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» Legion World » LEGION CLUBHOUSE » The Legion of Super-Heroes » Legion of Super-Heroes #5 (Preview & Spoilers) (Page 4)

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Author Topic: Legion of Super-Heroes #5 (Preview & Spoilers)
Ken Arromdee

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I don't think Shadow Lass has any ulterior motive. Her dialogue in the last couple of issues seems to indicate she's a little embarrassed by really liking Earth-Man.

It is possible, however, that Earth-Man is under the influence of Brainy's flight ring. Brainy made vague comments about it being a mood ring. Earth-Man has changed his mind awfully fast for it to be real. Perhaps Shady thinks she's reforming him and doesn't know the truth.

future king: she didn't leave Mon-El for that, the breakup with Mon-El came before there was anything between her and Earth-Man.

Registered: Apr 2010  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

Icon 1 posted      Profile for Superboy-Supergirl   Email Superboy-Supergirl         Edit/Delete Post     
And there's Tinya being all sex policey.

That's not being sex policy..that's a friend being disgusted by what sees her friend sleeping with someone who's been a bigot as well as placed her (PG) and Ultra Boy in blocks leaching off their powers.

Kinda if someone jewish was sleeping with a nazi who became part of the resistance while holding some of his nazi beliefs still being ordered to be with the resistance of face jail time.

But i'm in the camp there's some reason why Tasmina is sleeping with Earth man other than sexual attraction. And who knows...Tinya could be in on it and this is a red herring misdirection to the readers. It's happend before.

Bring back the super-cousins

From: nyc | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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I don't think Shadow Lass has any ulterior motive. Her dialogue in the last couple of issues seems to indicate she's a little embarrassed by really liking Earth-Man.
Since when has proven to be 100 percent the case? Haven't we seen a legionnaire say/act like something is true then it turns out it was a misdirection by the writers for the true state of affairs to come out later? Case in Point, Cosmic Boy in the Reboot...he appeared to be Chu's lap dog...but all along he had his own plan at work. Another example. Superboy and the Invisible Kid/Ferro lad clones. From all the dialogue even the internal dialogue...he acted suprised that they were alive (he appeared to believe they were the originals come back to life) yet at the end of the story we found out he already knew they were clones and the legionnaires already let him know in advanced. have a bit of faith in shady.

[ September 23, 2010, 09:40 AM: Message edited by: Superboy-Supergirl ]

Bring back the super-cousins

From: nyc | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
The Man From Cargg

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Am I the only one who thinks it was totally inappropriate for PG to phase into Shady's private room?

I agree the jury is still out as to what is going on here. Perhaps it's not really Shady, perhaps it's not even Earth Man. Perhaps nothing physical has actually happened between them yet and she is just leading him on to get information but was interrupted before she could put the brakes on herself.

I also don't mind the whole Earth Man sublot. I like his power and it is a unique one in the Legion at the moment. If he is reformed, he needs a new codename as the current one is not at all descriptive of what he can do.

My major complaint is... where the H is Luornu? I want to see her use her beefed up power!!!!

The poster formerly known as Carggaphile.

From: Hamilton | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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i would say its only inappropriate if they had an understanding of her not doing that. But being that they're both BFFs i doubt such a rule ever was spoken of or thought of. I'm pretty sure Tinya's phased into Shady's room b4 like this billions of time, and She was never offended by Tinya doing so. After all wouldn't she have put a stop to it if she was...we know Shady doesn't hold back her mouth.

Bring back the super-cousins

From: nyc | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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Ok, did I totally miss 'the final fate' of the twins? Or was this just another lie... *er* I *mean* solisitation error on DC's part?


From: gone | Registered: Jul 2010  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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1. Why are Garth, Ayla, and Imra on the cover when they're not in the story? Why not Jo, Jeckie, and Brin, who had some serious screen time instead?

2. What was the point of the big mystery bedroom cover for next issue if it's given away in this issue?

3. Is there really only one medikit in all of Legion HQ? Seems like they'd have one in every room.

4. I'm sick of the focus being on Earth Man and the GLs when there are dozens of Legionnaires we've barely seen.

5. Why waste a whole page on Jeckie spotting the Earth Force and then just tell us about her being incapacitated by a scatter bomb off panel? Why not show us with some of that wasted space? If you're going to give us a full page pinup make it worth the space.

6. Earthman's acceptance among the LSH makes about as much sense as Sun Boy going off to join the freaks who committed genocide on Orando in the last boot.

7. The artwork is very inconsistent. At times, inspired, other times very amateurish.

8. I did like it that we got to see several Legionnaires this time around and not just the founders and Brainy.

Buy my new graphic novel!

From: Champaign, IL | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
future king
Excuse me but can you please direct me to the La Brea Tar Pits in Los Angeles?

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I prefer Shrinking Violet's costume as it appeared in the Superman/Batman #75, not the way it's drawn in this issue.
It looks much better with the black leggings under the skirt, I think anyways.

I agree about the artwork being inconsistent, especially the last 4 pages or so, it really looked like some other artists drew them. Phantom Girl in particular looked terrible.

From: ontario | Registered: Feb 2007  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Dave Hackett
The Red Legionnaire

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Originally posted by Iam Legion:
Ok, did I totally miss 'the final fate' of the twins? Or was this just another lie... *er* I *mean* solisitation error on DC's part?

From Paul's Facebook page:

A few comments about how #5 didn't match its solicit story description. Please understand that as comics' production and distribution cycles have tightened more than the solicitation cycle, many solicits are written before the comics themselves, counter-intuitive as that is. In the case of #5, probably before even #4 was scripted, I guess. The info included is always intended to be honest (at least as far as any solicitations for my stories since I returned to writing--I won't speak for the wider world since I don't have first hand knowledge) if melodramatic and sales-oriented.

From: Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada | Registered: Sep 2004  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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I really quite liked this issue. Much better than the last one at any rate.

No that it was perfect though. My gripes -

* Every Legionnaire who previously had red or white hair (minus Polar Boy though who knows how long he'll hold out for) now has blonde hair! What is this colorist's obsession with blondes? How long before the brunettes start going that color too? Dirk's change bugs big time but Nura's was the worst. Please get yourself sorted out Hi-Fi! Who is that anyway? Is that a person? A company?

* Totally agree with Jim re: the Jeckie/Earth Force fight scene. Why waste half a page and many words detailing exactly what happened in a fight when it would have been a lot more interesting to actually see it. First rule of comics Paul - Show, don't tell! The same thing happened later on when Sun Boy said he was the last one standing. I was like 'Huh? Colossal Boy was fine a moment ago.' Off-panel action is annoying.

* Timber Wolf - Power = "claws". Ugh. Hope that goes away soon.

* Sun Boy's costume - I've given it a chance but now I've decided I don't like it. His original was so much better and a true classic.

* Shady & Earth Man - I don't have a problem with the coupling so much as how obvious it was.

Now on to the things I did like about this issue -

* It was quite exciting all the way through. All the sub-plots (even that diabolical GL one) got more interesting this issue.

* Harmonia Li - if she turns out to be a villain (and even the intentional cause of Titan's destruction) then I will take my hat off to Paul and the quick-thinkers in this thread because I never would have seen that coming. Now that I think about it - Circadia Senius' dialogue could be hints that she's the Time Trapper. But I hope Paul isn't going down that road. I'm kinda tired of *shocking* Time Trapper identity reveals that just get retconned a year or two later.

* Speaking of Circadia Senius - great to see him! Always loved that supporting character!

* Speaking of supporting characters - Zendak got blown away! I'm surprised by the grief shown in this thread for him. Maybe he's more of a presence in some of the holes in my collection but I can't remember him ever doing much. I wonder if GiGi or Shvaughn (where is she anyway?) will take his place?

* The Durlan Spy sub-plot - was my favourite part of the issue. Now this story just got interesting! Wasn't expecting that after their lacklustre start.

* The art in the Brainy/Circadia, Durlan/Zendak and (I think) Nura/Harmonia scenes - love it! Is that Francis Portela? Why isn't he the lead artist on this book? It's so much better than Cinar's IMO. Much more detailed and much more expressive too.

* Earth Man - Heaven help me but I'm starting to like him. I refuse to like him if he's a murderer though. Can someone help me out with his 'crimes'. I know he's alleged to have killed Double-Header, but that happened off-panel so could easily be revealed as the Subs just misinterpreting the event or receiving bad intel or something. I know he kept some of the Legionnaires in stasis for a while but I'm sure they can forgive that. Sun Boy had it worse and he seems to be on the way to forgiveness. Polar Boy lost an arm but that was to Tusker I think. Earth-Man's biggest crime as far as I can remember is probably being involved in the death of Karate Kid II (though it was Radiation Roy who delivered the killing blow there I think). Did we see or hear of him killing anyone else?

Looking forward to next issue!

From: Australia | Registered: Dec 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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Originally posted by rouge:
From Paul's Facebook page:

A few comments about how #5 didn't match its solicit story description. Please understand that as comics' production and distribution cycles have tightened more than the solicitation cycle, many solicits are written before the comics themselves, counter-intuitive as that is. In the case of #5, probably before even #4 was scripted, I guess. The info included is always intended to be honest (at least as far as any solicitations for my stories since I returned to writing--I won't speak for the wider world since I don't have first hand knowledge) if melodramatic and sales-oriented.

Well that clears that up. If they are writing solicitations for a story that they KNOW hasn't been written yet and willfully publish that solicitation knowing that the storyline could change then it is a LIE. Not on the part of the writer or even the person that writes the solicitations, but definately a lie on the part of DC.


From: gone | Registered: Jul 2010  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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^ That's a little melodramatic isn't it?

Solicitations have to go out for retailing/ordering purposes months in advance, often times before the writers have had the chance to do more than a plot outline for those issues.

And sometimes plots change. Would you rather the writers be beholden to whatever the solicits say even if a better idea comes along? Or that the solicits be blank to avoid the chance of them "lying" to you?

It's hardly a big deal re: this issue anyway. Didn't the Ranzz kids storyline get wrapped up last month? So Paul just decided to end that story a month early. It's not like the solicits said something monumental like "TYROC FINALLY GETS HIS HAIR AND A DECENT COSTUME BACK" or something.

From: Australia | Registered: Dec 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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DC can change the solicitations on their site right up until the day the book is published, but they are too lazy and/or dishonest to do so. And that is all I have to say on the subject since I seem to be dragging the thread way off topic, which was not my intent.
Back on-topic: sick of all things Earth Man, sick of all things Green Lantern. Love that Harmonia Li essentially told them to stuff their ring. Looking forward to this book actually being about the Legion and not Earth Man's 'redemption' or GL shenanigans.


From: gone | Registered: Jul 2010  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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The final fate of the Ranzz kids is to be swept under the rug, We learn *nothing* about the status of Validus or the Darkseid curse, which was the only purpose this storyline could possibly hafve had.. The whole thing was pointless and a waste of my time.

The next Green Lantern is revealed as Nobody. The GL fans Levitz sought to attract must be bored to death by now. I know I am.

I don't remember Chief Zendak very well so I don't really care that he got a hole blasted through his chest I suppose we ought to be grateful it wasn't Gigi or Shvaughn.

The Brande-worshipping Durlan terrorists look as one-dimensional as the xeno terrorists, and will probably prove as inefffectual. .This book is in desperate need of a space-whale or something.

So let me get this straight -- Earth Man kidnapped and tortured Dirk but he never really meant to hurt him. How sweet!

Earth Man's rehabilitation is less convincing than Lindsay Lohan's. The only twist that might save this storyline from dreary predicatability is if Brainy's "mood ring" modification altered Niedrigh's personality, I doubt it, though. It's too clever.

Levitz's new favorite trope seems to be women who fall into bed with the wrong guys. Drunkeness and mind-wiping are optional, I guess. There'a double-diss against Mon-El here in that it was Earth Man who flung Mon into the Phantom Zone not so long ago. What kind of woman would sleep with the creep who beat up her boyfriend? Not any woman who has my respect, that's for sure.

I enjoyed the 1/10th of the issue that had Brainy brown-nosing Circadia Senius and the Chronarch;s revelation that Prof. Harmonia Li is a senior citizan (is that why Beren digs her so much?). But that's only 39 cents worth of good (imo) storytelling. I haven't felt so ripped off by a Legion series since Lori Morning guest-starred every other month in the late 1990s. I can't see how this stultifyingly boring and pointless story arc can be redeemed in one more issue.

[ September 24, 2010, 01:37 PM: Message edited by: Tromium ]

From: Reimagined Trom | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
A forever cadet!

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Originally posted by Superboy-Supergirl:
Originally posted by Shadowplay in Candlelight:
And there's Tinya being all sex policey.

That's not being sex policy..that's a friend being disgusted by what sees her friend sleeping with someone who's been a bigot as well as placed her (PG) and Ultra Boy in blocks leaching off their powers.

Kinda if someone jewish was sleeping with a nazi who became part of the resistance while holding some of his nazi beliefs still being ordered to be with the resistance of face jail time.

But i'm in the camp there's some reason why Tasmina is sleeping with Earth man other than sexual attraction. And who knows...Tinya could be in on it and this is a red herring misdirection to the readers. It's happend before.

My comment was sarcastic.
On other threads, saying the same thing that Tinya said about the idea of Shady sleeping with EM, solicited comments that people were judging the poor woman and were being 'sex police'.
I just found Tinya's reaction to be similar to ours, so I pointed it out.
I guess you had to be there.

Kirt can't change his mental illness on his own.
If he's not a killer, he's incited millions to violence and killing.
Hitler and Stalin probably didn't do most of the murders that happpened in their eras, either.

His actions have gone way past 'changing his mind'.
If he's in bed with Tasmia, a true, humanoid alien and not a colonist from Earth, than there's an outside influence and/or subterfuge on his part.
I agree that it's probably the Legion ring but I also think that he's full of ulterior motives.

And Shady with EM?
That's not right, either.

She left Mon for a reason, which she didn't tell anybody about, including Lar.
I've gotten past the shock and I am sure we're going to see more than that she's attracted to him.
She never been a 'groupie' before.
The only one she's ever been shown to be attracted to before Lar, was Querl, and just briefly.
(The original boot, and the reboot, of course. We won't look at the crazy Primeboot.)

[ September 24, 2010, 03:21 PM: Message edited by: Candle ]

'In the twinkling of an eye'
I'll be dancing in the sky!

Come, join me!

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