This is topic Superboy OR Supergirl in the Legion? Who would you pick with only one choice? in forum The Legion of Super-Heroes at Legion World.

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Posted by razsolo on :
I just read the latest Supergirl annual, and it kind of made me realise....I really like seeing Kara in the LSH more than Clark, I always have.

I don't think Clark really gets anything out of it - sure, there's talk about how they give him peers and acceptance and blah blah, but I always feel like we're being told that more than we're actually seeing it.

Kara on the other hand, she has always really shone with the only really seems like she gets to use her full potential a lot of the time when she is on a Legion mission, she seems to really actually get more out of the social aspect of it, and her and Brainy is a way more interesting relationship than any Clark has ever had with a Legionnaire IMO...

I think she's too young for the current Legion we have now, but I hope we get to see a lot more stories with her and them in their younger years.

What do y'all think?
Posted by stuorstew on :
Supergirl everytime for me mostly for the reasons you stated.

The Legion does not need Clark and he tends to overshadow them when he turns up but Legion and Kara go together like pie and chips.
Posted by Doctor One on :
Neither. I like Mon-el and Andromeda.
Posted by Silver Age Lad on :
Supergirl and Brainiac 5. What more needs saying?
Posted by jimgallagher on :
Supergirl for me too.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
It's a real tough call for me because I prefer them both be in it (especially like the Supergirl / Superboy interaction and the time travel aspect of that too).

If I had to choose one, it would be Superboy. But you make a great case for Supergirl.
Posted by Set on :
I've never felt the same sort of connection between Superboy and the rest of the team that I did with Supergirl (through her quasi-relationship with Brainy). He's always felt like a guest-star, or a tourist, someone who isn't planning on sticking around, even when the book has his name in the title. The flat-out idol worship that some of the Legionnaires shower upon him seems less like 'teammates' or 'friends' and more like groupies hanging out with their favorite celebrity, like Clark is the 31st century Justin Bieber, and Garth, Imra, Rokk, etc. are the screaming tweens.

Supergirl, on the other hand, feels more at home as a Legionnaire than she often has in the 20th century, to me.

I'd rather Mon-El, than either, but, of Clark and Kara, it's (original) Kara all the way.

(Despite liking Conner more than Clark or Kara, Conner goes way past Clark in the tourist category. He's very strongly rooted in the 21st century, with his ties to Cassie, Tim and Bart, and would feel as out of place and 'waiting to go home' as Super-Clark often did.)

On the other hand, if it's a choice between Superboy and Threeboot Kara, or the new Kara, I think I'd prefer a poke in the eye with a sharp stick...
Posted by EmeraldEmpress on :
Supergirl and Laurel Gand...fighting for Brainy's Love.
Posted by Candlelight on :
Originally posted by Set:
Supergirl, on the other hand, feels more at home as a Legionnaire than she often has in the 20th century, to me.

I'd rather Mon-El, than either, but, of Clark and Kara, it's (original) Kara all the way.

On the other hand, if it's a choice between Superboy and Threeboot Kara, or the new Kara, I think I'd prefer a poke in the eye with a sharp stick...


I think we've had this discussion before and I always thought that that was one of the reasons Supergirl was added to the Primeboot.
Originally she was supposed to stay there, then TPTB changed their minds.

I still don't see the new Kara AS Kara, so I totally agree with Set.
I haven't read the annual yet, but I find the whole 'Supergirl in the Legion and loving Brainy' thing to be forced and unnatural.

And we know she can't be in the current Legion because Brainy says that she's dead in his time in the New Krypton story.

So, we know that the current Kara has a very limited shelf life.
And there's no way that her death this time is going to be as ground breaking or as heart breaking as the first time.

I hate retreads.
Posted by Power Boy 06 on :
Laurel Gand!!!!

i'd hate for either of the supes to hijack the Legion story lines. like they tend to do.

Pre Crisis Kara fit in well as a regular member without changing the mast head.
Posted by jimgallagher on :
I don't see why Kara has to die again. After all, Superman is dead in the Legion's time too. We do have time travel at our disposal (again).
Posted by future king on :
Supergirl, only because she's probably good for the long haul. Kal-el is too busy a guy to stick around full-time. Occasional visits, maybe. Full-time, no way.
My money would be on Supergirl.

[ November 03, 2010, 05:25 PM: Message edited by: future king ]
Posted by brigort on :
Neither one.

If I had to pick one though, it would be Supergirl.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Superboy. The "real" Superboy. Sorry, I like Supergirl...well, the hotpants seventies version that showed up in the JLA mostly... but the book is a spinoff of Superboy. It was birthed in his book. Thats the natural fit. The team has moved beyond just being a tack on ( "and the Legion...") and lets face it, they are like peanut butter and jelly. Peanut butter and horse radish...don't go tagedder so good.
Posted by jimgallagher on :
Yes, it was birthed in Superboy's book, but many of the traditional members were birthed in Supergirl stories:

Chameleon Boy
Colossal Boy
Invisible Kid
Brainiac 5
Shrinking Violet
Sun Boy
Triplicate Girl
Phantom Girl
Bouncing Boy

Without Supergirl, 1/3 of the membership wouldn't exist.
Posted by Ken Arromdee on :
Supergirl hardly appeared in the Legion at all. Her big run was in the Threeboot--she appeared there as much as she had had in the entire run of the Legion dating back to when she joined. And several of her early appearances, like Superboy, were Supergirl stories with a little bit of the Legion, and/or non book length stories.

As for her age, it all depends on what the Supergirl writers decide. If the Supergirl writers age her in real time, she could be ready for the current Legion fairly soon, given that everyone else runs on comic book time. A recent Supergirl issue suggested she's old enough to go to a university, which implies at least some aging (but probably wasn't thought through.)
Posted by Future on :
I echo previous comments that Supergirl feels more at home in the 30th/31st century and I enjoy that aspect about her. Even though he's not my favorite and I like him less than classic Kara, I recognize the significance of Superboy as a member. I'd only do away with that legacy if we were doing away with the Super-connection completely like in the postboot.

Abstaining for now. I'd probably vote for Supergirl though if we could get the pre-crisis version. The latest iteration of her I'm still not sold on.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
In all honesty, I'd rather have neither of them.

Realizing all the trouble TPTB just went through to re-graft Superboy onto the Legion tree, I know he will be at least an occasional visitor, though I'd rather he not be.

Supergirl, on the other hand, has never done it for me. She may be the only character in comics history with two "alternate versions" (Andromeda and Power Girl) who are more interesting than the original.

[ November 04, 2010, 03:24 PM: Message edited by: Rockhopper Lad ]
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
If it were up to me, I'd have neither in full-time, as I think they take too much of the focus away from the Legion.

If I had to pick one, then Supergirl.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I would go for the more traditional and want Superboy. Plus as it stands now, a young Kal-el has no series of his own, while Supergirl does.
Posted by Chief Taylor on :
It would be interesting if the reboot Legion/New Wanderers show up in Kon-El's book, given his previous affiliation with them.

(Yeah, it's kind of a tangent, but just roll with it, 'kay?)
Posted by Candlelight on :
Originally posted by jimgallagher:
I don't see why Kara has to die again. After all, Superman is dead in the Legion's time too. We do have time travel at our disposal (again).

I didn't say she has to die.
Querl says that she's dead, this one is dead by his timeline, i.e. when she's his age.
He's mourning her, she can never be with him at his age, which is the current retroboot age of the Legionnaires.

He didn't mean that she died of old age, he meant that he lost her at about the age as the original Kara died.

Really, he said it and implied it multiple times in the New Krypton storyline.
Posted by Superboy-Supergirl on :
And we know she can't be in the current Legion because Brainy says that she's dead in his time in the New Krypton story.

So, we know that the current Kara has a very limited shelf life.
And there's no way that her death this time is going to be as ground breaking or as heart breaking as the first time.

I hate retreads.

And we've also heard how the future is fluid. And just cause it says she died doesn't mean she's dead. Its a matter of perspective. As far as Brainy and the other legionnaires know she died. Nothing says when we get to that point that we find out somehow she survived.

31st history perspective.

Kara's birth-----------------------(past)------------------Supergirl Career(past-present)-----------------Death (Future-Past) (what happens after? we don't know yet)

And i aint chosing which cousin...i wanted them both back since COIE took them out. And I'm not gonna let either of them go now that they're back where they belong.
Posted by brigort on :
Really, they should keep them both away. They may have had their origins with Superboy, but they've grown up and moved on.
They don't need him. When they are there, the writers tend to focus on them and they ride in to save the day.

The Legion doesn't need their help and never should.
Posted by ActorLad on :
As a Kara/Brainy fan I'd have to say Kara. Especially as I really don't think the current Supergirl has much of a place in the present day DCU proper. I'd like to see her basically move to the 30th Century & stop by the modern age every so often.
Posted by Para-Dox on :
Originally posted by Candlelight:
Originally posted by jimgallagher:
I don't see why Kara has to die again. After all, Superman is dead in the Legion's time too. We do have time travel at our disposal (again).

I didn't say she has to die.
Querl says that she's dead, this one is dead by his timeline, i.e. when she's his age.
He's mourning her, she can never be with him at his age, which is the current retroboot age of the Legionnaires.

He didn't mean that she died of old age, he meant that he lost her at about the age as the original Kara died.

Really, he said it and implied it multiple times in the New Krypton storyline.

If something wasn't going to save her from this death they wouldn't have brought it up.

Why is it that the two Karas are seen as so separate but people group Silver Age Superman and Modern Superman together. Its the same principle.
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
I'd go with Kara also. Clark is the "Greatest Hero of all time." So the story goes, but where does that leave Kara? Is she as popular as Wonder Woman in her own time? doubtful? I agree with others that she seems like a better fit in the Legion's time.

I believe Kara should end up in the 30th century this time much like the "Long way home" episode of Justice League Unlimited.
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
A lot of good reasons for keeping Kara here. But I am too much of a traditionlist to want anyone other than Kal in the legion (if we can only have the one that is as i actually like both)

To me having Kal be Superboy means he needs the Legion more now than they need him.

If we take the analogy of a superstar footballer like say Beckham, he did not appear as the complete finished article at 21. He worked his way up through junior teams to the reserves and then the first team. So i se Kals time withthe legion like this. In the future he can learn hone his skills make his mistakes so that when he goes public as SUPERMAN he is the finished item.
Posted by CandleLASHlight on :
Originally posted by Para-Dox:
Originally posted by Candlelight:
Originally posted by jimgallagher:
I don't see why Kara has to die again. After all, Superman is dead in the Legion's time too. We do have time travel at our disposal (again).

I didn't say she has to die.
Querl says that she's dead, this one is dead by his timeline, i.e. when she's his age.
He's mourning her, she can never be with him at his age, which is the current retroboot age of the Legionnaires.

He didn't mean that she died of old age, he meant that he lost her at about the age as the original Kara died.

Really, he said it and implied it multiple times in the New Krypton storyline.

If something wasn't going to save her from this death they wouldn't have brought it up.

Why is it that the two Karas are seen as so separate but people group Silver Age Superman and Modern Superman together. Its the same principle.

In the 'Supergirl' annual, this Kara sees her death.
Imra made her forget it, but Brainy says, not that she won't die in that battle but that THIS time she won't die alone, implying that he and/or the other Legionnaires will be there for her.

I personally hope that she doesn't die, but it's certainly said and shown that she will.

And, this isn't the same Kara because it just isn't.
Anymore than that some fans feel that this isn't really the same Legion as the original, even though it was touted to be.

I don't find this Kara to be very believeable, particularly heroic or even very smart or charming.
She just doesn't hold a candle to the original, imo.

DC brought back the original Flash, not a reboot version.
Supergirl deserves the same thing.

I can't explain Superboy.

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