This is topic MATTER-EATER LAD to appear in LSH # 6! in forum The Legion of Super-Heroes at Legion World.

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Posted by MLLASH on :
Thus sayeth Paul Levitz on his facebook page. It's "popular demand"! [Big Grin]

It's also probably going to be a brief cameo, but small steps can lead to giant leaps!
Posted by rouge on :
I'll bet he's waving goodbye in the panel before his ship crashes into the sun.

Posted by MLLASH on :
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
Phil Jimenez is doing a back-up feature for #6.
Posted by lil'rhino on :
I'd like to slow-dance with Phil Jimenez!!
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
From Scott Koblish's blog:

Also in October, I'll be inking the back-up section of Legion of Super-Heroes #6, which will feature pencils by an old friend of mine - Phil Jimenez! Good times had by all. Boy, I want to pencil and ink that book so badly! I loves me some Legion.
Posted by future king on :
The Legion book is going to have a "back-up section" now? Huh???
I hope that means the comic will be more pages ... why would they start cutting the main story so early on? The book just started for crying out loud!!
Posted by Set on :
Originally posted by future king:
The Legion book is going to have a "back-up section" now? Huh???

I *hope* that this will be like the back-up features in the second half-dozen or so issues of Alpha Flight, detailing back stories from each of the characters.

*If* the 'backup' is Legion related, perhaps a storyline about off-screen characters (like Chuck and Lu), or filling in some mysterious new info about current characters (why did Shady dump Mon?), I'd be okay with the idea.

If it's like the current Adventure backups, about the Atom or something (a character that I haven't cared about since he carried a sword, in Sword of the Atom), I'll be annoyed...
Posted by MLLASH on :
Jiminez has confirmed he is drawing a LSH story on his Facebook page, so I think it's all going to be LSH-related.
Posted by future king on :
Originally posted by MLLASH:
Jiminez has confirmed he is drawing a LSH story on his Facebook page, so I think it's all going to be LSH-related.

I hope it is a feature that will focus on little used Legionnaires like Chuck and Lu, Blok and Mysa or M-E Lad, etc.
So they should expand the over-all book to accomplish this.
My concern is that they chop the main story in order to devote the 8 pages or whatever for this "character driven" back-up story. Ugh!
Posted by Colossal Boy on :
Maybe the backup is to allow the main artists time to catch up? Did the solicit for this issue include a mention of a backup?
Posted by Kid Quislet on :
A short 8 page LHS backup story can be positive in many ways!

1) Focusing on/concluding one of the subplots of the main story.

2) Divert on a tangent completely away from the main story.

3) Feature different Legionnaires not currently used in the main story (Black Witch/Blok, M-E Lad, Chuck & Lu, etc.)

4) Allow for guest writer/artist appearances. The Legion has been fertile ground for up-and-comers in the past. Maybe vets like Jim Sherman or Mike Grell would also be more inclined...?

5) Short stories have often generated a lot of quick character development (a la Cary Bates).

6) A condensed, complete short story in a single issue may be more enticing to new Legion readers than a multiple subplot continuing story. Sales, baby.

7) Legion = more. More characters, more story, more action, more diversity for a more diverse Legion fan base.
Posted by superboymddjr on :
its mentioned in the new report in newsarama - here's the link -

another interview with Paul yes but more information -

enjoy! cant wait for the legion election!!! i know who I m gonna vote! [Big Grin]
Posted by lil'rhino on :
Originally posted by future king:
The Legion book is going to have a "back-up section" now? Huh???
I hope that means the comic will be more pages ... why would they start cutting the main story so early on? The book just started for crying out loud!!

Chill, baby, chill!! It's only for 2 issues until the next story arc,"Assasins" begins...and this way Paul can squeeze in more Legionnaires and whatnot!!
Posted by Colossal Boy on :
I figured someone here would have commented by now about Paul's comment in the newsarama article about how Tenzil is around but just doesn't fit in with the current team.

That's a shame but at least we are getting him for one page in issue 6. Also we should be seeing Chuck and Lu this issue too since the backup is about the Legion Academy.
Posted by future king on :
I agree CB.
To dismiss Tenzil so quickly is not thinking outside the box, in my opinion.
Sure his power is a bit "goofy" by today's standards(?), but M-E Lad is a beloved, classic hero who happens to have his fair share of long-time fans (myself included) and we want to see his exploits on a monthly basis, if possible.

A writer who really cared about the character would find a way to make him relevant in today's market. Maybe he might be the "powerless" yet smart hero, maybe a side weapon on him as well, maybe not, a la Batman (even Brainy). Someone who didn't neccessarily rely on his powers all the time, unless the occasion happened to required it. Then he could play that special card.

If you think about it the guy was a political leader on his home world. He even saved the universe by swallowing the Miracle Machine, which drove him crazy for a while, for crying out loud!
Posted by MLLASH on :
The above post makes me smile!
Posted by jimgallagher on :
The fact that he did swallow the miracle machine opens the door to all kinds of possibilities for expanding his power, but I wouldn't want him to become too powerful either. Maybe he could swallow energy (as he did in Superboy 188(?)) and convert it to a different type of energy, similar to Sizzle in the 3boot.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Taryn could have her father do that super-strength thing on him, but I guess I like that being HERS alone.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Even if you grant (the false assumption) that Tenzil's powers don't work very well in a fight, then there's the question of why every Legionnaire necessarily needs to be a fighter. Surely the Legionnaires has need for diplomats? Surely the fact that that few Legionnaires can survive in hostile environments as well as him counts for something? Surely the fact that no prison can hold him would be useful?
Posted by future king on :
A great number of points there EDE.
I would rather have M-E Lad around on my side, when the chips were down, than not. He's a long-standing Legionnaire that's trained himself to figure out how to get out of predicaments using his smarts and experience.
Plus, back in the day, I thought Karate Kid taught everybody with limited power-based abilities multiple hand-to-hand fighting techniques, just in case they needed them in a fight.
That certainly adds to his all around resourcefulness, no?
Posted by jimgallagher on :
Shirley, he could be held in a force shield prison.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Not if he can eat energy! [Wink]

[ September 28, 2010, 02:36 PM: Message edited by: Eryk Davis Ester ]
Posted by jimgallagher on :
But wouldn't a force shield just reseal itself if he did manage to eat a hole in it?
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Maybe. I suppose it depends on how the particular force field works. It makes as much sense as Karate Kid shattering a force field by "finding a weak spot", however.

I suppose if you had a force field that completely surrounded him, with an unlimited energy source, that could renew itself faster than he could eat, then he might have a problem.
Posted by jimgallagher on :
I guess he was lucky his brother aimed that raygun at his head so he could swallow the blast easily. If he'd aimed at his heart or stomach, he might've been in trouble!
Posted by MLLASH on :
Not with his obviously invulnerable innnards [Wink] Though that might've left a scar...
Posted by Colossal Boy on :
Originally posted by future king:
I agree CB.
To dismiss Tenzil so quickly is not thinking outside the box, in my opinion.
Sure his power is a bit "goofy" by today's standards(?), but M-E Lad is a beloved, classic hero who happens to have his fair share of long-time fans (myself included) and we want to see his exploits on a monthly basis, if possible.

A writer who really cared about the character would find a way to make him relevant in today's market. Maybe he might be the "powerless" yet smart hero, maybe a side weapon on him as well, maybe not, a la Batman (even Brainy). Someone who didn't neccessarily rely on his powers all the time, unless the occasion happened to required it. Then he could play that special card.

If you think about it the guy was a political leader on his home world. He even saved the universe by swallowing the Miracle Machine, which drove him crazy for a while, for crying out loud!

It seems the easiest thing to me to make Tenzil less "goofy" would be to give him a power boost while also removing the eating aspect. For example internalize his power and say make him the opposite of Mano where all he has to do is touch an inorganic object (or even energy) and he can obsorb the object and gain short-term super strength or heightened metabolism, etc.

This would be similiar to what did Geoff did for Lu, but even witht that power boost Paul isn't giving Lu any face time either.
Posted by Korbal on :
Has there been any evidence of Tenz actually regaining full Legion membership? It may have been as a personal favor to R.J. that he went on the 21st Century mission, and never reigned his seat on the Bismoll Senate, merely seeking a sabbatical of sorts which ended upon his return.
Posted by jimgallagher on :
Well, Cosmic Boy said he resigned, so apparently he was a member again for a while.
Posted by Sean Retconnery on :
I would like to see him being offered the GL ring and promptly eating it. This would serve the double purpose of powering him up (he opens his mouths and green rays pour forth) and ending the GL incursion into the LSH. Plus, he wouldn't have to change his outfit.
Posted by Power Boy on :
Posted by MLLASH on :
Originally posted by Sean Retconnery:
I would like to see him being offered the GL ring and promptly eating it. This would serve the double purpose of powering him up (he opens his mouths and green rays pour forth) and ending the GL incursion into the LSH. Plus, he wouldn't have to change his outfit.

I... I *****LOVE***** this idea....!!!!!
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Sean Retconnery for Legion writer!

(and he also has one of the coolest screennames, btw!)
Posted by Power Boy on :
a great idea! i would give him the whole NEON gambit though,

however, he did already eat the Miracle Machine and gained nuthin but a side of crazy from that.

was their some sort of suggestion or foreshadowing of super powers in the 5YG, from eating the Miracle Machine. methinks so but my recollection is foggy.

would be funny if he turned out to be the most powerful legionnaire by eating the Miracle Machine.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
He once used excess Miracle Machine energy to bring a giant Eyeful Ethel to life!
Posted by future king on :
Would he have to poop the ring out in order to power it up again?
Posted by Power Boy on :
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
He once used excess Miracle Machine energy to bring a giant Eyeful Ethel to life!

well that seems like no small matter.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Well I saw his page on the Facebook site.

Clearly, he should host every single issue of LSH.
Posted by Blacula on :
It was cute but not quite the Tenzil appearance I was hoping for.

[Matter Eater Lad]

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