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Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Yo! 'Sup? How about a preview of tomorrow's Adventure 522?
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Hm, just a taste, really, but nice. The art by Borges = gorgeous, btw!
Posted by SharkLad on :
Really nice artwork... beautiful shot of Gigi...
Posted by Silver Age Lad on :
The preview is up on Newsarama
Posted by future king on :
Interesting ... Sun Killer seems to be a formidable villian. Can this be Sun Emporer?? If so he really needs to go on a new diet stat! LOL

It's nice to see Tellus is so preoccupied with Dawnstar's well being. I like that he is so attached to his teammates this way. It gives his character more depth I think. Oh, and it's always great to see Gigi too.

I loved the SP aboard their ship on their way to Takron-Galtos ... it had an almost Star Trek feel to it. Makes me think maybe they should get their own comic but with adventures in space as opposed to on Earth, etc.

The artwork was excellent in my opinion.

Can't wait to read the rest of the story .......
Posted by Iam Legion on :
*Sigh* Tellus is once again being depicted as standing on his legs. He never used his legs for anything that I know of before this new incarnation. He always used his flight ring or his powers to fly or hover. Is this an artistic mistake or yet another difference of the new version of the Legion versus the old?
Posted by cleome on :
So if... Click Here For A SpoilerDawnstar's out of commission for the forseeable future, are there going to be recruits called up from the Academy again at last?

Also, Sun Killer is the same guy who used to be called Sun Emperor, right?

Posted by Chaim Mattis Keller on :
I hate it too. Since the Johns-boot, Tellus's limbs have been consistently portrayed more like human ones than like the way they were in the pre-Zero Hour Legion. I don't think it's an intentional retcon, I think it's just recent artists not really understanding how alien he was meant to be.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Steve Lightle has said something to the effect that almost no one else has been able to draw Tellus completely right. This is just another example of that.
Posted by cleome on :
Are we supposed to assume that he's simply become more used to human-like mannerisms after living on land for so long?

Posted by Jerry on :
Yeah, it's a bummer. Nobody currently working on the Legion really gets Lightle's vision of Tellus.

Not a bad issue, overall. I really like the streamlined approach to covers that DC is taking this month. The stark white background is hot. Too bad the lovely ladies featured on the cover didn't get any play in the story.

Have the Science Police always used transuits?

Lots of good action for Mon-El. I hope his GL phase passes quickly, though. I appreciate the $2.99 price but missed the Atom feature.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
Guys, when I saw that splash page of Mon in his Green Lantern costume, I tried to stance myself the same way and almost broke my leg trying to bend it the same way as Mon.
Posted by jimgallagher on :
Nice artwork, but I can't wait for Jimenez.

If they're going to cut the page count, I'd rather have more Legion and skip the preview.

I was so looking forward to seeing the Black Witch in this issue, dammit.

Any guesses on who Baby Blue is going to grow up to be?
Posted by jimgallagher on :
Originally posted by future king:
Interesting ... Sun Killer seems to be a formidable villian. Can this be Sun Emporer?? If so he really needs to go on a new diet stat! LOL

The super-fatass ray strikes again! Who will be its next victim?

Hopefully some sticklike Super-model lass.

Maybe Tenzil tried to eat a sun and got fat again.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Can't read the guy's AKA in the preview.

My guess is that it's someone other than ol' Nigal Douglous. I'd rather see Beauty Blaze, myself.

Besides, everyone knows that fat people are happy and jolly. I can't accept this unrealistic portrayal of the overweight as evil.
Posted by cleome on :

EDE wrote: ...Besides, everyone knows that fat people are happy and jolly. I can't accept this unrealistic portrayal of the overweight as evil.
No no no. Only fat dudes are happy and jolly. Fat chicks are all pitable pushy psychos who can't stop talking to married men about our collections of latex bondage gear. Didn't you ever watch NYPD Blue?
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Crap, you're right! I'll try to be more sensitive to gender differences when applying stereotypes in the future! [Wink]
Posted by razsolo on :
I like this Sun Killer fellow! He seems a little Warren Ellis-esque with his whole "I stole the heart of a dying sun" schtick. Plus, I kind of like the idea of Saturn Queen having a bunch of enslaved bad guys waiting in the wings, it's kind of creepy. [Smile]
Posted by future king on :
Well I finally read the whole issue and I have to say it was ok. Just ok for me, and that's very frustrating. The preview was the best part for me. I guess I felt a bit let down that the story was cut way too short just to give some room to this Legends online review. Oh well, next month is the start of a new chapter for the Legion (Academy, Jimenez).

I don't know who this blue baby creature might be, it's probably someone completely new anyway.

The fight scene with Sun Killer and Green-el was ho-hum in my opinion and Mon seemed "tapped out" a bit too soon though in my opinion. Boy does he really need lots of practice in the GL willpower game!

I don't really care if Tellus has working legs now or not ... I honestly never gave that any serious thought.

I wish they would've used those 5 preview pages at the end to give us more insight as to how/why/when Saturn Queen will escape and go on to form this new Legion of Super-Villians. I bet now we'll just get a throw away line in the special explaining how she, I don't know, blew up the ship and everyone on it then escaped.

Posted by Superboy-Supergirl on :
Baby Blue? Origin of the Universe viewing? Green Lanterns? Warning of Origin of the Unverse unheaded...

could it beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Posted by jimgallagher on :
Oh yeah! I'd forgotten about him. I bet you're right!

I thought it was interesting that Mon-El's power ring was vulnerable to Sunkiller's yellow solar rays, but Mon-El was vulnerable to the red solar rays. Damned if he does, damned if he doesn't.

I'd also think he'd have a HELLUVA strong will power after spending 1,000 years in the phantom zone without going crackers.

Why can't Tellus just read the Durlans' minds to see what happened to Zendak? Who needs Dawnstereotype?

[ January 06, 2011, 09:25 AM: Message edited by: jimgallagher ]
Posted by Haggard Lad on :
Interesting issue. I liked seeing Mon-El learn to use his GL ring and make some mistakes.

I was surprised that we didn't see anyone contact Mon yet about the election results. I assumed it would happen in this issue, but I guess not.

I didn't expect to get clues about the LSV event so soon, so it was nice to see things were starting already. And I loved how the various subplots are becoming connected, with Titanfall in issue #1 resulting in the "Blue Baby" and how it's the threat the new GLs were created for and how it connects to Saturn Queen and the LSV. I'm very excited to see where this book is headed.

Originally posted by Jerry:
I appreciate the $2.99 price but missed the Atom feature.

Same here. I'm sad that the Atom story is going to finish up in a one-shot and then stop.
Posted by Candlelight on :
My dealer said the Atom has a new ongoing in March.

It's funny, I saw Lar being strong and using his powers in the yellow light of SK and using the Ring in the red light.
That's what I'd do, anyway.

And I'd say that this story was finished before the count for leader came in, that's why there's no mention of it in this issue.

The blue baby said that it'd make slaves for the evil entity if the energy stayed to wake it, right?
So, that's weird.

Dyogene is still an anomally to me.
As is this whole storyline.
I'll have to just wait and see, I guess.

Didn't read Atom before so I didn't miss it this time, I'm afraid.
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Big Legion logo on the cover, but inside were only 3 Legionnaires, one of whom was in a coma.

Two pages of Harmonia Li and we know little more about her.

Sure is a good thing Blue Baby skedaddled. I wonder why.

The Mon-El/Sun Killer fight just seemed flat to me.

Is this to be a war between Dyogene and Blue Baby ("that which the Guardians decreed I battle....")? Will it be the battle of the Little Big Heads?
Posted by Candlelight on :
The Little Big Heads.
That's very good!

About Tellus, given that he has legs as well as a tail, wouldn't his many years out of water have given his legs strength?

I DO prefer him floating, though, as a pure sea creature.
(I've said this before, but DC showed that Tellus' people were originally metahumans pushed genetically to the enth degree by the Dominators.
If DC sticks with that, showing Tellus with more functioning hands and legs might be the way of things. Unfortunately, DC owns him, not Lightle.)
Posted by Dave Hackett on :
Originally posted by Candlelight:

The blue baby said that it'd make slaves for the evil entity if the energy stayed to wake it, right?
So, that's weird.

That's how I read it at first too, but I think the panel dialogue is actually supposed to be Saturn Queen talking to the Blue Baby. She's promising to make slaves for it if it releases her.
Posted by Silver Age Lad on :
Originally posted by Dave Hackett:
Originally posted by Candlelight:

The blue baby said that it'd make slaves for the evil entity if the energy stayed to wake it, right?
So, that's weird.

That's how I read it at first too, but I think the panel dialogue is actually supposed to be Saturn Queen talking to the Blue Baby. She's promising to make slaves for it if it releases her.
Yes, those are Saturn Queen's words - see the little Saturn emblem in the first box.
Posted by duck458 on :
I'm old. The first thing I thought of when I saw Sun Killer was "Qu'est que c'est?". Now I can't get it out of my head.
Posted by Candlelight on :
Thanks for the clarification, gentlemen.
Originally posted by duck458:
I'm old. The first thing I thought of when I saw Sun Killer was "Qu'est que c'est?". Now I can't get it out of my head.

What does the quote mean?
I old and can't seem to put 2 + 2 together, anymore.
Posted by Jo Nah TMK on :
Originally posted by future king:
I guess I felt a bit let down that the story was cut way too short just to give some room to this Legends online review.


I wish they would've used those 5 preview pages at the end to give us more insight as to how/why/when Saturn Queen will escape and go on to form this new Legion of Super-Villians. I bet now we'll just get a throw away line in the special explaining how she, I don't know, blew up the ship and everyone on it then escaped.


Just an FYI that I feel should be pointed out - The Online preview didn't cut into any story pages. It was included extra in most if not all of the DCU titles shipping this week. The LSH story ran 20 pages. Compare to Superboy out this week, which ran 21 pages (the one page difference was the Batman: Return of Bruce Wayne house ad in Adventure).
Posted by Power Boy on :
Originally posted by duck458:
I'm old. The first thing I thought of when I saw Sun Killer was "Qu'est que c'est?". Now I can't get it out of my head.

'Psycho Killer Qu'est que c'est uhn uhn uhn uhn uhn uhn uhn

.. better run run run run run run awayyyyyy oh oh oh ohhhh yeah yeah yeaahhhh '

je pense.
Posted by Set on :
The hints of backstory involving Sun Killer, that he destroyed a dying star to gain his powers, and has done it again to power up for freeing Saturn Queen, is, in just a few panels, far, far more interesting than anything I've ever read about Sun Emperor's past.

So, bonus points for that.

It's no, 'Alas, poor Thora, I knew her.' but still, an interesting introduction to a new character.

I like that 'Sun Killer' doesn't just mean 'a killer, with sun powers,' but that he actually *kills suns.*
Posted by Tom Tanner on :
So how soon before we see Sun Killer, Sun Emperor, Dr. Regulus, and Pulsar Stargrave vs. Sun Boy, Inferno, Fire Lad and Quanto?
Posted by Candlelight on :
I wonder at what stage he finishes them off?
Giant red, nova, quasar, black hole?

He didn't seem all that bright, to me.
So, is it a natural ability or an aquired one or a scientific thingy?

That's a lot of energy.
Does he have to renew his powers on a regular basis or does a sun last him a long time?

Yes, he's kind of interesting.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
I wonder if he could have any connection to a Sun-Eater?
Posted by cleome on :
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
Crap, you're right! I'll try to be more sensitive to gender differences when applying stereotypes in the future! [Wink]

That's my boy! [Big Grin]
Posted by duck458 on :
Originally posted by Set:
The hints of backstory involving Sun Killer, that he destroyed a dying star to gain his powers, and has done it again to power up for freeing Saturn Queen, is, in just a few panels, far, far more interesting than anything I've ever read about Sun Emperor's past.

So, bonus points for that.

It's no, 'Alas, poor Thora, I knew her.' but still, an interesting introduction to a new character.

Add to the interest in Sun Killer (qu'est que nevermind) he hinted that he's Japanese without it being overpoweringly obvious.
Posted by Dartalon on :
Originally posted by Tom Tanner:
So how soon before we see Sun Killer, Sun Emperor, Dr. Regulus, and Pulsar Stargrave vs. Sun Boy, Inferno, Fire Lad and Quanto?

You also have Beauty Blaze and Sun Girl from the Titans who is from the future and somehow connected to Sun Boy.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Not to mention Flare from the Fatal Five.
Posted by jimgallagher on :
He looks like a sumo wrestler. Maybe he wrestled the sun to death.
Posted by Candlelight on :
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
I wonder if he could have any connection to a Sun-Eater?

Eoooo, good question!
Originally posted by Dartalon:
You also have Beauty Blaze and Sun Girl from the Titans who is from the future and somehow connected to Sun Boy.[/QB]

I didn't know that, since I'm not following Titans anymore!
Great info!

Originally posted by jimgallagher:
He looks like a sumo wrestler. Maybe he wrestled the sun to death.

Very funny!
Posted by Set on :
It would be kinda neat if he was originally a tiny little twig of a person, until he eated a sun and swelled up a bit...

He's got a fire in his belly!
Posted by jimgallagher on :
Or maybe Bouncing Boy is turning Japanese-uh, turning Japanese I really think so.

Not to mention radioactive or whatever . . .
Posted by Iam Legion on :
Add to the interest in Sun Killer (qu'est que nevermind) he hinted that he's Japanese without it being overpoweringly obvious.

Yes, because being drawn as a sumo-wrestler with a stylized Japanese flag across your chest and tacking 'San' onto the end of a name is soooo subtle as far as clues go.
Posted by future king on :
Originally posted by Iam Legion:
Add to the interest in Sun Killer (qu'est que nevermind) he hinted that he's Japanese without it being overpoweringly obvious.

Yes, because being drawn as a sumo-wrestler with a stylized Japanese flag across your chest and tacking 'San' onto the end of a name is soooo subtle as far as clues go.
Posted by duck458 on :
Originally posted by Iam Legion:
Add to the interest in Sun Killer (qu'est que nevermind) he hinted that he's Japanese without it being overpoweringly obvious.

Yes, because being drawn as a sumo-wrestler with a stylized Japanese flag across your chest and tacking 'San' onto the end of a name is soooo subtle as far as clues go.
Posted by Iam Legion on :
[Big Grin]
Posted by jdpinball on :
Anyone else hoping that since Wildfire is floating around in his natural energy form we may see a new ERG suit?
Posted by MLLASH on :
This was actually my favorite issue since LSH took over the ADVENTURE book. I am really surprised by that. The 1 dollar price drop may have helped.
Posted by lil'rhino on :
No founders, no Brainy, no Earth Man!!
Posted by MLLASH on :
That didn't hurt either I suppose! [Smile]
Posted by cleome on :
I enjoyed it, too, except for the oh-so-fugly cover.
Posted by TiJulk MrAsz on :
I thought that the anti-lead serum made Daxamites immune to red sun rays?
Posted by Blacula on :
Just read this issue - wasn't impressed. With the exception of one or two issues, Adventure Comics has been a disaster since the Legion took over. I wish the quality of Paul's stories here would markedly improve or else the team would just get dropped from the book already so I can save some money.

Sun Killer was a total snore. I'm all for more fatties and racial minorities in the Legion's universe but solar powers?!? Boring! (That exposed brain in his forehead grossed me out too.)

The flying baby (villain?) seemed kind of intriguing but is anyone else having a flashback to the Omen and Prophet storyline? Not a good Legion-era to be reminded of.

Bring on the Academy! Surely Chuck, Lu, Mysa, Blok, Lydda and co. can turn this book around!
Posted by Kid Quislet on :
I thought the issue was ok. I enjoyed the artwork, but some of the story bothered me a little.

Didn't mind the introduction of a 'new' villain, although the Japanese look was cliché. Sun Killer sort of renders Sun Emperor redundant, however. The new look Mon-El GL still hasn't caught on with me. I wish another character had been chosen to join the Corps. The fight scene where Dyogene has to help defend Mon from the red sun rays, but then Mon knocks Killer out with a finger flick was all kind of goofy to me.

Prediction: The blue baby is most likely Krona, who will grow rapidy to full grown villain, similar to how baby Highfather was magically summoned and grew to fight Darkseid in GDS. Harmonia Li is directly linked to blue baby, and will help the Legion and GL Corp to fight it.

Nice seeing Gigi. I would like to see the original Shvaughn Erin as well, but I'm afraid her character Jumped the Shark back in 5YG, and Paul probably won't use her again.

Really looking forward to the Academy story.
Posted by EmeraldEmperor on :
One thing about Sun Killer. In Japanese when refering to yourself, you would never put 'san' at the end of your name. That is only done when someone else is refering to you or addressing you as a term of respect.

I did live in Japan for 5 years - not fluent in Japanese, but that's one thing I do know.

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