteria.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Originally posted by Loser Lad:
Unofficially I am the Keeper of the LMB Archives, but that's not so much a job as it is a labor of love that I work on from time to time.

Most of the old volumes of LMB Lore that I possess are just collecting dust in the basement of the Loser Cave rather than being on display in the Archives reading room as they should be. I use one of them to support an uneven leg on my kitchen table.

[Eek!] [Mad]

( [Big Grin] )
Posted by Space Boy on :
Originally posted by Space Boy:
Adding to my above entry, Prime has named me the political liaison to the Alt community, under his leadership. As such I'm currently serving as one of the Trinity that runs the Squid Center.

And, CK, you and EDE may own the Squid Center building but the land it's on is owned by me, as it was the original site of the Dreamerteria.

In case this was missed.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Originally posted by Space Boy:
And, CK, you and EDE may own the Squid Center building but the land it's on is owned by me, as it was the original site of the Dreamerteria.

That sounds about right, Miss T. Just that Opal will own the building too once she officially inherits her mothers investments.

One other thing that I do, that I just remembered:

I give seminars occasionally at Mayavale University and other institutions on the history of the LMB, as well as special seminars on the history of Princess Crujectra. Tiffany Spiffany has attended one before.
Posted by ferroboy on :
I have plans to open my own dry cleaning shop here on Legion World. I just need to get the appropriate permission and them someone to build for me.
Posted by Re-AniMiner on :
I have a part-time job as Cobalt Kid's conscience.
Posted by Lady Crujectra on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
as well as special seminars on the history of Princess Crujectra.

Cobie Cakes, I'm not certain those University students are old enough to hear about most of our history [Wink]
Posted by Lady Crujectra on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
One other thing that I do, that I just remembered:

Goodness, Cobie! With all the hats you wear on Legion World, we're going to have to install a tesse-hat-eract in the Security Office!
Posted by DivineOpalJanell on :

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