This is topic Speculation for LSH # 11 - potential spoliers in forum Long Live the Legion! at Legion World.

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Posted by Yellow Kid on :
Spoiler warning!! If you haven't read LSH #10 then you may want to avoid this thread until you have. Events of the issue will be discussed in here as the basis for speculation on the next issue and I really really don't want to ruin the highlights of Issue #10 for you.

Ok, we have a pretty good scan of the cover for issue # 11 and even though we don't have an "official" relase of the image it WAS used as an ad on the last page of the current issue. This means I don't feel there should be any problwems with DC or the editorial staff if we take a look and try to pick the issue apart before we've even seen it (as always)
If anyone has a link to a solicit or an actual preview I would greatly appreciate it if they'd add it to the thread so we'd have a little more ammunition for rumormongering, speculation and the usual innuendo filled silliness:D

...but to be fair I'll add spoiler space first...

Click for fullsize image

Any guesses who that is holding Dream Girl? It's not Brainiac and I don't think it's Chameleon so who the heck could it be? A non-Legionnaire?

[ October 02, 2005, 11:49 PM: Message edited by: Yellow Kid ]
Posted by googoomuck on :
Does anyone see a right arm?
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
I had the same thought initially and then I realized that the image is a reflection - that IS her right arm...and if you look very closely you can see her left shoulder but that's all.

Seems to me that puts to rest the theory that her arm was amputated though since that's ger right forearm and hand we see in the rubble of the HQ.
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Originally posted by Yellow Kid:
I had the same thought initially and then I realized that the image is a reflection - that IS her right arm...and if you look very closely you can see her left shoulder but that's all.

Seems to me that puts to rest the theory that her arm was amputated though since that's ger right forearm and hand we see in the rubble of the HQ.

Oh thats horrible...poor Dream Girl [Frown]
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Barry will be giving us the pencil/inks to the cover eventually. But, for spoiler purposes it might have to wait until the time or near the time of the issue coming out.
Posted by Blacula on :
On my computer the person holding Nura has green skin and blonde hair. Why do people think its not Brainiac 5?
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
What Blacula said.
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
It's Brainy. It's pretty clear to me. He's got green arms and a purple chest too if you look at the original closely. On the positive side, she appears remarkably intact if she was completely buried by rubble. He appears to be kneeling.

I'm also hopeful she's not dead. If she were dead or unconscious even her head would tend to flop back not forward, if Brainy were supporting her with his arm on her back.

I see Brainy taking care of her while he tosses her ring to Lyle who takes some of the kids to UP headquarters to try to save it. The kids will arrive in time to save delegate Ardeen or General Toling4rd who'll become their booster in the establishment.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Add me to the group that sees B5. I thought it was obvious it was him.
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
Well ok then. I'm still not that sure but you guys seem to be so that's good enough for me.
Posted by Tromium on :
Maybe the solicitation text will help:

"On the eve of galactic destruction, with the dream of a United Planets dissolving into hopelessness, only an all-out brawl between the Legion and the agents of Terror Firma can halt the coming invasion —-provided a key player in the war finds within herself an unexpected power!"

It seems likely that much of the the action in issue #11 wiil take place on the Terror Firma homeworld, where Projectra's powers will out, allowing her team to rescue Brin and escape. Possibly, the rest of TF follow them to Earth for the "all-out brawl".

Likely also that the other away teams find a way to get off Dormir and Ttrxl and join Jeckie's team in the brawl with TF (see cover of issue #12).

Further speculation:

- Ttrxl and Dormir are convinced to cooperate with Earth to do whatever it is that's necessary to halt the coming invasion. But the Legion must buy the "three key worlds" enough time to put the plan into action.

- Brainy is forced to leave Dreamy to prevent Elysion from completely destroying United Planets HQ (his force-field is the only hope). Saturn Mom survives (and maybe Gen. Toling4rd, too) to become an important player in the "three key worlds" plan.

- With all this stuff going on, it's quite possible we will NOT learn for sure in issue #11 if Dreamy is to live or die. [Frown]
Posted by Tromium on :
Hmmm. Forgot about Violet. Could she be the one to stop Elysion from destroying UP HQ?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Originally posted by Tromium:
- With all this stuff going on, it's quite possible we will NOT learn for sure in issue #11 if Dreamy is to live or die. [Frown]

I think you'll be proven completely correct TC. I bet they'll keep us hanging, making us squirm and come running back for more.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Could that be the *real* reason we saw no previews of #11?

Probably not. But Dan DiDio encouraged us to make stuff up, so that's what I'm going with.
Posted by Arachne on :
Originally posted by Tromium:
Hmmm. Forgot about Violet. Could she be the one to stop Elysion from destroying UP HQ?

She's got to be somewhere. If the colapse of the Legion HQ didn't bring her out of hiding, nothing will. Why would she stay hidden so long? Is she just shy, or does she have a reason for not being seen?

I hope her appearence is worth the wait.

Just a guess, but I think we'll know if Dream Girl is alive or dead by the end of the issue, but we won't know the extent of her injuries.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Well, if we know she's dead, then I think we know the extent of her injuries... [Wink]
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
We've got three issues to wrap this up successfully - i.e. with the Legion united & victorious. Given the pace of #10, a lot can happen. I think #11 will just move the various storylines along, with emphasis on the off-Earth action.

The status of Dream Girl will be resolved, at least temporarily. I'm really hoping she's alive and that this isn't another Blue Beetle type of death - make us love the character so that the death has more sting - but DiDio did say re: DC deaths in general that if there's a body and there's blood, they're DEAD. The out here is that we just have an arm....She could be still alive for #11 and expire in #12. [Frown] It's too powerful a drama to wrap up right away.

The status of Brin Londo will be resolved. I'd bet we get some info on this in the next issue and see more of Terror Firma. Brin will be alive and a key player in helping the other legionnaires to defeat those second-stringer T. Firmers.

A new legionnaire - the Triangle Head - will join from one of the worlds Dormir or Ttrxl. Maybe this will be the Atom Girl of Legion urban legend.

Then in issue #12 (just can't confine the spec to one issue!):

The various teams will find a way to get together from the planets on which they are now allegedly stranded, probably a Brainy/Lyle ex-machina.

Invisible Kid will be proven innocent or guilty of double-dealing (I'd guess innocent).

Dream Girl will live or die - but it will be settled.
Posted by Harbinger on :
I think that Atom Girl comes from a bacteria sized race of people but with the power to grow to the super size (for them) of 5'4". Thay way both Colossal Boy and her aren't repeating powers - one shrinks while the other grows?
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Wow! That's a cool idea! I like it!
Posted by Vee on :
Hmmm...this would be a perfect time to introduce (or rather re-introduce) Gates ~~ the teleporter. His power would be very helpful in getting the team back together with the transmatter destroyed.

[ October 04, 2005, 02:45 PM: Message edited by: Vee ]
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
Good point Vee. Either Gates or VeilMist would be extremely helpful right about now. Too bad the "fuzzy elf" works for the other comic company, a swashbuckling teleporter would be just the ticket.
Posted by Jorg-EM on :
I always thought the Legion needed a teleporter. I always liked Gates...but if not him then Jacques Foccart.
Posted by legionadventureman on :
The Legion already has a black member, Star Boy...Maybe in this current timeline, a woman can be a teleporter.
Posted by Jorg-EM on :
lol@ yeah...we can't have two black guys on the team....that may be illegal in the 30th century. Lots of aliens...sadly no asians...who make a small but important part of the global population. [Wink]

Anyways the girls already have weak powers as it is. I want Death Ray Girl, Knock Out Girl, not a female teleporter.

Anyways to stay on topic...I repeat Dreamy gets the head shaved...sorry Sketch.
Posted by Gay Green Giant on :
Looking at the last few pages of #10 I noticed Lyle is shown rescuing a guy that looks a lot like the guy in the reflection in the flight ring (on the page before he gets clipped by flying debris). He's got the bald head and purple shirt we see in the reflection in the flight ring [Big Grin] I'm still not 100% convinced that's brainiac - Gawd, I'm dying to see a full sized version of that cover -

Just wondering here, who's flight ring is that we see the reflection in? I thought there weren't any extras. Everybody that we know that has one is wearing them, did B-5 just happen to leave a spare one laying around?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
The spare ring could be Lyle's, since he's the only other legionnaire on Earth (that we know of) and would likely be the first one to see Brainy bringing Nura out of the wreckage. Or maybe it's her ring that fell off her finger?
Posted by EmeraldEmpress on :
Veilmist is more powerful teleporter, don't forget she can teleporter all the team at the same time, not like Gates, one to one.
Posted by jimgallagher on :
I'm guessing it's Dream Girl's ring since there's blood on it.

Why is everybody still mad at Lyle when he's the one who came up with the plan to save the day? They oughtta be lining up to kiss his invisible arse.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Originally posted by Harbinger:
I think that Atom Girl comes from a bacteria sized race of people but with the power to grow to the super size (for them) of 5'4". Thay way both Colossal Boy and her aren't repeating powers - one shrinks while the other grows?

I think this is very possible.

What if they continue the trend with Nura? Maybe her body was killed in the fall of the HQ-- but her consciousness would live on in the dreams of her teammates? Sort of like the Titans' Jericho? Or maybe she'll reside in Dream with Daniel, etc.-- manifesting in the dreams of 31st century residents.

Nah- I want Nura to live!

Clap your hands and believe...
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Originally posted by jimgallagher:
lining up to kiss his invisible arse.

It's part of the planned celebration of his 18th birthday.
Posted by Mediocre Boy on :
Originally posted by jimgallagher:
I'm guessing it's Dream Girl's ring since there's blood on it.

Why is everybody still mad at Lyle when he's the one who came up with the plan to save the day? They oughtta be lining up to kiss his invisible arse.

I think so, too. Besides, I don't think that he was the one who blabbed to Brainy in any event.

By the way, here's my wild guess as to who the people reflected in the Legion flight ring might be: a hyper-time version of Brainy and Dreamy. Barry did say somewhere recently that something "huge" was going to happen in the Legion's continuity next issue, after all. Can Shikari be far behind?
Posted by googoomuck on :
Originally posted by Gay Green Giant:
Looking at the last few pages of #10 I noticed Lyle is shown rescuing a guy that looks a lot like the guy in the reflection in the flight ring (on the page before he gets clipped by flying debris). He's got the bald head and purple shirt we see in the reflection in the flight ring [Big Grin] I'm still not 100% convinced that's brainiac - Gawd, I'm dying to see a full sized version of that cover -

I think you're right, not only does he have a bald head and purple shirt but he has a round spot on his forehead too.

[ October 05, 2005, 09:19 PM: Message edited by: googoomuck ]
Posted by Jorg-EM on :
I wonder if Dreamy survives are they going to radically change? Is this Nura's Story...much like Violet's Story many moons ago? Would be cool.
Posted by disaster boy on :
atom girl could've been one of cosmic boy's spies all this time.

i don't find it hard to believe that if someone broke into his lab B5 would know about it....he dosn't need someone to blab. he was probably expecting it.
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
I think it's more likely "Brainy's Story" not Nura's. Not for physical changes but a radical change in the character we've met over the last year. Did Vril Dox ever learn this lesson back in the L. series?

Bah, silly women always humanizing us megalomaniacs.
Posted by disaster boy on :
has someone already posted that "dream girl's" right hand is not wearing her flight ring (in the rubble page...2nd to last) on the middle finger like it is in the rest of the book....either that's not her:

or it fell off in the crash and that is the ring on the cover.

she could also be really banged up and brainy or i-kid deputize a new legionaire in her place.

i think projectra needs a ring though...

[ October 05, 2005, 10:27 PM: Message edited by: disaster boy ]
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Originally posted by disaster boy:
i think projectra needs a ring though...

They just might have one to spare now....
Posted by Jorg-EM on :
More speculations...with some of the info from Waid's Newsarama interview (minor) and the last issue.

Waid mentioned in the interview that they see this Legion as agents of Chaos in a perfect universe.

In the last issue that one cool Lemnos panel it appeared his costume was a upside M.(a stretch I know)

do you think some of these villains will end up joining the Legion???
Posted by Matthew E on :
I'm sure Projectra must already have a ring. They wanted her to think she was a real Legionnaire so she'd keep ponying up her dough.
Posted by disaster boy on :
but it's not shown on her fingers....i don't think it ever has been. she's been depicted flying on a cover tho...

don know.
Posted by jimgallagher on :
Projectra was shown flying in that preview scene at the end of the last series. The one that introduced Lyle and his parents.

Besides she of all people can afford one, no matter how expensive they are.
Posted by googoomuck on :
Originally posted by Jorg-EM:
do you think some of these villains will end up joining the Legion???

After commiting mass murder? I hope not.
Posted by wamu2 on :
Originally posted by Jorg-EM:

do you think some of these villains will end up joining the Legion???

probably not. Terra Firma's members seem too self-centered and cruel to join the Legion. granted villians go good all the time,but I don't see it occuring with any of the villians we have seen so far.

[ October 06, 2005, 07:50 PM: Message edited by: wamu2 ]
Posted by Yellow Kid on :

If you haven't been following the Waid interview at Newsarama then you're missing out on some preview pages.

*Spoiler Warning!*

The splash page for issue #11 is at the bottom of the linked page but let me warn you that you may be shocked!
Posted by Arachne on :
I still don't believe Dreamy's gone. She's going to need to look a lot more like a corpse before I do.

Originally posted by Harbinger:
I think that Atom Girl comes from a bacteria sized race of people but with the power to grow to the super size (for them) of 5'4". Thay way both Colossal Boy and her aren't repeating powers - one shrinks while the other grows?

The idea of bacteria sized people is interesting. I'm looking forward to learning about Imsk this time around.

As for Colossal Boy, do we really know that he shrinks? The roll call still says he's from Earth. The whole Giant-in-the-land-of-little-people thing could be delusion.

Originally posted by disaster boy:
atom girl could've been one of cosmic boy's spies all this time.

i don't find it hard to believe that if someone broke into his lab B5 would know about it....he dosn't need someone to blab. he was probably expecting it.

I think Atom Girl is on Brainy's side. It was hinted someplace that there was a conection between Imsk and Colu. (Can't for the life of me remember where I read that, though.)
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
The Imsk Colu connection was made by Barry after we saw that Coluans use their technology to shrink down to tiny proportions.

I'm also thinking that Imsk is a microscopic world that Coluans "discovered" after they could shrink. Vi's power is then to grow to human size.
Posted by googoomuck on :
Here's the cover to #11 from Newsarama.

Click for fullsize image

If they withheld release of this cover to avoid spoiling the end of LSH #10, that must mean Dream Girl is alive.

[ October 06, 2005, 08:15 PM: Message edited by: googoomuck ]
Posted by Jorg-EM on :
Ok, you guys talked me out of villains joining...except Lemnos. [Smile]
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Originally posted by googoomuck:
Here's the cover to #11 from Newsarama.

Click for fullsize image

If they withheld release of this cover to avoid spoiling the end of LSH #10, that must mean Dream Girl is alive.

Who is the dude with the dark circle on his forehead? A renegade Dominator offshoot or a member of the Dark Circle? [Shudder]
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
Ok, you've convinced me. I had to copy the cover then adjust my graphics program's color just a little and the green skin and yellow hair jumped right out at me.
If it looks like a Brainiac, walks like a Brainiac and quacks like a Brainiac... [Big Grin]

So in the preview we find out that one of the planets is communications central and the other one is the core of the youth based control system. How does this make them so vital to overcoming the crisis in the UP? Is Waid making a statement here about decentralizing control of systems and economies in order to revitalize the stagnation of life and progress in the UP?

What is the Legion's mission to each of those two worlds? Are they trying to reconnect everything or disconnect them in order to force the member worlds to individual effort?

I'm not really helping much here am I?

[ October 06, 2005, 10:14 PM: Message edited by: Yellow Kid ]
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
It's actually a very weird pose. He's kneeling, she's kinda sitting on his lap. If there wasn't the blood on the ring. It would actually look quite romantic.
Posted by Awkward Pause Boy on :
Here's what I want to happen, so I might as well post it to ensure that it doesn't:

The "key player" is Nura a la Braniac's "All it would take is one Naltorian youth to not blindly follow their precognitive vision" (or something similar to that).

The "unexpected power" will be Nura's realizing that she has the ability to not follow her vision--her vision being that she would die.

Or maybe she'll just be dead. And those things refer to Projectra.
Posted by lil'rhino on :
Originally posted by Yellow Kid:

If you haven't been following the Waid interview at Newsarama then you're missing out on some preview pages.

*Spoiler Warning!*

The splash page for issue #11 is at the bottom of the linked page but let me warn you that you may be shocked!

Posted by jimgallagher on :


Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
deleted so I can get a blue background because I don't know the color code for grey

[ October 10, 2005, 08:55 AM: Message edited by: Semi Transparent Fellow ]
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
(highlight to read)

It's hard to read on my screen, but I think the text in red beside Dream Girl says "Deceased." And they better not have killed off Star Boy.
Posted by STU on :


You can't get onion rings from the drive-through at McDonald's, apparently.
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Originally posted by STU:


You can't get onion rings from the drive-through at McDonald's, apparently.

[LOL] I've missed your unique and droll sense of humor, STU. Glad you're back.
Posted by disaster boy on :
the ring is now...on her finger!!! argghh
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Originally posted by Semi Transparent Fellow:
(highlight to read)

It's hard to read on my screen, but I think the text in red beside Dream Girl says "Deceased." And they better not have killed off Star Boy.

(highlight to read)

It does.

[ October 11, 2005, 02:09 PM: Message edited by: Lad Boy ]
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Apart from the Dream Girl (possible) tragedy, I'm wondering about the sample of Lyle's blood that Lemnos took from the Science Police. First, has he successfully reproduced it or adapted it for his own purpose? Secondly, if the sample had a virus in it that infected the SP computers, it should be affecting Lemnos' systems as well. If Brainy isn't in pieces over Dream Girl's fate, maybe he'll pick up on this somehow. His own systems have been destroyed in the HQ, but maybe he has some backup...
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Mark Waid: Issues #11 and #12 are where everything comes to a head, as all our various plot threads are knitted together and the Legionnaires - split up into teams across the galaxy - race the clock to reunite the U.P. before Lemnos can dispatch his troops. Along the way, one Legionnaire goes - arguably - insane, another switches sides, and at least two more find a tenuous spark of romance amidst all the tumult.

Posted by Lad Boy on :
Originally posted by disaster boy:
the ring is now...on her finger!!! argghh

So that she can't be tracked by the public service?

No need to do that for a dead woman.
Posted by Jorg-EM on :
I say Brainy goes insane. Hasn't been the first time. [Wink]

Switches sides? do they mean within the Legion or joins the bad guys? Cham may switch sides as a ruse since most of Lemnos' bad guys seem to be aliens...something Barry said was done on purpose. But I don't think this Cham has the stones or the brains for that. [Frown] Sun Boy (I hope not!) may be the other choice.

Romance sparks? I hope Star Boy and Light Lass. As someone mentioned the way the teams have been split it can be anybody. Ultra Boy/Phantom Girl/Karate Kid?

I still think Dreamy is somehow returning (magic?) maybe even return as the White Witch?
Posted by STU on :
Originally posted by Semi Transparent Fellow:
Originally posted by STU:


You can't get onion rings from the drive-through at McDonald's, apparently.

[LOL] I've missed your unique and droll sense of humor, STU. Glad you're back.
Thanks! I'll be here all week. [Wink]
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
And then where - Comedy Club in Omaha?
Posted by STU on :
Regina. They need a little cheering up right now! (Plus, I just like to say it -- Regina Regina Regina!)
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
That's a grade 3 joke.
Posted by STU on :
Maybe in Canada, but over here some folks didn't learn how "Regina" is really pronounced until they were well into their 20s... [Embarrassed]
Posted by STU on :
The person I thought of first when I heard about the "switching sides" is Cham...

Not sure who would go insane. Brainy, maybe?

And the tenuous spark must refer to... Karate Kid and Phantom Girl? They did earlier suggest his interest in her, at least.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
KK and PG sounds great, but I wouldn't mind seeing Sun Boy and Shadow Lass either.

Oh, and as for Dream Girl - well, maybe reality will be warped again somewhere along the line and she'll be brought back.

[ October 12, 2005, 07:39 AM: Message edited by: Invisible Brainiac ]
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Or maybe the Miracle Machine could be re-introduced, so that the incident which maimed Dream Girl could be averted (by turning back time)... [Yes]
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Just a random thought. Dream Girl was reading MacBeth when Col. Bot and UB crashed into the chair that Cosmic Boy is going to miss. My Shakespeare collection is in the office (and I'm not). Wonder if there's a clue in that reading selection?
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Brainy get her blood on his uniform and goes crazy continuously trying to wash it out?
Posted by superboymddjr on :
insane will go to Star Boy?
switch side - maybe Triad, Brainiac 5 or Sun Boy
romance - Sun Boy/Shadow Lass or Brainy/Shadow Lass
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
I still think that Brainy is Kate to Nura's Petruchio from Taming of the Shrew.

I don't know, if it was MacBeth Nura would have manipulated Brainy into killing Cos because she saw him do it in the future.
Posted by Harbinger on :
I was wondering if Shikari is going to turn up soon - she could be the person who reunites the various teams or maybe if Lemnos has got his claws into her she may have somehow brought the various aliens from the secong galaxy or other dimensions. Did I read somewhere that issues 13 and 14 will somehow tie into Crisis? In which case it could be her taking this Legion to meet their Earth 2 (our reboot) counterparts.

Insane - Invisible Kid

Switch sides - Shikari (she leaves Lemnos to join this team)

Romance - Microlossal Boy and Element lad
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Clues/Quotes from MacBeth:

Nothing in his life became him like the leaving it(Malcolm) She's dead.

Come you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here (Lady MacBeth) She's really pissed. Elysion will be found and there will be no coddling.

We have scorched the snake not killed it (MacBeth)Projectra's pissed, too.

What's done cannot be undone (Lady MacBeth)She's really dead.

I have lived long enough. My way of life is fall'n into the sere, the yellow leaf. (MacBeth)
She's really dead, really.

Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow. (MacBeth)She'll be back in the next reboot.
Posted by Tromium on :
Some good arguments have been made that it's Cham who will switch sides and join Lemnos' predominantly alien army. But not really, as it would most likely be a ruse to infiltrate Lemnos' inner circle and impersonate one of the key villains (Elysion?, Lemnos himself?).

Brin being the one to go insane jibes with something Barry once said (or wrote) about "rages". We've yet to really see his feral side.

Originally posted by Harbinger:
Romance - Microlossal Boy and Element lad

Oh, Jeez. Can't they just be good friends? Maybe the "tenuous SPARKS of romance" is just Ayla putting the mack on her next would-be boyfriend
Posted by Lad Boy on :
one Legionnaire goes - arguably - insane
Projectra throws a hisssssy fit on Elysion's homeworld

another switches sides
Element Lad stops dating girls.

at least two more find a tenuous spark of romance
Posted by Gorilla Nebula on :
"TENUOUS SPARK OF ROMANCE" is obviously Brainy and a bed-ridden Dream Girl.

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