We've seen the offspring of several legionnaires and are starting to get an idea of their powers: Cub, and maybe Validus.
What if other Legionnaires had kids, what would their powers be, and what would their names be?
Timberwolf and Dawnstar would have a child who had superstrength while in flight. His name would be "Bat".
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Ooh Ooh,
Gas Girl + Matter Eater Lad = Fart Man
Posted by superboymddjr on :
Kingdom Come-wise, I put XS and Magno (Dyrk Magz aka 'Loomis') together and their twin sons would be called "Tornado Twins".
Cosmic Boy + Night Girl = two kids - one older boy called "the Owl" and younger girl called "Cosmic Girl" her hair would be like Tinya's Cockrum hairdo, a cutie girl.
Posted by Shadow Kid on :
A while ago I came up with a character who was the offspring of Shikari and my namesake Shadow Kid. Named Veola Mallor, she was a blue skinned/insect-like psychic vampire type who could control other people's emotions. She was fed by negative emotions and when she wasn't around anyone and couldn't get fed she would revert to a shrunken bug-like version of herself. These powers were a result of Grev's mystical shadow powers and Shikari's psychic-based abilities.
I gave her the codename Psyche after the Wanderer with similar powers.
Posted by Varalent on :
Of course you all know that Varalent is the offspring of Vi and Gim. He (I) inherited their size changing powers with an added twist, I (he) can make other people or things grow or shrink as well as do so himself.
Posted by New Kid on :
Whoever their parents were and whatever their powers are wouldn't matter because they would each start out as the NEW KID!
Geesh! Talk about setting myself up for a serious case of MPD! Posted by icefire on :
Icefire is the son of Nemesis Kid and has heat/cold powers!!!
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
A child of Vi and Tenzil would be a frightening being indeed.
Posted by Italian Boy on :
Italian Boy is the child of Rigatoni Man and Antipasta Woman. Italian Boy possesses the super suasage (let your imagination go on that one), and can break your knee caps at the speed of light. amongst other things.
[ September 12, 2003, 10:26 PM: Message edited by: Italian Boy ]
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
Tinya and Lyle's kid would be both immaterial and invisible and call himself Nowhere Man
M'on + Triad ==> "the PowerPuff Girls"
Timberwolf + Catspaw ==> CatDog
Posted by superboymddjr on :
Triad + Chuck Taine = Bouncing Boy(s)!!! really one boy who has the Triad powers (actually each self can triplicate into the total of 9 bodies!) and the combination of triplicating effects and bouncing can be quite deadly and effective. so Watch out....it's One-Boy Show!
Posted by Varalent on :
quote:Originally posted by DrakeB3003: Tinya and Lyle's kid would be both immaterial and invisible and call himself Nowhere Man
M'on + Triad ==> "the PowerPuff Girls"
Posted by Varalent on :
Since it appears that Supes will be joining...
Kon-El and Andromeda would have a girl with Daxamite powers & Kon's telekinetic abilities. Her name would be Kara and would go by the codename of Super Girl
M'Onel and Triad would have a boy with the Carggite triplication powers and Lar's Daxamite powers. When he split into three bodies however, he would split the power equally across the three bodies (each having 1/3 daxamite power levels) His name would be Eltro Gand and his codename would be Triple Threat
Posted by Owl Lad on :
Night Girl could've been the daughter of Mon'el and Umbra.
Lightning Lad and Saturn Girl would have twin boys who have the ability to infuse other people's brains with static shock. They'd be called the Fry Guys.
Posted by Portfolio Boy on :
The child of Violet and Superboy (Kon-El) would be able to shrink down and break apart atomic bonds, creating small nuclear explosions. Code name: Dyna-Mite.
Posted by Computo on :
Given the advanced technology in the 31st century, couldn't there be DNA splices of members of the same gender?
Thus, you could have a splice offspring of Saturn Girl and Dreamer, or of Element Lad and M-Onel.
Posted by superboymddjr on :
Hmmmm...now that's interesting and innovative...I can see a DNA combination of Brainiac 5 - Saturn Girl - Dreamer...what a powerful person that one will become. I like what you are thinking about.
Posted by Computo on :
All this old-fashioned childbirth thing is short-sighted. Its one thousand years in the future... You want your kid to have Marilyn Monroe's tinkling laugh, then tick the genetic box and she's got it.
A M'Onel - Brainiac 5 - Saturn Girl combination would be another impressive option.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Getting awfully powerful, these superkids! Is there a gene for benign concern for all and general, all-around goodness? Might want to splice that in as a precaution....
Posted by Looks That Kill Lad on :
I always thought pre-zh that the child of Colossal Boy and his Durlan wife would be interesting. They would be able to change in to large monsters and gain the proportional strength.
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
If Spark and Gates got together, they could have a whole brood of Lightning Bugs!
Posted by superboymddjr on :
funny thing is...I was watching old classic Twilight Zone....know what I am talking about? that the females get to choose which "perfect" female figure they want to become and same thing with male...so once they go through the operation...they become look alikes. Poor little girl...she succumbed in the end. Sad but strange story.
Posted by Kid Quislet on :
Star Boy and Umbra = Galax: Able to manipulate Dark Matter as a physical force.
Ferro and Spark = Dynamo Boy: Human lightning rod and generator.
Gates and XS = Static: Able to move thru Hyperspace interdimensions at will.
Kid Quantum and Gear = Time Bomb: Generates temporal explosive devices
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
If Tyroc and Sun Boy had a child, he would be called "Flaming Screamer" and could cause things to burst into flames at a distance by shouting at them.
Posted by Computo on :