Jorg-EM's post on this thread got me thinking: Are there official Spanish translations of the Legionnaires' codenames? If not, what should they be? For example, should Shadow Lass be Sombra Muchacha, Muchacha de Sombra, or something else entirely?
Posted by Juan on :
Well, the Legion has been translated several times into Spanish. Some of the code names I'm familiar with are from the 70's-80's, essentially translations from the Adventure Era all the way to Levitz. Here are some of the ones I remember(but there have been many versions afterwards!):
Lightning Lad: Relámpago Cosmic Boy: Cósmico Saturn Girl: Saturna Phantom Girl: Fantasma Triplicate Girl: Triple (later on Doble) Brainiac 5: Braniac 5 (one less i than in English) Chameleon Boy: Camaleón Colossal Boy: Coloso Bouncing Boy: Rebotador Element Lad: Elemento Lightning Lass: Centella (even after her powers changed) Sun Boy: Solar Ultra Boy: Ultra Matter-Eater Lad: Devorador Mon-el: Mon-el Dream Girl: Soñadora Star Boy: Astro Invisible Kid: Invisible Shrinking Violet: Violeta Karate Kid: Karate Kid Princess Projectra: Princesa Proyectra Ferro Lad: Ferro Chemical King: Químico Timber Wolf: Lobo Shadow Lass: Sombra Dawnstar: Lucero Wildfire: Fuego Blok: Blok White Witch: Bruja Blanca
I'm sure I must have forgotten some... Actually, I've always thought that some of these could work well in English, for example Astro, Solar or Sombra...
[ March 26, 2005, 06:29 PM: Message edited by: Juan ]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I like the one for Dream Girl - Sonadora
Posted by Matter-Eater Lad on :
¿Chaval del Materia-Comedor?
Posted by High Priestess Viviane on :
I think Kinetix is Kinetica.
Posted by Lobo Gris on :
Other vertions (used in the comics in Spain): Dawnstar: Estrella del Alba. Wildfire:Fuego Salvaje. Timber Wolf: Lobo Gris. MagneticKid: Magnético. Polarboy: Polar. Nigthgirl: Nocturna. Infectiuslass: Infecciosa. Firelad: Fuego. Stoneboy: Petreo. Cometqueen: Reina Cometa. Supergirl: Superchica. Matter-eater-lad: Devorador de Materia. Aparition: Aparición. Lightlass: Liviana. Villains (of the same comics) Emerald Empress: Emperatriz Esmeralda. LightningLord: Señor del Relampago. CosmicKing: Rey Cósmico. SaturnQueen: Reina Saturno. Time Trapper: Señor del Tiempo. Infinite Man: Hombre Infinito.
Generaly, they used the adjetive only (no chico, chica, muchacho, muchacha, pibe, piba,chaval or something like that) because the names would be too long.
Posted by Jorg-EM on :
Heh, maybe I should get the spanish translated versions cause those names are cool.
Pariscub once sent me the names of them in France. Gotta find that email.
Posted by Star Boy on :
See... they have no problem with one-word code-names... hint hint
I could get to like going by Astro...
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
I love the Spanish names!
Reading the title of this thrad, I envisioned, "El Bloco" among them!
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
quote:Originally posted by Lobo Gris: Matter-eater-lad: Devorador de Materia. Infinite Man: Hombre Infinito.
I must say I prefer the Spanish versions in these cases. Tenz sounds much more dangerous this way.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
quote:Originally posted by Star Boy: See... they have no problem with one-word code-names... hint hint
I could get to like going by Astro...
Posted by Sir Tim Drake on :
Thanks for all the replies!
Some of those names are rather uninteresting, but Sombra, Estrella del Alba and Fuego Salvaje are possibly even better than the English names. And I laughed out loud at Devorador.
Posted by Yellow King on :
quote:Supergirl: Superchica.
These are cool.
Posted by Star Boy on :
quote:Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
quote:Originally posted by Star Boy: See... they have no problem with one-word code-names... hint hint
I could get to like going by Astro...
and here i was picturing Astro-Boy as opposed to Astro the Dog...
Posted by Pariscub on :
quote:Originally posted by Jorg-EM: Heh, maybe I should get the spanish translated versions cause those names are cool.
Pariscub once sent me the names of them in France. Gotta find that email.
Yeah, you'd better... LOL Alternatively, I could always look through my old FR Legion Treasury Edition and write the list again.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
My BF just went on his first business trip to Brazil and brought me back Titãs & Legião Dos Super-Heróis: Universo Incandescente. It was the only Legion-related comic in Portuguese he could find.
Here's the inside front cover. (Clicking on the picture below will load an image almost 300kb, which is easier to read.)
As for the names of the Titans in Portuguese, all are the same except for Sina, Detonador, Argenta, Estelar, & Asa Noturna. Any guesses on who they are?
Posted by Lobo Gris on :
No idea about Sina or Estelar (wait, maybe Starfire) but for the rest: Asa Nocturna: Nightwing. Detonador: Damage. Argenta: Argent
Posted by Lobo Gris on :
quote:Heh, maybe I should get the spanish translated versions cause those names are cool.
You Know, many argentine fans prefer the originals because they sound cool. My guess is that foreigh names has an exotic quality that make them sound better for the speakers of other lenguage.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Spot on LG. Sina, btw, was Omen.
Posted by Jorg-EM on :
Some more thoughts Matter Eater Lad sounds much better as the Devourer!
In the latin languages many times the Boy/Girl goes before so Nino del Sol doesn't sound as cool. They were wise to go with their own versions in the translations.
Fuego Salvage does sound awesome! (Wildfire) But I also imagine a very cheesy spanish TV novela (soap opera).
Asa Norturna may be Nightwing. Spanish word for wing is Ala...Asa seems similiar enough.
FRENCH VERSIONS of Legion codenames from Pariscub years ago.
Lightning Lad = Fulgur Saturn Girl = saturna Chameleon Boy = Caméléon Duo Damsel = Mademoiselle double/duo Triplicate Girl = triplexa Phantom Girl = Fantôme girl Colossal Boy = Colossus Shrinking Violet = Réducta Sun Boy = Phoebus Bouncing Boy = Poussah Boy Matter-eater lad = Mange-tout Light lass= Pluma Ligting lass = Fulgura Dream Girl = Futura Princess Projectra = Princesse Illusion Shadwo Lass = Tenebra Timber Wolf = Loup noir Wildfire = Flamex Dawnstar = Stella Ferro lad = Ferrax Invisible Kid = L'Invisible Alchemist Lad = Chimiste Polar Boy = Polair Night Girl = Nocturna Stone Boy = Pierrax Fire Lad )= Firex Color Kid = Colorex
Posted by Jorg-EM on :
Gotta say I like the spanish versions better but I am subjective. Cool French versions are the subs especially Pierrax. Futura (dream girl), Phoebus (Sun Boy) but I especially like Chimiste (Element Lad)! Chemist!
Timberwolf has some interesting translations. How about just Nero el Lobo. (Nero italian for black) But they call him Nero. Or El Lobo Nero, etc.
Posted by EmeraldEmpress on :
In the spanish version of Saturn Girl & Ligthning Lad some names changed to:
Saturn Girl : Muchacha de Saturno Lightning Lad : Joven Rayo Phantom Girl : Chica Fantasma Or Muchacha Fantasma Dream Girl : Joven Visionaria Light Lass : Chica Rayo Wildfire : Igneo Brainiac 5 : Cerebro Princess Projectra : Princesa Time Trapper : El Predistigitador Del Tiempo
Posted by EmeraldEmpress on :
I have one mistake.. Time Trapper : El Prestidigitador Del Tiempo
And all names come fron the wedding special dc collector's 5.