This is topic Alternative Employment for Out-of-Work Legion Characters in forum Long Live the Legion! at Legion World.

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Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Mekt, I've written to Bill Willingham to recommend you for a gig in Fables. Unfortunately, the Snow Queen is taken, but the Adversary is still up for grabs.
Posted by Greybird on :
Hey, sis!

I took a message for you, while you were out. Go see Circadia Senius at the Time Institute. He's got a job for you.

Some high muckety-muck U.S. politician back in the early 21st Century can't seem to find the weapons of mass destruction that he told everyone would be found in ... somewhere in Greater Mesopotamia, I think.

Circadia said this guy sounded urgent, but his English was hard to understand. Even with the translator on line -- it kept rebooting. Somehow the word "nuclear" was getting it all confused.

It sounds promising, but I wonder if even you can find something this vague. Besides, didn't you say you'd never help out theocrats again, after that experience on Kol? This guy sure sounded like one.

Love ya,
Posted by Monkey Eater Lad on :
Hey Bouncing Boy, how do you feel about Jenny Craig? Look at Christy Alley's career...hmm, maybe not.
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
Saturn Girl,

"Bubba" from Arkansas is seeking someone to be his life-long companion and potential first lady of a major nation.


Thick skin to endure non-stop political attacks
Smart enough to act as unelected co-president
Must be able to turn blind eye to Bubba's sexual indiscretions and have a don't ask policy regarding interns

This is a once in a lifetime opportunity requiring you to subsume your own ambitions for 8 years. However Bubba anticipates that at the end of this term there is a substantial opportunity to launch your own leadership ambitions.
Posted by Mekt Ranzz on :
oh, miss cramer, haven't i been "the adversary" long enough? yes it is the classic story (fable?) of brother versus brother et cetera et cetera but that riff has worn thin and i am so much more than that.

perhaps i should return to my advice column. you sentients still need help.
Posted by lil'rhino on :
Now that Tenzil quit, perhaps he'll become a senator or maybe even president of Bismoll!!
Posted by Set on :
Sodam Yot calls up Tenzil and asks him to help destroy a bunch of indestructible items that he's been guarding for the last 1000 years.

Turns out he's been sitting on Oa to safeguard a hundred or so Black Lantern rings. Only Tenzil can save the day, the way he did with the Miracle Machine!

Tenzil Kem, Legionnaire, Chef, Celebrity, Senator-at-Large, and Destroyer of Indestructible and Dangerous Relics of Power!
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Duplicate Boy,

Kinko's wants you for their new spokesman.
Posted by Set on :
Bouncing Boy and Duplicate Damsel appear to be out of work now as well.

Bouncing Boy has been offered a job as a flywheel. He'll store kinetic energy, being kept in a vacuum-sealed chamber, bouncing 24/7, and when the local power-grid needs the energy he's holding stored, they'll slide a panel into place and he'll bounce into it a few times, bleeding off some kinetic energy. When he's lost enough energy, he'll be allowed a brief break, and then a Daxamite tourist will punch him again when his break is over, filling him up with thousands of tons of kinetic energy, and sending him caroming around his vacuum-sealed chamber...

Duplicate Damsel has been offered a position cleaning up an oil spill. She's to create 10,000 duplicates and send them swimming into the spill, swallowing as much oil as they can before they pass out, at which point they will vanish, taking the oil with them! Brilliant! (Matter-Eater Lad was their first choice, but turned them down. He said that all that oil would mess up his complexion and give him zits. Bismollan zits are no laughing matter. The last outbreak put forty people in the hospital!)
Posted by future king on :
Maybe Sun Boy should start up a hands-free BBQ starter business. It would save on gas and other natural energy sources.
He could probably do, oh I don't know, maybe 150 - 200 homes a day?
Posted by Kid Quislet on :
Blok - Spokesperson for his own line of "SunBlok 3100." With an SP rating of 3100, this product protects all sentients from adverse solar radiation, even those with the most sensitive membranes. Also useful for sidewalk repair!

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