This is topic Just 4 Fun: U predict: WHERE will Lo3W rank in the top 300? in forum Long Live the Legion! at Legion World.

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Posted by MLLASH on :
We can be relatively sure that issue # 1 of the Johns/Perez LEGION OF THREE WORLDS miniseries will make top 300. We can be reasonably sure it will break the top 100.

Pick a number. ANY number. Let's see which of us might have a little Naltorian DnA.

I'm going to guess... issue 1 hitting # 28.
Posted by Lard Lad on :

Johns and Perez.
Final Crisis Tie-In.

I predict it'll rank at number 10.
Posted by superboymddjr on :
Posted by Novelty on :
#7 or #8 [Smile]
Posted by andrewnolan2001 on :
Posted by Lance's realm on :
# 126
Posted by googoomuck on :
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Posted by Reboot on :

Originally posted by Lard Lad:
Johns and Perez.
Final Crisis Tie-In.

I predict it'll rank at number 10.

Johns' Action Comics is marooned, in non-variant months, around #40, Pérez's B&tB was even lower, and Countdown tie-ins - even BEFORE the really toxic feedback started, which FC gets hit by - hardly set the chart alight...

[ June 28, 2008, 07:20 PM: Message edited by: Reboot ]
Posted by Jerry on :
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I think the #27-33 range is about right. I'll say #27.

But I'd love it if it cracked the top ten. Then again, its coming out during the Secret-Crisis dog days of summer (which it, of course, is a part of), so competition will be tough.
Posted by Colossal Boy on :

There are 2 covers, so that will help boost retailer
orders a bit.
Posted by Kid Quislet on :
I predict #35. Legion fans will sweep it up, but with the other minis going, it will be hard to attract sales from outside the Legion hard core.
Posted by Vee on :
Don't forget that there are Legion fans of three worlds to buy this also. Therefore...

....scribble, scribble, scribble....

...carry the 1....

....I predict #17

[Big Grin]
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
#22... but if it winds up on the covers of WIZARD, etc. it might bump up a few slots.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Here's where the predictions stand so far:

Highest prediction is a very optimistic # 7/8 and lowest is # 126.

# 10 and two picks for # 13 also seem optimistic.

We also have guesses for 17th and 18th place rankings, which might be possible.

Seems like most see the mini only breaking into the top 30 (with guesses for rankings at # 22, # 25, # 26, # 27, # 28 and # 30) or top 40 (predictions for # 31 and # 35).

While at one time, Perez alone might have been enough of a draw to crack the top 10, I fear that is no longer the case. It will certainly be interesting to see where the mini ands up ranking as so much is going on this summer. It would be nice to see a Legion title break the top 30 *or* 40.

There's still time to make your prediction!
Posted by Lard Lad on :
While not backing off from my #10 prediction, I hereby GUARANTEE that L3W #1 will break the top 30!
Posted by MLLASH on :
Strong words of belief from longtime Legion fan/internet superstar Lard Lad!

It will truly be sad if the combination of Legion of Super-Heroes with a superstar team like Johns and Perez cannot make this a hit, no matter what the circumstances (I myself would consider the entire mini making top 30 a "hit" in today's market).

Time will tell.
Posted by rouge on :
Let's give an optimistic #25. (And I'll be very happy to have underestimated it if this thing does sell like hotcakes).
Posted by Language Arts Lad on :
Lardy's gonna mortgage his house and buy them all himself if he has to.
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Originally posted by Language Arts Lad:
Lardy's gonna mortgage his house and buy them all himself if he has to.

Well...the wife might object just a little! [Eek!]
Posted by MLLASH on :
Those sales figures for Lo3W will be released soon, so make your prediction!

Upon visiting the comic shop Friday, I noticed LOTS of Lo3W on the shelf, we're talking in SECRET INVASION-style numbers here. So if my store reflects other stores natiowide... those predictions of top 10 or 20 maybe were right on the money.

Soon we will know, but I think my original prediction of # 28 might have been too low.
Posted by Arm Fall Off Boy on :
#19 Just because it's my favorite number and I may buy the other cover after all.
Posted by Ricardo on :
The way this is being sold recently, I'd say it will be #2 book for DC this month, and probably top 20 on Diamond.
Posted by Superboy on :
Yeah I'm going with top 3....I predict the first issue will do over 100k.
Posted by Superboy on :
Originally posted by MLLASH:

While at one time, Perez alone might have been enough of a draw to crack the top 10, I fear that is no longer the case. It will certainly be interesting to see where the mini ands up ranking as so much is going on this summer. It would be nice to see a Legion title break the top 30 *or* 40.

There's still time to make your prediction!

Perez is definitely still a draw, just his name on a book in a first issue will put in the top 30 or so....after that it depends on how good it is.

IMO, he's still the best artist in the business....and he's still evolving as well.
Posted by Ricardo on :
By the way, Legion monthly is up 8% this month, with no gimmick. Meaning: if DC had somehow wanted to tie LSH to L3W, it would make a hell of a good thing to Shooter's run.
But, from Dan DiDio's recent speeches, they will stick to the foundation of the characters (so, goodbye Threeboot and good riddance Archie Legion).
Posted by Lard Lad on :
I imagine reorders will be incredibly high--the major sites are filled with praise and recommendation for issue number 1. Seems like it's getting a Sinestro Corps-level buzz about it.
Posted by Superboy on :
At my LCS today they said they way under ordered LO3W 1. I wish I could remember if he said he was going to have to wait for a second printing or not for the re-orders. He might have said second printing, or it might just be wishful remembering on my part. But they definitely under ordered LO3W #1 and are going to have to order some more copies.

And they had a lot of copies of it last week.
Posted by Set on :
Has anyone heard of / seen any numbers yet, or are we still in speculation-land?

I'd love to hear that this is doing better than some of the other stuff they are doing.
Posted by Reboot on :
Wait four weeks, give or take a few days.
Posted by Ricardo on :
Originally posted by Set:
Has anyone heard of / seen any numbers yet, or are we still in speculation-land?

I'd love to hear that this is doing better than some of the other stuff they are doing.

Not yet, but CBR has numbers from last month, and LSH is up 8%. Quite a feat.
Posted by reckless on :
Originally posted by Ricardo:
Originally posted by Set:
Has anyone heard of / seen any numbers yet, or are we still in speculation-land?

I'd love to hear that this is doing better than some of the other stuff they are doing.

Not yet, but CBR has numbers from last month, and LSH is up 8%. Quite a feat.
I posted this in the LSH #45 thread already, but my local store sold out of the regular LSH book in less than a day. It's obviously experiencing a bump from Lo3W.

I would be excited if not for the fact that I have to wait a week to get a copy.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Originally posted by MLLASH:
Here's where the predictions stand so far:

Highest prediction is a very optimistic # 7/8 and lowest is # 126.

# 10 and two picks for # 13 also seem optimistic.

We also have guesses for 17th and 18th place rankings, which might be possible.

Seems like most see the mini only breaking into the top 30 (with guesses for rankings at # 22, # 25, # 26, # 27, # 28 and # 30) or top 40 (predictions for # 31 and # 35).

Adding to the above tally, predictions post-Lo3W # 1's release (and the glowing reviews that followed, many of which were from first-time Legion readers) tend to be higher.

We have another prediction for # 25 and a prediction for # 19.

A bold prediction for DC's # 2 book of that month and a predicition for # 3 with a rider predicitng Lo3W # 1 breaking the 100k mark.

If the internetwide glowing reviews I've read are any indication and word of mouth carries, Lo3W # 1 might very well break that 100k mark at least by re-orders.

Of course, it may have done it anyway. The Perez artwork is absolutely the most stunning work I've seen from him since CRISIS and TT. Anyone just flipping through it in the store could be swayed by that.

There's still plenty of time to test YOUR Naltorian metagene: WHERE will Lo3W rank in the top 100?!?!
Posted by andrewnolan2001 on :
Are the sales numbers for Lo3W posted yet? Just curious. Thanks.
Posted by Reboot on :
#20, 68k.

No-one said 20 (or 21), so Arm Fall Off Boy wins the sweepstake with his guess of #19. Lash will send him his prize shortly... [Smile]
Posted by andrewnolan2001 on :
Thanks Reboot. Lo3W #1 did better than the Action Comics issues featuring the Legion. Of course, having George Perez on the book certainly helps. I believe this is good news and certainly hope DC agrees.

And congrats to Arm Fall Off Boy--official Legion forecaster!
Posted by MLLASH on :
Yeah, I was just coming here to post the results. Indeed, per, Lo3W comes in at # 20 with 68,306 copies ordered. Not too shabby.

But as noted, none of us quite hit the mark. One wonders if re-orders next month will be large, small or non-existent.

So, anyone wanna guess for # 2?

Usually, sales drop off quite a bit for # 2 issues, but this might be a special case. Plus icv2 notes that, although SECRET INVASION is outselling FINAL CRISIS, the FC spinoffs are outselling the SI spinoffs.

I'm going to predict....

Lo3W's dropoff will be minimal. It will place at # 23 with 66-67,000 copies sold.
Posted by Ricardo on :
I was happier to see LSH going up another month, to 96th place, to be honest.
Posted by LardLad on :
Originally posted by LardLad:
While not backing off from my #10 prediction, I hereby GUARANTEE that L3W #1 will break the top 30!

Posted by andrewnolan2001 on :
Originally posted by Ricardo:
I was happier to see LSH going up another month, to 96th place, to be honest.

As am I! Do you know how many units were sold?
Posted by Ricardo on :
This was found on ICv2. What I don't understand it that it was supposedly a rise, but compared to July, it lost 4,000 readers (but it had a single cover). At the same time, Final Crisis Requiem had 74,000 copies compared to L3W.

Posted by Reboot on :
Originally posted by MLLASH:
So, anyone wanna guess for # 2?

Johns' Final Crisis: Rogues' Revenge slumped from 62k to 55k with its' second issue. I don't see any reason why this should be different.


Originally posted by Ricardo:
This was found on ICv2. What I don't understand it that it was supposedly a rise, but compared to July, it lost 4,000 readers (but it had a single cover).

Chart positions are entirely relative (the position is obvious, but the index is a percentage of Batman's sales - or Detective Comics when Batman doesn't ship). If fewer high-selling comics ship, then the stuff below it will rise in chart position even if it falls in sales.

Originally posted by Ricardo:
At the same time, Final Crisis Requiem had 74,000 copies compared to L3W.

*heard a guy complaining at his comic shop the other day that he was fooled into getting FC:R because "all the Final Crisis & spinoff covers look the same".*
Posted by Colossal Boy on :
I would think that with the near-universal rave reviews and positive buzz combined with the delay on issue #2 allowing for CBS tweaking of orders, there shouldn't be much of a drop for issue 2. Maybe 63,000 copies?

I don't think Rogue's Revenge is a good comparision because it's not a huge event like LO3W. It's a Rogues story (and a very good one) moreso than a Barry story, or Wally story, or Crisis story, etc. Plus it doesn't have Perez art.

A curious thought - since there's much negativity over the main Final Crisis book could that be keeping people from trying LO3W? Would LO3W have gotten higher numbers if it came out at another time and wasn't tied to FC?
Posted by Superboy on :
LO3W was underordered bigtime IMO. I expected top 10 at the absolute worst. I imagine there has to be some substantial re-orders with it, but even if there are the total numberes probably won't meet my projection. We'll have to see how the sales hold up throughout the series. I do know all the stores in my area sold out of #1 so I am still interested in the re-order totals.
Posted by Superboy on :
Final Crisis LO3W #1 has had anunannounced(as far as I know) second printing. They had it at my LCS today with a new's a variant on the first printing LL Cover.

Not just reorders...but a full fledged second printing.

Stay tuned on those sales figures...

68K+, and counting.
Posted by rouge on :
LO3W #1 shows up again in September's charts with 5,608 in re-orders. No word if it's the 2nd printing or just straight re-orders (Although Diamanod isn't listing it as a 2nd printing).

That's close to 74K.
Posted by Arm Fall Off Boy on :
Originally posted by Reboot:
#20, 68k.

No-one said 20 (or 21), so Arm Fall Off Boy wins the sweepstake with his guess of #19. Lash will send him his prize shortly... [Smile]

Still waiting. I take cash. Or Adventure # 247.
Posted by Superboy on :
Originally posted by rouge:
LO3W #1 shows up again in September's charts with 5,608 in re-orders. No word if it's the 2nd printing or just straight re-orders (Although Diamanod isn't listing it as a 2nd printing).

That's close to 74K.

It's a legit second printing....either that or there was a third cover that was never announced.

The cover on these orders features a variation of the Lightning Lad's got the red FC border layout with the Lightning Lad portrait greatly reduced to a centerpiece on the cover...I'll try to post an image of it later.

74K is not too shabby...not the 100k mark I expected, but the best numbers for any form of Legion story since the first couple of 5YG issues...better than anything at the end of the Levitz run as well. And keep in mind...the Action Legion held it's audience and actually increased it as that arc continued.

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