Jorg-EM's post on this thread got me thinking: Are there official Spanish translations of the Legionnaires' codenames? If not, what should they be? For example, should Shadow Lass be Sombra Muchacha, Muchacha de Sombra, or something else entirely?
-------------------- Aaron Kashtan/Sir Tim Drake
From: Providence, RI | Registered: Feb 2005
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Well, the Legion has been translated several times into Spanish. Some of the code names I'm familiar with are from the 70's-80's, essentially translations from the Adventure Era all the way to Levitz. Here are some of the ones I remember(but there have been many versions afterwards!):
Lightning Lad: Relámpago Cosmic Boy: Cósmico Saturn Girl: Saturna Phantom Girl: Fantasma Triplicate Girl: Triple (later on Doble) Brainiac 5: Braniac 5 (one less i than in English) Chameleon Boy: Camaleón Colossal Boy: Coloso Bouncing Boy: Rebotador Element Lad: Elemento Lightning Lass: Centella (even after her powers changed) Sun Boy: Solar Ultra Boy: Ultra Matter-Eater Lad: Devorador Mon-el: Mon-el Dream Girl: Soñadora Star Boy: Astro Invisible Kid: Invisible Shrinking Violet: Violeta Karate Kid: Karate Kid Princess Projectra: Princesa Proyectra Ferro Lad: Ferro Chemical King: Químico Timber Wolf: Lobo Shadow Lass: Sombra Dawnstar: Lucero Wildfire: Fuego Blok: Blok White Witch: Bruja Blanca
I'm sure I must have forgotten some... Actually, I've always thought that some of these could work well in English, for example Astro, Solar or Sombra...
-------------------- Five billion years from now the Sun will go nova and obliterate the Earth. Don't sweat the small stuff!
From: Boston | Registered: Aug 2003
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Other vertions (used in the comics in Spain): Dawnstar: Estrella del Alba. Wildfire:Fuego Salvaje. Timber Wolf: Lobo Gris. MagneticKid: Magnético. Polarboy: Polar. Nigthgirl: Nocturna. Infectiuslass: Infecciosa. Firelad: Fuego. Stoneboy: Petreo. Cometqueen: Reina Cometa. Supergirl: Superchica. Matter-eater-lad: Devorador de Materia. Aparition: Aparición. Lightlass: Liviana. Villains (of the same comics) Emerald Empress: Emperatriz Esmeralda. LightningLord: Señor del Relampago. CosmicKing: Rey Cósmico. SaturnQueen: Reina Saturno. Time Trapper: Señor del Tiempo. Infinite Man: Hombre Infinito.
Generaly, they used the adjetive only (no chico, chica, muchacho, muchacha, pibe, piba,chaval or something like that) because the names would be too long.
From: Argentina | Registered: Dec 2004
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Some of those names are rather uninteresting, but Sombra, Estrella del Alba and Fuego Salvaje are possibly even better than the English names. And I laughed out loud at Devorador.
-------------------- Aaron Kashtan/Sir Tim Drake
From: Providence, RI | Registered: Feb 2005
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