This is topic Legion/JSA SPOILERS! in forum The Legion of Super-Heroes at Legion World.

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Posted by Nightcrawler on :
This topic is a recreation of the one that was lost.

The Legion makes an appearance in JSA #51.

Here's page 10 of the issue...




What a minute is that...
Posted by Nightcrawler on :

Posted by Nightcrawler on :
And here's the remainder of their appearance...most of page 11:

Posted by Princess Crujectra on :
Hmmm... when did Blok join in the reboot, and when did the Legion have that headquarters?

Methinks that someone didn't do their research before drawing that issue.
Posted by matlock on :
I think it's supposed to be a peek into the Legion's future.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
And we have to remember that Blok is going to be one of the new Academy members in the upcoming issue (#26 I think). He's going to be a combination of Stone Boy and Blok.
Posted by matlock on :
I was going to mention that, but I couldn't decide if it needed spoiler space or not. So I just left it off altogether. It's Friday morning, I'm feeling a little lazy....
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
I figured this thread was a spoiler one anyone so I didn't even bother. Hope that didn't ruin a surprise for anyone.
Posted by Princess Crujectra on :
Hmmm... well, if it's a glimpse of the future, then I guess at some point Kid Q is going to give her butt crack a break and is losing the thong.

Lardy will be disappointed [Wink]
Posted by matlock on :
No KQ thong, but on the plus side: Mordru's winged hat!
Posted by lil'rhino on :
Originally posted by Princess Crujectra:
Hmmm... when did Blok join in the reboot, and when did the Legion have that headquarters?

Methinks that someone didn't do their research before drawing that issue.

Actually, it's one of many possible futures.

Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
I'm still holding to the theory that it's not really Blok, but a de-aged teen Darkseid!
Posted by braalian on :
My first thought was Darkseid too.
But Blok makes more sense...
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Originally posted by lil'rhino:
Actually, it's one of many possible futures.

That's how I see it right now, too. In the same way that DC One Million was a possible future.
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
I also tend to think that it's just a possible future -- but if not, if this is a hint of things to come (with Superboy and Blok in the mix), then also of note is that Ferro is back in human form.
Posted by Suddenly Seymour on :
It'd be cool if they did get headquartes like that. It's quite spiffy.

Posted by Super Lad Kid on :
It's got to be a possible future, just like the one we saw in Wildfire's "Lost Earth" annual and the one we saw in the Young Justice "World at War" issue. I would have thought it might have been ad research, but the headquarters is just so unlike anything that the Legion has had. I think Kirk just drew the setting and characters he wanted to.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Originally posted by Super Lad Kid:
It's got to be a possible future, just like the one we saw in Wildfire's "Lost Earth" annual and the one we saw in the Young Justice "World at War" issue. I would have thought it might have been ad research, but the headquarters is just so unlike anything that the Legion has had. I think Kirk just drew the setting and characters he wanted to.

I tend to somewhat agree with you SLK. But I think Kirk must have had some help from TPTB as to what characters to use. Maybe just a few subtle suggestions.
Posted by Super Lad Kid on :
I hate to say that this was my last issue of JSA for the forseeable future. I've lost confidence in John's ability to tell a simple, enjoyable story that doesn't seem like it's designed for a trade paperback. There was no reason why the "coda" couldn't have fit into the regular 5-issue story arc. JSA issues as of late (also Flash and Hawkman) seem to average 3 panels of art on each page with a threadbare plot that sputters along with no real depth. For some reason, I enjoy this approach on Flash, but it is not acceptable on a team book with a cast as large as JSA where many characters demand attention. I just get the feeling that he is trying to cover his lack of plot with big splash pages of heroes looking good in their costumes. Two-dollars and fifty-cents is too much to pay for a comic that takes two minutes to read.

(Edited - still groggy from the Great Darkness)

[ August 23, 2003, 12:28 PM: Message edited by: Super Lad Kid ]
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
I'm also feeling less enthusiastic about the JSA lately -- part of it has to do with the plethora of dangled or hinted at plotlines that are either forgotten or seem to take forever to get to. There seem to be too many characters now (funny coming from a Legion reader) to give any of them any real depth.
Posted by Omni Craig on :
Has anyone asked Kirk directly about why he drew the Legionnaires he drew and/or the HQ he created?

He posts frequently over on the Geoff Johns board, on the JSA section. Even though he's off the book, he still moderates and lurks and jokes around over there. I'm sure he'd answer if it was posed to him.
Posted by Omni Craig on :
Not to answer my own question, but I did find this in a post basically telling Leonard "So Long and thanks For all the Fish...PART TWO " (as JSA #51 was his last issue as regular penciller)...

Quote: from Archipelago on 4:41 pm on Aug. 13, 2003
I LOVED your renditing of the LEGION. One question, why is BLOK in the picture? Just curious...

Leonard replied:
Because he was in the script.

I have no idea what this means for the Legion series, if he's coming back or whatever. I just draw what I'm told.

Most of the time.

Somebody followed up with:
What about the costume - were you given a picture reference, a description in the script, go by previous costumes??

And Leonard responded:
I was given reference for his original costume and told to change it a little so the style beter matched the current Legion uniforms.

And let's remember, Mr Kirk is drawing Legion Secret Files 2003, so we'll get to see more of his renditions of the team then!!

[ August 26, 2003, 01:58 AM: Message edited by: Omni Craig ]
Posted by superboymddjr on :
Blok in Legion is becoming more imminent....hmmm...will he appear alongside the Legion Academy in Legion #26? And Superboy, will Live Wire (I believe, under the mask of Mekt Ranzz), and Element Lad. I wonder about Andromeda, Thunder, and Monstress...will they be a part of 45th anniversary? What about Supergirl, Laurel Kent...too many questions too many "what if"s....I will wait in about three months to find out the answers.
Posted by Portfolio Boy on :
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
I'm still holding to the theory that it's not really Blok, but a de-aged teen Darkseid!

Wouldn't a de-aged teen Darkseid be an adolescent?

L'il Darkseid, anyone? [Big Grin]

[ August 25, 2003, 11:04 PM: Message edited by: Portfolio Boy ]
Posted by Somebody on :
Ummm... Omni: I would recheck

1) The title of that thread

and, more importantly:


[ August 25, 2003, 08:17 PM: Message edited by: Somebody ]
Posted by Omni Craig on :
Just call me "Oops Craig" [Embarrassed]

My apologies to you Somebody. You asked about Blok's costume.

As to the other fact, I wasn't actually trying to get the title of the thread correct, I was just paraphrasing. But I can see how that would be misleading to anyone who went looking for the source. Especially when I mistakenly credited the parties involved.

Thanks for pointing out these errors. I'm going to edit my earlier post, so's not to confuse people or miscredit-where-credit-is due!! [Frown]

Craig (Oops or Omni, you be the judge).
Posted by Omni Craig on :
Also, thanks for linking to the thread itself Somebody. I should have done that too, so people could see for themselves (as I'm sure they would want to do).
Posted by MLLASH on :
Just read JSA 51 and had to comment!

I for one am as excited about JSA as I've ever been. As far as pure fanboyism goes, JSA is right up there with The LEGION (as is Squadron Supreme) for me. I love how Geoff panders to Justice Society fans and I'm in the camp that the Legion appearance was a 'teaser' peek of the future. Geoff's big on those, and as he's DC's "Writer of Choice" right now, he probably had full approval from TPTB to do this.

I'm thrilled for Blok's fans. No one should be without their favorite character. Of course, as it's a Stone Boy/Blok posboot hybrid, it won't be EXACTLY the same (Dryad was destroyed, remember) but close enough...
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
AR Alert!

Justice Society of America #1 apparently has some important Legion-related appearances.
Posted by the boy with UltraPowers on :
perhaps the LEGION will be the 3rd team, to join in the JLA / JSA teamup !!??

i sure hope so ......

Posted by Superboy-Supergirl on :
damn i was about to report that nightcrawler...all ill say is greybird should get JSA 1 [Smile]
Posted by Haggard Lad on :
That certainly was a fun surprise.
Posted by rouge on :
That last page had me cheer out loud.

Can't wait unitl "she" gets into the main book.
Posted by wamu2 on :
one thing I have noticed about Geoff's writing is that he usally likes to pick up unused story threads.

I am not that versed in Legion History. but tell me this, why would dawnstar be on Thanagar looking for Starman? did the planet figure in some past legion story.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
The page in question.

Click for fullsize image
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
The other Legion reference:

Click for fullsize image
Posted by wndola1 on :
Originally posted by wamu2:
one thing I have noticed about Geoff's writing is that he usally likes to pick up unused story threads.

I am not that versed in Legion History. but tell me this, why would dawnstar be on Thanagar looking for Starman? did the planet figure in some past legion story.

Where did we get that... It does fit if you think of Dawnstar as a Hawkman/Hawkgirl/Hawkwoman Legacy. I was a little creeped out by the borg/necromongers, but those last few pages were amazing.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Starman says something about the star on Thanagar, which Geoff Johns has confirmed in a reference to Dawnstar.
Posted by doublechinner on :
It's great to see Johns picking up on Legion tropes for the new JSA book. Of course, he already has a track record of turning Mordru into a cool villain, and he made good (if illusory) use of the LSH in Power Girl's "origin" story. It's always good to see the current-day DCU reaching out to the Legion, rather than vice-versa.
Posted by Kid Quislet on :
I second you, DoubleChinner!

As for Dawnstar, I expect her place of origin will be changed to Thanagar as opposed to her original Amerind descent. I'm actually surprised it hasn't happened sooner, since Thanagar has much more background and story possibilities than 70's-ish Starhaven.

The use of LSH characters - Mordru in JSA starting a few years back, plus the LSV in Superman/Batman and the LSH cartoon have all been a big boost to the current LSH without muddying the Waid storyline.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :

Remember this? I wonder if Three Worlds was a glimmer in Johns' eye when this was envisioned?
Posted by kenaustin on :
I know I've seen that before, but for the life of me I can't remember from where. Pray tell, where is it from?
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Ending of JSA #51.
Posted by kenaustin on :

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