Hey! I just bought Wizard's Jim Lee Millennium Edition and saw these Legion designs in the Sketchbook section -
Have these been published before? This is the first time I've seen them. And if they were done in 2003, why is "Phantom Girl," "Mon-El," "Lightning Lad," "Dream Girl," or for that matter "Element Lad" used and not their post-boot codenames. Does he know something we don't?
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Unless I'm mistaken, Jim Lee has expressed interest in working on the Legion, but only the preboot Legion. Hence any designs he would make would be for them...
Posted by Zeroman on :
I really like the top Ultra Boy and Saturn Girl pics, and the bottom Karate Kid, Invisible Kid, and especialy Timber Wolf pics. The Dream Girl doesn't look that much different form her other looks. The rest are kinda bland, and I hate the Lighting Lad pic. The Sunboy and Mon-El pics look more like street clothes than costumes.
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
Maybe I just never warmed up to Lee's style, but I find these costumes hideous. (Though the Timber Wolf outfit has possibilities.)
[ May 05, 2004, 07:40 PM: Message edited by: He Who Wanders ]
Posted by capt._dallas on :
I would have to agree with HWW. Although I won't use as strong a word as "hideous," I'll say for the most part I'm not impressed. None of these designs really blow me away. Timber Wolf's redesign is interesting, but why is he carry a staff? Does Lee miss drawing Gambit? Cos is too muscular and I don't like his facial structure.
Okay, now that I think about it, HWW is right on the ball. Those Lightning Lad and Sun Boy costumes ARE hideous. And I'm wondering who's wearing Saturn Girl's outfit because that sure ain't Imra!
The only re-design I'm really fascinated with is Element Lad's
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
They kinda make me think of John Byrne's Krypton, which isn't a compliment.
Although, if he lost those bulky gloves and boots, some of the guys' suits look promising.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
They're interesting, although not what I would choose for The Legion.
Two different Tinyas, both with short hair - I don't think I've ever seen her drawn with short hair, outside of L.E.G.I.O.N.
I liked the Saturn Girl costumes, but not for Imra. Maybe for some villainess/cult priestess type of character; they seemed a bit creepy, somehow.
The big-muscled-guy look doesn't really catch me.
Posted by Valor the M'Onel on :
Cool he's a Legion pre-crisis fan
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
While I won't say the costumes are hideous, they're certainly not what I'd like to see on theLegionnaires.
[ July 15, 2005, 08:36 PM: Message edited by: Invisible Brainiac ]
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
I guess the AR in me will now try and find this issue. Can't really see the scans too well (my problem not Gary's).
From what I can see though, I do like the Saturn Girl. Reminds me of a Bene Gesserit from Dune.
Posted by Pov on :
quote:Originally posted by Fat Cramer: I liked the Saturn Girl costumes, but not for Imra. Maybe for some villainess/cult priestess...
My first thought when I looked at those designs was of an updated Saturn QUEEN. Kinda regal-looking, with the hood and cape. How old's Jancel now?
Posted by Pov on :
P.S.-- Why's Dirk wearing a skirt? Is he Irish? :-D
And the Tinyas-- The first one's a nice updating of the Cockrum outfit. I know it's blasphemy, but the shorthair look is pretty hot to me... a nice update from the pigtails. But the SECond one... why put bellbottoms on her sleeves???
And I'd like to see Garth and Jan colored before passing judgment...
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Miner, you hit the nail on the head with me. Why the damn bulky gloves and boots? the best by far in my opinion was Brin. Jo looked like steroid boy, and Mon looked like Cro-Magnon man crossed with Sebastain shaw of the xmen.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
The dirk thing would have worked as a kilt. make him a red-haired Scot.
Posted by Future on :
I find the designs of Element Lad and Timber Wolf very fascinating. I'm not completely sold on the 90s trend big boots, gloves, and accessories for the Legion...but if the costumes were to sway this way I wouldn't mind the Jan & Brin designs even for the postboot counterparts. That's not saying I WANT to see the trend happen, but...they're cool attempts.
I like the concept of P.G. with short hair...and Saturn Girl's costume is great...but as others have said, not on her. Imra wearing a skull cap (the first picture) just doesn't float well with me.
Most of the outfits that are variations/spoofs of the regular duds are very fascinating, like Jo's and Mon's, though as stated it's not the look I would want them to keep full-time.
Posted by Awkward Pause Boy on :
Wow! I really like these. Granted, I would take anything over the blandiforms they're wearing now, but these throw in a good deal of style and reference to previous styles. And, I've seen bigger boots. These are practically slippers.
I especially like Saturn Girl and the second Phantom Girl.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
I like these for the most part... remembering that they're intended for preboot Legionnaires.
I don't mind ornate gloves or boots... just not both on the same character.
ULTRA BOY: The second pic of Jo looks great, IMO... though I'm not sure what's going on with the legs.
MON-EL: Either the boots or the gloves have got to go.
PHANTOM GIRL: Tale the hair from the second sketch and put it atop the first figure's head and I think you've got something.
She should still wear pigtails from time to time, though.
SATURN GIRL: When I first glanced at the sketch, I thought this costume was going to belong to Emerald Empress... till I noticed the Saturn emblem.
It's a beautiful costume... like the rest of you, I don't think it's quite right for Imra, unless it's for some ceremonial use. However, it makes more sense for her than the pink bikini ever did.
SUN BOY: I'd have to see this head-on. My initial impression is that it's too uniform-like for Dirk. Is the topcoat supposed to be transparent?
STAR BOY: I like the starfield... the rest is a bit too military-looking.
LIGHTNING LAD: Not horrible, but you just can't improve on the uniform Garth wore up until the end of LOST.
ELEMENT LAD: Like it. I really like the jacket with actual sleeves and a cuff that isn't skintight. The boots are a bit busy. If this was used, I'd hope a reason for the arrow would be given... nowhere to go but up, considering his recent usage? Colors? Blue and green... maybe one or both of them being more pastel than primary, as used preboot. Or pink and white?
INVISIBLE KID: I like this actually. It combines lines from preboot and reboot looks... I think black and white suits Lyle more than the tan range from preboot, though.
KARATE KID: Eh... kind of bland.
DREAM GIRL: Not enough change to mention.
COSMIC BOY: Costume' OK, but this looks more like Cosmic KING than BOY.
I wonder if these are Lee's favorite characters? Bet he's got lots more sketches lying around, if they are.
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
The only one I really liked was the first Phantom Girl.
Really disliked Irma's.
And I especially didn't like the bulked up Karate Kid.
Posted by minesurfer on :
I wish I could draw... then I'd feel a little better about criticizing them. But since I'm a fanboy with no accountability for what I say... I may as well let loose with the words.
Who ever said that they would like to see them colored before they passed judgement made a real good point. Color could make a huge difference. That said, I look at these drawings and can't help but wander what Coipel's inked pencils looked like before colored. I'd bet that they are very similar to these. The messy hair and the forms just seem so similar. I will say that these faces are different than Coipel's drawings of The Legion.
My final word is... I like 'em all, except for Saturn Girl. I look at her design and think "Nun" and we all know how that doesn't work in The Legion.
Posted by MLLASH on :
I really like all of these with the SOLE exception of Saturn Girl's.
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
Aside from the arm/leg pad/thingies, I think most of them are ok. The ones I like the most are Lightning Lad, the first Ultra Boy and Timberwolf. After Sprouse's redesign of Tinya, I can't help but see Lee's Saturn Girl designs as more fitting for Apparition (sans skullcap).
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
quote:Originally posted by Pov: P.SAnd the Tinyas-- The first one's a nice updating of the Cockrum outfit. I know it's blasphemy, but the shorthair look is pretty hot to me... a nice update from the pigtails.
The short hair is fine on the first Tinya. The costume, as a '70s tribute/throwback, isn't bad either.
The design of her face, though, makes her look like a cast member of "The Family Guy".
Posted by the boy with UltraPowers on :
well i've gotta say, i pretty much love all of these !!! i really love JIM LEE's work !!!
i know a lot of his designs can look the same, but his characters, just look AMAZING !!! [ imo ]
i'd love to see him do some work on the LEGION !!!
Posted by the boy with UltraPowers on :
hey Gary !!
did you get this book, this week ??
i didn't see this at the CBS today ??
perhaps, i just didn't see it ??
Posted by FRUNTaholic on :
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
quote:Originally posted by the boy with UltraPowers: hey Gary !!
did you get this book, this week ??
Yup. Last Wednesday.
Posted by Valor the M'Onel on :
So did anyone besides me really injoy each and every one of them?
Posted by Harbinger on :
I really like Jim's art so loved these pictures. I'd like to see the Sun Boy design face on to figure out exactly what he's wearing. Loved T-wolf, Element Lad and Star Boy. Mon El looked great and I think the impersonalisation of Saturn Girl by making her wear a mask is a master stroke - her costume as a metaphor for her training and powers - great stuff! Tinya also looked great, especially in the second picture - her bell bottom sleeves are a nice nod to Dave Cockrums design but with a twist!
Lovely stuff, thanks for sharing.
Posted by Valor the M'Onel on :
My fave was Mon-El followed by the first Ultra Boy and the first Phantom Girl
Posted by Greybird on :
No masks. Fewer capes are needed, not more. Lose the bulk on hands and feet. Tinya should never have short hair. Jan should indeed get his arrow back.
Aside from that, they're all intriguing, especially (are you listening, Levitz?) in decorating a pre-Crisis Elseworlds Legion.
And that's including Dirk's skirt. Some men in that century (not of Scots heritage) are going to wear unbifurcated lower-body garments. Case closed.
[ May 09, 2004, 02:19 AM: Message edited by: Greybird ]
Posted by Valor the M'Onel on :
Good work Birdie but Tinya looks good in short hair.Sun Boy should be seen face on.Cosmic BOY looks like he is a bit old for the BOY part maybe Cosmic MAN
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I love Lee's work, and I think most of these are really great. Imra's costume doesn't fit, but Lee's a far superior artist than most in comics right now, so I can only dream of him on Legion.
This, combined with rampant rumors of Lee dying to do the Legion after Superman, are the really exciting thing for me! I'd love to see Lee on Legion, I think it could really make the series dynamic! Imagine the Legion in the top 10? I'd just like to see the book do well and become one of the premier books in the industry (although I know some fans wouldn't be as inclusive and wouldn't want people being turned on to 'their' longtime favorite book b/c of Lee--something that is totally the opposite of how I feel).
Lee on the Legion would be great!
And T-Wolf looks freakin' awesome!
Posted by Legion Lad on :
These can't be preboot designs - Karate Kid is dead preboot, remember? Unless that's Myg, which I highly doubt.
The logical conclusion is this is what the Legion would look like if Jim Lee drew the current Legion, but (like me) he considers names like "Apparition" to be silly and wrote down what he thinks they should be called, just like he drew what he thinks they should look like. Old habits die hard, and the Legion isn't going to be rebooted just to please Jim Lee. The fact that he's worked on the post-Crisis Batman and Superman and didn't try to change either one suggests that he wouldn't want to, either.
Posted by Valor the M'Onel on :
But this is the Legion they always change
Posted by Arachne on :
Those don't look anything like the DnA Legion, but they'd be great for the current one. Just not yet. The newness hasn't worn off of Barry's designs yet.
Posted by Shadow Kid on :
I quite like most of these.
The Saturn Girl costume doesn't seem to be all that popular but I've always felt that Imra needed to loose the pony-tail and start dressing like the alpha legion female that she is. Maybe she can loose the skull cap but I liked the long pig-tails she has in the second pic.
All of the others are quite interesting as well. The shoulder cape on M'Onel and the Bell-Bottom sleeves/mini-skirt/short hair on Tinya look great.
Posted by Jorg-EM on :
Man I honestly have to say. I don't like Lee's version I LOVE THEM. All of them. Saturn Girl looks great.
The bigger version of Ultra Boy blows away the smaller version though. I would pay big money to see this happen.
Posted by jimgallagher on :
I like most of them, especially Mon-El's. I hate Lightning Lad's though. PG's top one and Dream Girl's are about the same as their Cockrum costumes. I agree that the costume doesn't fit Imra, but I could see it on Shady or Projectra maybe.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
I think I prefer the Kitson designs to almost all of these. The exceptions are Timber Wolf and Invisible Kid.
Posted by superboymddjr on :
quote:Originally posted by Mystery Lad: I INVISIBLE KID: I like this actually. It combines lines from preboot and reboot looks... I think black and white suits Lyle more than the tan range from preboot, though. TN
Don't you mean Brainiac 5? I don't see Invisible Kid there. All I see Brainiac 5 standing next to Karate Kid.
Posted by SouthtownKid on :
quote:Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester: I think I prefer the Kitson designs to almost all of these.
That's pretty much how I feel. I like most of these, and I don't hate any of them as a couple people seem to, but I don't like any of them as much as Kitson's current designs.
The only ones I'm not too fond of here are Karate Kid, who makes no sense, and Timber Wolf, who looks too much like Gambit to me, with the boots and staff.
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Honestly, I'm glad to see Jim Lee showing an interest in the Legion, but none of these designs were all that innovative to me. Sorry if that's rude. Also, Saturn Girl without hair is like a hot dog without ketchup or mustard. (Sorry, it's late...best I could do.)
Posted by MLLASH on :
The Imra design is WAY too derivative of DESTINY from the old Brothrhood of Evil Mutants.