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Karate Kid: He probably has a powerful Ninth House--his life is so tied up with experiences in foreign places, and long-distance travel through both time and space. He seems forever the stranger, the voyager far from home. His oriental philosophy helps give him the balance he needs in the midst of such change, and the martial arts of the east are concerned with careful judgement, defense rather than offense, equilibrium rather than force. Mars, at least, and perhaps his Sun, are in Libra. Contemplative states may be mistaken for laziness, and while diplomacy should be his forte, he may appear argumentative simply because he wants to test both sides of a question. Saturn, which works best in Libra, lends him discipline, and he will frequently do something the hard way, or accept ridiculous challenges (such as King Voxv's in the Karate Kid solo book) to test himself. His inability to choose which time period he prefers (or, to Proiectra's chagrin, which woman) is typically Libran.

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Tyroc: To say Tyroc was born on Earth is only a convenience. With Marzal hopscotching from era to era, spending most of the time in a sunless dimension, it's impossible to estimate when Tyroc was born, or what his chart would look like. His power is related to the voice (Taurus-ruled), and he certainly was stubborn enough to be a Bull. Taurus is often body-proud, but his costume seems more likely dictated by Marzal's tropical climate, or Mike Grell's penchant for half-naked heroes. The gold metallic gee-gaws on the costume are typical of a certain flashy Leo taste. It's unfortunate that Tyroc's personality never developed beyond the stereotype stage, and now that he's gone, we'll never know for sure.

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Phantom Girl: If the fourth-dimensional planet of Bgztl is always in the exact same area as Earth, it stands to reason that its sun must be placed where our Sun is, and that there ought to be fourth-dimensional versions of all the planets circling it. (Not to mention fourth-dimensional Neptunians who can "flatten" themselves into solid 3-D people.) If Tinya is truly 4-D, and not just a 3-D being from a 4-D world, when is she going to show us the other parts of her body aside from the humanoid cross-section she allows us to glimpse? Indeed, why can't she slip through time as easily as she does through the other dimensions? (And if you've always been puzzled by extra-dimensional worlds, pick up E. Abbott's fantasy, Flatland. I wish a lot of comics writers had copies. But I digress ... )

Tinya much reminds me of the traditional Southern belle. (Note her belle-bottoms?) She's helpless when her man is around, but left to herself will manage to haul luggage, paint the house, slug super-villains and generally thrive. In short, a Libra woman, cast-iron and frail. Ultra Boy loves her manners and ladylike ways; she is the touch of class he never had himself. There are literally no obstacles for her; she can always get her way. Yet she thinks her power peculiar; weird and creepy, and definitely not ladylike. A woman of etiquette knocks before entering a room. She exposes her Libra-ruled navel through bellybuttonlike holes in her costume (typically indecisive, she can't decide whether to be clothed or exposed) and emphasizes her Libra tush with tight pants and a low-slung belt. If typical, she'll get hippy when older, and ought to watch her kidneys (if she has any).

[ February 21, 2011, 10:33 PM: Message edited by: jimgallagher ]

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From: Champaign, IL | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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Cosmic Boy: Although of Braalian heritage, Rokk was born on Earth. It took me a while to determine his predominant sign; magnetism is a quality associated with Earth and Water signs; the so-called "feminine" half of the zodiac. Venus is the planet of pastels. No one is more solid than Rokk, more dependable, sure enough of himself to wear a pink costume. He's a little square; he came back to Earth to make money--he probably would make an excellent treasurer for the Legion--and could work with his hands. Who else but earthy, practical Taurus? He probably sings, or composes music. And under Grell's brush, sensuous Taurus exposes his Bull-ruled neck and shoulders. (Better watch that Venus sweet-tooth, though, or he'll be unable to fit behind those oversize pasties).

[ February 22, 2011, 09:34 PM: Message edited by: jimgallagher ]

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From: Champaign, IL | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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Those are the Terrans. Only one Legionnaire was born within the confines of our solar system, besides these; she is:

Saturn Girl: This blonde Siren of Titan has all the planets we are accustomed to in her chart, plus the Earth. Yet from Saturn's orbit, none of the inner planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth), which deal with mental and emotional aspects of the self, are ever seen more than a few degrees from the Sun. This situation, a planet "combust" with the Sun, indicates that these personality aspects are strongly associated with ego, creating a person (or a race of Titanides) who cannot accept criticism and cannot distance their emotional relationships ("love me, love my dog ... "). Saturn looms enormous in Titan's sky, dominating the subconscious of its people. Saturn is traditionally the planet of restriction, control, discipline and law--and interestingly, the comics have established that there is no crime on Titan! The natives all have their bad thoughts inhibited by the nearby planet of Law and Order. Could Imra be anything but studious, serious, reserved and a bit inhibited! These appear to be racial traits.

Saturn's year is about 29 Earth-years long, so the Sun stays in one sign for almost 2.5 years. Compare this to Oriental astrology, where the people of the same birthyear all have the same sign. I suspect Imra's Sun sign is the equivalent of Virgo; she sees herself as prim, efficient, detail-minded; her old costume's pants were always creased, her high collar secured. But the costume was red, and Imra has hidden fires: an impulsive, somewhat selfish inner nature. Some strong influence (Saturn, maybe?) as in Aries. When Garth was killed, her businesslike Virgo mind allowed her to take off on a mission, But Aries impulsiveness came forth when she decided to sacrifice herself to revive Garth. She may be bitchy and domineering, but she is very much the dynamo that keeps the Legion going. Though she's tried to lighten up with her new bikini costume (which suits her like earrings suit a sow!), Virgo does rule the midsection and sides, which are suddenly visible to the public, and like most Virgos, she takes good care of her body, obviously.

[ February 22, 2011, 09:37 PM: Message edited by: jimgallagher ]

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From: Champaign, IL | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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All the other Legionnaires come from worlds outside our solar system, and this poses major problems to an astrologer. In a region of different stars, there are different constellations, If the siderialists are correct, are there different signs? More or less than the usual twelve? What planets are there, and how do they function astrologically?

We have learned surprisingly little about the configurations of Legionnaire worlds, Rimbor has three moons, and is on the "outskirts of civilization." Cargg and Zoon both have three suns. Winath orbits near Korbal. The Talok system has at least eight planets.

I'm working on the assumption that if astrology is valid in other star systems (and Orlando does have astrologers), there would be the same interplay of twelve signs based on the planet's orbit around its sun. The problems of multiple suns and moons, strange orbits and unknown planets can only be guessed at. I warn you that these interpretations are iffy and speculative, and if it should turn out that Colu has 42 signs in its zodiac, well, I guess it's back to the intergalactic ephemeris for some more figuring...

Several Legionnaires have powers they share racially with all their planet's inhabitants. It would be unfair to use these abilities to typify these heroes' personalities, so we have to dig deeper. For instance:

[ February 22, 2011, 09:39 PM: Message edited by: jimgallagher ]

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From: Champaign, IL | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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Cargg has a triple-sun system; apparently all three suns are at the hub of the system, which is not always the case (see Zoon). Astrologically, the sun symbolizes the self, the ego, the personality, the conscious mind. Carggites have three discrete selves, three somatic bodies contained in one. Does each body relate to a different sun? If the suns are spaced far enough apart to occupy parts of the sky ruled by different signs, would some of the bodies have different egos from the others of its trio?

As far as Duo Damsel is concerned, one is tempted to shout "Gemini!"--but of course, she is simply one-third dead. Perhaps she is considered a cripple on her world. Does her dead self haunt her? Multiplicity is a Jupiter trait, and Jupiter's number in numerology is three; is Cargg perhaps a Jovian planet? There are four bi-corporal signs in the zodiac. One that is sometimes called a triple sign (and is co-ruled by Jupiter) is Pisces. Luornu is something of a dreamer; she developed a crush on Superboy, knowing him impossible to get, and like many emotionally torn Pisceans, she considered herself unlucky in love. On the positive side, she seems to be more practical than Dream Girl--after all, she did prepare that rabbit for the stranded Legionnaires (Adventure #380)--and her basic "I can cope" attitude seems to be a Capricorn influence. She and Chuck are both water signs, emotional and sympathetic. It's interesting that most mythologies see the feminine principles in threes: an innocent virgin, a nurturing mother and a terrifying crone. I wonder which third Luornu lost.

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All Durlans are shape shifters, a Neptunian ability (the planet rules illusion), and how they do it without a Neptune in their star-system amazes me. Chameleon Boy originally wore a plain, dark purple and black costume with bone-like accoutrements. All he needed was a stovepipe hat and buckles on his shoes to look like an interstellar Puritan. He desired respect and prestige for his people. Not fond of parties, shy, and often trying to "pass" as an Earth-human in early stories, he has become one of the Legion's clowns (in lieu of Bouncing Boy), and the new red costume, in keeping with this change, emphasizes his devilish appearance. Neptune in his Tenth House would indicate fame through illusion, possible orphaning at an early age, or a father who is not what he seems. Somber colors, bone, search for status (Reep could've fallen for anyone, but he waited for a rich princess in Adventure #376), image as the goat-foot Satan, and most recently a powerful father figure: it all spells Big Daddy Capricorn, despite the recent Leo varnishing.

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Naltorians are all precognitive, but Dream Girl is their best. Dream prophecies and such are associated with Pisces and the Twelfth House, and Nura embodies many personal qualities of the sign. Platinum is its metal; glamour (and, on the negative side, promiscuity) are associated with the fishes. Her self-fears and insecurities are her undoing, and her earliest change of costume was her shoes (Pisces rules the feet). Her dimples and beauty mark suggest a Venus-type planet or Libra rising, with its attendant laziness and vanity.

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Element lad, last of the Trommites, transmutes one element to another. He began his career as Mystery Lad (Adventure #30[7])--and secrecy is a Scorpio obsession. So is vengeance, which he nursed against Roxxas, who ordered the extermination of Jan's people. Pluto, ruler of the Scorpion, is associated with transformation, rebirth and radioactivity. And typical of Scorpio, notice how Jan brings to the fannish mind considerations of his sexuality, whether they be speculations on his sexual propensities, or wonder at what he really did with Imra that lead her to remark that "his power is impressive indeed." The phallic arrow on his new costume is appropriate enough, but the color of Scorpio should be dark red, not green.

[ February 22, 2011, 09:44 PM: Message edited by: jimgallagher ]

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From: Champaign, IL | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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Matter-Eater Lad comes from Bismoll, where the natives developed an ability to eat anything after their food became poisonous. It's an example of careful Virgoan discrimination and digestion on the part of Bismollians. Tenzil's personality combines the polar opposites of Cancer (stomach and digestion, strong ties to home) with Capricorn (teeth and bones, interest in politics and manipulation of power). Both signs deal with parental influences (he was upset by his father's gambling debts in Action #381) and it's likely that both the Fourth and Tenth Houses are occupied with planets in opposition, causing some tension in these areas, but leading to eventual fame. Simply stated, he is Joe Kem, AII-Bismollian Boy, salt of the Earth; I am confident he will end his "cosmic stupor," caused (in Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes #251) by eating the Miracle Machine, with an enormous belch and get back to business.

[ February 22, 2011, 09:45 PM: Message edited by: jimgallagher ]

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From: Champaign, IL | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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Shrinking Violet has an afflicted Saturn, or its equivalent planet in Imsk's solar system. Shy and gloomy as an afflicted Capricorn in the early issues, with eyebrows steepled into permanent worry lines, she doesn't go out much, seeks comfort in material objects, impulse shops for clothes, and seems to have one date a year with her boyfriend at the other side of the galaxy. She has lots of fears--about monsters, for instance which is only natural to a girl who can become prey to aphids and paramecium, and whose people are attacked by bigoted human monsters as well (Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes #232). Her prim, light green miniskirt with the shoulder bib and the dog collar emphasized Taurean parts of the anatomy. Her new costume, with its dark green hip-boots and tendril-like midsection decoration, is more like a laid-back Virgo's farm suit. And as Jupiter rules expansion, Saturn rules shrinking. She's been losing her temper more under Conway's scripting, which is the best way to rid yourself of depression, I guess. Whatever her sign, it's an earth sign for sure. She likes rock formations, doesn't she?

[ February 22, 2011, 09:46 PM: Message edited by: jimgallagher ]

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From: Champaign, IL | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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Brainiac 5 is a repressed Aquarius, like many inventors. He's tops in the intellect department, but has trouble handling his emotions. He saves most of his passion for his formulae and the driving desire to undo the evil of his ancestor. Now that he has destroyed Brainiac/Stargrave, he may find his sex drive rearing its ugly little head again. A few cups of Kono juice and I'll bet he gets rowdy. A fixed air sign, he's impossible to influence unless you impress him with your logic; otherwise, he's very stubborn and old-fashioned in many ways, although basically progressive. Even his force-field belt is an example of "fixed air"--immovable, yet gas-permeable. Identify with the underdog? He's hanging around with us sixth level retards, isn't he? An electric blue or silver jumpsuit would be more in keeping with his Aquarian image, but Waterbearers don't usually bother with their clothes anyway, preferring to spend money on gimmicks and thingamjigs. His recent insanity indicates a hidden dark side, a Scorpio vengeance or Mercury/mind aspect (Mercury rules the Fifth House) triggered by a Pluto/obsessional transit. Which brings up an interesting question: When an extrastellar being is on Earth, how do our transiting planets affect the alien planets of his natal chart?

[ February 22, 2011, 09:48 PM: Message edited by: jimgallagher ]

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From: Champaign, IL | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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Princess Projectra could probably answer that question, being an hereditary mystic, medium and astrologer. Neptune is associated with illusion, mediumship and things that go bump in the night, so there's probably a Neptune like-planet near Orando that's strong in her chart. She also has a Uranian influence, having broken old traditions and left her home planet; the curse of her leaving may be her dubious distinction as "most likely to have a nervous breakdown or otherwise go crazy in times of stress" (Action #392). These highstrung pure-breds, y'know. Neptune is strongest in Leo, which signifies royalty, and she is no doubt a Lioness, with a love of pride, pomp, and ceremony--but kept under Daddy's thumb, she's as misty and vague as a night on the moors.

[ February 22, 2011, 09:49 PM: Message edited by: jimgallagher ]

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From: Champaign, IL | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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Timber Wolf: Have pity on poor Brin; he was afraid he was an android, not fit for human company. When he discovered he was human, he went out and had himself made up to look non-human. No wonder he's so confused. Zoon has a triple sun, three personality influences, but unlike the Carrgites, natives of Zoon have none of the security of three separate bodies to place them in. Two suns are apparently nearby and together; a third, green sun comes out at night, indicating it's probably a lesser companion orbiting the other two suns from outside Zoon's orbit. It may be so far off that it doesn't even lend much light and heat, but it seems to have locked Zoon into synchronous orbit. Zoonian roosters crow at sunrise and sunset, because something is always lighting the sky, and the poor Zoonians can't get any sleep, which would make anyone want to take on an animal appearance.

Aries rules the face, and since Ferro Lad's death there's hardly an odder one in the Legion than Brin's (although no one's drawn his hair correctly since Dave Cockrum left). When the Ram can't lead, he turns his considerable energies inward to sulking and selfishness. Mars-energy makes them great at making new starts, and exhibiting childlike enthusiasm; but they also seldom finish things, and can be childishly impatient. A nasty temper, but a quick one, and not one to hold a grudge. It has been shown that Brin has an addictive personality; once, he was hooked on Lotus-fruit (Action #378). He seems the most likely Legionnaire to use hard drugs, and to be one of the most self-destructive. Ayla's undying devotion is what he needs, and I think he would "test" friends, by ignoring them or being cruel, to see if they'd stay with him.

[ February 22, 2011, 09:51 PM: Message edited by: jimgallagher ]

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