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Posted by Phantom Girl on :
So if you could give the Legionnaires a Christmas present, what would it be? This can be a group gift for the whole Legion or a personal gift from you to the Legionnaire of your choice.
Posted by Phantom Girl on :
I'd give Violet a make-over so she'd look like she did in the 70's.
Posted by Lad Boy on :
I'd give Ultra Boy a '73 El Camino SS with a 454 V-8.
Posted by cleome on :
I'd give Cham back the original threeboot costume. No offense to Mr. Manupal, who is very talented;But seriously: Chainmail belongs in comics having to do with Robert E. Howard or Knights on horses.

Bleah. Chainmail.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I'd give Princess Projectra a kaleidoscope.
I'd give Sun Boy some popcorn (unpopped)
I'd give Gates an autographed copy of "Das Capital"
I'd give Invisible Kid his present in private.
Posted by Set on :
I'd give Supergirl some pants.

I'd give Dream Girl a modeling gig.

I'd give Night Girl a box of 50,000 hairpins and some inertron-based hairspray, to hold that meter-high bouffant up.

I'd give Brainy a wisecracking robot sidekick that would insult people for him.

I'd give Mon-El an anti-lead forcefield that also prevents him from ever being transported to the Phantom Zone against his will.

I'd give threeboot Invisible Kid back his balls.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
I'd give Wildfire and Dawnstar Hot Monogamy, the board game for bored couples.

I'd give Dream Girl the number for Jenny Craig, just in case...

And for Cleome, I'd give Lightning Lad a razor.
Posted by Uranus Lad on :
New non-spandex costumes.
Posted by cleome on :
Quislet, Esq.:

I'd give Invisible Kid his present in private.

Forty-seven million IK fangirls will generate fanfic about it anyway. With drawings.

Sarcastic Kid:

And for Cleome, I'd give Lightning Lad a razor.

Great. Like I'm not already in enough trouble with the Fangirl League over that last crack.

[hides from the internet for six months]
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
You should take that up with the OFGA. Oppressed Fan Girls of America.
Posted by cleome on :
They got mad at me for refusing to write any Brainy/IK fics. Well, I wrote one;Just to get it out of my system. Then threw it away unpublished. That'll learn 'em.

Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
That's why they invented the OFGRS. Oppressed Fan Girl Revenge Squad.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
But enough philosophy, what would YOU give the Legionnaires? Besides John Byrne's head on a silver plate, I call dibs on that.
Posted by cleome on :
You'd need Andromeda, Mon-el, Superboy, Monstress, Ultra Boy AND Supergirl to get Byrne's head off the ground and onto the charger-- It's that big, even after all these years.

Hey, can I gift Gates, XS and Monstress with space in the next 'boot ? They're like the coolest-sounding heroes that I never actually got to read about anywhere but Major Spoilers.

Oh, and I'm giving Dawnstar the rather nice costume she wore in her cartoon cameo. Maybe then all the fanboys will look at her face for a change. Pppphhht.

Tyroc gets a new origin story. I understand that people think the original one's kinda' dated, so rewrite it. Rewrites happen all the time. Also the excuse that a character with a sound-based power won't work in a soundless medium is just that: An excuse. It's a perfectly good power.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
She has a face?! When did this happen?!
Posted by cleome on :
Well, it's just a rumor... :/
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
Y'mean like the rumors that Lightning Lad's really a guy? And not a monkey like most people started saying after they saw Joe Prado's art.

Or like the rumor that Brainy has a stick up his a$$? The truth is, he's got two. One for Action and One for Threeboot. Aw heck, sticks for everyones a$$ it's Christmas!
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
One for Ralphie, one for Clarence, one for Tiny Tim, and one especially for litte Zuzu.
Posted by cleome on :
Peppermint sticks ?

Dr. Bronner's gonna' sue you.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
He can't sue what he can't catch!

(deploys grappling gun, only it hits the ceiling)

Oh goddammit.
Posted by cleome on :
Next time, aim for the chandelier, like normal people.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
I can't. Tenzil called it first. That's another thing I'm gonna give.

Tenzil the ability to stop saying the wrong thing to the wrong Legionnaire and getting his ass handed to him. Oh wait, but then Vital Info would be ruined. On second thought, I'll give him a helmet.
Posted by cleome on :
I think I'd like Tenzil to have Oprah's empire. I really can't take one more trip through the supermarket check-out with her doing the whole "I Promise to Yo-Yo Diet Myself Into An Early Grave So The Fans Don't Have To Look At Me Fat" spiel again.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
Don't you be talkin' bout the Poprah that way! Really, she has followers EVERYWHERE.
Posted by cleome on :
So does Joss Wheedon, and he bores/annoys me, too.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
And chases after you with a shotgun.
Posted by cleome on :
Oh, please. This is the West Coast. That kind of thing happens ten times a week here.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
Oh yeah? On the East Coast that happens ten times a day.

Which reminds me, another gift I'd like to give to the Legionnaires. Pants and long-sleeved shirts. Except for Ayla.
Posted by cleome on :
Oh yeah? On the East Coast that happens ten times a day.

Wait ! Your side has Wheedon now ? Good. Keep him.

Oh, that's a good one. I hereby gift the entire Legion with a year's worth of Wheedon scripts. I can never have enough Wheedon-drooling friends hanging around my pad on New Years Day, drinking up the remains of '08's booze while they extol his virtues for five hours straight. Nope.

[ December 16, 2008, 05:31 PM: Message edited by: cleome ]
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
So which Legionnaire would the Chosen One?
Posted by cleome on :
The thinnest, blondest one.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
But Supergirl's not a member anymore.
Posted by cleome on :
Cham can stand in. Which would have the unanticipated bonus of totally freaking out Ultra Boy.

Damn. That shoulda' been my holiday fic. Now it's too late. [sulk]
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
How bout a New Year's fic? Oh, wait, there is Thunder.
Posted by cleome on :
Working Title: It's Always Sunny In 31st Century Philadelphia.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
Oh that just made me think of something awful.

A crossover between Legion and 3rd Rock from the Sun.
Posted by cleome on :
Nothing could be worse than anything crossed with It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia.

"Reep, would you @#$%! stop turning into a girl ? You're @#$%! scaring the @#$%! outta' me !"

"Oh, shut the @#$%! up, Jo. Like you wouldn't be a girl three days a week if you @#$%!ing could ! You are such a repressed @#$%!!"

"Uh, guys. Could we please figure out how the @#$%!@#$%! we're gonna' make this @#$%! team some money this month ?!?!"

"Hang on, Querl ! Jo needs a minute to think up some racist/speciesist @#$%! to say before we cut to the next @#$%!ing commercial."

[ December 16, 2008, 06:28 PM: Message edited by: cleome ]
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
And would that be...

"I thought that was the f^&*in' black guy's job!"

"We'll be right back."

Posted by cleome on :

But when Phantom Girl sees what we've done to her thread, we'll be dead meat.

Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
Not me, I was in Na'Orlans doing charity work for legless orphans.
Posted by cleome on :
Of course you were.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
For Thunder, I'll spare her the pain of finding out what the f&ck happened to Mary Marvel.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
Originally posted by cleome:
Of course you were.

And we were going to have them replaced with legs of PURE GOLD!

Oh, and I'll give Night Girl another chance with Cosmic Boy.

And Ultra Boy a costume with the right color scheme.
Posted by cleome on :
Originally posted by Sarcasm Kid:
For Thunder, I'll spare her the pain of finding out what the f&ck happened to Mary Marvel.

Of course, it's too late for the rest of us to un-see that.


How about we give the entire Marvel Family AND Thunder ten minutes alone with Morrison or whoever was the final clearance for that... that...

Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
Well there is a pretty good chance Mary turned Brittney Prime cuz of Desaad.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
And I'm saving Dan Didio for the Titans.
Posted by Phantom Girl on :
Originally posted by cleome:

But when Phantom Girl sees what we've done to her thread, we'll be dead meat.


Sigh....Boys and their toys!
Posted by Set on :
I'd give Chameleon Boy some orange play-dough. He should have a toy that's as versatile as he is. He could sculpt it into a little humanoid shape and carry it around, and when anyone asks, he can be all snappish and say, 'Don't you talk about my baby like that!' and storm off in tears, leaving everyone speechless.
Posted by cleome on :
Originally posted by Phantom Girl:
Sigh....Boys and their toys!

SK started it !! [whine]

Oh, and Set's gift idea is awesome and he's doing all my Legion shopping from now on.
Posted by Set on :
Originally posted by cleome:
Oh, and Set's gift idea is awesome and he's doing all my Legion shopping from now on.


cleome bought Gim a 12 story Driedel. Rumors of it going on a berserk spinning rampage and causing 6 quadrillion space-credits worth of damage to downtown Metropolis are sensationalist and grossly accurate.
Posted by Arm Fall Off Boy on :
For Threeboot Element Lad-a new costume; one that 1) did not get him confused for Sun Boy and 2) Is still not pink.
Y'know, as a kid I never went "HE'S WEARING PINK!" Instead it was more like 'man his costume looks like it shrank in the wash.'

For the two younger Brainys-Dr. Phil's Self Help Book "How Not to Be an Arrogant #$&&@ and Still Be Respected."

For all Legionnaires-Some major villains to battle, besides doubt, insecurity, and pigheadedness.
Posted by cleome on :
Originally posted by Set:
Originally posted by cleome:
Oh, and Set's gift idea is awesome and he's doing all my Legion shopping from now on.


cleome bought Gim a 12 story Dreidel. Rumors of it going on a berserk spinning rampage and causing 6 quadrillion space-credits worth of damage to downtown Metropolis are sensationalist and grossly accurate.

[blink] What's a "Dreidel ?"
Posted by cleome on :
I'd give Cosmic Boy back the Grell costume. Anything that continues to irritate and/or frighten so many het-boys (who never seem to notice that he was STILL wearing more clothing than at least half the women in comics at the time) that much thirty-odd years after the fact can't be all bad.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
Yes you've got a point. As long as he's not wearing one of those onesie costumes like Phantom Lad and Chameleon Kid.

A gift for Wildfire: Quislet.
Posted by Set on :
Originally posted by cleome:
What's a "Dreidel?"

Traditional Hannukah gift, since Gim's Jewish and probably not a big Christmas celebrant.
Posted by cleome on :
I'd give Wildfire a pony named after him.

[ducks to avoid barrage of fruitcake-flavored shrapnel]

BTW, how did everyone figure out that I was Jewish ? Hmmmm... Nevermind.

[passes around soofganiyot.]
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
I think I know what Sun Boy's gonna try and give Shvaughn.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
And I'll give Jan the club to beat him dead.
Posted by cleome on :
That video was too believable to be truly funny.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
I'd give Night Girl sunblock 1,000,000.

I'd Give Brainy 100,001 insult jokes for all occasions!

I'd give Ultra Boy...his original Costume back, and the power to retroactively asassinate anyone that tries to change it ever again.

I'd give Star Boy...his own walk of Fame!

I'd give Sun Boy...a night on Kathoon.

I'd give Bouncing Boy...respect...for putting up with all the crap he has all these years.

I'd give Projectra...a puppy to play with.

I'd give Saturn Girl....rubber soled she could smack the hell outta Garth when he needed it.

I'd give to the moopesball he could get the hell away from Saturn Girl when he needed to.

I'd give to the Rocky Horror Picture Show..just so he could see how silly he looked in the Cockrum Costume. [Wink]

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