This is topic Legion in JLU Cartoon/Legion Series...Official Thread in forum The Legion of Super-Heroes at Legion World.

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Posted by Petgoat on :
Comics Continuum says Supergirl and the Legion will be in an episode of Justice League Unlimited.

no air date listed tho

[ February 04, 2006, 11:01 PM: Message edited by: Lightning Lad ]
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
We've been discussing it here.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
So this subject doesn't get lost I hope that Petgoat doesn't mind me making this the official thread for the Legion appearance in JLU.

We have a few months to go before we see any more new episodes but the news of the Legion one has been slowly leaking out lately. Both myself and Michael Grabois have been posting about the news at our sites.

The latest to come out is that Paul Dini is writing the episode, the only JLU one he is doing this season. And they've cast the voice actor to play Bouncing Boy who is said to have a major role in the cartoon. On his blog Michael was even able to dig up another blog by a guy who claims to have auditioned for a role on the cartoon and has a callback tomorrow.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Okay, my bad on the guy auditioning. He is actually auditioning for the WB Legion series! He does still have a callback for tomorrow but this is more confirmation of them moving forward with at least a pilot for a Legion series. And the guy, Shawn, confirmed today that the role he is up for is that of Timber Wolf.
Posted by Arachne on :

Wait a minute, I'm not going to get to watch that. Good cartoons are only on cable/satelite around here. [Frown]
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Just read the comments on that audition and have one slight concern over the Timber Wolf connection.


I think the quote is "2, yes these claws are real" or some such thing.

I really really hope they are not planning on turning TW into a Wolverine type, or even worse a Furball [Frown]
Posted by Vee on :
Originally posted by Faraway Lad:
Just read the comments on that audition and have one slight concern over the Timber Wolf connection.


I think the quote is "2, yes these claws are real" or some such thing.

I really really hope they are not planning on turning TW into a Wolverine type, or even worse a Furball [Frown]

It's worse than just "CLAWS CLAWS??"

Here's the entire quote from Michael Grabois's blog ..."There are three things you need to know about me. One, I'm not a pet. Two, yes, these claws are real. Three, I hear one single flea joke and I'll refer you back to item number two. Now, if you want to be in the Legend [sic], you gotta get through me. So let's see what you got! Bring it."

That sure sounds like Brin will be depicted as Furball or at the very least as wolf boy.
Posted by Arachne on :
Well, it would make him stand out from the others..

In spite of the claws, I rather like the speech. It sounds, I don't know, confident? Prepared? Well thought out?

It can't be as bad as Furball, anyway; Furball couldn't speak.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Shawn posted his experiences with the audition on his blog today. He said he was given another character in addition to Timber Wolf to read for but doesn't say who. He was also given full color art of Brin to look at while reading...the Legion Pledge.
Posted by Korbal on :
From Comics Continuum:

Matt Czuchry is providing the voice of Brainiac 5 in "Far From Home," an upcoming episode of Cartoon Network's Justice League Unlimited that will feature Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes.

Brainiac 5, along with Bouncing Boy, will have one of the larger roles among the 20 or so Legion members featured in the episode, which was written by Paul Dini.
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
Posted by superboymddjr on :
damn...i really hope that they do better with Timber Wolf since they did pretty good with Cheshire in Teen Titans Go....she's realy cool - better and more deadlier than the comic book's Cheshire.
Posted by Star Boy on :
Tangentially related:
(From All The Rage)

World Without A Justice League

For a while now, rumors have been swirling that the current season of Justice League Unlimited would be the last. However, a post made earlier this week strongly suggests that the end is near. While the author of the post has remained anonymous, several sources have privately confirmed that JLU is shutting down production and the show’s staff has shrunk to a skeleton crew. Cartoon Network’s official position is that the show’s future is “undecided”, but many suspect that it won’t announce the cancellation until after the final episodes air later this year, if they even decide to announce it at all. Further, it is still heavily rumored that Bruce Timm will be leaving Warner Brothers Animation following the completion of the current season. It’s unclear if Dwayne McDuffie will also be leaving or if he will stay on. Some of the JLU staff members are said to have already been shifted over to the new Legion of Superheroes cartoon. With that in mind, the future of JLU looks pretty bleak at the moment. If Cartoon Network were to order more episodes, there’s no guarantee that the same creative team would be brought back together.

A letter writing campaign has already been started to help save the show, but it looks to be an uphill battle. Given the way Cartoon Network canceled Teen Titans, it’s hard to hold out much hope here. I’m told that the JLU creators considered the current season a major boon from CN, and arranged the final episodes to be a proper finale for the series. If this really is the end of the Dini/Timm era, at least they will have the chance to go out in style.

This Has A “Who Blew Up The Watchtower?” Factor of Six Out of Ten
(read more rumours at: All The Rage at SBC )

[ January 16, 2006, 06:13 PM: Message edited by: Star Boy ]
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
While mentioning the upcoming JLU episode with the Legion, a Newsarama article continued with the rumor of a new WB Legion series. Only they called it Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes. Could we have Supergirl heading up more than just the current title?
Posted by Suddenly Seymour on :
Could just be a cross rumor mixup since Supergirl is going to be the character who visits from the current "JLU" series.

I guess it must not have been Cartoon Network endorsed, but they did say in San Diego that this was the last season of "JLU" and that the new "Legion" series was in the works but would be unrelated to the "Superman" and "JLU" appearances.
Posted by Korbal on :
JLU Season 5 has been showing in the UK. So our lucky British friends will probably be seeing "Far From Home" within the next two weeks...
Posted by Korbal on :
Season 5 finally returns to Cartoon Network starting on Saturday Feb. 11, at 10:30 p.m....
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Mike Grabois' Adventure 247 blog is saying that the Legion episode is reportedly airing next week on SKY in the UK. And if they keep they established episode line-up and weekly schedule then the Legion episode will be airing on March 11 here in the US.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Oh, and a bit of a spoiler as to who was seen in the preview for the episode.

Click Here For A SpoilerValidus, Persuader and Emerald Empress as members of the Fatal Five and Blok as a Legionnaire.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
I will be posting pictures soon but I have a full list of confirmed Legionnaires from what I've seen.

Click Here For A Spoiler
*Shadow Lass
*Ultra Boy
*Colossal Boy
*Cosmic Boy
*Saturn Girl
*Lightning Lad
*Brainiac 5
*Phantom Girl
*Chameleon Boy
*Timber Wolf
*Bouncing Boy

And the following villains:

Click Here For A Spoiler
*Emerald Empress

[ January 27, 2006, 09:54 PM: Message edited by: Lightning Lad ]
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Okay, here go the screen caps.

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Posted by Lightning Lad on :
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Posted by Lightning Lad on :
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Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
yeeeahhhhh baby -- WILDFIRE! Brin in his best outfit! The Fatal Five look awesome! Is it me or does Jo look like Elvis?
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
Mike Grabois' Adventure 247 blog is saying that the Legion episode is reportedly airing next week on SKY in the UK. And if they keep they established episode line-up and weekly schedule then the Legion episode will be airing on March 11 here in the US.

In going over the screen caps I made of the closing credits it looks like we may have another week to wait for the Legion. According to the episode guide at the World's Finest, the Legion episode is #36 while The Great Brain Robbery (the ep I took the captures from) is only #34. #35 is supposed to be Grudge Match and while looking at the images there are a number that don't feature the Legion or JLAers I would expect in the Legion show. Black Canary and Hawkgirl are heavily featured along with a coule of people I don't recognize. I think they were showing the next two week's worth of shows in the closing credits.

So I think that the Legion episode won't be airing on SKY until 2/8. But I'll definitely be looking for it starting next Wednesday just in case.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
For the hell of it, I've created two animations from the screen caps. This one is small and runs about 775KB.

This one runs about 5 meg and is much larger. You might want to right click and download it.
Posted by Monkey Eater Lad on :
Thanks for the caps! A lot of the costumes look similar to those featured the in the Superman/Legion episode.

D'OH, I just got back from London and now you're telling me they get the Legion episode first? I wonder if I should head back over there
Posted by Suddenly Seymour on :
Woo hoo! It looks so frickin' awesome, I may have to move to Canada! (Or just travel the Internet. [Smile] ) Thanks for the screengrabs, Scott. I haven't seen the episode that has them yet.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
I haven't either. [Smile] Went right to the credits to see the Legion. I'll watch the Great Brain Robbery later.
Posted by superboymddjr on :
ooo woooowooooowhooo must reserve that day to watch the show - must not go out anywhere. I will sit down and eat popcorn. wooo woooo can't wait!
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
OMG!! I wet my pants a little when I saw that!!!!!

Oh, sorry...TMI.

Thank you Scott!!!!
Posted by Arachne on :
Is it just me or is Saturn Girl's head really big in those screenshots?
Posted by Vee on :
Who is that just above Chuck's head in the topmost of the two pics with Kara? Looks like a green and yellow uniform to me and I can only think of one person with those colors.
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Nemesis Kid or Mentalla?
Posted by superboymddjr on :
that's chameleon Boy....looks like that there are gonna a heavy Grell/Cockrum-era Legionnaires - Colossal Boy, Ultra Boy, Shadow Lass, Timber Wolf, Wildfire, and Bouncing Boy. Cool and see how they focus so slowly to Emerald Empress - so regal!
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Oh Groovy! Phantom Girl and her bell-bottoms!
Posted by Suddenly Seymour on :
Alrighty, boys and girls. I got some screen caps from the latest preview of the Legion episode. It really looks like a doozy. (Get ready to wash another pair of pants, Sketch Lad.)

Thanks to Scott for setting up the host for them!

Click for fullsize image
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[ January 31, 2006, 12:18 PM: Message edited by: Suddenly Seymour ]
Posted by Suddenly Seymour on :
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Posted by Suddenly Seymour on :
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Posted by Suddenly Seymour on :
And last, but not least:

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Go, Chuck!
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Thanks to Seymour for getting a copy of Grudge Match! I wasn't even going to look until tomorrow. These are just too perfect. Next week is too far away.
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Oh make no Legion fanboy pants are a MESS over this!
Posted by armsfalloffboy on :
Color me excited. Can't wait to watch it with my kids!
Posted by Stratum on :
This is SO going to rock. I've a big ol' cheesy grin just from the screen caps alone.

Posted by Omni Craig on :

I so can't wait for this!
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Holy effin' Mackerel.

Hard to believe after all this time, innit?
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Here's a new animation with all of the Legion related previews from "The Great Brain Robbery" and "Grudge Match". It runs 22 seconds and is about 10MB in size.
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Wow, Brainy and Chuck *fighting* the Persuader!
Posted by Korbal on :
Aint It Cool News has a review of the episode:
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Nice to see the nod to the Brainy Supergirl romance.

I am really really looking froward to seeing this.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
You should have already been able to see it Darden. Michael Grabois got his copy before I did (mine's still downloading) and has posted a screen capture recap of the entire episode on his blog already.

Don't click these links unless you want to be totally spoiled.

Far From Home - Precredits & Teaser

Far From Home - Part 1

Far From Home - Part 2

Far From Home - Part 3

Far From Home - Closing Credits
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
I'm never sure when the network shows these as they tend (or thats how it seems to me at least) to repeat episodes almost every day and in no real order.

I have a few new episodes copied but had thoughwe were still a week or so off broadcast so need to check to make sure its not on there already [Smile]

In the mean time I am going to pass on the links for a while but thanks Scott anyway.
Posted by matlock on :
Wow. Wow.

Can't we just have this as our Legion series? I'll still watch a Teen Titans style show if I must, but I do like seeing the team done up in the Timm style and sporting some Cockrum/Grell threads.

One troubling note from the new superspoiler caps:

Click Here For A SpoilerUm, I don't want to be the one to tell Lash about the foreground statue in the Hall of Heroes. The little epaulet lines on the shoulders are a bit troubling.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Originally posted by matlock:
Wow. Wow.

Can't we just have this as our Legion series? I'll still watch a Teen Titans style show if I must, but I do like seeing the team done up in the Timm style and sporting some Cockrum/Grell threads.

One troubling note from the new superspoiler caps:

Click Here For A SpoilerUm, I don't want to be the one to tell Lash about the foreground statue in the Hall of Heroes. The little epaulet lines on the shoulders are a bit troubling.

Here is a different version of that image. I tried to make it so the characters can be seen easier but I still don't want to debate on more than the identity of the obvious one.
Posted by Suddenly Seymour on :
Hmm, I feel a stomachache coming on. I might have to leave work early.

I can't believe it's available here just two days after "Grudge Match." I don't want to be spoiled, though. I'll wait til I get home.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Leapin' freakin' jeepers!

Do we have a confirmed airdate for the USA?!?!
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
We're looking at 3/18 if CN keeps the promised start date of 2/11 for the new episodes.
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Wild! But one has to wonder from which era the Legion is based if Bouncing Boy and Wildfire (who joined after Chuck and Luornu's nuptials) are featured... [Smile]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
This is just too cool for words. What is the exact time this will air? I'll totally rearrange my schedule to see this.

I'm in shock at how they've captured my favorite era. Wildfire! Old, better costumes! Blok! I've forgotten how much I miss Blok...
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
I like how the "animated" versions of DC's heroes are basically from an era of their very own, not taken directly from something established in the books. That means there can be a mix of characters and costumes.

To me, the biggest thrill is to see them in action! That's what was best about their last appearance in the Superman series. They were so brave and dynamic!
Posted by Suddenly Seymour on :
I talked to a Cartoon Network rep today about something else, but he remembered I'm a JLU fan and definitely confirmed the 2/11 date for the U.S. So, like Scott said, we're looking at 3/18 here for the LSH episode.

I watched it last night, though, and it's a doozy! It's a bummer that we don't get to see more of the Legionnaires in action, and only a couple of them have actual lines, but they do look good.

A Bruce Timm-style cartoon would be good, but the actual quality of the animation has been slowly but steadily declining since the third or fouth season of "Batman: TAS," and I'd want them to address that. (As an example, in this episode, Brainy puts his flight ring on his middle finger and closes his hand, and the ring moves to his ring finger.)
Posted by Bevis on :
He he, we got it here in the UK this week along with Grudge Match and I recorded them both tonight (because we were food shopping).

Anyhoo, Grudge Match is very good (although I agree the quality fo the animation has dropped a lot) adn features a lot of the best JLU characters.

And then of there was the reason we're all here. And... it was pretty good.

No real spoilers here, pretty much everything has already been mentioned earlier in the thread, but be wary anyway...

It did feel like it should have been a two parter because apart from Brainy and Chuck no-one else really gets any screen time (Phantom Girl has a couple of lines but not much) and some characters like Timberwolf and Saturn Girl don't even get to show what their powers are let alone speak.

Interesting choice of Legionnaires in the episode. A complete mix of eras and versions and different costumes but I liked it for that. The Brainy/Supergirl interaction is a lot of fun and I really like Supergirl's new outfit. The Fatal Five look nice too, but again because there are five of them plus the whole 'travel to the future' story the only one that really gets any decent screen time is the Emerald Empress (and to a lesser extent The Persuader).

Two negatives though. Shady is there, looking great, but she attacks at one point and blasts out beams of shiny purple light from her hand. Huh? I didn't understand why that happened, but...

Also, can someone who has seen it spoil the very end for me? The video had some kind of hissy fit right at the end and so even though I can guess what happened it'd be nice to be sure. I saw right up to the bit with GL saying he already had a ring and then the video went off so i think I only mmissed a couple of minutes, but if someone can mail me off list or put a hidden spoiler here then I'd be muchly grateful, thanking you kindly. [Smile]
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
Originally posted by Bevis:
...but if someone can mail me off list or put a hidden spoiler here then I'd be muchly grateful, thanking you kindly. [Smile]

Take a look at Lightning Lad's post on page 4 of this thread (Far From Home pt 1 - 3 etc). Those links have images with a synopsis. There's a funny joke at the end after the team comes back from the future.
Posted by knowjack on :
Cool! I am crossing my fingers that this is what the LSH cartoon will look like. I really hate the animated Teen Titans style.
I love how they sort of took the "best" costumes from different eras for the members. If only Sun Boy, Dream Girl and Dawnstar would have been in that episode!
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
I have seen it I have seen it. [Bouncing Boy]

Boy I really enjoyed this. Although the majority of the legion dont get to speak or do much apart from fight Kara, they look so damn cool doing it.

I really liked the love interest and the various little tips of the hat to legion lore.

I have it taped (all the way to the end Bevis [Razz] ) and only had one or two minor quibbles.

Click Here For A SpoilerFirstly Mano gets destructive powers in both hands, Secondly Validus is shown to be a robot. At the end Kara punches a whole in his chest and as he/it falls we see sparks and wires in the cavety. Finally as mentioned above Shadow Lass seems to get energy beams similar to those of wildfire and Lightning Lad

I liked for the most part the legionnaires costumes even though Imra Click Here For A Spoilerwears a short skirt rather than trousers and (on my tv at least) Brainy is more Blue than Green.

And towards the end we get to see the reason why only two Justice League go back. and this is one reason why a legion cartoon might just be on the cards.
Posted by Faraway Lad on :

BEVIS I sent you an e mail to your yahoo account with the ending.
Posted by Bevis on :
Thanks Darden. Pretty much confirmed what I suspected, but it's nice to be sure.

You are right about Brainy being more blue though. Braniac (as in the robot) has always been a bit more blue on STAS and JLU so I guess they decided it wouldn't make sense for B5 not to be as well, but I would still have liked to have seen bright green Brainy.
Posted by Reboot on :
What happened to KQ1, Spark, Triad and Andromeda?
Posted by Not-So-Bad Lad on :
Tenzil Kem
Condo Arlick
Andrew Nolan

Just one of these.

Please please please please....I just need one. All three would be like heaven, but I just need one...Oh sweet just Lord please...
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Okay, now that the JLU cartoon is in the history books, let us focus on the (hopefully soon-to-be) Legion series.

Shawn, the guy voicing Timber Wolf, has posted over at his blog that the first recording session takes place this coming Friday, February 10. He also says that before hand the actors and animators will get together for the first time. Maybe we'll have some more news by next weekend.

Shawn also mentions that he may have some trouble with his lines as it appears Brin spends most of the first script howling. [Timber Wolf]
Posted by Arachne on :

please tell me you're joking...
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Hmm. Looks like Shawn removed the post from his blog. Bet he was asked to because he was talking about the show.

Wish I was kidding Arachne. Here is his post:

* I just finished reading the script for the episode in which my character is introduced on the Legion of Super Heroes. Why do I spend the first half of the episode growling and howling like a wild animal? From the script:

. Backlit by a FULL MOON, we see the outline of the BEAST. It lets loose a blood curdling howl!

Blood curdling howl?!!!!! Man, I don't know how to howl. I better go rent some movies with wolves and get to practicing their howls. Yikes.

Posted by Yellow Kid on :

That is SO cool! Thank you everybody for sharing as much as you have. I'm getting more and more excited about this, the spoliers only made me even more interested.

I noticed while reading the synopsis and looking at those marvelous stills that this IS the same Supergirl we've known for the last several years. She simply changed her costume..I was wondering how they'd make the transition from the old Supergirl to the new one in JLU. Simply done, new threads.

Incidentally, it looks to me like the only really obvious statues in the Hall of Heroes are two that we're very familiar with as statues (edit: I apologize for using the character names and I'm going to remove the spoiler)...and like Scotty, I refuse to speculate on the identity of the statue in the foreground...

[ February 11, 2006, 08:30 PM: Message edited by: Yellow Kid ]
Posted by Not-So-Bad Lad on :

Poor FE never can catch a break. It's like he was destined to die!

...Oh wait.
Posted by Monkey Eater Lad on :
I saw it too! I love Chuck's power sound effect! Its just like a red rubber school ground kickball! I want a Chuck figure! I might see Bruce Timm at Wondercon next weekend - I wonder if I talk about the episode (since its not technically out here yet)?
Posted by Director Lad on :
Hello from California everyone!

Guess what my first bit of Hollywood insider info is? A friend of my roommates is voicing a character on the new LSH series. And he's voicing...

wait for it...

it's coming...


I'm probably going to get to meet him on Saturday. Rest assured that I'll do everything in my power to get as much info without freaking him out!
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Well my first reaction was Yipee [Bouncing Boy]


Which Superboy?

Please say its Kal El, please please pretty please. [Wink]
Posted by Suddenly Seymour on :
Originally posted by Faraway Lad:
Which Superboy?
Please say its Kal El, please please pretty please. [Wink]

This is Hollywood and mainstream entertainment. If you ask any of the suits involved, their eyes would probably glaze over: "I don't know -- Superman when he was a kid." Then they'd quietly walk away from the scary fanboy.

As much exposition as they'll have to do to explain an entire Legion, I doubt they'll want to get into clone Superboy. For most of America, it's Conner Who? I imagine they'll stick with what they know: Clark Kent, Superboy who grows up into Superman.
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
I just saw the link with pics! wow! BLOK is my fave costume! Gim in my fave costume! Wildfire!

JLU needs to spit out the DVD seasons asap!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Director Lad -- that's so cool!

Can't wait to see this!

Maybe this will lead to the return of Chuck/Blok/Wildfire/Dawny...? One can only hope...(it worked with Titans!)
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
Thank you, thank you, thank you everyone! I love the pics, the synopsis and especially the comments of those who (curse you) have already gotten to see the JLU episode and VERY especially Director lad for those wonderful "inside" glimpses.

This is SO cool!!
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Originally posted by Suddenly Seymour:
Originally posted by Faraway Lad:
Which Superboy?
Please say its Kal El, please please pretty please. [Wink]

This is Hollywood and mainstream entertainment. If you ask any of the suits involved, their eyes would probably glaze over: "I don't know -- Superman when he was a kid." Then they'd quietly walk away from the scary fanboy.

As much exposition as they'll have to do to explain an entire Legion, I doubt they'll want to get into clone Superboy. For most of America, it's Conner Who? I imagine they'll stick with what they know: Clark Kent, Superboy who grows up into Superman.

Scary Fanboy? Moi?

Dont know what you mean.

puts his Legion PJ's on and sits and watch the JLU episode again [Eek!]

Posted by Yellow Kid on :

Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Well, if you ask me nicely you wouldn't have to wait until 3/18. [Big Grin]
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
[Big Grin]
I thought about making some snarky comment about "foreigners" but, 1. I like far and 2. I remembered that you had gotten to see it so it wouldn't be fair (really) to single out the English.

Posted by rtvu2 on :
I just saw it! Yeah! It was great!
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
I thought it was pretty groovy, except

Click Here For A SpoilerI know the trend in recent years has been to increasingly wussify Validus, but that was even more pathetic than usual! Sheesh!
Posted by Longevity Lad on :
Anyone wonder how closely connected with the LSH series is this JLU episode? Specifically, will we never see Mon-El, or Star Boy, or Triplicate Girl or the other absent members? The JLU plot would seem to indicate that ALL the Legionnaires except BB and Brainy were turned hence the need for JLA intervention. Twelve members shown and 6 depicted as deceased brings us to the "magic 18" of early membership level, if that means anything. I'll revel in any combination of LSH members in their own toon, but if I had a vote, I would want to see as many as possible!
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
I've read a few times that they said the new series will have nothing to do with that JLU ep - it'll be its own thing.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
An update on the recording session that happened Friday, from Shawn "Timber Wolf" over at his blog, Better Days Coming:

Recording went well. Friday morning I woke up sounding like a bull frog. I had pretty much blown out my voice the previous night rehearsing growls and was pretty funny. I spent the greater part of Thursday night crouching on the floor snarling and howling and making animal like movements in hopes that would help me find the right sounds. Whomever mentioned wanting to see a video of my rehearsal would have been entertained.

The session went extremely well. I was a bit concerned that I wouldn't be able to reproduce the rehearsed sounds at the session because my voice was shot but I had no such problem. It was interesting to hear the voices they cast for the other roles. I felt a bit subconscious at first. I expected everyone to record individually; instead we recorded together. In the end, it's a lot more practical to record that way. It allows the actors to play off one another to make the moments/beats sounds as real as possible. It also lends itself to finding or fine tuning key moments in the script.I felt a little added pressure at the start of the seesion to perform well because everyone kept mentioning how much they were looking forward to hearing what I was gonna do. A typical exchange at the meet and greet party was "Hey, you're playing timber wolf. Oh, I can't wait to hear you."

One thing I've noticed about people that work in the voice over industry is that they're a lot happier and nicer than people that work in other areas in the industry. What a relief it is to work with happy people that are relaxed and enjoy their work. The production staff acts like a team. On most sets you can tell who the top dogs are (producers/actors) and those who aren't. You normally see the stress on certain production staff members faces as they run about performing tasks for the higher up producers/actors to keep them happy. There wasn't any of that Friday. It was refreshing.

After recording was complete we, the actors, were given a short tour of the studio. They showed us some preliminary artwork for our show and a few other shows. I am new to all of this so I was and will be very interested in learning all I can about animation and the 'process' while we're recording the next few weeks. One thing I learned is it takes about six months for them to complete an episode after the actors have recorded.

Shouts outs to our producer T. He's the only black guy I've seen involved in the production thus far. He told me this show is his baby.

My dang camera was acting janky. I didn't get to snap as many pics as I would have liked. I am thinking about creating a scrapbook for myself. They have murals painted on a lot of the walls. A pic of the cake they had at the party. The comic book theme was hot.

Here's the pic he took of the cake.

Click for fullsize image
Posted by superboymddjr on :
ah...the first appearance of Fatal Five! how appropriate! one of my favorite cover!
Posted by Hurrikane on :
A quick sneak peek at the designs for Superboy & a few of the Legion members.. [Smile] Please do not post this anywhere else(as it still supposed to be hush hush)

Posted by Lightning Lad on :
It looks better than Teen Titans and Garth is there. I'm sold. [Smile]
Posted by Tromium on :
Chuck's a animated mega-star! I'm so happy. [Bouncing Boy]
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Mmm, I'm not sold on this yet.

Is that a ghost image on Phantom Girls chest? Nor am I too keen on the lightning tattoo on Garths face.

It looks like this is going for a Teen Titans luck, rather than the JLU which (to this old fogey) is a shame.

Still A legion series is a legion series.
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
The style reminds me of Disney's Hercules.

I don't mind Garth's Lightning Bolt eye. Phantom Lass' symbol reminds me of Pac-Man. I hope her eyes aren't that buggy all the time. T-Wolf looks pretty cool to me.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
I too was hoping for JLU-style animation, but if they can make this work, why not?

I just hope it'll look better in color.
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
Wow. Even I like Chuck! Lightning Lad and Timberwolf look awesome! (yay BRIN!!!)

Phantom Girl going goth? cool.
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
This is all I had time for this morning, but...

Posted by Gorilla Nebula on :
what's superboy doing there?
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Originally posted by Gorilla Nebula:
what's superboy doing there?

Because the cartoon is going to be Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes.

Originally posted by DrakeB3004:
This is all I had time for this morning, but...


Love it Drake. And I wasn't sure about Garth's lightning scar/tattoo before but in color I really don't mind it.
Posted by Doc Nimbus on :
Uhhh... I'm with Faraway Lad on the not being sold by this. It looks way to kiddie for me.

Please please tell me this is not the whole team....
Posted by Sketch Lad on :

Love it! What a funky style.
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Shawn's blog link didn't work

...and Hurrikane, who are you?

Feeling *really* fanboyish today!
Posted by Hurrikane on :
Originally posted by Doc Nimbus:
Uhhh... I'm with Faraway Lad on the not being sold by this. It looks way to kiddie for me.

Please please tell me this is not the whole team....

This isnt anywhere close to the whole team. The designs were released in groups of Superboy with different Legionaires(I've only seen this one & a shot with Braniac so far which I'm trying to get ahold of long enough to post a shot of here).
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Originally posted by Sketch Lad:
Shawn's blog link didn't work

I noticed that Shawn's blog seems to have had all the posts removed since last night when he posted he's taking a break. But I did copy it in the post I made at Legion Clubhouse. This wouldn't be the first time that Shawn has had to remove information about the series.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Whoa!!! I *LOVE* the lightning bolt tat! that's HOT!

CHUCK! He deserves this, even moreso than Tenzil. I still think they BOTH would cold-rawk a Legion cartoon though.
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
Agree Chuck and Tenz can both work very well in the animated realm.

Agree the scar/tattoo on LL rocks. And agree it looks very much like the Hercules Disney film years ago...and I like that look!
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
The JLU are supposed to fight Mordru in an upcoming episode too.
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
I saw that on an episode list on the Cartoon Network website. Then when I looked at the schedule, the titles of the episodes didn't match up. I don't get it. When is the Mordru episode and when is the Legion episode?
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
There is no Mordru episode that I am aware of. I've posted the full schedule with the expected air dates of the last episodes on the JLU thread at Dr. Gymll's.

There was an episode that featured Mordru on one of the earlier seasons of JLU (first season?). Could that be the one you are thinking of?

[ February 15, 2006, 06:40 AM: Message edited by: Lightning Lad ]
Posted by Stratum on :
"The Greatest Story Never Told"

Basically, it was the Booster Gold episode and the JLU fights Mordru in it. And the Composite Superman/Batman makes an appearance.

It's out on the Vol 2 DVD right now.

Posted by armsfalloffboy on :
I can't see any of the pictures! Do they appear anywhere else?
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Originally posted by armsfalloffboy:
I can't see any of the pictures! Do they appear anywhere else?

What pictures can't you see? Do you mean the ones for the Legion JLU episode?

Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
You should have already been able to see it Darden. Michael Grabois got his copy before I did (mine's still downloading) and has posted a screen capture recap of the entire episode on his blog already.

Don't click these links unless you want to be totally spoiled.

Far From Home - Precredits & Teaser

Far From Home - Part 1

Far From Home - Part 2

Far From Home - Part 3

Far From Home - Closing Credits

These links are all still viewable and working.
Posted by minesurfer on :
I had problems with them showing up with Firefox... I switched to Internet Explorer and the came up just fine.
Posted by Monkey Eater Lad on :
Yay to Hurrikane for posting and DrakeB3004 for coloring our first look! I'm loving that Chuck made it!
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Okay, so that Mordru story was old. How was it? Anyone have any pictures they could post?
Posted by Stratum on :
Well, Mordru is more of a sub-plot...basically the whole League has to take on Mordru and leave Booster and Elongated Man on 'Crowd Control'.

The story is about how Booster saves everything because he just happened to be there. It's honestly one of my favorite episodes and a great rendition of the character.

Posted by minesurfer on :
Mordru was not in the story for very long, and I don't remember him speaking at all.

Booster was the main focus and the story was alright, except that once you get past the quirkiness of the character interaction and straight down to the situation that Booster "deals" with, it just seemed a little forced.

I don't have any pictures but I did manage to find a link that can show you some screen grabs.

World's Finest OnLine - Mordru Bio
Posted by Michael Grabois on :
So Mordru appeared in a JLU episode, huh? Guess I'll have to update the Animated Legion info page.

Hurrikane, can I pleeeeeeeeease post your picture on my blog?

Hopefully Shawn's posting of his Timber Wolf stuff didn't cause him to take down his entire blog, only a handful of posts referred to the show. I asked him once if he would rather that I didn't repost his info and he never answered in his comments or even via email, so I don't know what to think.

Hopefully this animated version of the Legion will grow on me. I'm used to the Timm-verse versions of the DCU, even though I never really watched any of the shows.
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
thanks for those screen grabs!!! He looks totally awesome! That is a significant portrayal if you ask me.

Hey Michael Grabois! How are you?
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Posted by Hurrikane on :
Originally posted by Michael Grabois:
So Mordru appeared in a JLU episode, huh? Guess I'll have to update the Animated Legion info page.

Hurrikane, can I pleeeeeeeeease post your picture on my blog?

Hopefully Shawn's posting of his Timber Wolf stuff didn't cause him to take down his entire blog, only a handful of posts referred to the show. I asked him once if he would rather that I didn't repost his info and he never answered in his comments or even via email, so I don't know what to think.

Hopefully this animated version of the Legion will grow on me. I'm used to the Timm-verse versions of the DCU, even though I never really watched any of the shows.

Yes, you may for now. If there is a problem tho I may ask you to remove it if that's alright.
Posted by MLLASH on :
I've seen Far From Home-- it RAWKS!
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
Originally posted by Hurrikane:

Yes, you may for now. If there is a problem tho I may ask you to remove it if that's alright.

Thank you very very much. I greatly appreciate all the little tidbits we've been getting from various sources and it's a pleasure to read about the cast and their working environment.

Of course we here at LW always try to be careful about the all-seeing-eyes of TPTB so we certainly understand your caveat.

Thanks again and

...wait for it...

Long Live the Legion !!
Posted by Tromium on :
Comics Continuum reports that Andy Milder has been cast as the voice of Lightning Lad in the LSH animated series. You can read it here (just scroll down a bit).

Gosh, he doesn't look like LL at all! [Wink]
Posted by Longevity Lad on :
UGLY! Insultingly cartoonish and if the best Legion writers of all time are scripting the series, I wouldn't be able to stomach this treatment of our Legionnaires. I was pumping this series to all my CoH Legion buds but that stops now. Wonder where WB is spending all the development money--music? voice acting?--cuz if this is what they are going to foist on us...well, can you spell F-L-O-P? Yeh, knew you could. Fifty plus years of waiting for this CRAP?
Say it ain't so!
Posted by Haggard Lad on :
Originally posted by Longevity Lad:
UGLY! Insultingly cartoonish and if the best Legion writers of all time are scripting the series, I wouldn't be able to stomach this treatment of our Legionnaires. I was pumping this series to all my CoH Legion buds but that stops now. Wonder where WB is spending all the development money--music? voice acting?--cuz if this is what they are going to foist on us...well, can you spell F-L-O-P? Yeh, knew you could. Fifty plus years of waiting for this CRAP?
Say it ain't so!

You do realize they're not making it for us, don't you? They are designing the show for a predominately kid audience. They want it to appeal to kids. They don't care about ratings from the 20+ year old Legion fans. They want ratings from the 5-12 year olds and are designing the show to appeal to them. That's reality.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Originally posted by Haggard Lad:
You do realize they're not making it for us, don't you? They are designing the show for a predominately kid audience. They want it to appeal to kids. They don't care about ratings from the 20+ year old Legion fans. They want ratings from the 5-12 year olds and are designing the show to appeal to them. That's reality.

Everytime I hear this arguement I can't help but think of how I'd feel about today's cartoons when I was a kid...

...And the answer is I'd think that they sucked. None of them measure up to the visual quality and creativity of the Super Friends let alone a Bugs Bunny or Mickey Mouse.

I see today's animation as cheap adults' ideas of what kids want and not what they really want.
Posted by Michael Grabois on :
I don't get it. I've emailed Comics Continuum, Newsarama, CBR, and even AICN with my updates on the series but they never publish anything.

Not too keen on the animation style that Hurrikane provided. I'm sure I'll be able to overlook it when the show airs.

Speaking of which, did anyone else catch that Upper Deck will be releasing a "Vs." CCG series in December to pick up on the anticipated rise in popularity of the Legion.
Posted by Haggard Lad on :
Originally posted by Nightcrawler:
Everytime I hear this arguement I can't help but think of how I'd feel about today's cartoons when I was a kid...

...And the answer is I'd think that they sucked. None of them measure up to the visual quality and creativity of the Super Friends let alone a Bugs Bunny or Mickey Mouse.

I see today's animation as cheap adults' ideas of what kids want and not what they really want.

I agree with you that most of today's animation isn't up to the quality of the past cartoons. Heck, even 90's cartoons were better than a lot of cartoons on now. But we can't blame the company who's producing the show for trying to make it appeal to a certain viewer base. If they think that animation style will be popular with kids, then they're going to use it.

I'm not a fan of it either, but it's reality.

[ February 17, 2006, 09:00 PM: Message edited by: Haggard Lad ]
Posted by Hurrikane on :
FYI-I'll be posting designs for a certain Green Skinned Legionnaire next week(most likely Wed, the same day the new ish of LSH comes's that for a coincidence... [Wink]
Posted by EmeraldEmpress on :
Two mistakes.
Why Shadow Lass is blasting pink rays?
And Validus is a giant robot, not a living beast.
The rest are good.
Supergirl - Brainiac romance.
Blok, Wildfire.
The beautiful Sarya returns!
Posted by superboymddjr on :
Cartoon is always different from comics books. Look at Cyborg, Kole/Gnarrk team up, Red Star, Joto/Hotspot, Argent's silver/red powers, etc. So I don't think that there is a mistake at all.

Anyway, looking at the bright side - Emerald Empress rocks !!! she is soooo so wickedly evil in both Heroclix and JLU! I can't wait to look forward hoping that she will get her own action figure soon...soon...soon!
Posted by Michael Grabois on :
Hurrikane, since you appear to be an insider of sorts (or at least have access to one), I've created a list of the places I've found where they're discussing the series based on the artwork you provided. Most aren't too thrilled, but I don't know how much of that is simply because it's not in the Timm style. The list is on this page on my blog.
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
Originally posted by Nightcrawler:
Everytime I hear this arguement I can't help but think of how I'd feel about today's cartoons when I was a kid...

Ya know I agree with ye but I've since seen Super Friends and the animation did kinda suck. [Wink] Still love it though.

I've been watching Ghost in the Shell the series lately. Why can't cartoon look like this? It rocked! American animation is so damn cheap! I would love to see a comic related cartoon in this style!

...And the answer is I'd think that they sucked. None of them measure up to the visual quality and creativity of the Super Friends let alone a Bugs Bunny or Mickey Mouse.

I see today's animation as cheap adults' ideas of what kids want and not what they really want. [/qb][/QUOTE]

[ February 19, 2006, 10:46 PM: Message edited by: Ultra Jorge ]
Posted by superboymddjr on :
well, I remember many fans were not very happy/pleased with the Teen Titans when they first unveiled their cartoon show...and look at them now - very popular now. So I think the Legion will do the same thing...first blah...then later good. I wish that Teen Titans to continue to the next season since I would love to see several Titans in action like Bumblebee (wants more of her!), Jericho, Mes y Manos (finally grew on me...), Pantha (well I was intrigued by her, better than her comics version which is boring), Argent, and Red Star. oh well, YMMV.
Posted by Michael Grabois on :
By the way, Shawn's blog is back, but he's deleted all of the Legion entries after he won the Timber Wolf part. No discussion of howling at the moon, no rehearsals, no meet-and-greet, no Legion cake. At least not yet, maybe he'll restore them when the show is officially announced.
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
btw, I just saw the JLU episode Far From Home. Cool! Nice to see Ultra Boy get a good hit.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Got some more prelim art. This stuff was not used but was asked for by the WB last year when they began thinking about the series. The art is by Ben Caldwell who is responsible currently for the covers to Justice League Adventures. I've posted the images over at The Clubhouse but will repost them here if enough people want me to.
Posted by Yellow Kid on :

Not Furball!!! AAaaaaarrrrrrrggggggg!!!!
Posted by Pov on :

My first thought exactly! [LOL]

Followed by: "well, that explains the 'Howling at the moon' in the voice actor's tryouts... [Roll Eyes] " [No]

[ February 25, 2006, 12:35 PM: Message edited by: Pov ]
Posted by Pov on :
Although, excepting the B5 "cyborg" designs, I -much- prefer these to the Clone Wars animation style.
Posted by Suddenly Seymour on :
I really like the Ben Caldwell designs. I can even live with the B5 design. I do like them better than the designs Hurrikane posted, which for all we really know, might not be the finals, either, and aren't really THAT bad, in my opinion.

I really DON'T like the Ovi Nedelcu images. Saturn Girl and Lightning Lad look ridiculous, and I think it's offensively stereotypical to give the black girl (XS) huge thighs and butt. (Yes, I know running would build the thigh muscles, but that's just overkill.)
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
For those who don't want to visit my site ( [sob] ) here are the designs by Ben:

Click for fullsize image Click for fullsize image
Click for fullsize image Click for fullsize image
Click for fullsize image
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Since I had an unexpected day off, I did some surfing and found yet another artist who had been asked to submit designs for the Legion animated series. Ovi Nedelcu, a designer on Static Shock and other series, posted the following on his website (now also available over at The Clubhouse).

Click for fullsize image
Posted by Sir Tim Drake on :
That's just hideous. I fervently hope it won't be used.
Posted by superboymddjr on :
ewwww...not that one, next please!
Posted by Sollie on :
The Superboy and Timber Wolf are kinda cute in that one. Garth totally = Syndrome from the Incredibles.
Posted by Ultra Boy on :
Gotta bring this out from my collection that Steve Lightle did for DC back in 2002!

Click for fullsize image
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
I like the Brainiac.

Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Originally posted by Ultra Boy:
Gotta bring this out from my collection that Steve Lightle did for DC back in 2002!

Here's a thread about that!
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
And I just watched my copy of ULTIMATE AVENGERS. Wow!

This is how comic animation should be. It looked as if it jumped out of the pages of a comic. Someone want to explain to me again how kids will only watch the goofy crap? Howsabout doing an animated series based on Swan, Cockrum, Grell, Giffen, Lightle, Moy, Kitson, etc. You know the comics that inspired the cartoon.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Here's another one by Ben Caldwell from his submissions:

Click for fullsize image
Posted by Suddenly Seymour on :
Well, Cartoon Network released its 2006 lineup today, and, unfortunately, the Legion cartoon isn't on it.

Of course, it's still early and could change, or they could be waiting to have a number of episodes in the can and go for an early 2007 launch.

Or maybe for following November series is just a plant to throw the rabid Legion fans off their track. Maybe it's just me, but I can't figure out how the show description relates to the title:

-- Class of 3000: The half-hour series featuring a group of musically gifted kids at the Westley School for Performing Arts in Atlanta is set to premiere in November. When former student Sunny Bridges returns to regain something he lost on his way to fame, he brings sunshine to the lives of the culturally diverse students. Andre Benjamin will contribute music and his voice talent to the series. Other cast members are Tom Kenny (SpongeBob SquarePants, Camp Lazlo), Crystal Scales (Static Shock, The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron), Jennifer Hale (Samurai Jack, The Powerpuff Girls), Janice Kawaye (Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi) and Jeff Glen Bennet (Johnny Bravo, Camp Lazlo). The series is produced by the Tom Lynch Co., Andre Benjamin’s production company, Moxie Turtle, and Cartoon Network. Twelve-half hour episodes and a one-hour premiere are being produced at Cartoon Network Studios in Burbank, Calif.
Posted by Suddenly Seymour on :
Oh, just googled him. Andre Benjamin is aka Andre 3000. Still never heard of him. [Smile]
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Guess you didn't read close enough Seymour:

The series featuring the Legion of Super-Heroes is headed for Kids' WB!, although it might eventually air on Cartoon Network, like The Batman.
Posted by Suddenly Seymour on :

I just saw the press release from CN. It didn't mention Kids' WB! I'll have to give my contact at Kids' WB! a call tomorrow to see if I can get any other information from her. I'm surprised I didn't get their release. She's usually pretty good about that.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
I found the info on Comics Contiuum and Toonzone. I couldn't find the Kids WB! press release anywhere so maybe it isn't out yet. So if you've got an in with the WB that would be great. But between those two I think that's confirmation enough for me.
Posted by Suddenly Seymour on :
I guess it really pays to attend the upfronts if you're a toon geek. There were whole series reported at Toonzone that weren't even mentioned in the Cartoon Network press release. What is CN's pr dept. thinking?
Posted by Infectious Drura on :
why must all the designs have such stylized anatomy? I know, I know it's a deliberate stylistic choice. But I find it as fugly as Rob Liefield's abominations (which are not done on purpose). I hate those wasp waists and exaggerated caricature faces.

I want to see a style more like genuine anime and manga in Japan. If you look at that art it has accurate anatomy, the only stylized parts are the eyes noses and mouths. The rest is totally anatomically correct.

Legion cartoon artists! Can we have correct anatomy please? Proper proportions! Women with room for internal organs!

It's like they have noticed the surface form of the anime style but none of the substance. This overly cartoony stuff seems more in the Western comic strip cartoon tradition than anything Eastern. Not that there's anything wrong with that but it was never really to my personal taste.

If the final cartoon is anything like any of these sketches I shall be very disappointed.

I'm not crazy that all the prelim sketches seem to be a throwback to the Chris Sprouse L belt designs that we just finally got rid of after outstaying their welcomes for several years. (they were great back in the day and I loved them but they were beginning to look hideously dated by the end!)

Base em on the Kitson designs I say!
Posted by matlock on :
It seems to me that the designs we've been seeing are more influenced by the Incredibles than anything else. Actually the very first ones that Hurikane posted looked like the Legion by Chuck Jones or Hank Ketcham to me. I don't think that the most stylized things we've seen are what we'll end up with. I certainly hope they scrapped the idea from when Steve Lightle worked on a pitch which saw the Legionnaires (and villians) transform into goofy "powered up" versions. I think Lightning Lad turned into a human lightning bolt or something equally dreadful.
Posted by Stratum on :
Stick with the Timm style. It's worked this long and is practically it's own genre now.

Posted by Matthew E on :
The series featuring the Legion of Super-Heroes is headed for Kids' WB!, although it might eventually air on Cartoon Network, like The Batman
But the really important question is whether YTV is going to pick it up or not.
Posted by lil'rhino on :
Originally posted by DrakeB3004:
This is all I had time for this morning, but...


Posted by Michael Grabois on :
Just FYI, Bruce Timm has said this drawing (from James Tucker) is an early preliminary concept drawing, not the final version of what they'll look like. Apparently it'll be Timm-ier than this but not exactly what we saw/will see in the JLU episode.
Posted by Infectious Drura on :
Opiniated as ever, I have another thing to say about the cartoony style of artwork that seems beloved by the recent DC-related cartoons, that relates to what I said earlier about the possible LSH cartoon artwork.

I saw an episode of JLU, and I was irked by the excessive 'wasp waists' of the women. Yes, it even offended me a little. I don't expect the artists to slavishly adhere to reality. Yes it is stylized. Yes, the artists could draw totally accurate anatomy if they had to (unlike Rob Liefield and the godawful early 90s 'bad girl' artists.)

But-just as the perfectly spherical basketball breasts of the badly drawn, sword wielding blood spattered bad girls irked me because-women's bodies don't look like that dammit!-

The wasp waists of the JLU women irked me for the same reason.

Women's. Bodies.Do.Not.Look.Like.That.

I am a woman. My waist is more than 1 millimetre wide. Even cartoon women should look like they have room for internal organs.

So yeah, I probably am taking it far too seriously. And no, real men don't look like steroid packed muscle creatures either. But dammit, it irks me.

Personally I just don't like cartoony stylized anatomy. And that is that. But misrepresentation of women's bodies irks me greatly. There's enough body- facism about women's bodies as there is. Kids' cartoons don't need to add to it.

Death to wasp waists I say! No wasps waists for the Legion! Even Shrinking Violet has kidneys...
Posted by wayniac5 on :
Wasp waists and otehr insane female anatomical silliness are not just the private domain of bruce tim animation. Look at the ridiculous breasts of most female superheroines or there costumes. It's ridiculous.

I have a beautiful Jill Thompson Lightning lass that looks like a REAL woman. I'd love for Jill to do the LSH.

Barry is doing a fine job though as well.
Posted by Stratum on :
The Bruce Timm style women goes way back to Batman: TAS. Since they were invoking a 40's/50's feel to the show, that heavily influenced the way the women (and men) were drawn. Many of his women look like pin-ups from that era and it's entirely intentional.

I can understand that not everyone will like it but not every guy is built like Superman either....

Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Anyone intersted in a look at the working logo for the Legion series? No? Okay, I'll just go home. [Wink]

From Comics Continuum:


The article also spoke with Andy Milder, the voice of Lightning Lad and gave a list of Legionnaires we'll likely see. Click the link to the CC to read the full thing.
Posted by Matthew E on :
I understand that it's only a working logo.

But it's butt-ugly.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
I like it. It is simple, kind of harkens back to previous Legion logos without really being tied to one and the use of the "S" symbol keeps the word Superboy from taking over.
Posted by Ultra Boy on :
Me likes it too. [Smile]
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
My first impression echoes Matthew E's.

Makes it look like the Legion is a Superboy spin-off doesn't it?

Posted by Caliente on :
Okay, I'm waaaay behind the times, but I finally saw Far From Home tonight. Mm, the joys of having an external harddrive!!

Anyway. I absolutely adored it. Sure, the romance was pushed a little (lot) hard but I didn't really feel like the story suffered for it. I actually liked Supergirl more in this episode than I have, like, ever before.

Overall, I thought the story was clever and fun. I really liked the Emerald Empress, in both design and voice acting. She was bad and it was good. [Yes]

The animation could've been a bit better, I agree, but I was just happy to see so many Legion cameos!! Even if some were in statue form... [Frown] That was a major bummer.

I wish Cosmic Boy could've had more of a role (shocking, I know) and was very disappointed to see so few actual members of the Legion. I'd love to see Lyle (not the 3boot version), Nura, Jan (not the reboot version), Vi, Ayla, Dirk, Dawnstar or Jeckie show up in the cartoon. Jenni too but I'm not really that deluded.

I agree with the nitpicks on Shadow Lass's powers-- the first time I watched it, I wasn't even sure it was her! Also, why wasn't Cham orange? Has he been grey before? It struck me as odd...

I'll be curious to see if Valor or Andromeda show up, since the new cartoon is apparently Superboy's Legion. And the origin stories and whatnot, too. I'm excited, though I hope the animation is more toward the Timm style too. Actually, I was thinking the Evolution style would be great for the Legion-- it worked really well for the X-Men. But that's just my two cents...
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
You know, even though it is just a working logo, I actually like it.

It echo's the legions book and, from a non comic book fans point of view, the S symbol is so iconic that they are instantly going to recognize it and know who is involved. I think its a great "hook" to get fans watching
Posted by Suddenly Seymour on :
I like the logo and was apparently so excited about it, I had a dream last night that I was watching TV and during the commercials, the logo pops on screen, except it was more a red version of a TMK era-ish logo, and there was a bar between the Legion and Super-Heroes part where it said, "Year of the Legion."

Then it went into the promo for the cartoon. The animation was pretty straightforward, not stylized at all, and everyone was in their Cockrum-Grell-Levitz costumes. I saw Tyroc, Wildfire, Dawnstar (she had some dialogue, and I remember thinking she sounded more Middle Eastern than Native American), Bouncing Boy (he had some dialogue, too, but I don't remember what he said either) and Brainiac 5. There were more, but I'm losing the image. At one point, they did a closeup on Dawnstar, she started chanting, and the star on her forhead glowed. I thought that was an interesting way to visualize her power. And then for some reason, the animation got really ugly.

Then the logo came back, only it had a blue band around it with a tab at the top that had the word "Atari," and their logo inside it, like we're getting a video game, too! That would so rock!

The last thing I remember in the dream is getting up and posting the following to this thread, "I may have fallen asleep watching TV and was dreaming, but I swear I just saw a promo for the Legion cartoon."

Isn't that weird? I only remember my dreams this well a quarter of the time, so I was glad I could wake up and share it with you before I totally forget it as the day progresses.
Posted by Michael Grabois on :
Assuming that the Superman: The Animated Series is within the same continuity as JLU, we've already seen Saturn Girl, Chameleon Boy, and Cosmic Boy, with a cameo by a bunch more. See my Animated Legion Page for pictures.

Now, seeing as how that episode had the Legion in the upside-down rocket ship and the JLU episode had that as their old HQ, it's not unreasonable to assume that this episode was a few years in the future from that one. That would explain the costume changes and Brainiac 5's mullet.
Posted by Hurrikane on :
Sorry this is late, I've been away, but as promised, here's Braniac 5(I know this is gonna get some reaction from everyone... [Wink]
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Thanks Hurrikane.

You wonder why they even link the series to the comics at all when they try so hard to change everything.
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
I haven't critiqued the artwork at all until now but that B-5 is really horrible. Brainy is NOT a cyborg nor has he been known to be extremely fond of exo-skeletons.
I'm not sure what they're going for in that pic but it sure isn't Brainiac 5. Might be a cool Brainiac 2 or even 3 but as a B-5 it just doesn't measure up.
Posted by Michael Grabois on :
You know, that doesn't even look like the same animation style as the previous drawing of the group. That one was attributed to James Tucker (by Bruce Timm in another forum). This one looks like it's signed by Tucker, but unless this is an updated style - it is closer to the Timm style, and we were told that the preliminary drawings were more Timm-ified - I have a hard time believing it's from the same guy.

Hurrikane, is this more recent than the other one, and is it by the same guy?
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
Still, it's cool to see it.. wherever it's from.

[Big Grin]
..y'know,, I really think it would make an extremely cool Brainiac 2. Or 3.
Posted by Sir Tim Drake on :
That had better not be the final design.
Posted by Jan Arrah on :
I like it. I think that we fans can be far too literalist when it comes to adaptations of our heroes in other mediums. By its very nature an adaptation has to be different, right!

Now if they'd turned Tinya into a robot....
Posted by Kon-L on :
Originally posted by Infectious Drura:
Opiniated as ever, I have another thing to say about the cartoony style of artwork that seems beloved by the recent DC-related cartoons, that relates to what I said earlier about the possible LSH cartoon artwork.

I saw an episode of JLU, and I was irked by the excessive 'wasp waists' of the women. Yes, it even offended me a little. I don't expect the artists to slavishly adhere to reality. Yes it is stylized. Yes, the artists could draw totally accurate anatomy if they had to (unlike Rob Liefield and the godawful early 90s 'bad girl' artists.)

But-just as the perfectly spherical basketball breasts of the badly drawn, sword wielding blood spattered bad girls irked me because-women's bodies don't look like that dammit!-

The wasp waists of the JLU women irked me for the same reason.

Women's. Bodies.Do.Not.Look.Like.That.

I am a woman. My waist is more than 1 millimetre wide. Even cartoon women should look like they have room for internal organs.

So yeah, I probably am taking it far too seriously. And no, real men don't look like steroid packed muscle creatures either. But dammit, it irks me.

Personally I just don't like cartoony stylized anatomy. And that is that. But misrepresentation of women's bodies irks me greatly. There's enough body- facism about women's bodies as there is. Kids' cartoons don't need to add to it.

Death to wasp waists I say! No wasps waists for the Legion! Even Shrinking Violet has kidneys...

I am a man, and men do not look like how they draw Superman either.

But I am not offended. It is just a cartoon.
Posted by wamu2 on :
Originally posted by Nightcrawler:
Thanks Hurrikane.

You wonder why they even link the series to the comics at all when they try so hard to change everything.

I am going to take a guess. the execs were probably thinking something like this: hey those kids really like cyborg of the teen titans. so lets make a smart cyborg guy for the LHS. after all if he looks part robot, that will instantly explain why he's so smart. [Smile]

anyway, I get wait to hear the personalitites for the characters. I am sure the legion members will always be eating the 31st century version of pizza. [Smile]
Posted by Sir Tim Drake on :
I am sure the legion members will always be eating the 31st century version of pizza. [Smile]
But they'll think it's an exotic ancient dessert.
Posted by sheer on :
The future version of pizza? Maybe an old favorite...grilled insects on a stick XP Only these would be space insects of course.

Ditto, Drura, on the wasp waist...those graphic shorthands of super-exaggeration are effective if used on a few characters, but when every male hero has shoulders 4 ft. across and every female apparently lacks viscera, it is tiring to the eye. The only way out of this is if more animators create styles that don't do this, and they become very popular. (edited to add) Remember, Rob Liefeld was once the hottest comic artist going and he's not now. All things change.

To add a piece of information for the upcoming series - Adam Wylie will voice Brainiac 5.


Author: Adam Wylie
Date: 02-28-06 19:37

Hello Everyone,
I just wanted to kepp y'all posted on what I have been up to lately! I have been doing a bunch of episodes on American Dragon for the Disney Channel. I did a mac and cheese voice over commercial, I am working on the HBO series "Entourage" next week, and I now have a new cartoon series called "The Legion of Super Heroes" where I play Braniac 5! it will be on the new network CW in the fall! O,and I will be singing and dancing in S.T.A.G.E. benefit at Cal State LA next month! so keep a look out and thank you all for caring!!!!
~Adam Wylie

[ March 12, 2006, 03:43 PM: Message edited by: sheer ]
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Thanks for the new info sheer. And welcome to Legion World!
Posted by Awkward Pause Boy on :
Is it official that the series will be on a "new network?" If so, I sure hope it's one I get. Or maybe I don't.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
It would be the new network if it debuts in the Fall. The WB and UPN have merged to form CW. So if you get either network now you should get the new one.
Posted by hubbair on :
I wonder if at the end of JLU(which id the end of this season)they'll see what supergirl is doing in the 31st century and the credits will role showing you previews for the new Legionarre show.
Posted by wayniac5 on :
I've updated the website with a round up of everything known thus far.... about the cartoon
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
Thank you W-5. I made sure to bookmark your site so I can enjoy a leisurly read when I get back home from work.

Kick nass!
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
More casting news courtesy of Comics Continuum:

Jennifer Hale is providing the voice of Emerald Empress in the upcomming Legion of Super Heroes animated series from Warner Bros. Animation.

Hale is a prolific voice actress, with more than 120 roles to her credit.

Her comic-book roles include Felicia Hardy/Black Cat in Spider-Man, Lady Vermin in Spider-Man Unlimited, Spider-Woman in Iron Man and Zatanna, Killer Frost and Giganta in Justice League Unlimited.
Posted by Blue Battler on :

You guys don't understand.

That's what's left of Querl after Kara stayed
with him in the 30th Century: Girl of Steel,
Colun of Kleneex. 8-)

On a serious note, it could actually be rather
interesting if the Brainiac 5 in this continuity
was a combination of the former Computer Rulers
of Colu and the humanoid inhabitants...
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
Originally posted by Blue Battler:
Girl of Steel,
Colun of Kleneex. 8-)

-Ha ha ha-

Larry Niven's always been a favorite.
Posted by Longevity Lad on :
Without hitting my stored collection, I've been thinking of the line-up of this week's LSH appearance and I cannot recall if this will be the first time Bouncing Boy ever faced the Fatal Five. Anyone remember if the rotund one battled the Five?
I haven't much hope for the proposed Legion toon series, but I can hardly wait for Saturday night!
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
BB battled the Five in the Superboy's Legion Special, but I can't think of any other times.
Posted by Monkey Eater Lad on :
Not so sure about that Brainiac. Mebbe if he could look less like a Transformer normally but then transform during battle?
Posted by Korbal on :
"Far From Home" has been bumped to the 25th due to CN showing "Spirited Away."
Posted by matter-eater man on :
It sounds like Mattel is planning to produce action figures for the new Legion toon! They've done a great job with the JLU property IMHO. Instead of doing a zillion variations of Supes/Bats, they've been producing more obscure characters, pretty much everyone that DC will allow them to do.
Posted by doublechinner on :
That's great news, ME Man! My son and I both love the JLU action figures. I still can't believe my son plays with action figures of the Green Lantern Corps, Red Tornado, Martian Manhunter, Green Arrow, Black Canary, etc. He has NO idea how lucky he is.
Posted by matter-eater man on :
Yeah, when I was a kid it was a couple of pocket heroes of the big guns & that was it. These days, the big toy companies handling super hero properties in general have been really good about doing characters that you wouldn't think would ever make it to the toy aisles. Vixen & the female Dr. Light are just showing up now.
Posted by Michael Grabois on :
Matter - where did you hear that Mattel will be producing new Legion figures? Via the grapevine or a link somewhere?
Posted by Evolution Has Failed on :
Well, tonight was GONNA be the night here in
the US...however, "Korbal"'s note is consistent
with the latest date given in:

though I'M not taking any chances... (gonna
use a whole blank DVD on it when it shows
...I've seen an *avi of this episode, and in
my opinion, it is SUPERB.)...

<sort of ***spoilers*** for said ep in next


Regarding the alleged B5 appearance in the upcoming series...isn't that series supposed to be a spin-off of "Far From Home"? Doesn't that then constrain B5's appearance to at least be reasonably consistent with being a "cute guy" with whom Supergirl falls in Love?

Perhaps he is transformed later, spawning a replay of the Wildfire/Dawnstar "physcially denied" love...more LIKELY, though, is that the posted pic was of a Braniac-type villain from the series, and someone working on the show who isn't a huge LSH geek like all of us just got a little confused on the captioning...

But seriously, isn't there "official word" that this show is a spin-off of "Far From Home"?
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
I believe the official word is that it's *not* a spin-off of "Far From Home".
Posted by matter-eater man on :
Originally posted by Michael Grabois:
Matter - where did you hear that Mattel will be producing new Legion figures? Via the grapevine or a link somewhere?

At the board. There is a thread about the Wizard World Con & some guy posted what he & somebody from Mattel talked about. So it isn't anything confirmed or official.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
To second EDE, the official word is that this Legion will not be a spin off of the JLU. It will be a whole different continuity.

And thanks for the news of the figures M-EM!
Posted by Suddenly Seymour on :
Hopefully, they won't be like DC Direct and will actually make some girls! Their work on JLU figures bodes well.

I may actually have to go flirt with someone at Target to make sure I can get all of them. I finally had to resort to eBay for Booster Gold.
Posted by Evolution Has Failed on :
Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
To second EDE, the official word is that this Legion will not be a spin off of the JLU. It will be a whole different continuity.

And thanks for the news of the figures M-EM!

Thanks to both of you for answering that. Now that you mention it, I see that it is SuperBOY in the online thanks for not saying "duh"....

This does, however, present a negative quandry... with the LEgion existing as a separate (and different) continuity, that rather precludes any follow-up to "Far From Home", which is quite a they're just going to leave Supergirl
there and never show her again? I suppose they have time for a follow-up story before the LSH cartoon premiers, but seems to me that once the LSH series begins, it would be awkward to go back and show the JLU continuity version...

Oh least we're getting action Figures (though I doubt they'll equal the DC Direct ones in quality....and also, I want an Element Lad, damnit!)
Posted by superboymddjr on :
i want Triad, triplicate girl, Duo Damsel, Mono Maid...all!! so that will show the company that she is the most sold legionnaire ever! many fans has been trying to tell the DC direct to sell the female legionnaires but they were afraid that they would not succeed. I am gonna buy all female legionnaires!!
Posted by DOX-Line-5 on :
I was waiting with bated breath for JLU episode of "far from home" but unfortunately they put on another program in it's place... [Mad] [Frown]
so thanks to the power of the message board i was able to see some previews to get though the disappointment.

Posted by Lightning Lad on :
It looks like it won't be airing now until April 8.
Posted by Star Boy on :
Originally posted by superboymddjr:
i want Triad, triplicate girl, Duo Damsel, Mono Maid...all!! so that will show the company that she is the most sold legionnaire ever! many fans has been trying to tell the DC direct to sell the female legionnaires but they were afraid that they would not succeed. I am gonna buy all female legionnaires!!

You know now I am gonna buy Triplicate Girl figures just to sell them on eBay as special "Lu as Mono Maid" exclusives.... [LOL] No buy one, get two free specials from me. [Wink]
Posted by Suddenly Seymour on :
Originally posted by Evolution Has Failed:
This does, however, present a negative quandry... with the LEgion existing as a separate (and different) continuity, that rather precludes any follow-up to "Far From Home", which is quite a they're just going to leave Supergirl
there and never show her again?[/QB]

JLU is ending after this season (four or five more episodes after "Far From Home") so no follow-ups to confuse continuity -- unless they make a direct-to-DVD film, as they're doing for "Superman" by himself.
Posted by Suddenly Seymour on :
Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
It looks like it won't be airing now until April 8.

And they wonder why it's been slipping in the ratings ...
Posted by Longevity Lad on :
I tired of waiting so I downloaded the episode and I enjoyed it. Yes, it has a few minor glitches in the depiction of the Legionnaires but the story is involving and the resolution quite emotionally satisfying.
Supergirl taking out the assembled Legion was great but you have to give Chuck his props--he really rolls all over the competition and never looked better in combat. It even has a few good laughs and a great visual homage to CoIE #7!
Posted by Stratum on :
And they wonder why it's been slipping in the ratings ... [/QB]
No to mention the fact that they only show it once a week. If you don't support a show how can you expect it to do well?

And yet, I can see the same damn episode of "My Gym Partner's A Monkey" four times in three days...

Posted by doublechinner on :
It would be interesting to hear any insights people have on CN's programming behavior. I find it unfathomable.

The fact that a division of Time Warner (CN) would so s#!t upon another division (DC), so completely fail to exploit very popular properties (Superman, Batman, etc.) for every penny they can reliably provide, is absolutely beyond me. Is "Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy" that much more popular than Teen Titans and JLU? And what is up with that show ("Grim") anyway? The put something in primetime on a station called "Cartoon Network" that I can't let my 3-year old watch? What are these poopy-heads smoking?
Posted by Omni Craig on :
Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
It looks like it won't be airing now until April 8.

Uh oh... I wanted to watch this episode "live" but I guess not. I'll have to stick with my plans for a romantic dinner with my wife for our 12th anniversary (it is actually the next day, but everyone with small kids knows you can't have a late night dinner on a school night!). And for those doing the math, yes, we were married on 4-9-94

And back on topic, I'm surprised they aren't going to follow the "Far From Home" Legionverse. It seems strange to start the new series and immediately create a potential paradox... it's like retconning out Superboy. The writers must be doomed to repeat past mistakes. [Confused]
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
We have our Superboy. From today's Comics Continuum:

Yuri Lowenthal is providing the voice of Clark Kent/Superboy in the upcoming Legion of Super Heroes animated series, The Continuum has learned.

Lowenthal, 35, has appeared in such television shows as Gilmore Girls and Alias. He has more than a dozen voice role credits.

Superboy is the central character in the series, and his development as a hero is a key theme. He will wear the traditional Superman costume.

In other Legion news:

* Eric Canete is a background artist for the show. Canete was a storyboard artist for both The Batman and Teen Titans and is also known for his WildStorm comic-book series Cybernary 2.0.

* An official announcement about the show should come this spring, sources told The Continuum.

Posted by Lance's realm on :
Happy anniversary Craig!
Posted by Omni Craig on :
Thanks Lance!!

And I'm amazed that it looks like TPTB at DC is actually going with a "Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes" concept (as Superboy is the central character).

Maybe it is their way to appease (shut up) the fanbase (us) who have been clamoring for this for decades now...
Posted by Caliente on :
I'd guess it was more about name recognition. Kids don't necessarily know who the Legion are but I'd be put money on kids knowing who Superman is. Especially with the movie coming out soon and all that jazz-- marketing would just be so much easier.
Posted by DOX-Line-5 on :

Posted by DOX-Line-5 on :
Hi! back again...

Read about the April 8th date... thanks for the lookout...I'll keep watching...

The only thing better than watching the episode will be owning the DVD.

Then I can see it over...and over...and over...... [Big Grin]
Posted by Suddenly Seymour on :
Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
We have our Superboy. From today's Comics Continuum:

Yuri Lowenthal is providing the voice of Clark Kent/Superboy in the upcoming Legion of Super Heroes animated series, The Continuum has learned.

Lowenthal, 35, has appeared in such television shows as Gilmore Girls and Alias. He has more than a dozen voice role credits.

Yuri Lowenthal is quite prolific as an anime voiceover artist. He's the star of one show I'm currently enjoying, "Kyo Kara Maoh!" If you want to hear how he sounds, click here for a sound clip from that show. I think he'll do OK.

[ March 25, 2006, 06:42 PM: Message edited by: Suddenly Seymour ]
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Sorry Dox, and everyone else who may not have seen the episode by other means yet. CN just announced its April line-up for JLU and "Far From Home" is now scheduled for Saturday, April 15, at 10:30 pm. According to Comics Continuum.
Posted by Spellbinder on :
The way they're going, that episode will air sometime after the Legion cartoon debuts [Smile]
Posted by matlock on :
If they could just push it back a couple more weeks I could watch it with the new baby boy (they're inducing labor on the 23rd.) I'll want to start his subliminal training ASAP. I'm trying to figure out how to interest his big sister in the S & LSH series as it is. She's familiar with Superman already so I've got an "in" there already.
Posted by Lance's realm on :
I checked my local listings for the 15th, and it isn't scheduled...*sigh* I am getting the feeling that no more JLU episodes are gonna hit the airwaves here...
Posted by Star Boy on :
Originally posted by Spellbinder:
The way they're going, that episode will air sometime after the Legion cartoon debuts [Smile]

Possibly even after the Legion actually forms.
Posted by Korbal on :
From Comic Continuum:

* Although they aren't series regulars, both Cosmic Boy and Triplicate Girl will appear in the upcoming Legin(sic) of Super Heroes animated series.

HUH? Cos is not a regular member?
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Fine with me. He's been a spotlight hog for years.
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
It's a good sign to me because it sounds like the team will be huge like JLU and we'll get to see a lot of members here and there even if there's a core group of regulars.
Posted by Korbal on :
From Comics Continuum:

* President Winema Wazzo will appear in the upcoming Legion of Super Heroes animated series.

I was hopin' for R.J. or at least Gim's mom...
Posted by Michael Grabois on :
Now here's an interesting development... a federal judge ruled a couple weeks ago that according to copyright law and a contract Siegel & Shuster signed with DC in 1948, the heirs of Siegel (and Shuster, if there are any) legally own the rights to Superboy, not DC. That's a headache for "Smallville" since it's young Clark Kent out of costume but not Superboy. That's not the case, though, for a "Superboy and the Legion" series. So it sounds like technically, DC has to license the rights to Superboy from Siegel's widow and daughter if they want a Superboy cartoon. My page (newly renamed The Legion Omnicom) has more plus links.
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
It's funny that I've seen a couple of sites that've used my colored version of the b/w image in articles related to the toon -- I guess it's no surprise then where they're getting their intel.
Posted by ActorLad on :
Originally posted by Suddenly Seymour:
Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
We have our Superboy. From today's Comics Continuum:

Yuri Lowenthal is providing the voice of Clark Kent/Superboy in the upcoming Legion of Super Heroes animated series, The Continuum has learned.

Lowenthal, 35, has appeared in such television shows as Gilmore Girls and Alias. He has more than a dozen voice role credits.

Yuri Lowenthal is quite prolific as an anime voiceover artist. He's the star of one show I'm currently enjoying, "Kyo Kara Maoh!" If you want to hear how he sounds, click here for a sound clip from that show. I think he'll do OK.
He's also currently best known as one of the main characters in the smash hit show "Naruto" as Sasuke Uchiha.
Posted by Lance's realm on :
I just checked the local listings, and the Legion episode is indeed scheduled for this Saturday night. Finally! Check your local listings to make sure you don't miss it!
Posted by Matthew E on :
'Far From Home' was broadcast on YTV in Canada last night. (Which means it should be on again Saturday morning.) Pretty good. Obviously, the individual Legionnaires didn't get much time in the spotlight, but that would have been a lot to ask. Nice to see Colossal Boy's old face-framing red-and-blue costume. Don't know why Chameleon Boy was grey. The only thing I really objected to was Shadow Lass - what were those pink energy bolts she was firing at Supergirl?
Posted by DOX-Line-5 on :
Hi fellow Legion Lovers,Dox here...

Happy Holidays to all...
(with that said...)


The Legion is HERE!!!

"Far From Home" FINALLY aired in N.Y.

I've cut short my MANY activites,reached home EARLY,turned off my phone,relaxed,curled up, and watched my favorite heroes.

(no one dared...)
Anyway, it was good to put voices to MY FAVORITE group of's too bad that the rest of the Legion didn't have speaking parts...but

[Big Grin Bounce] I AM A HAPPY CAMPER...

Supergirl's decision seems to be the right one for her...
I was happy with her choice because Brainy and Kara are my favorite couple and it was good to finally see them get together...
[Brainiac 5] [Love] [smooch] [Supergirl - re-imagined]

As one who STILL uses the VCR, you KNOW that I taped this episode...
did I mentioned that I AM ONE HAPPY CAMPER ???

can't wait for the DVD to come out,then I can watch it over..and over...and over....

Now until the new Legion series comes on the air...

I did mentioned that I AM ONE HAPPY CAMPER, didn't I ??? [Big Grin]

signing off now....
(HA! HA!)
Posted by Monkey Eater Lad on :
i saw it (on cartoon network this time) and loved supergirl's line about 'copin' a feel' on brainy. tee-hee [Razz]
Posted by doublechinner on :
Just watched it again via TIVO with my 3-year old.

Conclusion: Bouncing Boy is waay cool. Are you listening, Mr. Kitson?

In truth, it wasn't a GREAT Legion episode, although Brainy and Chuck were awesome. Chuck's voice could NOT have been better. And who would have thought that Bouncing Boy's power would be the most interesting in an animated show? I am glad Brainiac 5 was smart and action-oriented. This is one of the best aspects of the Waid/Kitson version--he's no lab-bound, absent-minded professor. When you're that smart, you HAVE to act on it.

But it WAS a great Supergirl episode. Timm and McDuffie really get these characters. That's why Supergirl was always great in the Legion and so-so elsewhere -- because in the Legion, she's second to nobody. I hope the powers that be at DC agree with this logic. And the Kara/Brainy romance was wonderful, as were GL and GA. I am thrilled that the producers brought them along for Kara's finale -- they were there for her start with the JLU. Green Arrow is just the best character on this show--his design, his voice, his dialogue are all so right. The GA of the 1970s JLA come to animated life.

The show had such a tinge of sadness for me, though. So many great stories they could keep telling, if the idiots at Time Warner had even a dinosaur brain between them. It felt like a real farewell, and as exciting as the new Legion show may be, it won't have this wonderful Supergirl in it. Sigh...
Posted by Lance's realm on :
I really liked it!

A few nitpicks though...

1) Shady throwing some kind of energy bolt! What?!

2) Both of Mano's hands glowed

3) Validis a robot?!

4) Persuader blasted someone with his axe. Did the axe always have this ability?

These oh-so-minor issues did not stop me from enjoying the episode one bit, though.
Posted by rjbrande on :
Liked this quite a bit. I wouldn't mind an animated Legion series by this team with these characters one bit, and they've set a pretty good bar for the group that will be handling the upcoming series. In an odd way though, it's nice that this isn't a lead in to the new cartoon - at least in this incarnation, Kara finally has a happy ending.

The episode is on permanent hold on my DVR (at least until I figure out how to transfer it to something more permanent).
Posted by superboymddjr on :
although it was not one of the best episode - but I enjoyed it very much. Loved the interaction between GL and Supergirl - and Brainiac 5 and Green Arrow. GL and GA faces were priceless when Superman asked who the guy Supergirl was seeing.

Emerald Empress was the one who stole the spotlight a lot from the Fatal Five and real eeeevil!

4 stars out of 5.
Posted by Glen Cadigan on :
Allan Heinberg talks a lot about the new Legion cartoon right at the start of his interview over at . I didn't know if any of that information was for public consumption or not before now, but apparently it must be since he's gone public with it now.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Thanks for that heads up Glen. Not a bad interview to listen to. Heinberg is definitely another fanboy who got a dream job. I would have liked to see his Young Avengers vision applied to a Legion cartoon. Maybe some of his ideas made it through.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
"Legion of Super-Heroes" scheduled for the fall line-up confirmed at Mediaweek.

CW Sticks With Kids WB!

I wonder if the fact that it's not mentioned as "Superboy and the" means anything?

[ April 24, 2006, 10:32 AM: Message edited by: Nightcrawler ]
Posted by Spellbinder on :
Hmmm... Legion of Super-Heroes, followed by the Batman. That should (hopefully) be a good hour of viewing.

I hope that Legion is more in line with JLU and the Batman, rather than in line with the first few seasons of Titans. I don't need to see throbbing x's on foreheads and eyes that turn into hearts...
Posted by Michael Grabois on :
Here's the official press release (via the Futon Critic):

LEGION OF SUPER HEROES, 11:00-11:30 am: In the year of "Superman Returns" at Warner Bros., Kids' WB! is proud to present a new series developed especially for the "Too Big For Your TV" block by Warner Bros. Animation, inspired by the DC Comics legend. One thousand years from now, a group of teenage super heroes travel back in time to recruit the greatest hero of all, Superman, and enlist him their fight against evil in the 31st Century. While their intentions were good, their time travel skills were not, and Lightning Lad, Saturn Girl, Brainiac 5, Phantom Girl, Bouncing Boy and Timber Wolf end up going too far back into the past, accidentally retrieving the young Superboy instead. Together, this unlikely Legion of Super Heroes bands together to defend the rights of all free worlds and uphold the laws of the newly formed United Planets. That is, if they don't kill each other first. LEGION OF SUPER HEROES combines humor with high-stakes, grand-scale super heroics to create the ultimate sci-fi, super hero fantasy for kids of all ages. Each episode of this fast-paced, character-driven action comedy will pit Superboy and the Legion against otherworldly threats and adversaries who challenge the team on both super heroic and emotional levels. The series is executive produced by Sander Schwartz, and produced by Linda Steiner and James Tucker for Warner Bros. Animation.
Posted by Sir Tim Drake on :
This is confusing. I can't tell whether the series will take place in the 21st century or the 31st century, or whether there will be more than seven Legionnaires.
Posted by rokk steady on :
I am very excited about this!

Even if there is no Cosmic Boy... [Cosmic Boy]

Sir Drake, I think it takes place in the 31st century, as they "retrieve" Superboy instead of Superman, thus indicating they are going back to the future they came from, and b/c they will be protecting the "newly formed United Planets" (altho it could "newly form" in the here and now)...

as for only seven members... no idea... anyone?
Posted by Matthew E on :
Well, let's face it. JLU was an aberration. It's hard to handle more than about seven characters to a team. The only question is, are these just the seven main-character Legionnaires and we'll be seeing others in guest roles, or are these the only seven Legionnaires.

Either way I'm okay with it. Whatever it takes to make a good show.
Posted by Blacula on :

Here it is folks!

I don't know how to copy pictures so if you take a look at the page I've linked to you'll see the final designs for the new LoSH cartoon.

My initial reaction? YU-U-U-UCK!!!

Its like they've taken the very worst elements of the JLU and Teen Titans animations (both of which I liked individually) and combined them into one horrible amalgamation. Phantom Girl, Saturn Girl, Brainiac 5 and Timber Wolf all look hideouos! Tinya and Imra especially!

And its looking more and more like this is going to be the show's final core group of members. Bah! NOT good news for me since Bouncing Boy is the only one anywhere close to being a fave of mine.

Between this and The Batman DC's cartoons have taken a serious dive from their heydays of a few years ago!
Posted by Star Boy on :
*deep sigh*

Wow. They canned JLU for this?
I don't know what to say.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Notice it doesn't look like any of them are wearing flight rings?

Maybe their belts allow them to fly... though it's also possible that not all animated Legionnaires will be able to fly.

Superboy and Lightning Lad look pretty cool.

I don't like long hair for Saturn Girl... though the slightly more alien face is sort of interesting.

Phantom Girl looks like she's freaked out by Brainy... or maybe all the Legionnaires. Wonder if she'll be super-paranoid?

Brainy looks too young... T-Wolf doesn't appeal, though I think I'd like him if this was the first Brin I ever saw. He looks like a decent animated property. I wouldn't be surprised if he and Bouncing Boy are the most popular with kids.

What I really dislike is the elephantiasis-swollen shins and forearms. Maybe Elephant Man was their first foe and their still getting over his administrations?

I'm more eager to hear about what the early stories will be like and which characters will appear next.
Posted by Matthew E on :
I can deal with those renditions. Could be better; could be worse. Let's see how good the stories are.
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
I think it will appeal to the group they're targeting and that is the most important thing. Looks like they're going with the typical mix of stereotypes for the kids cartoon set.

So left to right: We have the GothGirl, Boy Genius, High Achieving Blonde, Superjock, Handsome Second Fiddle, WolfMan and Bouncing Boy. I figure the last two will be the comic relief characters.

I like all the designs except for Brin. I'm also just a little disapointed that Tinya is going all goth. I would have made Shady that character and not used Tinya, but from an animation point of view the ghost power is probably easier than projects darkness.
Posted by matlock on :
That thread (and that whole board) isn't working out for me. Are they posted elsewhere?
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
Hahaha Geoff Johns shut his board down to keep spoilers for IC 7 from hitting before tommorrow.

Posted by disaster boy on :
saturn girl looks like a klingon.
Posted by Korbal on :
In other animated Legion news--it has been confirmed that "New Kids In Town" will have a commentary track on the upcoming animated Superman DVDs...
Posted by Suddenly Seymour on :
Definitely could be worse, but I'm still not sold on the designs. I like Superboy and Lightning Lad. Brainy could grow on me. Too bad Bouncing Boy got cut off.

Something about the linework on Phantom Girl, Saturn Girl and Timber Wolf doesn't look right. It's not that the designs are bad (well, TW's is pretty bizarre), but something about them doesn't feel finished. I can't put my finger on it, but they look like some 10-year-old kid's fan art of the designs.

Oh, well, if the stories hold up, I'll be tuning in. If I could live with Olivier Copiel's art, I can live with this.

And that's great news about the commentary track, Korbal. I'm looking forward to that set even more now.
Posted by Blue Battler on :
Why does Garth have a scar? Or is that some kind of funky tattoo?
Posted by matlock on :
It could be much worse. I'll be honest, I don't care that they booted the Timm style designs. They're good, but there's an element of cookie cutter sameness that's crept into that look over the years, especially with the large number of designs needed for JLU. I like that they're going with a "cartoonier" approach. That said, that Brainy is just awful. Saturn Girl's not much better but the rest I'm fairly happy with. It's nice to see the venerable Cockrum uniform influence on the Lightning Lad design. At any rate, the Teen Titans crew won me over after I thought I'd never be able to stand that show. So I've got a certain faith that they'll be able to pull this off well.
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
Originally posted by Blue Battler:
Why does Garth have a scar? Or is that some kind of funky tattoo?

Saturn Girl's forehead wounded him during their first kiss. [tease]

It's a lightning insignia. Looking at the designs theyre going for it'll likely glow or leak electricity when he's using his power.
Posted by jimgallagher on :
Okay, granted they had to include Saturn Girl if they're only going with 7 members, but when they were choosing another girl why did it have to be lame-ass Phantom Girl? Blecch. Any of the other girls would be preferrable IMHO.
Posted by matlock on :
Well, you never know Jim. I never cared for Raven in the Titans comics, but the surly 'toon version was pretty funny. I'm just going to try to enjoy it for what it is.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
The TW look seems to be influenced by a) the Legion on the Run version and b) the Olivier Coipel version, probably the two worst designs the character has ever had, imo.

None of them really jumps out as all that great. Nonetheless... I'm excited. I do hope there's plenty of cast rotation, however.
Posted by Pov on :
They cut Bouncing Boy off! [Bouncing Boy]

It's a Kitson Konspiracy!!! [Mad] [Wink]
Posted by doublechinner on :
Could have been a LOT worse (see: WB's "Viewtiful Joe"). As the father of a 3-year old, I see a lot of animation these days. These characters seem in keeping with prevailing styles. It would have been cool if the Legion were more trend-setting, as Timm's Batman was, but ce la vie. The folks working on this have a great track record. I am delighted to take a wait and see attitude.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Yuck! It's pretty much what I feared. Oh, well.

I wish I was as optimistic as you guys but I can see this series getting lost in the rest of the cartoons that all look exactly like this. If I wasn't a comics fan, I'd say "why'd they change all of the Teen Titans looks?"

Like doublechinner says they had a perfect opportunity to come up with something new to animation, but went with the tired, old stereotypical modern day 'toon.

[ May 02, 2006, 08:07 AM: Message edited by: Nightcrawler ]
Posted by Awkward Pause Boy on :
I can't help but smile when I look at that picture. Maybe it's not how I would have everyone & thing, but its the legion on TV! Gleee!

I wonder how the fatal five will look & who the next villain in line will be.
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Well I amnotafan of this style and could not watch the awful Titans cartoon, but if the stories are good I can forgive the funny art.

And as APB says, Good god! This is the LEGION on TV. How long have we waited for this.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Wesley Crusher as Cosmic Boy. Wil Wheaton got the recurring role as Rokk.

Hmm, an oft-hated Star Trek character playing an oft-hated Legionnaire. Wonder if I should point out the Cosmic Boy Death League to him? [Wink]
Posted by Stratum on :
Actually, it reminds me more of The Clone Wars series....which all told were better than the movies...

Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Hmm... Invisible Kid is actually the Legionnaire whose always reminded me of Wesley Crusher, especially the post-Zero Hour version.
Posted by Spellbinder on :
I will have to see how the characters look in motion. As long as the series isn't overly cutesy, I can be a little tolerant of the art [Smile]
Posted by matlock on :
Wil Wheaton as Cosmic Boy. That's just about too perfect really. It's nice for him though. He's sort of emerged from the irritating shadow of Wesley to seeming like a likeable guy that's scraping a living on the margins of the entertainment biz.

Anyway, like Far says, it's the LEGION ON TV! I wouldn't care if it was stop motion animated with Precious Moments figurines really.
Posted by doublechinner on :
I agree -- Legion on TV! As long as it is not TOTAL crap, then woo-hoo!

My son loves the Teen Titans show, and I confess I love it too. While it would be fun for an older crowd to have a show more in tune with the Wolfman/Perez Titans, there really AREN'T shows like that. We are too small an audience. Having said that, I think the TT show hit almost all of the high points of the Titans for the last 25 years, in their own way. And the characters are well-done, and just damn funny. My son LOVES Raven, and I agree that her animated self is much more interesting and fun than the comics version. The anime-cutesy was overdone at first, but by the end they really had a nice balance of that stuff. The show was clearly done with great love for the source material. I think Legion will turn out the same.
Posted by doublechinner on :
FYI, I think Will Wheaton voiced Aqualad on Teen Titans. His work fit in really great with the other voice actors, and I never once thought, "why does Aqualad sound like Wesley Crusher?"
Posted by Monkey Eater Lad on :
Awe, I think kinda fun! SG's eyebrows could be roated 30 degrees down or so but overall I kinda like the costume designs. Don't tell me you're not gonna buy the lunchbox and trapper keeper! I wonder if they're gonna touch on romance between SG and LL?
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Well I'm ticked. Tuesday has always been the day the supermarkets get the following week's TV Guide. Been that way since I was a kid. So I went and made a special stop today only to find them just putting out this week's edition that started May 1. This was at two Albertsons. Smiths was even worse. They didn't even have a copy of this week's edition, let alone next week's. And the four stores I tried had already put out their magazines for the week. They won't get their next shipment until next Tuesday.
Posted by Mr. Kayak on :
this first image of the legion toon almost moved me to tears, i LOVE it.
finally, a legion a could like again...
Posted by Sollie on :
Dammit, Brainy, what were you told about consuming alien substances? Kick the habit!

Saturn Girl really needs a belt to have the belt buckle. As it is, it looks like she's got a button in the wrong place.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Originally posted by Tamper Lad:
Hahaha Geoff Johns shut his board down to keep spoilers for IC 7 from hitting before tommorrow.

And this is just plain silly. I mean how sensitive are people these days? Why punish an entire community because a few people can't handle reading some spoilers. Get a [SPOILER] tag for gosh sakes!
Posted by Caliente on :
Just another reason Legion World is superior!!

(Suck up? Moi? Nevah! [Good] )
Posted by Michael Grabois on :
Someone asked why Phantom Girl instead of some other female Legionnaire - it's easy. They're using Winema Wazzo as the UP president, so now they get the mother/authority figure role to play against the daughter/rebel figure role.
Posted by Rokk on :
I have to say that I rather much like the look of this Legion cartoon. Brainiac 5 is really the only character that I'm not wild about. He looks like Chibi Brainy. But, all the rest of them look great.
Posted by Awkward Pause Boy on :

I can't help but imagine we'll see Universo soon. Anyone with a monocle is made for animation. Plus he's always good fodder for a Saturn-Girl centric story. By the same reasoning we should see Mekt early on too.
Posted by sheer on :
Just as the Titan personalities were tweaked...I can't help but wonder if even-tempered comic book Brainy will become whiny little coward Brainy in animation, given that SD look.

To Saturn Girl:
"Those aren't your eyebrows! Those are snakes, drop 'em!"
Posted by Kid Prime on :
As far as Imra's eyebrows, I think it seems likely that they're playing her as a Vulcan-type.
Nobody's mentioned it, and it's very possible that they don't want to overSuper Superboy, but if Cosmic Boy's going to be in it (no mention in the official blurb) what about Ultra Boy?

I also agree that the Legion needs Cham. Vi and Gim would be very nice too, for that matter.
Posted by matlock on :
Hmph. I got the TV Guide in the mail. They obviously don't know a major news story when it's staring them in the face. I was expecting at least a double page spread, but the picture's about the size of two postage stamps. Bouncing Boy's still cropped out too. Bah!
Posted by sheer on :
Hm...I see why Phantom Girl looks so strung out. [Wink] Mothers can do that to their teens. (Scroll down to see April Winchell, voicing Winema Wazzo.)
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Originally posted by Tamper Lad:
Hahaha Geoff Johns shut his board down to keep spoilers for IC 7 from hitting before tommorrow.


I like the way they all look a little weird with alien eyes, etc....

This whole thing thrills me and I plan on buying each and every bit of merchandise that comes of it!

AR listers, prepare!
Posted by wolfboy on :
I think that with any tv production, they aim at a certain demographic, because they're the majority not us hardcore fans. So I'm just happy we're getting a LSH show! I loved the Teen Titan art, so this works for me, and while the JLU style was awesome, things change.
Posted by Tromium on :
I just *adore* Imra's new look. Guess who's going to be the cold, logical one?

Other cool things: The shadowy black wolf on T-Wolf's costume. Garth's costume is a lot easier on the eyes than the comicbook version, imo, but I wonder why they didn't go with the robot arm. Bouncing Boy rules, of course.

Not so cool: Kid Brainy, well, all I can say is I'm relieved they didn't go with the cyborg design (on second thought, maybe they should have). Ghost Girl seems scared of her own shadow. Superboy unfortunately looks a tad pedestrian compared to his teammates.

Not that I'm complaining. I'd have been thrilled to see a thumb-puppet version of the Legion. Now I can't wait for these characters to start walking and talking on the screen.

[ May 03, 2006, 06:19 AM: Message edited by: Tromium ]
Posted by Pov on :
Originally posted by Monkey Eater Lad:
Don't tell me you're not gonna buy the ...trapper keeper!

Would that be... a TIME Trapper Keeper?! [Eek!] [ROTFLMAO]
Posted by Infectious Drura on :
Oh I have just seen the official picture thingy and I don't like it! It's just ugly. Imra's eyes are pink????? Just horrible. The art and designs for the Titans cartoon was better and I wasn't crazy about that at the time.

Like I said before I'm not enthused that the designer has gone back to the Sprouse L-belt and centre stripe look. We have just finally got out of that era's fashion shackles! This is a step back as far as design goes. It's like going back to the Silver Age costumes in 1986!

(which as a total SA fangirl I would have liked but there you go..)

Don't think I will be able to bring myself to watch the thing. I certainly won't be buying any action figures with those designs and that fugly cartoony bad anatomy (which as I said before I hate anyway.)

It's a shame. Done right this would have been really cool. I just can't get over the ugly though. (It's so obvious Tinya is going to be the Raven goth chick, Brainy is going to be the Beast Boy jokester-because they are both green! what more similarity do you need? Timber Wolf is going to be the Cyborg-type brick etc.

They are just adapting existing characters and fitting them to their set of stock characters that they think will sell to kids.

Stinks like pan fried haddock. (which really stinks by the way.)

I'm disappointed.

////Yeah I'm Negative Lass today. Bit disappointed.

Let it not be said that I can't express displeasure! [Razz]
Posted by Parasitic Twin on :
I love the designs! Imra and Garth especially. Chuck seems to be wearing some kind of visor. Makes sense if you're bouncing head first into things. Brainy's hair is reminiscent of the way Coipel drew it.
Since the cartoon is for a young audience, I hope to see the sillier powered heroes like M-E Lad sometime.
Posted by Matthew E on :
Brainy is going to be the Beast Boy jokester-because they are both green! what more similarity do you need?
I would be extremely surprised if this happens. How do you make Brainiac 5, of all people, a jokester? He's already got a personality.

More likely is that they put Bouncing Boy on the team to be the jokester.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Here's a copy of the TV Guide article. Extra big thanks to Matlock for sending me a scan. I cleaned up the actual image of the group. Of particular note is the mention of when the show debuts.

Posted by Dain on :
I can't wait! I just can't wait. This is incredible news. I agree with Infectious Drura's comment on the costumes (I've always liked the individuality of each character through his/her costume) but the overall character designs look really good,imho. (Kid Brainy I'm not so sure about). I'd have preferred a more "realistic" look for the Legionnaires (from the Cockrum/Grell era or the 80s Baxter look)but after almost half a century the Legion is going to be watched by the entire world, hopefully.
And yes, I'm going to buy the toys too, I'm not ashamed to say. [Big Grin]

[ May 06, 2006, 11:13 AM: Message edited by: Dain ]
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
The only thing that actually bothers me about the style is the thin thighs and big calf muscles - I don't find that attractive. If this effect were done with thick boots that'd be one thing, but if that's stylized anatomy, it looks weird to me. (if one of them had bare legs, it'd be obvious what I'm talking about...)
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Drake, flairs will be back in another 1000 yrs. [Wink]
Posted by Glen Cadigan on :
Is it just me, or do those designs look exactly like the ones in the picture which was leaked out months ago? You know, the designs which were disavowed and we were told had been changed? The ones which we should have realized were the real designs after all? Looks like the same designs to me.
Posted by lil'rhino on :
They look FABOO!!!
'specially Brainy and Garth!!!
Drake- the calves are thicker than the thighs so the action figures don't fall over!
Posted by Sollie on :
Is it just me, or do those designs look exactly like the ones in the picture which was leaked out months ago? You know, the designs which were disavowed and we were told had been changed? The ones which we should have realized were the real designs after all? Looks like the same designs to me.
If you mean this, it was said from the beginning that those were the rough sketches of the designs, and they would be refined. Timber Wolf and Superboy look totally different.

[ May 09, 2006, 02:04 PM: Message edited by: Sollie ]
Posted by Blacula on :
Yet Saturn Girl and Phantom Girl look exactly the same. I can see where Glen is coming from.
Posted by Glen Cadigan on :
They're the same costumes in both pictures. Let's not forget that the picture that we saw earlier was colored by a member of this board, so color differences alone don't count. They're the same costume designs that they've always been.
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
I agree with Glen, looks like the earlier sketches were the final beta version. The designs though the lines (on Superboy mainly) seem to have been made sleeker and a little bit more "Classic superhero".

I'll be quite interested on how the characters are animated. The Timm characters were great in the early days with Batman. But after not watching for nearly 10 years and catching a few episodes of JLU I think the animation has been cut back quite a bit and look a lot stiffer than what they used to.
Posted by Spellbinder on :
Comics Continuum has a full large version of the TV Guide image.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Or you could have visited my site. [Wink]

Also, if you had, you would have seen the news of the new Legion trade scheduled for October. The third one for the new series. Where's the love for the previous run?
Posted by Spellbinder on :
Errr... yeah... that would have worked too [Big Grin]
Posted by Pov on :
Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
Where's the love for the previous run?

In Reboot's pants... [Razz] [Wink]
Posted by opusrph on :
I never noticed Bouncing Boy behind Timber Wolf in the TV Guide picture.

Now if only it were Mon-El... [Smile]
Posted by Pov on :
D'OH! :Homer: It just dawned on me... those of us who're going to San Diego this year are probably goin to be some of the first people to see official LSH cartoon stuff! [Elastic Lad]

You guys better keep us in the loop... I know Abin's planning on having his laptop, like he did at Boston!

Ooh, like I wasn't jealous before this... [Frown] [Wink]
Posted by Not-So-Bad Lad on :
Any full team roster? *fingers crossed*
Posted by SouthtownKid on :
Originally posted by Spellbinder:
Comics Continuum has a full large version of the TV Guide image.

WHOA! I love it! Not the DCAU style, but not the Teen Titans Go style, either... I can't wait! I'm away for a while, and I can't believe how much I missed here...

I'm sure this has been said a hundred times already, but I hope seeing the cartoon convinces Waid/Kitson to bring in Bouncing Boy.
Posted by Monkey Eater Lad on :
Dunno if it's already been posted, but Dave Johnson apparently did some design work on the new toon:

I talked to him at last San Diego Con and I remember him saying he did a lot of the tech design on JLU (the space station, javelin, etc.) and that he was working on another secret project he couldn't talk about - I wonder if that was Legion?
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Once again, shame on you for not visiting the Clubhouse. Not only did I post about Johnson's work there is also news of a companion comic for the animated series in the works.
Posted by Sir Tim Drake on :
Originally posted by SouthtownKid:
[QUOTE]I'm sure this has been said a hundred times already, but I hope seeing the cartoon convinces Waid/Kitson to bring in Bouncing Boy.

Just wait for issue 22. [Wink]
Posted by SouthtownKid on :
I met and talked to someone who works in connection to the show yesterday, and have some good news and bad news:

Firstly, the art style of the show is supposedly closer to the Bruce Timm DCAU style than the promo art we've seen so far. That's neither good nor bad for me, because I like both...but I'm sure some people will be happy.

The bad news is that due to losing the lawsuit with the Seigel and Schuster heirs, DC can't use the name 'Superboy' in the show.

At all.

So all the episodes completed up to this point have had to be re-dubbed, calling the character 'Superman.' Apparantly, there is even some discussion as to whether the character now is even Superman as a boy...or if he will be an adult Superman who has been de-aged somehow. Yeesh, I hope that doesn't happen.

The good news is that we should be seeing the series around September. Also, there is a full toy line in the works from Mattel...can't wait for that.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Exactly how reliable is this source STK? There has been no official outcome of the Siegel/DC lawsuit. The Siegel's won a summary judgment in March but Warner filed an appeal immediately. The matter is far from settled.

And just a quick point. It is only the heirs of the Jerry Siegel who are involved. He was the sole owner of the copyright for Superboy which he turned around and sold to DC. It is the change in copyright laws that have kept this an issue.

[ June 12, 2006, 04:57 PM: Message edited by: Lightning Lad ]
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Re: Superboy's name and character. This has to be the stupidest thing I've ever heard. How hard would it be for the WB to reach into their very large pockets and make the whole issue go away? [No] Cheapskates!
Posted by SouthtownKid on :
Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
Exactly how reliable is this source STK? There has been no official outcome of the Siegel/DC lawsuit. The Siegel's won a summary judgment in March but Warner filed an appeal immediately. The matter is far from settled.

And just a quick point. It is only the heirs of the Jerry Siegel who are involved. He was the sole owner of the copyright for Superboy which he turned around and sold to DC. It is the change in copyright laws that have kept this an issue.

Yeah, I might have misunderstood, and what he was talking about was the summary judgement...not sure about that. My impression was that they needed to move forward in order to get the show out on time, so who knows... maybe the name change is more of a 'better safe than sorry' thing, rather than them actually losing yet. (And yeah, you're right about it only being the Siegel heirs)

My source seemed reliable to me...he said that when it came up they were going to have to re-dub all references to 'Superboy', he had suggested they change it to 'Kal-El', which I think would have made a great middle ground...but I guess they felt it would not have the same level of public recognition.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Which brings us back to why didn't they go with Supergirl and cash in on the JLA audience? They had a perfect jumping off point, even if they didn't want to keep the same continuity.

By the way, thanks for the update! It has been kind of quiet on the cartoon front lately. [Smile]
Posted by kenaustin on :
Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
Which brings us back to why didn't they go with Supergirl and cash in on the JLA audience? They had a perfect jumping off point, even if they didn't want to keep the same continuity.

You know, this really confuses me. They had Supergirl stay with the Legion in JLU. They have Supergirl with the Legion in Supergirl & the LSH. Then they go and decide to make Superboy the lead in an LSH cartoon. I don't have a head for business, but even I know that's not a sound idea.

Don't get me wrong though, I'll still be there watching it. [Wink]
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
Which brings us back to why didn't they go with Supergirl and cash in on the JLA audience?

I imagine they want to plug into the much larger potential Superman audience after the movie comes out.
Posted by Matthew E on :
That's a good thought. That might, in turn, lead even more people to the comic book. Maybe.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
In other news (from Comics Continuum):

* Mekt Ranzz, Lightning Lad's brother, will appear in an episode.

* Director Ben Jones told The Continuum that the series will have "a mix of old Legion villains and new characters."

* Look for a preview of the series at Comic-Con International in San Diego next month.

* In the series, Cosmic Boy was a founder and the first leader of the Legion who now spends more time as an Earth-bound diplomat. He is not one of the seven core members featured in the cast.

Those going to SDCC better be providing updates on any Legion info they come across.

[ June 13, 2006, 05:58 PM: Message edited by: Lightning Lad ]
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
I also suspect that Mekt will be posting soon since he's finally found his way to the small screen. [Smile]
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
A change in the logo and a somewhat better look at the full-figured ( [Smile] ) Bouncing Boy from the 2006 Licensing Show (courtesy of Heidi MacDonald at The Beat):


Posted by Michael Grabois on :
Check out Brainy in this picture from Comics Continuum:
Click for fullsize image

(picture at )
Ummm, what happened to his neck?

Sigh. I thought I had scooped everyone by publicizing Heidi's picture from The BEAT, but turns out Comics Continuum had even more. Damn that Rob Alstetter!

[edit note: Michael, I changed the image link to the image I'm hosting at the Clubhouse since we kinda frown on hotlinking here. Plus my version is a little cleaner. [Smile] ]

[ June 22, 2006, 01:48 PM: Message edited by: Lightning Lad ]
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Since you beat me to the image (my cable is running sub-dial up speeds tonight and it took me 45 minutes to get it added to the Clubhouse) I'll just chime in and say WFT? about Brainy's neck. Did they go ahead and make him a robot?

And from looking at Heidi's images I think the art has become a bit better, if those are the finals. Much cleaner than what we've seen previously and not as horrifying. I just wish she could have gotten some better shots.
Posted by Awkward Pause Boy on :
Everything is caps but Es and Ns? I'm calling the font police.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Brainiac 5 is Elastic Lad! [Eek!]
Posted by Spellbinder on :
Still not loving Tinya's saucer eyes...
Posted by Matthew E on :
I'm sure the character portrayals will grow on me.

Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Thanks to an anonymous tip, we have a few more shots of the backdrop from the Licensing Show. It appears that either everyone got there at the same time or the backdrop was positioned to capture the sun at all times. The Legion is still washed out in the sunlight.

Superboy, err young Superman
Timber Wolf, Saturn Girl, Bouncing Boy
Phantom Girl, Brainiac 5 and Lightning Lad
Brainiac 5
Bouncing Boy
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Originally posted by Mystery Lad:
Notice it doesn't look like any of them are wearing flight rings?

Maybe their belts allow them to fly... though it's also possible that not all animated Legionnaires will be able to fly.

From looking at the closeup of Lightning Lad they may have flight rings. No 'L' visible on it though. I can't imagine that they'd miss out on that marketing opportunity.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Click on the poster above in Michael's post. I've just changed my image to a much larger version. You can see Brainy's long neck a lot better. [Smile]
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Damn! There went a heap of my hope and good will for this cartoon.
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
Heh Heh... Brainy's neck isn't that long. Its just the hallucenogenic effect from whatever substance he smoked to make his eyes all bloodshot and droopy. [tease]

Tinya looks like she's had too much coffee. Perhaps she works at Sundoller coffee on Bgztl. Beware the goth girl barista, that tamping tool they use to pack the espresso is deadly in their hands.

Saturn Girl just got back from Windsor Castle where Prince Charles taught her how to do that neutral half smile and royal wave.

Seriously I kinda like them but its hard to tell without seeing how the the characters will move and the voice tracks. I'm sure the kids will love it and it'll be somewhat amusing for us oldies.
Posted by SouthtownKid on :
That's all I'm hoping for... I'm not expecting it to be the all-definitive version of the Legion...more like 'Titans Go;' take a bunch of elements and twist them into something kids today can relate to and enjoy. "Kids" meaning 'actual kids,' not adults like me who have never grown up.

If the original Legion (when it had first come out) had been written for 20 & 30-somethings rather than with kids in mind, who knows how many of us might not be here? Everytime I start wishing the Legion cartoon would look like it's going to be something more towards my preferences, I try to tell myself that it's a selfish thought to want to deprive a new generation of the chance to enjoy something the way I did way back when.

Of course, it's possible I've put waaaay too much thought into that.
Posted by Michael Grabois on :
Scott, where did you get that updated, sharper picture from, your contact at WB? (Mine hasn't answered back with the questions I asked from the press release.)
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Originally posted by Michael Grabois:
Scott, where did you get that updated, sharper picture from, your contact at WB? (Mine hasn't answered back with the questions I asked from the press release.)

I actually updated it from work today but I had a PC crash before I could credit the image. I found it at Ray's Galleries. He has a younger Superman focused image of the standup (apparantly the background was made to not stand out as much) and the promotional poster. It looks like he may actually have gotten ahold of an actual poster from the quality.

Still nothing from my contact at the WB.
Posted by Kid Prime on :


Superboy looks fantastic. (Any doubts on who the star of this show is?)

Lightning Lad looks very nice as well. I think they really capture his personality, artistically.

Oddly, I'm kind of loving Chuck! Both powered and non-powered (but especially powered up.)

I'm not wild about Tinya, but I'm accepting that she looks the way she does because her mom's the president of the UP.

I need to see Imra animated before I can make a call. This could go either way.

Timber Wolf is just bad.

I don't want to even think about Brainy's neck.

A very mixed bag, but I'm sure I'll love it after that first Fatal 5 fight.
Posted by Matthew E on :
Like we've said before: if the stories are good, the show will be good; if not, not.
Posted by Michael Grabois on :
You know, this picture posted here a few months ago suddenly makes a lot more sense...
Posted by SouthtownKid on :
Originally posted by Michael Grabois:
You know, this picture posted here a few months ago suddenly makes a lot more sense...

Looking at that thread, I just read Andy Milder is voicing LL? I went to high school with bizarre...
Posted by Suddenly Seymour on :
I ditto KP on this one. The neck thing is scary.

I just noticed the L is backwards on Timber Wolf's belt on the poster. Is he from Bizarro Legion but turned good? [Smile]
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Originally posted by Suddenly Seymour:
I just noticed the L is backwards on Timber Wolf's belt on the poster. Is he from Bizarro Legion but turned good? [Smile]

I think it is just the original way he was drawn. I cut him out and flipped him so the 'L' was right and he winds up with his knee in Phantom Girl's face and right hand (the one going down) looks like it is shoving Garth aside, slapping him up against his head.

And if you look close enough, Brainy's 'L' is also reversed. This was probably done because Brainy would have been covering Supe's mid section, including part of his 'S' symbol.

They thought enough about the layout but not enough to cut out the belt buckles and just mirror them.
Posted by Blue Battler on :
They may have decded to make Brainy a cyborg to give him more visual powers. Or maybe he's even a full android like the original Brainiac.
Posted by Vee on :
Originally posted by Michael Grabois:
You know, this picture posted here a few months ago suddenly makes a lot more sense...

Actually that picture is pretty much the stand up promo from the show.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Originally posted by Vee:
Originally posted by Michael Grabois:
You know, this picture posted here a few months ago suddenly makes a lot more sense...

Actually that picture is pretty much the stand up promo from the show.
Posted by Awkward Pause Boy on :
Superboy, Superman; the important thing to remember is that the involvement of lawyers always makes comic book stories better.

Newsarama blog article
Posted by Vee on :
Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
Originally posted by Vee:
Originally posted by Michael Grabois:
You know, this picture posted here a few months ago suddenly makes a lot more sense...

Actually that picture is pretty much the stand up promo from the show.
If you look at the posittioning of Supes, Garth and Brin, you'll see that the pic we saw months ago (linked in Michael post) and the stand up promo piece (that was so washed out by sunshine) are almost identical. Also, Tinya and Imra, though in a different spot in each of them are also nearly the same. I think that original pic was actually the rough draft for the promo piece.

[ June 25, 2006, 04:46 PM: Message edited by: Vee ]
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Do you mean this pic Vee? The one Michael linked to was the Brainy robot, not the group shot. That's what confused me about your post.
Posted by Blue Battler on :
So are you guys saying the plan is to call Superboy "Young Superman" 'cause of the lawsuit?
Posted by Vee on :
Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
Do you mean this pic Vee? The one Michael linked to was the Brainy robot, not the group shot. That's what confused me about your post.

Ooops! Sorry, yes I meant the group shot that Drake colored. (I most be going crazy! I could swear I followed that link to the group shot [Confused] )
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Originally posted by Blue Battler:
So are you guys saying the plan is to call Superboy "Young Superman" 'cause of the lawsuit?

Don't know for sure it is a result of the lawsuit but the press release has been changed to say "young Superman" rather than Superboy. And we had a rumor, not yet confirmed, that said they went back and redubbed all mentions of Superboy to Superman instead.
Posted by Blue Battler on :

That's going to be weird. He definitely looks too young for "Superman" to fit him.
Posted by Tromium on :
A public preview coming in two weeks! This just in from Comicscontinuuum

Kids' WB! will stage "Behind the Shield," looking at Superman, on Saturday, July 15. The event will also include a first look at the Legion of Super Heroes animated series, which will is now calling the character "Superman" instead of "Superboy."
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Titans Tower has an interview with Rob Hoegee, the co-producer of the Legion series. Doesn't really give much away but the guy seems to like working with the Legion.
Posted by Michael Grabois on :
Anyone been able to find anything on that "Behind the Shield" show - what time, what channel? It doesn't show up on my TiVo guide, even doing a keyword search.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Hasn't shown up in my TiVo guide or their online one either. I'm guessing it'll be a series of shorts that run during the Saturday morning cartoon block. I'm just planning on taping the whole morning.
Posted by Monkey Eater Lad on :
Where'll you'll find the Legion boys and girls on Friday of Comic-Con:

4:00-5:00 Bruce Timm Retrospective/Legion of Super Heroes— Warner Bros. Animation president Sander Schwartz introduces a retrospective on the creativity of animation legend Bruce Timm (Batman Beyond, Superman: The Animated Series). Bruce will talk about his 20-year career, screen selected scenes from his body of work, and take part in a Q&A. Immediately following the Timm retrospective, Warner Bros. Animation presents a sneak peek at Legion of Super Heroes, a new Superman-themed half-hour adventure series inspired by the DC Comics series and set to air Saturdays this fall at 11:00 AM ET/PT in the Kids’ WB! programming block on the new CW. Producers Linda M. Steiner (Teen Titans) and James Tucker (Justice League Unlimited), story editor Rob Hoegee (Teen Titans), and others from the show’s creative team will join several of the Legion cast members, including Yuri Lowenthal (voice of Superman), Andy Milder (Lightning Lad), Shawn Harrison (Timber Wolf), and Michael Cornaccia (Bouncing Boy) for a Q&A session and debut of scenes from the upcoming show. Room 20
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Thanks for that MEL. I forgot to update my site when I heard of it. Guess I have other things on my mind right now.
Posted by Michael Grabois on :
Note that we finally know Shawn (Timber Wolf)'s last name - the IMDB says he had a recurring role on "Family Matters". Michael Cornaccia's name (Bouncing Boy) surfaced this afternoon on the IMDB, and the other new name is Heather Hogan as Phantom Girl. The only regular left is Saturn Girl, and Triplicate Girl (a recurring character) is also unknown as of yet.
Posted by Tromium on :
According to the Kids's WB website, "Behind the Shield" is a special event starting at 7 am. The video on the main page includes a few glimpses of the cartoon, including the Fatal Five. Can anyone capture it?
Posted by Suddenly Seymour on :
Oooh, so tiny and so fast with no pause! Curse them!

Definitely sounds like a bunch of interstitials. Better go set the Tivo now!
Posted by Tekwych on :
Saw this posted in the SDCC thread but thought I post it here as well:

Friday July 21st
4:00-5:00 Bruce Timm Retrospective/Legion of Super Heroes— Warner Bros. Animation president Sander Schwartz introduces a retrospective on the creativity of animation legend Bruce Timm (Batman Beyond, Superman: The Animated Series). Bruce will talk about his 20-year career, screen selected scenes from his body of work, and take part in a Q&A. Immediately following the Timm retrospective, Warner Bros. Animation presents a sneak peek at Legion of Super Heroes, a new Superman-themed half-hour adventure series inspired by the DC Comics series and set to air Saturdays this fall at 11:00 AM ET/PT in the Kids’ WB! programming block on the new CW. Producers Linda M. Steiner (Teen Titans) and James Tucker (Justice League Unlimited), story editor Rob Hoegee (Teen Titans), and others from the show’s creative team will join several of the Legion cast members, including Yuri Lowenthal (voice of Superman), Andy Milder (Lightning Lad), Shawn Harrison (Timber Wolf), and Michael Cornaccia (Bouncing Boy) for a Q&A session and debut of scenes from the upcoming show. Room 20
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Comics Continuum has some caps and some more info.

Here's some of those images -


^ Is that Triplicate Girl behind Chuck?



Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Originally posted by Tromium:
According to the Kids's WB website, "Behind the Shield" is a special event starting at 7 am. The video on the main page includes a few glimpses of the cartoon, including the Fatal Five. Can anyone capture it?

How's this -

Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Looks like Gary even beat me to the Flash. And if you notice the Behind the Shield special does run the length of the Saturday morning programing. I've already scheduled to record all five hours.
Posted by Michael Grabois on :
Not sure about the hair, but that's Triplicate Girl's orange and purple costume hiding behind Bouncing Boy. Glad someone could grab the flash, I was looking at the page's source code scratching my head trying to figure it out.

By the way, I've been told that Kari Wahlgren (IMDB, official site) is the voice of Saturn Girl. That completes the 7-member core team (which now includes Superman instead of Superboy, in case you didn't notice).
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Even the Legion is shaking their heads over the animation (except Garth, he seems excited). [Razz]

Posted by ActorLad on :
I don't think that's Lu, it looks more like Nura to me.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Originally posted by ActorLad:
I don't think that's Lu, it looks more like Nura to me.

I agree. I think we are seeing a lot of skin and Nura's white costume.
Posted by superboymddjr on :
Noooooot Baaaaad!!!! Now looking forward to seeing the cartoon soon!!! I wish they could start now! but I will be patient until the Fall season starts. Can't wait!

PS yeah it's Triplicate Girl, not Dream girl....unless Dream girl borrows her costume.
Posted by superboymddjr on :
notice Brainy's eyes...purple?

So next Saturday means July 15th, correct?
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Yes, the 15th. The sneek will air sometime between 7 AM and Noon.

And I hacked the Flash file. It was an embedded FLV (Flash movie) and I found the file, converted it over to Quicktime and then exported the whole thing out as a series of images. But Comics Continuum must have used what was actually broadcast today because my pictures are half their size and all attempts to enlarge them result in pretty crappy images. Wish I had tape this morning's block.
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
I think that's Triplicate Girl. Her cosume is sleeveless so you can see the skin on her shoulders and purple and orange vertical bars on her body. Maybe her hair is tricoloured too.
Posted by Monkey Eater Lad on :
I think it looks pretty cool but I'm not too picky. Incidentally, shouldn't they have done this Superman movie promotion around when Superman the movie came out?!? Phantom Girl looks less 'goth'. I think having a primarily white costumes kinda reduces your goth-cred. I think that's Triplicate Girl, and each third will have a different hair style. I can't wait for my lumpy Chuck Taine inaction figure!
Posted by Koymc Dox on :
I can't believe nobody's commented on that Fatal Five scene--they look badass.

Tharok looks a little younger than the one in the comics, but I like the Persuader--I wonder if that's an exceptionally ugly mask or if in this version he's gonna be a gruesome alien. In that shot it actually looks more like the latter.
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
I love that the Legion is getting such a high profile just as the Superman movie is hitting! Maybe they'll even make it into one of the sequels!!
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
The Empress in green bell bottoms?
Maybe in the Thirtieth C. white "is the new black" so PG is Goth all the way!?!


I think that's Nura too. (Lucky lucky Chuckie) [Big Grin]

I didn't like the art style at all when we first saw it several months ago but (I almost hate to say this) it's growing on me.

Posted by knowjack on :
Oooh, I hope it's Dream Girl!
Posted by Awkward Pause Boy on :
The hair looks Dream Girl, but the rest looks Triplicate Girl.

Looks like a rocket-y clubhouse behind Superman in that one shot.

I can't believe I may sit through all those other silly shows to get a look at this.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Or you could just wait for one of us (Gary, Michael or myself) to post the video of just the Legion bits.
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Thank you for showing these!!!

I don't care if it's Superman or Superboy. Really doesn't matter to me.

At first I thought having Brainy be all robotty/androidy/whatever was disturbing, but really, I'm sure it'll be cool.

I think that's Lu in the shot. I think she'll have tri-colored hair, which I have often thought she should have.

The Fatal Five look creepy! Cool.

I'm very excited!
Posted by Monkey Eater Lad on :
There's no dash between the Super and Heroes!

Posted by Michael Grabois on :
Don't look for me to post the video. I'll be recording it on my TiVo, then I'd have to record it to video tape, then digitize the tape via a VCR connected to my computer, then figure out a way to upload it here.

More new names showed up today on the Legion's Wikipedia page ( - sorry, it won't let me post a link that has a parentheses in it) from "Faroutspacenut", a known pseudonym of Rob Hoegee: two directors (Tim Maltby and Lauren Montgomery) and four writers (John Esposito, Rob Hummel, Marty Isenberg, and Scott Sonneborn). That last writer, by the way, has one very interesting IMDB credit.

Oh, and I know who's going to be doing the music for the show, but I don't know if I'm allowed to say yet. (I strongly doubt we'll be hearing "somebody saaaaaaaaave me" or the John Williams theme, though.)
Posted by Michael Grabois on :
Oops, forgot to mention, Tuesday night (July 11, tonight) on the BOOM network they'll be rerunning the Legion's first appearance in the Superman series, with the episode "New Kids in Town".
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
According to CC on Sunday -

* One of the early episodes of Kids' WB!'s Legion of Super Heroes animated series will be titled "Champions."

Posted by superboymddjr on :
did anyone catch the sneak preview? I missed it I think. [Frown]
Posted by reckless on :
According to an ad they just ran, it's airing at 11 am during the Batman show. That's a few hours away on the west coast.

during the ad, there was a brief shot of Lightning Lad fighting a werewolf-type creature that I hope is not supposed to be Timber Wolf. It looked more like Furball than the Timber Wolf we've seen.
Posted by superboymddjr on :
YES!! I saw it during the commercial by accident while I was setting the Heroclix game up on the coffeetable. When I saw it I immediately ran to get the Heroclix of Saturn Girl, Live Wire, Superboy, Brainiac 5 alongside the custom-made Bouncing Boy (made from Heroclix's Blob) and Timber Wolf (made from SabreTooth). I am so tinkled pink! yeah it starts at 11am! My friend and I will start the game at 10 am. So when it comes, I will tell my friend to take a time out and introduce those Heroclix Legionnaires to animated Legionnaires! Kid at Heart strikes again! [Big Grin]
Posted by superboymddjr on :
Also, Lightning Lad looks SOOOOOO COOOL and dynamic! I bet you all that LL is gonna love that!
Posted by Tromium on :
It went too fast to catch everything. What I remember is the scene where they're all on the ground and LL flies up. He says "He better leave some for me" or something like that. Then we see Superboy, er, Superman being attacked by the Emerald Eye and LL tells him to use his super-breath but Supes doesn't understand him, so he adds "Think cold and blow". Then Supes freezes the Eye and/or Empress.

Maybe it was just my imagination but I thought I saw a little "Tinkerbell" figure next to LL for a second. Could it have been Vi?
Posted by Michael Grabois on :
Someone from the ToonZone forum uploaded the video to YouTube. It's only 38 seconds long, though, and shows part of a battle between the Legion and the Fatal Five (in particular, Lightning Lad, Superman, and Emerald Empress).

It aired at the 5-minute mark of the Batman show, if anyone wants to try to get a better version.

(Tromium, it was your imagination, that was Superman in the background, not Violet.)
Posted by Blue Battler on :
Say, that looks fun. It looks like Young Superman doens't know all his powers yet.
Posted by rtvu2 on :
looks good to me too!
Posted by Michael Grabois on :
I just watched what I had recorded on my TiVo, there are a couple of other brief clips not on here, and a few seconds cut off the beginning of this one.

One clip shows Lightning Lad fighting off giant spider robots and what looks like Timber Wolf (in Furball mode). In the second one, we see all of the Legionnaires, including a Triplicate Girl who splits into three (duh!), each with a different hair color - white, orange, and purple (so that was Lu Neutral, not Nura).

Interestingly, in the first clip note that Lightning Lad is telling Superman how to use one particular power, suggesting that they might have to train him in how to be Super since he came to the future from a time before he became Superman. The first few seconds of the YouTube clip were cut off, and we see a brief shot of Clark looking up in awe at a Superman statue.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
There are three seperate clips. One tease, one main clip both described above, and then one last tease that shows Lu (Yes, her NOT Dream Girl, using her powers). I'm in the process of trying to present them here.

The first tease was shown in each show (twice in "Spider Riders") before the main clip during the Batman. The last clip appeared during "Viewtiful Joe."

(Personal Opinion: How do kids watch these crappy shows?)

[ July 15, 2006, 04:09 PM: Message edited by: Nightcrawler ]
Posted by rtvu2 on :
Gary Rocks!
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
You missed a tease Gary. I got two teases prior to the preview then one more at the end of the morning. I have all four scenes strung together into an MP4 format (playable in Quicktime or on a PSP) that comes in at 14MB if anyone is interested.
Posted by Michael Grabois on :
Scott - why not upload it to YouTube?
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
I'm going to have link here in a few minutes...
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Originally posted by Michael Grabois:
Scott - why not upload it to YouTube?

I will when I get back home later tonight if Gary doesn't already have it done.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Click these links and then wait for the video to play. The quickest is the second tease, so you may want to test that one first. Then, to play them again, right click and play.

The First Tease for the Sneak Peek of the Cartoon!

The Second Tease for the Sneak Peek of the Cartoon!

The Main Sneak Peek of the Cartoon!

The Post third Tease for the Cartoon!

[ July 16, 2006, 02:13 AM: Message edited by: Nightcrawler ]
Posted by Suddenly Seymour on :
These designs look better in action (Garth is really growing on me), but I still like Caldwell's the best (of what's been leaked).

I'm really excited now. [Bouncing Boy]
Posted by Michael Grabois on :
Sweet! But I still think that to save bandwidth, YouTube (or Google) is the way to go with these. At 15 MB per person if you're looking at all four clips, at 70 people that's a gig of data transfer right there.

[ July 15, 2006, 09:21 PM: Message edited by: Michael Grabois ]
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Thanks. I'll keep an eyeout for the bandwidth.
Posted by Blacula on :
Coolio! The designs look a lot better animated! Really not digging "SuperMAN & the Legion" though. It just sounds so wrong!

When does this start?
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Sometime in September?
Posted by Tekwych on :
Stills on Comics Continuum.
Posted by Blue Battler on :
The animation is growing on me but i couldn't get the clips to play here.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Originally posted by Blue Battler:
The animation is growing on me but i couldn't get the clips to play here.

[Confused] You should leave the window open and wait. It will play eventually. I've tried it on multilpe computers so far.

[ July 15, 2006, 11:30 PM: Message edited by: Nightcrawler ]
Posted by Blue Battler on :
I had it on for like 30 or 40 minutes.
Posted by Pizza Delivery Girl on :
Originally posted by Blue Battler:
The animation is growing on me but i couldn't get the clips to play here.

I had the same problem - I finally downloaded the avi files directly.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Sorry. Other people seem to be able to see them too. Are you on dial up and was it the main a sneak peek?

You may just want to right click and save it.
Posted by Blue Battler on :
I switched to Internet Explorer and it played. For some reason it didn't like my Firefox. 8-)
Posted by Pizza Delivery Girl on :
Yeah, I use Firefox as well. *shrugs*
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
I'll try Firefox now.

Works for me off the bat. (I'm using now a third computer that I haven't played it once on yet. Not to mention a different connection [ISP].)

Plus, for those who saw it before, I've enlarged each of them bit (Same size files, we're just displaying them in a larger window).

[ July 16, 2006, 12:49 AM: Message edited by: Nightcrawler ]
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
So, out of curiosity (and as the time grows nearer), is there any interest in a seperate Animated series focused forum?


It could probably encompass the eventual spin-off Johnny DC Comic, the DVDs, Toys, and possible Video Games (and who knows what else) based on the new cartoon series. But, would it garner enough traffic/interest to seperate it from the comic (it's long history/toys/TPBs/Fandom/etc.)?
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Well, I need *complete* coverage for the upcoming onslaught of Legion material, so I say YES to the animated series having its own forum, within LegionWorld.
Posted by Suddenly Seymour on :
I'm on Firefox and had to switch over to IE to get it to play, too. Small price to pay, though. [Smile]

I think a dedicated space would be nice, as there's bound to be all sorts of things that come up.
Posted by Blue Battler on :
I vote for dedicated space as well.

You know, as I think about it, I can see a young Clark Kent definitely wanting to call himself Superman. After about 15 or so, what kid wants to be reminded they're a kid?!
Posted by Gorilla Nebula on :
one of my favorite blogs,
has a link to the blog of one of the artists on the LSH animated series, Eric Canete. good stuff! AND he takes commissions!!!
Eric's blog:
i think the moderators should invite him to this board!
Eric Canete is an artist currently working on the Legion of Superheroes cartoon for the WB. Some of his past comic work includes comics for Wildstorm and DC. He also worked on the animated Aeon Flux, Chronicles of Riddick: Dark Fury, and Justice League Unlimited.
Posted by Vee on :
Dedicated Forum for sure. It should be seperate from the comic since it will have little in common (excepting the chars [Smile] )

Anyone have any idea yet as to what time slot it will have when it airs? Need to start rearranging my schedule [Big Grin]
Posted by Vee on :
You know, this is really exciting! All these years of feeling like the Legion was the foster family of the comicbook world and Legion fans looked at as if we were a little bit odd, it's really neat to finally see the LSH make it to the big time!
[Bouncing Boy]
Posted by Vee on :
PS: I'll bet Chuck is the break out hit of the series! If so, I have a couple of people to look up that have sneered about him for years! [Big Grin]
Posted by superboymddjr on :
Originally posted by Vee:
PS: I'll bet Chuck is the break out hit of the series! If so, I have a couple of people to look up that have sneered about him for years! [Big Grin]

Yeah yesterday I had a Bouncing Boy custom made heroclix on my coffee table and when we took a timeout from the Heroclix game, we watched the sneak friend asked me "Why Bouncing Boy?" and sneered. I said "whoa, don't you ever count him out? He may be a corny one way back in 60s but now it's time for many of them to be beefed up or changed into a cooler one such as Captain Cold, Weather Wizard, Top, Mirror Master, Spellbinder II, Poison Ivy (her heroclix does not represent her very well!), etc." So wait and see! I always thought that Bouncing Boy have a lot of potential - A LOT!
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
I think a dedicated forum is a good idea. Could Visionaries of Tomorrow be used for this?
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
It was interesting to see Lu (assuming that's Triplicate Girl's name on the show) "riding" Bouncing Boy in that little clip -- are these two a couple again?
Posted by Awkward Pause Boy on :
Thanks for posting the clips! I too was wondering why Lu was riding Bouncing Boy. But still delighted to see her in the cast. Super"man" catching a frozen Emerald Empress & Eye was a bit more hokey than I'd have hoped for, but that does nothing to damper my anticipation.

If it matters, I'd vote against a dedicated forum. I'd appreciate the diversity in this one.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Hmmm...a naysayer. [Smile] Perhaps a poll to decide...
Posted by Monkey Eater Lad on :
So frickin' cool! Thanks to Gary and all the technowizards for recording/converting/hosting and whatnot!

And Gorilla Nebula thanks for the heads up - looks like Eric is going to be at Comic-Con so I'll definitely try to find him!
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
[sigh] Plump superheroes get no respect. Lu's using him like a skateboard.

I vote for separate forum for sure.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
My vote? Separate forum, definitely.
Posted by rtvu2 on :
Same, separate forum. Once the LSH cartoons start we can have some crazy threads going on.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
This is all I've had time to make so far - [Brainiac 5 - Animated]

More (the rest) soon!
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
I'm still puzzled by the Firefox issues. I'm at work now and using Firefox, the Sneak Peek came up after one minute. [Confused]
Posted by rtvu2 on :
Like how far and what can he do with that neck? [Brainiac 5 - Animated]
Posted by Spellbinder on :
The new forum could always be a general animation forum, rather than one simply dedicated to LSH. There are always animation threads kicking around in The Anywhere Machine. These type of threads could find a new home in the Animation Forum.

Oh, and for the record, I tried the clips in IE and they played almost immediately for me.
Posted by Suddenly Seymour on :
Originally posted by Nightcrawler:
I'm still puzzled by the Firefox issues. I'm at work now and using Firefox, the Sneak Peek came up after one minute. [Confused]

Maybe I just need to update my Windows Media Player. When I upgraded my Firefox a couple weeks ago, all my online players went wonky, and I had to update them. I didn't think of WMP because I use it so infrequently.
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
Count me as another "Aye!" for a new forum for the animated series! I think it should definitely be a sub forum of the Legion Clubhouse, sharing space on top of the page with the comic book making it really easy for newbies to find.

Sure there'll be quite a bit of crossover for a while but I'll bet once the cartoon starts up there'll be a ton and a half of traffic for it and all those new guys might not want to dig through all of the last three years of legionworld to feel like they can participate.

I also think it should be "kid friendly" all the way. I'm pretty excited about seeing a young generation of Legion fans get all excited about "MY" favorite comic book. Pretty darned cool if ya ask me.

...and I just LOVE Gorilla's idea to invite the creators to sign on.

[ July 17, 2006, 03:13 PM: Message edited by: Yellow Kid ]
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
I'm not too happy with this one, it'll probably change as soon as I get the others done.

[Lightning Lad - Animated]
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Originally posted by Suddenly Seymour:
Originally posted by Nightcrawler:
I'm still puzzled by the Firefox issues. I'm at work now and using Firefox, the Sneak Peek came up after one minute. [Confused]

Maybe I just need to update my Windows Media Player. When I upgraded my Firefox a couple weeks ago, all my online players went wonky, and I had to update them. I didn't think of WMP because I use it so infrequently.
Not sure that will help. I can't get mine to update so I can't see the preview in FF. Of course, I'm using Media Player 11 and that's probably why FireFox won't work.
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
Man...I really really tried to watch those previews Saturday morning but I just couldn't do it. How in the heck can kids watch that crap they're passing off as cartoons these days?

I saw the clip during Batman but I just can't stand Viewtiful Joe. Shoot, I'd rather see another Transformers cartoon or sit through Tick reruns (again) instead of that waste of studio time.

...hhhmmm...I wonder if 'ol Frank Cho would consider a Liberty Meadows 'toon?...
Posted by Monkey Eater Lad on :
Check out the link, scroll down a bit, and see a preview image that's at San Diego right now:
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Thanks Kev! Hope you guys are having fun!
Posted by Michael Grabois on :
The sharp-eyed forum posters here noticed last month that Brainy's and Timber Wolf's pictures were flopped (their belt buckles are backwards). The new standup at the DC booth, different from the one at the NYC Licensing Show last month, uses new images of Superman and Bouncing Boy but the same images from the flyer of the others (and in the correct orientation). See The Omnicom for a comparison of all the promotional stuff.
Posted by Tekwych on :
From SDCC Mattel Panel:

Superboy & the Legion of Superheroes animated cartoon will have a line of figures. First wave should include Superboy, Brainiac 5, Saturn Girl, Phantom Girl, Cosmic Boy, Bouncing Boy, and possibly Timberwolf. They are still deciding the exact character mix.

Posted at Action Figure Insider
Posted by superboymddjr on :
Cosmic Boy? not Lightning Lad?
Posted by etherpunk on :
Hey guys!

Newsarama's got an interview with James Tucker about the new Legion cartoon. Interesting stuff [Smile]

Check it out here:
Posted by jrio on :
Originally posted by etherpunk:
[QB] Hey guys!

Newsarama's got an interview with James Tucker about the new Legion cartoon. Interesting stuff [Smile]

Fairly depressing stuff. Brainiac as a robot boy, Phantom Girl is a spoilt princess(!), Lightning Lad has to tell Superman how to use his powers....the low expectations have plummeted even further.
Posted by rtvu2 on :
Why? This is a Legion that had formed but still 'growing' up. And a Superman that is still learning his way in the world.

Let's watch it before we all condem it.
Posted by superboymddjr on :
I remember the first season of JL and Teen Titans and I was like "urmmm okay let's give it another try" after episodes..and entering their 2/3rd season, they were getting better and better and I enjoyed it. So maybe the Legion will do the same....first season - may be urmmm...then later 2/3rd season, will grow on you.

I never forget my first reaction when I saw Thunder and Lightning's introduction to the Teen Titans (and Terra's)...and I let it grew on me and I liked them better than the ones in comics, unfortunately (absolulely loved Argent on cartoon more than in comics).
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
I think it looks pretty good considering some of the cartoons on the tube these days.

I even understand what the heck Brainy is supposed to be now. A touchy feely Saturn Girl may be too much though. But Chuck rocks beyond all words.

Chuck >> All
Posted by Matthew E on :
the low expectations have plummeted even further.
Why? This is a Legion that had formed but still 'growing' up.[...]Let's watch it before we all condem it.
Which I believe can also be said about the current comic book.
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
I really liked the descriptions of the characters!

In the first major reboot, Saturn Girl was always hugging or putting her arm around someone. I always thought that this made sense because something about having mental powers might make touching obsolete, yet she still yearned for that human contact...I dunno if that makes sense. I suppose that's where all this "hussy" talk about her could come in...

LOVE the way they want to depict Brainy. First of all, I too was a big fan of the way Coipel re-imagined him, giving him more character, visually, than we'd seen in all the previous 40ish years. Kinda lanky and messed up hair and sticking out ears. I liked it. I think this cartoon version is going to take some getting used to, but I'm already on my way.

I have NO trouble seeing Tinya as the spoiled girl working within a new class set. She's often come across that way in the books.

I like that this Super"man" is going to be young and inexperienced. That keeps him fitting in instead of being this god-like-inspiration-to-all type. Maybe in the scene we were shown, he was under some kind of mind control, and LL had to help him figure out what to do?

Sounds like LL and Chuck will have the personalities we all hope for.

This James Tucker sounds like he knows his stuff and is a fan. I feel good about it all and can't wait!

Have I mentioned that I'll be an AR collector, so please LWers, don't let me miss anything! I give a BIG thank you to those who have posted and pointed out info and graphics related to the new series.
Posted by Tromium on :
I love the mix of personalities they chose and while some of my favorites (Element Lad, Star Boy) haven't even been mentioned for possible cameos yet, I can understand why other prominent Legionnaires like Cosmic Boy (because of his Superboyish looks and boy-scout personality) and Ultra Boy and Mon-El (because of their powers) didn't make it into the main cast.

And yes, Chuck RULES 4ever! I hope his action figure bounces. [Bouncing Boy]
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Matt Wayne Interview at CC
Posted by Michael Grabois on :
More show stuff from the con:
1. Mattel will be making figures based on the new show (the articles I've read didn't say anything about the JLU Legion).
2. The group that did the music for the JLU and Titans shows are doing the music for the Legion show.
3. The Warner Bros. booth has a free trading card with the picture similar to the one we saw at the Licensing Show (with the orange background).

Still waiting to hear back from friends who went to the Timm/Legion panel.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
just got back from it. sorry if there' repetition of past items; I'm not about to reread everything before posting.

13 episodes, including a two-part finale based upon a classic LSH story; probably a Silver age story. Miner's betting on the death of Lightning Lad.

They're starting with a heavy Silver focus, but have picked and chosen from various eras. Various creators claim to be staunch longtime LSH fans. Someone (Battista?) said, having worked on LSH for a year and helped reintro Superboy, he really praised the new cartoon.

It's young, inexperienced Superman, not Superboy, even tho the sole promo card still lists Superboy. They skirted talk about the Siegel lawsuit, so that's the most likely reason.

First season will feature several Fatal 5 stories; they avoided specifics on others.

They showed two videos; one, Kal is being knocked about by the Emerald Empress. Garth, intead of blasting EE himself, instead spends his efforts trying to coach Supes how to use his super-breath.

The theme they say they're going for is that Supes brings the spirit/innate paragonism to the LSH, LSH brings the experience and know-how to young Kal.

Brainy seems to be a machine - with a stretchble neck, and presumably other limbs.

Garth has a lighning-shaped scar/tatoo/whatever around his eye; it turns white when he's using his powers.
Posted by Monkey Eater Lad on :
Aloha from con. got soooo many tidbits but i don't have room for them here. met most of the voice actors, took photos (hopefully because my camera might be broken) of all of them present. morsels for now: Matter-Eater Lad. Familial Ranzz. Cosmic boy for 3 episode arc at the end. Triplicate Girl's voiced by Saturn Girl's voice actor.
Posted by Michael Grabois on :
Tenzil, huh? Muy interesante. We already knew that Mekt was going to be in there somewhere, is that Ayla too? Wil Wheaton had mentioned three episodes for Cosmic Boy, but he didn't say they were an arc. Hurry up and get home so you can give us a full update! [Smile]
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Ok. With only one naysayer (sorry APB), I think most people want a new forum for this cartoon series.

But, what do we name it to set it apart from this forum? (And after the push from the Comic-Con, I think it shouldn't encompass all animation. Just this show and it's related merchandise and comic.)
Posted by Tekwych on :
what do we name it to set it apart from this forum? (And after the push from the Comic-Con, I think it shouldn't encompass all animation. Just this show and it's related merchandise and comic.) [/QB]
If it's just LSH name it LSH Animated. I agree that it should be a 4th forum under the 'LEGION CLUBHOUSE' heading.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Well, the number is set to "11" unless I do a resuffle (which after the last time I tried it, I vowed never to do again). And so, if it goes in this category (which I agree it should), it'll appear below Visionnaires on the main board page.

Also, I'm open for any suggestions for the introduction, like the "From 1958 to NOW, Legion Fandom has discussed, complained, created, and inspired the wonders of DC Comics' 30th & 31st Centuries. Here's your chance to join in on the fun!"
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
[Saturn Girl - Animated]
Posted by Awkward Pause Boy on :
How about Legion of Saturday Morning Super-Heroes.
Posted by rtvu2 on :
Originally posted by Awkward Pause Boy:
How about Legion of Saturday Morning Super-Heroes.

I sorta like that!

[Saturn Girl - Animated] -cool G!
Posted by Spellbinder on :
We could always call it "Superman and the Legion of Super-Heroes". It would make a nice bookend to "Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes" [Smile]
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
It's actually named that now.
Posted by Monkey Eater Lad on :
So turns out my pictures did come out, it's just my camera's screen that is damaged. I'll post them here (or in the new forum), probably hopefully with Gary's help.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Yay! Save them for the new forum and e-mail them to me if you want them hosted. I'll upload them and you can post them to the board, like we do for Barry.

Also, if possible Kevin, can you scan in the card that has all of the signatures on it? That would be cool as well.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Kev, you could also sign up at LegionPics and post them in your own gallery. I have a ton of space and bandwidth so if we need to use LegionPics for hosting I don't mind.

And I can't wait to see some of the goodies you guys got. Michael did a great job of keeping stuff updated so I could keep up with the news. Between the gang at the con and the updates I feel like I was almost there. [Smile]
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
I was kind of hoping some creative types would come up with at least a snazzy forum intro for me. [Frown]

[PhantomGirl - Animated]
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
What's wrong with:

"One thousand years from now, a group of teenage super heroes travel back in time to recruit the greatest hero of all, Superman, and enlist him their fight against evil in the 31st Century."

Straight from the official press release. Sorry, not feeling very creative at the moment.
Posted by Tekwych on :
"Since DC can't say Superboy and was to slow to bring in Supergirl here comes the Legion of Super Heroes staring Sumerman?!?
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
That explains the show. [Smile] But, what's the forum about? What am I supposed to post there? What's the difference between this forum and the other one about the Legion?

Those are the questions the intro needs to answer in a creative way. [Smile]
Posted by Suddenly Seymour on :
Finally, after almost 50 years, fans can toon into the animated adventures of the youthful superteam from 1,000 years in the future. We may not have Superboy, but we do have a place to discuss this latest artistic endeavor.
Posted by Spellbinder on :
"1048 years in the making... Welcome to the animated adventures of Superman and the Legion of Super-Heroes! Feel free to post your thoughts and questions about DC Comics newest cartoon series!"
Posted by Awkward Pause Boy on :
"Legion of Super-Heroes . . . on TV!"
Posted by Matthew E on :
The Adventures of Cathode-Ray-Tube Lad and Remote Lass!
Posted by Lone Wolf Legionnaire on :
Long Live the Legion...on TV!"
Finally the Legion of Super-Heroes get respect and their fans get rewarded.
While a whole new generation will see their Adventures for the first time and hopefully fall in love with them as we did,keeping them alive for a long time to come.
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
Gawd, I hope their clubhouse is an upside down yellow rocket ship!
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
[Timber Wolf - Animated]
Posted by Tekwych on :
New posting at Comics Continuum. I don't think there is anything new put it is the first post and comes with pretty pictures.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Hmm. I don't know if this is a mistake by CBR, the actor not really knowing the character or if they've really changed Saturn Girl. But according to an article at CBR when they presented the voice actors at a SDCC panel they said this about Kari Wahlgren who provides Saturn Girl's voice (and Triplicate Girl but she isn't a regular):

Wahlgren plays both Saturn Girl, a telepath who can "cast illusions" and Triplicate Girl who can split into three people.
So we get Saturn Projectra? Saturn Princess? WTF?
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
I'm going to assume it means that she can make people think they see something they don't. Kinda like the way Jeyra made everyone not see her or Reep until she went unconscious in SLSH #19.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Even so it would mean no Jeckie. I don't see them possibly letting two characters with "illusion" powers on the same team. Not when the show is aimed at kids.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Not sure where they got it or if it is even real but the Superman Homepage has a episode breakdown for the first season.

Spoilers be here:
When fearsome villains the fatal five set their sights on the newly formed Legion of Super Heroes, three of the Legion's members go back in time to get help from the greatest hero of all time: Superman. Instead they find Clark Kent, aware of his powers but not yet of his grand destiny.

A mysterious scientist asks the Legion to help capture a dangerous creature. They succeed, only to discover the creature is nowhere near as dangerous as the scientist himself.

Superman unknowingly saves the life of Alexis, one of the wealthiest people in the galaxy. Alexis and Superman become fast friends, but when Superman's Legion responsibilities get in the way of their friendship, Alexis decides to do something about it...

During a cosmic storm, the team takes refuge in a creepy, derelict space station. On board, one-by-one, each Legionnaire faces his or her deepest fear -- and then disappears.

While supporting Lighting Lad as he competes in the challenging Galactic Games, Superman and Phantom Girl uncover a sinister plot by the Fatal Five! Lightning Lad has troubles of his own when he finds his biggest competition from someone close to him.

When Superman accidentally opens a gateway to a phantom dimension, a young man with powers identical to his is freed in the process. Now Superman must not only stop this destructive visitor, but also rescue the Legionnaires when they become trapped in the vistor's dimension.

A young sorcerer arrives on Earth and causes a heap of trouble. In an effort to send him home, Superman learns of his vulnerability to magic, while Phantom Girl puts her diplomatic skills to the test as she travels to the sorcerer's secretive world to ask for help.

Much to the Legion's disappointment, Lighting Lad accepts an invitation to join an older, "cooler" team. Once there, however, Lightning Lad realizes these new heroes aren't exactly what they seem. Now, caught between the Legion and his new friends, Lighting Lad must decide once and for all where his loyalties lie.

A major malfunction sends Brainiac 5's genius IQ plummeting. To obtain the rare element needed to save him, Superman and Timber Wolf must travel to the most inhospitable planet in the galaxy -- and thanks to a transporter accident, they have only Brainy's head to guide them.

It's that time of year again -- Legion Auditions! This year's crop is hardly promising, with most hopefuls turning out to be comic duds. But when the Legion is overwhelmed fighting a mysterious foe in Earth's upper atmosphere, a group of rejects takes it upon themselves to save the world below... with outrageous results.

When disaster strikes Lightning Lad's home planet of Winath, the Legion is called to help. Lightning Lad's efforts to take charge are thwarted however when long-absent Legion leader Cosmic Boy arrives with an enigmatic new hero in tow.

The Legion is put to the ultimate test when an ancient weapon known as a Sun Eater comes to life. The Legion mounts a heroic defense, but the Sun Eater proves too powerful. Now at full strength, the unstoppable Sun Eater sets its sights on Earth...

Part one of a two-part episode

With the Sun Eater on a direct course for Earth's sun, the Legion has no choice but to ask bitter enemies for help to stop it. Superman meanwhile has his toughest battle yet when he discovers the stealthy alien controlling the sinister machine. In the end, the Legion triumphs... but at a terrible cost.

Part two of a two-part episode.

Posted by Michael Grabois on :
It looks real enough, that's why I put it up on the Omnicom.

We already knew the titles for "Timber Wolf" and "Champions", we knew that Mekt will arrive and that Cosmic Boy is in for a 3-episode arc at the end, the finale is a remake of a classic 2-parter, and the Fatal Five are big players. This could just be someone's fanfic but Superman Homepage has gotten some good stuff before (they were the first with the promo picture with the purple starfield background).

I have no idea where they got it from since the titles and descriptions are usually not released this far in advance, so if they are real, it must have come from an insider.

Can't wait for the Subs episode!
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
You mentioned Mon maybe for the Phantom episode. What about Dev-Em instead? Or do you think they'll pull the lead poisoning made him crazy?
Posted by superboymddjr on :
Can't wait to see Phantom Girl's spotlighting! and also THE SUBSTITUTE HEROES!!!!! those episodes made me ticklish pink! [Smile]
Posted by Korbal on :
Where's the Starfinger episode?
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
Looks like Cos is bringing a metallic guy with him for the season final.
Posted by doublechinner on :
Young sorcerer? Mordru perhaps? And the title -- Child's Play? -- could we have a Legion Babies episode?
Posted by Tekwych on :
Originally posted by Tamper Lad:
Looks like Cos is bringing a metallic guy with him for the season final.

Fero Lad?
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
At the Con, they showed an video that focused on each of the Legionnaires and showed them using their powers.

If anyone can get a copy, I'd love to host it here for everyone to see.
Posted by Michael Grabois on :
My bet is that Ferro Lad joins in the Tryouts/Subs episode, just in time to die fighting the Sun Eater.

Maybe Starfinger's team is the one Lightning Lad joins in "Lightning Storm", or in "The Substitutes", maybe the mysterious foe they fight in the upper atmosphere (unless Grimbor is back to try to chain the Earth again).
Posted by Tekwych on :
Originally posted by Michael Grabois:
unless Grimbor is back to try to chain the Earth again.

As long as he brings Charma with him. [Smile]
Posted by Koymc Dox on :
Originally posted by Michael Grabois:
My bet is that Ferro Lad joins in the Tryouts/Subs episode, just in time to die fighting the Sun Eater.

Maybe Starfinger's team is the one Lightning Lad joins in "Lightning Storm", or in "The Substitutes", maybe the mysterious foe they fight in the upper atmosphere (unless Grimbor is back to try to chain the Earth again).

Lol...that sounds better than the first thought I had when I read that synopsis. "Garth? On another team? Oh Grife, is it gonna be Work Force?"
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
[Superman boy  -Animated] [Lightning Lad - Animated] [Saturn Girl - Animated] [Brainiac 5 - Animated] [PhantomGirl - Animated] [Bouncing Boy - Animated] [Timber Wolf - Animated]
Posted by rtvu2 on :
Originally posted by Nightcrawler:
[Superman boy  -Animated] [Lightning Lad - Animated] [Saturn Girl - Animated] [Brainiac 5 - Animated] [PhantomGirl - Animated] [Bouncing Boy - Animated] [Timber Wolf - Animated]

Love the new germlins!
Posted by Gorilla Nebula on :
nice. it's very "adventure" era focussed.
in the first season we get:
-the Timber Wolf origin from adventure.
-Lightning Lord (and probably a glimpse of the Ranzz lightning accident. will it include Ayla?)
-the Subs (will Night Girl have her bee-hive?)
-the Fatal Five/Sun-Eater/Ferro Lad classic.
sounds like big roles for Phantom Girl, Lightning Lad, Timber Wolf. i wonder if the clubhouse will look like the upside down rockrt-ship!
i am happy! i look forward to Year two and meeting the Heroes from Lallor, the Wanderers, the LSV, Nemesis Kid, Time Trapper, Rond Vidar and Universo, Computo, Dr. Regulus and Sun Boy.
oh boy!
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
I bet the "older, cooler" team is the LSV in some form.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Originally posted by Yellow Kid:
Gawd, I hope their clubhouse is an upside down yellow rocket ship!

It's not yellow, but isn't the HQ shown in these backgrounds -



Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Originally posted by Nightcrawler:
At the Con, they showed an video that focused on each of the Legionnaires and showed them using their powers.

If anyone can get a copy, I'd love to host it here for everyone to see.

It looks like the video was shown at Wizard World too.
Posted by Tekwych on :
Lots more pics at Comics Continuum and a talk with Michael Cornacchia, the voice of Bouncing Boy
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Thanks Mark!

Although I'm depressed. If I'd known they were showing more clips today, I'd have capped the show for us here. [Frown]

Scott...Michael...did either of you tape the show?
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
No but I guess I gotta start setting my TiVo now. Nice of them to announce the promos after the fact. Truthfully, there's no way I'd watch the crap they are showing on Kids'WB! if it weren't for the Legion.
Posted by Michael Grabois on :
It pains me to have to put a Season Pass in my TiVo for those shows. I suppose I could put a single 5-hr Manual Record block in, maybe that way it won't show up in my list as Yu-Gi-Oh.
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
I wanna toss this link down here (mainly so I donn't lose track of it too easily) [Big Grin]

I'm pretty sure that most of you that are looking through this stuff have already seen most of this information but here it is all in one neat little package for me to browse later when I get my "real" internet connect back.

...AND...I see I have to find a copy of DC Adventures #28. Cool!
Posted by Pizza Delivery Girl on :
There's a clip of the con footage up on youtube, just in case anyone here *might* be interested... ;p

(Though I warn that the quality isn't that great, sadly.)
Posted by Awkward Pause Boy on :
Originally posted by Pizza Delivery Girl:
There's a clip of the con footage up on youtube, just in case anyone here *might* be interested... ;p

(Though I warn that the quality isn't that great, sadly.)

Hmmm.. I wonder if that choppy audio in the clip is the Legion's theme song. (The Legion's first, right?) If so, what I could hear sounded pretty decent--not too Superman, kinda future-y, and (thankfully) no electric guitar.
Posted by Michael Grabois on :
When I talked to the music guys right before San Diego, they said that there was some sort of Legion theme that was used in both "New Kids in Town" and again in "Far From Home". Since the same team did the music for both series, they were able to re-use the theme. It's the same team again doing the Legion series, but I don't know if it's the same theme as the other two.
Posted by Tekwych on :
Comics Continuum continues its LSH cast interviews with Shawn Harrison, who plays Timber Wolf
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Originally posted by Michael Grabois:
It pains me to have to put a Season Pass in my TiVo for those shows. I suppose I could put a single 5-hr Manual Record block in, maybe that way it won't show up in my list as Yu-Gi-Oh.

If your TiVo is like mine unless you start it before 7:00 AM it'll still read Yu-Gi-Oh, that's exactly what mine reads "Manual: Yu-Gi-Oh!".

Anyway I recorded my first five hour block today and got the first commercial six minutes in. The second one, same as the first, at an hour and three minutes. I'm going to go through the whole thing and make sure there isn't any different commercials then transfer it to my PC. Maybe I can have something uploaded by tomorrow.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Thanks Scott! I totally forgot to record today's shows. It's been a busy week for me.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Originally posted by Nightcrawler:
Thanks Scott! I totally forgot to record today's shows. It's been a busy week for me.

Understandable. If I hadn't set it last week after I heard about it I wouldn't have even been home. We spent the day at Hell House and were already gone before the shows began.
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
A theme song?
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Well I got the commercial, which turned out to be the same one rerun all day, downloaded and edited. I just need to find some decent software to turn the DVD file (which is what my TiVo makes of it) into an avi or mpg.
Posted by Reboot on :
Ummm... the "DVD file" should just be straight MPEG2, and recompressing it would just introduce a set of double-artefacts.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Scott, later tonight when I'm at home, I'll send you the program and the license key for the program I've been using.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Originally posted by Reboot:
Ummm... the "DVD file" should just be straight MPEG2, and recompressing it would just introduce a set of double-artefacts.

TiVo's propriatary software is weird to work with. I only have problems when I want to make clips for sharing on the web. For my PC or laptop or even my PSP I don't have a problem getting the content moved from one to the other.

Originally posted by Nightcrawler:
Scott, later tonight when I'm at home, I'll send you the program and the license key for the program I've been using.

Cool, thanks Gary! I won't be home for another 4 hours but I'll try it out when I get there. It is a short clip so it should be simple to get uploaded.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Thanks to Gary for providing some software help as well as setting up the page, we have the new Legion promo up and running. The video is about 5MB so it may take some time loading. The page worked for me both in FireFox and IE so hopefully no one should have any problems viewing it.
Posted by Blue Battler on :
It worked for me. The only thing I wish they'd do is call him Young Superman if they can't use the name Superboy.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
New commercial today! Features each of the characters giving name and powers. Plus it has them all reciting the Legion oath at the end. It'll be up sometime tonight if I can get it transferred and get Gary's help again to set up a page.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Check that. Two new ones! Just found a second one featuring the Fatal Five. Still going through all five hours so there could be more.
Posted by Awkward Pause Boy on :
I saw the one that explained their powers--or some of it. Brainy does a lot more than stretch his neck.

It was using the Superman theme.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Originally posted by Awkward Pause Boy:
I saw the one that explained their powers--or some of it. Brainy does a lot more than stretch his neck.

It was using the Superman theme.

Yep, that's the one. I edited the two commercials together and it runs about one minute. I'm going to let Gary do his magic to make it presentable for the board.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Thanks Scott!

The new commercials look pretty cool.
Posted by Sketch Lad on :

Those commercials are really bringin' it home!!!!

CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!
Posted by lil'rhino on :
Those promos are FABOO!!!
Posted by Suddenly Seymour on :
Just got word of a time change for Legion when I got Kids' WB's new programming grids for the 23rd and 30th. They had to shuffle things around to make sure all their "educational" and "informational" federal requirements were met at the right times. The end result is that the Legion is now scheduled for 10 a.m. instead of the previously announced 11. And they've added "Krypto" to the lineup at 7 and 7:30.

Of course, it's all still subject to change.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Where'd did you get the grids for that far out already?
Posted by Suddenly Seymour on :
It's just the Saturday morning blocks for September. I'm doing a Saturday morning 'toon preview for the newspaper I work for, so they sent them to be sure I had the most up-to-date times.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Cool. And good to know since I know my TiVo schedule changes daily on our WB channel. I'll probably wind up taping the whole block just to get the Legion toon.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Looks like Comics Continuum got a copy of the blocks as well.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
No idea if there were any new commercials today. Our WB station was off the air the whole time. My TiVo only gave up an error. [Mad]
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Darn. Sorry Scott. I was going to record today's shows but figured you were doing such a great job that I'd leave it in your hands.

Next week (and from now on), I'll record them if only as a back up/failsafe.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
That might be a good idea. The network here has been doing some kind of maintenance this last week and I've noticed the quality of the broadcast is falling off. Not sure if they are changing to the UPN station for when the CW starts or not.
Posted by Tekwych on :
Keep in mind that both WB and UPN will go off the air this month and become The CW. Many stations need to upgrade their equipment to support the all digital CW network and, like here in Albuquerque, one station (in our case UPN) will go off the air.
Posted by Suddenly Seymour on :
I know we've talked about "stuff" before, but I was just at the grocery store and saw Teen Titans Hero Pops, various-shaped frozen treats with the Teen Titans slapped on the box, and I realized: In a few months, we could be buying Legion of Super Heroes Hero Pops; cereal with marshmallows shaped like lightning bolts, Saturn, a Super S and (in specially marked packages) the Legion clubhouse; fruit snacks in flavors such as Saturn Strawberry, Bouncing Blueberry, Brainiac Green Apple and Phantom Fruit Punch; or Tropicana Timber Wolf Twisters.

I'm getting all tingly.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
I just hope I can keep up with all of it. We need to alert each other to any finds and where we got them.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
When the merchandise starts flowing we need a thread just to keep track of it. What it is, how much and where.
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
I've been calling for that since day one. But if you think about it, it's what we Legion fans do best!

LLL and its stuff!
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Now I'm starting to get worried. [Smile]

I keep checking the UK schedules for both Cartoon Network and Toonami which ran Teen Titans and JLU but can not see any mention of the legion.

I just hope they run it.

They will run it wont they? after all they ran superman and both batmans and batman of the future and stuff.

(needs a worried graemlin)

[Big Grin]
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Darden, you have need to worry if you don't have access to a channel who rebroadcasts the WB soon to be CW. The Legion toon will NOT be carried by Cartoon Network. The WB made the decision for its new toons to only be shown on KidsWB to start.

I'm pretty sure that CN will eventually pick it up but it may not be until the (hopeful) second season.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Originally posted by Faraway Lad:
(needs a worried graemlin)

[Quake Kid]
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
OK after reading Scotts post and looking at the websites which dont even mention the move to a CW channel

[Quake Kid] [Quake Kid] [Quake Kid]

(Thanks uncle Gary) [Big Grin]
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
from Comics Continuum -

Legion of Super Heroes -- "Man of Tomorrow," Sept. 23:

When fearsome villains The Fatal Five set their sights on the newly formed Legion of Super Heroes, three of its members go back in time to get help from the greatest hero of all time: Superman. Instead however they find only Clark Kent, aware of his powers but not yet his grand destiny.

Legion of Super Heroes -- "Timber Wolf," Sept. 30:

A mysterious scientist asks the Legion to help capture a dangerous creature. They succeed, only to discover the creature is nowhere near as dangerous as the scientist himself.

Posted by lil'rhino on :
I've said it before and I'll say it again:
LEGION happy meals!!!
Posted by GeminiInTheRough on :
Although the pics of the legionnaires are not big, it is nice to see the Legion in the general promotions for WB Kids line. This one is from an ad in this weeks Johnny DC JLU book (#25).

Posted by rtvu2 on :
Originally posted by lil'rhino:
I've said it before and I'll say it again:
LEGION happy meals!!!

I guess that gives me a reason to go to Mickey D's.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Yuri Lowenthal at Comics Continuum.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Well, hopefully I didn't screw this up. Another new commercial, featuring Bouncing Boy!
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Looks great! Thanks Scott!
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
My pleasure. And I checked my TiVo today after the update. Got my season pass added for the toon!

11 Days, 19 Hours and 28 Minutes (and counting)
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
TiVo shows no programs when I request "LEGION OF SUPERHEROES." Am I doing something wrong?
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Originally posted by Sketch Lad:
TiVo shows no programs when I request "LEGION OF SUPERHEROES." Am I doing something wrong?

Make sure you have the updated guide. Mine didn't show until today's update. And I set up a Wishlist Keyword search for Legion since I didn't know how the name would show but knew that word would be part of it. When I checked the Legion Wishlist it showed Legion of Super Heroes (two words, no hyphen) on the list. Only one episode since we are roughly 12 days out but I was still able to create my Season Pass (which I need to remember to make the #1 priority on the SP list).
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
I redid my request, and it showed up, so I got my Season Pass. Whew!

(Thanks for responding, Scott!)
Posted by matlock on :
For anyone else in the Atlanta area, it appears the local CW affiliate (WUPA 69) will be running the KidsWB programming on Sunday mornings instead of Saturday. They haven't started running it at all yet, and I was getting a little concerned since the former WB affiliate has already dropped the shows. If any of you in other cities can't find it, make sure you check your Sunday listings.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Michael Cornacchia's interview at Comics Continuum.
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
Not being so technically savvy as you lot I had to go to the effort of buying the local newspapers for a TV guide. One of them listed "Super Heroes" next Sat. morning at 10am (central time) and the other one listed "Superman and Legion" as the name for the series. (same time and channel of course...though you never know with these losers that run the local birdcage liners)

I swear, my level of anticipation is barely less than waiting for my children to be born...think of all the concerns and questions you had about your offspring before you actually saw them for the very first time and then think about how many of those very things apply to this 'toon that we've waited all our lives for..heh heh...
Posted by lil'rhino on :
Is it Saturday yet?
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
Are we actually going to get to see this before Darden does?
Us USAers seem to be ahead of the Europeans this time around. Has anybody seen or mentioned listings for those "across the pond"?
Posted by Tromium on :
Comics Continuum has an interview with Andy Milder, the voice of Lightning Lad.

Here's the direct link:
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Originally posted by Yellow Kid:
Are we actually going to get to see this before Darden does?
Us USAers seem to be ahead of the Europeans this time around. Has anybody seen or mentioned listings for those "across the pond"?

Yes you did [Mad]


Mind you we dont seem to be getting the Kids WB here either. Still on Cartoon Network and Toonami showing repeats of JLU and Teen Titans.

I think we may have to wait for the full season to be ready so we can see it.
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
...and it was wonderful Far! I can't wait to get the DVD of the first season with cast interviews and loads of DVD extras!!
Posted by Faraway Lad on :

I am so looking forward to the DVD and the toys and all the extras.

(especially now I have seen the episode which was a lot lot better than i thought it might be) [Smile]
Posted by Lightning Lad on :

Haven't seen one episode yet.

Posted by Vee on :
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Yeah, I know, blasphemy. [No]

Well maybe tomorrow will be quiet enough I can have a marathon and watch the first three together.

Which reminds me. I re-recorded this week's episode, the Timber Wolf one, onto our new HD recorder and noticed a commercial that doesn't look like it was taken from a show. It had Saturn Girl asking Timber Wolf to go out for a hamburger and he didn't want to. She eventually used her powers to convince him to go then it said "Super Powers are Fun". So we have little one shot Legion commercials during the day too? It showed just before the end credits to the cartoon on prior to Legion (I habitually tape the last few minutes of the show before and the first few of the show after since UT TV likes to start things later or earlier than expected.)
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
There are at least two of those commercials (the other has Superman playing tag with Brainiac 5). I was planning on setting them up here when I had some time.
Posted by Awesomegirl on :
When did you guys see these commercials exactly? because I was watching LOsH last week and I didn't see either of them.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Saturday - Oct. 21st.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
They weren't during the Legion toon though. You have to watch before it starts. At least you do on the station I've seen them on.
Posted by Tekwych on :
On the NM CW channel the SG / TW one as the exit out of the show before (it ran 'above' the shows closing credits). Then a few other commercials. Then LSH started.
Posted by Glenn on :
Hello - new guy here - Has anyone read or seen anything on the toy line for the Legion yet? I understand that Mattel will have the license, but have not seen anything yet.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Super Tag & Saturn Burger commercials.

And no news on the merchandising front. They're probably waiting for Toy Fair in February.
Posted by Pizza Delivery Girl on :
Is it just me, or is the Saturn Burger commercial actually pretty creepy?

(Not that that's necessarily a bad thing, mind.)
Posted by Awesomegirl on :
Originally posted by Pizza Delivery Girl:
Is it just me, or is the Saturn Burger commercial actually pretty creepy?

(Not that that's necessarily a bad thing, mind.)

You're not the only one. That, and I don't think Saturn girl's eyes turned the right shade of pink when she used her mind powers, but maybe I'm just over-thinking it.
Posted by Awkward Pause Boy on :
Hee hee. "Let's go grab a burger." I thought it was hilarious.
Posted by Awkward Pause Boy on :
Today's promo was a bit corny, though.
Posted by Awesomegirl on :
Originally posted by Awkward Pause Boy:
Today's promo was a bit corny, though.

You mean the popcorn one? Because that was the only promo I saw today.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Wait. There's more? Must now go watch the crap (not Legion) cartoons all over again... [Frown]
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Found it. Was it on last week too?

See all three here!

[ October 28, 2006, 08:36 PM: Message edited by: Nightcrawler ]
Posted by Awkward Pause Boy on :
Originally posted by Awesomegirl:
Originally posted by Awkward Pause Boy:
Today's promo was a bit corny, though.

You mean the popcorn one? Because that was the only promo I saw today.
Yep, that's it...corny. Haw haw.

I only ever saw any of them today, so don't know if it was a premier or not.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Has anyone mentioned this yet?

* Asked if there will be a comic book based on the Legion of Super Heroes animated series, Wayne said "We have not announced doing a comic book, so when you hear about that, act really surprised."
Er...nevermind. [Embarrassed]

[ November 12, 2006, 09:03 PM: Message edited by: Nightcrawler ]
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
Cool. I just threatened the guy at my local CBS today, [Big Grin] Promo stuff, posters, ashcans and other "swag" belongs to ME!

That way he can be absolutely sure he'll sell two copies of it. One for me and one for my 6yr old.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Michael has more at the Omnicom saying that not just Torres but Scott Beatty and some of the show's writers will be contributing to the print version of the cartoon.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Originally posted by Korbal:
In other animated Legion news--it has been confirmed that "New Kids In Town" will have a commentary track on the upcoming animated Superman DVDs...

I'm just realizing that this Halloween will be the 10th anniversary of the first animated appearance of the Legion. Something else we can celebrate with their 50th this year.
Posted by Lone Wolf Legionnaire on :
Just watched 'far from home' again tonight on cartoon network,too bad they decided not to let Bruce Timm and gang do the ongoing Legion Cartoon,for I do believe it would have been a hit and lasted much longer than two seasons,and brought in a whole new generation of Legion fans in the process.
Posted by Para-Dox on :
We still might get the Great Darkness Saga direct to DVD by Bruce and his team. We can pray
Posted by cleome on :
Originally posted by Lone Wolf Legionnaire:
Just watched 'far from home' again tonight on cartoon network,too bad they decided not to let Bruce Timm and gang do the ongoing Legion Cartoon,for I do believe it would have been a hit and lasted much longer than two seasons,and brought in a whole new generation of Legion fans in the process.


Maybe, though it seemed to be doing well enough before the plug got pulled.

Frankly, to me, the art style in the Timm gangs' cartoons is the thing that appeals to me least about them. The stylings in the Legion cartoon are a lot softer and more expressive. They're a bit lighter on the hyper-gendering that often irritates me in cartoons and comics in general. About as good as you'll get on TV nowadays, probably.

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