This is topic I have legion comics I didn't know I had. in forum The Legion of Super-Heroes at Legion World.

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Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Most of the old legion comics I remember are from when I was a kid up until about the end of high school in '85. I remember those old comics like old friends. They were part and parcel of my going from a kid to a young adult to an actual legal adult.

but somewhere along the line, when times were better financially, I guess, i managed to collect a lot of the comics I missed from that childhood era, including a bunch of legion, that I simply don't remember buying or reading.

I suspect these were purchased as an adult, surfing the backbins, and later on possibly Ebay before they went bug nuckin' futs.

So, I doubt that somehow I managed to buy all the good ones and skip the bad ones entirely. Simple statistics say not. What that leaves me with is that those comics, even though they were from the same era as those from my childhood, did not stick with me because I read them first as an adult.

I don't know if that means the magic and wonder hand worn off by then, or that as an adult I didn't form a great memory association, or just that as an adult, my memory is crap.

Still, I've found about four bundles of legion comics in my boxes, not filed correctly, so most likely read once and packed away, that I can now read again for the first time [Wink] . Wonder if I will remember them any better.
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
It's always nice to discover treasures like that.

Back around '98-02, I bought up most of the Five Years Later run for cheap at the CBS. I read a few at the time, but real life and other interests intervened, so I kept the rest in a bag and filed them away.

When posters on this site began referring to Proty/Garth and Shvaughn/Sean, it took me awhile to catch on. Then I was delighted to find that I had those issues and had never read them.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
I have about 15 long boxes. I had a filing system that had all my old books in order. Then I started to find the ones I missed. Rather than putting them in the correct boxes, I would buy new boxes and just stick them in.

One day, when I'm not in debt past my eyeballs and over my head, I'm gonna have that little outbuilding I've wanted all my life. I'm gonna have a few days, and list and file all my comics. Don't know what it'll be like, but I'm looking forward to it.

that doesn't include all the short boxes, and its not a brag, its a product of nearly forty years of collecting regularly.
Posted by Set on :
You're so lucky! I sometimes have some old childhood dream about discovering a secret room full of books or comics or toys, and being all paralyzed with what I'm going to read first.

That would be so cool!
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Heh. I used to have a dream that there was a store out in the country about halfway between my and my LCS that not only got the new releases, but had this small area on the side that "magically" held all those old issues I never had but wanted and I could stop by whenever I wanted.

hated that dream. It was so disappointing in the light of day that it wasn't real.
Posted by cleome on :
I'd give anything to know if I still own any of my old comics. Last I heard, my brother had them stockpiled in a storage unit somewhere in New Jersey.

My brother is not, shall we say, a communicative person. I wouldn't mind if he let them go, but he could at least answer me when I've asked him whether he had or not.

I've pretty much given up asking at this point. Anyway, from what I've seen of comics prices on ebay, I doubt Mr. Hotshot Power Seller made all that much off them, even if he did succeed in getting rid of them.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
I found even more. At some point soon, I'm gonna try and go through them all and get them ordered correctly. Someone posted a pic on facebook and said it was from #204. I didn't recognize it and asked about ... turns out I have it!

and thats from my favorite Legion era. So I'm gonna have to do some work. Putting them in order and logging them on a data base. It should tell me what I'm missing.
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Has anyone here used this service to catalog their comics? I downloaded the free trial but haven't gotten around to using it. Comic Collector
Catalog your comic book collection.
Automatic issue details, creator lists & cover art.
Just search by series title or scan barcodes.
Posted by imskian78 on :
mmmmm...yes, like old friends. I graduated in 1985 and had been collecting Legion since 1978. i still have every Legion issue since 1978 till now including guest appearances. They are like old friends and they also show us what great quality of art and writing we have enjoyed (Giffen/Levitz) era and some not so great (Lots of issues before those guys took over...1980-1981).
It was such a huge feeling for long time readers like myself when the classic Legion characters and their timeline returned for this new series. Now we can go back and re read those old friends and their adventures knowing that MOST OF IT still took place. Now if we can do something about these horrible costumes we would be golden!!!
Posted by Omni Craig on :
imskian78 and rick, you are both "Class of '85"? ME TOO!!! Good time to be a Legion fan, back then, and today too! (of course, I never stopped buying/reading them in between either...)

Long Live the Legion and "Class of 85 rules"!!!
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Wow. I was just thinking on this and in just 4 years... will be my 30th anniversary of graduating high school.

Now i feel old.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Hey, I tried to give it up when I was starting highschool. My dad said "thats kids stuff, you're to old for it now."

It lasted a year but I missed it the whole time. Finally, i was working summers and said to hell with it, picked up a Titans and Legion book, and was back in it for good.
Posted by Set on :
Originally posted by Omni Craig: Long Live the Legion and "Class of 85 rules"!!!
Also class of '85! And yeah, long live the Legion!

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