This is topic So if the "old" Legion comes back? What do you want? in forum Long Live the Legion! at Legion World.

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Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
OVER TIME I would want all the later members like XS, Gates, Dragonmage, etc.

Within the first year a wedding! I vote for Jo & Tinya. But would be happy with Star Boy and Dream Girl.

Update some of the names. Make some of the Boy/Lad names Man. Same with some Girl/Lass to Woman maybe? Also use some of the ZH names. I want Ultra Man! Maybe Sun Boy as Inferno? Element Lad stays Element Lad, etc. [Wink]
Posted by Matthew E on :
See, instead of that, I'd rather have several versions of the Legion in different futures or different worlds, and have them diverge rather than converge. So we could have four different Legions, let's say:

- old-school-style Legion
- Waid-and-Kitson Legion
- reboot/DnA Legion
- Five-Years-Later+SW6 Legion

all with different memberships, all used to tell different kinds of stories. I don't know where all these stories would appear, mind you...
Posted by Crujectra of Psyonia on :
Originally posted by Matthew E:
I don't know where all these stories would appear, mind you...

How about in "Confusing Continuities Quarterly?" [Wink]
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Definitely switch to "Adult Legion" codenames. No post-ZH, though. "Man/Woman" all the way! I wish they were already using them in the JSA/JLA crossover.

Later members can join as a "Teen Auxillary".

Superman as a (part-time) member!

A definitive history of the team in current continuity.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Oh, and annual team-ups between the new "old" Legion and the other two.
Posted by Kid Quislet on :
I'd like to see one-to-two issue stories dealing with a handful of Legionnaires at a time, then the next story with a different set, and so on. Spread them around the universe on different missions. Have them ALL back - Quislet, Tyroc, Chemical King, Quantum Queen, Kid Quantum, Gates, XS, etc.

Once every year or two have them deal with an event (or villain) requiring the whole team together. And have Superman and/or Supergirl join in for those!
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
I like Kid Quislet pacing/plotting ideas.

C'mon, EDE...Phantom Woman just doesn't sound good. [Wink] Apparition all the way.

I always thought for new members they should give them initiation names. After a set time they get to choose their own codenames...or keep the one they have.

I guess a codename debate would be another thread. [Smile] But "Woman" isn't as catchy as Man in superhero codenames. I know there is Lady as well but some of the ZH names were pretty good.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Okay, I admit that "Phantom Lady" sounds better than "Phantom Woman". [Smile]

But, I kind of like Shadow Woman better than Shadow Lady, so maybe they can trade.

I dig Saturn Woman and Light Lady, though. And I *dare* anyone to come up with a cooler sounding name than Duo Dame!
Posted by Crujectra of Psyonia on :
I dunno... the Lad/Lass thing is part of the Legion's charm for me. I don't think I would like reading about Colossal Man, Lightning Man and Triplicate Woman. I guess it's probably a nostalgia thing, but to me it just wouldn't be the same.
Posted by Crujectra of Psyonia on :
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
And I *dare* anyone to come up with a cooler sounding name than Duo Dame!

What about "Double D"? [Wink]
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
Okay, I admit that "Phantom Lady" sounds better than "Phantom Woman". [Smile]

"Phantom Lady" is already taken: the Freedom Fighters (assuming some version of them is still alive).

The problem with using "Lady" and "Lord" is that it implies nobility. The name worked for Lightning Lord, as Mekt was always rather full of himself. But "Element Lord," for example, creates the wrong impression.

(...unless the UP establishes a noble class and creates the Legionnaires as peers. That would make sense, but it might seem kind of awkward to view our heroes as aristocrats.)

For Adult Legion codenames, I would prefer to go with the creative legacy of the reboot: "Apparition," "Leviathan" (which worked for Gim more than for for Vi), "Dreamer," etc. Those names convey what they are supposed to convey without being age- or even gender-specific.

(However, do discard "Live Wire" -- ugh!)
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
As to what I would like to see if the old Legion returned: I would rather they pick up right from the end of "The Magic Wars." Keep Superboy and Supergirl as part of the Legion's history (and no bloody pocket universe, either!), and chart a new course that may or may not involve the "Five Years Later" but does a better job of telling the stories that led up to that era.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Keep them in their 20's for a loooooooooooooong time!

New stories! New villains!

I've love to somehow get Gates into the first Legion continuity.

I'm glad that a living Karate Kid could be included in a Sensor Girl Legion.

The codenames don't bother me either way. While I think some reboot names were cool (Triad), some of them were just HORRIBLE (Umbra, Spark).

I really would love to read about the first Legion again. With Wildfire, Dawny, Mysa and many other missing Legionnaires. I would really prefer to have reboot-Legion concepts incorporated into the the preboot Legion (not retroactively though) rather than read about multiple Legions. So, Gates & Kid Quantum could join as later members. Other than finding a way to rope in some continuity-lost members, I'd prefer if continuity confusions were never referred to again.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Honestly, when it comes down to it, I'd prefer to have elements from later 'boots added on to a single Legion continuity that takes as its foundation the basic structure of the pre-Crisis Legion history rather than have multiple Legions running around myself.

I can see why that might not be the preferred solution for many people, though.
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
I agree I prefer Shadow Woman to Umbra any day of the week. Light(ning) Lass/lady? Phantom Woman? Ok, that one and Triad I just prefer...but I guess she won't use Triad any more.

I just prefer a few of the ZH names. Plus the new kids can be kids, boys, lass'.
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
Cobalt, I also agree have them in their twenties forever. The only ones they really showed getting "old" were the founders. And even then they were in what? Their late twenties/early thirties?

I would marry off Cos and Night Girl for sure. I mean the Subs at the wedding is a story onto itself.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Ooh... actually, I kind of like "Phase" as a name for the adult Phantom Girl...
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Okay... so my ultimate ideal way to bring the "old" Legion back would be to open up the story with something like "Another Five Years Later".

The Adventure Era Legionnaires would be about forty, but "feel" thirty, thanks to their merging with their younger temporal duplicates five years earlier.

What happened between "End of an Era" and the new series? I'd base the events of the intervening years roughly on the post-ZH Legion stories, and figure out a way to retcon the WaK Legion stories in as well, creating a grand unified history that would probably only serve to piss everybody off.
Posted by Set on :
I like the more grown-up names. In the 20th century, Robin grew up and changed his name to Nightwing. In the 30th, Phantom Girl and Shadow Lass grew up and changed their names to Apparition and Umbra. It's all good to me.

I'm also a big fan of the partially grown-up team having some adult relationships and marriages and even a kid (in the case of Garth and Imra, but *not* Jo and Tinya, at least not as presented with 'Cub').

The JSA/JLA team-up shows an established Legion, with history, which I only like if it's a history that, for the most part, I've seen already. Probably the hardest part for me about the WaK reboot is not ever knowing the character's backstories (only knowing that they were sometimes very different, as in the case with Triplicate Girl or Element Lad), and now, seeming very unlikely to ever learn them.

If the team is going to have a lot of differences, like Karate Kid being alive while Sensor Girl is active, then I want to at least get some sort of heads up as to why this is so (it is said that the founders did something to save his life, so I'm fine with that. It doesn't even sound like a retcon, so much as something happened between the last time we saw them and now to 'save' Karate Kid).

On the other hand, I wouldn't mind seeing new blood join the team, and that new blood including some of the more fun characters from other Legions, including Kid Quantum II and Gates, both of whom were fun characters.

I also enjoyed the 'power creep' that occurred over many years. Shadow Lass was shown blotting out a star at one point, Saturn Girl telepathically coordinated city-wide evacuations with her brain, while Element Lad changed the atmosphere of a planet. These are legendary heroes, worthy to be traveling in the company of Daxamites and Kryptonians, in some cases the most powerful and skilled examples of entire species of millions, or even *billions* of members. None of this, "I can transmute something I can touch. For 60 seconds..." crap.

So it was a joy to see Sensor Girl, alone and disoriented, pretty much single-handedly stymie the JLA and JSA. Dr. Midnight is all, 'But I have infrared vision!' and Superman is, 'Well, yeah, but that's *what she does,* so accept that she's gonna be good at it...'

I'm a little more ambiguous about situations where a characters powers are changed to make them more useful, such as the WaK reboot and Superboy's Legion's takes on Shadow Lasses powers. (I loved it in Superboy's Legion, since it was explicity spelled out, but found it very annoying in the WaK threeboot, since she was shown blocking Sun Boy's fire blast with it during the inter-Legion bickerfest, and later again shown blasting someone in the gut with it and hurting them, despite it *never being stated* that she was anything other than Lights Out Lass. Grr...) Quite a few Legionnaires could use some power-tweakage, and, particularly the femmes, who got a pretty raw deal (and mostly passive 'girly' powers) back in the day. Quite a few male Legionnaires have been tweaked downward (with Star Boy and Wildfire having lost *massive* amounts of power since their introductions), and I wouldn't mind at all Shadow Lass or Triplicate Girl getting a leg up. (Imagine Triplicate Girl's powers ramping up and allowing her to be more like Madrox!) Karate Kid would remain an exception. His ability to be competitive with skill instead of power is very much the point, in his case. [Smile]

Light Lass to Lightning Lass and Projectra to Sensor Girl are more 'organic' transitions that I'm good with. Given that it was 'Naltorian science' that gave Ayla her Light Lass powers, I would be thrilled to see 'Naltorian science' give them instead to Thom, to complement his 'make stuff heavy' power, while Ayla sticks to throwing lightning around, since they've pretty much abandoned the old 'can't have two people with the same powers' rule anyway to allow people like Superboy, Supergirl and Mon-El to all be members.

[ June 05, 2007, 05:43 PM: Message edited by: Set ]
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
I like them being powerful myself. The examples you gave were perfect Set.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
I think Phantom Lady's pretty suitable for Tinya, given that she's the daughter of a woman who's been president in more than one continuity.

How about Shady Lady for Tasmia?

I'd like to see a Lyle Norg who's of the same ages as his peers and has the ultra-observant spy thing going on. And the applied science background.

In short, reboot Lyle inserted into whatever continuity's going to be ongoing.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Hmm... I could get used to "Shady Lady"...
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
Why not "Shlady" for short?
Posted by Lone Wolf Legionnaire on :
I'd like to keep the Core membership to about 16 or so with the remaining Legionaires becoming the Subs for the group like say if Jo's on a special mission or on leave call in Lar to cover for him and maybe they can have their own Adventures from time to time,As for the re-boot Zero Hour characters the Legion Academy looks like a good place to re-introduce them think of them as the New Mutants to the Legions X-Men,as for the 5YG characters mix and match them up with the Heroes of Lallor and the Wanderers to form The New Wanderers,Also I would like to see Dave Cockrum's original idea for Tyr as the leader of a group of Bounty Hunters using some characters from the original Legion's continuity.

Hey thats 5 titles I'd buy every month 6 if they published the original Legion bi-weekly.

[ June 05, 2007, 08:07 PM: Message edited by: Lone Wolf Legionnaire ]
Posted by Kryptaku on :
You know, this is a much harder question to answer than I original anticipated. I wouldn't keep a single thing so far from the 3Boot, but there are definitely aspects of the reboot that I loved. Gates and XS being the main bits.

What would I really do? Hmm, I think I would restart the book again, right after the ZH Merge of the Adult Legion and SW6. I would have them un-combine ... but, due to the fluctuations of the time stream, I would have dead Legionnaires come back to life, and have SW6 copies of more of them.

So, basically, I'd like the adult Legion with dead members back ... and a young SW6 Legion with more members as well as new members such as Gates and XS ... that way you could have the Gates/Brainiac 5 friendship without having to retcon it back to the beginning of the team. And XS could join to honor her mom who was killed in the Dominator Invasion.

Of course, I would also make SW6 take place at the brand new Legion Academy, and thats where all the new team members would go to train. Basically, the SW6 Legion book would be the Legion version of "Generation X", which I would read in a heartbeat ... and it would occassionally cross over with the adult Legion. But, mostly, they'd have their own stories.

This is the way that DC should have taken it, in my opinion.
Posted by googoomuck on :
I'd rather not see any of the SW6 stuff. Just start it up before the John Byrne Superman revamp. Gradually re-introduce some of the re-boot Legionaires XS, Gates along with Kono & Devlin O'Ryan from the 5YG.
Posted by Superboy on :
I am definitely in favor of assigning the various Legions to their own earths...I don't want them put together, in some cases that is an impossibility.

Besides DC has 52 Earths...and since back in the days of the old multiverse, alternate Legions have always been a part of them.

Not only would I like to see the various Legions we know of get their own Earths...I'd like to see some additional Legions...

Like Superboy's Legion, or some of the other Elseworld's Legions, as well as ones we haven't seen.

Even when they do bring the orginal Legion back, I wouldn't mind seeing some of the chracters of other the other Legions finding their way into the PC Legion's contuity...

I'd like Laurel Gand to be brought in(kinda makes sense Mon would have relatives on Daxam), Gates, Gear, Kent Shakespeare, XS is a definite, possibly Thunder...

It would be cool.

Man I don't know about you guys, but the Legion of 3 World's sounds like it's going to be a lot of fun. I love that DC is finally giving the Legion and the 30-31 century universe the respect it deserves...


You know what would be cool? And would take guts?

If they actually split the Shooter Swan Legion off from the Bates Cockrum and had an Earth with the Shooter Swan Legion still on it...with chronicles still to be told in the Silver Age....

You see, the Byrne revamp wasn't the first time the Legion got banished to oblivion for absolutely no reason...the first time was when they were pulled out of Adenvture and put in as a backup in Action...

That would be so awesome...say Shooter Perez(big Curt Swan fan and heavily influenced by him)...picking up the SA Legion from the end of the Shooter Swan Run.

Man I love that the multiverse is back...

People should not be worried about the Post Crisis versions of the we can see, those Earths and timelines still exist...I'm just worried that they aren't going to bring this Original Legion back full time...but I think they will. It deserves better than oblivion.

I think the Legion Cartoon probably also has it's own Earth....

[ June 05, 2007, 11:09 PM: Message edited by: Superboy ]
Posted by Sir Tim Drake on :
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
Hmm... I could get used to "Shady Lady"...

How about "The Naughty Lady of Shady Lane"?
Posted by Matthew E on :
Here's what I'd really do. I'd forget about the Legion showing up in JLA/JSA. I'd bring back the Legion as it was right before 'End of an Era', with the SW6ers and everything. I'd give Brainy a haircut. I'd put the SW6ers and the older Legionnaires into one group, but I'd pare down the membership in some non-traumatic way so that there wouldn't be all these doubles wandering around confusing the issue. I'd let the older Legionnaires keep their sad-ass '90s 'Legion on the Run' codenames, Polestar and Virus and all that stuff (except for NRG and 5. Those names must go). I'd bring back Kono and Veilmist and Flederweb and Kent Shakespeare; I'd grow back Dawnstar's wings.

And then I would tell some kickass space adventure superhero stories about them. And I wouldn't touch Mordru, Glorith, the Dominion, the Khunds, Starfinger or Universo for at least the first fifty issues.

I would make it clear that the reboot and threeboot Legions existed on parallel Earths, and I would have crossovers.
Posted by Set on :
Originally posted by Matthew E:
I'd bring back Kono and Veilmist and Flederweb and Kent Shakespeare; I'd grow back Dawnstar's wings.

And the irony of Legion fandom is that I didn't know that Dawnstar ever lost her wings, and I have no idea who these other four people are, other than one is named after a fruit drink, Sketch Lad loves to draw Veilmist (and, despite being purple and sexy, she's supposed to be a member of the ugly yellow Khunds???) and Kent Shapespeare is a regular poster here.

Oh, and Fledermaus is German for bat (or flying mouse, technically). I know that, too. [Smile]

Somewhere after the Baxter Legion I lost track.

I've seen Gates, XS, Monstress, etc. in the once or twice a year very depressing genre-smothering Blight / Robotican / Terrorform / psycho-killer Element Lad / Ras al-Ghul can whistle and paralyze Durlans, outwit Brainy and move faster than Mon-El (wtf?) crapfests I picked up between then and the WaK threeboot, but I completely missed all of these characters.

Anyone have any idea if JLA/JSA are seeing any sort of sales impact from the Legion appearance? Younger fans losing interest on the story focus on a bunch of characters from the 80s? Sales upticking from old fogeys like me picking up books they otherwise wouldn't have touched?
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
I forgot about the codename Phase. I'd take Phase or Apparition before Phantom Woman. [Smile]

No one wants the ZH Legion back but everybody wants elements/characters of it. Gates and XS being the frontrunners. Those were my personal favorites. I like Dragonmage as well.
Posted by Matthew E on :
No one wants the ZH Legion back
I do!
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
I'd certainly bring back Veilmist and Kent Shakespeare maybe as a healer?

I would also bring them back a few months after the Magic Wars. Have the founders rejoin after MW to bring stability to the Legion. Induct atleast three new members right away. Have the Academy be like the New Mutants as others have suggested. Make sure the new members are the best and brightest heroes around. Maybe have a new member with a similiar "useless" power save the day like Bouncing Boy and join, etc.

And I agree no earth, galaxy, universe threats for atleast 30 issues. [Smile]
Posted by Chemical King on :
For me, it would be important that as many of the old stories as possible will still be valid in the new continuity. The classics, the Shooter Legion, the dead Legionnaires (yes, even Chem), the relationships and so on.

I doubt that anything of 5YL will be returning, which I consider a pity cause I liked the stories and their complexity a whole lot but I guess it's too much to hope for. I don't even believe that the time period of Magic Wars will be back, I rather guess they might start right after the LSV Baxter series start (when KK was killed).

What else should be back? Certainly NOT XS and Monstress, though I am open to new characters as long as the old ones are all returning (including Magnetic Kid and Tellus).

If the old stories keep their validity, then let there be new adventures for our long missed heroes. I guess there's a million of stories to be told. Considering the complexity of modern storytelling, there might even be potential for a new 5YL - SciFi superhero stories "Lost" style...
Posted by Chemical King on :
Originally posted by Ultra Jorge:
I forgot about the codename Phase. I'd take Phase or Apparition before Phantom Woman. [Smile]

No one wants the ZH Legion back but everybody wants elements/characters of it. Gates and XS being the frontrunners. Those were my personal favorites. I like Dragonmage as well.

Wasn't Dragonmage already there Pre-ZH? I remember him as a "Legionnaires" character pretty soon in that series... had a Trading Card of him...

And no, I don't want any ZH characters back [Smile] Especially not XS (quote Marv Wolfman: It's very hard to write a decent team story with a speedster in it... you always have to explain why he wasn't there first and solved all the problems til the rest of the team arrived).
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
XS was one of my favorite reboot additions. She was sweet, young, in over her head (at first), and fun.

As for Marv Wolfman's objection, it could apply to any number of very powerful characters, including Superboy, Supergirl, Mon-El, Ultra Boy, and Wildfire.
Posted by Doctor One on :
My wish list:

-Everything very close to preboot history

-I'm happy to see KK and Sensor Girl at the same time. I'm mildly curious about how this happened, but continuity bumps have never bothered me too much

-I'd like to see the Emerald Empress (Sarya) alive and kicking. Maybe the eye takes the dust of Sarya's body and puts it back together...

-Most of the other stuff that I'd like to see can be introduced as future storylines. I'd like to have Gates, Xs, Kid Quantum II and yes, Monstress, as full-fledged Legionnaires. I've also always prefered Andromeda to Supergirl, but I realize that I'm in a minority here (I am firmly in the the-less-supercousins-in-the-Legion-the-better camp: although I appreciate the positive influence the Legion had on both Superman and Supergirl, I'd rather keep the Supercousins' involvement in future Legion stories to a minimum). Nightwind and Veilmist would also be cool inductees...

-Resurrections? Not a fan. I know, I've just accepted one, KK, proposed another one, the Empress, and am about to discuss a third one. I'm not exactly consequent. But Ferro Lad, Chem and possibly even Magnetic Kid, depending on where exactly we are on the timeline, should remain dead. I am also happy if we never see Tyroc again

-Having said that, I think it would be a great pity to lose Lyle. His death in the preboot was so exceedingly badly written that I was never sure that he was really dead, in spite of constantly being hit on the head with his golden statue. Maybe he could return from that spirit dimension where he supposedly is (or not? I really can't tell). I just love that character, especially in the way he was written in the reboot

-Oh, and before I forget, if we go back to a close-to-preboot continuity, I want Yera to die a horrible death. I've always HATED her, although I don't know exactly why. (Yes, I do, why did CB ever agree to marry her? The impersonator of someone he supposedly loved? I've never understood. I'd rather have Colossal Boy as a widower.)

So there. That's what I want. And oh, yes, if for some miraculous reason the possibility opens up of having more than one Legion comic book, I would much rather have both titles in the same universe, whichever one that is. I realize that losing the reboot or the threeboot (or even the preboot) Legions sucks for fans who like them, but I would personally much rather dedicate the new space to flesh out one universe. I guess it's a matter of preference, an that is mine.

[ June 06, 2007, 08:04 PM: Message edited by: Doctor One ]
Posted by Set on :
I'm just chomping at the bit at the *hint* that the Legion could come back. DC could really recapture what Marvel has thrown away, a chance to write a book about *heroes,* filled with hope and adventure and yes, the occasional tragedy.

I think my favorite threeboot change, other than all the sex goin' on ('cause I'm a grown-up know, and the thought of a dozen good-looking teenagers being so monogamous looks pretty anachronistic by modern standards, let alone future standards) would be the buffing up of Dream Girl. The issue with the pre-cops was awesome. I didn't like *at all* the changes they made to Element Lad, or even Triplicate Girl, but Dream Girl really blossomed for me in the threeboot. Even if she's returned to her bubblehead affectation, I would love to see her turn out to be able to use her precognition in combat.
Posted by Monkey Eater Lad on :
Colorful costumes. Drab, uniformly uniform, and or non-descript costumes just make everything look less fun.
Posted by EmeraldEmpress on :
-Oh, and before I forget, if we go back to a close-to-preboot continuity, I want Yera to die a horrible death. I've always HATED her, although I don't know exactly why. (Yes, I do, why did CB ever agree to marry her? The impersonator of someone he supposedly loved? I've never understood. I'd rather have Colossal Boy as a widower.)

Yes I Hate Yera, too.
And bring back Spider Girl and Veilmist.
Posted by Tromium on :
Not only do I hate Yera, I hate R.J. Brande (Durlan or human), the little Ranzz tykes, and Invisible Kid II. Kill 'em all, or better yet, make sure they never existed in this continuity!
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
No way! The Ranzz tykes rock! The other three can be whited out for all I care, though... [Wink]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Bah! Jacques Foqart or bust!
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
Doctor One, we might have to settle for Laurel KENT instead of Gand. But I wouldn't mind a female daxamite either. [Wink]

I agree with Empress returning to "life". But I rather leave all the rest dead.

Yera and the Ranzz twins rock!!!
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
I liked Yera, too, nothwithstanding the dubious circumstances of her arrival and marriage to Gim. (Which only shows how screwed up they both were!)

But Yera as the civilian wife of a Legionnaire had possibilities, which were only briefly touched on in her final appearance in v.3. Yera and Gim have an argument over his risking his neck while still injured, yet she also throws in the fact that he's spending more time with the Legion than with her and suggests that she gave up her acting career to be his wife. All of this mirrors real anxieties married couples face, particularly when one of them is a police officer or a soldier. I would like to have seen this explored some before Giffen threw everything ahead five years.

The fact that Gim and Yera had a biracial marriage and that she came from a culture that was shunned by others served as a metaphor for similar issues today. I don't recall it being explored much, but the potential was there.
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
Plus how nice is to have a shape-shifting wife?! [Wink]
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Probably about as nice as it is for her to have a husband that grow to gigantic size! [Wink]
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
See, that's why they stayed married. (Who says there' no realism in comics? [Love]
Posted by Set on :
Ooh, just remembered something I'd love to see return to the Legion.

Reader participation. Back in the day, it was sixteen different kinds of cool that readers got to vote for Legion leader, got the chance to propose characters to appear in the tryouts and were encouraged to send in costume designs.

I don't care how dorktastic it was, it was the coolest thing ever, actually soliciting the fans to contribute their kooky ideas.
Posted by Reboot on :
I want to pick up from the end of ''The Legion'' #34 (minus Superboy, who could trip over a brick or something), but I'm sure that surprises no-one [Smile]
Posted by MLLASH on :
The try-out issue.

Those are always fun.
Posted by Superboy-Supergirl on :
Probably about as nice as it is for her to have a husband that grow to gigantic size! [Wink]

Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
Yeah I love the try out issues!
Posted by Superboy-Supergirl on :
i would love Laurel Kent back as a legion member...hey it can happen in the mulitiverse there had to have been decsendanance of superman in the 31th century.
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
I'd like Laurel Kent back as well. But I wouldn't mind a female daxamite also. I prefer a brunette. [Wink] And not a Gand. Make it less complicated. She's born a mutant with no weakness to lead.

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