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Posted by Lightning Lad on :
You'll need to be patient with me as I'm still looking through the images for July. But I did manage to grab the Legion image already. Not sure who the artist is but it appears a certain person is still hanging around. And, unfortunately, it definitely isn't up to the quality we are used to with Barry.

Just added, the one we've all been waiting for. Perez and the Legion!

Think that's it for the month.













Click for fullsize image
Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes #32
Written by Tony Bedard
Art and cover by Dennis Calero
"The Quest for Cosmic Boy" begins! The Legionnaires have lost their longtime leader, Cosmic Boy - but was he captured by enemies or did he flee responsibility for his "war crime"? The Legion's newly elected leader makes a hard decision her first day on the job and sends out teams of Legionaires in search of Cosmic Boy. Will they be prepared for what they find?
On sale July 25 o 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US

Click for fullsize image
Brave and the Bold #5
Written by Mark Waid
Art by George Pérez & Bob Wiacek
Cover by Pérez
All roads lead back to Earth for the final showdown over the Book of Destiny, whose possessor will have the knowledge of all that has ever been or will be! Every guest star involved will have the opportunity to glance inside the book, including Batman, Green Lantern, Supergirl, Blue Beetle, Lobo and more!
On sale July 18 o 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US

Click for fullsize image
Justice Society of America #7
Written by Geoff Johns
Art by Dale Eaglesham
Cover by Alex Ross
Variant cover by Eaglesham
Meet the newest member of the Justice Society of America: Citizen Steel! What happens when Nathan Heywood, the grandson of Commander Steel, awakens to find himself completely and utterly alone in a way he never thought possible? Changed into something far more bizarre than Dr. Mid-Nite could ever imagine? Plus, the secrets of 52 begin to make themselves known in the world of the Justice Society! Retailers: This issue will feature two covers that may be ordered separately. The Standard Edition cover is by Alex Ross; one copy of the Variant Edition, with a cover by Dale Eaglesham, may be ordered for every 10 copies of the Standard Edition ordered. Please see the Previews Order Form for further details.
On sale July 5 o 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US

[ April 16, 2007, 05:22 PM: Message edited by: Lightning Lad ]
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Wow. Barry come back!!!! Please!!!
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
What the hell is that supposed to be in the corner of the BaB cover? The mind boggles and wanders in to territories usually only visited by Pov. [Wink]

[ April 16, 2007, 12:10 AM: Message edited by: Lightning Lad ]
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
Batman's wearing a Legion flight ring. I always thought it would be Robin.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
I'm assuming JSA #7 is the final part of the Lightning Saga. Since JLA seems to have gone on while JSA was postponed for a month I think #7 is the finale.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Re: BB #5 cover...

Dream Girl's alive and well. But, no Cosmic Boy, Projectra, Timber Wolf, or Sun Boy. Wonder what that means...?
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
Well I love the SLoSH cover. Very different from Barry's work but it has a Sci-Fi Movie poster thing working.

The B&tB cover I don't like so much. Maybe it'll look better with the final colours.
Posted by Doctor One on :
I am just tired of Supergirl. I'd really like to see some Legion covers that don't feature her prominently.
Posted by Omni Craig on :
Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
What the hell is that supposed to be in the corner of the BaB cover? The mind boggles and wanders in to territories usually only visited by Pov. [Wink]

Scott are you talking about the lower right side that looks like two pink blobs? I wondered that too, but when I looked at the whole cover, it appears to be the same background as the top, with the Legion only appearing in the darkness of Batman's cape.

Hey, it's either that or Proty... ( [Wink] )
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
I know they were using the cape but the coloring was a poor choice. Hopefully it'll look better in the final version.

But if it is Proty...
Posted by Blacula on :
re: SLoSH #32 cover - I don't mind it. Brainiac 5 looks a bit weird but Cham and Supergirl look pretty good. That said, Supergirl is worse than pre-boot Superboy when it comes to hogging cover space - I'd be really sick of her if I was actually still reading this book.

re: B&B #5 cover - is it possible to be simultaneously elated and disappointed. On the one hand we're getting my favourite team drawn by my favourite artist in one of my favourite current books. On the other hand it is this worthless 3boot version of the team and Perez seems to have turned in FAR from his best work. What on earth has happened to Thom, Lyle and Tasmia?

re: JSoA #7 cover - Alex Ross is a great artist and the shine effect on Citizen Steel's costume is excellent but I'm looking forward to seeing Ross finish up these spotlight covers and doing something a little different with them.
Posted by Set on :
That's Perez? My God man! That's awful!

Shadow Lass looks like she's being played by Michael Jackson-pretending-to-be-Marilyn Manson!

Plus the blobby pink space-bosums are really distracting...

And yes, Supergirl and her less-popular-sidekicks #32 has yet more wasted space dedicated to people who aren't Supergirl, I see. They aren't killing them off fast enough. Soon the title will be properly renamed Supergirl in the 30th Century and they'll get rid of this 'Legion of Super-Heroes' stuff that's detracting from Kara's screentime.

[ April 16, 2007, 01:48 AM: Message edited by: Set ]
Posted by Doctor One on :
So, what's the deal with Cham's bubble helmet thingy? No trans-suits available? And why doesn't Brainy have one?
Posted by Insomniac Girl on :
Since I happen to find the LoSH cover fantastic I'll now rave about its very dynamic look, cool perspective and composition. [Smile]
I also really like the pencil outlines, strong in some places and cancelled out in others. Can't quite decide whether there's something wonky about Kara's eyes, though.

Before having the cape thing pointed out I mistook the right hand pink space on the B&B cover for some kind of asymmetrical space-butt. All those misconceptions of naked, free-floating anatomy probably stem from the cover's flatness - there's no perceptible depth to it. Maybe coloring it differently will help in that regard, but surely won't help with certain... well, facial oddities some of those poor Legionnaires are sporting.
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
Yah my first thought at the B&tB was that there was a digital fill covering a spoiler. Of course they could all be trapped in the Power Girl Nebula.

I actually want to know who did that Slosh cover too. The more I look at it the more I like it.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Count me as really liking the SLOSH cover, though I could do without the presence of Supergirl. I [Love] the bubble headed Chameleon, though!

The BatB cover is horrible, however.
Posted by Mediocre Boy on :
I like the SLoSH cover, too--except for Cham's glass helmet. Besides, if he needs a helmet for some reason, wouldn't he need a whole spacesuit as well?! Oh well.

As for that Perez cover: yuck! Val, Cham, Thom, and Jim in particular are horribly rendered.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Originally posted by Mediocre Boy:
[QB]I like the SLoSH cover, too--except for Cham's glass helmet. Besides, if he needs a helmet for some reason, wouldn't he need a whole spacesuit as well?! Oh well.

Tell that to Tellus!
Posted by doublechinner on :
Power Girl Nebula! [LOL] That's what I was thinking too! [LOL] (Well, except I wasn't clever about it, I was just thinking "wow, big hooters!")
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Originally posted by Nightcrawler:
Re: BB #5 cover...

Dream Girl's alive and well. But, no Cosmic Boy, Projectra, Timber Wolf, or Sun Boy. Wonder what that means...?

Looks like half of a two-cover pair to me.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Updated with solicit text.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Hmm... "The Quest for Cosmic Boy" actually sounds kind of cool.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
But not who wins the election. [Disgusting]
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
Sounds like they need to capture him to stand trial. I would guess that the leader is probably one of closer friends on the team. Hence the hard decsion.

Saturn Girl, Phantom Girl or Light Lass I'd guess. Maybe Shady.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
But not who wins the election. [Disgusting]

[Confused] Are you assuming it's Supergirl?
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Originally posted by Tamper Lad:
Saturn Girl, Phantom Girl or Light Lass I'd guess. Maybe Shady.

I think it's Theena.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Originally posted by Tamper Lad:
Sounds like they need to capture him to stand trial. I would guess that the leader is probably one of closer friends on the team. Hence the hard decsion.

I thought she was falling for him as he her so that's what would make the decision hard.

Besides I didn't say who. Maybe it's just the fact that they are saying a girl will lead the team. That just means trouble.

Now, if you will excuse me, I need to head for shelter. I can already hear the rumblings from here.
Posted by stephbarton on :
Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes #32
Written by Tony Bedard
Art and cover by Dennis Calero
"The Quest for Cosmic Boy" begins! The Legionnaires have lost their longtime leader, Cosmic Boy - but was he captured by enemies or did he flee responsibility for his "war crime"? The Legion's newly elected leader makes a hard decision her first day on the job and sends out teams of Legionaires in search of Cosmic Boy. Will they be prepared for what they find?
On sale July 25 o 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US

Man, I hope Cosmic Boy is being framed for those "war crimes." I'm not sure if I could support a Legion where they aren't heroes.

Oh, and when does Supergirl leave this title, I'm so over her.

On a more positive note, I'm glad to see the Legion breaking into smaller teams to do a mission. This should give us more characterization than we've seen in the past.
Posted by stephbarton on :
Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
Maybe it's just the fact that they are saying a girl will lead the team. That just means trouble.

Now, if you will excuse me, I need to head for shelter. I can already hear the rumblings from here.

Where have you heard that's the new leader is a girl?

And yes, you need to run now.

Sorry for the double post, but Lightning Lad posted when I was working on my first reply and I wanted to respond to him, and I'm not spiffy enough with the boards to deal with multiple quotes without making a big mess of things.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
"her first day" seem to indicate that the new leader is female.
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
Bah, chasing LL around Legion World for his girl as a leader comment is a mission that's too dangerous for a girl.

Send Proty and the SuperPets.
Posted by The Man From Cargg on : is one positive thing about the B+B cover...Tinya is NOT orange skinned!
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Originally posted by Tamper Lad:
Bah, chasing LL around Legion World for his girl as a leader comment is a mission that's too dangerous for a girl.

Send Proty and the SuperPets.

Sorry, currently non-existent. And at least a certain one will stay that way even if I have to have some family pay a visit to DC's HQ. They can be very persuasive.
Posted by wamu2 on :
on the one hand, I enjoy seeing this Legion showing up on another cover. on the other hand, I don't plan on buying B & B anytime soon.

Cos a war criminal. yeah right, as someone else mentioned, it must be a frame up. or will the dominators claim it was a rogue group that attacked Earth and that attacking the planet was wrong? time will tell.
Posted by Matthew E on :
The new leader is probably Shadow Lass. Which I would enjoy, because I think she's almost certainly totally wrong for the job. I don't think she's enough of a diplomat, and I'm not sure she knows it.

But if it was Theena, that'd be cool too; she'd be my dark horse candidate.
Posted by stephbarton on :
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
"her first day" seem to indicate that the new leader is female.

doh! Reading comprehension helps.
Posted by wndola1 on :
Wow, Brainy is out and out staring up her skirt ;-) there's hope for him yet.

I know covers have been rather disconected from storylines lately, but I am thinking Supergirl won the election. That would account for why Brainy is really staring at her...

I think SG was tickled Cos liked her and thought it would be fun to try him out, but with the insults per shared frame time ratio between brainy and Kara I think those 2 are the ones to watch if bedard has been following along.
Posted by wndola1 on :
Oh and normally I would assume Brainy doesn't need the helmet because of his force field... but um where is his belt?
Posted by Set on :
Originally posted by wndola1:
Oh and normally I would assume Brainy doesn't need the helmet because of his force field... but um where is his belt?

Holding up his pants?

Oh wait, he's not wearing any!!!

Go Brainy! Swing it!

And is that a big honkin' *gun* he's holding behind Superthang, or he just happy to see her?

[ April 17, 2007, 02:47 AM: Message edited by: Set ]
Posted by wndola1 on :
yeah I caught that gun thing too. Looks like he appropriated it from one of those mechas floating in the background.

Man if this is going to be anything like Negation I may have to do a happy dance.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
It could be Cham and they're just using the "her" to befuddle us.
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Random speculation time.

Cham has claws??

Brainy is missing an eye, replaced with a yellow glow??

Your assignment troops, should you choose to accept it, is make up the most implausible and explosive explanation for this particular minor cover point.

[Big Grin]
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
Cham can have any hands he wants.

And Brainy has the Coluan version of "pink eye".
Posted by Set on :
Note that Cham and Supey are floating in space, while the T-5000 Terminator 'Brainiac' model is standing on a replica of the Death Star.
Posted by Spellbinder on :
Hmmmm... I personally like the BaB cover. I think it shows just how good Perez is that he can feature so many different faces on the same cover, and really they all look a little distinct, even without the coloring and alienisms some of the characters have.

That said, my first impression was to wonder why there was a huge pink ass in the bottom corner, but then I realized what it was [Smile]
Posted by KryptonKid on :
Originally posted by Nightcrawler:
Re: BB #5 cover...

Dream Girl's alive and well. But, no Cosmic Boy, Projectra, Timber Wolf, or Sun Boy. Wonder what that means...?

And no Mon-el, Dream Boy, or Theena. With Dream Girl back and Batman sporting one I suppose flight rings are in short supply.

[Superboy - Kon-El]
Posted by wndola1 on :
I was just thinking how much this cover reminded me of Negation with the big blond uber powerful girl, the super smart guy with a big gun, lots of post apocalyptic outer space and of course the claws sent it over the top. If you remember Negation was another shared Mark Waid/Tony Bedard project

So I amthinking this cover is more of an Homage than a plot reveal but I could be wrong. Didn't Bedard say he wasn't going to focus on Brainy?

[ April 17, 2007, 10:55 AM: Message edited by: wndola1 ]
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
Wow, I kept saying how I wanted Perez to draw the Legion. I hate that BoB cover! I think he tried to hard to make it look like Kitson's Legion. Rather have him do his own take...and by that I mean not have them look short and 13 years old. [Smile]
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
And I actually like the Legion cover. The issue description sounds cool.
Posted by Tromium on :
Another thumbs up for Calero's S/LSH cover. A space-quest sounds like a really neat premise, too. I guess that makes Cosmic Boy the Legion's Holy Grail.

The kindest thing I can say about the B&B cover is that it's a boring and awkward composition compared to Barry's dynamic group portraits. I wonder if they'll actually travel to the 21st century, or they're just a page in the Book of Destiny.

I'm not concerned about Timber Wolf and Sun Boy since Bedard mentioned he was going to use them. If it's Mon-El choice to stay with Mekt and the Wanderers, I hope they're active in Bedard's arc as well.

I suspect Dream Boy's absence (death?) figures into the return of Dream Girl.
Posted by jimgallagher on :
Originally posted by Set:
And is that a big honkin' *gun* he's holding behind Superthang, or he just happy to see her?

Nope, it's a proctology scope, which is why Kara looks perturbed. And Brainy's eye is missing because she blasted it out with a super fart.

I really hope Saturn Girl's not the next leader. She'll just use those super medallions to steal everybody's powers again. How old hat is that?
Posted by Director Lad on :
Call me unimpressed with both covers. I'm not sure which is the more disappointing: the fact that we go from Barry's tight, sharp linework to this over-colored piece of trendiness or the slapdash facial anatomy of Perez's work. He used to be amazing at rendering faces, but this is unbearable!
Posted by jimgallagher on :
I admit that Perez's cover is disappointing, but the bright side is Dream Girl's on it! Yay!

I like the other cover and I know Supegirl's been over-featured on the covers, but she's been pretty under featured in the book lately. Check out last issue. Her face is huge on the cover and she's the only Legionnaire on it, but inside she's got what? 3 panels?
Posted by Kid Quislet on :
Perez's cover: I didn't think it was so bad.
1) "The Super Bozos - of Space!" got everyone's attention.
2) There will probably be a big ole bar code slapped over most of it when published.
PS - Judging from the page quality of the previous B&B issues, Mr Perez has been working real hard - let's cut him some slack.

LoSH Cover: I really like the sci-fi feel to it.
Posted by Haggard Lad on :
I actually like the B&B cover. That books has been really fun so far. I like that the Fatal Five are not going to be the only Legion-related part of this story.
Posted by Vee on :
George Perez is actually very excited to be able to feature the Legion in B&B, so I seriously doubt that they will simply be a page in the Book of Destiny.
Posted by Kid Quislet on :
Re: Legion #32 cover

It just occurred to me why Cham is wearing a helmet;
he is wearing the official Legion Leader head bowl, a la early Cosmic Boy.
Posted by Igee The Mighty on :

I love it! It's no Kitson & perhaps not detail-perfect but that doesn't mean it's bad at all. It reminds me to an extent of Jason Pearson & Stuart Immonen. I havent't seen the interiors but Calero's artwork seems to be promising!

I like the fact that colorists today step up to fill in some of the details in finished artwork. Guess technology plays a big role in that. This isn't a coloring book so I believe that not every line needs to be there.

B&B Cover

Yikes! In no way is that Perez goodness! It's either Perez or (my personal theory) the inker, because that's just really painful to look at.

On what the cover hints at, wow, Batman with a flight ring! That make for some interesting reading.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Put me in the "likes it" camp for the S/LSH cover. It's got a flair I really like.

The B&tB cover isn't bad, but it isn't spectacular either. All in all, I'd rather be seeing Perez drawing the preboot LSH.
Posted by duck458 on :
Like the LSH cover but can't figure out:

Where is the end of that contraption in Brainy's right hand?

What happened to Brainy's left eye?

What's going on under Supergirl's left armpit?
Posted by The Daxamite Kid on :
Perez's cover may be weak, but his interior art is still great. I'll wait to see how the team looks inside.

Still, Batman with a flight ring is cool.....but Superman could still outfly him. [Wink]
Posted by jimgallagher on :
Do we know yet what issues of JLA and JSA will comprise the Lightning saga?
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
It runs 5 issues. JLA 8-10 and JSA 5-6.
Posted by Pov on :
Is Click Here For A Spoilerthe Trident reveal in JLA #7, though? That qualifies as an AR appearance, at least.
Posted by Matthew E on :
Yes, it's in #7.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Re-reading the 1st two parts... we see Thom (in JLA, I think) going "itsy bitsy" or something like that, while making hand gestures implying something small, while the others are discussing the scattered Legionnaires. Methinks Vi is one of the 7.
Posted by Chemical King on :
I don't think that the SLoSH cover is any good. Mediocre at best.

The problem with the Perez Brave Cover #5 is probably that it's only faces. That's a rather poor composition choice. It would have been much better if it would have been an action scene like #3 with the Fatal Five on it. Perez is trying to give every character a distinctive look, but at the same time not loosing the Kitson feel. That's impossible - because, even though I very much like Kitsons stuff, his faces to me are looking all alike. For me, it is rather impossible to tell the new Legionnaires from each other only by their faces, just like back in the 60s with John Fortes art. They are walking costumes - which might be part of the problem why I just don't dig this Threeboot - lack of personality!

Further problem is that Wiacek is not Perez' best inking choice - compare his work from Avengers inked by Al Vey with his Titans or Brave Bold stuff and you'll see the difference in the details. Vey is the perfect Perez inker!

So I don't think you can blame Perez for trying, but I think he should do his own thing. I just reread Brave and the Bold ##1-3 and it's wonderful even with Wiacek. I guess #5 will rule if he does not too much try to copy Kitsons look.

And then... let Perez loose on the Levitz Legion!!!

[ May 12, 2007, 04:57 AM: Message edited by: Chemical King ]
Posted by superboymddjr on :
Hey, August 2007 Solicititation will be up tomorrow right? If so, please spoil us a big time! *grin*
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Actually I think we have another week to go, the 21st.
Posted by superboymddjr on :
ohhhhh....... [Frown] thought it was on 2nd monday of every month...
oh well. *shaking head frowning*
Posted by Igee The Mighty on :
i believe DC releases solicits every mid-month, so it should be available by the 16th at best.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Nope, always a Monday so the 16th would be out. It will be next week. Usually the third Monday. If you look at when I started this thread it was the Sunday before the third Monday.
Posted by Igee The Mighty on :
unless it's a 5-wednesday month which opens the possibility of a week's delay...regardless, can't wait to read them solits!!!
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
The solicitation previews are up on Newsarama, so that indicates the should be out tomorrow!
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
I should be able to access the covers tomorrow, the solicits on Monday just before the 5:00 PM (Eastern) release time.

Anyone look at the previews Newsarama has? The hardcover for the covers of 52. I wish they'd do something like this for Barry's run on Legion.
Posted by superboymddjr on :
Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
I should be able to access the covers tomorrow, the solicits on Monday just before the 5:00 PM (Eastern) release time.

Anyone look at the previews Newsarama has? The hardcover for the covers of 52. I wish they'd do something like this for Barry's run on Legion.

also they mentioned Karate Kid seeing the Oracle - meaning he's gonna be in JLA or Birds of Prey??
Posted by Tekwych on :
Originally posted by superboymddjr:
also they mentioned Karate Kid seeing the Oracle - meaning he's gonna be in JLA or Birds of Prey??

Or he takes the red pill and enters the Matrix. [Razz]
Posted by Evolution Has Failed on :
Originally posted by superboymddjr:
Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
I should be able to access the covers tomorrow, the solicits on Monday just before the 5:00 PM (Eastern) release time.

Anyone look at the previews Newsarama has? The hardcover for the covers of 52. I wish they'd do something like this for Barry's run on Legion.

also they mentioned Karate Kid seeing the Oracle - meaning he's gonna be in JLA or Birds of Prey??
Ironically (this thread being for July solicitations, and discussing cover of B&B #5), that newsarama link has the AUGUST solicitation for S&LSH #33 (we have chomp!), though without a cover at the moment, AND the solicit for B&B #6, WITH cover...

Seems they're going all the way with the Ventura's an "LL"

Guess this should actually spawn a new thread...I'm too lazy, though.

post-edit: Whoa, they DO have the cover for S&LSH #33...very different, very cool! ALSO, yes, I DO see the other thread now...going there now...

[ May 25, 2007, 03:56 AM: Message edited by: Evolution Has Failed ]
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
But not who wins the election. [Disgusting]

[Confused] Are you assuming it's Supergirl?
Wasn't just an assumption, sorry to say.
Posted by lil'rhino on :
Originally posted by Director Lad:
Call me unimpressed

Hi unimpressed!

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