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Posted by Silver Age Lad on :

It's "Graduation Day" for the seniors at the Legion Academy as they find out their new postings — and the lucky ones AREN'T headed for Legion membership.
DC Universe32pg.Color$2.99 US
On Sale July 6, 2011



Saturn Queen triumphant? With the Legion on the ropes, it sure looks that way. Plus: if you thought issue #11's Timber Wolf/Sun Emperor fight burned your fingertips, you ain't seen nuthin' til you've seen Sun Boy versus Sun Killer!
DC Universe32pg.Color$2.99 US
On Sale July 27, 2011



In this exciting new collection featuring LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES #7-10, ADVENTURE COMICS #521-522 and ANNUAL #1, the first strike of Durlan assassins arrives on Earth! Their goal: kill the United Planets leadership in revenge for the death of Legion mentor R.J. Brande!

Plus: The legendary team of Paul Levitz and Keith Giffen reunite on the Legion for the first time in 20 years! And their next 31st century masterpiece introduces the all-new, all-deadly Emerald Empress!

DC Universe208pg.ColorHardcover$24.99 US
On Sale September 7, 2011

Posted by Tom Tanner on :
Why is it that the Legion Academy arc looks so good?

Is it because it is such a limited run that the creators do not have time to run out of ideas, or are able to focus their talents more?

And are we seeing a Legion-of-Fire-Based-Super-Villains AGAIN?

Is it because fire is fun to draw?
Posted by Candlelight on :
Posted by dancelad on :
Is Jimenez off of Adventure already? Please say it ain't so!
Posted by Silver Age Lad on :
Originally posted by dancelad:
Is Jimenez off of Adventure already? Please say it ain't so!

Apparently DC have moved him to other assignments - he didn't want to drop Adventure
Posted by superboymddjr on :
and I hope that Duplicate Girl does not killed off...

Alchemical Girl...hmmm interesting.

now who s the traitor in Academy? it sure looks like Gravity Kid...I hope its a red herring.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
Borges is STILL on Adventure Comics? Oh...
Posted by dancelad on :
Originally posted by Silver Age Lad:
Originally posted by dancelad:
Is Jimenez off of Adventure already? Please say it ain't so!

Apparently DC have moved him to other assignments - he didn't want to drop Adventure
That's a real bummer. Adventure with Jimenez has been the best the Legion has looked in a long long time. sad...
Posted by lil'rhino on :
I am very disappointed that Phil's not finishing the Legion Academy story!!
DC solicited & promoted the arc as a Levitz/Jimenez collaboration with press releases and interviews from Paul & Phil elaborating on how they were both involved in plotting & character development.
Then, POOF!, Phil is replaced before the story's done and with no explanation.
Posted by Dave Hackett on :
Well, has Phil responded publicly at all to this? It's not completely unheard of for him to fall behind and need fill-ins. Do we even have confirmation this will be the last of the Academy in Adventure, other than Didio's musings at the con (remember he said the same things about Adventure last summer and it didn't happen).
Posted by lil'rhino on :
Originally posted by Dave Hackett:
Well, has Phil responded publicly at all to this? It's not completely unheard of for him to fall behind and need fill-ins. Do we even have confirmation this will be the last of the Academy in Adventure, other than Didio's musings at the con (remember he said the same things about Adventure last summer and it didn't happen).

I hope you're right, Dave & we get some more Phil on Adventure!
Posted by Blacula on :
Though I will of course be hugely disappointed if he is, it's way too soon to start saying Phil is off Adventure. It could easily just be a fill-in artist this month. (It's gonna be hard to go from Jiminez to Borges for even just a month though. Why couldn't Portela have been the fill-in?)

Re: the statues on that cover, I see -

Kid Psycho
Triplicate Girl
Karate Kid I
Invisible Kid I
Proty I
Chemical King (?)
Ferro Lad

Who's the other female?

(edit - never mind. Just remembererd - it could be Mentalla.)

Re: the LoSH solit - yawn. Boring cover (especially so soon after the Timber Wolf/Sun Emperor one). I don't get Cinar's art. Some of his sketches I've seen online look so dynamic and interesting and stylised. And then I see his art on this book and it looks like it was done by a totally different person. It's so dull and generic. I wish he'd change up his style a bit like Manapul did.

The story could be OK I guess but nothing in that book is grabbing me the way the Adventure story is. I'm cutting back on comics to save money for a holiday later this year and if Paul doesn't start lifting his game on this book I'm afraid I'm gonna have to drop it. [Frown]
Posted by Candlelight on :
I'm amazed that you can identify all of those bits and pieces!
Mostly I see Lu bodies getting crushed.
Are we looking at the dreaded Fodder Girl?

I like both of the regular comics covers, really, but pretty much DISlike the special cover.

I don't mind a Borges arc but I miss the incredible, delicate beauty of the Jimenez/Lanning work.
Like everyone else, I hope they come back to the book.

PS - Oh, and where's Beauty Blaze? I rather see her in a fight with Dirk than the Sun Sumo.

The two are so perfect for each other I've always been surprised no one ever wrote something about them being a couple.
Posted by superboymddjr on :
but ...I really like the art cover of Adv s one of the best rendition on Luornu I have ever seen in a long time. right color, right shade, nice job.

anyone remember the votings on best Legion covers on each Legionnaire? I sure would love to see that again. [Smile]

am I the only one who's noticed the silhouette on Adv.?

as for the heat-powered characters, we have too many of them in Legion: Dr. Regulus, Flare, Sun Emperor, Sun Eater, Sun Killer, Beauty Blaze, Lazon (technically), Quanto (kind of), Sun Boy, Sun Girl (wondering what happened to her from the Titans), Inferno (same thing), Wildfire, Fire Lad, Energax (remember him?), Sun Woman (Night Girl's one time arch nemesis - remember her [Smile] ), and others I may have forgotten. ha.

[ April 13, 2011, 08:25 AM: Message edited by: superboymddjr ]
Posted by Candlelight on :
I saw the silhouette and I've been trying to think who it might be if it's not a new character.
Cosmic King?

Bits . . . has some Sun Woman art.
Sketch did a wowzer drawing of her.
Posted by Set on :
Originally posted by superboymddjr:
as for the heat-powered characters, we have too many of them in Legion: Dr. Regulus, Flare, Sun Emperor, Sun Eater, Sun Killer, Beauty Blaze, Lazon (technically), Quanto (kind of), Sun Boy, Sun Girl (wondering what happened to her from the Titans), Inferno (same thing), Wildfire, Fire Lad, Energax (remember him?), Sun Woman (Night Girl's one time arch nemesis - remember her [Smile] ), and others I may have forgotten. ha.

While some of those are all-but forgotten, I do find it kind of redundant that Sun Killer was introduced, when both Sun Emperor and Dr. Regulus are around to fill that niche, and Beauty Blaze or Inferno could have been brought in to add another, if a third fire-user was really needed for some reason.

Was it Gerry Conway and Joe Staton that came up with the League of Super-Assassins? I kind miss that level of creativity, where none of the villains were just evil versions of Legionnaires. (Like Micro Lad, Saturn Queen, Lightning Lord, Chameleon King, Ol-Vir, Sun Emperor, etc.)

For all that he's useless, Ron-Karr is at least more of an original character than Questor, the evil version of Brainy.

Although an evil Naltorian could be a neat sort of mastermind figure...
Posted by Blacula on :
^ Totally agree re: the creation of Sun Killer. I just so don't get why Paul bothered when we already have those three much more interesting fire-based villains to work with in this continuity (I wouldn't really count Inferno/Sandy as a villain here - unless there's one from this continuity I'm forgetting.)

Paul is definitely not being as creative as he could/should be with this book IMO. And it's leaving me a little bored.
Posted by Blacula on :
P.S. Gerry Conway gets a lot of grief for his Legion run but it was pretty creative IMO. The League of Super-Assassins are a good example of that. They're a bit like the Fatal Five in that they're a really interesting team but they've each got a cool look/power-set individually too. And the back-story behind their feud with the Legion (and their ties to a certain member) is killer story-fodder. It's a shame we haven't seen much of them over the years because there's a lot of potential there I think.
Posted by Set on :
Originally posted by Blacula:
[QB] ^ Totally agree re: the creation of Sun Killer. I just so don't get why Paul bothered when we already have those three much more interesting fire-based villains to work with in this continuity.

I love the idea that Sun-Killer somehow destroyed a sun to gain his powers. That's very cool, as origins go, but yet another fire-based villain, when we've already got like three of them, none of whom, as far as I know, already have an origin (since I don't think we have any backstory on how Sun Emperor, Beauty Blaze or 'Sun Girl' got their powers, which means any of them could have been hooked into the cool 'ate a star' origin, instead of inventing yet another sun-powered character).

Sometimes, when writing, less is more. Assign that cool plot element to a pre-existing character who has no origin at all, rather than invent another character with a cool origin, and derivative been-there, done-that powers.

Plus, if I've got a choice between seeing Sun Killer and Beauty Blaze, is there really any contest?

Beauty Blaze is multiple definitions of hot, and Sun Killer, just the one. [Smile]
Posted by razsolo on :
I think I would like Sun Killer more if harnessing the powers of a sun meant he also had stuff like electromagnetic control, gravity control, etc...after all, stars aren't just a ball of fire sitting in the sky....

As a solo villain he has heaps of potential - the heavy hitters of the Legion could be kept busy fighting him while those with more subtle powers would be trying to evacuate whatever system whose sun he has targetted next. Time Trapper and Mordru have traditionally been this Legion's recurring mega-powerful villains, it would be nice to add someone else to the mix who has a different motivation.

As a generic flame-powered henchman though, while he's still a cool bad guy, you guys are right - we do already have Regulus, Sun Emperor, Flare, Beauty Blaze etc so unless Sun Killer doesn't bring anything new to the table, what's the point?
Posted by razsolo on :
Originally posted by Silver Age Lad:

It's "Graduation Day" for the seniors at the Legion Academy as they find out their new postings — and the lucky ones AREN'T headed for Legion membership.

Hey, I just it just me or does the way that's phrased indicate that one or more Academy graduates WILL be joining the Legion??

I hope so!!! I have really gotten to like them all over the past couple of issues!

On another note, that cover of Lu being crushed by the statues of the fallen (including one of herself) is a really clever composition! I like it a lot!
Posted by jimgallagher on :
Originally posted by razsolo:
I think I would like Sun Killer more if harnessing the powers of a sun meant he also had stuff like electromagnetic control, gravity control, etc...after all, stars aren't just a ball of fire sitting in the sky....

As a solo villain he has heaps of potential - the heavy hitters of the Legion could be kept busy fighting him while those with more subtle powers would be trying to evacuate whatever system whose sun he has targetted next. Time Trapper and Mordru have traditionally been this Legion's recurring mega-powerful villains, it would be nice to add someone else to the mix who has a different motivation.

As a generic flame-powered henchman though, while he's still a cool bad guy, you guys are right - we do already have Regulus, Sun Emperor, Flare, Beauty Blaze etc so unless Sun Killer doesn't bring anything new to the table, what's the point?

Well, he's a big fatty. That's new. [Smile]
Posted by Set on :
Originally posted by jimgallagher:
Well, he's a big fatty. That's new. [Smile]

Also Japanese. And with some apparently deliberate design elements to reinforce that (the samurai hair-thing, which hasn't been a Japanese fashion 'do' since 1570, and the rising sun motif on his belly).

I wonder if he was heavyset before gaining his powers, or he's just all swollen up with that exploding sun power he's absorbed? It might be funky to find out that he was some tiny little guy, once upon a time.

Heh. It occurs to me that he's the DC equivalent of Marvel's Sentry.

"I have the power of an exploding sun!"

"A thousand exploding suns, wasn't it?"

<pouting> "No, that's the other guy. Just the one, for me..."
Posted by EmeraldEmperor on :
Originally posted by Blacula:
P.S. Gerry Conway gets a lot of grief for his Legion run but it was pretty creative IMO. The League of Super-Assassins are a good example of that. They're a bit like the Fatal Five in that they're a really interesting team but they've each got a cool look/power-set individually too. And the back-story behind their feud with the Legion (and their ties to a certain member) is killer story-fodder. It's a shame we haven't seen much of them over the years because there's a lot of potential there I think.

The funny thing about the League of Super-Assassins is that they were supposed to be a version of the X-Men!
Posted by Blacula on :
^ Really? I never knew that. Let's see..

* Neutrax --- Professor X
* Titania --- Colossus?
* Silver Slasher --- Wolverine?
* Lazon --- Nightcrawler?
* Mist Master --- ...?

I'm obviously having trouble coming up with good matches. But I don't know the X-Men very well.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Apparently the LSA = X-men thing is a myth, and Conway himself has denied any homage. See Glen Cadigan's post on a previous thread.

The fact that they kind of match is interesting, however.

I'd see it as:

Neutrax -- Professor X + the Cyclops eyebeam-theme
Lazon -- Cyclops
Silver Slasher -- Wolverine
Titania -- Thunderbird
Mist Master -- Nightcrawler
Blok -- Colossus
Posted by Emily Sivana on :
I think Conway was going for balanced team, and the X-Men usually have balance teams. As someone whose been in plenty of [insert character] vs. [insert character] threads, I really appreciate balanced teams. The Legionnaires are severely overpowered, but a versatile team with prep could defeat them.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
I had a thought for a second that maybe you could see the LSA as improved versions of the Subs, but I got so far with it:

Blok - Stone Boy, but mobile
Titania - Night Girl, but strong in daylight as well
Lazon - Color Kid, but more general light powers rather than simply changing color

I don't see anyway that other three match up with Polar Boy, Chlorophyll Kid, and Fire Lad, however.
Posted by Blacula on :
^ I guess Mist Master could be Chlorophyll Kid in that plants need air to breathe (don't they? or am I betraying the fact I never did Biology at school? [Big Grin] ) ... and they both have a green colour scheme going on.

Silver Slasher could be Polar Boy in that metal can be cold and ice can cut you.

... I'm relly grasping at straws now aren't I?
Posted by EmeraldEmperor on :
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
Apparently the LSA = X-men thing is a myth, and Conway himself has denied any homage. See Glen Cadigan's post on a previous thread.

The fact that they kind of match is interesting, however.

I'd see it as:

Neutrax -- Professor X + the Cyclops eyebeam-theme
Lazon -- Cyclops
Silver Slasher -- Wolverine
Titania -- Thunderbird
Mist Master -- Nightcrawler
Blok -- Colossus

I think Mist Master was suppised to be like Storm, who can create fog.

And Titania was Jean Grey....a red head.

Unless that is a myth, of course.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
You could be right about Mist Master. I never really think of "creating fog" as one of Storm's abilities, while with Nightcrawler I immediately think "disappears in cloud of smoke".

Titania just isn't a very good match any way. She's really an odd character, as she's pretty much completely redundant with Blok to begin with. I always thought they should've given her Colossal Boy's abilities or something to make her distinctive.
Posted by EmeraldEmpress on :
Why Sun Killer has three consecutive covers : 12, 13 and 15?

Is he the villain who will die to hands of one legionnaire?

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