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Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
Your LSH comics, whether you have one or hundreds. Yeah, how'd you get 'em if you didn't go to the store/convention/internet and purchase them yourself?

My story is pretty boring. Even as a kid I made my own selections and paid for them with my own money earned from kid-type odd jobs.

The dozen or so that have been gifted to me have come fom LWers! (Some Adventure, SLSH 200, & more from Pov, some SLSH including the Super Stalag Outlawed Legion reprint from Lash [whose grandma bought it for him. Provenance!], and the Mordru tabloid from lil'r. Thanks, lads!)

I've also borrowed stuff from individuals and libraries, but I'm not counting loan materials as part of my collection -- I've returned them all, honest!

So, what about you sentients?

Parents/relatives buy 'em for you, at your request or otherwise?

Given to you by other kids or sibs, or traded with same?

Found them somewhere? (Where? We must know.)

Won them? (Please tell!)

Got one (or more) by mistake? (^Ditto!)

That was the middle comic from the Whitman 3-pack or something similar?

...but surely you didn't STEAL any.

[ August 23, 2011, 10:51 AM: Message edited by: Thriftshop Debutante ]
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
My grandma sent me some Grell Legion comics way back in the 70's, and I became hooked on the Legion. I had nothing previous to, nor post-Grell for a LONG time. I had managed to find at least one issue of the EarthWar comics. So, when we moved to Washington state, my family and I went to Seattle, to the Pike Place Market, and I discovered Golden Age Collectibles. I found Superboy #197 all the way through the then current Earthwar series, something like #243 or or 5! My parents actually bought me all of that stuff! I could not believe they were doing that for me. It was amazing.

After that, I kept going to the stores that sold Legion comics, and if I missed and issue, I would look at other stores in the area. My Mom would *always* take me out of her way in order to find the comics I wanted. I have NO idea why they were so cool to me about all that, but they were. I will never forget that.

After that, I have found all my Legion comics on my own, and paid for them myself.

[ June 24, 2005, 03:14 AM: Message edited by: Sketch Lad ]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
When I decided that I liked the Legion, I asked my Dad where our Legion collection was and he pointed me to a few long boxes. There, I saw the entire adventure run from roughly the Subs second appearance forward, a few Superboy and the Legion’s, and then the whole Legion run from Omen and the Prophet to the then present day (minus a handful, which I’ve since bought).

Since then, I’ve bought all the issues missing in b/t (including the Great Darkness TPB, which I bought first).

However, I have been lucky enough to receive these:

- Vee sent me along a few of his old Adventure comics to fill out my run (thanks Vee! [Big Grin] )

- Faraway Lad was nice enough not to outbid me on Ultra Boy’s first appearance during my first ebay purchase when I just starting grad school (and very poor). I know I technically bought this one, but it’s worth mentioning. (Thanks Far! [Big Grin] )
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
I've basically been buying it with my own money off the stands since 1975. I've bought back issues at comic book stores, online (through Mile High or others places), bid a TON on eBay (and wouldn't be surprised if I outbid a number of people here before I knew you all [Big Grin] ) and I've had a few gifted to me (thanks Rhino!). And I've tried to share the wealth where I can.
Posted by jimgallagher on :
I got most of my earliest Adventures from neighbor kids who'd had them handed down to them from older brothers. Not unlike heroin, the first few hits were free. Once I was hooked, I started shelling out the dough until my collection was complete. First through back issue companies, then when they got revitalized in the early 70s, at the local newsstands. That was before stores that sold comics exclusively existed.

[ June 24, 2005, 10:36 AM: Message edited by: jimgallagher ]
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
The cat dragged them in, but they're still readable.
Posted by profh0011 on :
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
Parental patronage.

I've described in previous threads (for those with long memories) how I discovered the Legion while my brother and I were left at the comic book rack when my mother and grandmother went shopping. The issue was LSH (first series) #1, with Superboy on the cover swinging Mon-El into a futuristic street doohickey. The issue made such an impression that I begged Mom to take me back the next day and buy the issue. To her everlasting regret, she gave in.

Mom bought all my comics until I was able to afford them myself. Back issues in my hometown were unheard of. When I was 14, I discovered my first comics shop while in Kansas City. It was there that I bought most of the ADVENTURE run. I now live about 30 blocks from that same shop, though, ironically, I rarely go there. Too many more attractive options.

The first two ADVENTUREs I ever owned, however, were given to me by a friend who moved away. He was two years older than me, but had a small collection of comics from the '60s, including ADV. # 368 (the mutiny of the super-heroines issue) and # 372 (the origin of the LSV). When he left, he gave those comics to me. What a guy!
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
If it weren't for my free Legion comics, I might not be a fan today! I bought the first issue of TMK (cuz I liked Giffen), but found the book too dense to get into. I was working as a Marvel intern at the time and there were always free comics around (more Marvel than DC needless to say). I got ahold of numbers 3 and 4 and that hooked me enough to keep buying the book and search out as many back issues as I could grab up.

(Needless to say, I also got a ton of other free books besides that...)
Posted by MLLASH on :
Intern at Marvel, Drake? Do tell!!

This thread inspires me to give some long-overdue shout-outs!

To my grade-school friend Keith and his Mom, who took me to my first-ever CBS!

To my late, great-aunt (Mimi!), who happened to live nearby that very same CBS!

And to my dear Grandmother, who went to pick her up every Friday and took me along to buy me comics!

Then I grew up and stuff, and started buying my own. FEH!

I'll tease Granny (now in her 80s) sometimes... "Can you take me to the comic book store and get me some comics? The cheap ones are only $2.50 each!" and she'll gasp in shock or something, it's cute!

Shout-outs also to the following LWers for providing me with awesome various LSH collectibles!

li'l Rhino!

Thriftshop Debutante!

Poverty Lad!


Dean Lee!

and (the long-lost) Omega-Matt.

[ June 25, 2005, 03:36 PM: Message edited by: MLLASH ]
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Lash, my grandma had no idea what she was sending me, back in the 70's. She just figured they were "funny books." She had no idea that I'd become addicted and end up collecting that series for the rest of my life. It's kinda weird, really.
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
[Tornado Twins]
Posted by MLLASH on :
Miss Teeds, I must correct you above: I am almost certain the ish I sent you was the S/LSH reprint with the Starlin cover, "The Outlawed Legion" and not the Super-Stalag story reprinted in a 100-page spectacular (I can't picture myself ever parting with my old 100-pagers).

I can distinctly remember reading it in the parking lot of Montesi's after I bought it!!

Also, as I recall, it earned a grade of "A+" from me [LOL]
Posted by MLLASH on :
Correction: A++ [ROTFLMAO]
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
Oops! That is correct. But with a cover like this:

Click for fullsize image can see how I made the error.

PS: you gave it an A++
Posted by MLLASH on :
Li'l Lash knew a good comic when he read it [Big Grin]

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