This is topic Ways to get your Legion fix once "The Legion" ends... in forum Long Live the Legion! at Legion World.

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Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
1. Join clubs under false pretenses and trick them into expelling members based on obscure provisions in their constitutions.

2. Build robot versions of yourself and all your friends.

3. Stalk billionaires hoping to save them from assassination attempts.

4. Replace one eye and leg with bionic parts, or dye a green streak in your hair, or perhaps both.

5. Buy lots of clothing with a "center stripe".
Posted by MLLASH on :
6. Inject yourself with wacky potions thrown together haphazardly by High School Science Students in the hopes one of them might give you powers.

7. When a new person comes up to meet you, say "I don't want your ilk in my club! Rejected!!"

8. Glue rocks underneath feathers and fool your friends into thinking you've invented a serum that makes feathers heavy!

9. Marry a fat guy.

10. Have a sex change, re-name yourself Shvaughn.
Posted by MLLASH on :
11. Give all your friends medallions with your face on it; force them to wear it at all times.

12. While playing baseball, konk someone on the head on purpose with the ball; explain to them that this means they are leader for the current mission!

13. Smear blue makeup around your eyes ala Calorie Queen, An Ryd & Infectious Lass.

14. Join a club along with 3 other people; betray the club and, years later, kill one of the guys who joined with you.

15. For those with large craniums: Shave your head bald and form a team of gay heroes!
Posted by MLLASH on :
16. Hang out in the park waiting for a girl who is dying to sit beside you so you can give her advice.

17. Next time you go shopping, ask if they accept walking money.

18. Delete people who piss you off.

19. Kidnap someone who looks quite a bit like you, lock them in a cellar for months. Take their place and see if anyone notices.

20. Date a guy for years, then dump him for a butch lesbian!
Posted by jimgallagher on :
21. Take your Legion action figures outside on stormy nights and hope lightning strikes you.

22. Invent a device that controls weather and can be secreted in your clothing. If it works, go back to 21, above.

23. Find an alien trapped under a tree. Refuse to help him unless he gives you a ring that can turn your abdomen into that of a giant insect.

24. Be related to someone [George Bush] who's trying to take over the world and let him lock you in his attic. Later escape and thwart his plans for world domination.

25. Discover your best friend is an alien from another planet, but don't tell anyone.
Posted by Obadiah Oldbuck on :
26. Invent a game where the "winner" gets smacked in the head with a flying planetoid.

27. Create a new wardrobe by cutting away all the effeminate colors in your current wardrobe.

28. Find a rich benefactor to support you adventuring activities, then feign surprise when said benefactor claims to be your long lost father.

29. Allow your once arch-nemesis to become your new majordomo.

30. Think up fruity anagrams for your heroic code name. Alternately, think up new codenames that border on copyright infringement. If possible, find a way to use both new name simultaniously.

[ May 17, 2004, 01:24 PM: Message edited by: Obadiah Oldbuck ]
Posted by MLLASH on :
31. Slip on a fruit peeling and die.

32. Have plastic surgery to make yourself hideously, unbearably ugly, but be real sweet to people.

33. Eat rocks.

34. Brainwash all your friends with the intent of making them mate forcibly.

35. Become a senator!

[ May 17, 2004, 01:32 PM: Message edited by: MLLASH ]
Posted by Obadiah Oldbuck on :
36. Atempt to use your riches to bribe your way into a club you are not otherwise qualified for.

37. Atempt to join a club. Get rejected. Turn evil.

38. Compete to win the prize of your dreams, then reject prize so you can still hang with your loser friends.

39. Run away from the club sworn to look out for your underage welfare, join rival club, never be heard from again.

40. Display confusion over which century you are from, and rather you are yourself or the identical similarly costumed children of yourself, until fanboys jump in to straighten you out.

[ May 17, 2004, 01:36 PM: Message edited by: Obadiah Oldbuck ]
Posted by MLLASH on :
41. Get amnesia, ditch your long-time girlfriend and screw a hot pirate chick for a while.

42. Get a honky afro.

43. Like Ike.

44. Purchase an albino monkey to crawl around on your shoulder.

45. Put a red cape on your horse.
Posted by Obadiah Oldbuck on :
46. Get retconned out of continuity. Spend next twenty years looking for loopholes to get your name, at least, back into continuity.

47. Seed worlds. Then be all mysterious and refuse to explain how you did it.

48. Search through old fan letters looking for a means to explain your origin.

49. Double your size. Then, despite the rousing success of your new format, reduce your size again to match the cover price of your competitors.

50. Get you own solo-series contingent upon your argeeing to go back in time to the 20th century.

[ May 17, 2004, 01:48 PM: Message edited by: Obadiah Oldbuck ]
Posted by Obadiah Oldbuck on :
51. Put a red cape on your cat.

52. Put a red cape on your dog.

53. Put a red cape on your monkey.

54. Put a red cape on your cousin.

55. Pass out consolation flying belts.
Posted by MLLASH on :
51. Go on a diet, change your hair color, buy a new car & wardrobe. Tell everyone you've been rebooted.

52. Gather together 5 of your friends and attempt to join a club by pointing out how much better you 6 are than 6 of their current members.

53. If you have a sister & brother who are twins, attempt to kill them.

54. Call your friend who is really shy and ashamed of his looks "stupid".

55. Blow up a clubhouse. Rebuild it and blow it up again.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
61. Lose weight. Then date really fat women.

62. Imprison your friends for crimes you think they might commit in the future.

63. Grow to giant size. Then wrestle giant animals. Alternatively, shrink to tiny size. Then run in terror from small animals.

64. Hold on to your irrational faith in someone that everyone else thinks is evil. Then date said person when they turn out to be okay.

65. Get married. Give all your guests sticks with figurines of the wedding party attached to them.

[ May 17, 2004, 02:08 PM: Message edited by: Eryk Davis Ester ]
Posted by MLLASH on :
61. Put the mack on a freaky-looking chick, get bowel distress immedietely following.

62. Get stranded with a girl who might as well be your in-law. Put the mack on her.

63. Have a crush on a really skinny brainy guy but then start datng a really muscley jock.

64. For girls only: 3 of you team up and foil an evil old man's nefarious plans!

65. Become forcibly deaged to babyhood.

[ May 17, 2004, 02:10 PM: Message edited by: MLLASH ]
Posted by MLLASH on :
71. Kidnap heroes and atheletes worldwide; hold them captive in your stalag and torture them.

72. Gain a whole lot of weight really quickly; go on a crash diet and lose it just as quickly.

73. Sacrifice yourself to prevent a world war.

74. Erect statues of your friends.

75. Wear sunglasses constantly.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
76. If female, hypnotize other females into betraying their male friends by pretending to date them and then putting them in life-threatening situations.

77. If rich, blow all your money on experiments to give you super-powers that turn out to be more dangerous than useful.

78. Piss off an imp.

79. Disguise yourself as someone else. Then start dating the guy who has had a crush on that person for years.

80. Lock yourself and your friend in an attic. Then start using powerful weapons to keep everyone else out of your hometown. Pretend you have an entire army under your command.
Posted by MLLASH on :
81. Get a lot of diseases; spread them.

82. For girls only: Revolt and attempt to enslave males.

83. Have your body turned into energy; then have it placed in a non-anatomically correct suit; whine about it a lot.

84. Go to a Triplets Convention and kill off 1 of each set.

85. Then go to a Twins Convention and kill off 1 of each set.
Posted by MLLASH on :
86. Get drafted and have to leave the club you currently belong to; suggest that they replace you with the girl who recently was rejected from the club and then whipped your ass.

87. Scream at your girlfriend for having to work on your night off; go out and have sex with some bimbo; call the bimbo "as intelligent as a clam"; hook back up with your girlfriend after having cheated on her with the bimbo.

88. Beat the crap out of you friend who is upset with you because your religious holiday is causing the death of her brother and several more of your friends.

89. Catch a deadly disease; see which of your friends will sacrifice themselves to absorb the disease out of you and into them.

90. For Queens only: Marry a commoner from another planet.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
91. For kicks, get everyone you know to pretend they don't remember your girlfriend and one of her friends. Then get two of your male friends to go around dressed in your girlfriend's and her friend's clothes and act like its perfectly natural.

92. Build a door with a giant keyhole. Require that someone die to unlock it.

93. Blow up the moon. Wait until everyone has calmed down and everything seems to be back to normal. Then blow up the Earth.

94. Develop crush on someone you can't possibly have. When that doesn't work out, settle for someone who's incredibly lucky to have you.

95. Resign from the club you currently belong to, kill someone, and vow never to come back. Then come back in disguise.
Posted by MLLASH on :
96. Drink lots of liquid and spit it out at people.

97. Grow horns from your head when you become enraged.

98. Kidnap the parents of several members of a club.

99. Kidnap the members of a club who are friends with a rich guy; dress them in kinky bondage gear; demand a trillion dollars for their safe return.

100. Have a giant whale bite off your arm.
Posted by jimgallagher on :
96. Get killed while shopping for your wedding dress. Then get your identical cousin to take your place.

97. Discover that you didn't get killed after all and your long lost identical cousin is really your former Siamese triplet.

98. Get killed again and marry your long time boyfriend as a ghost, after possessing his body for a while.

99. Turn out to be an illusion.

100. Give birth to a child after about 2 years of pregnancy and then feed the kid Wonder Bread to watch him grow before your eyes.
Posted by jimgallagher on :
Posted by MLLASH on :
This is the best thread ever!!

My favorite entries so far have been Obie's "Put a red cape on your cousin", Eryk's # 91 above, and Jim's "Refuse to help an alien trapped under a tree unless...".

All made me bust out laughing.
Posted by Greybird on :
106. Re-read your Levitz-era Legion stories.

107. Get back to writing fan fiction.

108. Tend to your neglected attempts at a Dawnstar Website.

109. Actually finish getting your original Ruth Thompson, Bruce Patterson, Jim Janes, and Steve Lightle art framed and up on the wall.

110. Stop reading about silly wars in the "real" world and spend more time here.

(Well, all that's what I intend to do.)
Posted by braalian on :
111. Even though you're obviously gay, fall in love with a gohstly gal and die so you can be together forever.

112. Form a club and when you have too many members, make one quit for tax purposes.

113. Cry yourself to sleep over that ever-unrequited love.

114. If female with a twin sister, convince her to have a really kinky menage-a-trois with a fat guy.

115. Costantly turn evil. But only as a hoax to fool the bad guys.
Posted by Sanity or Madness? on :
Grife, but sorry, looking over some of these, and knowing most of them come straight from L* stories... how DID the LSH ever become popular? [Smile]
Posted by Obadiah Oldbuck on :
116. Transfer your essence into the lifeless husk of a dead hero so that you can nail the hot telepathic chick of your dreams.

117. Transform your facial features in order to get closer to your girlfriend, then nail the hot telepathic chick instead.

118. Develope a sexual fetish for seemingly every powerful blond except the hot telepathic chick.

119. Become an unwilling love slave in a founder's triangle thanks to the mechanations of the hot telepathic chick.

120. Become totally obsessed with your wife, then deveope a fetish on the hot telepathic chick how made you think your wife was there when she really wasn't.

[ May 17, 2004, 06:07 PM: Message edited by: Obadiah Oldbuck ]
Posted by Obadiah Oldbuck on :
121. Donate samples of your DNA to the super-hero cellbank.

122. Pretend to steal samples of the super-hero cellbank and trick your frinds into thinking that you've used their cells oo duplicate their abilities.

123. Get cloned from samples in the super-hero cell bank. Wait 48 hours. Explode.

124. Get elected deputy leader of your club. Pitch a hissy fit.

125. Use your faceplate to create really cool reflections of hot platinum blond chicks.
Posted by Obadiah Oldbuck on :
126. Pop up all over the place giving advice and generally saving the day as an incorperal phantom.

127. Wear absolutly nothing except your ancestor's red cape and call it a costume.

128. Pretend to be the decendent of a famous hero when you are really an evil robot.

129. Instantly trasform yourself from a giant rolling super-computer that looks like a gumball machine into a giant rolling super-computer that looks like a jukebox, all for no decernable reason.

130. Spend time trying to convince your other head that having two heads is actually a super-power.
Posted by Obadiah Oldbuck on :
131. Form a Devil's Dozen. Learn to count. Try again.

132. Run around all the time with tiny little robotic arms, then piss and moan when you actually grow a set of real arms.

133. Don't turn evil like you had originally planed. Then spend the next several years turning into seemingly everything but.

134. Practice explaining how being Ze Toungue makes you a famous super-hero and, really, she should be honored.

135. Examine every soda in the fridge very, very carefully to make sure it is not really super-elastic fluid.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
#129 is a classic, former Pofobo!
Posted by Obadiah Oldbuck on :
136. Explain to your wife that, no, you do not need any deoderant when she does groceries this week because, being the planetary champion of Xanthu, you have no armpits.

137. Explain to your wife that, no you are not going grey, you've actually just stared into the visage of the evil lord Darkseid, and boy were you scared shitless.

138. Spend time trying to convince your wife that buying a local silo, moving it onto your property, painting it yellow, and welding giant red rocket fins onto it, would actually be a good idea.

139. Convince your wife that your Legion flight ring would actually allow you to fly if only she would let you buy three more, you know, because of your giant Dryadian mass and all.

140. Yell out to your wife that you're in "The Time Cube" and that you will come out when you've completed your mission, or when you finish the Sunday paper, whichever comes first.

[ May 17, 2004, 07:11 PM: Message edited by: Obadiah Oldbuck ]
Posted by Obadiah Oldbuck on :
141. Try not to grin like a goofball and wonder what the heck "frunt" is everytime somebody makes a toast.

142. Try not to get pissed off at the people on eBay who keep outbidding you for Adventure Comics 191 and 195, because they probably have no idea what a "twice-told-tale" is and so, couldn't possibly know that you deserve these books far more than they do.

143. Try to resist the urge to ask at every 7-11 if maybe, just maybe, they might have a case of old slurpee cups tucked away somewhere in the back storage room.

144. Try not to get mad at your co-workers when they pose the male Legion action figures on your desk into pairings of which a just a rightous God would most surely disapprove.

145. Try and get over your ridiculous obsession with the number "247."

[ May 17, 2004, 07:14 PM: Message edited by: Obadiah Oldbuck ]
Posted by Obadiah Oldbuck on :
146. Harvest the scales of space dragons.

147. Go joyriding and get eaten by a space dragon.

148. Try and get yourself retconned into being the much cooler space dragon even though, deep down, you know that all you'll ever really be is a whale with teeny tiny little space wings.

149. Actually sit in one place for 20 minutes, absolutly wracking your brain, before finally shrugging and saying, out loud even, "gee you'd think that with 45 years of stories, in multiple continuities, I would really be able to come up with more references to space dragons."

150. Go into the other room and wake up your wife. Ask her is she remembers any other references to space dragons. Then dodge. QUICKLY!!

[ May 17, 2004, 07:00 PM: Message edited by: Obadiah Oldbuck ]
Posted by Obadiah Oldbuck on :
151. Every time you hit a rock while rototilling the garden, say a silent prayer that they are not just hibernating.

152. Write a grand, sweeping epic, fan fiction trilogy based on the secret history of False Pretenses Lad. Post it to usenet.

153. Go to the comic book store and start an arguement with younger fans based on the precept that "in our day we didn't need no sticking metagene."

154. Wrap your entire body in saran wrap just becasue you want to get a sense for what wearing a transuit must feel like.

155. Go to any comic convention and ask for copies of "that damn tabloid." Snort derisivlely at any dealer who does not immediatly display signs of recognizing what you are asking for.

[ May 17, 2004, 07:10 PM: Message edited by: Obadiah Oldbuck ]
Posted by Obadiah Oldbuck on :
156. Pour over your copies of The Omen & Prophet saga, trying to work out the exact panel at which Keith Giffen's brain got kidnapped by aliens.

157. Take your entire Legion collection and count the number of times one Legionniare kissed another on panel so that you can start a message board thread declaring who the biggest Legion slut is.

158. Count the number of panels each Legionnaire appears in, in each comic, so that you can create a giant wall graph proving who the most popular character was year-by-year.

159. Count the number of times "the most told origin in comics" has actually been told.

160. Make a list of every planet to have been named in the Legion's long history. Get a star chart and try to work out where the hell all these places must be.

[ May 17, 2004, 07:54 PM: Message edited by: Obadiah Oldbuck ]
Posted by MLLASH on :
161. Join a club, participate in 2 adventures and then vanish for years. Turn back up for another adventure and then be promptly banished to another dimension for nearly a decade, all while wearing elf-boots.
Posted by Obadiah Oldbuck on :
162. Try and pull off the angry black man routine while wearing elf-boots. Wonder why no one seems to take you seriously.
Posted by Obadiah Oldbuck on :
163. Wait an appropriate period of time after your club has been rebooted in order for elf-boots to come back in fashion. Re-apply.
Posted by Obadiah Oldbuck on :
164. Take you entire inventory of elf-boots to Apokolypse. Unload them quickly by convincing the para-demons there that "no, no, it's a good look for you..."
Posted by Obadiah Oldbuck on :
165. Just be glad that your codename wasn't Black Tyroc.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
166. Force your girlfriend to wear fake wings, then set yourself on fire.

167. Jump into a large vat of fertilizer, then try to coax your plants into growing.

168. Grab your annoying little cousin, shove him into a rocket and never mention his name again.

169. Write an article for your school paper denouncing all the other clubs as teenage death squads. React with surprise if anyone actually takes you seriously.

170. Cut your arms off, but change nothing else about your appearance. See if anyone still recognizes you.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
171. Go around looking for people with green eyes. Beg them not to turn you into an animal.

172. Insult your father's best employee, then wander into the factory's energy source.

173. For the guys: Tell everyone you're hung like a horse and get the most stunning girl in the neighborhood. Don't listen to anyone who tells you she's been sleeping around; heck, everyone knows they're just jealous, after all.

174. Enlist in the navy and go on five missions, one after the other. Take control of the ship and force everybody else into the life boats, while steering the ship towards the nearest whirlpool.

175. Invite everybody you've met at least once to your wedding, and watch as only four guests rush to help the bride while she is being carried off by a giant bird. Then wait patiently in the corner while everybody else decides what to do without even bothering to ask your opinion.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
176. Take pictures of every girl in school and hide them under your lab table.

177. For girls: Anatagonize your mother by first disobeying her, then simply ignoring her. Do the same to your husband.

178. For guys: Tell your girlfriend/wife you love her, then kiss and hold hands with a hot blonde in front of her and all your friends.

179. Watch as everyone in your club dies a horrible death. Join the police force. When your friends come back from the dead, don't even care.

180. Hook yourself up to a crazy machine, then kiss every girl in school. Give them ratings based on what the machine tells you.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
181. Urge congress to pass a law declaring that everyone over a certain weight must be arrested at once. Target tourists and foreigners.

182. Go around sprinkling dust on people and tell them that the next day, they will change genders.

183. Practice sneezing really really hard to see if you can bounce off the floor.

184. Apply for the Secret Service, saying that your abiity to eat rope is useful since you will be able to free yourself from anything.

185. Change your name to a girl's name ending in "a" and join a club as a senior adviser. Never show up for a single meeting, then sneak in years later and ransack the member files.
Posted by deanlegion on :
186. Get all the boys to vote you into their club by being really, REALLY pretty.

187. Ignore all the girls who are really mean to you.

188. Get a bunch of the club members kicked out on technicalities.

189. Change one of the member's super power--just cuz ya can!

190. Leave club and go study or something.
Posted by deanlegion on :
191. Have a relationship with a homicidal loser.

192. Be really REALLY pretty.

193. Get some dumb guy to kill him.

194. Testify that the dumb guy only did it in self defense. Heh!

195. Join another club with the dumb guy.
Posted by deanlegion on :
196. Dress up in tin cans and help people out.

197. Rejoin the big club.

198. Marvel at how you manage to get away with anything!
Posted by deanlegion on :
199. Lounge around in your negligee.

200. Be really REALLY pretty.

201. Scream when you have a nightmare.

202. Tell all the boys who come running how vague and disturbing your nightmare was.

203. Don't do anything else about it....except look really REALLY pretty.
Posted by deanlegion on :
204. Don't show up much for a long time and don't be very interesting.

205. Try a couple new hairstyles, but nothing that would make you unrecognizable.

206. Decide that just being really REALLY pretty and occasionally screaming about your nightmares isn't enough.

207. Develop vampy new personality.

208. Get nails done.

209. Become leader of club.

210. Make everyone sick of you.

211. Don't care.

212. Stay with winged hairdo that wouldn't move out of place even in a hurricane.
Posted by deanlegion on :
213. Decide that you should not only be really REALLY pretty and have an innate superpower, but also be a top notch scientist and a supreme fighter.

214. Give sister inferiority complex.
Posted by deanlegion on :
215. Alienate boyfriend.

216. Date around.

217. Obsess about soaking in tub, change hair and make up, get nails done.

218. Have relationship with ex boyfriend's rival.

219. Bonk him on the nose when you figure out that he's manipulating you.

220. Become High Seer of homeworld.

221. Gain lots of weight.

222. Dress really REALLY bad.
Posted by MLLASH on :
223. Attempt to join a club by making one of its current members sick.

224. Attempt to join a club by nearly killing half its memebrship with razor-sharp quills hurled at deadly speed.

225. Attempt to join a club, and slowly poison its membership while doing so.
Posted by Obadiah Oldbuck on :
226. Build an entire planet as a monument to your hero, then imprision him on it.

227. Reject someone from your club and ban them for reapplyin for one year due to the side effects of a radioactive meteor that only lasts 24 hours.

228. Use flashback sequences to meticulously work out the order in which members joined your club, irrespective of whatever order they actually first appeared in.

229. Move into a new home, get your name included on the mailbox, slowly get the previous occupant pushed out entirely.

230. work on developing your vague and ill-defined omnipotent abilities.
Posted by Obadiah Oldbuck on :
231. Join a club. Disappear for a few years until fans of the club point out your abence. Return with completly different abilities.

232. Protect yourself from an eventual purging of useless powers by suddenly learning to use your ultra energies to spontaniously develop new powers.

233. Be strong, not tough.

234. Be tough, not strong.

235. Justify your membership in a club by your one unique ability to do something that has never ever come in useful.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
236. Even though your abilities almost exactly mirror two other member's, justify your club membership by pointing out the fact that you can see through something they can't.

237. Use the catatonic body of a rejected applicant as a piece of furniture- something like a punching bag or clothesrack.

238. Justify your club membership by pointing out that your flashy elt can do something that nobody else can.

239. Enlist special pets to finish a tough job that none of your members can do.

240. Practice insulting rejected applicants, and act hurt when they hold a grudge against you.
Posted by Tromium Crystal on :
241. Turn your dead relatives into minerals.

242. Amuse yourself with thoughts of suicide.

243. Have a conversation with a hydrogen atom.

244. Create various species of bug people.

245. When you really get bored, dabble in the fine art of genocide.

246. Flirt with muscular female mutants - then make them explode.

247. Merge with a scary monster and try to eat your friends.
Posted by Obadiah Oldbuck on :
248. Spend time in therepy attempting to deal with the hurt and pain caused whenever someone beats you to a "247" refrence.
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Okay, I give...

What's with the number 247?

All the others I can figure out.
Posted by jimgallagher on :
The Legion's first appearance was in Adventure #247.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
That's what make the Legion so exciting! It's Adventure 24/7!
Posted by Future on :
[Big Grin] Good one, EDE!

I think CJ was actually asking about Obadiah's #247 on his list, though. I can't seem to recall that event in the Adventure days or beyond either.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
You mean TC's 247? I assume it refers to Jan's merger with the Omniphagos.
Posted by Tromium Crystal on :
Posted by MLLASH on :
249. Attempt to join a club. Get rejected. Decide that members of club are stupid, all of them stupid.

250. Get vocal cords severed. Create a stupid-looking automaton to translate your thoughts into words. Be very, very careful what you think.
Posted by Obadiah Oldbuck on :
251. Practice signing your name "Steve Apollo" in case you ever have a problem with how your bosses handle your work.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
252. Try to thwart the plans of evildoers by creating imperfect duplicates of them.
Posted by MLLASH on :
253. Decide that the best way to defeat the bad guy is by morphing into a multi-armed weirdo!
Posted by Obadiah Oldbuck on :
253. Inexplicably change your origin from manipulated teen turned evil to member of exploited race turned evil so that you can turn good and join a better class of club.
Posted by MLLASH on :
254. Attempt to sacrifice yourself to bring a dead friend back to life.
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Originally posted by Future:
[Big Grin] Good one, EDE!

I think CJ was actually asking about Obadiah's #247 on his list, though. I can't seem to recall that event in the Adventure days or beyond either.

I was just curious why 247 is a memorable number in Legion Lore. But thanks for explain' it to me.
Posted by Obadiah Oldbuck on :
255. Attempt to shoehorn yourself into somebody else's sestablished past continuity.
Posted by Obadiah Oldbuck on :
256. Lose your powers. Regain your powers. Lose your powers. Regain your powers. Lose your powers. Regain your powers. Marry a really hot chick AND her identical twin sister. Lose your powers. Regain your powers. Lose your powers. Regain your powers. Lose your powers. Regain your powers. Lose your powers. Regain your powers.

[ May 21, 2004, 11:04 AM: Message edited by: Obadiah Oldbuck ]
Posted by braalian on :
257. Develop a computer program to see who would have the most fun kissing one another.

258. If gay, be really ambiguous about it.

259. Create a race of intelligent raccoon-people for purposes of enslavement, nourishment.

[ May 21, 2004, 03:16 PM: Message edited by: braalian ]
Posted by MLLASH on :
260. Get rejected from club; join a loser's club; get fat; lose weight; develop a stutter.

261. Inhale mind-altering mist.

262. Touch people and say, "Beware my evil hand!"
Posted by Valor the M'Onel on :
263.Don't wear pink

264.Eat lots and claim it's your super-power

265.Never wear all purple it makes you an easy target
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
266. Sew intelac letters onto the front of your clothing.

267. Fret about the fact that 267 is really just a second-rate milestone.

268. Get revenge on all those who betrayed and murdered you in past lives.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
269. Tell everyone you can talk to your appliances.

270. Insist that everyone address you as (insert first name here) Lad/Lass.

271. Prepare for an important game/contest by sniffing your teammates' clothing and absorbing strength from them.

272. Make little statuettes of all the members of your club and run into the secret tunnel under your house whenever they light up.

273. Create a robot duplicate to attend your club meetings while you attend your friend's birthday party.
Posted by MLLASH on :
The best thread ever is BACK!

274. While sleepwalking, build a robot duplicate of a hot chick.

275. Become enraged when everyone calls you "big guy". Insist that they call you "little guy"instead.

276. Join hundreds of others in building a shabby commune around an immense building with room enough to spare for all.
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
277. Dye yourself green and sit in a dark room (goats optional)

278. Reboot yourself

279. Find a silver-haired sugar daddy who's into teenagers.

[ April 22, 2005, 06:56 PM: Message edited by: DrakeB3004 ]
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
280. Practice the rite of vegetation.

281. Talk to two people at once, even if one can't be seen by the other.

282. Get your mom to bake cookies with "L*" on top, for your friends.
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
283. Kick a senior citizen*

* just kidding - don't be hittin' no old folks!

[ April 23, 2005, 04:46 AM: Message edited by: DrakeB3004 ]
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
284. Get so sick you could scream.

285. Triple-date Lu with two of your buddies.

286. Shout, "Eat it, grandpa!"
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
287. Talk on the cell phone with people in the same room.

288. Become defense attorney. Dress clients in Braino of Myrnah heads in desperate attempts to win your case.
Posted by MLLASH on :
289. Die, but don't be 100% dead yet.
Posted by Kid Prime on :
290. Visit your own private dimension at really inopportune times.

291. Claim you can control everyone's memory and thus empowered, make a visit to the women's locker room. Or the men's locker room, if you're me.

292. Go to jail. Pretend it's Takron-Galtos.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
293. Date three guys at once to get information for your boss. Then invite them all back to your place at the same time and see what happens.

294. Build candy spaceship, then eat it.

295. Make a bunch of friends that your parents really like. Then ditch them for a bunch of complete strangers in order to find your "own way".
Posted by MLLASH on :
296. Be rebooted as another race; appeared in animated form as your new race, but then appear in 2 hot-selling comics as your old race (beard optional).

297. Sacrifice yourself to prevent either a world war or the sun from getting eaten.

298. Get hit on by older lesbian. Kill self.
Posted by Pov on :
299. Feed nursing home denizens while yelling, "EAT IT, GRANDPA!" [No]
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
300. Have vivid dreams in which people you know get killed in particularly gruesome ways, until you find a dream that really makes you happy.
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
301. Go back to your hometown. Which happens to be one of the most dangerous places around, with your father to get your Mojo back.

302. Hang out with an ex girlfriend for a few weeks, then tell her you know why you have not been able to do you job. SHES TOO DAMN DISTRACTING!!!

303. Lose your sanity. Use a machine to make a weapon powerful enough to destroy the universe. Have a friend eat said machine to save universe
causing him to lose his sanity as well. Claim yourself ruler of the universe.

304. Try out for club, get rejected from club because you can only use the power you have once.
Die saving members from club using said power.
Come back a year later. Date Hot Winged Chick.

305. Your mom is elected President of Earth She then proceeds to annoy your friends. you start to whine about it bringing new meaning to the term mommas boy.

306. Resort vacation in the Himalayas with your new girlfriend: 1500 credits

Damage to resort after major fight with new girlfriends' ex boyfriend: 1.5 million

Finding out new girlfriend is actually a shaping changing spy who will imitate anywoman you want but not knowing what your going to tell your mom: Priceless.
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
307. Get a new gig using one of the most powerful weapons in the universe. Lose gig because your greed drove you to see the origin of the universe and you would have seen it too, if not for theose meddling kids.

308. Have your own kid only to see him side with those meddling kids time after time after time preventing you from taking over the Earth.

309. After finding out your Pops is the richest SOB in the U.P. Do you embrace your fathers' lifetstyle of the rich and famous? Do you try try to learn the family business? Do you even try to connect with your newfound father?

NO!!! you decided to go on a suicide run undercover on one of the most dangerous planets there is and bring a few friends with you. Where I come from we have names for Idiots like you. Oh wait I already said it. IDIOT!!!!

310: You get out of the joint after a thousand years, you start dating a woamn who loves you to death and you can't even take her on a decent vacation? For crying out loud man!!! Apokolips??? The Science Asteroid? I got a suite on Ventura and a weeks worth of white body makeup. You sir should watch your back!!!!

311. Burned in a low yield nuke explosion you lead a simple life in your brother shadow until you finally sleep with a girl and save the universe. Oh yeah you die doing it, sorry.

312. You bring your sister to be cured by Dr Smartest guy in the known universe. Not only is she not cured, she's possesed by a crazed computer. as a consolation prize you get the power to become invisible and teleport uncontrollably.
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
313. Tell all your friends that you've changed your name to KHARLAK and that if they or anyone else touches you they will have ten milliunits to recite the honorable litany of Shame And Apology!
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
314. Put a sign that says Conquer over your computer. feign ingnorance when it tries to take over the world.

315. Go to the nearest car dealership, Put up a sign that says Nullport in front, put a horse head on a salesman, Complain that the 5 mark 494 cruisers you ordered are late and you demand compensation.


We'll do our number: Go out there and try and hold the universe together for another day. After all this is why we're all here right?

[ May 20, 2007, 11:25 AM: Message edited by: Lucifer07 ]
Posted by insanelad on :
316. Join club with a hot telepath in it

317. Try really hard NOT to think about sex every time you're near the hot telepath
Posted by Sir Tim Drake on :
318. Use penetra-vision to sneak peeks at said hot telepath.

319. Be disappointed when she starts wearing lead underwear.
Posted by insanelad on :
320. Use Penetra-vision to sneak peeks at hot team mates in the shower

321. Be hurt and confused when the Science Police come to arrest you, and claim that you've been de-powered so it *couldn't* be you.

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