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Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
So I thought the issue was pretty good overall, though fairly predictable.

Random reactions:

Dr. Gym'll is blue. [Frown]

The Credo members just come off as a nameless horde. The traitorous Kwai member is a good excuse for allowing them to use the threshhold, however.

Yay! Floating Foxlike Creature Boy speaks!

Jeepers! Is not just obvious that the Credo have become exactly what they oppose? Now Singularity's talking about "deleting" people! Though his motivation was pretty much what I'd been expecting all along (finding his homeworld that he was supposed to be protecting destroyed by the Progenitor). But how'd he find out about the Legion-Progenitor connection? Maybe the word spread from the Progenitor sending the Progeny to look for the Legion back during Legion Lost?

Why do they have to "set translators"? I thought the telepathic earplugs would translate automatically, no matter what the language?

Uh... don't the Credo have plenty of super-powered members of their own? Why is Kid Quantum's speech supposed to scare them?

Yay! Love the 'big button' costume!

Violet written like Vi should be, it seems. Though can she not just hang around normal-sized? At least she's not giant, but what's up with her just sitting on Cos's shoulder?

Okay... so the all-powerful evil Progenitor surrenders himself to you. Then suddenly you decided not to honor the terms of the agreement and to delete him and his friends "tomorrow". Uh, folks, this is the freakin' Progenitor! The guy y'all were running in terror from at the beginning of the issue! Why isn't Singularity afraid of Jarth?

[ April 28, 2004, 01:18 PM: Message edited by: Eryk Davis Ester ]
Posted by mechana on :
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:

Dr. Gym'll is blue. [Frown]

I started out matching him to issue #19, and I think his base (shadow) color is the same. But now that I compare the two, he clearly is much bluer. My bad. [Frown]

So what would bother you more: if I left him blue or if he suddenly changed back in his next appearance?
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Maybe his blueness can be explained as Garth waking him up in the middle of the night. I don't think there has been anything established about Gym'll's race. Maybe when they sleep they turn blue as they cool down.
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Except Gym;ll never cools down. [LOL]

Whatever color he was when he was delivering the Ranzz twins is okay by me.

I pretty much agree with EDE on this issue.

Some nice splashes but mainly the art was wasted. (Except for Monel).

I've got a sinking feeling this is going to be an opportunity lost, but we'll see if DnA go out with a bang or have decided to flip the finger on their way out with another of their annoying cubs, clayface Kinetixes... Whoever is doing the writing has a compulsice disorder, like the types that need to step back and forth through the door three times before proceeding. Please don't have Thong Girl warn Clone boy about behavior again, it's getting old. "Think Fast."
Posted by Gorilla Nebula on :
just read the issue...i'm a little excited to see the credo again what with their cool logo and third reich imagery.
...and also excited to hopefully have some resolution to the "progenitor" storyline. alot about the progenitor's story soumded fishy, especially the sheer amount of time that went by that didn't seem to affect wildfire. and what ever happened to the daxamite that went into the rift before wildfire and the legion lost? i've always hoped that it would be revealed that Jan was possessed by a corrupting spirit (hence his alien faceted green eyes). now it seems singularity has grown some glowing green eyes as well as a habit of deleting life forms. i hope that next issue will prove me right and return Live Wire to his rightful body if not Element Lad as well. alot to hope for in just one final DnA issue, especially after drawn out 5 part battles. we'll see.
Posted by Tromium Crystal on :
What's up with her [Violet] sitting on Cos' shoulder?
"Cos? A word?", she says. Sounds like little Vi has a plan. A job for the Subterfuge Squad?

How'd he [Singularity] find out about the Legion-Progenitor connection?
I think the Credo have suspected a connection since the first peace mission (issue #5?) when the Legion put the Progeny under their protection. Now they have proof.

Why isn't Singularity afraid of Jarth?
IMHO, it would have been out of character for Singularity to show fear of the *real* Progenitor, much less Jarth. I dare say he's much less terrifying to the others without his "Progeny spawn".

Don't the Credo have plenty of super-powered members of their own?
We've seen three with powers in the past, iirc: Singularity, the polar bear (Brek), and the octopus guy. The others are maybe just wierd-looking aliens without special powers. We didn't see any wielded in the fight scene. [Edit: oh yeah, there *is* a flame-head guy in this issue with fire/energy powers.]

I *did* find it odd, however, that M'onel (and by extension the Kwai mission team) was unaware of Garth's resurrection. How long have they been out of touch?

Some fine moments in this issue: the murder of the Kwai navigator; Jazmin's speech to the Credo; M'onel and Superboy (old friends reunited); the Credo command ship crushing an entire city; and Ultra Boy's quip to Singularity.

Putting all issues of physical appearance aside, we also get a spot-on characterization of Live Wire as he ought to be -- arguing with his superior, losing his temper and finally disobeying direct orders to take matters into his own hands. His comment to Singularity, "Fate has ordained I now take his [the Progenitor's] form", was a bit chilling.

Ronda, you did a great job coloring this issue, Gym'll nothwithstanding (change him back, please). I disagree that the art was "wasted". The Credo were well rendered (they didn't look silly) and Singularity was appropriately imposing.

Predictable? Maybe, but well done. I look forward to the rest of the story.

[ April 28, 2004, 05:10 PM: Message edited by: Tromium Crystal ]
Posted by LegionFan223 on :
All in all it wasn't a bad issue. My only gripes are that once again we see almost every Legionnaire and very few speak. I love Batista's art, but why feature every Legionnaire if all they are going to do is S & M (Stand & Model)? My other gripe is the return of Mone'l's old costume. It is very outdated and does not compare with his starfield outift. I'm hoping that this is a temporary look as his costume was destroyed. The "big button" look has got to go.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Originally posted by Tromium Crystal:
I *did* find it odd, however, that M'onel (and by extension the Kwai mission team) was unaware of Garth's resurrection. How long have they been out of touch?

In Foundations alone, FIVE WEEKS happened. Not to mention the clean up of the stargates and last issue. If the away team was out of touch for so long, shouldn't the Legion have gone looking for them and not the other way around. And this issue's entire story should have filled ten pages tops. This lack of substance is maddening.

Oh, and mechana, I vote for showing Gym'll as purple next appearance.
Posted by Super Lad Kid on :
It was a decent issue. Definitely, one of the better of the past year. That's not saying much, though.

Anyhow, some things I liked -

1. The art. Pencils, coloring, and inking all blended well for a very clear view of what was going on. I'm really going to miss Batista. I have to say that I wasn't too fond of his style at first, but it has really grown on me. If he had worked on some meaningful stories, he may have gone down as one of the all-time Legion best. As it is, though, his artwork will probably always be associated with the sub-par storytelling.

2. The Academy students cameo. They didn't play an integral part of the story. But they appeared just enough to tease us, and let us wonder what their all about. Pretty much just like in the preeboot.

3. Superboy. I get a kick out of the way he's being used here. I hope he sticks around for awhile. Does Kon-El still not age? If that's the case, he could be here indefinitely, just as long as a little mindwipe clears his memories before he goes back to the present. Keep him around, I say, unless he starts hogging the space like his last namesake did.

4. Kid Quantum's speech. Great writing here. The line about the variety of powers the Legion had stood out to me.

Things I didn't like -

1. Kid Quantum's Speech. It was a great speech, but was then followed up with ... "Fine then. Legion...Let's go." What??? Four of your comrades are prisoners and you turn around and run? It's not as though she even had a viable plan when they got back to Legion World. I have a real problem with the way they just left the other Legionnaires. Which leads me to my next point...

2. Legionnaires in prison. Sorry, but if the Credo just go around killing millions of people, why would they hold Brande and the Legionnaires as prisoners? What would Singularity possibly have to gain from that strategy? Bad writing. For that matter, why would the Legion first hear about this from M'Onel? Wouldn't some of the Kwai "taxi drivers" let the Legion know what's going on in their own galaxy?

3. The Cover. Bleh. Blandest cover on the stands that week. They should've let Batista draw it.

4. Jarth. It doesn't look like DnA are going to resolve this issue, but instead are leaving him on the list of disfigured characters for somebody else to fix (Kinetix, Cub, Sensor, Ferro).

A decent issue. If only DnA's recent stories were more compact like this one, they may have been able to finish some of their ideas.
Posted by Super Lad Kid on :
Another though just hit me - what if, somehow, Singularity was actually the real Progenitor? The last page shows him talking about deleting the Legionnaires. Now I know that it's probably just an attempt at irony - Credo doing exactly what their sworn enemy was doing.

But what if somehow, DnA pull one last switch on us in order to tie up their biggest story of their run. If Singularity was the real Progenitor all along, it may be a way to redeem Element Lad and bring him back! OK, so my theory doesn't really make sense, but one can hope, right?
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Originally posted by mechana:
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:

Dr. Gym'll is blue. [Frown]

I started out matching him to issue #19, and I think his base (shadow) color is the same. But now that I compare the two, he clearly is much bluer. My bad. [Frown]

So what would bother you more: if I left him blue or if he suddenly changed back in his next appearance?

I don't have #19 handy to compare, but I'd rather him change back to more purplish. Overall, though, the colors (and art generally) are excellent.
Posted by Tromium Crystal on :
My own crazy theory is that, unbeknownst to him, Singularity is the only begotten son of the Progenitor. Think about it: blonde hair, green energy signature, superhuman powers. If true, his mom must've been a REALLY big-boned girl.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Oh my gosh! Progenitor is the love child of Element Lad and Monstress!!!!!
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Seriously, though, the Element Lad/Singularity parallels are interesting, and I'll be shocked if DnA don't play upon them in the final issue. Compare the destruction of Trom's civilization by the White Triangle to the destruction of Lorca Prime (or whatever Singularity's world was called) by the Progeny. Compare what Element Lad apparently became to what Singularity has become.
Posted by SiliconDream on :
Dr. Gym'll's not just blue--he's nice. And polite. And he makes no mention of payment.

Now that's weird.
Posted by numberonelegionfan on :
Singularity's arm in the last panel...could that pass for the color of Tromium?

I've had this feeling ever since Lost #6 that Singularity was the TRUE Progenitor...either that or a descendent of some sort.

He was also doing that back turned thing that Jan did in Lost #10-12.

EDE, I agree with you about the parallels with the White Triangle destroying Trom with the Progeny destroying Lorca Prime. There IS SOMETHING MEGA BIG there!

He also seems to have grown a bit bigger but then when he originally fought the Legion in Lost #7 & 8 I suppose he wasn't standing still enough to determine his actual size.

Super Lad Kid:"Another though just hit me - what if, somehow, Singularity was actually the real Progenitor? The last page shows him talking about deleting the Legionnaires. Now I know that it's probably just an attempt at irony - Credo doing exactly what their sworn enemy was doing.

But what if somehow, DnA pull one last switch on us in order to tie up their biggest story of their run. If Singularity was the real Progenitor all along, it may be a way to redeem Element Lad and bring him back! OK, so my theory doesn't really make sense, but one can hope, right?"

SLK...see my above theory. the scene in Lost #6 with Imra's dream. A figure is sitting on the Rosette throne. If you look real closely you can make out bulky shoulder pads and thick boots and glowing crystalline eyes (green I think)...and at the end of said issue, even in his original costume, Singularity has ALL those qualifications. What's more (call it coincidence if you want), Singularity first showed signs of acting like the 5YL Jan Arrah. "Get off my planet!" etc. etc.

What if (big if) Singularity and the Progenitor and "Jarth" are all aspects of the same entity?

Another exactly did Singularity figure out that the Progenitor/Jan is connected to the Legion? Like I said above, there is something mega big going on here! Too bad these 2 issues weren't the bi-weekly ones!
Posted by Jorge Martinez on :
4. Jarth. It doesn't look like DnA are going to resolve this issue, but instead are leaving him on the list of disfigured characters for somebody else to fix (Kinetix, Cub, Sensor, Ferro).

Hey while I can't stand Jarth and Cub...I like the changes in the others. Kinetix was just a red headed cheerleader until the terraformer thing. I like the her current version. It's interesting. I also like Ferro being stuck in iron form. Adds more to the character...if we ever see things slow down enough for them to talk/hang out. And finally I like Sensor with breasts and hair! woohoo! Get rid of the tail and add some legs! I like the purple hair and strange skin markings as well. She doesn't have to just like before but atleast some legs. [Smile]

Posted by Korbal on :
Does anybody NOT think Vi is unbeknownst to Garth, somewhere secreted on his person?
Posted by Sanity or Madness? on :
[Broken Record] Okay, we're meant to believe Lar has NO SPARE COSTUMES?! [/Broken Record]
Posted by minesurfer on :
I thought the issue blended the DnA's bad and good stuff into something pretty standard... so far. As noted by previous posters, there could be a big pay-off next issue, so I'll wait to pass judgement on that.

The comment I would like to make about this issue is this... I'm thoroughly disappointed by the minglings of the characters. They just seem so short or so quippish.

"Nice to have you back as leader Jaz"... she was gone? They're laying it on a little thick on Kon too. Most people on this forum hate Jarth, but I got to say that the only "real" emotions coming from this issue (other than the Credo) was Jarth. Everyone else just seems kinda shallow at the moment. Shallow, but very, very pretty... and it's been this way since Dream Crime started.
Posted by jimgallagher on :
Hated the cover. Loved the interior art (why oh why is Battista leaving?) Liked the story okay, though it held no surprises and still the focus seems to be on Kid Q, Rokk, Imra, Brainy, and Shikari.


I agree that Dr. Gym'll was too nice (and too blue). He's awakened in the middle of the night just to listen to Jarth whine about how he's not being accepted and he says "No problem. Really."? or something like that. Totally out of character for the perpetually grumpy Dr. Gym'll

I also figure that Violet is hidden on Jarth's costume, but to what end? someone who shrinks and grows is going to be the secret weapon of someone with the power of the Progenitor?

I like M'Onel's newish costume. It's not exactly like his original one, but it's more basic and utilitarian than that gawdy starry thing he's been wearing, which I never liked.

So, Jarth's hair is now combed straight back, off his forehead. Is crystal hair combable? I wouldn't think so, but oh well.

Is XS ever going to speak or use her power again?

I'm finding it difficult not to read this Superboy as the original since he's wearing the original costume. I wish they'd make him change his clothes. Especially since his wearing that costume has caused mass riots and destruction and a tongue lashing from Cosmic Boy, it makes NO sense that he's still wearing it.

[ April 29, 2004, 07:23 AM: Message edited by: jimgallagher ]
Posted by Sanity or Madness? on :
One something-of-a-calm-down later:

They are just going to ignore all the baggage of the Valor suit?!? Half the frelling Legionnaires don't know M'Onel = Valor. If he goes out in that suit in the UP, there should be riots to make the ones that Superboy's stupid costume caused look like a game of snooker. [And should he have a transuit on? I forget if he needs to breathe]. If he really didn't have any spare costumes, shouldn't he have been given a spare cadet suit or something?

On the rest, eh, not much there really, and this stupid, pointless change on top of the Superboy thing is really spoiling anything else I could get out of it for me. [mechana, it'd be better, IMO, if you reset Dr Gym'll's skin colour rather than let the mistake perpetuate. And while I'm at it, could you at least darken the Valor suit or something. Please [Smile] ]

Originally posted by numberonelegionfan:
Singularity's arm in the last panel...could that pass for the color of Tromium?

Not the way Ronda colours it, unless we get an in-continuity explaination for the two-colour Tromium.

[ April 29, 2004, 07:39 AM: Message edited by: Sanity or Madness? ]
Posted by jimgallagher on :
Oh, yeah. Why is Timber Wolf training the cadets? Is he teaching them how to rip the bad guys to shreds like his gang did it on Rimbor? It seems to me that he should be IN training WITH the cadets, considering he only joined the Legion about ten minutes ago.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
The other possible Vi scenario is that her wanting to speak to Cos has something to do with bringing Andromeda back. Former rascist Legionnaire = key to teaching the Credo a lesson in tolerance? Unlikely, but just thought I'd throw out the possibility.
Posted by lancesrealm on :
After last issue, this one was great. (No, no sarcasm here...) When is DnA's last issue again? DnA have a reputation for lotsa build-up and no payoff. Kinda like taking Viagra while alone with your hands tied behind your back.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Next issue, #33, is their last. T-27 days and counting.
Posted by Awkward Pause Boy on :
I liked the cover. Well, I liked the art and how the logo was brought into it--not that Jarth was depicted on it.

Everyone who is trying to re-ignite my hope that something will happen to bring Element Lad back should immediately stop. It was bad enough when I had hope and issue after issue went by without addressing it.

Someone else slaughtered right in our headquarters. Ho hum. Look, Monel's back!

When did Jazmin get so smooth and speech-ey?

Yet another issue in which I got to the last page and uttered, "That's it?"

For what was there, though, it was a nice set up.
Posted by Sanity or Madness? on :
Originally posted by Awkward Pause Boy:
Yet another issue in which I got to the last page and uttered, "That's it?"

Of course, there is the question of why the crystal guy with his own electrical powers and Jan's transmutative ability is letting himself get dragged off like that.

And if Jarth is really all-crystal, why doesn't he get himself resculpted into his own face? Never mind wearing Jan's costume.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Originally posted by Sanity or Madness?:
f course, there is the question of why the crystal guy with his own electrical powers and Jan's transmutative ability is letting himself get dragged off like that.

And if Jarth is really all-crystal, why doesn't he get himself resculpted into his own face? Never mind wearing Jan's costume.

I haven't gotten the issue yet but I know this crystal and costume thing keeps coming up. The only reason, beyond laziness on the scripter's part, I can come up with is that Garth can't resculpt his face or change the costume. Maybe there is something of Jan in the crystal that will not allow Garth to assert that kind of will over the body. Jan can't speak but he can make himself known by making Garth keep his appearance and costume.
Posted by Sanity or Madness? on :
Jarth was wearing SA-Garth's costume in L31 (Albeit miscoloured), remember.

And on the face - note the "get himself resculpted." I wasn't thinking of him doing it, more something involving a hammer and chisel... [Hey Gary - can we get an "evil grin" smiley please?]

[ April 29, 2004, 10:39 AM: Message edited by: Sanity or Madness? ]
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Originally posted by Sanity or Madness?:
Jarth was wearing SA-Garth's costume in L31 (Albeit miscoloured), remember.

Sorry, I've blocked anything to do with that issue from my memory. It didn't happen. [Smile]

Originally posted by Sanity or Madness?:
And on the face - note the "get himself resculpted." I wasn't thinking of him doing it, more something involving a hammer and chisel... > [Smile]

Maybe they could film it for Extreme Makeover.
Posted by jimgallagher on :
Originally posted by Awkward Pause Boy:
Someone else slaughtered right in our headquarters. Ho hum. Look, Monel's back!

LOL! Thank you, APB! I agree completely.

Last night I was grousing to myself about "why do we need a whole race of Shikaris?" when I realized that we need them for alien invasion fodder. Pass out those red Star Trek shirts, lackey! Every K'wai needs one!

D&A have consistently portrayed the Legion as being pretty unperturbed when somebody ELSE is getting killed. They apparently only care about themselves. Remember the issue of Lost where Shikari and Monstress sat around chatting while a whole race was being evaporated? And Saturn Girl told them it was more important to find the engine room than to save the hostages? Then there was the issue where Ra's sets a Sci-cop's head on fire and strangles another one and M'Onel chooses to save Shvaughn from falling off the flying platform. Not to mention that countless millions are being slaughtered in the 2nd galaxy and Kid Q and the Legion simply leave the Credo to the task and return home.

Yet a Legionnaire dies and everyone's all weepy about it for months afterwards.
Posted by Blacula on :
Without having read anyone's elses posts in this thread I'm just going to give some thoughts of my own on this issue.

The Goods :

* The art and the colours! As always - excellent! (With the small exception of Dr Gym'll - back to purple please.) Am so going to miss Batista and Wallace!

* Speaking of the art - I was really glad to see Batista include some of the Credo aliens from that previous Legion issue, even though they weren't very important. That sort of basic eye for continuity is enormously satisfying for me as a reader and not hard to do, but you'd be amazed how many artists (and writers) are too lazy to do it.

* Another Batista plug - all of his alien designs were excellent! Loved that weird flame-face guy.

* Quite liked the way M'Onel was portrayed in this issue. IMO he more than fills Superboy's shoes in the reboot. We really don't need that stupid clone hanging around.

* I also quite like Singularity and the Credo as villains. They are kinda like the anti-Legion. A collection of people from different planets, with different powers and abilities all united in one cause - destruction!

* Small Vi! So she can still shrink! Who else thinks that Vi just looked *so right* sitting on Cos' shoulder like that? God, how much do I hate the fact that she has growth powers! Shrinking is a cool enough power on its own, she doesn't need to grow too. It's not working for Wasp in the Avengers and its not working for Vi here either. Someone, get rid of them! And (yes, here it comes) bring back Gim Allon while you're at it!

The Bads :

* It is now painfully obvious that DnA have exactly ONE story in them! Here we have once again the entire Legion fighting a nameless, faceless horde (with absolutely zero characterization thrown in except for zingy one-liners) while a handful of others swoop in to save the day. Every single one of their arcs has had the exact same pacing, threat level, sudden surprise and limp conclusion. To think how much I used to like their writing...

* "Think fast" - NEVER want to read those two words together again!

* M'Onel's costume change. While I don't mind the Valor suit, I gotta say the new one had really grown on me. And are they going to give us an explanation as to why he's made this sudden change?

* Jarth. Anything and everything to do with him. Am fervently hoping that next issue ends with either Garth and Jan still dead, or with Garth back in his own body. Never wanted Garth back before but with DnA having so monumentally cocked up the legacy of the best (and only?) good Legion story they've ever done, having Garth back as Garth is probably the least bad option left.

* Kinetix - should really not still be on this team! And how ridiculous is it that she has gone on this diplomatic mission?!? She's a big, orange blob with completely undefined powers who can't talk except in enigmatic prophecies! What on earth good-will is she going to be spreading?

* Small quibble re: the art - OK, I may not like it but I can handle the fact that we're starting to lose the signature Legion 'look' (ie that stripe down the middle of their costumes) but they should at least all still be wearing Legion belts! Those things serve a purpose as well as being a symbol of their allegiance. Umbra, Triad, Apparition, Shikari, Superboy, Wildfire and Dreamer all seem to have stopped wearing theirs. What's up with that? And also, what's happened to that patch on their hands that used to signify they were wearing transuits?

Conclusion :

Overall, I didn't mind this issue. There was nothing in it to make me want to throw it down in disgust which was a nice change, and the story, while nothing original or particularly interesting, was at least fairly entertaining.

I was sitting in a McDonalds while I read this issue and I think that sums it up perfectly. A quick, cheap, colourful read that looked good and went down easily but was over in a few minutes and immediately forgotten once it was done.

One issue to go...!
Posted by Awkward Pause Boy on :
Originally posted by jimgallagher:
...D&A have consistently portrayed the Legion as being pretty unperturbed when somebody ELSE is getting killed...

Yeah it is a pretty well established habit for DnA's run. 1000 years in the future...and life's still pretty cheap.
Posted by Super Lad Kid on :
I'd like to think DnA have one last surprising twist for us waiting next issue, but I just don't think that they've shown the work ethic or care to detail to do that next issue. I think we're going to see a strightforward issue with no real closure on the myriad of plots that have been building.

EDE, I don't think you're too far off with your theory of Violet's plan. Have you seen the cover to next issue yet?
Posted by Tromium Crystal on :
Originally posted by Korbal:
Does anybody NOT think Vi is unbeknownst to Garth, somewhere secreted on his person?

It's possible that Garth's surrender is an *intentional* subterfuge and not only is Violet with him, but Lyle, too.

[ April 29, 2004, 04:33 PM: Message edited by: Tromium Crystal ]
Posted by numberonelegionfan on :
I smell the return of either The Bouncing Boy (odd how Chuck was standing behind Vi & Cos with his non #31 look), the Legion SUBS or the Espionage Squad to distract the Credo & possibly Singularity while they zip in and rescue the hostages. They must be imprisoned in some kind of force field or have those explosive power dampeners that the Progeny used before. That might explain why Gates & Chameleon weren't able to teleport/morph respectively away from danger. I wonder what could affect Zoe in her new form? She seems very powerful in this state. Maybe RJ was threatened and Cham, Gates, M'onel & Zoe surrendered to protect the Legion founder. I could see them possibly doing that. I also wonder when & how exactly Singularity found out the connection between the Legion and Element Lad. Another thing that just struck me, in Lost #8, the Lost are on that planet facing Singularity for the first time. The four simulacrum illusions that Saturn Girl mentally created are also there too. Wouldn't Singularity have recognized the phoney Jan as the Progenitor even after the illusion of Lorcus Prime disappeared? Ah, maybe not.
Posted by Awkward Pause Boy on :
I had forgotten about his seeing Jan with the Legion in Legion Lost #8. Good catch. I suppose that he didn't know what the progenitor looked like then but it helped him to make the connection to the Legion later.
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
Originally posted by Gorilla Nebula:
... alot about the progenitor's story soumded fishy, especially the sheer amount of time that went by that didn't seem to affect wildfire.

Wildfire wasn't tossed back into time as far back as Jan. Shikari and her people were following him because he was a new star -- I think she said that he had appeared "several seasons" ago whatever that means, but it was certainly not millions of years. Interesting though that Wildfire's time in isolation allowed his mind to become integrated and whole while Jan's time caused his to fracture.

Regarding the rest of the issue, I agree with a lot of the criticisms so I won't retierate them so as not to seem like we're ganging up on DnA. I think part of the disappointment with them is that they started out so great and had farther to fall because of how much excitement they generated when "reloading" the book.
Posted by matlock on :
Not a bad issue but it certainly seems DnA either have to cram a whole lot into their last issue, or they're just not going to resolve most of their lagging plotlines. Frankly I can't imagine why this story is being shoehorned into two issues when Foundations got 5.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
I liked this issue well enough. A lot of nice details:

- Dr. Gym'll, not just Brainiac 5, supplying some scientific explanations
- a slightly different typeface for Shikari's speech, suggesting a "foreign" accent
- bad stuff coming back through the Threshold - I knew they were too good to be true
- increasing acceptance of Jarth as Garth, but he's still the outsider, standing in the background
- Singularity wagging the finger right back at Kid Q - a good reply to her somewhat arrogant (and empty?) threat.
- aliens who don't look like Earthlings!
- some interesting suspense: what can scratch up M'onel that badly? Was he under a red sun? What is happening with the captured legionnaires? What was Vi saying and why was she addressing it to Cos, rather than Kid Q? Is Chuck involved? He looked like the cat that swallowed the canary. Does Brainy have some idea what's going on, or what to do about it? He was unusually silent. What will Garth do?

You have to wonder if they dispatched the second tier legionnaires to the 2nd galaxy with R.J. Brande - Gates, Cham, Zombie Zoe, and M'onel, who keeps losing fights... these don't seem to be DnA's favourites... I hope they don't get sacrificed....
Posted by Varalent on :
Originally posted by Tromium Crystal:
My own crazy theory is that, unbeknownst to him, Singularity is the only begotten son of the Progenitor. Think about it: blonde hair, green energy signature, superhuman powers. If true, his mom must've been a REALLY big-boned girl.

Hmmm, REALLY big-boned girl? As in Monstress? [Big Grin]
Posted by Tromium Crystal on :
Nah, they were very close, but I don't think he'd incinerate the mother of this child...unless it slipped his mind. [Smile]
Posted by Varalent on :
Overall, I liked this issue. Probably one of the best of DnA's recent offerings. While there was plenty to complain about (i.e. How did no one, especially Shikari, notice that someone ELSE was accessing the portal behind Mon? Never mind that Lar's first words are "Shut it down!" and the Kwai is begging them for help in shutting down the portal, they're all clustered around poor, nearly INVULNERABLE, Lar while a military task force is invading their HQ! It's only after 3-4 invaders are already on deck that and the Kwai guide is getting slaughtered, that they even react.)

Somethings I did like included the return to Mon's red outfit. That's what Mon SHOULD look like, IMO.

Like SLK, I also am liking the way Kon is being used here. Don't think I want him to remain for long but I'm okay with him if they keep writing him as they did this issue.

It was great seeing Vi on Cos' shoulder. MORE SHRINKING VIOLET PLEASE!

Jarth was well written and I liked the interaction with KQ, as well as the scene with Lar.

Loved the artwork, some great pages there and the coloring was tops (except for Dr. Gym'll as mentioned ~ I'm in favor of an immediate change back to purple, please!) I also thought the pacing of the story was much improved over recent issues.

As far as the things I didn't like just about all have been mentioned so I'll just say "ditto"

I do think DnA have left a variety of interesting endings here which would make for a great final story on their part. Unfortunately, I no longer trust them to "bring it home". They've disappointed me too many times recently.

Hope I'm wrong but I suspect we'll be left with lots of unanswered questions and issues next month.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Read it last night.

It marks a TWO-issue turnaround for me.

Last issue and this issue were my favorites in months.

Now THIS seems like a storyline that deserved sevral issues, but DnA are gonna tell it in 2?

Great art, great suspenseful story. So great, in fact, I find myself not caring aout the li'l plotholes mentioned in this thread thus far.

I'm wondering if DnA aren't going to pull one of their infamous "SURPRISE TWISTS" they used so much during LLOST and early issues of THE LEGION.
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
I read the issue at an IHOP. They've got these swirly pancake things that come with fruit topping. Unlike Blacula, I found both the food and the issue to be more substantive.

My only regret, in fact, is that DnA didn't tell this story 10-15 issues ago, instead of making us wade through Universo and Darkseid. The Credo story may not be the most original idea, but it's a natural follow-up to their best Legion work, and makes a fitting culmination to their run.

I liked the opening focus on Jarth. Even though I don't like what they've done to Jan and Garth, I appreciated Garth's reaction to his predicament ("I look in the mirror and I scare myself"). We also learned that he doesn't need sleep and doesn't know what to do with the "long, empty hours." Isn't that what did Jan in? Perhaps Dreamer should keep Jarth company.

M'Onel's sudden appearance was a pleasant surprise. I don't even care what costume he wears (though I do miss the rounded shirt-tails.) Does a Daxamite really need band-aids, though? The issue contained a nice nod to his relationship with Superboy ("Not now, old friend"), and M'On putting his hands on Jarth's shoulders seemed somehow appropriate. M'On is the "big brother" not only of Superboy, but the entire Legion, it seems.

The scene of Lar's entry was also reminiscent of Star Trek, as others have pointed out, what with the Kwai "red shirt" serving no other purpose than to get offed. DnA seemed to borrow from TV sci fi later on, as well: Jaz's "Don't pick a fight with us" speech evoked Delenn's speech to Earth Force fighters in Babylon 5 ("If you value your lives, be somewhere else.") That's okay --
Jaz handled the bluff quite well. In fact, her depiction here "worked" better than it has in quite awhile. She almost went too far in posturing with Singularity and had to be reigned in by Saturn Girl, reminding us of Jaz's old hot-head personality.

Jarth's willingness to sacrifice himself again is true to character, and makes me almost glad that he's been revived in whatever form. (I prefer dead characters stay that way.) It also makes sense that his appearance as the Progenitor played a major role in this story. I guess DnA did have a reason for it, after all. [Smile]

It doesn't suprise me that Singularity and his minions are becoming the very thing they despised. Such is the nature of hate. We see ample evidence of this every day. The ending, of course, was no surprise, either, but we needed a cliffhanger, so it served that purpose well.

My only problems, in fact, were with the art (sacrilege, I know). Batista continues to delight in most ways, but what was up with Superboy's fingers on Page 6? Also, one page later -- I thought crotch shots had gone out with Coipel.

So, # 32 was the most satisfying Legion read in well over a year. It proves that DnA still have their chops, but they should have stuck with this story -- being an extension of LOST, as it is -- since they do seem to have only one Legion story to tell.

[ May 04, 2004, 11:04 PM: Message edited by: He Who Wanders ]
Posted by Valor the M'Onel on :
Wow sounds really good
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
It was a pretty good read, and it's helped pick up my interest in the Legion once more. I just hope DNA can pull off a wrap-up in just one issue.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
I largely agree with HWW, but I do like the art.

My bet is that Singularity is really Mike McAvennie, and he's going to pun three legionnaires to death in #33.
Posted by SeaPea on :
Don't like Jarth, being a Jan fan, but it was an interesting story and the artwork was great. Superboy is a hoot. Looking forward to next issue.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :

ever thought of renaming yourself He Who IHOPs?
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
HWIHOP? Kind of unwieldy.

But I'd rather be that than HWMcD's!
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Did Somebody Say HWMcD's?

Slogan Lad made me say that.
Posted by saturnrings on :
I've been out awhile and started to comment on issue #31, but decided that if I do not critique it, I can forget it.

As for #32, we are back on track. Yes, there were flaws and they have all been discussed by previous posters on this topic, but still, it was a good issue, can't want for #33, and hope that we will get either Jan or Garth back, whole and uncorrupted.

It was as a good run DnA. I will miss you!
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
I agree.

despite some of the quirks since Coipel left, DnA will stand as one of the all-time greatest Legion teams.

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