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Posted by Pov on :
From Jen Contino at The Pulse.
Posted by Sanity or Madness? on :
I suspect this is just so they can have a new Legion of Super-Heroes #1 for Waid.

I *hope* anyway - if the Legion is ever cancelled for real, they're screwed more than any other comic series. Given the at-most-tangential links to the DCU, anyone reviving the series after any sort of hiatus could do *anything* to it, from rebooting again to the 5YG-on-crack.

At least it looks like the final issue has an absolutely beautiful cover.

[ May 10, 2004, 08:15 AM: Message edited by: Sanity or Madness? ]
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
I wonder if this is a marketing ploy to get the fans rabid for a new legion book, or if tptb are planning a new compendium type comic, called say Adventure Comics? [Smile] which will feature the Legion as one of many stories?
Posted by Sonnie Bloke on :
5 YEAR GAP????? Oh I do hope so! Bring back Giffen, the nine panel grid and dark and moody futures for all.....

actually... maybe not eh? It was fairly brilliant at the time but can they just get on with it already now please.....
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
This is the sad state of the industry these days.

Few titles stick around more than a few years, and constant relaunchings are deemed necessary to sustain interest in older characters. It's like trying to plug all the holes in the Titanic.

Can't say I'm surprised, but I am disappointed. Wonder how long we'll have to wait for the next relaunch.
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
Re: that cover -- looks like maybe someone's getting a reboot? (and a gender switch) Land does beautiful work, but it looks a little awkward to me how the main character's torso seems like a big yellow slab disconnected from the hands, face and faces of the other characters on either side of her.

btw, that's a pretty tight outfit if you can see her belly-button!

[ May 10, 2004, 03:46 PM: Message edited by: DrakeB3003 ]
Posted by rokk steady on :
I am simultaneously (i) disappointed/shocked/in premature mourning and (ii) secretly thrilled at the prospect of what may be in store for the Legion next, which I imagine/hope will be something old school fans would appreciate while at the same time moving boldly into the future...
Posted by Leap Year Lass on :
On any other day this thread would be about Lar's ass, wouldn't it?
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
Regarding the "big plans" for the Legion ... I'm going to go out on a limb and say that they'll take over Morrison's original plans for the GLC -- they'll be troubleshooters throughout *Hypertime* -- which means we'll actually get a hypertime mishmash of Legionnaires striking throughout a myriad of dimensions Authority style (but without all the blood and fascism). As a bonus, the Time Trapper will end up being their "Jarvis", holding down the interdimensional fort. The book will be written by Morrison with art by Perez.

Well, that's a guess (not necessarily something I'd want to happen).

The only other "big" (i.e. capable of attracting new readers) plans I can imagine is that the Legion will become a lot more tied to the Superman family.

[ May 10, 2004, 04:03 PM: Message edited by: DrakeB3003 ]
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Ummm, okay...

Now, is the lady either singing or using her powers from her hand? Is it inferno in a new costume? Or, as one response eluded to, a new, female Element Lass(Lad)?

Cause i didn't recognize her. If that was Imra, she changed a lot. If it was Andromeda, i didn't recognize her, or Shazam...

Color me lost.

And i sincerely hope this is yet another reboot, cause if not, DC seems intent on chucking all its potential moneymakers into the garbage disposal.

The amount of books i buy is far down from what i used to buy. And i don't see any real new books coming out that would take the place of Legion.
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
Originally posted by rickshaw1:
Ummm, okay...

Now, is the lady either singing or using her powers from her hand? Is it inferno in a new costume? Or, as one response eluded to, a new, female Element Lass(Lad)?

From the article, it appears to be a new version of Black Canary (she's referred to as "Canary" and the other members of her team take on other 21st century hero names I think). I was thinking at first that it might be a rebooted Tyroc.
Posted by rokk steady on :
drake's idea is bold indeed... i have a feeling i wouldn't like that either, altho' i'd give it a shot like always...

but trying to think of 'big' things... hasn't jim lee indicated several times how much he would love to draw the legion? (not saying i would love that, but it sure would be a "big thing" and get the legion some attention).
Posted by Sanity or Madness? on :
Originally posted by Faraway Lad:
I wonder if this is a marketing ploy to get the fans rabid for a new legion book, or if tptb are planning a new compendium type comic, called say Adventure Comics? [Smile] which will feature the Legion as one of many stories?

Have you looked at what happens to anothology books these days? There's no easier way to get a book cancelled....
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Big plans, eh? Well, I'll play the conjecture game:

Maybe instead of a regular monthly we'll get a series of miniseries, or graphic novels.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
That could be good and offer more scope for character focus and different types of stories. I wouldn't mind seeing Legion move to the Vertigo line with a more "mature reader" (hah!) approach.
Posted by MYG on :
The Legion will never stay cancelled! They never have for long anyway. Maybe someone has realized it's time to bring back the "original Legionnaires" know, the ones that were disrespectfully discarded all those years ago. Here comes our true pre-boot Legion. One can hope! This CANNOT mean the end of the Legion! It will be very interesting to see where this goes!
Posted by Spellbinder on :
I'm not too concerned about it. I felt that the editor's quote was very tongue-in-cheek. I'm sure the title is being cancelled and then relaunched in a new direction.

I seriously doubt that after 40+ years the Legion is going to be discarded.
Posted by MYG on :
I agree, but enough with these reboots already!!! I've been a Legion fan since 1980 and I know I'll continue coming back. The LSH has survived all of these years on "cult level" fan support, loyal readers...not particularly fans new to the book. Those individuals...much like myself, will always be back no matter what!
Posted by Pex the Unalive on :
Originally posted by MYG:
Maybe someone has realized it's time to bring back the "original Legionnaires" know, the ones that were disrespectfully discarded all those years ago. Here comes our true pre-boot Legion. One can hope!

Perhaps one can hope, but it won't be this one. I first learned of Legion with the post-boot, so I'd feel as betrayed as the fans were when the reboot occurred. I'd be happy it was continuing in some form, and I'd still read it, but I would lose my great enthusiasm for the book, since these (the preboot characters) would not be the Legion I know and love.

But regardless of stance on the pre/post-boot issue, eliminating the past...erm...not sure how many years worth of stories for nostalgia is not a good thing, and demonstrates even further that DC has no idea what they're doing. If they're going to relaunch the book (rather than letting it remain cancelled), a return to over thirty years' worth of baggage is not going to entice new readers, merely drive them further away...
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
What if they reboot the book and ditch the baggage by introducing totally new characters?!?!
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Originally posted by DrakeB3003:
What if they reboot the book and ditch the baggage by introducing totally new characters?!?!

I'd certainly give the book a try, since the concept of a 31st century superteam is appealing - but that baggage and I have been together for quite a while. I would surely miss it.

Could they just start up with all new characters, or would they have to forward the group to "Next Generation"?
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Originally posted by DrakeB3003:
What if they reboot the book and ditch the baggage by introducing totally new characters?!?!

Then to me it would not be the Legion of Super Heroes.

If there were totally new characters, even set in the 31st century, it would be a new and different team book. Granted it would have "connections" to the Legion, in much the same way that the JLA has "connections" to the JSA, and it might share locations, supporting characters etc, but at the end of the day it would not be the Legion.

Maybe there is a demand for a "next generation" book I don't know. I do know that Star Trek Next Generation was a television programmes response to a fact of nature, i.e. actors are real people who get old and cannot sustain the illusion of young action heroes anymore. But we read comics, that is not a factor here, characters remain young and vibrant forever (otherwise if Superman and Batman aged normally as per “real world time” they would at least be in a home for the elderly by now) so we have no pressing reason to have a next generation of Legionnaires other than a desire to create a “new” book.

For me I want to read stories about a group of super teens in the future led by figures called Cosmic Boy, Saturn Girl and Lightning Lad (well ok Livewire at a push) [Wink] not a new group of people whose only connection to the Legion is a name. That’s not to say I wouldn’t buy such a comic just that I would have to compartmentalise it away from the Legion, much as I do with L.E.G.I.O.N. if that makes any sense?
Posted by Sanity or Madness? on :
Originally posted by Pex the Unalive:
Originally posted by MYG:
Maybe someone has realized it's time to bring back the "original Legionnaires" know, the ones that were disrespectfully discarded all those years ago. Here comes our true pre-boot Legion. One can hope!

Perhaps one can hope, but it won't be this one. I first learned of Legion with the post-boot, so I'd feel as betrayed as the fans were when the reboot occurred. I'd be happy it was continuing in some form, and I'd still read it, but I would lose my great enthusiasm for the book, since these (the preboot characters) would not be the Legion I know and love.

But regardless of stance on the pre/post-boot issue, eliminating the past...erm...not sure how many years worth of stories for nostalgia is not a good thing, and demonstrates even further that DC has no idea what they're doing. If they're going to relaunch the book (rather than letting it remain cancelled), a return to over thirty years' worth of baggage is not going to entice new readers, merely drive them further away...

Hear hear on all counts Pex.
Posted by Director Lad on :
Originally posted by Faraway Lad:
Then to me it would not be the Legion of Super Heroes.

Funny, that's exactly how I felt after the first reboot.

I seriously doubt that DC will leave the book in limbo for any extended period. They may try something new format-wise, but the concept is older than most in comics and they know that they have a ready made audience. They won't abandon us for the simple reason that they can make money off of us. The Legion will continue. It may go in some interesting new directions, but it'll still be there.

Further, I don't think that it will be rebooted. The original reboot was as much a response to the ungodly mess that had been made of the book's continuity as it was to diminishing sales. And it was not an editorial decision, so I don't think that the current editors would make that drastic a move.

At any rate, I'm sure we'll hear something soon. Right now they're just trying to keep us in suspense.
Posted by capt._dallas on :
Originally posted by Director Lad:
At any rate, I'm sure we'll hear something soon. Right now they're just trying to keep us in suspense.

Which, in my opinion, is a HORRIBLE way to do business. "Hey, let's cancel the series, keep 'em all in the dark, and then when they're in complete despair, we'll announce the re-launch. They'll love us! Sound like a good plan?"

No, it doesn't, and I really don't think that the TPTB at DC make decisions like this. I genuinely think, AT THIS MOMENT, nobody at DC knows what to do with LSH, and they're waiting for some writer/artist to come up with a viable direction.

That's my "in the dark" gut instinct.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
That certainly sounds like DC editorial staff, capt. I think, given that DnA wanted to do another few issues but were told when to settle up, tho, that a new team has already been set.
Posted by capt._dallas on :
Originally posted by Kent Shakespeare:
That certainly sounds like DC editorial staff, capt. I think, given that DnA wanted to do another few issues but were told when to settle up, tho, that a new team has already been set.

I hear you, Kent, but if this "new team" was already in place,


When was DnA's departure announced? Late December? Early January? It's been 5 months since we've learned they would be leaving the title, and since then, we've heard crickets chirping in the woods. For comic book industry, this isn't normal... unless there is some genuine hesitation on DC's part about what to do next with LSH.

And let's assume I am dead, dead wrong. Let's assume that the future of LSH is already planned out and will be announced shortly.

If that is indeed case, then to leave the loyal Legion readership confused about the future of the title is DISGRACEFUL! I'll say it again, it's a HORRIBLE way to do business!
Posted by Spellbinder on :
I wouldn't be too surprised about how this is being handled. I mean, look at the way they handled the relaunch of the Titans. Rumors about the cancellation lasted for a month or more before we got any sort of confirmation, and then they "let slip" the fact that someone with ties to both the Titans and Young Justice would die, and then let us speculate about that for at least 3 or 4 months before the horrible Graduation Day came out.

I used to respect DC a lot more than Marvel, but lately they don't seem to respect their own characters any more, let alone their readers.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Something else to consider re: the relaunch of TEEN TITANS... it is now one of DC's top 5 selling books.
Posted by Pov on :
AND a cartoon! [Cool]
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
Maybe DC doesn't want to annoucne anything yet about the relaunch cuz it might spoil the end of the current series or make them seem like "lame duck" issues. Gail deserves to have her run get attention by itself rather than be overshadowed by what's going to come after. We don't even know when this supposed relaunch will happen so there's no point making a bug hubub now if it's too premature.

In general, I wouldn't mind knowing about future developments until the solits come out (sometimes I prefer not to know til I actually read the story), but nowadays we've gotten spoiled and expect to know what all the plans are as they happen.
Posted by Tromium Crystal on :
capt. dallas wrote:
When was DnA's departure announced? Late December? Early January? It's been 5 months since we've learned they would be leaving the title, and since then, we've heard crickets chirping in the woods.

Gail Simone confirmed Waid as writer last month, and has been referring to the existence of a "permanent creative team" for months now. It's not the official word, but it's better than complete silence. The release may have been delayed (or in the worst scenario, sidetracked), but Gail's promise of "huge Legion plans" is encouraging.

capt. dallas wrote:
And let's assume I am dead, dead wrong. Let's assume that the future of LSH is already planned out and will be announced shortly.

If that is indeed case, then to leave the loyal Legion readership confused about the future of the title is DISGRACEFUL! I'll say it again, it's a HORRIBLE way to do business!

I agree with you completely, and I'm royally pissed. Allowing a guest writer to leak information to the public is a bizarre tactic to say the least (I can't believe Gail did it without the editor's sanction). Wacker's attitude as he delivered the body blow was snarky, childish, and insulting to Legion fandom. If this is part of DC's marketing plan, I've never seen a worse marketing organization in my life. We're the ones who've kept this franchise alive, and we deserve better.
Posted by rokk steady on :
yep, i also think the announcement of the cancellation was kinda callously thrown out there considering a fandom as rabid as Legion fandom... i feel rather pissy toward TPTB myself...

all we know is that there are "plans" for the Legion, which could mean anything...

having said that, however, i don't even feel a desire to know *what* they are going to do with the Legion... I just want to know that they *will do something* with the Legion on a regular basis, and I feel I'm lacking that, despite past references to "regular creative teams" and so forth...

drama drama drama blah blah blah... i just want legion to be published...
Posted by capt._dallas on :
Originally posted by Tromium Crystal:
I agree with you completely, and I'm royally pissed.... If this is part of DC's marketing plan, I've never seen a worse marketing organization in my life. We're the ones who've kept this franchise alive, and we deserve better.


For the past three hours I've been in a heated email argument with a close friend of mine about this very point. I told him that DC is doing a disgraceful job here, deliberately keeping us in the dark when all they have to do is DEFINITIVELY reassure us that DC will continue to have LSH as a regular title (like "rokk steady" just wrote, for legion fandom, our principal concern is that we have a title to buy every month, yes?).

Here was my friend's response to my complaint: "[DC is] building buzz. Good for DC. If the next phase of Legion is well written, this should eventually clear itself up. If I were DC, I would wait 4-12 months to make an announcement. By that point, Legion fans will be so starved they will just be happy to have a book. And hopefully it will be innovative and attract new readers as well."

Well, needless to say, I went ballistic on that premise. We're still arguing back and forth.

[ May 12, 2004, 05:52 PM: Message edited by: capt._dallas ]
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
If DC waited 4 to 12 months, we wouldn't be starved and happy for a new book. We'd be so pissed that we'd (I'd) boycott any of their titles.

I expect that kind of crap out of Marvel and for their Zombies to faithfully follow. But I'm not a Marvel Zombie. I'd rather just chuck all the titles I buy every month and use the $100+/month to do something else.

[ May 12, 2004, 05:47 PM: Message edited by: Lightning Lad ]
Posted by Sanity or Madness? on :
Originally posted by DrakeB3003:
Maybe DC doesn't want to annoucne anything yet about the relaunch cuz it might spoil the end of the current series or make them seem like "lame duck" issues.

Frankly, it became a "lame duck," to use your turn of phrase, the second Wacker uttered the words "this book is cancelled." See the number of posts on the preview when compared to the cancellation/possible relaunch for proof.

That's not to say it won't be a good, or even great, story. Simply tho, announcing the cancellation before her first issue hit has sabotaged her arc.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Yes, that was a poor move.
Posted by Tromium Crystal on :
Cap, I used to work as a marketing professional before I went on to more interesting things. Tell your friend that the last thing a company wants to do is earn the distrust of its customers. The scenario he paints would lead to sour feelings between readers and publisher for a long time to come. Creating buzz is one thing. Yanking a customer's chain is quite another.
Posted by capt._dallas on :
Originally posted by Tromium Crystal:
Cap, I used to work as a marketing professional before I went on to more interesting things.

Thanks, T.C. You know what's hysterical? My friend? He currently is a marketing professional, earned his M.B.A. too. [LOL]

I can't wait to read his reaction to your comment. Oh, this should be good...
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
I think maybe we're being a bit harsh on the marketing boys here.

They've shown they know what they're doing. They're the ones that gave us a Legion Lost TPB even though we told them, "don't do that, bad idea." And they're the ones that made those great changes to the DCMBs.

Oh wait...

We're screwed!
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
You're all entitled to your opinons and feelings, but personally, I don't see what the big deal is. We've heard that DC does have plans for the Legion (whether it was "official" or not), so I'm content to wait til they tell us what they are. I don't feel DC is screwing with us by not making any relaunch announcements yet.
Posted by capt._dallas on :
Originally posted by DrakeB3003:
You're all entitled to your opinons and feelings, but personally, I don't see what the big deal is. We've heard that DC does have plans for the Legion (whether it was "official" or not), so I'm content to wait til they tell us what they are. I don't feel DC is screwing with us by not making any relaunch announcements yet.

I can respect your view...

but understand that what you "heard" did not come from DC's Publisher, President, Editor or other Executive. The information has been provided to us by a writer who *seems* to be in the know about what the future holds in store for us.

That this information is coming from Gail, and not from Wacker, is upsetting many of us, Drake, as is the fact that the varied pieces of this "relaunch" puzzle just don't link up smoothly. You can argue they're downright contradictory:

--DnA's (and Batista's) departure is announced 5 months ago, but no replacement team is announced. That's ODD in comicdom when everything is planned out WAY ahead of time.

--Waid admits that he and Kitson are working on a project "dear to their hearts" and many assume that means Legion (why? Kitson worked on L.E.G.I.O.N., not LSH)

--Gail "slips" in an interview that Waid will be the next Legion writer (notice though that SHE never mentions Waid; she only responds to the interviewers question about the direction of Legion after her arc)

--Kitson tells another interviewer that his next work is on JSA, not Legion.

--Wacker pronounces the series is cancelled without ANY indication that a relaunch is in the works.

--Gail claims, "DC has some huge Legion plans," but then professes that her story "ties in a bit with [the future plans], in ways that won't be completely obvious right away, but it's also just big crashing fun on its own." Well, if these future plans don't tie into Gail's story arc in "completely obvious" ways, to many of us, that rules out a relaunch as a continuation of "The Legion" and something more radical.

And also consider this: to say "DC has some huge Legion plans" sounds like an exaggerated campaign promise ("No new taxes!" "Social Security lock box!", et al) that in the end is nothing but hot air meant to bedazzle the audience.

[ May 12, 2004, 08:25 PM: Message edited by: capt._dallas ]
Posted by Tromium Crystal on :
Just for the record, Kitson plotted the 4-part "Legends of the Legion" in 1998, but Waid also wrote (co-wrote?) about a dozen issues of L.E.G.I.O.N. I agree the "dear to our hearts" evidence is inconclusive.

Now Steve Lightle is talking about his NEXT Legion project. Steve's a jewel, but to reiterate your point, why should *he* be the messenger?

Posted by MYG on :
I think we would all be pissed if we had to wait a year or more for a new Legion project. We might even threaten not to return. But, as every true Legion fan on these boards knows, we would all return. But I hope the creators DO NOT take advantage of that kind of loyalty, as they have so often in the last 15 years of endless revamps and reboots. Enough is enough already people! Treat us fans with the respect we deserve.
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
Originally posted by capt._dallas:
Well, if these future plans don't tie into Gail's story arc in "completely obvious" ways, to many of us, that rules out a relaunch as a continuation of "The Legion" and something more radical.

It sounds to me she's just talking about certain elements/plot threads in her storyarc. To me it doesn't imply that the Legion itself will undergo a big overhaul (the term "big plans" might though).

Originally posted by capt._dallas:
And also consider this: to say "DC has some huge Legion plans" sounds like an exaggerated campaign promise ("No new taxes!" "Social Security lock box!", et al) that in the end is nothing but hot air meant to bedazzle the audience.

I honestly don't think Gail has any reason to "campaign" for DC or their future plans. It sounds to me she was genuinely excited about the Legion's future. Whether or not you'll be as excited when the news breaks is another thing, but since Simone was just talking as herself, I have no reason to think she's hyping.

Not to sound like I'm contradicting you, I just see things differently and considering how little info we have, I prefer not to get worked up trying to decipher these clues. I'll wait til we hear something official before reacting.
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
Originally posted by Tromium Crystal:
Now Steve Lightle is talking about his NEXT Legion project. Steve's a jewel, but to reiterate your point, why should *he* be the messenger?

I think that the internet has given fans a lot more access to behind the scenes info on upcoming stuff -- sometimes directly from the creators and two things can happen: either DC can force a gag on creators to not disclose anything on the internet before they're ready (like they do for high profile projects) or they can feed the demand and give us all breaking info on all their decisions as they happen. Neither of those seem reasonable to me, so yeah, sometimes creators will leak stuff before DC's ready to announce it themselves. It's not like they're withholding info to mess with us.
Posted by Sanity or Madness? on :
Originally posted by capt._dallas:
That this information is coming from Gail, and not from Wacker, is upsetting many of us, Drake, as is the fact that the varied pieces of this "relaunch" puzzle just don't link up smoothly. You can argue they're downright contradictory:

--DnA's (and Batista's) departure is announced 5 months ago, but no replacement team is announced. That's ODD in comicdom when everything is planned out WAY ahead of time.

--Waid admits that he and Kitson are working on a project "dear to their hearts" and many assume that means Legion (why? Kitson worked on L.E.G.I.O.N., not LSH)

--Gail "slips" in an interview that Waid will be the next Legion writer (notice though that SHE never mentions Waid; she only responds to the interviewers question about the direction of Legion after her arc)

--Kitson tells another interviewer that his next work is on JSA, not Legion.

--Wacker pronounces the series is cancelled without ANY indication that a relaunch is in the works.

Two or three important points you missed:

--Rich Johnson posted a green-light rumour back in December that "I understand that Mark Waid and Barry Kitson are to take over "Legion" some time next year." This was also the first place (same rumour) that Giffen doing an issue was mentioned.

--Kitson: "I've been a Legion fan since I was about 5 years old!" Waid: "I've been reading Legion for TWENTY-SEVEN years (and this is a quote from 1994). AND there is no bigger fan of the Legion ALIVE than me."

--Kitson first mentioned that he was doing "200 pages of a JSA mini" on the oldDCMB when he first announced that he was working on Empire (the DC series, not the original issues, to clarify). This is well over a year ago now.

No, there's nothing outright proven, especially on Kitson. But there's strong reason to suspect at least.

[ May 13, 2004, 08:05 AM: Message edited by: Sanity or Madness? ]
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Do we know what the JSA mini-series is? Could it possibly be the JSA-Legion crossover that many have been clamoring for?
Posted by Varalent on :
As a long time fan, I'll echo some of the sentiments expressed by others. The last time the LSH was rebooted many of us got so upset about the changes that we were GONE for years. Many have never come back. Yes Legion has picked up new readers but it was at the expense of longtime fans.

I'm not certain I would stay for ANOTHER reboot. It took me quite a few years to even consider looking at it again. (Actually it was meeting many of you on the DC Board that finally convinced me to take a look again.)

It's not as if the book can handle losing scores of readers. Last time I checked the numbers weren't spectacular.

What bothered me most was the callous way in which Wacker made the announcement in the Pulse article. That showed no sense of concern or caring about his "customers" (yes, that's what we are!) I would never treat my custmers in that fashion nor would I expect them to put up with it.
Posted by Obadiah Oldbuck on :
I think it is the long-rumored Society of Substitute All-Stars Special.
Posted by Sanity or Madness? on :
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
Do we know what the JSA mini-series is?

Yes. No Legion
Posted by braalian on :
God knows I love Gail. She is one of the few writers who takes the time to slum it with the fans, after all...

But I have to admit her vagueness has been irksome. (And the total silence from TPTB has been infuriating.)
Gail seems like a really nice person, but she should have realized that announcing the cancellation of THE LEGION would put us in a collective tizzy. And then to be so ambiguous about the future...

"really big plans" COULD mean TPTB are planning a relaunch in Sept with a new LSH #1
OR it could mean we can expect another reboot (or even a deboot)
OR it could mean they're planning a maxi/mini-series
OR it could mean a series of one-shots and specials
OR it could mean the Legion is simply slated to have a spate of guest apperances in the Superman books or something

It seems to me if DC had no intention of giving us any relevent info in the first place they should have just kept their mouts shut and not give us premature gray hairs.
We DO deserve better than vague hyperbolae.
Posted by Greybird on :
And then some of us complain about their being closemouthed? It seems they can't win.

With seeing how CrossGen, now faltering, has been leaving fans of many of their books twisting in the wind, despite their historic policy of openness (certainly more of it than with DC), I'm not sure that a change in corporate attitude would make much difference.

If the mishaps surrounding Greg Land and "Sojourn" (see the Dr. Gym'll's thread) are any indication, even relative openness is pounced upon for signs and portents by anxious fans.

I don't like this vagueness any more than the rest of you, but it's not that helpful to individual blood pressures to get too worked up. When DC's honchos make up their minds, they'll make up their minds, and we can really do very little about it besides letting off steam. And even that might be of marginally more effect over at DC's own message board.

Simone is only one step up the info food chain from us, and Wacker only two steps. Despite their (respectively) friendly and contemptuous attitudes, they're not setting policy, either.
Posted by Awkward Pause Boy on :
Originally posted by braalian:
God knows I love Gail. She is one of the few writers who takes the time to slum it with the fans, after all...

But I have to admit her vagueness has been irksome. (And the total silence from TPTB has been infuriating.)
Gail seems like a really nice person, but she should have realized that announcing the cancellation of THE LEGION would put us in a collective tizzy. And then to be so ambiguous about the future...

...It seems to me if DC had no intention of giving us any relevent info in the first place they should have just kept their mouts shut and not give us premature gray hairs.
We DO deserve better than vague hyperbolae.

Gail didn't announce the cancellation, Stephen Wacker did. If anything, both of them are trying to help and give as much information as they can.

Overall, I think they have pills that can help us through this. Just ask your doctor about them.
Posted by Mr. Kayak on :
Originally posted by braalian:
OR it could mean a series of one-shots and specials
OR it could mean the Legion is simply slated to have a spate of guest apperances in the Superman books or something

i don't see these things as "very big plans", maybe they might be the opposite, especially the second one i quoted.

anyway, can you explain to me by which winds of fate steve wacker became the legion editor?
the more of his quotes i read, the more i think he doesn't care the legion, so how can he be the engine of DC's XXXIst century?

[ May 13, 2004, 02:40 PM: Message edited by: Mr. Kayak ]
Posted by capt._dallas on :
Originally posted by DrakeB3003:
Not to sound like I'm contradicting you, I just see things differently and considering how little info we have, I prefer not to get worked up trying to decipher these clues. I'll wait til we hear something official before reacting.

Well, you are contradicting me, Drake, but that's cool. We all have different opinions here, and unlike what I see at DCMB, here at, we all treat each other with respect. [Big Grin]

[ May 13, 2004, 02:41 PM: Message edited by: capt._dallas ]
Posted by capt._dallas on :
Originally posted by Awkward Pause Boy:
Gail didn't announce the cancellation, Stephen Wacker did. If anything, both of them are trying to help and give as much information as they can.

Overall, I think they have pills that can help us through this. Just ask your doctor about them.

Their vague pronouncements about the future of The Legion are attempts to help us? They're not giving us information; they're giving us conflicting sentiments. From Wacker: 38 is the end of the Legion. From Gail: DC has great plans for the Legion.

And.....? That's not help, that's torture.

Now my doctor has diagnosed me with paranoia, so I know exactly what pills you're talking about, but I want to know one thing, Awkward Pause Boy! HOW DO YOU KNOW MY DOCTOR? Why would you be talking to my doctor? I knew you had it out for me! The first time I saw your missing avatar, I said to myself, Watch Out! This Awkward Pause Boy wants your appendix on his platter!

Stay away, Awkward Pause Boy!

STAY AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[ May 13, 2004, 02:52 PM: Message edited by: capt._dallas ]
Posted by Awkward Pause Boy on :
(Everyone, I think Capt. Dallas may be on to our plans)
Posted by capt._dallas on :
Originally posted by Awkward Pause Boy:
(Everyone, I think Capt. Dallas may be on to our plans)

Posted by M'onel on :
Originally posted by capt._dallas:

Naturally, this is a message board. [Big Grin]
Posted by Sanity or Madness? on :
Originally posted by capt._dallas:

You couldn't have. You can't "hear" a MB [Smile]
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
It's the voices in his head, natch.
Posted by Sanity or Madness? on :
Are you suggesting he's insane as well as paranoid? [Smile]
Posted by capt._dallas on :
Et tu, Miner and SoM!!!!!!!!???????????????

Of course, this conspiracy of yours has brewing been since I've joined, hasn't it!!!?????

Jealous about the welcome I received, perhaps??

That's just so typical!

So, so typical!

Well now, your plans to persecute me are all out in the open, and I believe there's only one appropriate response...

I'm starting a new thread, and you three are not allowed to reply to it! DO YOU HEAR ME!?

Um, I mean..., DO YOU READ ME!!??

Hold on a second...
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
Originally posted by capt._dallas:
Well, you are contradicting me, Drake, but that's cool. We all have different opinions here, and unlike what I see at DCMB, here at, we all treat each other with respect. [Big Grin]

Thanks for understanding that even though I have a different opinion, I'm not trying to devalue your feelings. It's one of the landmines of these kinds of forums where sometimes expressing a personal opinion that's contradictory can seem like an insult. Like you say, it's the good natured atmosphere of these boards in particular that opposing thoughts don't have to lead to a pissing war [Smile]

[ May 13, 2004, 10:00 PM: Message edited by: DrakeB3003 ]
Posted by Sanity or Madness? on :
Originally posted by capt._dallas:
Et tu, Miner and SoM!!!!!!!!???????????????


I'm starting a new thread, and you three are not allowed to reply to it!


*ticks another box* [Smile]

[ May 14, 2004, 07:38 AM: Message edited by: Sanity or Madness? ]
Posted by capt._dallas on :
Originally posted by DrakeB3003:
Thanks for understanding that even though I have a different opinion, I'm not trying to devalue your feelings.

My sentiment exactly. I used to be part of an email Legion group in the mid-1990s. The amount of disrespect that I read in those messages was terrible. Flamewars, everywhere, especially between the TMK Vol. 4 admirers and detractors.
Posted by capt._dallas on :
Something else I'd like to add to this discussion about the future of LSH.

I forgot about an email I sent to Paul Levitz in early February after DnA's departure was announced. When I asked about the future of The Legion, Levitz responded that they have "had a new writer in place since November, though not yet announced."

SoM?, you said it was in December that Rich Johnston reported that Waid was attached to take over Legion, yes? So Levitz here is either referring to Waid, or perhaps only to Gail as the writer of the 4 parter.

Earlier this week I emailed Stephen Wacker about this week's announcement. (On a side note, I know many of you don't admire Stephen, and you're entitled to your opinion, but I do like him A LOT. All of his communications with me have been very speedy, friendly and respectful.) When I asked Stephen about the future of favorite 31st century heroes, he responded, "Sorry Keith, but all I can give you is a big, fat: no comment. I can tell you that I've loved the book for years, but 38 is the end of THE LEGION."
Posted by Tromium Crystal on :
I thought at this juncture it would be useful to revisit Gail's December/January posts at the DCMB, just to refresh our memories. She was amazingly open and informative for a period of about ten days. All these statements were made after Rich Johnston's green-lighted Waid/Kiston rumor, but well before Levitz's positive response to Cap in February. In March/April Gail spoke of her arc intersecting with Waid's in the Sequential Tart interview.

My point is, if the plan to relaunch fell through it would have to have happened in the last 6 weeks. We've not heard any rumors to indicate this, have we?

Note: Pertinent excerpts only. Bolding is mine.


DCMB TOPIC: A little bit of news

YES, I am doing a four issue arc of Legion. I love the book, love the characters, and am having a blast. The story WILL be a standalone, but we will touch on some of DnA's brilliant stuff. It should be a fairly smooth transition, AND we'll be setting up some hints for the permanent team to follow.

Max: I completely understand, but this is just one arc, not several with rotating teams. After my arc, there will be a new, seriously-gifted team that I think very few people will complain about! [Wink]

Will you be finishing the Cub story for DnA didn't get to tell? [Repeating a question by the poster Starman]

We will touch on it, but I really feel that's a big story, and so best left to the ongoing team. [This is Gail's response to Starman re. Cub.]


DCMB TOPIC: Gail Simone and John Byrne?????

Not sure exactly how DC has been communicating with the readers but I always try to make sure that when I come aboard a book, it's not to kick someone else off. My understanding is that Abnett and Lanning would be off before I was asked. I say again in complete respect and enthusiasm, I think those two guys are fantastic. I love their Legion and I loved Resurrection Man. I love how every issue has so many ideas in it.

Once again, I'm sorry to be so cagey here, but I know what DC's actual plans are, and I honestly think Legion is going to benefit tremendously from the new creative team coming on board (not me, by the way!).

I've never taken over a book without trying to be respectful to what's come before. Legion is the same, except it's even more critical in this case.

On the other hand, with the exception of some big stunt issues, Legion has not sold well in a good while, and some attempt has to be made to interest new readers. I'm not blaming that on anyone, as I've said, I think the stories have been excellent. But from the publisher's pov, they want to see new people jump aboard. One of the hard business realities of the industry.

All I can do is my very best. After that, I'm certain that the next team will kick the book back up to the chart position where it belongs.

As for the Legion, I didn't want to rely on just my memory, so I bought some Archive editions, a ton of back issues, and all the DnA stuff I could find. Mark Waid also bought several of his favorite stories and sent them to me, out of his usual friendship. Mark's a good pal to have!

Briefly, I was offered to stay on Legion, in fact, but a four-issue arc seemed like a great deal of fun, and when another team became available, I whole-heartedly wanted them to take the book, so I'm glad that's how it worked out, as a reader. I know they're going to kick it HUGE.

I actually think there's a good chance this will be traded. DC is very happy with it so far, so even though it's only four issues, it might well happen. To be honest, I don't like so many stories being six issues, anyway.


Hope this helps put things in perspective.
Posted by MLLASH on :
I have this overwhelming urge to riot in the streets.
Posted by Tromium Crystal on :
Not that it means jack, but has anyone else noticed the recent text updates to the Legion Secret Files at DC Comics? Within the last couple of months, they updated Apparition, Ultra Boy, M'onel, Spark, Karate Kid, Ferro and (I think) Jazmin. Now I just noticed they updated Saturn Girl and Live Wire. Must be a few weeks since I last checked. The others are still years out of date, e.g. Triad, Element Lad.

Here's the Secret Files page.
Posted by Comet King on :
Thanks TC - I never even knew that was there!

I hope it's not another reboot. Sigh. I've really enjoyed this run and I wouldn't want Waid and Kitson/whoever to chuck it all away.

Personally, I think Waid's really over rated so I'm not exactly looking forward to it. On the other hand I hope we don't have to wait too long!
Posted by EmeraldEmpress on :
It's a very sad new for me the "end of legion".
I only wait for the return of all my heroes in all the glory.
Maybe a hypertime storie, with Kal, Kara, Projectra, Dirk, Tenzil, Gim, Dawnstar,Condo, alls together for first time.
Only hope a good new.
I have 43 years and if The Legion dissapear in the dc's limbo, a part of me die.
Pure and simply.
Long Live To The Legion

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