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Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
Hello? Anyone?

I think when I started reading he was a Durlan already. Why I liked it? Well I didn't care for the character until I found it he was secretly a durlan and Cham's father.

He was just a rich Santa Claus until I found that out. [Smile]

The ramifications? In v4 they did some nice stories set around that fact. In L.E.G.I.O.N.? How can you not like it?!?!?!

Ok I can easily understand why you don't like it. But I liked it darn it!
Posted by Caliente on :
Me, me, me, me! I thought it was absolutely fabulous. [Big Grin] Yay Durlan!RJ~
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Hmm... can't say I'm a fan of R. J. Brande at all, Durlan or otherwise... [Wink]
Posted by Stealth on :
Originally posted by Ultra Jorge:
In L.E.G.I.O.N.? How can you not like it?!?!?!

That was one of the best L.E.G.I.O.N. issues (# 23 -- if you're reading this and you haven't yet read L.E.G.I.O.N. # 23, buy the back issue, it's cheap; heck, buy the first 51 issues of L.E.G.I.O.N.)
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
I was indifferent to it until the Cham-invades-Khundia story line and its aftermath. Cham made an utterly stupid mistake because he couldn't adjust to the fact that his father was alive and had been close to him all these years. Then, R.J. accompanied him to Durla so Cham could get his powers back, and they finally bonded. Wonderful story.

I didn't like the idea of R.J. being the Durlan from L.E.G.I.O.N., though. That was a bit much.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Hmm... R. J. Brande as Protean might have been interesting...
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
R.J. Brande as Dynamo Boy. That would have *really* been interesting. [Eek!]
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
A Durlan? Yes

The Durlan? No
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
A Durlan? Yes

The Durlan? No

If your point is that THE Durlan was such a great character and that the Brande character was fine in very, very small chunks, well then, we agree. However I loved "the switch." I thought it clever even if I didn't like the resolution for Tinya. I thought that a bit of a cop-out and they never did follow through on the third body (did they?).
Posted by Stealth on :
Originally posted by Blockade Boy:
Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
A Durlan? Yes

The Durlan? No

If your point is that THE Durlan was such a great character and that the Brande character was fine in very, very small chunks, well then, we agree. However I loved "the switch." I thought it clever even if I didn't like the resolution for Tinya. I thought that a bit of a cop-out and they never did follow through on the third body (did they?).
See, that's why I'm glad I stopped reading L.E.G.I.O.N. when I did. By the time the resolution happened, none of the original creators or editors were involved. In my mind, "the switch" stayed the way it was.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Durlan Brande beats the heck out of crappy-foster-father Brande of the reboot.

His absence in this boot is palette-cleansing. If there's another version, and there's an RJ in it, the bitter taste of non-Durlan Brande will be washed away.
Posted by lil'rhino on :
I liked the idea of him possibly being the Martian Manhunter & starting the Legion as an homage to the JLA.
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
Yeah RJ as a non-Durlan is just boring.

Rhino, I was hoping in the ZH boot they would've made him the Martian Manhunter as well.

I'm glad he hasn't shown up in WaK's Legion personally. [Smile]
Posted by Kid Quislet on :
I liked the idea RJ was a Durlan. It spiced up his character immensely and made for an interesting mini-series "Secrets of the Legion". I also enjoyed the story where he journeyed with Cham back to Durla (after the Great Darkness Saga).

The fact that RJ was Durlan who came to grips with the loss of his powers was not explored enough for me; only touched upon in the story mentioned above.
Posted by Matthew E on :
Here's an idea. I just thought of this.

I invite you to consider all the possibilities this idea raises before you tell me I'm a freaking idiot.

R.J. Brande is Booster Gold.
Posted by Kid Quislet on :

Supernova, maybe ...
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
I was going to suggest R. J. Brande as the Time Trapper, but HWW kind of already did. [Wink]
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
Thanks to time travel and his latent Durlan powers, R.J. could be ALL of the Legion's supporting characters.

Even Shvaughn. [Smile]
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
His The Durlan looks is exactly like the Trapper's.

I think he was Reflecto as well and atleast one Legion villain. Magpie?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
As a Durlan? That was pretty cool, but I'm largely ambivalent.

*THE* Durlan? Now *that* was awesome.
Posted by doublechinner on :
I loved it! I loved the arc with Reep and Brande on Durla. I loved Brande weeping when Reep was sentenced to Takron Galtos: "They put the binders on you, did they, boy?" I imagine Brande sounds exactly like Mr. Crabs from Sponge Bob.
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
I love the arc with Reep and Brande on Durla as well. That is the main reason I'm a fan of Brande as Durlan.
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
I liked Brande before he was Cham's dad, and had NO trouble accepting the fact that he was Cham's dad.

I also liked the way Levitz wrote their relationship.

I think of Brande as being a fatter Walter Cronkite. Imagine WC saying, "And that's the way it is, by damn!"
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Brande as a Durlan was a good surprise at the time and the eventual backstory was pretty interesting. I was always hoping that R.J. himself would travel back to the 20th century, find L.E.G.I.O.N., recognize Tinya and set everything straight.

Although I liked the idea of R.J. as the Martian Manhunter, the personality never matched; Jonn Jonn'z always seems so serious. R.J. breaking out of Durla's paranoid and severe culture provided a good explanation for his ebullient character.

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