This is topic Season Two excitement! *Spoiler Warning* in forum The Legion of Super-Heroes at Legion World.

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Posted by Yellow Kid on :
A new Supes for a new season. Wow.

Clips and lots of preview art in This thread

The clips are cool!, can't wait for Saturday morning to see this.


First impressions for Season Two!
Watch it..
..then go back and watch the copy you just made.
[Big Grin]

Then tell us what you thought!
Good, bad or what?

POST fanboy!

[ September 22, 2007, 01:15 PM: Message edited by: Yellow Kid ]
Posted by Kryptaku on :
The season premiere was today, wasn't it?! Argh!! I can't believe I missed it!!!
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
Oh boy!

Really fun episode, I hate it now that it's a two parter. I have to wait a whole week to see what happens next.


*NOT a Review*!
First impressions, questions and guesses, that's all.













K3NT? Cute.

Click Here For A Spoiler"Goodbye...son." I suspected some kind of Ma/Pa thing there. Interesting effect, sort of a moving ying-yang graphic, I liked that part of the entity.

Remember Brainy's "boy-crush" on Clark?

Click Here For A SpoilerNot this season (so far), B-5 and Superman-X don't see exactly eye-to-eye. This older, more mature Brainiac is a little more like one of the arrogant, cranky Dox's we've gotten used to in the general DC Universe. Personally I like him better this way.

I like T-Wolf's costume change. I don't really like it as well as last season's but I still like it...and

Click Here For A Spoilerthe "origin" of Duo Damsel!!
The incident doesn't occur exctly like in the Adventure era but it reflects the "death" of one of Luornu's bodies. At least there's another "nod" to the classic Legion.

Oh! Before I forget again...
Shades of "Crisis On Infinite Earths"!!

Click Here For A SpoilerDue to the actions of the bad guy, who's changing the past to change his future, expanding red cloud bubbles of anti-matter begin to eat the Universe. [/spolier]

Could a toon mirror image of the Reboot be on the way? I dunno. Hope not.

Imperiex? Anybody got the low down on this guy? Looks to me like he could be a Walt Simonson designed villain.. Or possibly a Jack Kirby creation. Just guessing there.

Superman X
Hmmm..I'm not sure what to say about him yet. He's pretty danged tough. And he's definitely not the usual "boy scout" we generally expect out of the S.
[spoiler]I liked it as a plot device though, the friction between Superman X and the Legionnaires made for some decent story telling.

I loved it. I've got some really important things to get done in the next couple of hours or I'd rewind and rewatch it right away. It looked great and it all action from start to stop. It's going to kill me to wait 'til next week to see pt.2.

There's lots more too.
[Big Grin]


Love me some Legion!!

edit: corrected to hide the worst of the spoilerific post.

[ September 22, 2007, 06:13 PM: Message edited by: Yellow Kid ]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Didn't like it. Didn't like the new grittier with "new powers". I also didn't like that it seems like the villian is supposed to be the villian for the season.

It looks like Saturn Girl won't be appearing much this season. She is no longer in the opening credits using her power. I can probably get use to Lightning Lad's new costume and soul patch.

My roommate caught the opening scene and said "They're (meaning Superman and Brainiac 5) gay. I can tell." It was good that the other Legionnaires didn't seem bothered that Brainy would have a crush on another guy, but were concerned that he was pining for someone who wouldn't be coming back.

Click Here For A Spoiler and Triplicate Girl is now Duo Damsel. And seems as upset as she was in the Silver Age about it
Posted by Tromium on :
I liked it. Too much robot smashing and blasting for my taste, but Superman X looks like he'll become the real deal under the Legion's TLC. It helps that his voice is the same as the classic Superman. The reimagined "Kents" is a novel concept, and provided Supes X with human emotionality.

Brainy and Superman (which one?) are the love story of the ages, methinks.

I wonder if Duo even remembers the death of her White self in a future that no longer exists.??? Is the 31st century Legion dead? Time anomalies and alterate realities just add to the fun, imo.

How good a villain Imperiex is depends on the damage he does. Erasing the 41st century and trashing the 31st is a pretty good start.

Timber Wolf had a bigger role than usual and Lighting Lad seems kinder and more mature. The jury is still out on Chameleon Boy. I don't like his voice but I want to see more transformations. I miss Bouncie, though.

My TV reception of WB is so bad I can't comment on the fine details until I see a better version. This is just my overall impression, and it's a good one. Final judgment will wait until after Part 2.
Posted by Dairaioh on :
Good episode. My only complaint is that events happened too quickly. Why they kill my favorite Trip? Superman X is cool. Too pushy , but has a good heart. On the Grading Scale I give this ep a B+
Posted by l.e.g.i.o.n.JOHN on :
Imperiex? Anybody got the low down on this guy? Looks to me like he could be a Walt Simonson designed villain.. Or possibly a Jack Kirby creation. Just guessing there.
Posted by superboymddjr on :
*sniff* poor Luornu! lost one body...lucky Cham and Lightning Lad went to save her before being devoured by the red cloud.

the opening epilogue was good, caught a glipse of Star Boy, Sun Boy, and Colossal Boy which means that they will appear sometimes soon. Bouncing Boy and Phantom Girl will be seen as well as mentioned in opening part. Interesting to see that Duo Damsel is getting an expanded role.

Cham is somewhat funny - reminded me of Gar from Titans Go!....I really like the way how he used his powers.

Overall, I love it today and can't wait for the part two next week.
Posted by Awesomegirl on :
I can't take it anymore, I HAVE to talk about this episode!

I'll start by saying that I absolutely LOVED the Brainy/Superman holographic fantasy(keep dreaming, Brainy), it had me and my brother laughing until the commercials.

The action was especially great, and IMO, there's no such thing as too much robot smashing and blasting. Superman X is pretty cool so far, even if he was being a jerk to Brainy. Maybe part two will elaborate what issues Superman X has with him. It's also nice to see Timberwolf speaking up more and Lightning Lad being less brash.

Now for just a few criticisms. IMO, Superman X could have shown at least a little emotion when his "parents" died. I was also surprisingly underwhelmed with Chameleon Boy, who didn't really get much to say. Oh well, there's always the next episode. I just hope he's not portrayed as a carbon copy of Beast Boy from Teen Titans(if anyone's ever watched that show, you know what I'm talking about). I agree with the people who said this episode felt a bit rushed, especially when one of the Trips was killed off(which, don't get me wrong, was still sad). It makes me wish that the episodes were an hour long instead of 30 minutes.

R.I.P. White Triplicate Girl
Posted by Lass Girl on :
I was hoping that they’d subtlety continue to explore Brainy’s friendship with Superman, but…Dang! I didn’t expect that! It just came right off the bat and had all the subtleties of a nuclear meltdown! I’m not complaining, mind you. Remember when Brainy kept hiding information from Superman in Season 1? Well, guess what! Brainy is getting a taste of his own medicine! I wonder if the speech he gave to Superman at the end of “Brain Drain” somehow slipped his 12th level mind.

Originally posted by Tromium:

Lighting Lad seems kinder and more mature.

Yeah, I thought the same thing! I really enjoyed him in this episode. Given that he was my least favorite character last season, that’s saying a heck of a lot!

I wonder if a new leader has been elected. I don’t know if leaders have a set term of office, if they lead until someone challenges them, or if they step down willingly.
Posted by Tromium on :
I'm not sure if it's good or bad news for Lightning Lad. It makes sense for him to mature over the course of two years, but I don't want his personality rebooted, either, or for him to lose his uniqueness.

Brainy's fantasy was indeed unsubtle. I don't want read too much into it, but he seemed positively ecstatic "dying" in holo-Superman's arms.
Posted by Suddenly Seymour on :
Yeah, the only thing that opening scene needed was a beach with crashing surf!

I love that Trip (now Duo) got the opening credits credit she deserved, but I'm sorry to see that Saturn Girl will probably be getting a smaller role, especially since they did start the LL/SG romance a bit.

Cham seemed too much a Beast Boy clone from the latest "Teen Titans," 'toon, but I'm assuming they brought him in to fill that role on the team.

Imperiex -- enh. I understand why they didn't want to use Darkseid, but I wish they had been more creative and used the Khunds. Of course, Imperiex and his army seem to be all robots, so the Legion can just smash away without having to worry about killing anyone.

Overall, though, exciting first episode. I can't wait to see how it ends!
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
About Cham-- did anyone ever say his name? If they did, I didn't notice it. I was expecting more of an introduction. Non-comics reading viewers must be scratching their heads.

I miss the crawl with all the different character signifiers. Hope everyone represented there *last* season actually show up in the series' future.

I wonder if the WB is getting letters about gay Brainy and his super-crush? Maybe Querl should make romance holo-novels...

About Trips/DD: Yeah, we didn't see enough of her reaction, but the incident occured quite near the end of the episode. Maybe there'll be more next week. Or not. We can't complain too much, since the lack of reaction is straight out of the source material.

I neglected to tape the premiere, so the new opening went by very fast. I noticed what looks like a prominent scene or two ahead for Sun Boy. I'm really looking forward to that.

Did Shrinking Violet, Element Lad, Blok or Tyroc appear in the background? I didn't catch them.

Superman X (why am I waiting on mutants to pop up now?) from the 41st century... I don't hate him, don't love him either. He's fulfilling the Wildfire persona on the team, in a way. I doubt Drake'll be showing up soon. Could be wrong. In addition to the pinkish blasts (what *are* they?), SupeX can create kryptonite crystal. Sort of horns in on Element Lad's powers. And Crystal Kid's-- not that *he* was going to be showing up anytime soon. Jan, though, is hovering around in backgrounds, patiently waiting his turn in the spotlight.

I do like that there're *two* futures to save, now. For a minute, I thought we were going to be getting a 'split team' storyline, with some Legionnaires remaining in the 41st century. I'm glad that didn't occur, though I do hope there's a return visit.

I really liked the ideas behind K3NT, though the name-gag sort of overshadowed the interesting visual and the implications of computerized parenthood.

Who were the subjects of that row of statues of the Legionnaires that got demolished in the 41st century? I remember Phantom Girl, I think, and maybe Ultra Boy?

Hmmm- now I wonder if the new character Jim Shooter said DC would kill him over if he spilled that character's ID might be a comics version of Superman X...
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Originally posted by Mystery Lad:
Who were the subjects of that row of statues of the Legionnaires that got demolished in the 41st century? I remember Phantom Girl, I think, and maybe Ultra Boy?

I think there was Timber Wolf & Saturn Girl

Originally posted by Mystery Lad:
Hmmm- now I wonder if the new character Jim Shooter said DC would kill him over if he spilled that character's ID might be a comics version of Superman X...

I really really hope not.
Posted by Doctor One on :
Hrmpf. I actually didn't forget (a miracle in itself), but I still didn't see the episode. I looked for Legion of Super Heroes and got the episode with Alexis Luthor. I'm obviously doing something wrong. Or is this a Canadian thing? In which channel is the show shown in Canada? Has anybody in Canada seen it?
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
Yeah, I think it's a Canada thing. Our Canadian Legionnaires were having scheduling problems during Season One.
You might ask for help finding the air dates in that thread on this forum. Then cross your fingers and hope nothing "important" (though what could be more important than a LSH cartoon eludes me) bumps it off the air.
Posted by Malvolio on :
I enjoyed the episode. I was a little disappointed that my favorite, Cham, didn't get more of a spotlight, but if he's a regular this season, then it should happen soon enough.

As for Brainy's "man-crush" on Supes, I guess it's just a variation on his old continuity relationship with Supergirl. Since they weren't allowed to use Kara as originally planned (see the Legion episode of JLU), I guess this is their consolation prize for Brainy.
Posted by wamu2 on :
Originally posted by Tromium:

Brainy's fantasy was indeed unsubtle. I don't want read too much into it, but he seemed positively ecstatic "dying" in holo-Superman's arms.

okay. good, I thought maybe I was just reading too much into it. just hope that guy that hates the teletubies doesn't tune in. he will really go on a crusade.

overall, I enjoyed it. nice nods to LSH history. season long bad guy perhaps. hope the they can pull that story line off.

I bet the superman dna came from ebay.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Clips from the show can be seen here.
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
Awesome Girl! Awesome post.
It's true, you really CAN'T have too much robot bashing.
[Big Grin]

I'm fairly sure after a second watching that the statues are Ultra Boy, Saturn Girl, Lightning Lad, Cosmic Boy and Phantom Girl.

You know that beautiful pink-ish clubhouse/headquarters?

Click Here For A SpoilerThe Legion Clubhouse gets totally demolished! Blown up, burnt, smoking rubble.

..heh heh ..again, for the first time ever!

Best line?
"Ironic. A Brainiac suggesting someone else could be deceitful."

Ooo - burn!
Posted by The Enigma on :
I liked it. It was a decent start. I have rather mixed feelings about Superman-X, though. I don't quite know what to think of him. I really look forward to future episodes and I can't wait for next week.

Originally posted by Malvolio:
As for Brainy's "man-crush" on Supes, I guess it's just a variation on his old continuity relationship with Supergirl. Since they weren't allowed to use Kara as originally planned (see the Legion episode of JLU), I guess this is their consolation prize for Brainy.

I figured the same thing. (I laughed so hard when I watched the beginning, that was hilarious.)
Posted by Space Cadet on :
Originally posted by Doctor One:
In which channel is the show shown in Canada? Has anybody in Canada seen it?

I saw it, but it's on the three WB superchannels.
Posted by Awesomegirl on :
Originally posted by Yellow Kid:
Awesome Girl! Awesome post.
It's true, you really CAN'T have too much robot bashing.
[Big Grin]

Thanks, Yellow Kid! [Smile]

And thank you, Nightcrawler! I've been dying to see the Brainy/Superman clip again.
Posted by Omni Craig on :
I wonder, since part of this season's purpose is to save Superman X's future, if they succeed in restoring the 41st century would White Trip be restored too? I assume K3NT and all the other 41st centurians would be fine, but that may not extend to Lu since she's from the 31st C. But it could be an out for her "death"... Trying to be positive here, people! [Triad]

All in all, not a bad episode. Missed Saturn Girl, but liked the development of the rest of the maturing Legionnaires.
Posted by lil'rhino on :
Loved it,loved it,loved it!
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
It's still a thrill for me to be watching a Legion cartoon! I loved the way they got right into action, getting this new season underway.

I have NO problem with the clone Superman from the future.

I just don't see Brainy's idolization of Superman as a gay thing, but I don't want to take that away from anyone who is enjoying it as such. I do think it's funny that Timber Wolf made a "out to a movie" crack about it.

I have a feeling that wasn't the last we'll hear about White Trip's death. We'll see.

I'm patient with the "core" cast.

I'm just looking forward to MORE ... of everything.
Posted by lil'rhino on :
Originally posted by Sketch Lad:

I have a feeling that wasn't the last we'll hear about White Trip's death.

I agree.
Posted by Dairaioh on :
I don't see how she was unconcerned with it. Her other 2 duplicates were on their knees crying about to die if it wasn't for Cham and another team mate saving them/her. Also I don't see how Sup X wasn't showing any concern for his parents dying. The man was trying to hold back tears.

I also agree with Sketch Lad about the whole Brainy Sups thing. Sups is just his hero, THATS IT. Does anyone call Jimmy Olsen gay? He idolizes Superman to.
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
I've got it!

They needed to get rid of White Trip so she wouldn't be confused with Dream Girl, who will be moving into the forefront this season!
Posted by Longevity Lad on :
And so season two gets off to a fast start with overt nods to the comics (death of Trips; time travel from the future; lots of smashing) which this old-timer appreciates. I hope the intro of Superman-X doesn't mean less screen time for the Legionnaires because there are a lot of cast members that have yet to be given major roles in the series. Season three anyone?
Posted by Dairaioh on :
I want back my white Trips. [Frown]
White lipstick kisses are the best!
Posted by Vee on :

Can't believe I missed it!
Posted by lm8 on :
Was sorry to see them eliminate one part of Triplicate Girl. Also, wasn't thrilled when they got rid of Ferro Lad last season. Guess they want to follow the comic books. It is a kid's show though, so killing people off is not exactly the best subject for kids to be watching. Personally, I prefer not seeing the good guys get killed off or eliminated. It's one of the reasons I've found myself watching more kids shows lately (along with wanting to see more good storyline and characterization and less bad language, gratuitous sex and violence), but I guess they're trying to emulate material for older audiences (which I don't particularly like).

As to Brainiac 5 at the beginning of the show, my impression was that he came across as a major fan. Am sure you can find lots of Mary Sue stories on the Internet and lots of stories with hurt/comfort or character deaths and some are probably worse than what Brainiac 5 came up with. Just surprised a 12 level intellect would indulge himself in the equivalent of writing what in our century would be considered a Mary Sue story about Superman and himself. However, at least he gets to use a holodeck style simulator to do it and fans in this century have to settle for just using words or drawings. Brainiac 5 may be older than last season, but he's coming across so far this season pretty much as a kid on an emotional level. He was also extremely easily manipulated by Superman X, just like a kid. He wasn't going to go through the time doorway which would have been the smart, adult thing to do. All Superman X had to do was make a crack about 'Brainiac' and Brainy was not thinking it through any more, just reacting and not being careful about what he was doing. I can see where they needed the intro holodeck part so the ending could come full circle. Just wish they'd found another way to do it, without another death scene which came across as rather poor fan fiction. (Can't we expect better writing from a 12th level intellect?) Superman X practically used Brainiac 5's own words, so Brainiac 5 realized Superman X wasn't as bad as he first thought. However, it's interesting to note that the dialogue that Brainy said was almost Superman-like was his dialogue in the holo video, not Superman's. He really seems to want to see himself following in Superman's footsteps. The really sad part about it was that despite the best of intentions and having the right friends around to influence him and keep him out of trouble, Brainiac 5 still ends up being blamed for doing bad things in the future by the inhabitants of the 41st century. It makes a very interesting dynamic between Brainiac 5 and Superman X and is very good for characterization, but it's rather a depressing thought to base their interaction on the fact that Brainiac 5's wanting to do good just wasn't enough in this particular case. I did like that Brainiac 5's friends stood by him the whole time and didn't pay much attention to Superman X's accusations. We don't know how much they know about his background, but they seem to trust that he's one of them and didn't treat him any differently because of what anyone else might say.

Someone else mentioned in the thread that the Legion now had to fight to save the 31st century and restore the future. However, it could be just as likely that with the interference of Imperiux and the Legion members coming back from the future, they might end up creating a new future that's different from the previous version and from Imperiux's new version. That would give Brainiac 5 one more chance to learn from his mistakes, assuming he can learn from Superman X how to prevent them, either by prior knowledge or by learning something from Superman X that the Legion and Superman obviously couldn't teach him. That would also leave Superman X without a timeline, a bit of time anomaly, but since he wasn't automatically destroyed when his universe was, obviously it works within their rules of physics there. Found myself comparing this to Stargate SG1's rules where time travel just creates a new reality and doesn't destroy the old one. Usually don't like the way Stargate handles time travel, but this is one case where I would have preferred their methods.

I liked the character interaction and hope we'll see more of it. It's nice seeing lots of different members of the Legion during battles and seeing them work together on plans as in last season. However, when they're going into characterization, it's nicer to see them work with a smaller group of characters as they've been doing. Rotating the characters they emphasize would be fine too, if they write good character interaction that viewers can relate to. Would be nice to see more of what the Legion members do when they're not fighting bad guys and when they're just being themselves. Doesn't sound like we'll see much of that this season though.

Am hoping for less character deaths here on out, less two-parters and more background information on the Legion and its members. At least hope this season will be as good as the last one (especially since they've made so many changes that will take time to get used to) and I'll be happy if we get that.

[ September 23, 2007, 06:19 PM: Message edited by: lm8 ]
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
The second season has hit the ground running at super-speed. What impressed me the most was how much the premier accomplished in only half an hour.

*We learn that the Legionnaires are older.
*Superman hasn't been around in awhile.
*Chameleon Boy has joined.
*Triplicate Girl becomes Duo Damsel.

All of the above is just expository or extra information that doesn't have much to do with the main plot of Superman X and Imperiex. Yet these details were woven into the story seamlessly without being jarring or confusing (though I, too, missed it if Cham's name was ever mentioned).

Though nonstop action, the story hit all the right emotional buttons, as well. I was moved to learn that K3NT was inspired by the Legion to create Superman X, just as the Legion was inspired by the original Superman. What comes around goes around, even in cycles of a thousand years, it seems.

Brainiac 5's disappointment that Superman X is nothing like the Superman he remembers was easy to identify with. Brainy wants Superman's approval, and this desire obviously carries over to this version of Superman, even though Brainy outwardly rejects Superman X as being the real thing. We're also left with a tantalizing mystery of why a Brainiac is remembered in the 41st century as deceitful.

I wasn't expecting Lu's third self to die in the premiere, but her death was handled extremely well. It echoed her demise in Adventure Comics # 341, insofar as she was grabbed by a robot tentacle. There obviously wasn't much time for the remaining duo to mourn, but what we did see was touching. Overcome by grief, they collapsed in front of the antimatter blobs and would have died if not for their quick-acting teammates.

The crimson antimatter blobs made me think of nothing so much as the crimson skies in Crisis on Infinite Earths. But I can live with the "homages" to past stories because it worked so well in this context. The premiere accomplished what it was supposed to: Introduce this new version of Superman and give the Legion a bada$$ villain to challenge them. I'm looking forward to seeing how this story line is resolved, whether it takes one more episode or the entire season.

This story has a classic Legion feel to it, but doesn't reek of nostalgia. In other words, the animated series has done a bang-up job of updating and reinterpreting the Legion mythos in a way that easily trumps the comic book reboots.
Posted by wamu2 on :
Originally posted by Dairaioh:
I don't see how she was unconcerned with it. Her other 2 duplicates were on their knees crying about to die if it wasn't for Cham and another team mate saving them/her. Also I don't see how Sup X wasn't showing any concern for his parents dying. The man was trying to hold back tears.

I also agree with Sketch Lad about the whole Brainy Sups thing. Sups is just his hero, THATS IT. Does anyone call Jimmy Olsen gay? He idolizes Superman to.

Jimmy Olsen? doesn't he dress in drag from time to time? [Wink]

as for Brainy, I know it's just supposed to be hero worship. but that halo scene was rather over the top. granted it was no Mr. Burns swooping naked through Smither's window, but really...
Posted by Insomniac Girl on :
That was fun, right from the prickling holo-romance over the pumped-up credits to the smashy fight action.

Where I went in expecting to hate the main robot demolisher, Superman X doesn't actually strike me as all that bad. Yes, he's as humourless and aggressive as I've feared, but it helps a lot that he isn't selfishly motivated in his actions. In any media, when there's someone who has to be taught how to be a team player, I usually expect them to have personality flaws such as a thirst for glory which hamper their ability to play well with others. Superman X (Jeez, is that a dumb name or what? Makes you cringe when you have to type it), on the other hand, either doesn't seem to have an elevated opinion of himself or derive any joy from being so "super". It's as he says; doesn't matter whether he's a coward or a hero as long as he gets the job done.

Poor cloned weapon-boy, after the Legion is through with humanising you, you'll probably have grown on me.

I hope that Brainy, on the other hand, doesn't change his amusingly disturbing ways. Doesn't matter if you interpret his Supes-infatuation as platonic or not. It manages to come across as very, very wrong in both cases; what with Brainy seeming to have some kind of masochistic death-wish in the service of atoning for his ancestor's sins. And his smirk after the simulation! I just... what were they thinking? [LOL]

All in all, there was a lot of cool new stuff going on, with Cham and his appreciation for the beauty of the universe's end and the offbeat K3NT and so on, so I'm not gonna niggle extendedly about everything concerning emotions - such as the reactions to the deaths or Brainy's 180° concerning his opinion on Superman X - going by way too fast.

Looking forward to the rest of the season.
Posted by Dairaioh on :
You know something I don't wamu2 ?
Posted by Lass Girl on :
Originally posted by Tromium:
I don't want read too much into it, but he seemed positively ecstatic "dying" in holo-Superman's arms.

I got a good laugh off of that one, Tromium! Then I started thinking more about it. Let me just get this out of the way first. Yes, I thought that Brainy’s “death” scene was over the top. The more I watched this scene the less it seemed like mere hero worship. The grandiosity of the scene is an echo of Brainy’s desire to redeem the name “Brainiac.”

The opening sequence is a culmination of everything Brainy desires: recognition of his humanity (as close as he can get to being human, anyway) and absolution of the evil associated with the name “Brainiac.”

“You may not be human, but you have the biggest heart I’ve ever seen. You’re a true hero.” Holo-Superman

The fact that he programs “Superman” to deliver those lines provides Brainy with a sense of closure and subsequent satisfaction. Unfortunately, it’s a temporary fix since Brainy has apparently played out these types of scenes over and over again. The poor boy is torturing himself. It’s little wonder that Brainiac 5 is taken aback by Superman X’s cryptic references to Brainy’s future. I won’t elaborate because Im8 has summed it up well.

Originally posted by Im8:
The really sad part about it was that despite the best of intentions and having the right friends around to influence him and keep him out of trouble, Brainiac 5 still ends up being blamed for doing bad things in the future by the inhabitants of the 41st century. It makes a very interesting dynamic between Brainiac 5 and Superman X and is very good for characterization, but it's rather a depressing thought to base their interaction on the fact that Brainiac 5's wanting to do good just wasn't enough in this particular case.

Posted by wamu2 on :
Originally posted by Dairaioh:
You know something I don't wamu2 ?

in All Star Superman Jimmy was in drag for a story he was writing. and that scene was a call back to a silver age,I think, story featuring Jimmy in drag while researching a story.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Originally posted by Malvolio:
I enjoyed the episode. I was a little disappointed that my favorite, Cham, didn't get more of a spotlight, but if he's a regular this season, then it should happen soon enough.

As for Brainy's "man-crush" on Supes, I guess it's just a variation on his old continuity relationship with Supergirl. Since they weren't allowed to use Kara as originally planned (see the Legion episode of JLU), I guess this is their consolation prize for Brainy.

I never thought of Superman (or Superboy) as being a consolation prize.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Originally posted by wamu2:
okay. good, I thought maybe I was just reading too much into it. just hope that guy that hates the teletubies doesn't tune in. he will really go on a crusade.

Jerry Falwell passed away. This might have killed him if he had lived to see it.
Posted by Spellbinder on :
I think there was something in the Bible about "Robots shall not lie with Kryptonian men, for that is a sin."
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
I really enjoyed it. A bit dark but I like the change in tone. More my style...aww where was Bouncin Boy??? [Wink]
Posted by Malvolio on :
Originally posted by Spellbinder:
I think there was something in the Bible about "Robots shall not lie with Kryptonian men, for that is a sin."

LOL! That's the best answer to Brainy's man-crush on Superman that I've seen yet.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Originally posted by Ultra Jorge:
More my style...aww where was Bouncin Boy??? [Wink]

He was there. He bounced by in the first scene.
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
Haha, Brainy is just trying to produce the Oscar winning Holo-simulation of 3007. His "Brainback Mountain" is a story of heroes and love in uncertain times.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
At least it wasn't "I Now Pronounce You Querl and Clark"
Posted by Dairaioh on :
Hoes before Broes Clark. Remeber that!
Posted by Set on :
Most of my reactions have been covered, particularly the whole 'Brainy h/c fic' holodeck scene which was indeed over the top, but also funny (for all his intellect, Brainy's got abso-freaking-lutely *no* role model for emotional maturation, since his 'people,' don't do the whole emotion thing). Also interesting that the rest of the team knows all about his little holo-romance adventures and considers the whole thing amusing.

My point of contention would be with the presentation of Chameleon Boy. Very 'Beast Boy,' with the smart-alec (and anachronistically slang-laden) remarks. Of all the re-characterizations, Cham's bugs me most.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
I didn't particularly care for the episode, aside from the opening scene. Overall it just felt really generic and kind of boring. With all the great Legion villains out there, I'm not sure why they had to bring in someone like Imperiax, and then not even bother to try to make him anything more interesting than a generic invader of Earth with a robot army. And I despised the turning Cham into Beast Boy. And, of all the possible time travel plots they could use, there's none that irritates me more than the "going back in time to prevent Villain X from chaning history" plot. I didn't particularly care for the Trip/DD thing, either, which should've been a bigger deal than it was made out to be.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
EDE just put my thoughts into words about this episode.
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
I didn't like Cham either. He turned into that generic funny visual ala Beast Boy.

But I did like the darker tone though it could get old if it's every episode.
Posted by Gaseous Lad on :
Based on the opening credits, it looks like we have some background character outfit changes - Star Boy looks subtly different (from what I can remember from last season, anyway), and I *think* Gim has longer hair, but Violet looks COMPLETELY different - a green outfit and a variation of her late-postboot hair - a purple streak on her forelocks.

All the other backgrounders looked the same. Anyone catch anything else?
Posted by Flynt Brojj on :
Does anybody feel that there were enough problems with season one that it required this much of a change?

Personally, I thought they were right on target with the way they handled, well, pretty much everything with season one, particularly the mix of old and new Legion stories (not a fan of what they did with Brainy, though).

I realize that rebooting the LSH has become all the rage in the past few years, but was it really necessary to do it in their first, and probably only, turn on television.
Posted by l.e.g.i.o.n.JOHN on :
Does anybody feel that there were enough problems with season one that it required this much of a change?
well i guess that they didn't want to keep up with the "Futures so bright" type of setting.
interesting combo of the LSV and the Fatal 5 or 4 minus Validus. and at least Cham's mentioned that "My Fathers Rich" bit. and i love the Legion's new Crusier. i'm loving this season so far.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
I thought the first season struggled a bit at first, but by the end of it it was really getting good. They seem to have messed up a good thing with the "reboot".
Posted by superboymddjr on :
I am hoping to see Shadow Lass and Light Lass/Lightning Lass to pop up in the Legion cartoon sometimes this season. *finger crossing*
Posted by Sir Tim Drake on :
Originally posted by Flynt Brojj:
Does anybody feel that there were enough problems with season one that it required this much of a change?

Honestly, I don't see much difference between seasons 1 and 2. The tone of season 2 is somewhat darker, and the costumes are different, but overall the changes seem more cosmetic than real.
Posted by Dairaioh on :
The reboot is fine. They are gonna kind of going to have to keep rebooting though if they keep uping the stakes. There will be a season 3. WB is hyping it too much for there not to be. I say we'll get maybe between 4 and 6 seasons.
Posted by doublechinner on :
I thought the 2nd part was much better and paid off the first. First, we're back in the 31st Century. Second, we have Legionnaires in peril, Legionnaires caring about each other, and the orginal Superman. 3rd, Imperiex shows some glimmer of being slightly more interesting than the typical comic blow-hard conquerer.
Posted by Evolution Has Failed on :
First off, saw a few mentions of the statues
from the first ep. Having freeze-framed it
and comparing to unifrmm patterns in others
shots (with color for additional cues), I am
99.9% certain the statues were (left to right):

Phantom Girl
Lightning Lad
Cosmic Boy
Saturn Girl
Colossal Boy

So, no Ultra Boy. Also, freezing the opening
montage, I saw no evidence of Ultra Boy, but
I did see every other heretofore shown Legionnaire
EXCEPT for (sniff, my fave) Element Lad.
Thought I saw Karate Kid.

HOWEVER, if you note that I am posting after
the 2nd ep., I am quite happy to see that they
did show Element Lad in the background. Big relief!

As far as Ultra Boy, to have him now as a member
would waste a potential great story for the
circumstances of his joining, and showing him
as a statue could ruin the surprise (though I
think few would notice).

In general, I love the new season, and
I think it is terrific that they are
acknowledging the existence of the "peripheral"
members much sooner this year. I'll move other
comments I may have on the 2nd ep to that
Posted by superboymddjr on :
Originally posted by Evolution Has Failed:
First off, saw a few mentions of the statues
from the first ep. Having freeze-framed it
and comparing to unifrmm patterns in others
shots (with color for additional cues), I am
99.9% certain the statues were (left to right):

Phantom Girl
Lightning Lad
Cosmic Boy
Saturn Girl
Colossal Boy

So, no Ultra Boy. Also, freezing the opening
montage, I saw no evidence of Ultra Boy, but
I did see every other heretofore shown Legionnaire
EXCEPT for (sniff, my fave) Element Lad.
Thought I saw Karate Kid.

HOWEVER, if you note that I am posting after
the 2nd ep., I am quite happy to see that they
did show Element Lad in the background. Big relief!

As far as Ultra Boy, to have him now as a member
would waste a potential great story for the
circumstances of his joining, and showing him
as a statue could ruin the surprise (though I
think few would notice).

In general, I love the new season, and
I think it is terrific that they are
acknowledging the existence of the "peripheral"
members much sooner this year. I'll move other
comments I may have on the 2nd ep to that

so did you find Shadow Lass or Light Lass in either episode?

and also while they have shown that Chameleon as a rookie - I wonder if they have used his real name - "Reep Daggle" yet? I wonder if that is Cham II - younger brother of Liggt, instead of Reep?
Posted by superboymddjr on :
Originally posted by He Who Wanders:
The second season has hit the ground running at super-speed. What impressed me the most was how much the premier accomplished in only half an hour.

*We learn that the Legionnaires are older.
*Superman hasn't been around in awhile.
*Chameleon Boy has joined.
*Triplicate Girl becomes Duo Damsel.

All of the above is just expository or extra information that doesn't have much to do with the main plot of Superman X and Imperiex. Yet these details were woven into the story seamlessly without being jarring or confusing (though I, too, missed it if Cham's name was ever mentioned).

I wonder if that is Cham II aka Liggt Daggle - Reep's brother instead of Reep? that would make sense why he joins the legion so late...was his real name ever mentioned?
Posted by superboymddjr on :
oops did not realize that I was still on the same thread...oohhh...sorry for the kind of double posts. :embarrassed: [Embarrassed]
Posted by Tromium on :
Origionally posted by superboymddjr :
I am hoping to see Shadow Lass and Light Lass/Lightning Lass to pop up in the Legion cartoon sometimes this season. *finger crossing*

There was some new about Ayla at Comics Continuum a few days ago.

"New episodes of Legion will air on Oct. 6 and Oct. 13. One of those episodes is expected to deal with Lightning Lad, his brother Mekt and his sister Ayla."

Here's a thought about Shadow Lass and Ultra Boy. As champions of their worlds, one or both of them could turn up at Imperiex's side if their homeworlds decide to concede rather than oppose him.

Plus, I see the possibility of a Legionnaire going Benedict Arnold (Silver Age style, natch). The setup in this week's episode is absolutely *perfect*.
Posted by Longevity Lad on :
Excellent episode with so many nods to old-time fans. DVD freeze frame DOES reveal Karate Kid (diminutive, but it is he). No visual evidence of Shady, Ayla, or Mon but at least we get the hint that MEL won't spend the entire second season babbling abed. It reminds me of my plan for beefing up Tenz that I submitted to DC lo these many years ago when first he digested alien energies so he might return to duty as a more powerful member. Everything old is new again!
Posted by Longevity Lad on :
BTW--Anyone have the air-dates and titles handy for this season?
Posted by Evolution Has Failed on :
Originally posted by superboymddjr:
so did you find Shadow Lass or Light Lass in either episode?

and also while they have shown that Chameleon as a rookie - I wonder if they have used his real name - "Reep Daggle" yet? I wonder if that is Cham II - younger brother of Liggt, instead of Reep? [/QB]

I have seen no evidence of either
Shadow Lass or Light Lass...but when
I had said "heretofore known members", I meant
of the cartoon...I'm sure Ayla didn't show
as a member last year, and I'm pretty sure no
Shadow Lass either (not counting symbols
floating by) for Cham, I only assume he is "the" Cham,
but who knows?
Posted by Dartalon on :
I think this is pretty much how it stands as of now.


Superman, Brainiac 5, Lightning Lad, Saturn Girl, Bouncing Boy, Duo Damsel, Phantom Girl, Timber Wolf, Cosmic Boy, Star Boy, Blok, Colossal Boy, Element Lad, Dream Girl, Matter-Eater Lad, Sun Boy, Tyroc, Shrinking Violet, Chameleon Boy, Kell-El
Deceased: Ferro Lad, Triplicate Girl's third body

Appears in Season 2 opening but has not appeared in show yet.

Karate Kid

Symbols appear on season 1 opening and they have appeared in show but not as Legionnaires.

Jo Nah/Ultra Boy (ally), Invisible Kid II (reject), Polar Boy (reject)

Symbols appear in season 1 opening but no appearance in show as yet.

Chemical King, Dawnstar, Shadow Lass, Quislet


Ayla Ranzz (seen in flashback), Drake Burroughs (name appears in interlac on the "Champions" episode)

Also concept sketches was seen of XS during the shows development, so i guess it's possible she could show up at some point in the future as well.
Posted by superboymddjr on :
add Princess Projectra (or Sensor Girl?), White Witch, Mon-El, Tellus (?), Kid Quantum (both versions?), Monstress (hey I liked her!!! so sue me!), Gates, and Kinetix to the list being unseen.
Posted by Flynt Brojj on :
Originally posted by Sir Tim Drake:
Originally posted by Flynt Brojj:
Does anybody feel that there were enough problems with season one that it required this much of a change?

Honestly, I don't see much difference between seasons 1 and 2. The tone of season 2 is somewhat darker, and the costumes are different, but overall the changes seem more cosmetic than real.
Pulling the plug on the LSV storyline and the introduction of Superman X are two pretty significant changes to last season, not to mention the surprising, albeit slight, changes in personality for some of the characters.
Posted by wamu2 on :
having seen last year's season final and the end of the two-parter, I have to say the show is running on all cylinders. the various nods to LSH history, and interesting plot lines. I am starting to get a JLU vibe from the show.

I wonder if we will see a super Dominator at some point?
Posted by What Was Wrong With the Reboot? Lad on :
this show is really aching for girls!!

SG and PG's rolls are diminished with Trips getting a subplot and with new guys on the roster.

and then in the background there are only two girls (Vi and Dreamer) compared to almost 10 guys.

so i say bring on Shadow Lass! she'd be freaking PERFECT for this. she's dark and mysterious and headstrong and powerful and kicks butt! they need a girl that is like that!

and Dreamer! as a ditzy kinda flirt. like starfire's character from the teen titans show!

and if they introduce Ayla, she should be Light Lass. and she should be a tomboy. and she should put Garth in his place for comedic reasons. and she will be awesome.

above all things, it's a show aimed at kids and most of those kids are going to be little boys that want to watch superhero cartoons, so it's understandable to keep a high number of guys on the show so when the kids pretend to be superheroes they will have a lot of choices to chose from.

...dang, that get's me thinking. if only i had this tv show when i was 7 or 8. i would totally pretend to be legion! kids these days don't realize how lucky they have it...
Posted by Set on :
Originally posted by What Was Wrong With the Reboot? Lad:
this show is really aching for girls!!

Agreed. Saturn Girl has gotten sidelined, Trip has been powered down by her subplot and Tinya only shows up sporadically. Vi at least got some action, but Dreamy hasn't been shown doing anything but standing around (making her the only Legionnaire to not be seen in action yet, of those shown on-screen).

If they present Dreamy, I'd want a combination of old-school 'Marilyn' vampy-glam-Dreamy and threeboot ex-PreCop-absent-minded-buttkicker Dreamy. With movies like Minority Report and Next showcasing the dramatic potential of precognition, I think the time is ripe to see a Dreamy who is quietly confident in her ability to handle just about anything thanks to her foreknowledge.

Shadow Lass would also have some potential, in a world where the robots and goons often bear laser weapons, which she could, in theory, block completely with her light-negating powers. She's not perfectly suited to a visual medium, or teamwork, otherwise, as her darkness tends to block view of the action, and hampers her allies every bit as much as her adversaries, so the artists would have to make some adjustments to take advantage of the unique opportunities her powerset offers, visually.

Giving her cartoon-Raven-like darkforce powers might be a bit derivative, but it certainly would make her a powerhouse!

Heck, we've seen Tyroc and Blok and heard hints of Tellus and Invisible Jacques, perhaps even Dawnstar could make a flyby appearance!
Posted by Evolution Has Failed on :
Originally posted by superboymddjr:
add Princess Projectra (or Sensor Girl?), White Witch, Mon-El, Tellus (?), Kid Quantum (both versions?), Monstress (hey I liked her!!! so sue me!), Gates, and Kinetix to the list being unseen.

Also: Supergirl, Andromeda!

And I guess if you're including first reboot, ...*sigh*..., you'd have to add Magno and Thunder Girl (the name is sounding know, the Capt. Marvel Girl...), though I doubt too many folks will worry about those...

Also, speaking of alternative Braalians, Cos's brother Pol, a.k.a. Magnetic Kid....

I'm ignoring the v4 ambiguous membership period (as I think is nearly everyone, though now I've called attention to it, we might be hearing from "#1 Kono fan" or somesuch...but it's clear the show is going for "classic" Legion, so other than possibly Supergirl, I doubt my additions to this list here will ever happen...nor would I necessarily want them to...though a story with Pol might be nice...)
Posted by What Was Wrong With the Reboot? Lad on :
1. RE: Cham - i hope they do a flashback episode or origin episode on him to build his character. if i were a kid with no idea about the legion except what i know from season one, i would probably be very curious about the orange guy that turns into monsters. animated Cham is very visually appealing from all the normal looking kids, and we know enough about brainy already. I'm also looking forward to the Twolf episode too. i feel like last season he was introduced, joined, and then showed up again later flying an x-wing or something. so giving him some time to grow is going to be good. Cham would def benefit from that type of episode too.

2. RE: Supergirl or Andromeda. I'd LOVE to see both, BUT, with TWO supermen and strong guys in the background (Block, Ultraboy), i don't think it would be good to introduce them just yet. IN FACT, let's slow down introducing anyone else! there are enough Legionnaires out there to fill a couple more seasons of quality TV. so the longer it takes to introduce Shadow Lass, the longer the show is going to be on right? i hope so...

3. has anyone noticed that brainy wears his belt buckle on his hip?? man, two years later, the kids got a styled haircut and fashion sense or something! i thought if you were going to be a nerd you had to trade in some of your stock in dressing hip!
Posted by Singularity on :
Originally posted by lm8:
Was sorry to see them eliminate one part of Triplicate Girl. Also, wasn't thrilled when they got rid of Ferro Lad last season. Guess they want to follow the comic books. It is a kid's show though, so killing people off is not exactly the best subject for kids to be watching. Personally, I prefer not seeing the good guys get killed off or eliminated.

Hey, a kid wrote the death of Ferro Lad, originally. A kid from a "more innocent time", if you believe in that sort of thing. I figure, if a kid can write it, a kid can read it or watch it. It's not like they show any blood or gore, like in anime.
Posted by Singularity on :
Hmmm, I was trying to figure out which Legionnaires we haven't seen in the cartoon, yet...anybody got a list?

Nevermind, I found it.

[ October 14, 2007, 07:44 PM: Message edited by: Singularity ]
Posted by Singularity on :

Thunder Girl (the name is sounding know, the Capt. Marvel Girl...)[/QB]

Just "Thunder". I kinda liked her, I always thought there should be a Marvel in the Legion, after CoIE.

I am a huge Supergirl fan, so I was most disappointed when they didn't pick up the thread from JLU, but that's air thru the engine. I'd be happy if they brought Thunder or Andromeda in, I like the names, and as long as she's a blonde superchick, and not a racist, I'll be reasonably happy.
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
As cool as Andromeda in her original incarnation (Valor Girl..or whatever) was I think we ought to see Mon-El (Valor, Moan-el, something-el) escape the Phantom Zone first to establish the Daxamite legacy.

I understand the hesitancy some fans have about introducing too many too soon but it IS the Legion. There are supposed to be a bunch of characters. A rotating core group has worked pretty well in the comics for quite a long time and it's a tradition I'd like to see it maintained in the toon.

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