This is topic The Many Crimes of LIGHT LASS! in forum Long Live the Legion! at Legion World.

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Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Bah to Light Lass! Cos should have gave her a spanking when he was done!

She gets all complainy and hysterical, and good ol' Cos goes in there and saves the day--without using his powers!

I think she was trying to just get him killed. After all, surely she was jealous of the deep friendship b/t her brother Garth and Cos, most likely because of the guilt she was feeling due to her spending all her time with Brin now that he was a Legionnaire, instead of her twin, who had always been there for her.

I'm surprised she didn't try to get Karate Kid killed in the next mission, for being Brin's friend! What's next, get Streaky and Comet stranded in Khund space for hanging out with Proty II so much?

[ August 21, 2005, 03:07 PM: Message edited by: Cobalt Kid ]
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
To Cobalt Kid,

Thank you for your submission regarding the official position of the Cosmic Boy Apologist Society on the events depicted in S/LSH 215.

We have studied your analysis and found your reasoning to be flawed. Further our advisors contend that your arguments are wholly without merit. Thus we must categorically reject your asertions on the following basis.

Though the Legion Constitution makes no reference to corporal punishment in millitary discipline, we reject your claim that corporal punishment is allowed in the 30th century. As has long been established by this time, testimony blaming the victim in domestic violence is not admissible.

Even if we were accept your assertation that the English Common Law practice of corporal punishment was restored in the 30th century (the so-called "Rule of Thumb") Cosmic Boy does not have standing to provide correction to Light Lass. As of the time of the incident Light Lass was unmarried and such standing would be reserved to her father or in his absence her brothers Mekkt and Garth.

Therefore we maintain that 1)Light Lass is guiltless in the incident, 2) Cosmic Boy must die for his crimes.

Further, in light of Cosmic Boy's genocidal actions as the temporal criminal known as the Time Trapper, be advised that you are now under investigation as an accessory to genocide and are advised to seek counsel.


The Revolutionary Tribunal to try Cosmic Boy

[ August 21, 2005, 03:45 PM: Message edited by: Tamper Lad ]
Posted by MLLASH on :
Actually, Ayla shouldn't be doing any stone-casting, as she is far from sinless.

With Cobie's kind permission, I shall compile a list of Light Lass crimes here once the Rokk list is done!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Please do! Don't forget how she later helped push Pol Krinn to MURDER HIMSELF! She really hated those Braalian Krinn boys!
Posted by MLLASH on :
I haven't forgotten how her desperate attempt to cling to the dangling tatters of her heterosexuality caused the gay and confused Pol Krinn to commit suicide to escape her clutches!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Or how her constant nagging drove her older brother Mekt to become a space criminal!

And her brother Garth to kill himself. No wonder he was attracted to 'cold, iron-butt Imra'--he wanted a woman that didn't nag and get all emotional all day like his sister!
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Originally posted by MLLASH:
I haven't forgotten how her desperate attempt to cling to the dangling tatters of her heterosexuality caused the gay and confused Pol Krinn to commit suicide to escape her clutches!

She was doing a Joan Collins by throwing herself at the clueless boy...but wait...didn't Pol have a girl-friend called Polla? Check out S/LSH 236 (the Worldsmith story) for further confirmation!
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
I reject any Ayla crime post S/LSH 215. The blow to the head was sufficient to cause significant brain damage.

Because we do not have an on-panel brain scan in the aftermath of #215. I assume that Rokk used his seniority and the fact that no one else saw him do it to hide the evidence. He likely convinced her he didn't do it and that her injuries were solely the result of the battle against the Empress.

Obviously the brain damage coupled with her latent repressed anger against Rokk (and in fact all of Braal) led to her ham-fisted seduction of Pol and to the enemies of Braal namely Imsk and Vi.
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Id like to get serious here, but Light Lass was incapacitated once before in "Lightning Lad's Day Of Dread" - or did that occur before Cos's bustier debut issue?
Posted by MLLASH on :
Jillikers, Tamper-- good theory there!

And LAM, I know all about Polla-- of course, I had girlfriends too back in the day, and we all know how that turned out! [Big Grin]
Posted by legionadventureman on :
No comment, dude LOL
Posted by KidChaos on :
And don't forget how Ayla treated poor Brin!

She literally strapped a bomb to herself that would go off if he tried to eat any of the "forbidden fruit"

Not the most gentle way to help a loved one who's facing a serious addiction problem!

And then, because Ayla needs to "find herself", she tells him he must leave the Legion (the only home he'd ever known) with her. Immediately. Or else she would leave him forever.

Gee, that's fair.

And then she acts all shocked and pissed when she finds out he tried to find her.

Ayla may just have been the bitchiest legionnaire.
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
The ranks of Ayla apologists is frightenly thin. Perhaps if someone were to organize them. So it falls to me to defend her. Well there could be worse fates, I could be a Cos apologist.

Again Ayla's bitchiness was a result of years of Misogyny by the men around her. Notably men she admired or thought she was in love with.

It began with Mekt who abdicated his role of the heroic male archetype of the family to Garth and had issues of ambiguous sexuality. He channeled his inferiority complex at his female sibling as a proxy for the internal struggle between the man he was conditioned to want to be and his feminine side.

Then when Ayla joined the Legion she substituted Cos for the older brother that could never appreciate her. And she was rewarded with a slap.

So she got a boyfriend, who was no good. In fact she caught him tongue tied with some blonde hussy of a telepath.

This was the last straw for her troubled view of men. Indeed she must have believed them to be fundamentally flawed. So her bitchiness and demand for accountability from her male collegues is not only understandable, it is completely justified from her frame of reference.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Or did she want to *be* a man? Maybe Ayla enjoyed that time masquerading as her brother when she 'joined' the team.

I'm surprised she didn't pysch Sun Boy through a keyhole, since he's the one who saw through her 'disguise'.

Maaaaybe she engineered the fall of the Legion, the Dominion takeover of Earth and Dirk's descent into psychosis as retaliation...

The Wak Legion needs a drag king/prince in disguise to join under false pretenses-- and then hang around as member for a decade or two. Hopefully, someone else besides Sun Boy can be the one to finger the ringer and avoid the wrath of a boy who's a girl dressed up like a boy.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Ayla found herself, alright... in Salu's pants!!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Undoubtedly, Ayla had a hand in getting Sean Erin addicted to pro-fem, after her own inner struggles with pro-male. Poor Jan and Sean Erin were left as more victims in her wake.
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
"Wouldn't go out with me" is not a crime, Cobie, but I'm thinking it's the basis for this thread....
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
I will concede Ayla's weird sexual identity issues.

However Dirk's insanity is his own doing. That stems from his extreme outgoing personality. The Jungians would call him an extreme extrovert. Persons with these traits exhibit a desire to be liked rather than be respected by others. So he became a collaborator.

Unfortunately he also had extreme sense of morality and a judgemental personality type. He couldn't reconcile his desire to be liked with his negative judgement of his own actions, thus causing his insanity.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Originally posted by Thriftshop Debutante:
"Wouldn't go out with me" is not a crime, Cobie, but I'm thinking it's the basis for this thread....

But don't you think Ayla and I would make a great couple?


I admit that once I saw Copiel's Ayla (and now Kitson's) I really became a fan...

[ August 21, 2005, 08:47 PM: Message edited by: Cobalt Kid ]
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
The drag prince thing continues! Coipel's Ayla often wore a baseball cap... and Moy's tongue sticking out was obviously a substitute for other protruding body parts!

Kitson's Ayla has yet to display her inner boyishness.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Bah! Dirk was a pleasure-loving libertine who saved his moralizing for too-close attention to Legion rules.

Plus, he looked good in a speedo. [Wink]

Back to Ayla's crimes-- don't forget her insidious plot to turn back the cause of feminism to pre21st century norms by going all domestic.
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
Well biologists tell us that sexual desire in females is a function of testosterone levels. WaK Ayla has been implied to be highly amorous. Perhaps you're already seing some hormonal abnormalities.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Let's not forget that Ayla clearing pressured Violet into keeping the blue leg--obviously signs of some sort of blue android leg fetish that my young innocent mind can't even begin to comprehend.
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Thank heavens thats all over now
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Let's also not forget how Ayla tried to blast Shikari when the Legion came for her. Such an unprovoked attack shows signs of insecurity and aggression!
Posted by legionadventureman on :
What about how Ayla was so clueless about Cham being her secret admirer, she had trouble accepting it at first....then got jealous as Cham and Sensor were getting closer...
Posted by Shadow Kid on :
Originally posted by Mystery Lad:
and Moy's tongue sticking out was obviously a substitute for other protruding body parts!

Well, actually according to early twentieth century French existentialist theory, a woman sticking out her tongue at a man is a symbol of impotence and sexual inadequacy.

Considering Rokk's creepy relationship with super-stalker Lydda and Pol's even creepier relationship with his namesake Polla I think Ayla may have had something there...
Posted by MLLASH on :
Originally posted by MLLASH:
Ayla found herself, alright... in Salu's pants!!

I nominate this for my funniest post ever!
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Somehow the Fat Trimming Ray has to factor here. Also, what effect must Nura's secret power-switch have had on Ayla? Also, what's up with Ayla's need to be nude? What about her hair color changes?

These are all parts of her persona that MUST mean *something!*

Or not...
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
This thread is proof the Ayla is the craziest Legionnaire of all. Unhinged? She makes Brainy look like 'Mr. I've got it all together'.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Let's not forget her over the top derision of Kid Quantum in the Reboot! What was *that* all about?

In fact, let's examine Rokk & Ayla's relationship in the reboot. She practically loved him like an older brother figure--substitute for Mekt? Or perhaps it was a more lustful, deep-seated sexual desire for Rokk?

Now take that into account when we look at the preboot versions, which ultimately would be quite similar, much like Earth-1 Superman and Earth-2 Superman were very similar. Preboot Ayla likely had very deep feelings towards Rokk. I suspect there was a long history of secret love & abuse between the two of them throughout the entire Adventure era, likely kept secret because of Garth. Neither was blameless.
Posted by Set on :
Maybe Rokk's slapping of Ayla has it's roots in his deep-seated and long-frustated desire to slap *Garth?*

Originally posted by Tamper Lad:
Well biologists tell us that sexual desire in females is a function of testosterone levels. WaK Ayla has been implied to be highly amorous. Perhaps you're already seing some hormonal abnormalities.

Heh, my long-held theory that Ayla was born Garth's identical (i.e. *male*) twin remains in play!

In fact, looking at the date on that post, it was in play before I even theorized it!

I'm that awesome.
Posted by lil'rhino on :
Pure EVIL!!
Posted by cleome on :
This is why nobody should ever be forced to wear a giant feather emblem on their costume. It leads to a subsequent lifetime of overcompensating in the other direction. Womankind was not meant to dress as Care Bear--- OF SPACE!!

[No] I mean, I did the same thing, and you can see how that turned out...
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Despite knowing Light Lass is crazy on a level that only Pulsar Stargrave and Sun Emperor have achieved, I would likely still have dated her in high school and the first two years of college.

By then I would have decided she was too crazy for me and she would have decided I was too *male* for her.
Posted by Pov on :
You gotta give her one thing, though... no guy would ever have a problem getting it up for her! [Hmmm?]
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
"Wow! How thrilling...!"
Posted by MLLASH on :
I know that's what I'm thinking every time I French-kiss a lesbian...
Posted by Mattropolis on :
<takes off lesbian costume>
Posted by lil'rhino on :
Deeply closeted Ayla can't keep her paws off the other gal Legionnaires! Shameful!!
Posted by cleome on :

Oh, rhino. A little bromance womance among friends never hurt anyone!

[Poke Joke]
Posted by cleome on :
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
"Wow! How thrilling...!"

Oh, c'mon! Even with the Care Bear logo, she's pretty easy on the eyes.
Posted by lil'rhino on :
Throwing herself at Lone Wolf. Shameless!!
Posted by lil'rhino on :
Ayla has one foot in the closet & the other foot on a banana peel!!
Posted by Ram Boy on :
I remember that! It was from Ayla's Mary Lou Retton-as-a-suppressed-lesbian phase. (and apparently Vi's Chita Rivera-as-a-take-no-prisoners-one)
Posted by lil'rhino on :
Ayla eyeballing Vi's artificial leg while talking about death & destruction. Kinky!!
Posted by MLLASH on :
The TMK take on Ayla remains my favorite portrayal of her.
Posted by cleome on :
Originally posted by lil'rhino:
Ayla has one foot in the closet & the other foot on a banana peel!!

Away with your snark, I say! I'm trying to luxuriate in the total absence of bared midriffs and you're ruining my moment!

Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Click for fullsize image

Sheesh Ayla is looking mannish in that last panel!
Posted by Officer Taylor on :
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
Sheesh Ayla is looking mannish in that last panel!

Aw, shit! It's Garth! [Eek!]
Posted by MLLASH on :
Posted by Red Arrow on :
I think it's weird that a girl would kidnap her brother's corpse (and steal his clothes?), and then impersonate her dead brother. The natural reaction the Legionnaires should of had is "You are insane", but instead they accept her into the Legion.

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