This is topic R.E.B.E.L.S. #1, plus Action #874 and GLC #33 Spoilers in forum The Legion of Super-Heroes at Legion World.

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Posted by Nightcrawler on :
A very nice read with pretty pictures. It's been awhile since I enjoyed a Legion-related comic.

Vril escapes several bounty hunters to Earth where Supergirl has a message from Querl (3boot version) stored in her head.

Brainiac 2 has a flight belt and apparently a force shield (I hope it's at least not as sophisticated as B-5's). The Omega Men also appear and are written better than they've been in a long time.

I'm looking forward to this series. Bedard and Clarke are doing a great job.
Posted by veryvery on :
ohhhhhhhh my god!! so cool!!! there were several times when i wasl ike "WHHAAAT THAT'S SO AWESOME!"

oh man, the thing with the cd was so great, that's so CLEVER!!
Posted by kidflash2fan on :
Originally posted by Nightcrawler:

Brainiac 2 has a flight belt and apparently a force shield (I hope it's at least not as sophisticated as B-5's). The Omega Men also appear and are written better than they've been in a long time.

wasn't B-5's belt only a modified version of one of his ansistor?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Originally posted by kidflash2fan:
Originally posted by Nightcrawler:

Brainiac 2 has a flight belt and apparently a force shield (I hope it's at least not as sophisticated as B-5's). The Omega Men also appear and are written better than they've been in a long time.

wasn't B-5's belt only a modified version of one of his ansistor?
The original Brainiac did have an impenetrable forcefield around his ship that kept Superman out.
Posted by rocket cat on :
R.E.B.E.L.S. was a lot of fun to read!

I enjoyed the writing and the book has some nice looking art too. The Vril - Querl meeting was cool. :]

I hope this series sticks around for awhile...
Posted by Superboy on :
This was a pretty big week for Legion appearances considering their regular title just ended.

First off Rebels.

There is a major spoiler that could possibly be a reveal for LO3W, or a goof. There's also an uncredited appearance by someone of major interest to this board other than the advertised guest superheroine in this issue. Be forewarned when you click on the spoiler.

I really liked it. Tony Bedard is a very good writer and he always seems to have above average dialogue. The art was very good and also very Kitson-esque. Very clean and pretty stuff. This book got off to a great start and I anxiously await the next issue. If you liked the original dot Legion series, you'll like this IMO. You might even like it more, because Bedard's characters have a little something extra because of his dialogue IMO.

This appears to be continuing the 90's Legion/Rebels continuity, and I have literally no idea how they are going to pull that off. I'm going to read this series just to see what they come up with. Because that's Mon-El in Metropolis, not Valor....and how Vril Dox is tied to Brainy(different ones from different continuities, and now on different Earths) has always been complicated. Without a doubt, Vril is the biggest #$#@$ out of the heroic side of the Brainiac family's not even close.

On to the spoilers:

Click Here For A Spoiler
Major: 3Boot Brainy makes an appearance as a hologram/mental construct in this issue in his Kitson designed costume. And he says he is a descendant of Vril Dox.

Why is this relevant? You can't be a descendant of someone from another Universe. This is either a major continuity goof, or else the 3boot is from an alternate future of the current DC Earth. I'm leaning towards goof, but Bedard isn't the type of writer that makes those sorts of mistakes.

And you know...3boot Brainy was kinda irate about the idea of not being from the same Universe as Supergirl in the last issue of L03W.

LOL, this descendant detail could also be caused because there really isn't a word for an ancestral counterpart on a parallel Earth. I guess Bedard could be forgiven for that type of goof since the word he needed to use doesn't actually exist. But Brainy is interested in Vril for a reason....he's interested in the family line not being extinguished.

It also dawned on me while reading this issue that the missing Cosmic Boy plotline could be resolved in this book. Bedard was kinda there when that plotline began.

John's characterization of 3Boot Brainy is very similar to Bedard's characterization of Vril's easy to believe 3Boot Brainy is the one related to Vril based on recent characterization.

Supergirl is also in this issue and in fact she is the reason Brainy is able to appear. It seems Brainy loaded some information into her head when he sent her back, and he also sent a message to Vril Dox through time that Supergirl was carrying that information in her head.

And that's definitely not Validus.

I'll leave the rest of the review and other spoilers to others.

Action 874:

Click Here For A Spoiler I was expecting there to be more Mon-El in this story but basically he didn't show up till the end of the issue.

Something is eating the Phantom Zone and has killed everyone left in it but Mon. He asks Supes to let him out even though the lead in the air will kill him because he doesn't want to die a Phantom. He wants to "die like a man".

Supes lets him out and as the story ends Mon-El lies dying of lead poisoning in Superman's arms.

Call it a hunch, but I think ol' Mon's going to pull out of this one.

Tellus also makes a cameo appearance( once again in stasis) in the Omens and Origins backup story featuring the Guardian. I'm ready for poor Tellus to be let out of that tube. ASAP.

Oh yeah...if you're looking for Chameleon Boy, I think he's in Metropolis hanging out with Jim Harper.

GLC #33:

Click Here For A Spoiler
Not much Legion related here really but a big part of the issue takes place on Daxam so I included it for that reason. Mongul is making Daxam the home base of the Sinestro Corps and enslaves her population. Sodam Yat's parents are there and his Dad helps his Mom escape the planet to go find Yat.

It's interesting seeing Daxam played up so much after all these years, although I will admit this was a little too Great Darkness Saga-ey for me. It was much more awesome the first time I saw Daxam enslaved. But still...always cool to see a Legion world explored.

Trivial note: Sodam Yat's Mother is a blonde woman named Cara, and she kills a Sinestro Corps member without a ring or using her superpowers

I liked all 3 stories, but the hightlight of the week for me was Rebels. I am very intrigued to see where Bedard is going with the stuff he has set up in this debut issue.

[ February 12, 2009, 06:11 AM: Message edited by: Superboy ]
Posted by veryvery on :
tribulus is sort of cute looking ;____;
Posted by superboymddjr on :
what happened to the Princess Emerald with eye? She was supposed to be on the cover of #1 ---- and was replaced by Tyr???

I walked by the window display and the store was closed. I saw the cover and was baffled. so that s why I want to ask you guys. [Smile]
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
The covers were switched for awhile. I replaced ours on the main page weeks ago. I think the girl was either written out of the story or won't be a part of the book for awhile and they wanted the covers to reflect it.
Posted by Disaster Boy on :
i actually really like this!

i was hoping for a new emerald empress and a fatal five homage but from the current cover i guess not.

is tribulus a "validus" or what? and is there a red "tellus" on the team? (gil disphan?) i like alien this team is and not just a bunch of humanoids.
Posted by EmeraldEmpress on :
Well, honestly I don't like this first issue.

Why put another alien telepath, when we have the original Telepath and the Tellus race, too...
Tribulus is simply a bad and ugly copy of Validus.
Where are Stealth, Lydea Mallor, Zena Moonstruck?

And please, why the artist draw a censured Supergirl? The skirt is too large!
Posted by Mr. Kayak on :
i liked rebels #1, i found it interesting enough to pre-order issue #2. the art was very good, i already knew this artist from other books (see aquaman).
i was kind of surprised, in a bad way, by the ending, though:

Click Here For A Spoileri don't think that rebels #1 had anything to do with the ending of L3W. threeboot brainiac 5 obviously recorded that message in supergirl's mind way before he knew he came from a parallel world than new earth. johns made it quite clear in L3W #3 that the threeboot legion onestly thought to come from new earth's future. so, since supergirl left the 31st century way before L3W, when querl dox was even wearing his old costume, i think the message brainiac 2 saw was just, you know... too old.

anyway, i really don't get why DC allowed bedard to use WaK's brainiac 5. didn't didio just say that DC wants to head towards "a much clearer, iconic interpretation" of the legion? so why to keep confusing possible new readers by showing legionnaires from alternate realities? meh.

Posted by Superboy on :
Good point...but I still don't see what the part about: Click Here For A Spoilerthe house of Dox ending with Vril meant then. That seems to indicate 3Boot Brainy wants to change the past or something.
Posted by Arm Fall Off Boy on :
Originally posted by Superboy:
This was a pretty big week for Legion appearances considering their regular title just ended.

Click Here For A Spoiler
Oh yeah...if you're looking for Chameleon Boy, I think he's in Metropolis hanging out with Jim Harper.

Why do you say that? I haven't seen the issue yet.
Posted by rocket cat on :
Originally posted by veryvery:
tribulus is sort of cute looking ;____;



Well what ever floats your boat. ;p

Man, I hope this series sticks around. I think it has some great potential. So if I liked R.E.B.E.L.S., should I bother checking out L.E.G.I.O.N. and the earlier run of R.E.B.E.L.S.?
Posted by doublechinner on :
Rocket Cat -- cool name.

From what I remember, the first few issues of the original L.E.G.I.O.N. (boy, is that a pain to type) were great from a character and mythology perspective -- they built on the excellent Invasion event, and really brought the space environment of the 30th century Legion into the 20th century DCU, to great advantage, and gave us a lot of good stuff, especially on Colu and Durla. There was some good comedy too. If you go back and read those issues, you will see the prototype for the way Brainiac 5 is portrayed for decades to come, especially the 3boot and what Matthew E calls the retroboot (the Johnsboot). Unfortunately, to my mind the series succumbed to the virus that has afflicted every team book since the 1980s -- the team must fall apart, preferably destroyed from within by one of its own, and then be rebuilt in some radically different manner. Giffen has been a serial abuser of this trope since the late 1980s and it's why I don't ever want him near the Legion again except as a reader (and a paying one, at that). But like I said, those first issues of the dot Legion were very influential for much that has come after.
Posted by stephbarton on :
Picked this up on a whim at the comic store (I had a gift certificate). Really enjoyed it. I only ever read a smattering of the L.E.G.I.O.N. title, it was out before my time. So I don't really know who anyone is except Virl.

But yeah, lots of zip in the dialogue, nice set-up, good dose of action (which most first issues miss these days, they are all set-up no action), you also have a nice reason to come back, the robot takeover.

So yeah, pleasantly surprised and will check this out when issue #2 comes out.
Posted by Superboy on :
Originally posted by Arm Fall Off Boy:
Why do you say that? I haven't seen the issue yet.

They show someone that strongly resembles him in the backup Omens and Origins story in one panel. I'm not 100% certain it's him, because they only show the back of his's just that I can't think of many characters that share his distinguishing head features.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Originally posted by Superboy:
Originally posted by Arm Fall Off Boy:
Why do you say that? I haven't seen the issue yet.

They show someone that strongly resembles him in the backup Omens and Origins story in one panel. I'm not 100% certain it's him, because they only show the back of his's just that I can't think of many characters that share his distinguishing head features.
It's more likely to be Dubbilex.
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
Good call. If it was Cham then you'd think the silhouette would have pointy ears.
Posted by Superboy on :
Dubbilex was my first thought but Dubbilex doesn't have antennae, he's got horns, and those are definitely antennae. And Dubbilex has pointy ears too...

 -  -

The silhouette definitely has antennae with rounded tips ala Cham. And Tellus is in the same picture.

It certainly might not be Cham but they put that character in silhouette for a reason, and I don't think they'd do it if it was just Dubbilex.

[ February 16, 2009, 01:53 AM: Message edited by: Superboy ]
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
Shutting up.
Posted by Superboy on :
I just wish I had access to a scanner so all interested parties could see the silhouette, it would definitely spark some discussion.
Posted by Superboy on :
A-ha so this where the discussion on this title was! Thanks for the link Nightcrawler.

I'll just give a major kudos to Tony Bedard for this issue. He's a very under-rated writer IMO.
Posted by Silver Age Lad on :
I have the picture but I can't post it. If someone tells me how I'll put it up.

It certainly looks like Cham's antennae but not his ears. And Tellus is out of the specimen jar

[ February 16, 2009, 03:28 AM: Message edited by: Silver Age Lad ]
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
Two thoughts after just flipping through the book:

- Tribulus looks like Validus crossed with a toaster

- If Wildstar and Darkfire end up becoming merged to create Wildfire, I'll be severely pissed off...
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
I forgot Dubbilex had horns, not antennae. My new theory is that it's Xenofobe! [Wink]

The ACTION COMICS #874 page in question -

Click for fullsize image

Xenofobe's only appearance from Superman #295 -

Click for fullsize image
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
I don't think I've ever seen that page before. Thanks NC.

Going by Duo Damsel's costume that would be during the Cockrum or Grell run on Superboy and the Legion. (Just guessing there) So Earth's sector actually had a Green Lantern somewhere around the mid 2970's.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
SUPERMAN #295 (January 1976)...I've been trying to convince the L3W readers of this fact for months.
Posted by Blacula on :
^^^ Gosh I love that era of comics!

Though Xenofobe does seem to be a wholly inappropriate name for a Green Lantern.

As for the silhouette - I think it probably is Cham. Xenofobe is so obscure that even if they'd shown his whole body no one but Gary would've known who he is, and Dubbilex has horns not antennae (not to mention that he died a couple of months ago).

P.S. Am I the only person who hates the fact that the Guardian surfs around on his shield now? It looks so dopey.
Posted by Candle on :
(I don't know how to do the little spoiler dimension thingy, sorry.)
Since the REBELS Brainy already has a son, I'm not sure what's the issue (pun intended).

I just hope that 3boot Brainy's appearance doesn't mean that he's the one they kept.
He way too much like the Brainiac we've already seen in .LEGION.

Boy, this Crisis stuff just has me so confused!
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
Originally posted by Nightcrawler:
SUPERMAN #295 (January 1976)...I've been trying to convince the L3W readers of this fact for months.

It's right there in 4 colors and drawn by Curt Swan and (another guess) inked by Don Heck.
I see your point, it would be awesome to see that incorporated into Lo3W.
Posted by Superboy on :
Wow, the silhouette certainly could be Xenofobe(that is a funny name for an alien GL)...there's plenty there that Johns is playing around with right now. GLs, the Time Trapper, Superman, the Legion...and epic battles.

Hmmmm....Nightcrawler, do you know if Cary Bates wrote that story? Johns is a pretty big Cary Bates fan. If Bates wrote that story I'd say that increases the odds of Johns using that story or at least being influenced by it.

I'm still leaning towards Cham though because we know there are Legionnaires running around in the past with a purpose...Tellus, Starboy, and just where is Cham anyway?

Plus, we know they are giving Legion Fans a lot of incentive to read Superman and Action right now and Cham is one of the most popular Legionnaires. Throwing him into the Action/Superman mix could only aid them in that quest.

I will say something that has always struck me as funny about some Time Travel stories...when the character is in the past he's not there in the future, as if being in the past is just another geographical location in the future. While it's certainly true that being in the past could be a reason for a characters absence depending on when they return...they could also return to the future the instant after they left, with virtually no time passing and without being absent at all...

It is kind of funny when they make them absent.
Posted by Superboy on :
Originally posted by Silver Age Lad:
And Tellus is out of the specimen jar

He sure was wasn't he? Good for Tellus, it's about time they let him out.

My bad...and I was specifically waiting for him to get out and still misremembered that scene as him being stuck in that jar.

Ah well, at least we know he's getting out soon.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Of course mysterious antennae guy could also be another Green Lantern...the Durlan male from LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ANNUAL Vol. 1 #1 (1982) -

Click for fullsize image
Posted by Silver Age Lad on :
Originally posted by Nightcrawler:
Of course mysterious antennae guy could also be another Green Lantern...the Durlan male from LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ANNUAL Vol. 1 #1 (1982) -

Green Lanterns aren't time travellers
Posted by Triplicate Kid on :
Originally posted by Superboy:

I will say something that has always struck me as funny about some Time Travel stories...when the character is in the past he's not there in the future, as if being in the past is just another geographical location in the future. While it's certainly true that being in the past could be a reason for a characters absence depending on when they return...they could also return to the future the instant after they left, with virtually no time passing and without being absent at all...

It is kind of funny when they make them absent.
Probably the most common type of nonsensical time travel in fiction. It does treat time more like a 4th spatial dimension. The strange thing about it is, in many universes and stories that use it, it's never part of the mechanism of time travel - it's just how the story happens to go.

The pre-Crisis DC Universe often used this, and combined with predestination, this meant that time travel wasn't very significant at all. Which is probably how the writers got away with using it all the time. Time travel that can alter the past is too big an element to incorporate in a series not entirely devoted to time travel.
Posted by kenaustin on :
Another possibility is Von Daggle, who has a Green Lantern connection and a possible Legion connection.

Von Daggle from Green Lantern Corps #7-9

Click for fullsize image
Posted by rocket cat on :
Originally posted by doublechinner:
Rocket Cat -- cool name.

From what I remember, the first few issues of the original L.E.G.I.O.N. (boy, is that a pain to type) were great from a character and mythology perspective -- they built on the excellent Invasion event, and really brought the space environment of the 30th century Legion into the 20th century DCU, to great advantage, and gave us a lot of good stuff, especially on Colu and Durla. There was some good comedy too. If you go back and read those issues, you will see the prototype for the way Brainiac 5 is portrayed for decades to come, especially the 3boot and what Matthew E calls the retroboot (the Johnsboot). Unfortunately, to my mind the series succumbed to the virus that has afflicted every team book since the 1980s -- the team must fall apart, preferably destroyed from within by one of its own, and then be rebuilt in some radically different manner. Giffen has been a serial abuser of this trope since the late 1980s and it's why I don't ever want him near the Legion again except as a reader (and a paying one, at that). But like I said, those first issues of the dot Legion were very influential for much that has come after.

Heh, thanks. [Big Grin]

And thanks for the info! I'll keep it in mind when I have spare comic books cash laying around. I'm hoping some of the issues will show up at my local used bookstore, comics are half cover price there. [Smile]

Maybe...just maybe...if R.E.B.E.L.S. picks up enough steam, DC will collect some of the older stuff in trades? Am I being too optimistic here? [Razz]
Posted by Uranus Lad on :
Totally impressed by the first issue. I think I've reread it 3 times now. The artwork is absolutely outstanding, great dialogue, intriguing story and I didn't even mind the inclusion of Supergirl. I never really read the original series although I'm somewhat familiar with it and some of the characters. If it keeps up like the first ish. I may not miss the Legion so much, especially considering how disappointing almost everything Legion has been for the last couple of years.

This along with my recent turn-on to the current run of Green Lantern Corps has given me a couple of "super hero" comics to actually look forward to
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Originally posted by Silver Age Lad:
Originally posted by Nightcrawler:
Of course mysterious antennae guy could also be another Green Lantern...the Durlan male from LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ANNUAL Vol. 1 #1 (1982) -

Green Lanterns aren't time travellers
You missed this post.

Green Lanterns have been traveling through time since at least GREEN LANTERN Vol. 1 #8 (September-October 1961) - "The Challenge from 5700 A.D.!"

I can list more adventures, too. Besides I was just joking.

[ February 17, 2009, 04:33 PM: Message edited by: Nightcrawler ]
Posted by Chaim Mattis Keller on :
The Cham-like silhouette could also be Mento of the Doom Patrol. Maybe that makes some sense if Guardian wanted to recruit someone with some telepathic abilities to deal with a mysterious telepath.
Posted by Superboy on :
From the May solicit of Superman:

Written by James Robinson
Art by Renato Guedes & José Wilson Magalhães
Cover by Andrew Robinson
And who is the spy within the Science Police ranks?

Did they just say SPY? It's gotta be Cham.

Side note: James Robinson isn't really considered a Legion writer by the fandom but at some point he's got to get honorary status or something like that based on all the individual Legionaires he's written(assumuing he's going to write Tellus and Cham).

If he adds Cham and Tellus to his list he'll have worked on Starboy, Mon-El, Tellus, Cham and Superman....
Posted by stephbarton on :

I will say something that has always struck me as funny about some Time Travel stories...when the character is in the past he's not there in the future, as if being in the past is just another geographical location in the future. While it's certainly true that being in the past could be a reason for a characters absence depending on when they return...they could also return to the future the instant after they left, with virtually no time passing and without being absent at all...

It is kind of funny when they make them absent.

You know I was thinking about this and came up with a reason for this. This reason only really works if you need a STORY reason for a character not to be able to instantaneously reappear right after they left (like in a lot of old Legion stories they needed Superboy out of way to tell the story, so he HAD to go back in time for some reason or another).

Anyways, what I was thinking, is that even though you are in the future, your body would still physically age. Now if your trip to the future was just going to be a short jaunt (an hour or two) and you would only ever do it once, than this doesn't apply. However, if you are a frequent visitor like Superboy or Supergirl, than you have to worry that they spend sooo much time in the future that you could actually throw off their normal development.

For example, if Clark went with the Legion, came back after a month in the future the exact second he left he would physically be a month older. Now if he were to visit the future regularly (which he did) than after awhile this could catch up with him. Within the space of a 20th century month he could have physically aged 2 years depending on how many trips to the future he made and how long he spent each trip. This would certainly be bad for the secret identity and could possibly have other unforeseen mental/physical side affects. Thus, when the legion allowed Superboy and Supergirl to join they decided that they would NOT send them back the very instant they left because of the ramifications to their natural growth, but rather would make sure the same amount of time would pass in the past as well as the future.

Like I said, it's not a brilliant reason, but if the writer, for the sake of the story, needs a character to go back to the past for a certain event they could use this excuse to explain why the character doesn't just go back to the instant they left.

On a side note, it has always bugged me when characters are supposed to be in another dimension or in the future for a long time and the growth is never acknowledged. I felt this way after Kon rejoined the Teen Titans in the Teen Titans/Legion crossover. The time he spent in the 31st century in terms of time passed and what he learned (and hair growth, I never liked the cut McKone gave him) were just ignored.

Anyways, that's how I explain it away to myself when I read old Legion stories.
Posted by Superboy on :
Yeah I always looked at it as them doing it that way so they would age at the same rate...

However, in at least one Pre-Crisis Superman story the laws governing Time Travel were shown not to work quite that way...

In one story it was established that no matter how long they spent in a different time, when they returned to their own time they were the same age as they had been when they left. In the story I remember Superman took two geriatric chrononauts who were basically lost in time, back to the point from which they left and they were young again.

Or, one of them was geriatric and one of them was young, even though they had originally left at the same timne and were the same age, and when he returned them to their time they were both the same age again, and the old one had de-aged.

In the case of Superboy I always figured they would always go back exactly 1012 years(or whatever) to the avoid Time paradoxes and just general confusion. The reason it wasn't exactly 1000 years to the day is because the Legion contemporary adventures were always shown to be a thousand years in Superman's future, not Superboy's....and the exact date of Superboy's adventures is never really given, but I figure 12 years or so is about right.

For instance, if it was June 12th 2968, to see Superman they'd go back to June 12th 1968, to see Superboy they'd go back to June 12th 1956. This is just en example...

Same rules applied to Superman and Superboy. If it was April 19th 1986, Superman would fly to April 19th 2986...Superboy would fly from 1974 to 2986.

It does make sense that way, and that was the general rule they followed...but still it was kind of funny in certain situations

Like for instance when Supergirl died...she wasn't any more dead to the Legion after that than she had always been. Paul did put an interesting spin on it by having her memorial issue be the thousandth year anniverisary of her death....but if not for the effects of the Crisis erasing her nothing would have really changed...

Again in the case of Supergirl, instead of Brainy spending the issue thinking about her now being dead...he could have just hopped hopped into the time bubble and gone and seen her like he had done countless times before. I mean nothing had really changed from the frame of reference standpoint, I guess that's why they said the rules of Time Travel had changed.

If they really want to make it interesing...they should have teams up from different for instance, Superboy showing up in the contemporary continuity the day after the Legion first met him, just to see what happened...

Or the Adventure era Legion showing up in next month's issue of Superman.

Alan Moore did kind of do that in Whatever happened to the Man of Tomorrow wasn't the contemporary Legion that showed up in that story to give Superman the hint he needed to win that was the Adventure Era Legion in all their Swanian glory.

Of course the Iron Curtain of Time was always some pseudo reason they couldn't do much of that, as it was almost always used as the excuse in Legion stories, even though technically all it was ever stated that it did was keep the Legion from traveling more than 30days into the future.

And that brings up a true paradox...since the Iron Curtain of time existed in the Time Stream and not any true time, and it moved...31 days after the Legion first tried to break it, it was no longer there where it had been 31 days before when they originally tried to break that story that took place 31 days before couldn't have happened exactly the same way.

And once they finally did break it, since it existed outside of time...doesn't that mean that at that point it never existed? So it was no longer there in any of the stories that involved it. I know they had it move to also counteract this paradox...but it still never really worked completely, especially since it never seemed to have any impact on Superman's Time Traveling except when he was with the Legion, and not always then...The most glaring example also beng one of the most classic Legion stories the adult Legion story...the Iron Curtain of Time should have prevented Superman from going more than a thousand years into the future to see the Adult Legion.

I love this stuff by the me the Time Travel is what always set the Legion apart from other teams, as they also had a job as Time Police long before the Linear Men did.

I say just allow unlimited Time Travel, at least for the Legion, it's another thing that'll make them unique...and it's much more fun that way.

[ February 17, 2009, 06:15 PM: Message edited by: Superboy ]
Posted by stephbarton on :
My only problem with unlimited Time Travel is you have to explain why they didn't use it to solve all their problems. Like why doesn't Superman fly to the future and check the history books to see how the JLA beats villain X, or the Legion for that matter. Or why when someone breaks out of Talkon (agh, forgot the prison's name) they don't go back in time to the prison break out and stop it?

I never thought about the 1000 year thing, that makes since (as much as anything would). I've never really cared too much to the year convention either, I liked how the Legion was always a 1000 years in the future, but I never thought about how they would have a story in 2966 and a story in 2976. I didn't see it as ten years having passed in Legion time, I just took it as comicbook time, just like how Superman can have Christmas specials, just because he celebrates it 40 different times doesn't mean he's been around 40 years of his time.

As for the Iron Curtain of Time, I don't have that many issues that mention it. I have it's first appearance, but I don't think I have much else, so I've never given it much thought.

I certainly don't like the "no time travel" rule that seemed to exist in the Legion recently. But I think you have to have some B.S. reason for why they can't use it to solve all their problems.

All I ask is they be consistent, even if the rules don't really make sense.

Say here's a theory. What if the Legion is the real "present" and that's why they could never go beyond 31 days into the future, because the future doesn't "exist" beyond that point. But that's why they never interfered with the past (that I can remember) because that was "set" in stone to them because that is the actual past. They could mostly just observe.

Of course that still doesn't explain why Brainy couldn't go visit Supergirl whenever he wanted, but that's for another time.

Also, you have the time beacon, maybe the time beacon affected time so you could never visit before your last visit. Meaning Supergirl could go 1000 years into the future, Superboy 1012, and Superman would be even further (how many times did he VISIT the younger Legion, or were they always adult) because if Superboy showed up on Dec 12 2078 than Superman could not show up Dec 11, 2078, he has to show up AFTERWARDS. And since his time as Superboy is his past than he would know the earliest he could visit the Legion again. Or maybe I'm over complicating that bit. But basically you can't cross yourself in the time stream and the beacon provides that buffer. Extrapolate that to the Legion for some reason and Brainy can't visit Supergirl except for the Supergirl who last visited the legion. So if she goes back into time the day she is supposed to die, Brainy would only have that small window to see her.

I dunno, just thinking "out loud"

Still, I like Time Travel, just have to be careful about it.

But the idea that you return to the age that you left, that doesn't make sense to me (but I have a very linear idea of time). If time traveling doesn't affect you physically going forward or backward, than why would return to your point of departure all of a sudden change the physical changes you underwent in the future or past.

Argh, time travel makes Bizzaro's head hurt!
Posted by Superboy on :
Originally posted by stephbarton:
[QB] My only problem with unlimited Time Travel is you have to explain why they didn't use it to solve all their problems. Like why doesn't Superman fly to the future and check the history books to see how the JLA beats villain X, or the Legion for that matter.

The answer to that one is simple...for the same reason they gave Superman a hypnotic command to forget specific details he learned in the that he wouldn't be tempted to change the past.

I mean it's kind of hyprocritical for them to do that to Superman and not also do it to themselves...

So they simply had hypnotic commands to forget all details they learned in the future so they wouldn't be tempted to use that information to change the past...which in this case would be their present.

I mean if they did it to Superboy why wouldn't they also do it to themselves? If it was truly necessary?


I certainly don't like the "no time travel" rule that seemed to exist in the Legion recently. But I think you have to have some B.S. reason for why they can't use it to solve all their problems.

Time Travel is a staple entirely unique to science fiction...and seeing as how time is one of the last mysterious and largely unknown realms to us...makes sense it would be something covered in a futuristic superhero title to me.

To me, it makes no sense to have a series set in the futue if you are going to be afraid of entire topics of the Sci-Fi genre.

And that's a big part of my problem with post crisis Legions...they were literally afraid of the topic and it being "confusing".

I mean why bother setting the series a thousans years in the future? Why not set it in 1860...

Ach...I hated the low tech Legions.

I never read the Legion because it was was always because it had fewer limits than any other team...all those PC era limits did was just that...they limited the book, and made it even less unique.

But in answer to your question...they made Superboy forget all details he learned in the future...why wouldn't they do the same to themselves?

And I would definitely say that handling it that way would be considered consistent.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
I liked it. Bedard got the essence of Vril Dox, the disdain, the self-interest, but essentially one of the good guys. One of the future solicits described him as the universe's most benevolent jerk, which I didn't think fit the original Vril Dox - and this one seems neither benevolent nor a jerk, just.... Dox. I'm looking forward to seeing the other R.E.B.E.L. members.

I guess this this a break with the original series, just as Lo3W interrupts previous Legion continuity - so no evil baby Dox? Also, Vril met postboot Brainiac 5 in Showcase '96 - so I suppose that's out of this backstory as well? Or he's going to have met all three versions of his descendant at some point....
Posted by Silver Age Lad on :
With time travel being what it is, the young Legion could still yet appear in Supergirl's time and invite her to join. I know she's met the threeboot but so what? the original 50s - 80s Legion adventures with Supergirl could still be this version of Kara.

The real time travel anomaly is Mon-El. As someone said earlier Superman having a statue of him as a Legionnaire is a bit of a giveaway and given that Kal El has met the freed and immune Mon -El why couldn't he help him earlier.

Equally why didn't Lar Gand on taking the lead serum in 2998 or whatever not just hop in a time bubble and return to 1998 and pick up his life. Or at least visit his family.

But my biggest problem with time travel is that it it always linked to spacial relocation. A time cube could project Violet to ancient Egypt, a time bubble could go back to Krypton etc. I guess spacial movement is necessary otherwise going back in time could leave you out in space if it was a different time of year or buried in the Earth if you got the rotation wrong. But given that time travel includes spacial travel, then when the Legion want to go to say Khundia then why not just set the time bubble for Khundia one second in the future and there we go. No (relatively) slow cruisers needed.
Posted by Triplicate Kid on :
Originally posted by Superboy:
However, in at least one Pre-Crisis Superman story the laws governing Time Travel were shown not to work quite that way...

As I said, San Dimas Time is rarely a rule, which is why it makes no sense. The DC Universe, like most universes with time travel, is a
Posted by Stealth on :
I thought it was good, but I was a bit underwhelmed. Too "down to Earth" for me, so to speak. I'm hoping it'll be like the Adam Strange mini-series from a few years ago and get more operatic and more cosmic as it goes along.
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
I liked it. I'm definitely interested to see what happens. I don't have much of a connection to the dot Legion characters, so it's kinda like starting from scratch for me, with a Brainiac 5 app!
Posted by Candle on :
Originally posted by Silver Age Lad:
But given that time travel includes spacial travel, then when the Legion want to go to say Khundia then why not just set the time bubble for Khundia one second in the future and there we go. No (relatively) slow cruisers needed.

That's an interesting idea.

All of the variables involved in time travel boggle my mind, if I try to work them out for our universe, so I don't
I just go along with the author's assumptions or explainations and suspend my disbelief.
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Originally posted by rocket cat:
should I bother checking out L.E.G.I.O.N.

One of my favorite summer re-reads.

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