This is topic Early Solit for LSH #12 - Spoilers? in forum Long Live the Legion! at Legion World.

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Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Originally posted by Tromium:
Barry, we want to see scans of this, too!

Click for fullsize image

The first year of Legion of Super-Heroes wraps up in a finale that must be seen to be believed, in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES #12, written by Mark Waid with art by Barry Kitson.

Found it at the DCU panel presentation HERE.

At least we know that Colossal Boy and Phantom Girl (maybe Saturn Girl, Invisible Kid & Light Lass?) make it to #12.

[EDIT: The above is the cover to LSH #13, not #12. Here's the actual cover -  - ]

[ September 23, 2005, 05:29 PM: Message edited by: Nightcrawler ]
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Wow, great cover!
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Very reminiscent of LSH v3 #38 don't you think?

Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Not that I see anything wrong with that. That cover is one of the best ever Legion covers. And #12 by Barry is definitely on that list.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
You know how I feel about that cover too, Scooter [Big Grin] (much love is what I mean), so I kinda like the similarity.

Very nice and very dramatic!
Posted by SouthtownKid on :
Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
Very reminiscent of LSH v3 #38 don't you think?


I can never see that cover without getting a little misty (it's just dust in my eye, dang it!)...truly the end of an era... and the beginning of 20 years of trying to make the consequences fit into any kind of continuity.

The 'Man of Steel' volume that was to reprint those 2 Legion issues along with the Superman and Action issues it crossed over into, was supposed to come out this week, but I didn't see it. Maybe next week? Anyhow, a great opportunity for those who missed it first time around.

Oh yeah, and the LSH #12 cover looks great, too! I'm hoping it marks the end of the division within the ranks, and that the Legion is unified (and friends) by the end of the issue.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Originally posted by SouthtownKid:
The 'Man of Steel' volume that was to reprint those 2 Legion issues along with the Superman and Action issues it crossed over into, was supposed to come out this week, but I didn't see it. Maybe next week? Anyhow, a great opportunity for those who missed it first time around.

That reminds me that I need to remember to pick that up...
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Oh, and assuming the parallel is intentional, one wonders why?
Posted by Tromium on :
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
Oh, and assuming the parallel is intentional, one wonders why?

Here's your answer in a DCU Panel report at CBR:

"I've never had more fun writing a comic and Barry Kitson's is knocking it out of the park,” Waid said of his “Legion of Super-Heroes” series. "We encourage you to send letters in. We will print the best letters.” Waid begged off of talking about plot in order to keep the surprises flowing (though he did mention an upcoming DEATH SCENE). Waid also confirmed that his Legion series would not be altered to reflect a “Legion of Super-Heroes” cartoon, currently in development.

Someone's gonna die. [Frown]

P.S. There's also a larger version of the cover at CBR, but I can't link to it.

[ August 05, 2005, 05:02 PM: Message edited by: Tromium ]
Posted by SouthtownKid on :
Originally posted by Tromium:
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
Oh, and assuming the parallel is intentional, one wonders why?

Here's your answer in a DCU Panel report at CBR:
Someone's gonna die. [Frown]

Maybe Waid kills Byrne in #12, causing Superboy to blink back into existance?

If there is the death of a Legionnaire, I will be devistated (er, as much as is possible from a comic book, anyway). I don't want to do without any of the current, great cast. But if one did die, for some reason, I would expect it to be Cos (nooooooo).

[ August 05, 2005, 05:11 PM: Message edited by: SouthtownKid ]
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Ok. That news sucks. I too DO NOT want any Legion deaths. Maybe Lemnos? One can hope.

Cover updated with the bigger version.

[ August 05, 2005, 05:22 PM: Message edited by: Nightcrawler ]
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Waid killed Tinya in his last "first year" finale... but that was never meant to last...
Posted by Vee on :
Maybe it will be one of Triplicate Girl's bodies. Given the other options, I'll take Lu aas Duo Damsel rather than lose any of the others (with the exception of Brainy, of course [Big Grin] )
Posted by superboymddjr on :
*gasp* maybe it's brainiac 5! I don't see him on the cover! I see: Cham, Princess Projectra, Shadow Lass, Micro Lad, Phantom Girl, Element Lad, Cosmic Boy, maybe Timber Wolf, Saturn Girl, Invisible Kid (?), Star Boy, Light Lass, Lightning Lad, ( I count 18)....Sun Boy, and Atom Girl, at long last!!!!!!!!

I don't see Ultra Boy, Brainiac 5, Karate Kid....
Posted by Awkward Pause Boy on :
I so do not need or want a death scene.
Posted by Awkward Pause Boy on :
And, here are some Legion tidbits from

QUESTION: Will the Legion be affected by One Year Later?

DIDIO: Legion takes place 20,000 years later how can it possibly affect it?

WAID: In issue # 13 or 14.

QUESTION: Are there plans for any more older Legion trades?

DIDIO: No penciled plans yet. A second collection of Mark Waid issues is planned, but we want to build up a relationship for the new series.

QUESTION: Why was the Legion restarted again?

DIDIO: I have a problem with things being convoluted. We referred back to source material and what was going on in the Legion wasn’t moving forward - it was a shadow of the past. We wanted Legion to be the best, so we just started the line over. Mark was the smartest or foolish one to take it on and he came up with a clever way to do it.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Thanks APB!
Posted by Tromium on :
I think the "Iwo Jima" girl is Atom Girl. See, no cape and the ponytail is shorter than Saturn Girl's, as depicted in the design sheet. Plus, I recall Barry saying a couple of months ago that he was drawing a cover with her on it.
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
I went back on forth on who flag girl was. I think it's Saturn Girl with raccoon tail hair. I think Vi is in the back behind Projectra.

I count 20 figures with the possibility of a couple more depending on what those specks under the flag are. I count the speck in a cross as a person.

I haven't placed Ultra Boy, Karate Kid or Lone Wolf. My unused silouettes are the head opposite the flagstaff from Chameleon. The bump between Microlad and the figure in the trenchcoat (Shadow Lass?) and the cross-shaped speck below the flag.
Posted by Tromium on :
Originally posted by Tamper Lad:
I haven't placed Ultra Boy, Karate Kid or Lone Wolf.

I was thinking that Flag Guy is Ultra Boy, judging by his musculature and the hint of a gauntlet. Who do you think it is?
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
I thought of that too. but it looks more like a sleeve of a jacket to me. I said Lyle though he looks way too "big". Could be Brin too from the hair.

On third thought that's probly Jo which means Lyle's missing.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Another bit from Waid courtesy of Comics Continuum:

Mark Waid couldn't reveal too much about Legion of Super-Heroes, but he did not to find a way to tie into Infinite Crisis with #13 or #14. "I can't say too much about the plots because we're doing a good job keeping you off balance," Waid said.

The first trade paperback likely collect the first six issues and should be out "soon."

Posted by superboymddjr on :
trying to figure out the silhouette above Saturn Girl...maybe Dream Girl whose hair got shaved? I found Triplicate Girl who is next to Saturn Girl.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Death of a legionnaire? Ick. A villain? A bit less ick.

Still, the suggestion that it might be Brainiac 5 I find almost captivating. Such an integral part of the team for over four decades! But he could be replaced with a new Brainiac 5... surely there's some cranky Coluan kid who would be inspired to take up the role of his predecessor ....

Anyways, gorgeous cover. They're just getting better and better. I thought #10 was my favourite, then this one comes out.
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
With the similarities of covers, I think it'd be neat if Superboy UNdies and comes back.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
That would be pretty neat.

Not sure if I want a Legion death--if one of my beloved characters dies, I'm pretty sure that will be a major factor in if I like this new Legion.

Just to state the glaringly obvious--if someone dies, that doesn't mean they won't be front and center on the cover. In fact, I'd look for who is similarily placed as Superboy is if the cover really is an homage.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Personally, I find Supergirl's undies far neater!
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
Personally, I find Supergirl's undies far neater!


Took me a bit before I caught on. [Big Grin]
Posted by Lightning Lad on :

Click for fullsize image
Posted by Caliente on :
Originally posted by superboymddjr:
trying to figure out the silhouette above Saturn Girl...maybe Dream Girl whose hair got shaved? I found Triplicate Girl who is next to Saturn Girl.

Actually, that silhouette reminded me of XS... but I think it might be Atom Girl. [Poverty Lad] That's just my way of saying I have no idea...
Posted by superboymddjr on :
Well if it's her then who is the one next to Princess Projectra - far back in between her and Micro Lad?
Posted by Arachne on :
The flag holders hair is too short for Saturn Girl, I think it's Atom Girl. I think Imra is on the right between Shadow Lass and Projectra. At least I think that's Shadow Lass and Projectra. [Smile]

Hmm, if that is Vi and Brin holding the flag, I hope there's an interior pic to go with it. It'd make some nice wallpaper.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
I'm starting to agree about the flag-holder being Vi, but I'm still not certain about the identity of the person between Jecks and Shady.
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
I think it's Imra and Lyle with the flag. In Adventure weren't they the earliest leaders of the Legion along with Cos and Brainy. Even if the threeboot legion won't be led by the them, it'd be a nice parallel if they raised the flag to unite it.

And I'm now pretty sure that's Lyle not Jo. I see he's holding it with both hands and so isn't that muscualar.
Posted by superboymddjr on :
still think it's Saturn Girl holding the flag because of her gloves silhouette...I don't think that Atom Girl is wearing gloves. Barry?!?
Posted by Tromium on :
Originally posted by superboymddjr:
still think it's Saturn Girl holding the flag because of her gloves silhouette...I don't think that Atom Girl is wearing gloves. Barry?!?

Yup, Vi was wearing short gloves in the October preview. It could very well be Imra, but I prefer to see Vi.

I'm a little surprised no one has started a Dead Pool thread yet. [Smile]
Posted by ferroboy on :
Maybe they finally kill off Shikari. Would that satisfy everyone?

[ August 07, 2005, 06:58 AM: Message edited by: ferroboy ]
Posted by Vee on :
Originally posted by ferroboy:
Maybe they finally kill off Shikari. Would that satisfy everyone?

No, absolutely not! [No]
Posted by Vee on :
You know, if this cover is an homage to the Superboy death issue and the placement is indicative, the only figure that stands out above everyone but the flyer(s) is Gim [Frown]

I hope this isn't the case. He deserves a much longer run this time around than last.
Posted by Korbal on :
Maybe it'll be Star Boy so Thom Kallor can join the Legion as Atmos...
Posted by Tromium on :
Maybe Ferro Lad or Chemical King will show up just in time to be killed.

Seriously, we can't conclude the death scene refers to a core Legionnaire. But let's say for a moment it does.

I think Waid is the kind of writer who, if he kills a core Legionnaire (big IF), will go for the greatest emotional impact. While Micro Lad is a popular character, he hasn't really been fleshed out enough yet for his death to have the requisite impact. Same with Star Boy. We still have four issues to go, so that could change.

As it stands now, Invisible Kid, Triplicate Girl and Cosmic Boy are my top bets for various reasons. The last may sound suprising (and, I admit, *highly* unlikely) but think how it would rock the Legion to its foundations if they lost their first leader and co-founder at this early stage. Cos's death could also serve as a catalyst for unity. I doubt Waid has the heart to do it, though.

[ August 07, 2005, 08:21 AM: Message edited by: Tromium ]
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Has any significant number of readers had time to grow so attached to a character, that it's death would cause more than a yawn?

A death in a comic was significant at one time for older readers. Now? Seems done more to answer a "they wouldn't dare" than for story impact.

I doubt there is going to be a "death" of a Legionnaire. Too cliche.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
One thing we know from previous Waid interviews:









It won't be Hawkeye!

Seriously, I'm betting the death scene in question is actually a flashback to Ferro Lad's death.
Posted by Ultra Boy on :
Well... There is some type of Crisis going on in the whole DC Universe thing....

Last time that happenened some really cool Heroes died.


My WILD guess...

Either Superboy or Supergirl are back.

WOW, that could boost sales especially with the new Supergirl series coming out.

Just me, but wishful thinking
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Maybe one of the Legionnaires will be the killer, rather than the killed?

Just like all the mind-controlled DCU heroes of recent months seem to be part of a pattern... just like all the resurrected heroes (and villains) now outnumber coincidence...




non-LSH related spoilers ahead





perhaps WW's actions at the end of SACRIFICE have an echo here?

Though Waid said that the LSH's connection/participation in INFINITE CRISIS would be explored in #s 13 and 14 rather than 12. Hmmmm.

Or maybe it'll be like Sun Boy's 'quitting' in #8... we'll *see* a death scene (perhaps a flashback to Ferro Lad or someone else, as previously suggested?) followed closely by the dead character's return/healing/resurrection-contrivance.

[ August 07, 2005, 09:13 AM: Message edited by: Mystery Lad ]
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Y'know-- the solicit for #13's gonna *really* be interesting. I don't have a clue what's coming after the title's first year. We now know there's some possible tie to INFINITE CRISIS, but not how much story that tie'll require.

No 'old villains' for two years, I seem to recall. What's ahead for the LSH in its second year?
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
Wasn't Year 2 supposed to explore links to the mainstream DCU?

Perhaps it'll flesh out history (from the 31st century's relative view) a little bit. After all we were dropped in this brave new world with few points of reference.

One panel of the Justice League fighting in some huge melee and kids who read comics is about all.
Posted by Vee on :
Well, one thing I recall was that Mon wouldn't make an appearance until AFTER the first year becasue of Infinite Crisis (not sure how he ties in to all that but he must somehow.) So we could soon see him.

I really hope there is no actual death of a legionnaire. Maybe a death scene contrived to fool us and Lemnos but soon revealed to be a bit of theater.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Speaking of theater, maybe Dream Girl and Brainiac Five have their first date at a production of Romeo and Juliet (we know she's into Shakespeare), and he chokes up at the death scene!
Posted by Vee on :
Posted by SouthtownKid on :
Since Mark Waid says he likes to keep us off balance and that whatever we're expecting to happen is wrong, here is my most ridiculous guess that is almost guaranteed not to be true:

Lemnos, like Legionnaire Lemon, is actually Mon-El with the letters scrambled (and an extra "S" to throw off fans). His memory powers are an illusion projected by someone else. Either he is on a super-secret mission for the Legion Espionage Squad, pretending to be bad in order to root out the real leader of the villains, or he really is bad, driven insane after 1,000 years in the Phantom Zone.

How's that for a crazy guess?

Oh, and I hope Waid bucks expectations, and doesn't kill anyone. Or if there is a death, maybe like EDE suggests, it's a flashback to a death that occurred sometime during the year between when the Legion formed and issue #1.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
You know... "Praetor" is almost an anagram of "Trapper" as well...
Posted by ferroboy on :
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
One thing we know from previous Waid interviews:









It won't be Hawkeye!

Seriously, I'm betting the death scene in question is actually a flashback to Ferro Lad's death.

This sounds very plausible. If the entire Threeboot takes place after Infinite Crisis, and the death somehow ties into IC, this could have happened during their first year.
Posted by lil'rhino on :
Leeta 87 joins and dies in one issue!!
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
Maybe the founders didn't manage to save RJ Brande this time. Revealed now in a flashback.
Posted by Jorg-EM on :
I wonder who is involved in the death scene??? My guess is Cosmic Boy. But he may be on the cover right under the flag. I hope it's not Star Boy for crying out loud.

On the cover I can guess Colossal Boy, Cosmic Boy(?), Cham, Brin Londo, Invisible Kid, Ultra Boy, Saturn Girl, Princess Projecta, Phantom Girl, Light Lass, Element Lad, Triplicate Girl, Lightning Lad, Sun Boy, Shadow Lass, Violet ( that her crazy hair between Brin and Princess P???).

Star Boy may be on there as well. Anyways it's a death scene....hopefully not a Legionnaire's death...but i have a feeling it will be.

I say kill off Cosmic Boy. [Smile]
Posted by superboymddjr on :
okay okay here what I have identified so far:

Bottom (non-flying row) - from Left to Right:
Triplicate Girl, Saturn Girl, Brainiac 5 or Karate Kid, Chameleon, Ultra Boy, Cosmic Boy, Princess Projectra, Atom Girl, Shadow Lass, ? maybe I-Kid??, Micro Lad

Top (flying row) - from Left to Right:
??female figure??, Phantom Girl, Light Lass, Element Lad, Lightning Lad, Karate Kid or Brainiac 5?, ?? , ?? (both too small to be Id'ed), Sun Boy, and Star Boy (top on the edge of the flag)

So who re missing: Dream Girl, Lone Wolf, Invisible Kid...

maybe Lone Wolf and Invisible Kid are the small specks that I could not identify....

Better not Dream Girl being killed!!! no no no! unless she cut her hair to be IDed as an unknown female silhouette??
Posted by ferroboy on :
Originally posted by lil'rhino:
Leeta 87 joins and dies in one issue!!

Bah! to Leeta 87! I want Hate-Face!
Posted by Tromium on :
Originally posted by Mystery Lad:
Y'know-- the solicit for #13's gonna *really* be interesting.

By that time a downtime issue would be long overdue. In issue #13, they should all be forced to use the Kissing Machine to make up and be friends.
Posted by MLLASH on :
I fully support Tromium's all-kissing issue idea!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I think the return of Kid Pyscho just in time for Infinite Crisis is the only way to go! After all, is he not a Silver Age Legionnarie?

In all seriousness, I hope we don't get a death scene either. But I like the idea of a flashback to Ferro Lad's death scene.
Posted by Portfolio Boy on :
I think it is important to recall that we were warned of a "death scene," not the death of a Legionnaire. For that reason, I agree with those who speculate that the death will be a flashback. If it is "on panel," I'm guessing it will be a supporting character, an SP (one of Lyle's parents?) or a one of the multitude of ringless Legionnaires.

I'd also agree that all of the threeboot is post-Crisis2.
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
Death scene? Maybe someone steps on Atom Girl but nobody notices...?
Posted by lil'rhino on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
I think the return of Kid Pyscho just in time for Infinite Crisis is the only way to go!

Turbans are the new black!
Posted by Mediocre Boy on :
What the--a kissing machine!? Did such a device ever really appear in a Legion story. If so, please do explain. And if not, that's okay, too, because you made me howl with laughter in any event, guys.
Posted by Mediocre Boy on :
Do you know what? The kissing machine reference made me realize for the first time how good the Legion could be if it were to be given the same comedic touches that made Justice League International so much fun to read back in the Giffen days. Even the taste of silliness we got with Tenzil Kem in the 5-Year Gap was tantalizingly (sp?) fantastic. [Smile]
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
There was a famous scene where the Legionnaires were using the "Big Computer" to determine who would have the most fun kissing whom.

Ayla is shown kissing Cham, as Lyle laments the fact that Star Boy never seems to have time for romance...

[ August 08, 2005, 08:22 PM: Message edited by: Eryk Davis Ester ]
Posted by ferroboy on :
Originally posted by Mediocre Boy:
What the--a kissing machine!? Did such a device ever really appear in a Legion story. If so, please do explain. And if not, that's okay, too, because you made me howl with laughter in any event, guys.

I believe it did. It was random. I seem to recall people wondering who Jan would have to kiss. My memory is sketchy on this, though, so it could be that he kissed Shrinking Violet.

[ August 09, 2005, 03:55 AM: Message edited by: ferroboy ]
Posted by legionadventureman on :
That kissing machine incident involving Light Lass and Chameleon Boy, as well as Phantom Girl and Ultra Boy dancing the "Shurg"...was that the same story where Star Boy gets tried for killing Kenz Nuhor?
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Yep! Brainiac Five and Superboy were busy playing an intense game of Spaceopoly at the time.

Jan is shown gleefully operating the controls of the big computer, while Vi seems to be waiting in line behind Cham to be the next to kiss Ayla.
Posted by Disaster Boy on :
i hope somebody dies!!!
Posted by jimgallagher on :
I really hope they don't kill a Legionnaire. The whole "new super hero team has to face trial by fire and lose one of their own to forge a bond" schtick is SO tired. And killing Legionnaires has become even more cliched. Is there anyone left who hasn't been killed in one timeline or another?
Posted by Disaster Boy on :
kill em all!!!


[ August 09, 2005, 03:31 PM: Message edited by: Disaster Boy ]
Posted by MLLASH on :
no, KISS 'em all!
Posted by SouthtownKid on :
Well, if they were going to bring back old Legion machines, I'd want that solar system thing, where the planets spin around super fast until one flies off and bonks someone in the head, thereby choosing him/her to lead the next mission. Future Democracy in action.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
The Planetary Chance Machine.

Here's the page everyone is talking about -

Posted by Jorg-EM on :
Geez while I don't care for this "era" of the Legion atleast Spaceology looks super cool unlike boring old chess the Legion was playing in #1. [Smile]

Invisible Kid? Hmmm.
Posted by Jorg-EM on :
btw, who wrote this issue? thanks.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Originally posted by Jorg-EM:
btw, who wrote this issue? thanks.

The Story from Adventure Comics #342? Edward Hamilton.
Posted by Blacula on :
I love that issue!
Posted by Triplicate Boy on :
Just a thought, but if 13 and 14 are supposed to somehow tie in with Infinite Crisis and, from what I hear, Infinite Crisis kinda says that Crisis on Infinite Earths really didn't end, maybe the death is the death of Superboy, hence the cover similarities. I think this would be the most difficult scene of all for Waid to write since it would have to live up to the glory of the past. Flashback's to Ferro Lad or anyone else wouldn't be all that difficult for him, and I think he would avoid the death of Brainy (since B5 is Mark's fave).
Posted by wamu2 on :
Originally posted by Nightcrawler:
The Planetary Chance Machine.

Here's the page everyone is talking about -


wow. that was so silver age it was awesome. I have to got to start collecting the old stuff. any idea if DC will or has released the early stuff in digest format? thanks.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Check out this thread. In it you'll see all of the reprints for the various issues to date.

I think the last strongly Legion-related reprint was the SUPERBOY #147 replia edition from 2002 or for just some wacky Silver Age (with a dash of Legion) nonsense try DC'S GREATEST IMAGINARY STORIES which came out last week.
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
Speaking of theater, maybe Dream Girl and Brainiac Five have their first date at a production of Romeo and Juliet (we know she's into Shakespeare), and he chokes up at the death scene!

No tragedy for this couple, their template is Taming of the Shrew.

It'll be revealed that she's been aggravating him by playing Petruchio to Brainy's Kate with her pre-cog logic for months.

Asking him "Isn't the moon lovely tonight" on a picnic date on the roof of HQ at noon will finally break him.
Posted by Tromium on :
Full text of the November solicitation:

Written by Mark Waid, art by Barry Kitson and Mick Gray, cover by Kitson.
The first year of Legion of Super-Heroes wraps up in a finale that must be seen to be believed! The pieces have been put in place over the last 12 months and now the threat to the universe stands revealed, leaving the team -- and the 31st century -- in shambles.
40 pages, $2.99, in stores on Nov. 23.

Hmmm. I thought the threat had *already* been revealed.

You can find all the DC November solicitations HERE.
Posted by the boy with UltraPowers on :
Originally posted by Tromium:
You can find all the DC November solicitations HERE.

loads of 'INFINITE CRISIS' cross-overs in the November books !! i wonder which 'time lost' hero returns in issue 2 ??

the cover to 'SUPERGIRL' 4 looks cool, she looks like she's in the PHANTOM ZONE from the Superman movies !!

Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Originally posted by Tromium:
Hmmm. I thought the threat had *already* been revealed.

Terror Firma is only the advanced wave.
Posted by lil'rhino on :
I wonder what Colossal Boy was doing on the planet Vavoona !?!

[ August 15, 2005, 04:21 AM: Message edited by: lil'rhino ]
Posted by Gorilla Nebula on :
taking shurg lessons?
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
Originally posted by the boy with UltraPowers:
i wonder which 'time lost' hero returns in issue 2 ??

Aw crumbs!

I'd planned on ignoring this until it was all out on the stands...maybe even then too...but if it's the "time lost" hero we've been discussing in another thread then I'll HAVE to buy it.

Think we'll see Valor return to DC and his own title, or maybe even as a Teen Titan? (that would be a wierd switch wouldn't it?)
Posted by Matthew E on :
Speculation - and that's all it is - on any upcoming death scenes:

Surely the most obvious candidate for dying is Cosmic Boy's dad. We already know he's sick. I can visualize an issue in which Rokk leads the Legion to victory in whatever battle they're in, while his dad is succumbing to illness on Braal. This could lead to, for instance, Pol developing a grudge against the Legion.
Posted by superboymddjr on :
say, didn't it occur to you all that Atom Girl may be the one who's the deceased they are talking about in the flashback? Atom Girl so far has not appeared lately in the Legion ....hmmm....her dead?
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Do they ever refer to her at all, Superboy? Only you can answer my query - or didn't that occur to you, either? [No]
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Phantom Girl and Element Lad speak of Atom Girl in the present tense a few issues back.
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Well, when Superboymdjr comes back online, you can tell him that, EDE
Posted by Jorg-EM on :

I think. [Smile]
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
My new speculation is that the girl being chased by the snake is actually Princess Projectra's true appearance.

Holy shades of the reboot Batman!
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Nooooooo! [AHHHH!!!!] I dont want to ever ever get bit by that snake-scenario (pre-Waid/Kitson) again. Worst idea a creative team could have! Jeckie looks better as a humanoid! [Yes]

Turning Orando from mediaeval anachronism to a Captain Carrot-esque environment (oh those poor little raccoons working down in the mines! [Mad] ) was a daring experiment which IMHO went horribly, horribly wrong [Razz]
Posted by Tromium on :
Some news about issue #12 at


LATE-BREAKING: Stuart Moore and Ken Lashley contribute a six-page back-feature to this issue of the all-new LEGION. "I'm a big fan of what Mark Waid and Barry Kitson have done with this book, so it was an honor to be asked to contribute this," Stuart said. "THE LEGION has always featured short pieces that focus more closely on individual members, and that's the idea here. It's a little story -- the first of two -- about Lightning Lad, Saturn Girl, and the whole meaning of the Legion itself."

LEGION OF SUPERHEROES #12 goes on sale November 23rd, 2005.

I'm not familiar with either man's work (all I know is that Moore is the current Firestorm writer), but I look forward to this backup story. Hope we get some preview pages soon.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Thanks TC!
Posted by wamu2 on :
Originally posted by legionadventureman:
Nooooooo! [AHHHH!!!!] I dont want to ever ever get bit by that snake-scenario (pre-Waid/Kitson) again. Worst idea a creative team could have! Jeckie looks better as a humanoid! [Yes]

Turning Orando from mediaeval anachronism to a Captain Carrot-esque environment (oh those poor little raccoons working down in the mines! [Mad] ) was a daring experiment which IMHO went horribly, horribly wrong [Razz]

as a true newbie, never collected LSH until now, I am always amazed by the longing for past characters, attitudes, villians, etc, etc.

however, the one thing that most long-time LSH readers seem to agree on not wanting to see again, are the Snake and the mine working racoons. [Smile]

was really that bad?
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
ha ha ha ha

Oh yeah. It was really that bad.

The whole scenario featuring a permenant underclass of servants for the royalty just touched too many raw nerves in fandom. Add the fact that we were never sure if they were an economic underclass or outright slaves to the the fact that they were mammals in apparent servitude to reptiles and you get a really creepy dynamic.

That the mammals were similar to raccoons just got people completely upset at the unintentional (we hope) racial slang reference and none of it really worked out very well.
Posted by Tromium on :
Regarding the #12 backup story, I found another snippet from Stuart Moore which sheds a little more light on it:

"It was a last-minute addition, so it wasn't in the solicitation. It's a nice little story about the philosophy of the Legion and the romance between Lightning Lad and Saturn Girl."

The bit about it being "a last-minute addition" is mighty curious, considering this is the climax of a year-long arc that has presumably been planned from the very start. Don't you think?
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
Perhaps the plan changed with Barry's absence over the summer. It looks like the story spills over to issue 13 with the latest solicit.

Maybe we'll get another installment of the letters feature too.
Posted by Tromium on :
You'll find some additional spoilerish stuff about the Stuart Moore backup stories HERE at rec.arts.comics.dc.lsh, by a poster named Wildcard who receives Moore's e-mail newsletter:

* In the very very late-breaking news department: I've written
back-feature stories for LEGION OF SUPERHEROES #12 & 13. If you don't
remember seeing that information in the solicitations, you didn't --
that's how last-minute this was. I'm a big fan of Mark Waid & Barry
Kitson's LEGION -- hell, I've always loved the Legion -- so this was
a great little assignment.

The first story features Lightning Lad and Saturn Girl, while the
second one focuses on Dream Girl. The two issues wrap up the
exciting first-year storyline, and the back-features stand alone, but
comment subtly on the main action. On sale November 23rd and December
28th, respectively.

Will the second story be told in flashback or at her funeral, or does Dream Girl live??!

Something tells me that the first-year story arc spilled over to the 13th issue for a reason other than Barry's absence or WaK having too much material for one issue. Did they have to postpone the ending to wait for something elsewhere in the DCU to happen first? If so, what?

[ October 11, 2005, 08:47 AM: Message edited by: Tromium ]
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Don't know how I missed this before. I love hearing that Garth and Imra are getting a back up story within the first year. But I just have this gut feeling the one for Nura will be her funeral.

As for the artist, Lashley has worked on Excalibur, WildStorm, JLA, Green Lantern, The Darkness and Rising Stars, among others. I've found some examples of Lashley's work and I think it'll be good as a backup.

Here's a Batman sketch he did in 1999:

Click for fullsize image

Wolverine done for a t-shirt:

Click for fullsize image

Lashley also founded Draxhall Jump Studio which has done work for toy design and animation.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
More Draxhall info. Their site appears to be offline but CBR has an online digital version of The Vault from 2003 with the art being done by Lashley.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
My prediction: Dream Girl wanders through Metropolis Park, where she encounters Myron Marks, who helps her adjust to life being bald and stuff!
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Myron's advice is for her to buy a hat, which ties into Calamity King's introduction in #13 as well!
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Brilliant EDE!

Actually I disagree about the funeral. I think the guy would say "second one focuses on Dream Girl's funeral" or "second one focuses on a Legionnaire's funeral" rather than "second one focuses on Dream Girl." That to me sounds like she A.) survived, but is recuperating or B.) a flashback.

I'd think any flashback with her dead in the present would be silly and/or have to have Waid writing it to make any sense. So my money is on A.

[ October 11, 2005, 01:22 PM: Message edited by: Nightcrawler ]
Posted by Kid Quislet on :
The #13 backup story could feature the re-introduction of Proteans and lightning rods...
Posted by Sir Tim Drake on :
I'm not happy to hear that anyone other than Mark is writing the Legion. I have nothing in particular against Stuart Moore, but even if the guest writer was *Alan* Moore I would still be annoyed by this news. I hope that there's a good reason for the guest-written stories and that we will soon learn what the reason is.
Posted by Tromium on :
Originally posted by Sir Tim Drake:
I'm not happy to hear that anyone other than Mark is writing the Legion. I have nothing in particular against Stuart Moore, but even if the guest writer was *Alan* Moore I would still be annoyed by this news. I hope that there's a good reason for the guest-written stories and that we will soon learn what the reason is.

I have no problem with an occasional guest-written backup if the story is good, I was just curious about the timing. In the first 12 months, Waid will have written the page equivalent of more than 16 standard-sized issues of LSH, even factoring in next month's guest backup, so we can hardly accuse him of slacking off. Chances are he's working on the new "52" series to launch in March, and just needed someone to spot him. It would be nice if we got an official explanation, but I wouldn't really count on it.

Hopefully Moore's contributions will be better than the backup Waid wrote in issue #11, whose appeal completely escapes me.
Posted by Tromium on :
Diamond Shipping Changes as of 11.11.05 at Newsarama.

Legion of Super-Heroes #12 11/23/05 - 11/30/05

[sob] It's going to be late [sob]
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
I've always come to expect the Legion on the last Wednesday of the month so no big deal to me. It just better be worth it.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
[Frown] I need my LSH fix, man!
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Originally posted by Tromium:
Diamond Shipping Changes as of 11.11.05 at Newsarama.

Legion of Super-Heroes #12 11/23/05 - 11/30/05

[sob] It's going to be late [sob]

Even later now. I just checked Diamond's list for next week and the Legion is nowhere to be found. WTF? [Frown]
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
And, yes, I checked this week's list too to see if it had been put back on schedule. So does this mean we'll get two issues in December?

Barry, any idea what's up? Everything okay?
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
I think it's the fact that the 30th list is incomplete until the Monday before it. I think that listing is sans changes such as LSH from the 23rd.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
CBG has it on their list as one that is not to ship either according to their sources with the publisher/distributor. I really hope next Monday brings different news but I won't be holding my breath.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Hmmm...I could e-mail Steve Wacker to see if he knows.
Posted by superboymddjr on :
just recently checked the list of new comics arriving today on and Legion #12 is one of them...did anyone get it?
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
No. DC never updates their site once they post their upcoming solicitations. Or very rarely does. As it stands right now it may be out next week. Or not. But it definitely did not ship this week.
Posted by jimgallagher on :
Crap. And next week they'll say it's late because of the holiday I suppose.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Yay! It's on this week's Diamond Shiping List. Crisis averted! *whew!*

I don't think I could've waited another week.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
You beat me to it Gary. That's what I get for updating my site before LW. [Smile]

Well, maybe Caroline will buy me a reading copy since that's when I go back to the doctor if my face is still swollen.
Posted by Lad Boy on :
I went to my CBS and there where Legion # 12 was supposed to be was ... Legion # 11. AHHHHGHHGH!

The UPS delivery was late, but it arrived before I left. In the time it took to get to the box with the Legion I managed to drop $80 on a bunch of JSA trades and other stuff that I wouldn't normally take the time to browse through.

Clearly the late delivery is a UPS/DC Comics subliminal advertising campaign conspiracy.

#12's quite good, chock full of character tidbits, some humor, and chicks kickin' a$$. Boy that does look painful.
Posted by Matthew E on :
My subscription copy was not in the mailbox today. Typically it arrives on the Wednesday, although I've known it to come Monday or Tuesday, and with Christmas coming I won't consider it actually late until, oh, this time next week. But I was looking forward to it today.

Posted by Vee on :



.... [Big Grin]
Posted by Faraway Lad on :

And because I have a few days off work and wont get into town, I will not be able to pick it up until Monday.
Posted by Vee on :

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