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Posted by Awesomegirl on :
I'm sorry, but I just HAD to start a thread like this. I'm not sure if this is supposed to be in the Spaceopoly section, but whatever. Hopefully you guys will get all of the references....

Phantom girl: I'm an Emo kid, non-comforming as can be. You'd be non-comforming to if you looked JUST LIKE ME....

Superman: NOOOOOOOO! Brainiac5 is DEAD!!!
Brainy: Actually, I'm not dead
Superman: Um, okay. NOOOO! Brainiac5 is fatally wounded!
Brainy: Actually, I'm feeling much better.

Dr. Londo: Why make trillions when we can make *da-na na*....billions?
Timberwolf:A trillion is more than a billion, numbnuts!
Dr. Londo: Alright, zip it.
Timberwolf: I'm just-
Dr. Londo: Zip it!
Timberwolf: But-
Dr. Londo: Oh look, I'm zippy longstockings!
Timberwolf: Look, will you just-
Dr. Londo: People of the court, I bring you ex-ZIP IT A
Timberwolf: Saturn girl, could you back me up-
Dr. Londo:(singing) When a problem comes along, you must zip it, zip it gooood.
Timberwolf: You know what-
Dr. Londo: ZIP BLAHBLAH!!!
Timberwolf: You're like a child-
Dr. Londo:BLAH BLAH!!!!
Posted by Copycat Girl on :
????? oooooook....
Posted by Awesomegirl on :
Yeah... that last one was a reference to Austin Powers. Sorry if it's not that funny, I was really bored.
Posted by Copycat Girl on :
so we just come up with something that the character would never say?
Posted by Awesomegirl on :
Originally posted by Copycat Girl:
so we just come up with something that the character would never say?

Exactly, that's the point.
Posted by Copycat Girl on :

Triplicate Girl: "Brainy, be serious." (that in itself should be enough. TPGirl tellin Brainy to be serious?)
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
Orange Triplicate Girl: Great news girls, Chuck is taking us to the dance.

Purple Triplicate Girl: But I was going to ask Superman.

Orange: Umm I don't think he'd come with us and I already promised Chuck.

Purple: UGGGHHHHH!!! I don't see what you see in that....

White Triplicate Girl: Girls, Girls Stop Fighting.

Purple Triplicate Girl: !@#$
Posted by Copycat Girl on :
Brainy *watching Superman and Drax fight*: "Man is it great to be an android."
Posted by Straya on :
Originally posted by Awesomegirl:
Dr. Londo: Why make trillions when we can make *da-na na*....billions?
Timberwolf:A trillion is more than a billion, numbnuts!
Dr. Londo: Alright, zip it.
Timberwolf: I'm just-
Dr. Londo: Zip it!
Timberwolf: But-
Dr. Londo: Oh look, I'm zippy longstockings!
Timberwolf: Look, will you just-
Dr. Londo: People of the court, I bring you ex-ZIP IT A
Timberwolf: Saturn girl, could you back me up-
Dr. Londo:(singing) When a problem comes along, you must zip it, zip it gooood.
Timberwolf: You know what-
Dr. Londo: ZIP BLAHBLAH!!!
Timberwolf: You're like a child-
Dr. Londo:BLAH BLAH!!!!

LMAO!! And to add...

Timberwolf: "I hate you! I wish I'd never been genetically altered in a lab!" *storms off*
Dr. Londo: "Brin, it hurts daddy when you say that!"
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
Mekt: Garth! Man is it good to see you!

Brainiac5: May I borrow your calculator for a minute?

Saturn Girl: Penny for your thoughts?

Validus: anything coherant [Big Grin]
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
[Brainiac 5 - Animated] says: [Saturn Girl - Animated] the doctor says you need to take your forehead relaxants. NOW!!!
Posted by Copycat Girl on :
[Brainiac 5 - Animated] (again) Brainy: "Hey Lightning Lad, Superman says there's this thing called "cheerleading" in the past where pretty girls in short skirts jump around and perform tricks just for guys like us to watch! Wanna go, "investigate" with me?" (spur of the moment thing so it's not very funny)

(by the way, love the Brainy smilie [Brainiac 5 - Animated] )
Posted by Awesomegirl on :
Originally posted by Straya:
Originally posted by Awesomegirl:
Dr. Londo: Why make trillions when we can make *da-na na*....billions?
Timberwolf:A trillion is more than a billion, numbnuts!
Dr. Londo: Alright, zip it.
Timberwolf: I'm just-
Dr. Londo: Zip it!
Timberwolf: But-
Dr. Londo: Oh look, I'm zippy longstockings!
Timberwolf: Look, will you just-
Dr. Londo: People of the court, I bring you ex-ZIP IT A
Timberwolf: Saturn girl, could you back me up-
Dr. Londo:(singing) When a problem comes along, you must zip it, zip it gooood.
Timberwolf: You know what-
Dr. Londo: ZIP BLAHBLAH!!!
Timberwolf: You're like a child-
Dr. Londo:BLAH BLAH!!!!

LMAO!! And to add...

Timberwolf: "I hate you! I wish I'd never been genetically altered in a lab!" *storms off*
Dr. Londo: "Brin, it hurts daddy when you say that!"

LoL!! I knew somebody would eventually get that one! [Smile]
Which reminds me...

Lightning Lad: Hey Timberwolf, I just got these earrings at the mall, aren't they FAB??
Timberwolf:OH MY God, those earrings make your whole head SPARKLE!!
Posted by Copycat Girl on :
Triplicate Girl: "Hey Brainy, Timberwolf and Lightning Lad told me to tell you that they wouldn't be able to go on patrol this evening."
Brainy: "How come?"
Triplicate Girl: "I don't know. They said something about going shopping for earrings or something-"
Brainy: "And they left without me!" He runs out the door as fast as he can.
Posted by Awesomegirl on :
Originally posted by Copycat Girl:
Triplicate Girl: "Hey Brainy, Timberwolf and Lightning Lad told me to tell you that they wouldn't be able to go on patrol this evening."
Brainy: "How come?"
Triplicate Girl: "I don't know. They said something about going shopping for earrings or something-"
Brainy: "And they left without me!" He runs out the door as fast as he can.

LMAO! And now for the villians...

Persuader: I don't like this ax anymore, can I have a magic wand instead?

Mano: Well if he's getting a magic wand then I want a tutu!

But we still can't forget the legionarres...


Bouncing boy: I am Bouncing Boy, DESTROYER OF EVIL! FEAR ME!!

Sorry, I just had to add more [Smile]
Posted by Fangirl Girl on :
Brainiac 5: For God's sake, I'm a 12th level intelligence, so why can't I program this !@##!@! VCR?!

Saturn Girl: *singing*
Because I'm blond, I don't have to think
I talk like a baby and I never pay for drinks
I don't have to worry about getting a man
If I keep these fly and I keep this tan
Cause I'm a blond!
Triplicate Girl clones:
Yeah yeah yeah!
Saturn Girl:
Cause I'm a blond!
TG clones:
Yeah yeah yeah!
Saturn Girl:
I see people working, it just makes me giggle
I don't have to work I just have to jiggle
Cause I'm a blond!
Cause I'm a blond!
Don't you wish you were me?

Phantom Girl: Everyone...I have a confession. I'm really..................a closet OTAKU! *runs crying to her room*
Everyone else: ....o...kay....

Brainy: Ooooh....shiny....

Phantom Girl: Wanna know why my eyes look like this? I stared at the sun too long.

(anyone who discusses this show on will recognize these from my post there as beastgirlsara)
Posted by Fangirl Girl on :
One more, curtesy of my boyfriend:

Triplicate Girls:
Dontcha dontcha wanna Fanta?
Dontcha dontcha wanna Fanta?
Posted by Straya on :
Originally posted by Fangirl Girl:
Brainiac 5: For God's sake, I'm a 12th level intelligence, so why can't I program this !@##!@! VCR?!

Brainy: Ooooh....shiny....

OMFG. Comedy GOLD! I have so got to figure a way to work those into a fic, especially the "shiny" one. It's so simple, yet so funny.

Originally posted by Fangirl Girl:
One more, curtesy of my boyfriend:

Triplicate Girls:
Dontcha dontcha wanna Fanta?
Dontcha dontcha wanna Fanta?

LOL! Oh, so sad...yet on the verge of truth. There's seriously a parody fic in there, SOMEWHERE...
Posted by Short-Term-Memory-Loss Girl on :
My First Post!!!

Brainy:Hey everyone! I just discovered this great ancient drink called Coke Cola! (starts acting hyper) Supermancanwegoonpatrolnow? Canwecanwecanwecanwecanwe? Pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleeeeeeeease????????

Everyone else: [Confused]
Posted by Sir Tim Drake on :
"That was our agreement when you set fire to my bed!"

"I don't know why I ever went out with you."
"Was it the ultra-love?"

"What do you feel like doing tonight, Thom?"
"You don't need your future-forecasting power to figure out the answer to that one, Nura!"
Posted by Awesomegirl on :
Okay, I can obviously see this thread is dying, so I decided to add a couple of lines...

Bouncing Boy: Hey, has anyone seen Triplicate girl?
Phantom girl: Who?

Saturn girl: Be careful with that Bazooka gun, Brainiac 5, don't blow your arm off!

Superman: Hey Lightning Lad, why are you crying?
Lighting Lad: Because I didn't get a Malibu barbie doll for Christmas!
Posted by Copycat Girl on :
Originally posted by Awesomegirl:
Okay, I can obviously see this thread is dying, so I decided to add a couple of lines...

Bouncing Boy: Hey, has anyone seen Triplicate girl?
Phantom girl: Who?

Saturn girl: Be careful with that Bazooka gun, Brainiac 5, don't blow your arm off!

oh the's sad...but very funny! love it!

Lightning Lad: Hey Saturn Girl, wanna go to the amusement park? I hear they got a brand new roller coaster!
Saturn Girl: *screams and runs away*
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
OK everybody, we need to assemble a team for a mission, Bring out the Planetary Chance machine!
Posted by Copycat Girl on :
Brainiac 5: Cosmic Boy, we haven't heard any news about Timberwolf yet. What's going on?
Cosmic Boy: I don't know. Let me check...Hmm...According to his flight ring and communicator, he died weeks ago...
Brainiac 5: ...So does that mean we're holding auditions again.
Cosmic Boy: Yep.

This is half truth, half my-theory. Them not caring about Timberwolf dieing is, obviously, because he never shows up enough for any of them to really care. But here's my theory.
The Legion has sooo many people with some of the most random powers I have ever seen *cough*BouncingBoy*cough* I think they just want to go to the Science Police or United Planets people and say, "Look! We have over 1000 members!" Well after they lost TW they only had 999, so they had to hold the auditions to get a 1000 again. lol yes it's stupid and I really do think about this kinda stuff THAT much.
Posted by Awww,Lyle on :
Bouncing Boy: No seconds for me!

Lightning Lad: Could I get a jump?

Brainic 5: Hey Timberwolf, you see the last X-Men movie? Boy was it good!

Anyone: Hi Superboy!
Posted by Awesomegirl on :
Originally I was going to wait until new episodes came out to post this, but what the hell? I'll post it NOW...

LL: Timberwolf, do I HAVE to?

TW: You lost the bet, Lightning Lad.

LL: Alright, alright,(over the intercom)Attention all legionarres, I, Lightning lad, would just like to announce that Timberwolf is WAAAAY cooler than I am, was, or ever will be. You can't see this, but right now I'm bowing down to his awesomeness...ALL HAIL TIMBERWOLF, KING OF AWESOME!!!

Superman: But I thought I was the king of awesome...*sniffles*

Brainy: That's okay Superman, you'll always be the king of awesome to me!

everyone else: AAAAAAWWWWW
Posted by Arachne on :

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