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Posted by MLLASH on :
I seem to have forgotten how, myself. Brain-Globes of Rambat? Feh. Bizarro Legion? Yawn. Matter-Eater Lad? Well, okay... he's still funny...
Posted by Ricardo on :
I love the Brain-Globes! Respect them, or they will crush you!
Posted by cleome on :
I just have to recall my introduction to Grimbor and I start smirking just like I did twenty-plus years ago. Incidentally, I don't have my Legion comics at home, sadly. This meant that when I tried to explain to mr_cleome that the character existed in a "normal," as opposed to underground, comic, he refused to believe me until backed me up.

Frankly, I'm almost as dumbfounded that they got Grimbor into the cartoon, though at least there they left out Charma, and tactfully avoided referring to him as "Bondage Master."

[snickers, chokes on beer]
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Hey, at least they didn't name him after his former job and call him the "Penalizer".

Posted by cleome on :
Shouldn't that be part of the thread where we get to rename the Legionnaires ? Hey, why not ? [snerk]

Oh, and though I did have a few comics from the "Superboy and..." era (at one time), it makes me sad that I only know this gem via the internets.
Posted by Blacula on :
I cannot look at the original Computo without chuckling.

Add that to his hammy, over-the-top, evil super-villain dialogue and he's a comedy icon.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
I still love the guys not letting Saturn Girl go on a mission because it was "too dangerous for a girl".
Posted by Wonder Lad on :

The Interplanetary Chance Machine.

Step right up, get conked on the head by a planet, and win a prize!
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
Cosmic Boy's bustier costume. Is there any practical purpose behind this, other than titillating female (and sometimes male) readers?
Posted by cleome on :
I can honestly say that back when I first saw it, I hardly took any notice at all of Cos' bustier outfit. Given how many guys it apparently disturbs and unsettles, however, I have since retconned it into "the gift that keeps on giving." [snerk]

Undergear catalogs for all the het-boys in the room ! I'm buying !
Posted by Wonder Lad on :
I rather enjoyed Cos' 70s disco costume. Besides, I'd think that it would disturb the het boys a lot less than Colossal Boy's bondage/SM getup. All that was missing from that one was a portable sling and a St. Andrew's Cross.
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
Colossal Boy's Cockrum-designed costume was, I thought, a classic, although it did seem a bit busy for someone whose only power was to become a giant.

I never understood Grell's redesign of the costume with the bare arms and legs. Why keep the headpiece if you're going to bare more? It's like going out in hot weather wearing shorts and a long-sleeved shirt.
Posted by cleome on :
Originally posted by Wonder Lad:
All that was missing from that one was a portable sling and a St. Andrew's Cross.

Well, that's what fansites are for. [snerk]

He Who Wanders:

I never understood Grell's redesign of the costume with the bare arms and legs. Why keep the headpiece if you're going to bare more? It's like going out in hot weather wearing shorts and a long-sleeved shirt.

Well, that's my point. The goal is not to be practical. The goal is to make every character in every issue of every comic into subjects for MST3K's classic rendition of "Toobular Boobular Joy." That level of impracticality is built into pretty much every super-female's costume in the entire history of the genre. So if I have to roll my eyes at this tradition, I think that everybody else should also have to. Misery (or at least exasperation) loves company, y'know. [grin]

As a fun exercise, you could also emulate that somewhat-infamous Superman cover that's somewhere on the Superdickery page;The one where Superman is freaking out because all of a sudden all his friends are the other gender-- but in the same costume. At least one comment I saw mentioned that if you look at Wonder Woman's costume on a guy, you get a clear image of just how stupid it is. [blasmphemy]Which is true. It is stupid, and it should have been shopped years ago. It is kind of hard to shout credibly about female liberation when you're the only one in the room still running around dressed like a 1940's pinup.[/blasphemy]

(One of my favorite things about the Justice Lords ep of the JLA cartoon was the redesigned Wonder Woman, but maybe I'm just weird.)

Try imagining how a male would look running around in a costume, like, say, that retro negligee' thing Ross' Shady is wearing now. If your answer is, "A guy would look like an idiot," maybe the truth is that it's idiotic no matter whose wearing it.

[ January 09, 2009, 01:24 PM: Message edited by: cleome ]
Posted by Wonder Lad on :
I liked all the space-pinup costumes. Honestly, I can't even think of one I didn't like. Besides, who the hell knows what fashion is going to look like 1000 years into the future. I'm sure that 40 years ago, people didn't have a clue when teens today would be dressing like (hell, I'm not *that* old and I shudder at some of the things I see some of them wearing). Of course, we won't talk about how little fabric has been involved in some of the Halloween costumes I've worn in the past.

As an aside: cleome, you sound like a boy after my own heart [Smile]
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
well, some men's fashions would look ridiculous(sp?) on women. Who wants to see a woman dressed like Ben Franklin? Not me. I very enjoy the fact that women are beautiful. Clothes that are cut to

I frankly think Grell either forgot to tell the colorist what the "skin" tone portion should have been colored, or that he watched Rocky Horror Picture Show and decided to see what he could get past the censors, and was surprised. Kinda like Whats his name from the Gong show and the girls with lollipops.
Posted by cleome on :
Wonder Lad:

...As an aside: cleome, you sound like a boy after my own heart.

I'm actually a surly, trouble-making female... but I'll take that in the spirit in which it's intended. [smile]

Who wants to see a woman dressed like Ben Franklin?

Ironic you mention one of history's more infamous womanizers-- who did his, er, best work in an era/culture where manly men really did show more leg than the women they were hitting on. They wore almost as much satin, lace and powder as the womanfolk, too.

(Anyone remember Sam the Eagle on the Muppet Show, being absolutely horrified at the reminder that his precious Founding Fathers went around all day long in stockings, lace cravats and wigs, and nobody minded ? [grin])

...Clothes that are cut to

I'll let you in on a deep, dark secret. I think the main reason I used to crush out on Brainy was because he was the only guy in the Legion who didn't wear tights. It's the same contrarian bug in my brain that makes me crush out on Hollywood types like John Turturro;In a world where the norm is upended, its opposite becomes unique in a way that it wouldn't be in day-to-day life. Night is day. Average is beautiful.

Or some junk.
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
I'll grant you that most female super-hero costumes are ridiculous. I'll grant you that most male super-hero costumes are equally ridiculous. But there's ridiculous-in-the-real-world sense and so-ridiculous-it-won't-pass-muster-in-a-comic-book sense. I humbly submit that Grell's CB I and CB II costumes both crossed into the latter territory--a sort of Twilight Zone for super-hero fashions.
Posted by cleome on :
And yet, HWW, they each still had more cloth cover than Red Sonja-- and at least as much as Wonder Woman.

In the immortal (paraphrased) words of Percy Mayfield, "It serve you right to suffer." [Razz]
Posted by Set on :
The bit that bugs me is when it's the non-super-tough people who expose all that skin.

Shady and Imra, running around in bikinis, while Superboy and Mon-El are fully covered makes no sense, from a practicality standpoint. If my flesh wasn't bulletproof, and I was in a career where people where *shooting at me,* I wouldn't be marching into combat wearing a scarf and a banana-hammock, which is what Shady seems to think is appropriate clothing to bring to knife-fight...

If Laurel Kent or Dr. Manhattan want to run around in a bikini, good for them, they can't be hurt.

Imra's just a nutcase for wearing a bikini into combat, and no amount of Farrah-hair is going to stop a laser beam.
Posted by Arm Fall Off Boy on :
For all he amazing things he did for the Legion, Dave Cockrum gave us the meanest, toughest man ever to rock Cindy Brady pigtails and zebra fur (hair?), the second Hunter from S/LSH #199.

[ January 09, 2009, 11:49 PM: Message edited by: Arm Fall Off Boy ]
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Cleome, that was kinda my point with Ben, in a twisted way. Look at what he wore, and look how ridiculas it looks on a man. White wigs, short-leggin pants (Side note, i read somewhere that the reason the men wore pants that short was a social more at the time. Seems that if they wanted to show interest to a woman, they showed them their calves. Now, It may have been supposedly a more restrained time[and i call bullpucky on that as well, them oldtimers were dogs and ho's inna way we folk have forgotten] but that's a pretty....lame thing to be showin off when the women wore dresses cut so low they were apoppin' out all the time), funky little triangle hats, lacy shirts with poofy sleeves. Men wore suits back then as well. Not suits like ours, but suits. And i'd take a suit or workmans togs over that peacock crap any day of the week. To me, thats today's equivalent to manscaping and frosted hair on dudes.

Admittedly some guys can pull it off, but no where near as many as think they can.
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
Originally posted by cleome:
And yet, HWW, they each still had more cloth cover than Red Sonja-- and at least as much as Wonder Woman.

Will it make you feel better, cleome, if I allow that those costumes are ridiculous, too?

(Of course, they weren't Legion costumes . . . [Wink] )
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Have you guys seen some of the japanese bathing suits for women lately? Shady's skimpiest is like a terrycloth robe compared to them. Don't tell me women don't wear those types of things, lol.
Posted by cleome on :
Originally posted by Arm Fall Off Boy:
For all he amazing things he did for the Legion, Dave Cockrum gave us the meanest, toughest man ever to rock Cindy Brady pigtails and zebra fur (hair?), the second Hunter from S/LSH #199.

Five dollars to anyone who'll Photoshop that image so he's holding a vintage 1970s glam rock guitar. Something by Les Paul, maybe.

[cues up CD of "Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars"]

[ January 11, 2009, 02:42 PM: Message edited by: cleome ]
Posted by cleome on :
Originally posted by He Who Wanders:
Originally posted by cleome:
And yet, HWW, they each still had more cloth cover than Red Sonja-- and at least as much as Wonder Woman.

Will it make you feel better, cleome, if I allow that those costumes are ridiculous, too?

(Of course, they weren't Legion costumes . . . [Wink] )

Dude, Ross' Shady is wearing even less than Wonder Woman, at least at the moment.

Never fear, though. My inability to feel better about anything is famous on several continents. [wink]
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
Well, I'm not following Ross's Legion, so I'll take your word for it.

Anyway, I'm not sure what that proves. The ridiculousness (or lack thereof) of Shady's, WW's, Red Sonja's or anyone else's attire doesn't make Grell's Cos and Colossal Boy any more or less ridiculous. Those costumes stand or fall (more the latter, I maintain) on their own merits.

Try drinking another pot of coffee. If it doesn't make you feel better, at least you'll be too hyper to care.
Posted by cleome on :
Actually I'm not following Ross, either. More's the pity. I was going by a link somebody posted here not too long ago.

Eh, the only thing I was really trying to prove, if you could call it that, is that ridiculousness seems more noticeable to a lot of fanboys when it's... y'know, boys that are running around with vast amounts of epidermis showing.

Granted, my survey is completely non-scientific.

As to the coffee issue, I'm way ahead of you. [Wink]
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
I'd say fanboys notice the ridiculousness of girls runnng around in skimpy costumes, too. It's just that we're too polite to mention it. [Wink]
Posted by cleome on :
Ah. Another piece to the puzzle. Bless yer' heart, Sir.
Posted by Ricardo on :
Originally posted by He Who Wanders:
I'd say fanboys notice the ridiculousness of girls runnng around in skimpy costumes, too. It's just that we're too polite to mention it. [Wink]

One more reason to love v4.
Posted by Glindros on :
<cough> Fortress Lad <cough>
Posted by Pov on :
[Fortress Lad]
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
He who, i'd say it was more of "Hey, if a fangirl wants to go around in very skimpy clothing...thanks, God!" [Wink]

Quite a few women's costumes are ridicules, along with quite a few of the mens. For one thing, how the hell would anyone fight in a costume that is so tight you can't hardly shrug, much less shift your shoulders to set your balance.

Then, there are the color schemes. Lets face it, some costumes will look stupid no matter who or what is wearing them.

Plus, if you look at it, apparantly, all costumed crimefighting males are eunach's. Ouch.
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
On the topic of male costumes, I always liked Karate Kid's Cockrum-designed outfit except for one thing: that impractical, high collar. Why would a martial artist wear something that would obstruct his view? (I notice that the collar has been significantly smaller in recent versions.)

For a non-Legion related collar issue, see Yellowjacket.
Posted by cleome on :
Originally posted by rickshaw1:

Plus, if you look at it, apparently, all costumed crimefighting males are eunuchs. Ouch.

Am I mean enough ? [considers]

Yes. (Don't click at work. I've ruined enough lives this decade already. Thanks.)

[ January 13, 2009, 07:39 PM: Message edited by: cleome ]
Posted by Wonder Lad on :
thank you, cleome for that link. that was fun [Smile]
Posted by cleome on :

Finally ! Somebody who appreciates Great Art [tm] as much as I do ! [grin]
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
"Am I mean enough ? [considers]"

That was disturbing...on far tooooooo many levels.

(Will drano really burn out eyeballs?)

Posted by cleome on :
Oh, rickshaw. Just think of it as educational material. Yeah, that's the ticket.


We're all out of Drano. You'll have to accept this bottle of 151 rum instead.
Posted by Wonder Lad on :
I had to laugh, though, at those posters who kept commenting on how large the bulges were. Large? Seriously? They obviously don't know some of the same guys I know. Of course, if they're making personal comparisions, they probably would seem large. Heaven forbid they're ever exposed to Patrick Fillion's work.
Posted by cleome on :
Everyone should have to take one class in drawing the human figure and one class in drawing the clothed human figure. Seriously. It could only help. Maybe a mandatory skim of John Berger's Ways of Seeing as well.

[Brain/Orson Welles:]
When I take over the world, things will be DIFFERENT !
[/Brain/Orson Welles]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Originally posted by Wonder Lad:
I had to laugh, though, at those posters who kept commenting on how large the bulges were. Large? Seriously? They obviously don't know some of the same guys I know. Of course, if they're making personal comparisions, they probably would seem large. Heaven forbid they're ever exposed to Patrick Fillion's work.

I thought the same thing. Still, compared to most superhero bulges that we see, they were really big.
Posted by cleome on :
Personally my favorite poster over there was the guy who'd apparently never heard of "minimizers" for women or sports bras.

Posted by Set on :
Originally posted by cleome:
(Don't click at work. I've ruined enough lives this decade already. Thanks.)

Now I'm wondering where to find the alluded-to gals in guys costumes thread, because I suspect that girls in variations on Angel, Nightcrawler or Nightwings costumes would look kinda hot.

Obviously, women in the Things, Hulks or Beasts traditional garb would be as unlikely to grace a comics page as a man dressed like Emma Frost...
Posted by cleome on :

Now I'm wondering where to find the alluded-to gals in guys costumes thread...
Well, there have been, comparatively speaking, a number of females who have assumed garb/identity formerly associated with males. I'm sure such threads exist, but they're not quite as unheard-of in terms of subject.

Re: Nightcrawler. There's some alt-Earth where he and The Scarlet Witch had a kid, so that's pretty close.

...Obviously, women in the Things, Hulks or Beasts traditional garb would be as unlikely to grace a comics page as a man dressed like Emma Frost...

I assume that Strata is about as close as you'll get vis-a-vis that kind of minimalist garb. Though I'm not familiar with L.E.G.I.O.N., I always chuckle when people say, "Hey, how can you tell she's female ?"

Uh, I dunno'. Read the story ? [rolleyes] Even in the real-world animal kingdom, you can't always readily discern males and females. Alison Bechdel of Fun Home fame has also pointed out in an interview that IRL, "You [often] can't tell the gender of someone [human] who's half a block away."

Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Cleome wrote:

"Personally my favorite poster over there was the guy who'd apparently never heard of "minimizers" for women or sports bras."

Well, color me redux 'cause i have never heard of "minimizers" either.

I have heard of "tuck and tape", but not minimizers. Same thing?
Posted by cleome on :
More or less. Think of it as sports bra w/more wire and infrastructure. A woman who's built like Dolly Parton and wants at least a chance that the interviewer at the investment office will concentrate on her face would probably call it "essential."
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
Originally posted by Wonder Lad:
thank you, cleome for that link. that was fun [Smile]

Me too. Great art and a funny thread.

Funny? Lex Luthor as a Legion villian. That's just bassackwards weird.

It IS traditional though, even the 'toon Legion took on a Luthor. Now that I've thought of it, it surprises me that Mark Waid didn't resurrect old Baldie like DnA did with Ras al Gul. He's a big fan y'know.
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
Originally posted by cleome:
this gem


I think that was the beginning of Brainy's "boy crush" on Superboy.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Ah, but Cleome, everyone knows that the best support structure for women is the torpedo bra's from the fifties.

Attractive, supportive, and capable of putting a man's eyes out.

Posted by cleome on :
In the immortal words of Crow T. Robot: You do it. I'm bitter. [Big Grin]

Also, y'know, the more I think back, the more I remember my extremely hopeless forays into team sports and how much getting clobbered in the chest with hockey sticks (et al) HURT. The more I think about it, the more I think that no heroine anywhere EVER should step out of the house without minimizing body armor from at least Adam's apple to right above the ankle.

Posted by cleome on :
Originally posted by Yellow Kid:
Originally posted by cleome:
this gem


I think that was the beginning of Brainy's "boy crush" on Superboy.


Well, I prefer to call it a "boy crush," but kajillions of other fangirls... [ahem]
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Cleome, i am 41, and in the last two weeks have seriously considered a codpiece. I have a three year old that is at the perfect height to digitally impact .... certain areas that are sensitive. And he does it frequently. As well, i have two dogs clocking in at around 50 lbs that greet me with paw punches.

Well i understand the need for protection. I would say it not indemnic to females alone.
Posted by cleome on :
No argument there.

mr_cleome's cat loves to rocket off the headboard in the small hours of the morning with all her claws out. I keep telling him to wear protection to bed. He'll be sorry someday for not listening to me. [Eek!] [Eek!]

Yesterday I was watching JLU on disc, and there was some Mike Grell barbarian guy whose name escapes me running around in nothing but half a squirrel pelt and a helmet with wings. Well, maybe the armor was supposed to be concealed by the pelt. Nobody ever thinks to explain these things to me. :/

[ January 17, 2009, 07:19 PM: Message edited by: cleome ]
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
That would be Travis Morgan, Warlord of Skartaris. To be honest, while i love Grell's work, especially on legion, i always thought that was a rip off of John Carter, Warlord of Mars. A very well done rip, mind you.

Its a tale of the land of Barbarians. They're not so much into armour. Reminds me of when i was a kid in winter. You had this huge, clunky old coat that was heavy as heck, but you only needed it a few minutes in the day while in school. Who wants to tote something like that around all day? So, I decided not to wear it, and just suffer through the fifteen minutes or so before school.

Trade-offs, my dear. Life is nothing but a series of trade-offs.
Posted by cleome on :
Personally, I like to think that by 3100, they'd have invented body armor that wouldn't weigh a ton and that wouldn't make you roast alive even when it was balmy outside. In my mind, I already assume that most superheroes have some kind of special weave to uniform cloth that prevents them from getting covered in bruises every time somebody throws them against the wall (or drops the wall on them). Did any superhero apart from very early Spiderman ever acknowledge the concept that if somebody throws you against the wall and you are not Kryptonian (or otherwise invulnerable) you will get bruised ?

I have no life. :/
Posted by Set on :
I like to pretend that Legion uniforms like Phantom Girls, that have big holes in them, actually have transparent cloth elements over those 'holes.' What's the point of Carmine's actionwear giving them impact-resistant energy-reflective costumes if Shadow Lass's costume covers only 14% of her body, anyway? That's gonna be one hell of a 'blaster tan,' Shady!
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Ohhhh, shady with Goth Tan Lines....kinky.


But then, she always did seem the more outgoing of the two between her and Mon.
Posted by cleome on :
It's funny that Mon's the invulnerable one and he wears the most clothing. [Razz]
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
Invulnerable and modest. What a combination!
Posted by cleome on :
I'm never sure what I want to do most:
Ruffle his hair or borrow one of those cape-anchor things to look in so I can see if my part is straight.

Posted by Triplicate Kid on :
Originally posted by rickshaw1:
That would be Travis Morgan, Warlord of Skartaris. To be honest, while i love Grell's work, especially on legion, i always thought that was a rip off of John Carter, Warlord of Mars. A very well done rip, mind you.

The setting at least is from of Burroughs' other stories, At the Earth's Core.
Posted by Arm Fall Off Boy on :
The Planetary Chance Machine

Getting hit by Mercury would be bad enough, but Saturn? Jupiter? Yowch.

"Now remember, DON"T DUCK!"
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
All the non-invulnerable Legionairs walk around with slices in their foreheads from the rings of Saturn.

Lame, and bloody.

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