This is topic Support thread for Waid and Kitson in forum Long Live the Legion! at Legion World.

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Posted by Kid Prime on :
Well, I've read the Newsarama article, several pages of threads, and Barry's further remarks on the subject, and I've come to a conclusion: I am excited as hell about two awesome creators coming to LSH with creative energy and juice. I am excited about a shot of adrenalin in the arm for a book that has not been exciting or interesting since Legion Worlds #6.

I can't wait to see what Waid and Kitson have in store for us, and if you agree with me, post here to show your support for our awesome new team!!!

P.S. With this thread, I hereby declare myself officially back. [Smile]

[Optimus Prime]
Posted by Pex the Unalive on :
Good luck to them...I'll be waiting with baited breath to see their efforts! [Smile]
Posted by Lightning Lad on :

Heh. I could do this all day. I'm just glad to see you back KP!
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
BTW, Barry is being very cool about everything. Hopefully he can convince his partner-in-crime to pay us a visit when he has a spare moment.
Posted by Obadiah Oldbuck on :
Mark Waid retuns to the Legion. Kid Prime returns to Legion World.


I think not....
Posted by matlock on :
Hi KP, nice to see you here again. I'll have to reserve judgement til I have issues in hand, but I do appreciate that DC is putting such high visibility talent on the Legion. This seems to fly in the face of what usually happens on this book. The Legion is usually a home for up-and-coming talent, not established pros.

I'm sure both Waid and Kitson could've found less challenging assignments to take on books with higher readerships. (Not to mention less demanding fans.) I'll certainly be going into this "new chapter" with high hopes and a sense of relief that the book isn't in danger of emminent demise.
Posted by Future on :
I agree with everything said above. Whatever comes, it's definitely going to be a new, fresh take on the Legion. It's the kind of excitement the book needs again to get me anxious with anticipation for the next issue. Neither Waid or Kitson has let me down with any book of theirs I've read before, so I'm certainly pleased with the duo's placement. Especially with Waid's tie to year one of the reboot.

Kid Prime, good to see you again!
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Waid & Kitson are off to a good start - they already brought KP back to Legion World! [Big Grin]

We've got confirmation that the Legion is continuing. There's a lot of enthusiasm developing, now that we've overcome some initial apprehension. The creators themselves sound really psyched up about the project, and that is certainly infectious.

It's great to see Barry K. spend some time here on Legion World.

I figure the bar bill for Lightning Lad is running at about $500 so far, with all these offers of drinks, but life is here to be enjoyed.

So far so good!
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
I'm cautiously optimistic!

The return to character-driven stories certainly sounds promising, as does the fact that these guys are hardcore fans of the LSH (which I never got the impression was the case with DnA).
Posted by Suddenly Seymour on :
Welcome back, KP!!!!!

I'm the eternal optimist when it comes to the Legion. I go into each new incarnation believing it can be great (not will, but can). I've read a lot of good stuff by these guys, so I'm looking forward to seeing what they're up to.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I'm optimistic too right now. I have high hopes and I hope their met!
Posted by the boy with UltraPowers on :
i'm looking forward to what the new team can bring to the future of the Legion of Super Heroes !!!

and it's a nice feeling of concern and excitment !!!???

i just can't help wondering what they are gonna do ??? another REBOOT ??? or simply move forward with the current timeline ???

i wonder if MARK WAID will introduce a REVISED timeline, a little like his current "SUPERMAN: Birthright" book !!!??? [ i'm really enjoying that ]

one thing i am certain on, i'd love a whole patch of new costumes by BARRY !!!

and the return of costumed SUPER VILLIANS !!!

Posted by MLLASH on :
Though my excitement over LEGION didn't begin to decline until after Coipel left, I am honestly excited about Mark & Barry's work not to mention Gail's upcoming arc!
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Welcome back KP!

I've been exited about Mark and Barry on the series for awhile now.
Posted by Mearl Dox on :
Count me as another fan looking forward to it.
Posted by Greybird on :
I can't say I've seen enough of Kitson's visual work to have honest feelings of anticipation, though his being so articulate about what he intends bodes very well. At least for a word-obsessed type like me. Waid's DC work has ranged, for me, from competent stories to vivid reimaginings, and I'm glad he wants to give it a well-turned try once again.

We have Barry here already, talking as freely as he dares (and giving regrets where he dare not dare). That deserves great applause, indeed, especially with a full half-year to go before his work on the Legion is published.

During this past year -- since the DC Message Boards devolved to a lower order of -- we've had many others take part in who were and are involved in current Legion creativity. We haven't heard again directly, though, from Andy Lanning, who'd been sticking his head in occasionally at the old DCMBs. Once, perhaps, at the new ones, but never here. I have to admit, even with my having had verbal skirmishes with him, I found that absence notably disappointing.

That Waid and Kitson have been so candid, this far out, augurs well and would earn any such team considerable support. In fact, I doubt that anyone here would begrudge that support -- in that we all want to see the best-shaped, most intensely felt, most innovative Legion stories and cast that they're capable of creating.

It may not end up matching what each of us would like best, but I know I appreciate an honest effort. I saw and respected that impulse in DnA (and even Coipel), even when I didn't care for the results. As with those earlier in the reboot. As with -- though with some strain -- the TMK and pre-Zero-Hour crews.

Aside from a few items of reckless abandon during TMK, I don't think anyone even entertained notions on the printed page of doing ill to the Legion's heritage. No members of the creative crews were malicious, even when the art or writing was perceived and received by the customers as being badly done.

That's a round-about way for me to say that Waid and Kitson deserve the benefit of the doubt, or, perhaps, of our delaying our doubts until we've seen their work fully. Yet I'd say every creative team has deserved that initial good will. Whether they fulfill those hopes is, of course, a matter that unfolds later.
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
Welcome back KP!! Good idea for a thread considering the amount of apprehension and concern about the upcoming change -- it's always best to be positive and supportive!

I'm greatly enthused by the fact that Waid and Kitson are such Legion fans. At least we know they won't be out to turn the core concepts on their heads or simply use the Legion as a platform for their own notions of the future -- these guys seem to really want to tell *Legion* stories!!

And Barry, if you're reading this, please feel free to take part in this forum simply as one of us Legion fans -- we understand that you can't divulge future plans, but there's nothing stopping you from enjoying the rest of the fun that goes on around here [Smile]
Posted by Omni Craig on :
Without a doubt, I find this to be a great, great thing! Two talented comic book creators who love the Legion as much as we do? What more could we ask (besides Steve Lightle filling in some of those 30 pagers once in a while!)?
Posted by Barry Kitson on :
Hi everyone - thanks so much for such a great welcome!

I've just got back from the UK Comic convention and actually meeting a few Legionworld members which was great fun...and not nearly as scary as I was prepared for [Poke Joke]

I'm only sorry I didn't have more time to chat - due to very limited schedule with trains to catch and a whole lot of sketching to do!

I would like all of you for being so friendly and helpful though...and I'll look forward to our having a chance to sit down and have much longer discussions in the future!

Anyway - I'll leave it to the guys who met me to give you their take on what they heard at the DCU panel about what's ahead for the Legion...and what I may have inadvertantly let slip [Wink]

Oh, and I should warn you, some I what I told people was teasing...for example we are not really using Adventures #372 as the starting point for our run....but now I come to think about it.... [Smile]
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Whatever my reservations, I know that you and Mark Waid have the nest interests of the Legion at heart and that everything you do will be guided by that. So no matter what, I'll keep buying the Legion. I have faith in both of you.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Welcome to LEGION WORLD, Barry. I hope you enjoy posting/participating here. I know I'm looking forward to your work with my favorite superteam, the LSH. Heck, I'm still a bit bummed your run on Titans got cut short. Just when you and Peyer were about to get into your own stories... Ah, well. Hope things are much more conducive this time around.

Originally posted by Barry Kitson:

I've just got back from the UK Comic convention and actually meeting a few Legionworld members which was great fun...and not nearly as scary as I was prepared for [Poke Joke]

Scary? Legion fans? [Confused] Just what had you heard about us? I'm curious...

Originally posted by Barry Kitson:

Anyway - I'll leave it to the guys who met me to give you their take on what they heard at the DCU panel about what's ahead for the Legion...and what I may have inadvertantly let slip [Wink]

Oh, and I should warn you, some I what I told people was teasing...for example we are not really using Adventures #372 as the starting point for our run....but now I come to think about it.... [Smile]

OK-- UK Legion Worlders... who met Barry at the UK convention and just what did he 'let slip'? Don't keep us yanks in suspense...

ADVENTURE #372 was the School for Super Villains issue... Hmmm.

Again, congrats on getting the job... good luck on your work... and I'm looking forward to seeing it in print. Dec. seems like a *long* time away.

Todd N.
Mystery Lad
Posted by Comet King on :
Barry said that he's signed an exclusive 3 year deal with DC. ( I think that's right.) Which might mean we get a 36 issue run out of the new creative team.

Obviously, as he said himself, if no one buys it we won't.

Personally, I've got loads of reservations about this. Big names don't necessarily guarantee good work. And while adding more sex and violence will make a change it might also end up like a rebooted 5 Year Gap. And the rumours I've heard about a newly expanded line-up of characters - doubling the number of Legionnaires, seems like a crazy-bad idea if it's true.

Other than that - best of luck Barry. But I'm not bringing out the bunting until I've read a few issues to see if they're any good though. I mean, Justice League Year One was pleasant - but it certainly hasn't stood the test of time.
Posted by Shadow Kid on :
I haven't been this excited about the legion in years! I support barry and Waid 100% in whatever they decide to do with the legion.
Posted by Arachne on :
Originally posted by Mystery Lad:
Scary? Legion fans? [Confused] Just what had you heard about us? I'm curious...

Obviously not nearly enough! C'mon guys, how do you think we're going to get them to do our bidding it they aren't terrified of us. Next time, try harder!

Originally posted by Barry Kitson:
Oh, and I should warn you, some I what I told people was teasing...for example we are not really using Adventures #372 as the starting point for our run....but now I come to think about it.... [Smile]

ADVENTURE #372 was the School for Super Villains issue... Hmmm.

Well, the Colosal Boy fans would be happy. No doubt Mekt would be ecstatic.

[ May 30, 2004, 07:47 PM: Message edited by: Arachne ]
Posted by Barry Kitson on :
I have no idea where the rumour about doubling the number of legionnaires came from.... I'm not even sure I give give an exact figure on how many there are now...but we are certainly not doubling it!!!

I may have been joking about the sex and violence too [Smile]
Posted by MLLASH on :
More Legionnaires sounds wonderful to me... especially if one of them is a certain Damsel of Disease!
Posted by MLLASH on :

Barry, you wouldn't disappoint such a sweet little baby as this, would you? Go ahead and let slip your plans for Infectious Lass, we won't tell a soul!
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Adventure #372?

All I can say is Barry and Mark better not be stealing our ideas for a rebooted Super-Companions! Well, at least not without giving us credit...
Posted by MLLASH on :
Popping hotties!
Posted by Chameleon Boy on :
I am very much excited about this new venture. I just was not into this last incarnation of the Legion. I asked Barry over at the Newsarama thread (I'm known as RAMWolff) about the title of the comic and I am hoping that it's going to be back to:

Legion of Super Heroes

Something about shortening titles that was hip at that time but I think it detracts from the over all book somehow. I still hate the Justice League of America being shortened to JLA or the Justice Society of America to JSA.

Wish he would have devulged who the inker, letterer and colorists are going to be. Guess they are still working on the contracts or something!

Richard ;-)~
Posted by deanlegion on :
I'm excited about the upcoming changes!

Barry, I'm currently enjoying your artwork on the Avengers/Thunderbolts project. Can't wait to see your Legion work!
Posted by Frostfyre on :
I'm really looking forward to this!!!!!
Posted by Barry Kitson on :
Thanks guys - as soon as we have everything finalized on the inking and coloring positions I'll be more than happy to announce it here!
Posted by Omni Craig on :
Originally posted by Barry Kitson:
I have no idea where the rumour about doubling the number of legionnaires came from....

Well, so much for the hope that there will be the Adult Legion, and the SW6 Legion! [Frown]

Kidding!! [Cool] [Big Grin] [Wink]
Posted by The Man From Cargg on :
I'm in the 40 yrs old category of Legion fan. I stopped reading comics (except for all of the various Legion of Super-Heroes incarnations) when I was about 12 yrs old. The only other book that I've bought on a regular basis since that time was the L.E.G.I.O.N., which I loved. And I didn't read it soley because of the tenuous connection to the Legion of the future, otherwise, I would have supported the Karate Kid and Timber Wolf solo books (which I didn't). It must have been something about the quality of the art/writing on that particular series that I liked. Count me in the positive and excited category of anticipating the next incarnation of the Legion of Super-Heroes.
Posted by Chameleon Boy on :
Well Karate Kid was illustrated by Ric Estrada. From what I know of his work he is more of a animation cartoonist that also did SOME work in comics so if you look at his stuff in the comic books they definitely look like animation stills. I thought that his style DID NOT suit the book at all, Mike Grell would have been a good choice but then he would have been doing 2 books a month and I think his work would have suffered tremendously. I sure liked the idea but it was just too cartoony for my taste and dropped the book after the 3rd issue.

Timber Wolf: I don't like his current incarnation. I liked Cockrum and Grell's version better. More refined. He looks to ape-ish like this. I figure, in my vision of the future, someone that has that sort of "Werewolf" syndrome would have evolved to a more refined look and so the Cockrum/ Grell version was more to my taste. I think the ability to "Wolf out" is cool but making him so exaggerated looking is a bit much!

Mind you, he's a good friend of mine but he really needs to get it together. Maybe eat the next artist that delineates him so badly!! ;-) Watch out Barry!! ;-)

[Chameleon Boy]
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Welcome back, KP!

And yeah, I'm in for this. I may have a concern or two, but there was never any doubt that I'd be buying the new series.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Originally posted by Barry Kitson:
Oh, and I should warn you, some I what I told people was teasing...for example we are not really using Adventures #372 as the starting point for our run....but now I come to think about it.... [Smile]

Hmmm? [Wink]
Posted by rokk steady on :
I am excited about the team of Waid & Kitson! ... in ways that I probably shouldn't talk about in public! [Wink]
Posted by Doctor Mayavale on :
I heartily support this new creative team! And if they are ever wanting for inspiration, they're welcome to come with their old friend Doctor Mayavale to inhale the wheeling mists! And talk of course about my fulfilling my promise to return...

[ June 02, 2004, 05:12 PM: Message edited by: Doctor Mayavale ]
Posted by Kid Prime on :
It just seemed like a good time to bump this thread up, in light of the furor caused by certain Wizard articles. [Smile]
Posted by rokk steady on :
Hee hee... I am totally psyched for Waid and Kitson.

I especially like Mr. Kitson's response to doublechinner on that other thread, not to mention doublechinner's oh-so-eloquent and on-target description of what it felt like to read the Legion back in the 70s.
Posted by Barry Kitson on :
Thanks rokk!

I actually readblechinner's remarks out Mark and Steve yesterday - they were just as impressed as I was by how he summed up exactly what we're aiming for!
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Originally posted by Nightcrawler:
I've been exited about Mark and Barry on the series for awhile now.

I'll say it again. LOVE [Love] Mark Waid and Barry Kitson on the Legion!

But I need to add that I HATE [Mad] reboots/re-imaging!
Posted by Varalent on :
Originally posted by Nightcrawler:
Originally posted by Nightcrawler:
I've been exited about Mark and Barry on the series for awhile now.

I'll say it again. LOVE [Love] Mark Waid and Barry Kitson on the Legion!

But I need to add that I HATE [Mad] reboots/re-imaging!

As that "other" company use to say: Nuff said!

[ July 03, 2004, 06:33 AM: Message edited by: Varalent ]

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