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Posted by Nightcrawler on :
I'm getting behind on updating everything and it's only getting worse fast...


Click for fullsize image


Written by Geoff Johns
Co-feature written by Geoff Johns & Michael Shoemaker Art by Jerry Ordway Co-feature art by Clayton Henry Cover by Jerry Ordway and Francis Manapul Variant cover by Francis Manapul

The return of Superboy! Superboy-Prime, that is!

The grasp of BLACKEST NIGHT knows no bounds, and it is now at the doorstep of Superboy-Prime. Believe it or not, Prime has met his match. The Black Lanterns know his deepest, darkest secrets and force Prime to feel emotions he's long discarded.

Plus, in the Legion of Super-Heroes co-feature, Dawnstar is on the trail of the person – or people – who have been causing so much trouble for the Legion. But does she get too close to the truth? Her Legion teammate Wildfire comes to her rescue, but are the duo able to discover just who is behind this villainous plot to destroy the known universe?

Retailers please note: This issue will ship with two covers. For every 10 copies of the Standard Edition (with a cover by Jerry Ordway and Francis Manapul), retailers may order one copy of the Variant Edition (with a cover by Francis Manapul and renamed and renumbered ADVENTURE COMICS #507). Please see the Previews Order Form for more information.

On sale November 18 - 40 pg, FC, $3.99 US

Click for fullsize image

R.E.B.E.L.S. #10

Written by Tony Bedard
Art by Andy Clarke
Cover by Kalman Andrasofszky

It's an oversized BLACKEST NIGHT tie-in issue as the Black Lanterns fight the Sinestro Corps with the R.E.B.E.L.S. caught in the middle!

While super-jerk Vril Dox and his team of renegades plot to stop Starro the Conqueror's rampage, they're forced to confront this major battle raging in space! Dox is in trouble, too, because these particular Black Lanterns wanted to kill him when they were alive!

On sale November 11 - 40 pg, FC, $3.99 US

Click for fullsize image


Written by James Robinson
Art by Javier Pina
Cover by CAFU
Kicking off a new 5-issue storyline that will rocket readers all the way to the monumental SUPERMAN #700! Mon-El makes his triumphant return to Metropolis with a new look and a determined manner just in time to combat the unstoppable fury of Bizarro. But with his powers phasing in and out, will the new Mon-El be able to save his city even with the help of the Guardian and Metropolis’s Science Police?
On sale November 25 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US

[ August 15, 2009, 12:02 AM: Message edited by: Nightcrawler ]
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
I think they're naively turning the s-shield into a nazi like symbol. It's probably a marketing thing, but what are they thinking?

You can't have ubiquitous symbols of uber-power without some sort of backlash, no matter how many kittens you rescue.
Posted by Omni Craig on :
"Look, it's Super-Mon!"

I'm sorry...somebody had to say it.
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Originally posted by Omni Craig:
"Look, it's Super-Mon!"

I'm sorry...somebody had to say it.



We need a local board artist to get some dreadlocks on that kid. A metal drum would be good too.
Posted by Candle on :
That outfit makeover is really only so-so.
The blue underpants, somehow, look sillier than Superman's red underpants, if that's possible.

I'm so loving dotREBELS.
Posted by Ricardo on :
dot REBELS is the best Legion book out there right now. And Mon-El seems like looking at Superman's clothes in a white board after fixing its image at your retinas for 30 seconds. Negative, you know?
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
Originally posted by Omni Craig:
"Look, it's Super-Mon!"

I'm sorry...somebody had to say it.

Yah, mon. Go wid it.
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
What were they thinking on that Mon-El cover?!?!
Posted by rouge on :
Hopefully since Dawny and Wildfire are the focus of the story, they'll get fleshed out a bit beyond their appearances so far.
Posted by Candle on :
Where does it say that?!
Posted by insanelad on :
why are we not over the pants-over-the-tights look by now?
Posted by Set on :
Originally posted by insanelad:
why are we not over the pants-over-the-tights look by now?

Yeah. One of many things I like about the Legion is how many of the characters were over that underwear-on-the-outside look... (And Mon-El at least did a good job of hiding it with the untucked shirt.)
Posted by matlock on :
Ugh. I am just not digging that new look for Mon-El. He just doesn't look right in the skin tight duds.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Don't like it either. I always liked the high-collared jacket because it made him look a little more formal, reserved and older - and it was his own look, not a reverse-Supes.

But R.E.B.E.L.S. looks like it's really picking up! I was waiting for the TPB, but maybe I'll go back to the pamphlet.
Posted by Silver Age Lad on :
Originally posted by matlock:
Ugh. I am just not digging that new look for Mon-El. He just doesn't look right in the skin tight duds.

The longer Mon-El is out the Phantom Zone, the more they are changing the character. Soon he is going to join the JLA. Ugh! Mon-El needs his real outfit back and get back into the Zone before they totally screw up his continuity.
Posted by Silver Age Lad on :
Originally posted by Silver Age Lad:
Originally posted by matlock:
Ugh. I am just not digging that new look for Mon-El. He just doesn't look right in the skin tight duds.

The longer Mon-El is out the Phantom Zone, the more they are changing the character. Soon he is going to join the JLA. Ugh!

Mon-El needs his real outfit back and get back into the Zone before they totally screw up his continuity. It already appears that he will be out of the Zone for at least a year (his time) and is a credible cop to his peers with a credible past as a cop in Europe. How old is he supposed to be?

whoops hit quick quote instead of edit.
Posted by Candle on :
With the grey in his hair and the squint on his face he looks like he's in his 50's.
I always wanted to see him that age, well, since I hit 50, anyways.

And maybe, instead of looking at the blue shorts as underpants, we should think of them as swim wear.

Seriously though, how long Mon is out of the Zone is probably fairly necessary to his timeline.

He doesn't have the time with Superboy that he had originally, nor has he had his months as Valor.
He HAS to have something, some experiences, to form his personality, his point of view, his heroism.
He has to have something to hold onto for a thousand years, give or take a few months.

Give the kid a break, let him make a few friends and kiss a couple of girls.
He'll be a Legionnaire soon enough.
Sort of.
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Originally posted by Silver Age Lad:
Originally posted by matlock:
Ugh. I am just not digging that new look for Mon-El. He just doesn't look right in the skin tight duds.

The longer Mon-El is out the Phantom Zone, the more they are changing the character. Soon he is going to join the JLA. Ugh! Mon-El needs his real outfit back and get back into the Zone before they totally screw up his continuity.
Does he actually have a continuity? Seems as long as they throw him back into the Phantom Zone or some such and get him out again 1000 years or so in the future, they can pretty much do with him as they want.
Posted by matlock on :
Actually, I always thought what set Mon-El apart as a Legionnaire (pre-TMK) was that he was not a hero in the 20th century. He was an explorer who got thrust into being a hero by a twist of fate (and a boulder of lead.) He was yanked out of the Phantom Zone, given a treatment for an incurable and fatal disease and set to work. Over the years he was portrayed as increasingly moody and depressed, culminating in the Levitz/Lightle issue where he nearly kills himself rather than return to the zone. Of course TMK swept all that under the rug when they decided that he was another square jawed hero and it was Eltro Gand that was the downer (even before the Valor retcon.) Unfortunately, succeeding versions of Lar have always added in the 20th century hero version which I think took away what made the original unique.
Posted by Candle on :
Realistically, no matter how long Lar is on Earth, or what he does there, his time in the Zone is going to leave him with plenty of emotional scares.

I'd like to wish him well now, and in his far, distant future.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Originally posted by Candle:
And maybe, instead of looking at the blue shorts as underpants, we should think of them as swim wear.

Well, he did say he had yet to learn how to swim, so maybe that's the point of the new costume.
Posted by cleome on :
Awww... I think it's cute.

Of course, I think whatsisface in the blue (or were they black?) jeans is cute, too. I think it would be hilarious if the entire Legion started wearing jeans into battle because they thought it was all cool and retro and stuff.

[runs away and doesn't come back for six months]

Posted by cleome on :
Oh, and I don't care what anyone says: that Blackest Night ring logo was totally cribbed from a lost volume of Sandman where Death opened a sno-cone stand.

[fine... fine... eight months. you'll miss me. don't deny it.]
Posted by Director Lad on :
Yeah, not digging the skin-tight look on Mon-el. And I find a certain irony that the book is written by James Robinson, who popularized one of the great non-spandex-wearing heroes, Starman. Bring back the puffy tunic!
Posted by Set on :
Originally posted by Director Lad:
Yeah, not digging the skin-tight look on Mon-el. Bring back the puffy tunic!

Yeah. The art is doing nothing for that look.

Note to everyone, ever. If you're going to change someone's look, *make it better!*

I have no problem with characters changing their clothes once a decade (given that I sometimes change clothes three times in a day), but changing a fairly unique outfit into what every other character is wearing anyway *and drawing it unappealingly,* is just inexcusably sloppy.
Posted by Candle on :
Salvatore created a wonderful look for Mon El.

I wish I could figure out the way to transfer the picture from the article on the second page in Bits, under Mon El contest.

It keeps the jacked ends while making it tighter.
The Legion buckle could be changed and the one gold medalian on his chest could have the Superman logo added.

Anyway, I just think it's much better than the one we see on that cover.

[ August 22, 2009, 03:53 PM: Message edited by: Candle ]
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Salvatore Cuffari's Mon-el:


and a few more contest entries.
Posted by Superboy on :
Originally posted by matlock:
Actually, I always thought what set Mon-El apart as a Legionnaire (pre-TMK) was that he was not a hero in the 20th century. He was an explorer who got thrust into being a hero by a twist of fate (and a boulder of lead.) He was yanked out of the Phantom Zone, given a treatment for an incurable and fatal disease and set to work. Over the years he was portrayed as increasingly moody and depressed, culminating in the Levitz/Lightle issue where he nearly kills himself rather than return to the zone. Of course TMK swept all that under the rug when they decided that he was another square jawed hero and it was Eltro Gand that was the downer (even before the Valor retcon.) Unfortunately, succeeding versions of Lar have always added in the 20th century hero version which I think took away what made the original unique.

Robinson's really not playing up the superhero elements of Mon-el...the focus is very much Mon-El exploring Earth...the villain fights often occupy little more than a panel and scarcely more than a passing mention from Mon-El. In fact some fans are getting on Robinson for there being so little emphasis on the superheroing. This is very much an exploration rather than an Adventure or Action.

And I think Robinson definitely shares the view that Mon-El is an explorer more than a hero, which is not one many writers have shared.

Also this story says a great deal about Mon-El...this guy was released from probably a decade in the zone and rather than doing what he wanted to do almost instantly started honoriing a request from's not something he particularly wants to do, more something he is doing because a friend asked it of him.

I'm almost certain that the original Mon-El was released from the zone very briefly during Superman's time at least once during the Silver Age as well. I seem to recall him saving Superman in an issue of Superman. I'm just sort of looking at this as the retelling of that in the decompressed era of comics storytelling.

Basically they are introducing Mon-El back to the Superman audience, and I imagine hoping that some of them follow Mon-El to the Legion's time.

I don't even see this as contradictory to the to original continuity, because Mon-El didn't talk about everything that happened to him...and a lot can happen in a thousan years.

After a thousand years this brief respite from the zone will seem like seconds...

As long as he goes back into the zone....and hopefully without that costume.

[ August 22, 2009, 07:08 AM: Message edited by: Superboy ]
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
That Cuffari design: I want that. A little bit regal, definitely more modest and not out of character.

Originally posted by Superboy:
Originally posted by matlock:
Actually, I always thought what set Mon-El apart as a Legionnaire (pre-TMK) was that he was not a hero in the 20th century. He was an explorer who got thrust into being a hero by a twist of fate (and a boulder of lead.)

...some fans are getting on Robinson for there being so little emphasis on the superheroing. This is very much an exploration rather than an Adventure or Action.

And I think Robinson definitely shares the view that Mon-El is an explorer more than a hero, which is not one many writers have shared.

I really can't think of writers that have depicted him otherwise, in issues in which he is the focus. Robinson is not really writing anything new in that regard, which is fine by me. When depicted as part of the group, action is usually the case but that seems fairly normal.

There's room for expanding Mon-El in the present, without harming the expected future, IMO.

His travels have previously been depicted as bits of both "seeking" or "adventuring."

Robinson has been concentrating on the "adventuring" aspect of the character. That seems reasonable considering he has just been removed from a place in which he has had plenty of time to think and see, but not touch. IMO, Robinson has correctly determined that the things someone in that situation would want to do first is to exercise those five senses.

What better ways than Paris, chocolate, and kisses from Russian Women? [Big Grin]

As I've written, other than the Annual, which I thought trash and the possibility that Mitch is a Legionnaire as opposed to a new friend, I've been very happy with the direction Robinson has taken. Now if Billi turns out to be another Legionnaire or his spaceship manefests an avator, I'm right out.
Posted by Candle on :
Thanks, FC.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
It looks like Super-Karate Kid, to me.

Though it's infinitely better than the JLA one.

I'll miss the baggy-sleeved tunic look of the traditional uniform. It'll come back eventually, though. Of that I'm sure.
Posted by reckless on :
IS anyone else less than enthusiastic about a Dawnstar/Wildfire story? If it reaches some sort of resolution of the "I love you, but I cannot be with you" angst, fine. But if it is more of the same, I'm not looking forward to it.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
That's the one I'm least looking forward to, expecting more romantic angst and path talk - but hoping to be surprised. For once, I'd like to see the relationship put on the backburner and the mission be the focus.
Posted by Superboy-Supergirl on :
what they need to do with wildfire is make him human with his antienergy powers. i mean enough of him being non human.
Posted by Matthew E on :
What they need to do is have Wildfire and Dawnstar start interacting with anybody other than each other.
Posted by cleome on :
I love a good bucket of soap, or I would never have become a Legion fan in the first place.

But, yeah, I really think that Dawnstar/Wildfire has been played out. Barring a massive overhaul of one or both characters, it's not going to go anywhere new, so far as I can see.

Also, Dawnstar has little enough personality as it is. Maybe they could give her something else to do that would bring something new to her character. I mean, love is swell and all. But it's not the only way to show a character in a different light.
Posted by Matthew E on :
Here's an idea: have Dawny and XS start hanging out. Send 'em on a mission together. They'd drive each other nuts.
Posted by cleome on :

That reminds me of an exchange a month or so back on LJ's noscans_daily. Everyone was trying to think up a decent female counterpart to the term "Bromance." To me, the obvious solution was "Womance." (It works best if you treat the "o" like a "schwa" sound, though.)

Yeah, Dawnstar and XS. I'd read it. Hell, put any two females together and have them do something other than angst/fight/talk about men and I'd read it. I'm not proud.

[ September 01, 2009, 10:48 AM: Message edited by: cleome ]
Posted by Candle on :

Dawny DID have a romance with that Thanagarian woman, when she had amnesia during the Lightning Saga.

Perhaps a Dawnstar and Vi friendship would be interesting.
I would love to see them explore each others worlds.

We've never seen much of either of their homeworlds but they must be interesting places and cultures.

Drake is still thinking like a human male and he really isn't one anymore.
I'd like to see him introduced to some energy type beings or even shapeshifters, that could match his 'type'.

The experience might help him grow away from his dependence on humanoid relationships.
Posted by Jerry on :
Here's an idea. Over two years ago Dawnstar was given a maybe Thanagarian female love interest and there was some mention of Wildfire having Red Tornado's body. How about following up on those dangling plot threads?
Posted by Matter Lad on :
Okay, I can't stand the Wildfire/Dawnstar bashing.

I get where you're coming from. Wildfire's gotta be my fav Legionnaire - as much as I can HAVE a fav - and I know how their relationship has its ups and downs.

But the two of them obviously belong together. Legion of 3 Worlds confirms it even more, and I think future stories will show them both getting past not being able to do things together.

And Wildfire abandoning his humanity to ascend to some "higher", energy-based life-form? Sorry, I don't buy that.

If he moved on like that, he'd probably abandon the Legion as well, probably give up being in the suit, and float off like a nuclear cloud through space. No thanks, guys, I just respectfully disagree.
Posted by Matthew E on :
Speaking only for myself, I like the two of them too. And I accept that they have a relationship. That's the point, though: they have it. The issue has been resolved. So now let's see what else a Legion writer can do with them that's interesting. Possibly without treating them as joined at the hip.
Posted by Candle on :
Originally posted by Matter Lad:
. . . And Wildfire abandoning his humanity to ascend to some "higher", energy-based life-form? Sorry, I don't buy that.

If he moved on like that, he'd probably abandon the Legion as well, probably give up being in the suit, and float off like a nuclear cloud through space.

I don't see it as 'ascending'.
The DCU has shown lots of energy beings who aren't 'higher', just 'differenter'.

The idea is sort of based on the 1,000,000 AD Annuals that DC had a few years ago.
Wildfire was still alive, with his original Legion and love interest long dead.
He became the future Legion's mentor.

Being made of energy, unless some outside force destroys him or absorbs him or something (the bonds that hold his energy together do whatever) he's going to be around for a very long time.

Dawnstar, however incredibly nonhuman that she is (no air, unprotected space travel, incredible speeds not effected by normal physical laws like friction, etc.,) is going to age and die.

But then again, what if she only appears to be a 'matter' being?
What if her mutations allow her unprotected space travel, etc., because she's really an energy being?
Her outer 'shell' (homemade containment suit) just makes her aooear to be organic.

[ September 08, 2009, 11:03 AM: Message edited by: Candle ]
Posted by Korbal on :
Here's the cover to Adventure Comic #5 from Comics Continuum :
Looks like Black Lantern Alexei Luthor and Superboy Prime in a CRISIS homage.
Posted by Silver Age Lad on :
Originally posted by Korbal:
Here's the cover to Adventure Comic #5 from Comics Continuum :
Looks like Black Lantern Alexei Luthor and Superboy Prime in a CRISIS homage.

Oh please let this be true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
Posted by Candle on :
Originally posted by Candle:
. . . But then again, what if she only appears to be a 'matter' being?
What if her mutations allow her unprotected space travel, etc., because she's really an energy being?
Her outer 'shell' (homemade containment suit) just makes her aooear to be organic.

What if Dawnstar is really Wildstar in a really, really good bioengineered containment suit?

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