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Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Here are the covers. Text should be available pretty soon. Sorry this is so late, just too slammed at work to be around much.













Click here for larger image

The Legion of Super-Heroes #46
Written by Jim Shooter
Art and cover by Frances Manapul and John Livesay.

Chameleon's hand is amputated! The menacing Intruder Planet is revealed as the source of the Alien Life-Eradicators! A longtime Legionnaire takes the first step down the path of darkness! Plus, the heartbreaking end of the oldest relationship in the history of the Legion!

32 pages, $2.99, in stores on Sept. 24.

Click here for larger image

Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds #2
Written by Geoff JohnsA
Art by George Perez and Scott Koblish
Cover by Perez.

As Superboy-Prime leads the Legion of Super-Villains against everything and everyone inspired by the legacy of Superman, the Legion of Super-Heroes are forced to call for help from beyond their world. Meanwhile, contingency plans are created by Brainiac 5 as he attempts to overcome Colu's devastating betrayal, Dawnstar and Wildfire pull off a startling rescue, but at a horrible cost to the universe, and Saturn Girl uncovers the source of the Legion's troubles.

Retailers please note: This issue will ship with two covers by George Pérez that will ship in approximately 50/50 ratio. Please see the Previews Order Form for more information.

40 pages, $3.99, in stores on Sept. 17.

Click here for larger image

Ambush Bug Year None #3
Written by Keith Giffen and Robert Loren Fleming
Art by Giffen and Al Milgrom
Cover by Amanda Conner.

Darkseid makes a list and checks it twice! Plus, a shotgun wedding, alternate universes, more OMACs than you can shake a stick at and the very important return of Super-Turtle all

32 pages, $2.99, in stores on Sept. 24.

Click here for larger image

DC/Wildstorm: Dreamwar #6
Written by Keith Giffen
Art by Lee Garbett and Trevor Scott
Cover by Gene Ha.

Hell has been unleashed upon the earth, as all the villains from the DC Universe and the WildStorm Universe team up. And with the moon ripped from its orbit, the earth itself is being torn asunder. Could this final issue contain the end of two universes?

32 pages, $2.99, in stores on Sept. 17.

Click here for larger image

Justice Society of America #19
Written by Geoff Johns and Alex Ross
Art and variant cover by Dale Eaglesham
Cover by Alex Ross.

"One World, Under Gog" continues! The Justice Society begins to dissolve as Gog vows to bring peace to EarthŠin a way that frightens some and thrills others. But with Hawkman around, it's not going to be a simple debate. Plus, Starman reveals his concerns about the team's future to Mr. Terrific while Power Girl struggles to come to terms with her greatest desire!

32 pages, $2.99, in stores on Sept. 24.

[ June 16, 2008, 03:24 PM: Message edited by: Lightning Lad ]
Posted by Ricardo on :
I am VERY anxious to read Ambush Bug. And should I recognize who are these people in the cover of LSH? Oh, it's written MENU in Interlac...

[ June 16, 2008, 02:42 PM: Message edited by: Ricardo ]
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Updated with solicitation text.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Ambush Bug and.... DUMB BUNNY? BWAhahahaha!


I cannot reMEMber the last time I anticipated a comic like AB:YN... Oh, yeah I can-- 'twas the AB Nothing Special!
Posted by Ricardo on :
Shooter is really supercharging the Legion. It's a pity he will be obliterated by Dan DiDio's screw-ups.
Posted by Omni Craig on :
RE: Legion #46: "Plus, the heartbreaking end of the oldest relationship in the history of the Legion!"

Color me not happy. Garth & Imra are the oldest relationship in Legion history right?? Please JS, don't make me hate you for messing with them. I don't care if threeboot gets blinked out of existence after Final Crisis L3W or not. Don't mess with true love man!!
Posted by Triplicate Kid on :
For all the people who are complaining about the Life-Eradicators storyline going nowhere, it's definitely going somewhere.
Posted by superboymddjr on :
Originally posted by Ricardo:
Shooter is really supercharging the Legion. It's a pity he will be obliterated by Dan DiDio's screw-ups.

then someone will need to speak at the DC U Panel at SDCC in July to take a shot at Dan by asking him why did he squash Jim's? will someone volunteer?
Posted by Vee on :
Could Cham's amputated hand become the 3boot Proty? [Big Grin]
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
I think DiDio will be needing kevlar for any con appearance after this and what is going on with Chuck Dixon.

Originally posted by Omni Craig:
RE: Legion #46: "Plus, the heartbreaking end of the oldest relationship in the history of the Legion!"

Color me not happy. Garth & Imra are the oldest relationship in Legion history right?? Please JS, don't make me hate you for messing with them. I don't care if threeboot gets blinked out of existence after Final Crisis L3W or not. Don't mess with true love man!!

Craig, my words exactly! But I've been wracking my brain trying to think of another relationship that might predate Garth and Imra, at least continuity wise. Anyone?
Posted by Vee on :
It doesn't say the first "romantic" relationship. Nor does it necessarily mean throughout all continuities. Could just be referring to the oldest relationship in the history of THIS Legion, which might mean Jeckie & Brin.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I take it to mean Imra and Garth given their recent interactions. But we'll see...

I'm totally psyched about Ambush Bug. Best cover so far this year!!! Good to see Irwin getting a little! [Big Grin]

Action Saturn Girl totally channels Mia Farrow more each issue! And 3boot Ultra Boy has sure become a star of the series these last few issues.
Posted by Vee on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
I take it to mean Imra and Garth given their recent interactions. But we'll see...

Oh, I took it the same way just trying to provide Omni & Scott some comfort until...

Regarding Jo, I take it from his prominence on the cover that he is probably the long time Legionnaire who is about to "start down the path of darkness."
Posted by Matthew E on :
It certainly is a provocative solicit. And I like the cover. Could that be the Persuader on the right?
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Originally posted by Matthew E:
And I like the cover. Could that be the Persuader on the right?

Oddly enough, despite the ax, ot looks a lot more like Grimbor to me, at least in the face. The lady's garb, though, is more reminiscent of Grimbor's. Confusing!
Posted by Askanipsion on :
Manapul has posted some pencils for September's issue:
Posted by Ricardo on :
Originally posted by Askanipsion:
Manapul has posted some pencils for September's issue:

He has easily become one of my favorite Legion artists by a mile. You can see love pouring from every page. One day, people will be sorry to see this team go, just as they miss JLI and L.E.G.I.O.N. nowadays.
Posted by Omni Craig on :
I feel like Jim is leading towards a Jo-Imra-Garth triangle. We have issue 41 with Imra basically telling Garth to manhandle her (and then they get interrupted) and in 42 she wakes Jo telepathically and his first conscious thought is to kiss her. Her reaction "what a great kisser". Also the next few issues seem to revolve around Ultra Boy and Rimbor, so when Imra gets lonely on this mission she may just have to let the bad boy have his way with her... [Roll Eyes]

I'll say it again, I'm not pleased by this! I hope I'm wrong, but that's where I think Jim's leading us!
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Originally posted by Omni Craig:
I feel like Jim is leading towards a Jo-Imra-Garth triangle. We have issue 41 with Imra basically telling Garth to manhandle her (and then they get interrupted) and in 42 she wakes Jo telepathically and his first conscious thought is to kiss her. Her reaction "what a great kisser". Also the next few issues seem to revolve around Ultra Boy and Rimbor, so when Imra gets lonely on this mission she may just have to let the bad boy have his way with her... [Roll Eyes]

I'll say it again, I'm not pleased by this! I hope I'm wrong, but that's where I think Jim's leading us!

If this were the pre-Crisis, pre-Zero Hour or Lightning Saga Legion, I'd have a problem with it. But this is the 3Boot, and I haven't seen enough to make me feel that 3Boot Garth and Imra really belong together, other than to be consistent with the prior versions of the Legion. The 3Boot's its own animal, so always keep that in mind.

Honestly, I kinda liked how the reboot played around with a Cos/Imra/Garth love triangle for awhile. Ultimately, a new continuity shouldn't have to be bound by all the romantic liaisons of the prior ones, no matter how entrenched they were.

And besides, who's to say the breakup has to be permanent? Even if the 3Boot ends after Shooter's year is up, he might still have them get back together in the last issue! [Smile]
Posted by Omni Craig on :
Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
Craig, my words exactly! But I've been wracking my brain trying to think of another relationship that might predate Garth and Imra, at least continuity wise. Anyone?

Based on the chronological order of stories (and the fact that Garth and Imra are two of the three founding members) I think it has to be them, no matter how you look at it. Their marriage was revealed in Action Comics #289, when Supergirl was trying to find the perfect woman for Superman to marry. They visited the adult Legion in the 30th century and Superman kissed Saturn Woman a couple of times (under the mistletoe at a Christmas party). Lightning Man gets ticked off, asking why Supes is trying to make time with his wife. This story, according to John Censullo's master list of Legion appearances, is about the 30th time the Legion made any kind of appearance in comics, and predates the Adventure #300-380 run by mere months (Action #289 was dated June 1962, Adventure #300 was dated Sept 1962).

Pre-boot I can't think of another relationship that is older than theirs. The only other longstanding relationship from the Adventure era that is even close would be Jo and Tinya (not shown to be in any exclusive relationship in threeboot). Jo and Tinya almost have as long a history as Garth and Imra, but if you look at the "finally revealed team origin" type stories, Garth was drawn to Imra from the moment she walked by him on the spacecrusier (regardless of the 'boot). The first Adventure stories showed Garth's devotion to Imra as more of a "I can't let you (my teammate) die!", for example against Zaryan the Conqueror when Garth died for her. Then in her attempt to bring him back, Imra intended to sacrifice herself with the superconductor lightning rod. It wasn't said to be done out of an undying love, but it must have been there.

It has to be Garth and Imra's relationship ending, as they have been the most enduring couple in every Legion reboot!

So, does the relationship end because of infidelity or does one of them die, and they have cleverly worded the Previews listing to avoid the: "THIS ISSUE SOMEBODY DIES!!! FOR REAL!!! AGAIN!!! NO REALLY, SEE FOR YOURSELF ON PAGE 16" hype we're all so sick of...
Posted by Omni Craig on :
Originally posted by Lard Lad:
Ultimately, a new continuity shouldn't have to be bound by all the romantic liaisons of the prior ones, no matter how entrenched they were.

Why not? I see that as destiny...fate...kismet. A love that transcends time and space... it's a constant that you can count on, at the very least in comic books. It works for me!! I guess I'm just a romantic at heart. [Smile] Garth and Imra's relationship in the 3boot is about the only one that remained from the prior 'boots. Thom and Nura? No. Jo and Tinya? Val and Jeckie? No. Most of the team seems okay with the idea of bedhopping for no reason other than "I was bored and we had too much Silverale to drink...". Kinda bothers me in my middle age (not out of envy, I've just seen too many relationships ruined by meaningless sex... it's depressing really).

I like how Geoff Johns just showed the Time Trapper as having manipulated the Legion again and again (trying to sever their ties to Superman), but he can't seem to get rid of them. I like having things like that to depend on. If I can't have them in real life, then by damn I'll have them in my comics! [Smile] [Smile] Okay, I'm kidding there, I do have the love of a wonderful woman, whom I completely trust with my heart. I consider myself one of the lucky ones.

I think Garth and Imra's relationship is a good constant for the series. I think that too many changes aren't good for a reboot. I know writers are trying to make the Legion "their own" by making Thom black in the 3boot, or making Jeckie a snake in postboot, but if you change too much is it still the Legion? Is the core concept behind them still there? The book hasn't sold as well as it did in their heydey, back when they were a couple dozen teenagers united by the legend of a Superboy (who actually joined their club!!) to make the world(s) a better place. If it ain't broke, why fix it?

I'm really not trying to be preachy. I've never been one to say "this 'boot is better than that 'boot...". I have a favorite, but I still buy the book and read it and find things to appreciate in each continuity.

Some things just shouldn't be messed with though, and Shooter's messing with a biggie right now! [Smile]
Posted by Korbal on :
Technically, the "oldest relationship in the history of the Legion" would be that of the founding three--perhaps this hints to the return of Cosmic Boy? Romantically, Supergirl/Brainiac Five actually predates the first Adult Legion story, for Brainy asked Kara to "be his girl" in his first appearance in ACTION COMICS #287, but that seems unlikey since she's back in the 21st Century, and claimed not to stand this incarnation of Brainy. A very slim possibility would be Gim and Gigi Cusimano, Levitz had them in a physical relationship before he became Colossal Boy.
Posted by Tromium on :
Technically, the longest relationship is Garth and *Ayla*. They were born together. [Smile]

I can't stand love triangles, so I hope it's not leading to that, but I'd relish seeing Imra dumped from the team for mind-jacking.

This is the awesomest cover. Those aliens should know better than to bother a Legionnaire when he's eating his muffin.

LO3W - It's like waiting for a train wreck to happen.
Posted by wamu2 on :
from the LSH cover, the ax wielding guy seems to have Kirby tech design. maybe he's from the fourth world?
Posted by Triplicate Kid on :
Manuapul's art is definitely growing on me.

I agree the aliens look vaguely familiar - a bit of Fatal Five, a bit of Grimbor - but they don't seem to be anyone we know. Kirby-style, definitely, but is that a story point, or just a visual homage?
Posted by Gorilla Nebula on :
i'll really be pissed if the cover characters are Chameleon, a waitress, and the waitress's boyfriend- the cook, and in the story it's a cute 3 panel bit like the "Shvaughn cover".
RE: the Saturn Girl/Ultra Boy/Lightning Lad triangle...Shooter's up to something with the legionnaires slowly turning to their dark sides. Projectra's imperious rages, Timber Wolf's bestial rages... now it's Saturn Girl's turn. isn't the arc called "Evil Rising" or somesuch.
Posted by Ricardo on :
Good call, Gorilla. There might be something to it indeed. But it doesn't seem to be Cham in there. I would say these are brand new characters. From the studies on Manapul's page, it seems a kind of humourous cover, however.
Posted by veryvery on :
i'm pretty sure it's imra and garth, guys, i haven't been cleverly surprised by the solicits on these yet, have you?

seriously? we have to wait for three months for that? because i'm pretty sure it was over when jo put his mouth on imra and she didn't seem to care. this is officially the slowest arc in the history of the universe.

oh and if someone does ask didio why he squashed shooter, i hope lots of people stand up and respond with "probably because he sucks". the only thing keeping me on this book right now is manapul's slick art and designs. I'm considering using white out on my singles and writing in my own dialogue. (imra asking LL to own her will now be 'you know, cheese is really delicious')

i'm sort of glad he's digging himself into a deeper hole so even more people will realize, with the death of their favorite couple, that he's nuts. i almost hope he goes even crazier, that their true enemy is revealed to be a basket of small kittens and puppies and they kill them all brutally in the most horrifying issue of anything ever made. then everyone will see the end of his run as the blessing that it is. GOD i want bedard back on this. or make geoff johns write this too, he's writing fifty books, why not one more?
Posted by Ricardo on :
Bedard? The Search of Cosmic Boy who didn't find Cosmic Boy Bedard? You gotta be kidding...

Shooter is building up an arch of interconnected stories - like the LSH of "before-it-sucked" LSH - and finally giving these characters some three-dimensional personalities. I can't really see what is wrong with that. Sales, so far, have been above M&K's last issues, so they are very okay, considering Shooter is a high profile name just for old timers and LSH freaks.

And, no, I don't like the way stories have been told after Giffen's run, where every plot would take 4 issues, with 80% being long "action scenes".

In fact, it is funny you mentioned Johns. His GL Blackest Night is taking forever to develop. In fact, it started way back in 2006. Or how about JSA, whose first arch is STILL running after almost 2 years? If there is a writer these days with long, really long, slow burning tales, is Johns. I am perfectly fine with that.

And break-up stories are NOT new in Legion lore. In fact, one of my favorite subplots was TMK's Rond-Laurel-Brainy love triangle. And make-ups are always possible. So, please, let's not be so crazy about it and enjoy some drama, will we?

[ June 18, 2008, 12:48 AM: Message edited by: Ricardo ]
Posted by Ricardo on :

Posted by veryvery on :
Originally posted by Ricardo:
Bedard? The Search of Cosmic Boy who didn't find Cosmic Boy Bedard? You gotta be kidding...

Shooter is building up an arch of interconnected stories - like the LSH of "before-it-sucked" LSH - and finally giving these characters some three-dimensional personalities. I can't really see what is wrong with that. Sales, so far, have been above M&K's last issues, so they are very okay, considering Shooter is a high profile name just for old timers and LSH freaks.

And, no, I don't like the way stories have been told after Giffen's run, where every plot would take 4 issues, with 80% being long "action scenes".

In fact, it is funny you mentioned Johns. His GL Blackest Night is taking forever to develop. In fact, it started way back in 2006. Or how about JSA, whose first arch is STILL running after almost 2 years? If there is a writer these days with long, really long, slow burning tales, is Johns. I am perfectly fine with that.

And break-up stories are NOT new in Legion lore. In fact, one of my favorite subplots was TMK's Rond-Laurel-Brainy love triangle. And make-ups are always possible. So, please, let's not be so crazy about it and enjoy some drama, will we?

i think cosmic boy stayed not-found because he's the, dundundun, time trapper. i'll point out that it's better than the whole team getting amnesia about him being missing and all plot threads being utterly dropped from the previous run.

i enjoy drama when it MAKES SENSE. i also enjoy a WELL WRITTEN slowly unfolding tale (in fact, i did a summer long research project on the art of the unfolding text in the Sopranos, if that's not a long running project, I don't know what is). the way you keep your readers interested is by explaining SOMETHING, wrapping up SOMETHING, in your issue, tiny arcs within your massive arc to keep readers feeling fulfilled and interested.

what shooter is doing with this book, beyond the fact that it's offending my senses, does not satisfy any of these tenets.
Posted by Ricardo on :
Originally posted by veryvery:
i think cosmic boy stayed not-found because he's the, dundundun, time trapper. i'll point out that it's better than the whole team getting amnesia about him being missing and all plot threads being utterly dropped from the previous run.

What amnesia? It has been established in LSH #37 that Cos has decided to take a break from the Legion.
Become the Time Trapper? What, are we heading towards Zero Hour, again? Sorry, I don't buy it. In fact, we have been discussing it in here.
And can you show me what "plot threads" were left open from the previous run? The book had no plot whatsoever! It had a bunch of self-containing stories and barely touched on why the Legion even existed! It was a movement, then it wasn't, then Supergirl shows up, then Cos is missing, then he is not...

i enjoy drama when it MAKES SENSE. i also enjoy a WELL WRITTEN slowly unfolding tale (in fact, i did a summer long research project on the art of the unfolding text in the Sopranos, if that's not a long running project, I don't know what is). the way you keep your readers interested is by explaining SOMETHING, wrapping up SOMETHING, in your issue, tiny arcs within your massive arc to keep readers feeling fulfilled and interested.

So you mean the whole Saturn Moon invasion, who took place from 37-39 was not wrapping up to something. Ok, I see. Not.
You haven't replied to my Johns argument, by the way. And The Sopranos does not deal with a huge cast of characters. That's more like the Levitz/Shooter standard of storytelling. In fact, there is a DC book on plotting you should look out.

what shooter is doing with this book, beyond the fact that it's offending my senses, does not satisfy any of these tenets.

Ok, you may not like it, but I find it very offensive to say Shooter doesn't understand what is like writing Legion books. He nailed it, finally. But, from what I am seeing here, most of those who are not enjoying his runs are more recently converted fans, the ones who liked the crap sub X-Men that came after TMK.
Posted by veryvery on :
WHAT? taking a BREAK? we see him step into a time portal to go chill with people from the future! And then they go look for him because they have no idea what happened to him (cos forgot to leave a note...?). and then they can't find him and then... nothing. they all start fighting monsters forever and ever.

the sopranos had a very large cast, and currently shooters run has only dealt with a very small amount of the legion characters. or try A song of ice and fire series? with the biggest cast I've ever seen? every chapter or so something tends to happen, something actually gets DONE.

and saying "i don't mind when something is well written and long" is my reply to your geoff johns argument, by the way.

he might have nailed something for YOU, i have no idea what that is, but for me, I'm not entertained by lame representations of female characters, plot points tossed in at the last second ('oh, by the way, my gun is different from yours, salu. sorry i didn't feel like giving you one.' 'Oh, I didn't mention that Imra sent me a compressed packet of thoughts early on in the issue?' 'oh you know how the UP shut us down last issue? Okay they undid their decision right now.'), and having to wait for a year while he stretches out a plot that really has merit for about 5 issues tops.
Posted by Set on :
i'll point out that it's better than the whole team getting amnesia about him being missing and all plot threads being utterly dropped from the previous run.
This was explained in the same issue Cos disappeared. The whole 'search for Cosmic Boy' was a series of machinations by Brainy to do other stuff (like get Kara back to the 20th and setup Timber Wolf for a powerup and introduce the idea of Wildfire as a potential Legion recruit).

Nobody has worried about Cos' 'disappearance' since 2 panels after it happened, when Saturn Girl inexplicably proclaimed that it weren't no thang and everybody accepted her declaration and went on to do other stuff (until Brainy tricked everyone into doing a bunch of unrelated errands for him, lying about a 'search for Cosmic Boy').

Shooter hasn't run with it, because both Waid and Bedard handled that already, and he will bring back Cosmic Boy when he's got something to do with him, instead of having people idly mention 'Hey, is Cos still missing?' every few issues to make them look like verybadnogood friends for 'forgetting' him.

It was established by Waid. He wasn't 'forgotten,' he was pronounced by Telepath Chick to be in no danger, and everyone agreed with Telepath Chick that he was probably on vacation or something, working on his tan.

Was it a graceful explanation? Not really. I, for one, didn't know that telepaths also had the power to tell if a missing person was taken against their will, disintigrated or just plain et up by some space-beastie, but apparently Imra can do that, or at least, everyone on the team seems to believe that she can do that. (Or nobody really wanted to worry about it until next issue when Brainy suddenly clutched his pearls and said, 'Oh, split up and go to all these different planets to look for Cosmic Boy, even 'though there's no reason at all he'd be on Winath or Lallor or whatever...')

But it's what Shooter was handed, and he's not gone out of his way to do anything about that. Given how many characters he has to work with, and how he clearly wants to develop each of them (with little glimpses into their rooms, their private conversations, their doubts and fears, etc.), Cosmic Boy, who got a HECK of a lot of focus in the Waid run, can stay in the 40th century for a few more months, as far as I'm concerned. He's one of my favorite characters, but I also like the rest of the team, and am not at all suffering from getting to see the rest of them fleshed out a little, since they were really thinly-drawn and one-dimensional in the first 30 or so issues of this run, IMO.

This, IMO, is the best-written run since Lightle was drawing the book. (I'm clueless about names, so I have no idea who was writing during the Universo Project / LSV war on Orando / death of KK era.)
Posted by Ricardo on :
Originally posted by Set:
This, IMO, is the best-written run since Lightle was drawing the book. (I'm clueless about names, so I have no idea who was writing during the Universo Project / LSV war on Orando / death of KK era.) [/QB]

I am almost sure this was Paul Levitz, in 1984, and occasionally Keith Giffen as co-plotter. But correct me if I am wrong...

I think LSh was consistently well written during the 80s and early 90s, with a complete fall-off after Giffen left. Now, it is clearly the first time in years I actually wait anxiously for next month's batch of LSH comics.
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
I just love reading WILDFIRE's name in a DC solit.... [Love]
Posted by Askanipsion on :
I am loving Shooter's run so far so I am hoping he stays around after L3W.
Posted by Mediocre Boy on :
Originally posted by Ricardo:

Ok, you may not like it, but I find it very offensive to say Shooter doesn't understand what is like writing Legion books. He nailed it, finally. But, from what I am seeing here, most of those who are not enjoying his runs are more recently converted fans, the ones who liked the crap sub X-Men that came after TMK. [/QB]

Ricardo, IMO, newer fans have a right to favour any era of the Legion they please (just as older fans do), without it being said that their taste in comics is "crap." Personally, I favour everything between the Great Darkness Saga to the End of an Era storylines, but nevertheless try my best to find things in each subsequent incarnation of the book that I like.

Anyway, on the topic of the Ultra Boy cover, I have a bad feeling that the alien on the left is supposed to be Tellus. I think that he looked fine the way he was originally depicted.
Posted by Ricardo on :
Originally posted by Mediocre Boy:
Originally posted by Ricardo:

Ok, you may not like it, but I find it very offensive to say Shooter doesn't understand what is like writing Legion books. He nailed it, finally. But, from what I am seeing here, most of those who are not enjoying his runs are more recently converted fans, the ones who liked the crap sub X-Men that came after TMK.

Ricardo, IMO, newer fans have a right to favour any era of the Legion they please (just as older fans do), without it being said that their taste in comics is "crap." Personally, I favour everything between the Great Darkness Saga to the End of an Era storylines, but nevertheless try my best to find things in each subsequent incarnation of the book that I like.

I didn't mean their taste was crap, just that the writing on that period was crap compared to what came before and what is coming up now... Legion has never been "news" or "unique" ever since TMK. Shooter is probably the first time recently where Legion has received some extra attention. Obviously, this was overshadowed by Johns' L3W.
Posted by Gaseous Lad on :
Originally posted by Ricardo:
Originally posted by Mediocre Boy:
Originally posted by Ricardo:

Ok, you may not like it, but I find it very offensive to say Shooter doesn't understand what is like writing Legion books. He nailed it, finally. But, from what I am seeing here, most of those who are not enjoying his runs are more recently converted fans, the ones who liked the crap sub X-Men that came after TMK.

Ricardo, IMO, newer fans have a right to favour any era of the Legion they please (just as older fans do), without it being said that their taste in comics is "crap." Personally, I favour everything between the Great Darkness Saga to the End of an Era storylines, but nevertheless try my best to find things in each subsequent incarnation of the book that I like.

I didn't mean their taste was crap, just that the writing on that period was crap compared to what came before and what is coming up now... Legion has never been "news" or "unique" ever since TMK. Shooter is probably the first time recently where Legion has received some extra attention. Obviously, this was overshadowed by Johns' L3W.
Sorry, I just don't agree - it comes across as condescending, frankly.

And while the action on the book *is* improving somewhat, I am not super impressed despite the fanboyism for Shooter.

And count me in the negative column on the Garth/Imra split. I agree that it is something that should be a constant across versions and not messed with. Hell, I had a problem with the Imra/Rokk "romance" in the reboot (then again, it was part of the Team 20 drek...) and I was a "recent convert" then.
Posted by lil'rhino on :
re: Ambush Bug cover.

Amanda Conner is GOD!
Posted by superboymddjr on :
think we will see October solicitation for new books tomorrow or next Monday? I was not sure of the date because tomorrow it'll be 14th and next week will be 21st...we tends to get those solicitations around it's in the middle...14th or 21st?
Posted by PenaltyKillah on :
Would they even have a Lo3W #3 cover up by then? I need something more than floating Imra heads...
Posted by superboymddjr on :
there is a new solicitation on L3W showing Cosmic Boy on the cover #3. here's the link -

Dawnstar's back to the 20th Century again...alongside Wildfire and Polar Boy - I think that it is Polar Boy's first trip to 20th century ever.
Posted by superboymddjr on :
I really loved how all Cosmic Boys are drawn on the looks like we may see the 3boot Cosmic Boy soon.
Posted by PenaltyKillah on :
Ahh, but I'd say they're strategically placed, if you know what I mean. Glad to see DC knows how to represent their respect for those big hero icons, with the 2 marketing variants barely visible. I'll do you all a favour and post October up.

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