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Posted by jimgallagher on :
Just read this article from a post on the DC board. Some spoiler artwork is included:
Posted by Pov on :
Ya beat me to it, Jim... [LOL]
Posted by Future on :
Interesting. That's all I can say about the last few paragraphs.

As for the spoiler artwork and Gail's comments...good stuff!
Posted by Señor Widebottom on :
Oy! Must they start with a new #1 every time a new creative team takes over?


P.S. The Greg Land cover is super-keen, jelly bean!!!!

[ May 10, 2004, 08:17 AM: Message edited by: Señor Widebottom ]
Posted by Monkey Eater Lad on :
Am I supposed to be shocked and angered or shocked and excited about what might come next?!? I'm confused, someone please do the thinking for me [Frown]
Posted by Sanity or Madness? on :
I suspect this is just so they can have a new Legion of Super-Heroes #1 for Waid.

I *hope* anyway - if the Legion is ever cancelled for real, they're screwed more than any other comic series. Given the at-most-tangential links to the DCU, anyone reviving the series after any sort of hiatus could do *anything* to it, from rebooting again to the 5YG-on-crack.

At least it looks like the final issue has an absolutely beautiful cover.
Posted by Sanity or Madness? on :
Originally posted by Pov:
Ya beat me to it, Jim... [LOL]

Yeah, but you actually gave a link to the story itself.
Posted by Pov on :
Jen's been guilty of sensationalist reporting before. She hyped the Darkseid "appearance" during Dream Crime as "the real thing", which I felt ended up cheapening his actual use in Foundations. I don't have any worries about Legion continuing, "Chicken Little" reporting aside.

And my beautiful clown! I agree. Yet another #1. I hope having yet another relaunch is worth it.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Originally posted by Sanity or Madness?:
At least it looks like the final issue has an absolutely beautiful cover.

Isn't Nowlan's the last issue, #38?
Posted by Pov on :
Originally posted by Sanity or Madness?:
Originally posted by Pov:
Ya beat me to it, Jim... [LOL]

Yeah, but you actually gave a link to the story itself.

Yeah, THAT'S what slowed me down and gave 'im the edge! [Wink] I had to copy and paste the story URL! [LOL]
Posted by Sanity or Madness? on :
Originally posted by Nightcrawler:
Originally posted by Sanity or Madness?:
At least it looks like the final issue has an absolutely beautiful cover.

Isn't Nowlan's the last issue, #38?
Maybe I got mixed up. I was under the impression that Nowlan's was 37, Land's was 38. Perhaps it was just that I saw the KN one first.

And don't you think it's getting odd that the first cover (the AH! one) is the only one we haven't seen yet? Is he stretching his deadlines or something?

[ May 10, 2004, 08:44 AM: Message edited by: Sanity or Madness? ]
Posted by Tromium Crystal on :
I have already murdered Steve Wacker and Dan Didio in cold blood and have come here to hide. [Mad]
Posted by capt._dallas on :
If I may be a "chicken little" voice...,

I think the series is done. We're assuming Waid/Kitson are relaunching LSH. Why? Because of a Simone "slip-up" in a previous interview? I keep asking, why hasn't DC announced their long-term plans for The Legion? Waid/Kitson taking over The Legion (or relaunching LSH, choose whatever phrasing you wish) is either the WORST kept secret in comicdom....

or we can take Wacker at his word, "this book is cancelled." None of Wacker's comments suggest a re-launch. You want to tell me that he's being a tease? The re-launch will be announced in San Diego or a bit later? Sure. Maybe. That a pretty $#!&*@ way to treat readers, in my opinion.

Simone's comments also don't directly suggest a re-launch: "I know DC has some huge Legion plans, and what I know about them is amazing. Ours ties in a bit with that, in ways that won't be completely obvious right away, but it's also just big crashing fun on its own." Well, if Waid/Kitson were re-launching LSH where Simone left off, that would be "tieing in" a little more than "a bit", don't you think?

I starting to think Waid/Kitson are re-launching L.E.G.I.O.N.
Posted by FRUNTaholic on :
Posted by Señor Widebottom on :
Originally posted by Pov:

beautiful clown!

You say this because it is true!
Posted by Sanity or Madness? on :
Doing some timings...

The August solicits are due tomorrow if it follows the usual pattern, and 37 & 38'll be in there. That means there's a full month, near enough exactly, before they'd have to announce anything relating to a September LSH #1. If there's any sort of hiatus, and it's common (though not universal) for there to be a skip month in relaunches, obviously you add a month for every month they wait.

If there's nothing in or before the October solicits though (i.e. mid-July), then we can panic.

[ May 10, 2004, 09:03 AM: Message edited by: Sanity or Madness? ]
Posted by jimgallagher on :
Originally posted by Pov:
Yeah, THAT'S what slowed me down and gave 'im the edge! [Wink] I had to copy and paste the story URL! [LOL]

No whining now. I won fair and square.

Fast Fingers Lad

Posted by Zeroman on :
I swear to god if this is all some dumb ass set up for a deboot back to the Levitz era that some big name writers want to write about then I am done with the book. Period. If these cry baby writers were as good as they think they are they could use the current setting instead of whinning about not wanting to write the reboot.
I am out with another reboot or deboot.
Posted by Sanity or Madness? on :
Originally posted by Zeroman:
I swear to god if this is all some dumb ass set up for a deboot back to the Levitz era that some big name writers want to write about then I am done with the book. Period. If these cry baby writers were as good as they think they are they could use the current setting instead of whinning about not wanting to write the reboot.
I am out with another reboot or deboot.


And add a post-boot "multi-year gap" to the list of "I'm out"s too.
Posted by jimgallagher on :
I can't understand why the bozos at DC can't figure out that we're all sick of reboots and relaunches. How many relaunches can the Legion take? Hell, they just had one 3 years ago.
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Originally posted by Zeroman:
I swear to god if this is all some dumb ass set up for a deboot back to the Levitz era that some big name writers want to write about then I am done with the book. Period. If these cry baby writers were as good as they think they are they could use the current setting instead of whinning about not wanting to write the reboot.
I am out with another reboot or deboot.

If this is what they are doing, I'll be first in line wiping the drool off my chin.
Posted by Sanity or Madness? on :
Originally posted by jimgallagher:
I can't understand why the bozos at DC can't figure out that we're all sick of reboots and relaunches. How many relaunches can the Legion take? Hell, they just had one 3 years ago.

They're already at or past breaking point - I know people who refuse to try the book because "it'll get rebooted again." Crisis, the 5YG, v4 #4, the reboot. Hell, one guy insisted point blank to me that it was rebooted again at Legion Lost. Not the numbering, the story.

If there is another series coming, and there are any significant off-panel changes between Legion 38 and LSH v5 #1, be it gaps, reboots, deboots, a new HQ, ANY hugely significant changes in the comic that we don't see or make big changes to the characters, I think that the Legion, as a concept, won't see it's 50th birthday in print.

[ May 10, 2004, 10:40 AM: Message edited by: Sanity or Madness? ]
Posted by Director Lad on :
I really don't want them to "deboot" the book, but if they wanted to move them forward a bit to the point where the team is about the age that they were when Levitz was writing them, I'd be ok with that (sorry, SoM).
Posted by Zeroman on :
Originally posted by lancesrealm:
Originally posted by Zeroman:
I swear to god if this is all some dumb ass set up for a deboot back to the Levitz era that some big name writers want to write about then I am done with the book. Period. If these cry baby writers were as good as they think they are they could use the current setting instead of whinning about not wanting to write the reboot.
I am out with another reboot or deboot.

If this is what they are doing, I'll be first in line wiping the drool off my chin.
The problem is that it will never live up to your expectaions. It never does. Plus look at all that would be gone; XS, Gates, Kid Quantum, Invisable Kid, Karate Kid, Ferro, M'Onel (since he was dead at the end of the Levitz run), Kinetix, Shikari, and all the other good things since the reboot. All for nostalga that wouldn't live up to anyones expectations for the most part, and would probaly drive away alot of the current fans. Sure they might get some big name hot team on the book and the numbers could go way up, but for alot of us Legion fans it would just be the last straw, and when the hot team leaves the books is screwed.
Posted by Sanity or Madness? on :
Originally posted by Zeroman:
The problem is that it will never live up to your expectaions. It never does. Plus look at all that would be gone; XS, Gates, Kid Quantum, Invisable Kid, Karate Kid, Ferro, M'Onel (since he was dead at the end of the Levitz run), Kinetix, Shikari, and all the other good things since the reboot. All for nostalga that wouldn't live up to anyones expectations for the most part, and would probaly drive away alot of the current fans. Sure they might get some big name hot team on the book and the numbers could go way up, but for alot of us Legion fans it would just be the last straw, and when the hot team leaves the books is screwed.

I agree with you here Zero. And add Triad to the list of "good characters that would be lost," given that Duo Damsel was pretty different from her post-boot self.
Posted by Greybird on :
Wacker said: "[...] The editors have all stunk, though." What an ungracious twit. Karen Berger, for one, the unseen half of Paul Levitz's last nine years on the Legion stories (and now head of Vertigo), might dispute that. I certainly would. With Mark Waid and KC Carlson, at least, as well.

I don't like seeing the monthly series being called off, though with the dismal economics for anything selling under 100,000 per month, I'm not really surprised.

Lord knows I've had my problems with DnA (and Coipel, earlier), but what they most recently and quite fully shaped deserves far better than this. At least it's going out with a bang -- several vigorous writers, with Lightle, Land, and others' vivid artwork.

That being said, I'd prefer to see the Legion concepts being kept up in miniseries or other arcs. DC is more likely to get creators-with-buzz returning or debuting on such series than with the grinding demands of a monthly. Especially given the, once again, huge cast.

We won't get a monthly again until writers with the determination of a Levitz -- or even the persistence of Abnett and Lanning -- are willing to stick with it, for years on end. I don't see many being willing to do so, outside of the story factories that are of the size of the Supes or X-Men titles.

Gail Simone sees "big Legion plans," and I'm sure she's right, these concepts and this cast won't be abandoned. They won't, though, be seen again very soon in a monthly series.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Well. Let the day's trouble be sufficient unto the day.
Posted by MLLASH on :
My prediction:

We WILL be seeing a new LSH title solicited within 3 months.

I would hope so, anyway.
Posted by Legion Lad on :
Whatever they do, people are going to piss and moan about it anyway, so they might as well do whatever will make the book sell the best. If that means a reboot, then it means a reboot. If it doesn't, then it doesn't. The Doom Patrol has shown that they don't care how loudly people complain. DC didn't care about all the people who dropped the book with Zero Hour, so why would they care about all the people who kept buying it? Why is one group more special than the other?
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Well this kind of explains the looks on the Legionnaire faces on Kevin's cover to #38. They were just told their title was cancelled again.

I just knew this was going to be a bad day today. I think I'll go back to bed.
Posted by Chaim Mattis Keller on :
They certainly won't completely reboot the Legion. Mark Waid's one of the architects of the post-boot Legion, so he'll most likely keep it mostly intact.

It's probably just a marketing re-launch.
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
Originally posted by Greybird:
Wacker said: "[...] The editors have all stunk, though." What an ungracious twit. Karen Berger, for one, the unseen half of Paul Levitz's last nine years on the Legion stories (and now head of Vertigo), might dispute that. I certainly would. With Mark Waid and KC Carlson, at least, as well.

It's hard to tell from a written interview, but when I read that part, I thought Wacker was being facetious.
Posted by M'onel on :
One word I have to say about this news:

Posted by SiliconDream on :
It's hard to tell from a written interview, but when I read that part, I thought Wacker was being facetious.
What with him being an editor himself and all, I'd agree.

[ May 10, 2004, 05:22 PM: Message edited by: SiliconDream ]
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :

First thing I thought when I read the news was that maybe the next regular team wasn't in gear yet, so why not pull the book and relaunch when they're set?

Now, I don't know. I just hope they know what they're doing.
Posted by Star Boy on :
2004 - the Year I Quit Comics.

(I hope this isn't true, but it's starting to feel that way. [Frown] )
Posted by Tromium Crystal on :
Yes, it's possible everything fell through, but let's be optimistic. There's plenty of evidence that a relaunch has been in the pipeline for at least six months.

-- In a November 2003 interview with Amazing Comics, Waid refers to a "top secret DC project for September of next year".
-- In December 2003, DnA announce at CBR and The Pulse they are leaving the book and talk about being cut back 3 issues to allow for creative and promotional scheduling.
-- Days later, Rich Johnston of CBR starts the Waid/Kitson rumor.
-- In early 2004, at the DCMB, Gail Simone reveals she was offered the chance to be the permanent Legion writer but the book was passed to another creative team, with her blessings. She confirms her own 4-issue arc.
-- Barry Kitson responds cordially to Legion rumors at the now-defunct Empire message board. He doesn't confirm them, but he also doesn't deny them. His 3-year exclusive contract with DC is confirmed in January 2004.
-- On a message board, a departing Legion artist (to remain anonymous) slips and names Kitson as the next Legion artist. The thread is deleted when the slip is called to his attention.
-- Dan Didio says at Newsarama, "we're going to make a change on the Legion".
-- In April 2004, Simone confirms Waid as Legion writer in a Sequential Tart interview and talks about their intersecting stories.
-- Also in April 2004, Waid does an SBC interview referring to "a relaunch with Kitson that is near and dear to their hearts." No title other than Legion has been associated with Waid and Kitson's DC project.
-- Today at The Pulse, Steve Wacker announces all of a sudden that the series in cancelled but doesn't address the Waid/Kitson rumors, nor does he talk about the franchise's future - or lack of it.
-- In the same article, Simone refers to "huge plans for the Legion", calling them "amazing".

Chime in with more positive evidence, if you have it.

[ May 10, 2004, 07:43 PM: Message edited by: Tromium Crystal ]
Posted by MLLASH on :
It all just seems too matter-of-fact to me. That the LEGION is ending is mentioned in an almost "oh, by the way..." fashion.

I cannot, CANNOT believe news of the cancellation would be handled in that fashion without an announced relaunch quickly following.

*crosses fingers*
Posted by MLLASH on :
TC, thanks for rounding up that evidence. I do feel better now!
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Originally posted by capt._dallas:
I starting to think Waid/Kitson are re-launching L.E.G.I.O.N.

Kitson would love to do this, actually, and plans were in the works for something, but they got put on the back burner because of all the other work he's got.

I hope their guest shot in the new Adam Strange mini doesn't mess up what plans he has.
Posted by Zeroman on :
The weird thing is that it falls into the Legion patern. Taking the current series, Legion Lost, and Legion Worlds all together it almost adds up to the magic 60 issues. Every 60 or so issues the Legion gets changed up:
Superboy and the Legion of Super Heroes 198-258 - 62 issues
Legion of Super Heroes 259-325 - 66 issues
Legion of Super Heroes (Baxter series) 1-63 - 63 issues
Legion of Super Heroes (5YL) 1-61 - 61 issues
Legion of Super Heroes (reboot) 62-125 - 63 issues
Legionaries (reboot) 19-81 - 60 issues
Legion Lost 1-12 Legion Worlds 1-6 Legion 1-38 - 56 issues

If they would have just let DnA have those last 3 issues it would have been almost 60 even.

[ May 10, 2004, 08:30 PM: Message edited by: Zeroman ]
Posted by Greybird on :
If Wacker was being facetious, then it was a duty of the writer (as I see it) to alert the readers to that, with "he joked" or something similar to convey tone. That's so strong a reporting and interviewing convention -- one long preceding smilies on the Net -- that I'm inclined to think he was, indeed, simply being ungracious, and that the interviewer let him hang himself a little.

Being so cavalier as to omit such a warning to readers, if he was kidding himself, would jeopardize an interviewer's future access. Perhaps both simply thought it unnecessary. Still, with a matter such as a book's cancellation, hard feelings are risked in many precincts, and precautions are in order.

Until there's a clarification, I stand by it: Wacker has, at least, a wacked-out sense of humor, and at worst, an ungracious attitude toward his colleagues.
Posted by Jorge Martinez on :
I am pretty sure they will start with a new #1.

The thing is I wouldn't restart the book with Kitson. Now that they mentioned a new series I am expecting a big gun. If it is Kitson they should've just stuck with the current numbering.

Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Tromium's synopsis makes for interesting reading. Given the way the industry works maybe such a long lead in time is normal?

So what are these big surprises? i look forward to seeing the next set of interviews.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Originally posted by Jorge Martinez:
I am pretty sure they will start with a new #1.

The thing is I wouldn't restart the book with Kitson. Now that they mentioned a new series I am expecting a big gun. If it is Kitson they should've just stuck with the current numbering.

I sort-of agree with this. Kitson is a fine artist, but worthy of a re-launch? I dunno.

For a relaunch, I'd want someone of Jim Lee or Alan Davis or Terry Dodson level...

But perhaps Kitson in conjunction with Waid DOES merit a re-launch...
Posted by Spellbinder on :
Perhaps there's a reason Jim Lee's Legion designs were shown recently...
Posted by numberonelegionfan on :
Legion of Super Heroes 259-325 - 66 issues
Actually, Legion of Super-Heroes ran from 259-314, Tales of the LSH took over from 314-354.
Posted by The Man From Cargg on :
Originally posted by capt._dallas:

Simone's comments also don't directly suggest a re-launch: "I know DC has some huge Legion plans, and what I know about them is amazing. Ours ties in a bit with that, in ways that won't be completely obvious right away, but it's also just big crashing fun on its own."

Do these amazing developments necessarily indicate a new Legion comic or's LEGION, THE MOVIE!
Posted by numberonelegionfan on :
d'oh...should be Legion of Super-Heroes ran from 259-313, Tales of the LSH took over from 314-354 (326-354 were reprints of the first couple of dozen of the Baxter run)
Posted by Obadiah Oldbuck on :
Originally posted by Chaim Mattis Keller:
They certainly won't completely reboot the Legion. Mark Waid's one of the architects of the post-boot Legion, so he'll most likely keep it mostly intact.

It's probably just a marketing re-launch.

Maybe they'll follow Marvel's lead and re-launch with "original numbering"

Let's see

Adventure Comics 81 issues
Action Comics 19 issues
Superboy & the Legion 62 issues
LSH v2 55 issues
Tales of hte Legion 12 issues
LSH v3 64 issues
LSH v4 125 issues
Legionnaires 82 issues
Legion Lost 12 issues
Legion World 6 issues
Legion 38 issues

So, coming in September: THE LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES #558

Of course, that does not count annuals, specials, freak numbering, and associated limted series. And I bet my numbernig is off too, but I'm doing this off hte top of my head while at work. Feel free to correct.
Posted by Rusty Shackleford on :
Originally posted by Zeroman:

Legion Lost 1-12 Legion Worlds 1-6 Legion 1-38 - 56 issues

If they would have just let DnA have those last 3 issues it would have been almost 60 even.

You left out four issues of "Legion of the Damned," three issues of "Widening Rifts" and two Secret Files books ('99 and '03). That's 60 DnA books. [Smile]
Posted by Greybird on :
{[...] Legion of Super-Heroes ran from 259-313, Tales of the LSH took over from 314-354 (326-354 were reprints of the first couple of dozen of the Baxter run) }

"Tales" 314-325 did have entirely original stories, interleaved (in continuity) with the events of the first 12 issues of the v3 (Baxter) run. The rest were indeed reprints of v3, except for issue 343, which used an earlier Wildfire origin story, instead of v3's "Crisis" story.

It's easier to simply include those first 12 original issues of "Tales," for story purposes, with "LSH" volume 2.

Sorry, but I'm a stickler for pointing this all out because "Tales" was not all reprints, and that first year had a multi-part story near and dear to me (see legend under avatar to guess why). I don't want that first year's presence being overlooked by anybody, even in quickly noting issue runs.

The dual-format experiment, o'course, threw away much of the Legion (and Titans) audience, and made it far harder for newcomers to see either series.

[ May 11, 2004, 12:30 PM: Message edited by: Greybird ]
Posted by Kid Prime on :
Originally posted by Spellbinder:
Perhaps there's a reason Jim Lee's Legion designs were shown recently...

I'm thinking the same thing, Princess. [Optimus Prime]
Posted by Sanity or Madness? on :
Originally posted by Kid Prime:
Originally posted by Spellbinder:
Perhaps there's a reason Jim Lee's Legion designs were shown recently...

I'm thinking the same thing, Princess. [Optimus Prime]
Umm... hello.

He's got 11 months of Superman left. And then I think he's committed to give a Wildstorm title a leg up (I forget which).
Posted by Zeroman on :
Originally posted by Greybird:
{[...] Legion of Super-Heroes ran from 259-313, Tales of the LSH took over from 314-354 (326-354 were reprints of the first couple of dozen of the Baxter run) }

"Tales" 314-325 did have entirely original stories, interleaved (in continuity) with the events of the first 12 issues of the v3 (Baxter) run. The rest were indeed reprints of v3, except for issue 343, which used an earlier Wildfire origin story, instead of v3's "Crisis" story.

It's easier to simply include those first 12 original issues of "Tales," for story purposes, with "LSH" volume 2.

Sorry, but I'm a stickler for pointing this all out because "Tales" was not all reprints, and that first year had a multi-part story near and dear to me (see legend under avatar to guess why). I don't want that first year's presence being overlooked by anybody, even in quickly noting issue runs.

The dual-format experiment, o'course, threw away much of the Legion (and Titans) audience, and made it far harder for newcomers to see either series.

Thats why I counted it from 259-325. I just ignored the reprint issues in my breakdown. Still like I said it usually comes out to about 60 issues more or less each time the Legion gets a name change, reboot, or drasctic new direction.
Posted by Omni Craig on :
I am very confident that the book will " right back, after these commercial messages!"!

But I've gotta say it's a little creepy...every time a series with "The Legion..." in the title gets to #38, something majorly bad happens:

LSH (v3) #38: Death of Superboy
LSH (v4) #38: Destruction of planet Earth
The Legion #38: Legion is cancelled.

(I skipped Legionnaires #38, because it didn't support my theory...and it didn't have a "the" in the title... [Smile] )

See you all on the other side!

Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
Originally posted by Sanity or Madness?:
Umm... hello.
He's got 11 months of Superman left. And then I think he's committed to give a Wildstorm title a leg up (I forget which).

I don't think Lee's designs will see print, but just because he's busy doesn't preclude their use. Lee was pegged to design Green Lantern's current outfit and he wasn't doing art on the book - they just wanted his design.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Originally posted by Omni Craig:
(I skipped Legionnaires #38, because it didn't support my theory...and it didn't have a "the" in the title... [Smile] )

Obviously not a Sabers fan, huh? I still can't believe they lost that game!

[ May 11, 2004, 05:37 PM: Message edited by: Eryk Davis Ester ]
Posted by Gail Simone on :
Just to say (cause I can't says no more!) that I hope Legion readers give us a chance. We're really trying to do the most fun story we can in four issues, and I wouldn't be part of anything that was designed to trick or betray readers.

I hope you try the books...I think you'll enjoy 'em!

Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Gail, if the four issues live up to the small taste we got in Jen's preview then I don't think we'll be disappointed. At least I know I won't be. The writing and art had a good old-fashioned feel to it that's been missing from the Legion for years.
Posted by Pex the Unalive on :
Yeah, the preview looked to be very interesting. At least Legion won't be going out with a whimper! [Wink]
Posted by Gail Simone on :
It's got an oldskool vibe, and I'm not ashamed at all. [Smile]

Posted by Comic Addict Lad on :
Do we at least have an idea of when the Legion will be back??

Because I have to say after being out of comics for the last 7 years, Im back in and Legion is the ONLY title I buy monthly. Not only that but I've gone back and collected everything I missed!
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Legion is also pretty much the only title I read, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that there'll be a relaunch...

But whatever happens, I'll make damn sure I buy Gail's run and enjoy it! [Smile]
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
I try not to read spoilers and previews off the net, as I really like that feeling you get from opening up the book and feeling that paper in your hands.

So I'll be there till the end and hopefully getting the full effect the creators are going for with out any dulling of the senses from "seeing it all before" on the net.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
I say this 'cancellation' talk is a ploy to get us fans up in arms and rally around the Legion.

Of course there'll be a new book.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Remember how many chances they gave that tattooed idiot "Fate"... and his book NEVER sold! Legion, even at it's lowest sales levels, still has a baseline high by DC standards, and let's face it, love DnA or not, they sold, and sold quite well.
Posted by capt._dallas on :
Originally posted by Kent Shakespeare:
even at it's lowest sales levels, still has a baseline high by DC standards, and let's face it, love DnA or not, they sold, and sold quite well.

DnA certainly made the Legion relevant again, but what do you mean by "baseline high"? It's a cheap title for DC to produce? And I think you're overstating the case when you claim that the DnA issues "sold quite well." In comparison to what?

How many copies of the earliest issues of Vol. 5 (the Ra's Al Ghul issues when the title really had some industry wide buzz) were sold?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I'm really looking forward to Gail's run! I've been waiting for this for months, and I'm sure we won't be let down. Her BoP is so good, that I'm anxious to see what she does with the LSH.

As for being cancelled, I just can't believe that there isn't something in the works after the cancellation, whether a relaunch with Jim Lee, or Jeph Loeb making the LSH connect to Superman, or something else I'm not even thinking of. Whether in denial or not, I have a feeling that we'll be getting a lot of Legion to come, so I just can't take Whacker's comments serious. (Besides, they really did seem toungue in cheek, unless he just comes off as a jerk).
Posted by Zeroman on :
Hey Gail we have nothing but love for you. It's the suits in the front office that worry us.
Posted by Shadow Kid on :
Originally posted by capt._dallas:
Originally posted by Kent Shakespeare:
even at it's lowest sales levels, still has a baseline high by DC standards, and let's face it, love DnA or not, they sold, and sold quite well.

DnA certainly made the Legion relevant again, but what do you mean by "baseline high"? It's a cheap title for DC to produce? And I think you're overstating the case when you claim that the DnA issues "sold quite well." In comparison to what?

How many copies of the earliest issues of Vol. 5 (the Ra's Al Ghul issues when the title really had some industry wide buzz) were sold?

The legion is selling as well right now as it ever has in the last ten years.

Of course the legion will be back. Hasn't DC got some sort of blank cheque in regard to the legion in that there will always be a legion title in some shape or form as long as DC is publishing? I remember someone important saying that once.

[ May 13, 2004, 12:02 AM: Message edited by: Shadow Kid ]
Posted by Sanity or Madness? on :
Sales going back as far as I can get 'em (Feb 1999) [in sq. brackets is change from previous month where available]:

Key -

Michael Burns Usenet posts (from Google Groups)
Carl Henderson's numbers from
icv2's pre-order numbers
icv2's actual sales (to retailers) nos


Legionnaires #70 - 18,900
Legion of Super-Heroes #114 - 19,600
Legionnaires #71 - 18,700 [-1.1%]
Legion of Super-Heroes #115 - 19,100 [-2.6%]
Legionnaires #72 - 18,400 [-1.8%]
Legion of Super-Heroes #116 - 18,800 [-1.3%]
Legionnaires #73 - 18,100 [-1.5%]
Legion of Super-Heroes #117 - 18,500 [-1.9%]
Legionnaires #74 - 17,600 [-2.8%]
Legion of Super-Heroes #118 - 18,100 [-2.1%]
Legionnaires #75 - 17,700 [+0.6%]
Legion of Super-Heroes #119 - 18,000 [-0.6%]
Legionnaires #76 - 17,600 [-0.6%]
Legion of Super-Heroes #120 - 17,900 [-0.6%]
Legionnaires #77 - 17,300 [-0.4%]
Legion of Super-Heroes #121 - 17,700 [0%]

DnA start:

Legionnaires #78 - 17,300 [0%]

Legion of the Damned:

Legion of Super-Heroes #122 - 18,400 [+4.0%]
Legionnaires #79 - 17,200 [-0.6%]
Legion of Super-Heroes #123 - 17,700 [-3,8%]
Legionnaires #80 - 15,800 [-5,4%]

Widening Rifts:

Legion of Super-Heroes #124 - 17,200 [0%]
Legionnaires #81 - 17,000 [+7.6%]
Legion of Super-Heroes #125 - 17,500 [+1.7%]

Legion Lost:

Legion Lost #1 - 20,900
Legion Lost #2 - 19,100 [+8.3%]
Legion Lost #3 - 21,200 [+11,0%]
Legion Lost #4 - 22,000 [+3.8%] / 21,974
Legion Lost #5 - 22,406
Legion Lost #6 - 21,379
Legion Lost #7 - 21,706
Legion Lost #8 - 21,137
Legion Lost #9 - 21,540
Legion Lost #10 - 20,217
Legion Lost #11 - 19,553
Legion Lost #12 - 20,510

Superboy's Legion:

Superboy's Legion #1 - 23,350
Superboy's Legion #2 - 21,080

Legion Worlds:

Legion Worlds #1 - 23,830 / 21,955
Legion Worlds #2 - 22,020 / 20,570
Legion Worlds #3 - 22,080 / 20,954
Legion Worlds #4 - 21,960 / 20,832
Legion Worlds #5 - 21,410 / 20,685
Legion Worlds #6 - 21,520 / 20,129

The Legion

The Legion #1 - 28,350
The Legion #2 - 24,364
The Legion #3 - 24,338
The Legion #4 - 24,416
The Legion #5 - 24,232
The Legion #6 - 24,603
The Legion #7 - 25,113
The Legion #8 - 24,771
The Legion #9 - 24,566
The Legion #10 - 24,775
The Legion #11 - 24,988
The Legion #12 - 25,355
The Legion #13 - 24,218
The Legion #14 - 23,880
The Legion #15 - 23,962
The Legion #16 - 23,744
The Legion #17 - 23,005
The Legion #18 - 22.516 / 23,180
The Legion #19 - 23,214
The Legion #20 - 23,184
The Legion #21 - 22,749
The Legion #22 - 22,987
The Legion #23 - 22,466
The Legion #24 - 22,653
The Legion #25 - 30,440
The Legion Secret Files 3003 - 19,231
The Legion #26 - 26,635
The Legion #27 - 25,667
The Legion #28 - 25,042
The Legion #29 - 24,908
The Legion #30 - 25,014
The Legion #31 - 24,870
Posted by Kid Quislet on :
I echo the sentiments expressed about the frustration of another possible reboot. Two bad things happen in these instances; first the reboot takes time to re-establish itself, and second it negates much of the preceeding works. That said, I hope it doesn't happen, and I trust we will see the Legion again soon if "cancellation" does occur.

A couple of thoughts occured to me, and this is only my speculation:
1) DC Direct is issuing two new Legion action figures in August - they are the Silver Age Invisible Kid and Colossal Boy. They have of course been creating other Silver Age Legion figures. Could the reasoning be that a new version of a Legion title would be based on those Silver Age characters?
2) Cartoon Network has announced the Justice League Adventures series is finishing its run. Recently, DC's comic version of the JLA cartoon series featured Legionnaires (and Computo!). A few years ago, the animated Superman series had Legionnaires in a story as well. Could there be an animated Legion series up next?

My prediction: This fall, the Legion will experience a mild reboot at the hands of Waid and Kitson (and yes, a new #1 issue, which always gets a couple thousand more copies in sales, like it or not). Soon after, a second title in the cartoony style of the animated series books (Legion Adventures) will accompany the new Legion animated series. This will feature the characters and costumes of the Silver Age Adventure/Action run, and include additions like Andromeda, Kid Quantum I, and Gates, etc.

Long Live the Legion - a Cat in a Dog eat Dog world!
Posted by Jorge Martinez on :
What I really liked about Gail's preview issue was...Dan Jurgens! Timberwolf and Ultra Boy don't like teenage weaklings anymore! I always hated the little skinny look...atleast on the strong guys. I don't mind Brainy and IK.

I'm a Jurgens Legion fan ever since he did that Dev-Em story arc way back when!

Posted by capt._dallas on :
Originally posted by Sanity or Madness?:
Sales going back as far as I can get 'em (Feb 1999)

Thanks for these figures, SoM! Wow! I didn't realize that "Legion of the Damned" sold that badly. I thought that little 4-parter had some buzz to it, especially in comparison to the garbage that preceded it.

Recent sales numbers aren't horrible (of course, they're horrible historically, but considering the state of the comic book industry, these figures aren't horrible for 2004), so this makes me even more curious about the decision to cancel and re-launch the series.

Will a Mark Waid/Barry Kitson relaunch dramatically boost sales figures? I mean, do you think a Waid/Kitson LSH can sell in excess of 35,000 copies? If not, why would TPTB at DC decide a re-launch was necessary? Why not just continue the title with #39?

I can think of three reasons:
-cancellation is genuine; no re-launch and no re-boot
-the new creators are not Waid/Kitson but people who are even more commercially popular (Jim Lee, for instance)

....And the speculation continues... [Big Grin]

[ May 14, 2004, 03:41 AM: Message edited by: capt._dallas ]
Posted by Director Lad on :
Originally posted by Kid Quislet:
2) Cartoon Network has announced the Justice League Adventures series is finishing its run. Recently, DC's comic version of the JLA cartoon series featured Legionnaires (and Computo!). A few years ago, the animated Superman series had Legionnaires in a story as well. Could there be an animated Legion series up next?

Cartoon network is following up the original Justice League series with a series called "Justice League Unlimited." The reason for the name change is a slight change in the focus of the series. They're moving away from two-part episodes and featuring a huge number of guest stars. While I wouldn't be surprised to see the Legion guest on the show, they won't be the focus.
Posted by Sanity or Madness? on :
Originally posted by capt._dallas:
Originally posted by Sanity or Madness?:
Sales going back as far as I can get 'em (Feb 1999)

Thanks for these figures, SoM! Wow! I didn't realize that "Legion of the Damned" sold that badly. I thought that little 4-parter had some buzz to it, especially in comparison to the garbage that preceded it.
Yeah - you'll notice the nadir of the book, sales-wise, was actually Damned Pt 4 (by almost 1500 copies to boot!), not anything from the previous team.
Posted by Arachne on :
[sigh] Brin and Vi in the some story! [Love]


Oh, um, yeah, Legion cancelation, terible, just terrible. [Wink]

Seriously, since no one's denying that the Legion will still be around, I'm betting we won't be missing it for long, if at all.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Jeepers H. Tutu!

I can't believe it's all gonna end soon...

Posted by MYG on :
I DON"T believe it's going to end soon. Something's up...I'm sure of it!
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
I know I'm coming in late with this, but I was occupied when all of this happened...

There's a reason why eGAD's run is bi-weekly. [Smile] [Wink] [Big Grin] [Razz] 'nuff said!
Posted by MLLASH on :
SPILL it, Fuzzy!!!
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
I've said too much already. But, let's hope we won't have to wait until the official solits.
Posted by MLLASH on :
You delightful little tease!
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Running bi-weekly - so it can finish end-August? And we can have a September, back-to-school Legion? Eternally teenagers? Maybe the Teen Titans will become the new inspiration for the 31st century Legion. [Confused] Don't really like where this speculation is going....
Posted by rokk steady on :
Nightcrawler's hint is most interesting... b/c he clearly knows somethin' he ain't tellin! And how does all this fit in with Identity Crisis anyway? Hmmm...
Posted by He Who Wanders on :

Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Originally posted by Nightcrawler:

There's a reason why eGAD's run is bi-weekly. [Smile] [Wink] [Big Grin] [Razz] 'nuff said!

She will be revealing

Brainy's love for both Andromeda and Lyle
Tinya's for both Jo and Stealth
Gear's for both Chuck and the Jetson's Robot, Rosie.
Posted by Sanity or Madness? on :
Okay, having read the new thing @ Newsarama... this IS the end. They're Rebooting AGAIN!

Bye Legion.
Posted by Arachne on :
Relaunching not rebooting. Which is still a nuisance, but survivable.
Posted by Yellow Kid on :

There'll never be another like X-Bomb Betty.

Waid's a real fanboy, maybe he'll give us back a retooled badass LSV.
..oooh yeahhh...I'd like to see Kitson's Saturn Woman

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