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Posted by Patch Lad on :
I caught this posted over on the Legion Yahoo group.
An article in the New York Times mentioned that a Legion cartoon is being developed!!!
Even Superheroes Can Use Some Buffing of the Brand

On television, "Krypto the Superdog," starring Superman's boyhood pet, an animated series aimed at young viewers, began earlier this year. "The Legion of Super-Heroes," about a team from the 30th century, is being developed as a cartoon. The home video market includes DVD releases of the live-action series "Wonder Woman" and "Lois & Clark" and the animated "Challenge of the Superfriends" and "Static Shock." In toys and related merchandise, DC Direct produces everything from posters, collector's plates and prints to replica costumes, power batteries and lines of action figures from specific artists

P.S. By way, sorry I haven't been around to play COH, but things have been hectic. I got a writing gig and I have my own cloumn with and I have an IT blog (Chris Mosby at that I have been doing as well, along with my regular day job and it has been keeping me pretty busy. Once I get used to having this as part of my schedule, I am going to try to be around here more often.

Long Live the Legion!! [Poke Joke]
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Thanks for posting this in the Legion section, Patch.

Mystery Lad broke the news here in this thread, Dc New Logo.

Personally, I'm a little scared by the news. Warner Bros. haven't been very good at translating their comic properties into other mediums for awhile now.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
I just pray to whatever gods that have been watching over the Legion these 45+ years that they don't do it like Teen Titans. [Shudder]
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
Let's not be negative about this before we've even seen some of the designs, guys. Guardedly optimistic is acceptable but what I really want is an excuse to get behind this in a big way. It's something we've all dreamed about for years.
This is big news gang, let's get excited!

I have to wonder if Steve and Mark and Barry get to have any input. One brief mention in one article and I'm dying to see some design sheets and even if there's a chance to find out some names that might be available for the voices.
We need a mole at DC so bad.

Steve Wacker!!! Confirm or deny? Sneak us a peek at a costume or something? Come on man, you know if we like it we'll spread it all over the internet!
[Big Grin]
Posted by Pov on :
If/when this happens, it'll mean Legion toys! Cartoon-related from Mattel, true-to-comic stuff from DCD! [Bouncing Boy]
Posted by Tromium on :
I'm excited by the possibility that it might be realized like JLU, with contributions by "real" comic book creators such as Gail Simone and Darwyn Cooke. But even if it's a little-kid oriented anime, it's still good news. Think of the exposure the characters will get if it's successful -- the TT cartoon has an estimated audience of 2 million viewers. Think of the merchandising possibilites, e.g., action figures, games, a newstand comic, etc.. Whatever it turns out to be, it's very good news for the future of the LSH franchise, even if we are not the target audience.

My hat goes off to DC Comics for making this come true. LLL.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
2 million. Geez, I better get us a better server before they show up on our doorstep. [Big Grin]
Posted by wamu2 on :
yeah, if it turns out like the JLU, this could be really good. and as others have mentioned I would like to see some new action figures on the market. time will tell.
Posted by Patch Lad on :
Originally posted by Nightcrawler:
Thanks for posting this in the Legion section, Patch.

Mystery Lad broke the news here in this thread, Dc New Logo.

I missed that post, thanks for pointing it out.

I am not sure about the logo thing, and we will just have to see about the cartoon. I could have sworn that they pitched a cartoon once already and it was failed?
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Steve Lightle did some promo art for a Pokemon version.


Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Originally posted by Tromium:
I'm excited by the possibility that it might be realized like JLU, with contributions by "real" comic book creators such as Gail Simone and Darwyn Cooke. But even if it's a little-kid oriented anime, it's still good news. Think of the exposure the characters will get if it's successful -- the TT cartoon has an estimated audience of 2 million viewers. Think of the merchandising possibilites, e.g., action figures, games, a newstand comic, etc.. Whatever it turns out to be, it's very good news for the future of the LSH franchise, even if we are not the target audience.

My hat goes off to DC Comics for making this come true. LLL.

Just as long as you realize that those two millions viewers have nothing to do with the tie-in comic. The Teen Titans Go book hovers right around 14,000 per month. A spot where other books would be dropped but an exception is made for the Johnny DC titles.

I would love nothing more than for this to be a success. Let's just say my faith in DC productions isn't the strongest. I haven't regularly watched one of their toons since Batman: The Animated Series, which I faithly watched and saved to tape. The only Superman one I bothered with was New Kids in Town, for obvious reasons.

[ May 09, 2005, 10:22 AM: Message edited by: Lightning Lad ]
Posted by Pov on :
You love Donnie?
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Don't make me ban you on a Monday, Pov. [Wink]
Posted by Pov on :
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
Originally posted by Nightcrawler:
2 million. Geez, I better get us a better server before they show up on our doorstep. [Big Grin]


I was hoping somebody would post those sketches by Steve. Thanks.
Posted by RTVU2 on :
Joey was always my favorite.
Posted by Pov on :
Hanging Tough could be the anthem for Legion fans! [Yes]
Posted by Kid Prime on :
Are you tough enough???
Posted by Kid Prime on :
Seriously, this is great news. If I had to guess how WB will develop it, though, considering all the sci-fi elements of the storylines and the fact that we're dealing with older teens and young adults, I would think that they will develop it in an older-anime Gundam Wing or Neon Genesis Evangelion style. That would complement the already-existing Justice League Unlimited (Classic Batman:TOS style) and Teen Titans (Kiddie Manga) styles they already have, I think. Plus I think it would totally rock.

Look at me, all getting excited and stuff!

[ May 09, 2005, 12:13 PM: Message edited by: Kid Prime ]
Posted by lil'rhino on :
Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
I just pray to whatever gods that have been watching over the Legion these 45+ years that they don't do it like Teen Titans. [Shudder]

I know you're not an anime fan Scott, but the Titans 'toon is really quite good!
Posted by Mearl Dox on :





[Eek!] AAAAH!


This better mean it's for sure now, and not just be where somebody saw the rumors! You better come out, Legion cartoon!

Be cool like the JLU cartoon, with a variety of characters major and minor! Or be insane and crack-addled yet somehow vaguely compelling, like the TT cartoon! Heck, be a spinoff of Krypto! I don't care! Just be animated!!!

*breathes into a paper bag*
Posted by Blacula on :
WOW! What exciting news!

The scary thing is that this could go bad in so many, many different ways but I'm cautiously optimistic that they'll stay faithful to the comics and turn out a product that will satisfy us all. (Hope! Hope! Hope!)

But personally, if this show turns out half as good as the Teen Titans cartoon is I'll be a happy camper. That show is VERY good!
Posted by MLLASH on :
I believe that any LSH cartoon should be aimed SQUARELY at the young viewer, with enough in-jokes and easter eggs to keep us "oldsters" watching.

And if that means using the TEEN TITANS style of animation, I'm all for it.

OhiGAWD... can you picture it... the eventual release of LSH Season 1 on DVD... *salivates*
Posted by Arachne on :
[Frown] But... good cartoons never air on stations I get. [Frown] Neither do most bad cartoons for that matter. [Frown]
Posted by Monkey Eater Lad on :
Oohh, I'm kinda excited by the news. What versions do you think rank highest for probable cartoonable treatment? Original? WaK? Postbooters?
Posted by Arachne on :
My guess would be another new version.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Or the Archie Legion. [No]

Sorry, no matter what I do I can't find myself getting excited about this. Can anyone lend me a little optimism?
Posted by Monkey Eater Lad on :
Awwww, c'mon LL! How about if I tell you the odds of getting "Underwater Lightning Lad", "Stealth Lightning Lad", and "Fire Gear Lightning Lad" figures is highly likely if a DC comics Legion cartoon is made? Can you imagine the endless hours of fun you'll have Zippo-melting LL's arm off and replacing it with a foil-made one! I could bring my Legion toys over and we could go play in the backyard and then have punch and cookies after!
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
Sorry, no matter what I do I can't find myself getting excited about this. Can anyone lend me a little optimism?

I'm with you on this Scott. I'm wincing more than jumping for joy waiting to see some of the promo art. Despite how "good" Teen Titans and JLU are, they could be so much better if the creators took more cues from the source material (i.e. the actual comics) than just throwing the readers a bone or two every once in awhile. ONLY when they use comic continuity or a character that I can recognize, do I ever truly enjoy those series. And look at Krypto. I've seen better animation by amateurs on the web.

Sorry guys. I know I should be happy. But, I feel like I'll just be seeing yet another version of the Legion that's just not as good as it could be.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
...and more smilies! [Eek!]
Posted by MLLASH on :
We're really not the ones who should be excited.

I'd rather see a whole generation of kiddies become Legion fans through this cartoon. Lord knows they don't have the 100 Page Spectaculars to do it anymore. Besides, a 'toon aimed at kids will be MUCH more likely to use Matter-Eater Lad and Bouncing Boy.

As for which version will be used? I'm leaning heavily toward the MUCH more culturally diverse "SW6 Legionnaires" version.
Posted by superboymddjr on :
well well....before the Teen Titans cartoon were released, a lot of us were wincing and saying ewwwwwww......and look at them now...they are very popular. See Terra and Bumblebee - they ROCK!!!! Speedy and Aqualad were protrayed much better than in comics! so did Vixen, Zatanna, Black Canary in JLU. so have faith in them as they are working on making the Legion the best of them all....maybe we will have a better Princess Projectra or Dream Girl kicking a major ass?!?!? who will see how useful Bouncing Boy will be? Who wants to see Triplicate Girl foiling up nemesis? so HAVE FAITH!!!
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Originally posted by MLLASH:
We're really not the ones who should be excited.

Shouldn't we be? Otherwise, why use an existing concept. The WB can develop something new and different.

I say, if you want to use an existing concept, use it and don't do every thing you can to "re-invent" it.

There's a reason why stuff like the Catwoman movie, Birds of Prey TV series, etc. tank or don't do as well as they should. Cause the unnecessary changes suck!
Posted by MLLASH on :
Jillikers, Gary! You're assuming there will even BE changes!

Repeat after me: The cup is half FULL. The cup is half FULL.
Posted by superboymddjr on :
MLLASH: have faith! You may want to see your Matter-Eater Lad kicking a big major butt in cartoon!
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
"Developed" could mean just about anything at this point, really. I'm glad they're looking at LSH again, but I'm not going to get excited about things yet.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Can you imagine what Grey's reaction will be if Gary and I are both so pessimistic? [Wink]
Posted by MLLASH on :
Originally posted by superboymddjr:
MLLASH: have faith! You may want to see your Matter-Eater Lad kicking a big major butt in cartoon!

I'm WAY optimistic about it! "It" being both a LSH cartoon in general and the odds of Matter-Eater Lad being included.

A veritable ARMY of potential kiddie Tenzil fans!! YES!!
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
It's not beyond reason. The JLU folks opted to bring in a ton of characters. Many of them are just background, but even they are getting action figures and such.

Wouldn't be surprised if the LSH developers consider doing the same thing.
Posted by Reboot on :
Well, if the Batman:TAS/Superman:TAS/JL/JLU team do it, there's always:

Click for fullsize image
Click for fullsize image
Posted by Brainiac-5 on :
Personally, the Teen Titans cartoons have made me whince from the very first time I've seen them on up to today...but, my daughers (7 & 11) love them. My oldest daughter has "discovered" my old Teen Titans comics (Wolfman & Perez) and snatches the newst Teen Titans (Johns) issue from me each month before I have a chance to read it. My point being, if they do make the Legion in the Teen Titans format, maybe it'll turn some kids onto the "real Legion" comics. Also, I suppose now the LOSH will have another title - an animated version.

The fan-boy in me is in hopes that the animated LOSH will be more in the tradition the animated Batman series in both artwork and more mature storylines.

I also wonder if the animated version will be based more on the current Waid-Kitson version. There may be a method to their madness. I'm sure plans for the animated LOSH didn't just pop up.
Posted by MLLASH on :
YES! See, we need more 7 & 11 year old daughters snatching dad's LSH comics! That would rule!
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
I wonder how much 7 & 11 year old daugthers would have liked a Teen Titans cartoon that was less Anime and more Perez art come to life? Less ditzy Starfire and more Strong-willed Warrior Starfire. Raven with more actual mystique and less Goth chic.

I could go on, but I'll stop now and take my medication. [Smile]

[ May 09, 2005, 10:30 PM: Message edited by: Nightcrawler ]
Posted by wamu2 on :
Originally posted by Reboot:
Well, if the Batman:TAS/Superman:TAS/JL/JLU team do it, there's always:

Click for fullsize image
Click for fullsize image

you know I have never that episode. the art looks pretty good.
Posted by Greybird on :
{ OmiGAWD ... can you picture it ... the eventual release of LSH Season 1 on DVD ... *salivates* }

I'd use a napkin {g} ... for example, "Daria" fans have waited for four years for a, er, legitimate DVD release. (Um, uh, some of us decided to not wait any longer, if you get my drift, and I think you do ...)

It's good news, in whatever version. I would rather have a "TTG!"-anime-ish cutesy kids' version than none at all, but if it's that kind of arch creation, I doubt I'd even bother to tape it when I watch it.

Still, whatever version it is has to get the 7- and 11-year-old daughters. Boys and girls both. If comics don't get any new "feeds," the printed books will die out in this decade.

Bruce-Timm-style, as we saw on "New Kids In Town" and see on "Justice League"/"-Unlimited"? That would grab and hold kids and adults both. And given who has the merchandising bucks -- at least, without wheedling it out of their parents -- I hope they'll be astute enough to follow the money.

Well, Warner Home Video is certainly faster on the draw than Paramount Home Video (for "Daria"), so perhaps any DVD will indeed be quickly released.

"TTG"-style work may be easier to take in one or two big gulps, come to think of it, as was true after the fact with the Legion's TMK era.

[ May 10, 2005, 07:22 AM: Message edited by: Greybird ]
Posted by Greybird on :
Now, THAT wasn't so morose, was it, Scott? [Wink]

Just too wordy, as usual. And I clearly don't have much interest in boosting my post count.

... Hey, wait a minute [ROTFLMAO]
Posted by armsfalloffboy on :
You know, as a parent of a precocious little reader, I'm not so sure a "reimagining" is exactly what is needed. What do we expect? Comic books are no longer made for kids, but cartoons ARE. So the JLU doesn't reflect current continuity--doesn't it distill the essence of what makes those characters SO COOL? Everyone in America (if not the world) understands the concept of Batman and Superman, but very few people would understand what the heck is going on in any of the three hundred titles currently on the market featuring Bats, Supes, both, or their supporting characters.

The animated series Batman and Superman were superbly done IMO. The Justice League series was a little silly and repetitive, but the Unlimited series is brilliant so far. Not to mention the fact that the Teen Titans absolutely wraps my 6 and 5 year olds UP (note the sig). I would love to see an animated Legion series that does the same thing--distill the concept down to its essence and rebuilds it for a new, younger, Cartoon Network-type audience. THEN, hopefully, 10-15% of those Legion cartoon fans will go buy The Great Darkness Saga TPB and the monthly series, and end up as bitter adults endlessly deconstructing Legion history and arguing about Bouncing Boy's powers, or, god forbid, spending quality time yapping on the internet....
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
A Legion cartoon would be great! It's all subjective, but I don't mind changes as long as the end product is still good. I like "Teen Titans" which doesn't remotely resemble DC continuity. I liked "X-Men: Evolution" a lot more than the previous X-Men series even though the latter was almost an animated version of various X-Men storylines. I liked "Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends" a lot more than that other Spider-Man series that was also a lot more faithful to the books.

All I know is, I always watched "GI Joe" to catch Snake-Eyes, so I'll be watching any Legion cartoon if there's even a glimmer of hope of seeing WILDFIRE!
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
When my sons were younger, they LOVED the Legion Archive Editions! There were so many funny, weird, interesting and charming things going on. My daughter, who is 8, is a big fan of JLU and the Titans (and Totally Spies). So, a Legion animated series would be very well received in this house.

I would hope to have a somewhat retro styled Legion animated series. I'd hope for there to be a perfect blend of charming style and modern technology working together to make for the perfect Legion universe. I would prefer to avoid the anime style and the ultra airbrushed looking cgi.

Having said all that, I would record every single episode of any Legion cartoon. I'd buy every bit of merchandise, even if it meant getting into online auctions. This is only good news, to me.
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
As long as it's not done by the same folks who did that WildC.A.T.S. series or the "Spider-Man Unlimited" series (is that even what it was called?). Oh, or that horrible "Avengers" series!
Posted by armsfalloffboy on :
Yeah, there's no doubt that there has been some poop superhero cartoon in the last few years--not to mention that excerable Marvel Action Hour of a few years ago with Hulk, Iron Man, et al. But DC properties seem to have been able to avoid that kind of cheap cashing in.
Posted by doublechinner on :
I find JLU and TTG both very good. So does my son, who isn't even 3 yet. From what I can tell, both series are done by people who are 1) big fans of the source material, and 2) very smart about how to package that source material for a new generation of audiences. As fans of the "source material," it's hard to see how we could ask for anything more, especially given how bad other super-hero media adaptations tend to be.

What I am shocked by is that the TTG comic only sells 14,000 copies a month!?! This really demonstrates how DC, and other comics publishers, have fallen into the fan-boy niche from hell. They need to figure out how to get some sort of Teen Titans publication into the eager hands of the kids watching the show.
Posted by Kid Prime on :
Originally posted by armsfalloffboy:
Yeah, there's no doubt that there has been some poop superhero cartoon in the last few years--not to mention that excerable Marvel Action Hour of a few years ago with Hulk, Iron Man, et al. But DC properties seem to have been able to avoid that kind of cheap cashing in.

Weren't those two done out of that horrible animation house based out of Korea?
Posted by armsfalloffboy on :
They need to figure out how to get some sort of Teen Titans publication into the eager hands of the kids watching the show.

The real problem is that I'm not sure how much they care. DC and Marvel are both making huge amounts of money off of licensed properties and movies. Comics really seem more like a resource to be mined to make money in other ways. So, whatever is going on in the current comic doesn't really matter, to the bottom line or to the average Time/Warner executive. The only thing they really need to do to get TTG into the eager hand of the kids watching the show is to get them displayed prominently in every Wal-Mart. I myself would prefer spinner racks. Until comics become an impulse item again ("Mom, can I get a comic book?" as they shop for groceries) instead of a specialty item they need to wheedle Mom into taking them to a special comic store to get, 14,000 will be all they sell.

[ May 11, 2005, 12:57 PM: Message edited by: armsfalloffboy ]
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
They only sell 14,000 copies of the TTG comic in *comic book stores*.

I'm sure they sell quite a few more in 'regular' book stores and in grocery stores. I've seen them in Kroger's before. I don't think there's any source for sales in these alternative venues (for us, alternative-- for kids-- these'd be the main places they'd pick them up... definitely not in comic book stores).
Posted by Kinetix on :
Hmm, I *would* take the LSH toon 'news' in the DC Logo press release with a bit of salt. They also mentioned Birds of Prey DVDs, and when that news was followed up on, it was found out there are actually no plans for such a thing.

Likely, whoever wrote the press release saw some mention of the LSH cartoon from years ago, and dropped that in there.

Posted by Infectious Drura on :
I would be overjoyed if there was a Legion cartoon, but Kinetix is probably right. We know that the people who make these things have been toying with the idea for a few years, but there's no evidence that it ever got beyond the 'kicking ideas around' stage. I have a feeling that it's the same here. Until I see anything more concrete, I will consider this another unconfirmed rumour for now.

And I would *love* to see an anime-style Legion cartoon. Not the half-assed psuedo-anime style of the Titans cartoon, but a real full-blown anime art style, with the big eyes and tiny noses and everything! [Smile] I'm always amazed when I read comic forums (not this one but the DC forums and others) about how vehement and venomous western comic fans are about the manga/anime style. Am I the only one out here who's a huge fan of both?

I don't get it. When done properly, anime style art can be absolutely breathtaking. I can only imagine that the people who say they hate it with such passion have only seen the bad stuff.

I wish that more western comic fans would give anime style artwork a chance!
Posted by Blacula on :
Sometimes I think I'm not even sure what anime is.

Is 'Spirited Away' anime? Or 'Neon Genesis Evangelion'? I enjoyed them. And I *really* like the kind-of half-anime that they use in the Teen Titans cartoon. But in my head I've always thought to myself that I don't like anime. Maybe its like you say Drura and I've just seen too much bad anime.

Wait, wait - is manga the same as anime? Maybe its manga I don't like. Though Lord knows there's a lot of bad 'Western' art out there too. All I know is that if it came down to the choice between good 'Western' art or good anime I would probably go for the former.
Posted by minesurfer on :
I guess... to me at least... and I'm no expert in art or style by any stretch of the imagination... but I have watched a lot of cartoons over the years... but anime and manga are faily close in my mind. Manga seems to put an empahsis on Big Eyes and curves and cute... like Toad or Toadette in the Nintendo games.

Anime puts more of an emphasis on Big Eyes and angular features (ie: chins and noses) but there is also an economy of movement that I associate with anime. What I mean by that is that an anime sequence starts out with a drawing and the camera draws back to show the rest of the frame but the characters never move, although the illusion of movement is created by the camera moving. Yu Gi Oh uses this technique a lot and I would think of that as anime for kids.

That's just my take on it. I'm sure there are alot of manga and anime purists that would vehemently disagree with my take, and I couldn't say that they would be wrong either.

As for The Legion cartoon... If it gets produced, I would prefer it to be in the Timm style. If it were to be produced like TT Go I would end up shaking my head too much at what could have been. I'd still watch it because that's the type of geek I am but I wouldn't be ecstatic about it.
Posted by Mearl Dox on :
I'm a huge anime/manga fan, probably more so than an American comic fan really. I've taken two years of Japanese language studies and have been to Japan, and I have over 200 Japanese doujinshi or fan comics. I'm not sure how many actual manga I have, but it's quite a lot.

I don't tend to think of things as being in "anime style" or not... what's seen as "anime" style was originally based on the art done by Disney. "Anime" just means "animation" really, anyway. Although the big-eyes pointy-nose cliches are very common in anime and manga, they aren't universal. And manga varies even more than anime in my experience--between romance comics, sports comics, fighting/action comics, mystery comics, cutesy 'magical girl' comics, or dramatic space opera comics, there's no reason why someone couldn't possibly find at least one series they liked. I'm not sure where the idea that manga focuses on cute more than anime comes from, except maybe seeing more romance or magical girl or magical pet manga. I wouldn't say that's true at all, sorry. [Confused] As for the economy of movement... anime is produced on much smaller budgets than the kinds of cartoons we see here in the west. It's gotten better than it used to be, but there's no denying that most anime cut corners wherever they can with still frame shots, hiding mouths when talking, and recycling or cycling animation. I think people tend to see a few anime or manga and characterize all anime and manga by them. But the Japanese comic industry is far more diverse than the western industry, which is dominated by superhero comics with things like romance comics being unusual.

When I say I'm an anime/manga fan, what I really mean is that I'm mostly interested in some of the stories that are currently being produced in Japan. But I tend to be fond of animation from any country, and I really do hope this Legion cartoon thing actually goes through and isn't another false hope. I mean, I REALLY REALLY REALLY HOPE that it goes through. Although I'm not a huge fan of TTG!, I would kind of be fascinated by the "anime style" gags and the J-pop opening if they went that way with the Legion. But I preferred the Timm style cartoons too.

By the way, if anyone knows anything about whether or not TTG! has aired in Japan, please let me know. I've tried to find information on it, but haven't been able to. Searching for related merchandise on YahooJapan Auctions was also a bust.
Posted by Kinetix on :
That would be just my luck. They make an LSH cartoon, and they go and make it anime. Ugh.

Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
Mearl makes some good points. Basically, anime = "cartoon" and manga = "comic book". It's like when you hear people say "I don't like comic book movies", or demeaning something by calling it "cartoony". We all know cartoon and comic books are capable of more than the general perception. The same is true for the japanese versions. We've been mostly exposed to either the low-rent end of things like Pokemon or narrow themed genre pieces. There's no inherent "style" to an anime or manga, just as there isn't an inherent type of story that can be told in a comic book (and we know how we feel when people think comics are all adolescent stories about superheroes and nothing more).
Posted by superboymddjr on :
Hmm, I wonder why they are doing that is that because the Legion will celebrate their 50th year soon? This year is Krypto's 50th year (dog year = 350 years arf arf!) and we have Krypto's cartoon show. Hmmm...
Posted by Jorg-EM on :
I don't mind the Manga look at all or them being little kids. I actually loved that pic of them battling the Fatal Five.

Now as I state every day atleast once I hate the Legion as puny teenagers. But for the cartoon I would love to see them as kids. Infact I remember talking about a Legion movie before and I hoped they would be 6 to 10 years old! (as well as Superboy)

The one thing I hope for is this doesn't affect the regular title in any way. As in the cartoon is a hit lets make them look even younger! Infact I hope this warrants a new title based on the cartoon where we can see a 9 year old Saturn Girl...and hopefully in the main title everybody gains a couple pounds, years, and inches. [Smile]
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Sorry, Jorg, but i would hate to see them 6-10 years old. That would be worse to me than the archie legion. I know its personal tastes, lol, but still.

The legion came together as teenagers. Thats how they started, thats what i would like to see for the cartoon.
Posted by DOXLINE-5 on :
A Legion Cartoon? I hope it will finally come to pass,but they had started rumors about it a few years ago, and it did not come to pass...
[Frown] [Mad]
I will not get my hopes up until confirmed!
[Roll Eyes]
Posted by Charles Phipps on :
Personally, I'm surprised people don't take a moment to think that the cartoon might be BETTER than the comic books (difficult in the current boot though). Justice League Animated is a hell of a lot better than any of the garbage we've gotten from it in years. It's a return to old style storytelling where demons and monsters are slain while the heroes are heroes.

Evangelion is wonderful but it's NOT a comic book. It's morbid and depressing (which admittedly IS most of DCU's comics lately).

Whatever the story, the storyline of the Legion is probably going to be bright and optimistic. It'll probably be a tad more serious than the Teen Titans show though but probably had a lot of Futurama noises because...let's face it, a lot of Futurama is based on ideas that the Legion built on save played seriously.
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
I thought Futurama was more based on "Buck Rogers" if anything (granted, I've only seem some of that show).
Posted by Charles Phipps on :
Futurama was based on all sci fi speculation (Zap RANNIGAN was based on Flash Gordon-Buck Rogers) but largely it was based on quite a bit of Asimov and "optimistic-bright" sci fi speculation.

I call it, the 'Pre-Phillip K. Dick' years.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :

Check out what "SaturnKnight" is saying about the cartoon over at Newsarama!
Posted by Charles Phipps on :
Who is Saturn Knight again?
Posted by Mearl Dox on :
*sputtering* H-h-h-happen, you stupid cartoon!

HAPPEN I tell you! I COMMAND IT! Argh! Happen! Happen!

Please! Happen!

I want it to happen to the point that it makes me incoherent just to think about it!

Happen! Happen! Happen! Happen!!

Man! The word "happen" looks like gibberish to me now.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Originally posted by Charles Phipps:
Who is Saturn Knight again?

I don't know. Maybe we should ask him to join up here?
Posted by Yellow Kid on :

There's nothing worse than a visitor who won't share even unsubstantiated rumors ;-)

I can safely say this...

I wouldn't worry about The Legion's future. At all.

It's more than secure

I agree with other users there, it's incredibly frustrating for someone to claim inside information and be smug about it while they can't resist dropping little hints.
gggrrrr...attention hog.

edit: clicked on his profile and followed his homepage link.
There appears to be a BUNCH of gay Legion fans there! Looks like a very interesting site too.

[ June 20, 2005, 07:40 PM: Message edited by: Yellow Kid ]
Posted by Charles Phipps on :
When there's trouble you know who to call...THE LEGION
From their Rocket they can see it all, THE LEGION
When there's evil on the attack, you can rest knowing they got your back.
Cause when the galaxy needs heroes on patrol
The Legion of Superheroes GO!
Posted by BrianT on :
Does anyone remember the old X-Men cartoon? How the animation was so cool and didnt have one unrecognisable name in the list: Rick Hoberg, Jimmy Janes, Romeo Tanghal

How the same cartoon re-introduced viewers new and old to such classics as the Phoenix/Dark Phoenix story arc?

If Hanna-Barbera (now that would be a coupe!!!) could take on the project, maybe Legion Animated would be a darn good idea.

JL/JLU has some stunning visuals, but still tend to draw Superman, Batman and others as throwbacks to the old WW2 cartoons....i hope the trend doesnt get incorporated into the Legion. I shudder to think that Jason Pearson or Jason Armstrong (who did great work on ships and machines and stuff but less well on actual human-type folks) would be called upon if any of the old Legion art-teams be recruited to supply input.

Bring back the quality of animation enjoyed in the early 80's-early 90's and i may have to revert to my second childhood LOL
Posted by Mediocre Boy on :
Originally posted by Charles Phipps:
Zap RANNIGAN was based on Flash Gordon-Buck Rogers.

Sorry to disagree, but I think you missed the boat on this one, Charles. Zap Brannigan is clearly based on Captain Kirk from Star Trek, and the actor who played him, William Shatner. [Smile]

[ June 22, 2005, 11:20 PM: Message edited by: Mediocre Boy ]

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