This is topic Who Should Be Legion Leader? The Official Campaign Thread! in forum Long Live the Legion! at Legion World.

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Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Use *this* thread to tell us why we should all support your choice for Legion leader!
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
Who's our hero?
Lightning Lad!!
He can do it
He's SOooo BAD!!!

He takes point! He inspires the youngsters.. Garth took down Terra Firma with ONE SHOT!

Lightning Lad kicks major nass! Go Garth!
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
Tinya! Tinya! Tinya!
Fashionable and Pretty
Gets along with everyone

Who needs substance?
She's got style.

(Authorized by the registered agent for WhoopNass with Wazzo)
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
I've always been a HUGE Tinya fan... but I say it's time for Tasmia.
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Starboy. He's a heavy-hitter.
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
Lightning Lad coined the term "Eat it Grandpa". The Legion needs to leave the advesarial relationship behind. We need a moderate face for the the UP. A new era of co-operation with the UP and the police.

Posted by doublechinner on :

My home town just re-elected a county board president who suffered a major stroke a week ago and spent election day in the hospital.


Dream Girl for Legion Leader!!! Dream-y! Dream-y! Dream-y! A little thing like death shouldn't get in the way of a successful campaign for elected office.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Originally posted by Tamper Lad:
Tinya! Tinya! Tinya!
Fashionable and Pretty
Gets along with everyone

Who needs substance?
She's got style.

(Authorized by the registered agent for WhoopNass with Wazzo)

Tamper is dead right here!

Its time for progress and cooperation, yet determination to stay true to the spirit of the Legion! Only Tinya could accomplish such a bridge!
Posted by Korbal on :
Tinya--can't even focus enough to have a simple conversation--her simultaneous existence in two dimensions makes her judgement questionable at least. I'd go with Garth, but the comment that he's always off Earth is problemental. Thus the only Legionnaire who has any governmental experience is Luornu--who has already ran an entire planet...
Posted by Stealth on :
Decisiveness without ego -- vote Shadow Lass for leader.
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
Originally posted by Korbal:
Tinya--can't even focus enough to have a simple conversation--her simultaneous existence in two dimensions makes her judgement questionable at least. I'd go with Garth, but the comment that he's always off Earth is problemental. Thus the only Legionnaire who has any governmental experience is Luornu--who has already ran an entire planet...

You say this like you think that intellectual capacity to follow briefings by staff and administrative experience and competence should be prerequisites for election. Next you'll say that real millitary service should be a prerequisite for sending soldiers to fight wars.

As for the front runner. Not only did he coin "Eat it Grandpa" his choice in the company he keeps make him the personal stooge of Delegate Ardeen. Who knows what machinations are at work in that Mother-Daughter-Garth dynamic.

Save the Legion! Stop Garth! Vote Tinya!
Posted by Matthew E on :
I think there are all kinds of narrative possibilities that would be opened up if Ultra Boy was leader.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
So, here's my process of reasoning:

First, eliminate the ruffians:

Ultra Boy
Shadow Lass
Light Lass

Next eliminate the flakes/crazies/those not very good at communicating with others:

Element Lad
Phantom Girl
Atom Girl

Then, eliminate the "If you want be Legion leader, get a proper Legion name!" crowd:

Princess Projectra
Timber Wolf
Brainiac Five

Now, we get rid of the founders, because they're boring as leaders:

Cosmic Boy
Saturn Girl
Lightning Lad

Then, we take out the "Shouldn't these guys be dead?" group:

Invisible Kid
Karate Kid

So, that basically leaves us with Star Boy, Micro Lad, and Triplicate Girl as potential candidates. Star Boy I'm not really seeing as leadership material, and, while Micro Lad would be really cool, I'm supporting Triplicate Girl because the Legion needs a kickass chick as the leader again!

So, in conclusion, Triplicate Girl rules, everyone else drools!

[ March 24, 2006, 06:13 PM: Message edited by: Eryk Davis Ester ]
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
EDE's analysis has a major flaw.

Shadow Lass is not a "ruffian." Yes, she can kick ass, but she has done soas a team player.

With that oversight corrected, comparing SL and TG, Tasmia is the clear choice.
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
I applaud the hard work of my fellow Legion Worlders! Obviously a lot of time and thought has gone into their work and their love of the Legionnaires burns brightly.
Give yourselves a round of applause, my friends. You deserve it!

The Founders have every reason to be proud of inspiring so many to such greatness. It's a wonder to behold.

This is EXACTLY the reason that Lightning Lad is a superior choice. The muscular Winathian twin is a role model of truly super-heroic proportions in every important way. His speech to the freightened youngsters in that face of doom and certain destruction gave heart and courage to the lost and desperate.

Garth's undoubted bravery and singular focus in dealing with Terra Firma in a bleak and deadly situation gave me goose bumps. THAT Lightning Lad was the hero he was born to be. THAT Lightning Lad showed supreme heart and a knowledge of battle tactics like no Lightning Lad we've ever seen.

Undoubtedly there are many Legionnaires that would satisfactorily, even admirably perform the duties of legion Leader but as it stands there is only one Legionnaire that stands above the others as a giant in attitude, guts and sheer determination.

THAT Legionnaire, ladies and gentlemen you all know well and have loved for years. THAT Legionnaire, ladies and gentlemen, if there is ANY justice in the universe and in the United Planets should be the newly elected Leader of The Legion of Super-Heroes!

The most obvious and truly the ONLY sane and valid choice for the exalted positon is...

Lightning Lad
Posted by disaster boy on :
i voted by process of elimination as well. not alot of good candidates but, i finally voted for shadow lass because she always seems to be cool and in control, unlike most of the other legionaires.
Posted by disaster boy on :
now that that comes out of my mouth, i realize she did steal soem glasses from some poor guy. thief!!! i take back my vote.

sun boy it is!
Posted by Omni Craig on :
Lightning Lad would be the best choice as leader. Who else can lead a charge into battle? [Lightning Lad]
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
The Charge of the Light(ning) Brigade!
Posted by Harbinger on :
C'mon guys and girls, you know in your heart of hearts that Brainiac 5 is the only choice - he's smart, ruthless and green! What more could you ask for?

Vote B5!
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Originally posted by Harbinger:
C'mon guys and girls, you know in your heart of hearts that Brainiac 5 is the only choice - he's smart, ruthless and green! What more could you ask for?

Vote B5!

Oh really? Would you trust this man and his 'crack' staff?


Vote for the real leader, one who actually fought in the recent war. Vote for Lightning Lad!
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
A frightening image...

And all the more reason to repeat support for SHADOW LASS as leader. While the incident with the glasses may appear troubling, we should applaud her daring and innovative approach to breaking through the wall of incapaciting fear of her older fellow sentients. What was seemingly a minor (and harmless) prank may have started the re-awakening of spirit and energy among the galaxy's adults. What foresight! What understanding of motivation!

Her many other fine leadership qualities have been previously cited by myself: Shadow Lass! She has lots of initiative, she tried to help Jo with his powers problem, she decked Nura while Val philosophized, she's concerned about Dirk leaving, she can fight, keeping up with Karate Kid, she doesn't hold grudges (burnt beds! and she still works with Brainy even if she thinks he's insufferable), she does what's good for the group (going on patrol for p.r. reasons) and she has a good personality - none of the postboot anger, but she seems like a tough lady who isn't going to get rattled easily.

We also now know that she does not let her personal life interfere with her Legion responsibilities. Although no longer in a romantic relationship with Karate Kid, she works easily and effectively alongside him - indicating her balanced and rational approach to dealing with people.

Furthermore, her creativity and frugality in the kitchen will surely translate into other administrative functions.

[ March 25, 2006, 03:04 AM: Message edited by: Fat Cramer ]
Posted by Monkey Eater Lad on :
If Tenzil or Chuck wins, I personally pledge photomanips for all*!

*photomanips will be of the manippers choice and will most likely involve goats in Saturn Girl's 70s one piece.

This message was paid for The Citizens For A Bounced & Matter-Eaten Legion.
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
A vote for Lightning Lad is the same as a vote for the Shameless Hussy and her mother.

Just say no to Imra touching your amygdala, your mind is your own. The choice is yours. For Now...

Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Wazzo calling Imra a hussy? That's the pot calling the kettle black. Just ask her last boyfriend Jarel and Karate Kid, who she led on. A vote for Wazzo is like voting for every girl who dumped you. Vote for Lightning Lad!
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Maybe Tasmia has her eye on another LSH position. Instead of leader, perhaps she's angling for Acquisitions Officer, as evidenced by her methods in #16.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Ultra Boy: Yeah, right. Let's see if he's the SP mole (double agent?) and how that plays out, if so. That sort of twist would make it worthwhile to revisit him... but currently? He's the last Legionnaire I'd want to see as leader.

Shadow Lass: Would have been my choice till she decided to embark on a petty crime spree.

Light Lass: She'd have a novel approach to coalition building...

Actually, Ayla'd be an interesting choice, eventually.

Element Lad: Waid has said he doesn't get him, so I'd prefer Jan stay *way* off the radar till Waid either gets a handle on him or is replaced by someone who has ideas for the character that don't involve assigning every historic trait associated with him to other Legionnaires.

Phantom Girl: A strong choice. I'd like to see this Tinya leading... but would the nature of her powers preclude effective leadership?

Atom Girl: I can envision Salu actively campaigning in her quest to appear 'big' to others. She might even resort to blackmail to solidify votes.

Chameleon: I don't think this character would presently accept the position, even if voted in. Cham's a playful observer, at heart.

Princess Projectra: The second-to-last Legionnaire I'd want to see leading the team. Frankly, I don't get her appeal at all, currently.

Timber Wolf: Is he even a member?

Brainiac Five: Hmmm. Returning on the eve or morning of the election with a revived Dream Girl in tow would go a long way to convincing fence-straddlers to vote for him.

Cosmic Boy: If it's an 'open' election, he could well be voted in by the wider membership. I hope we're let in on the votes of the main castmembers, in any case.

Saturn Girl: Are we ready for Imra-centric storylines? *This* Imra needs the exposure (something you can't say about almost any other era's Saturn Girl).

Lightning Lad: A *very* worthy candidate.

Invisible Kid: Too new, and Lyle doesn't have the sort of put-me-in-charge-despite-the-fact-that-I'm-new personality that Wildfire and Polar Boy shared.

Karate Kid: I think this Val'd be an excellent choice, though the 'never been in space' angle from #16 threw me. I knew he was *relatively* a latecomer, but that much of a newbie? His time will come, I hope, but this ain't it.

Star Boy: Nowhere near ready.

Micro Lad: I can't imagine him being voted in, though if he was, maybe he'd give his brother a spot in the big leagues. Wonder if little bro' is a 'l'egionnaire?

Triplicate Girl: Part of me would love to see a Triplicate Girl elected, but *this* one? Not so much.

Sun Boy: A great way to use the if-we-elect-him-they-have-to-use-him vote. I really want to see Dirk back on the team. It'd take some contortions to explain how he'd be voted into leadership, currently.

Dream Girl: See above.

Supergirl: *Way* too much of a mystery gal, as is. Though the 127,000 might think differently.

Write-Ins: Could this be a way to get in a longlost favorite? Chemical King? Blok? Wildfire? Infectious Lass? Gates?

My vote's between Brainy, Sun Boy, Lightning Lad and Phantom Girl. Shadow Lass and Karate Kid would've been strong choices, too, pre-#16.

[ March 25, 2006, 02:56 PM: Message edited by: Mystery Lad ]
Posted by disaster boy on :
phantom girl is kinda crazy. in between worlds...
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
Wazzo calling Imra a hussy? That's the pot calling the kettle black. Just ask her last boyfriend Jarel and Karate Kid, who she led on.

It was clear she ditched her small-town loser boyfriend Jarel because she wanted to leave that parochial, paternalistic fourth dimension and make something of her life. She wanted to be a hero.

So if you've ever felt trapped in Utah and wanted to flee. Vote Tinya!
Posted by baycent54 on :
I won't vote for Saturn Girl until I hear her campaign speech.
And maybe not even then...
So far my choice is Shadow Lass.
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
Care to spread the love? I'll bet a lot of folks travel to other sites where Legion discussions take place and why not let 'em know we've got a poll going?

Fans have interacted and had a bit of influence with Legion creators since the 60s. It's fandom tradition and all that, y'know?

Yeah, they'd have to sign up so they have an account to vote with but that ought to be cool too.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Originally posted by Tamper Lad:
Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
Wazzo calling Imra a hussy? That's the pot calling the kettle black. Just ask her last boyfriend Jarel and Karate Kid, who she led on.

It was clear she ditched her small-town loser boyfriend Jarel because she wanted to leave that parochial, paternalistic fourth dimension and make something of her life. She wanted to be a hero.

So if you've ever felt trapped in Utah and wanted to flee. Vote Tinya!



PS - Great idea YK!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Though MEL's pleas for a bouncing/matter-eaten Legion and Tasmia's pretty blue ab muscles tempt me, I must continue to support Tinya!
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
I just want to make it clear that I'm officially throwing my support behind Tyroc as next Legion Leader!

Er... unless it turns out that my top choices Tenzil, Lu, Chuck, or Drura are actually eligible!
Posted by future king on :
Great, just what we need ... a hero who will be voted in and then just inexplicably disappear for 7 years! [Big Grin]
Posted by Set on :
Tinya and Lu get my vote.

Well, votes. Ahm a gonna stuff the ballot box, Carggite-style.
Posted by Superboy-Supergirl on :
Quislet cause you know that will be damn interesting.
Posted by future king on :
Sensor Girl!!!

Um, errr ... or Element Lad!

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