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Posted by stephbarton on :
This comes out tomorrow (Wednesday the 29th) and I am excited!

"In this volume, the Legion battles Mordru the Merciless and The Fatal Five and meets The Tornado Twins. Collecting ADVENTURE COMICS #369-380, ACTION COMICS #378-387, 389-392 and SUPERBOY #172, 173, 176, 183, 184, 188, 190 and 191"

I only have a part of the Mordru storyline and am really looking forward to actually reading that classic story as well as the meeting with the Tornado Twins (who I've heard of but have only seen in a Flash comic). I do have some of those issues but there are still a lot that I don't have and I always look forward to filling in holes of my Legion knowledge.

So tomorrow I will be getting 500 pages of Legion goodness and I can't wait. Anyone else picking this up or am I the only one?
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
The Tornado Twins story is only so-so, but those Action Comics back-ups are real treasures. The Mordru story is, of course, one of the definitive Legion tales.
Posted by Fanfic Lass on :
I'm getting it mainly to fill in the gaps in my collection of Dave Cockrum LSH stories.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
So, will the next Showcase volume finish out the issues in the Legion Archives, or move beyond them?
Posted by lil'rhino on :
I'm all over this!!
Posted by Blacula on :
I can't understand how people can read comics that were designed to be read in color (especially a concept as day-glo as the Legion) in B&W but to each their own.

I'd love it if they started re-releasing the Legion in the format of those Chronicles books. They look good and they're in color and much cheaper than the Archives.
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
I've got all the original comics, so the question is do I get these as well?
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
I'd definitely buy if you only have the original comics. Much more convenient for casual reading/reference, plus saves the wear and tear on your originals. Of course, if you have the Archives, there seems little reason to buy these.
Posted by stephbarton on :
Originally posted by Blacula:
I can't understand how people can read comics that were designed to be read in color (especially a concept as day-glo as the Legion) in B&W but to each their own.

I'd love it if they started re-releasing the Legion in the format of those Chronicles books. They look good and they're in color and much cheaper than the Archives.


I would love to have these stories in color although I have to say I've gotten really good at identifying Legionnaires based on their hair style [Smile]

But I can't afford to buy that many Archives and this is the only affordable way to get these stories. Now if they did Chronicles of the Legion I think I would be tempted to pick them up. But 500 pages (even B&W) for $20 is a great deal.

On to the stories, so the Mordru story is very awesome. I can see why it's such a classic. Very gripping. Also like how the Legionnaires in the 30th century are saved by Dream Girl, Projectra and the White Witch (and Mon's very sexist comment [Roll Eyes] ). But there sure is a lot of different stuff going on in those two issues, not like today where stories tend to be very predictable (and even the "shocking" events become predictable).

The Colossal Boy story was also really good, I enjoyed that a lot (the two-parter where he betrays the Legion and teaches at the academy for super villains). Much coolness. I also liked seeing that things changed since he joined. I wish Geoff had read that issue and realized it made more sense for the Legion to grow as an organization and change their procedures than for him to just retcon all those changes into their early stories (sorry, still miffed by the "Saturn Girl screened candidates" bunk).

Tornado Twins was only so-so, but I do like how miffed the Legion got when they were shown up and how worried they were about what others thought. Guess they really are teenagers [Smile] Also like how Karate Kid is the hot head. Still get a kick out of how Dawn and Don Allen can be such jerks, but it's all cool because it was publicity. I mean really, they were jerks about it.

Mission: Diabolical (where some Legionnaires stop criminals for another criminal organization) was pretty fun as well. Although I don't think it's clear why those Legionnaires were selected to fight the crooks instead of some of the other captured Legionnaires.

By the way, is this the first story where Supergirl is treated as a legit Legionnaire? Basically her role in the story could easily have been done by Superboy, most of the stories that have her in them seem to always have her in girl-centric situations more so than just as another hero.

Do we see any of the Taurus bad guys again? Black Mace seems familiar to me but that might be because he is similar to Persuader. Interested especially if Quanto succeeds in reforming Msytelor.

Good stuff so far, the only real clunker was When Superboy walked out on the Legion. Not much Legion in it (although it makes for a beautiful cover) and the story is pretty week. Some of those heroes and their powers were kinda interesting, but Tree Man...why haven't I seen more jokes about him?
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Black Mace re-appears at least once during the S/LSH era, and Quanto features in one of the flashback stories during v3, and there's a few v4 cameos by members, but that's pretty much it for future Taurus Gang appearances. It's a bit surprising they've never been used more. As far as why those Legionnaires were chosen, the out-of-story explanation is that they just picked some of the less-featured Legionnaires!
Posted by stuorstew on :
Black Mace also shows up in the v3 flashback issue along with Quanto. It is the Projectra, Karate Kid & Ferro Lad one,
Posted by Blacula on :
I hear you on the price steph. The Essentials are a great deal. I just can't get past the B&W factor. Annoying since I haven't read a lot of the stories in here and would like to.

P.S. Black Mace also appears in Lo3W I believe.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
I'm actually surprised how little the B&W has bothered me in regards to reading Showcases. I thought it would be majorly annoying, but, with a few exceptions, I actually don't mind the lack of color at all.
Posted by Jerry on :
I love my color comics, but can't resist a good Showcase for the price. I picked up #4 today. There are a few stories in it that I haven't read before, so I'm glad to have it.
Posted by stephbarton on :
Originally posted by stuorstew:
Black Mace also shows up in the v3 flashback issue along with Quanto. It is the Projectra, Karate Kid & Ferro Lad one,

That's where I've seen him before, I have that issue. Thanks guys, cause that was kinda bothering me.
Posted by Fanfic Lass on :
I've been reading the stories out of sequence, because I think the art declines once it changes from Curt Swan to Win Mortimer, and I really wanted to get to the Dave Cockrum stories.

So far, the only one that's really impressed me is the Cockrum one where they fight Validus and Tharok, but that one alone justifies the price tag (especially as the original issue would most likely cost even more.) The Mordru one has nice art by Swan, but I don't think it lived up to the hype. Chronologically, it marks the beginning of Shooter's recurring problem with making villains so powerful that there was no satisfactory way of defeating them.
Posted by future king on :
Not to diss the Showcase series which is a great collection of books and classic stories, but I much prefer the colourful hardcover LSH Archives series. They all look so nice sitting all in a row on my bookself! [Smile]
I guess I just can't justify spending money on black and white books anymore. Even if that means breaking my completist collector streak.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
A lot of my first exposure to the Legion and comics in general were from black-and-white reprints. It doesn't phase me a bit. I'm also a cheapskate in many respects. [Wink] The Showcase series is fine for me. [Big Grin]
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
500 pages of comics for under $15 is hard to beat value-wise!
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Originally posted by stephbarton:
Tree Man...why haven't I seen more jokes about him?

My favorite Tree-Man thread!

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