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Posted by Fat Cramer on :
We still don't know much about Cub.

Will he take a back seat for the Foundations story-arc, or play a role? There is something about fathers and sons, so I'm betting he'll be featured, to some extent.

Do you think he's just grown/growing physically - or has his mind progressed as well? We haven't heard anything beyond the baby-talk stage at this point.

Personally, I'd like to see the growth halt here - and move him backstage. He could make the occasional appearance, hang out with R.J. , Chuck & Gear. Sort of like the stories about that little girl who lived in a New York hotel. What a playground Legion World would be!
Posted by Kid Prime on :
Personally, I'm ready to put the whole Cub-Tinya-Jo-Brin-Imra thing behind us, so I'd like to see some exposition on Cub's growth and powers (what's next, throwing kinetically-charged playing cards?) Or just go ahead and turn him into Glorith and be done with it. Anything. I'm over this storyline, and this is coming from an avid Tinya supporter!

Please, God, let it end soon...
Posted by Portfolio Boy on :
My belief is that Cub will play a MAJOR role in the upcoming story freaturing Darkseid.

My guess is that Cub is actually a reincarnated Darksied, Orion, Highfather, or other New God. It wil be revealed that the "seed" wasplanted in Apparaition via divine intervention or whatever to bring the New God into this world. The New God will sacrafice himself to save the universe if a "good" New God, or else end up on Apoklypse if a "bad" New God.

In either case, after the conclusion of the story Cub will be gone from the scene and we will return to the childless status quo.
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Why even have a story to get rid of him? Just let him slowly fade into the background and disappear like a Phantom (pun intended although this isn't really a pun, is it? what is it? joke intended? really really little joke intended? not funny at all joke intended?)

You know, like Chuck the older brother on Happy Days

[ August 29, 2003, 11:21 AM: Message edited by: Quislet, Esq ]
Posted by Portfolio Boy on :
Originally posted by Quislet, Esq:

You know, like Chuck the older brother on Happy Days

Didn;t he only appear in the American Grafitti skits? Or just on the pilot? He was never on the actual show was he?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Originally posted by Portfolio Boy:
Originally posted by Quislet, Esq:

You know, like Chuck the older brother on Happy Days

Didn;t he only appear in the American Grafitti skits? Or just on the pilot? He was never on the actual show was he?
I don't know. I can only remember him being on one episode and it was only one scene, and maybe one line. I think he got mentioned during the first season, but that is about it.
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
I never saw hte "Love American Style" skits, so he definitely appeared in the series. I think he had several scenes at least.
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
Originally posted by Portfolio Boy:
My belief is that Cub will play a MAJOR role in the upcoming story freaturing Darkseid.

Maybe they've all been misleading us and Cub will have one more growth spurt before joining the team in a certain familiar pair of red and blue tights...
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Originally posted by DrakeB3003:
Originally posted by Portfolio Boy:
My belief is that Cub will play a MAJOR role in the upcoming story freaturing Darkseid.

Maybe they've all been misleading us and Cub will have one more growth spurt before joining the team in a certain familiar pair of red and blue tights...
NO NO NO NO!! That is just strange enough to be true.

(As for Chuck, he was in the first episode of Happy Days (at least), eating supper with the rest of the family. Somehow, I always remember the food scenes.)
Posted by superboymddjr on :
if those above speculation turns out to be true, then the question is needed to be answered - HOW did Tinya ended up being the one to have a seed? ("get pregnant"?)
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Originally posted by superboymddjr:
if those above speculation turns out to be true, then the question is needed to be answered - HOW did Tinya ended up being the one to have a seed? ("get pregnant"?)

Okay, let me see if I can explain. Oh, wait. [Embarrassed] Maybe we better switch to the MMB board. [Love]
Posted by Tromium Crystal on :
Originally posted by Portfolio Boy:
My belief is that Cub will play a MAJOR role in the upcoming story freaturing Darkseid.

My guess is that Cub is actually a reincarnated Darksied, Orion, Highfather, or other New God. It wil be revealed that the "seed" wasplanted in Apparaition via divine intervention or whatever to bring the New God into this world. The New God will sacrafice himself to save the universe if a "good" New God, or else end up on Apoklypse if a "bad" New God.

In either case, after the conclusion of the story Cub will be gone from the scene and we will return to the childless status quo.

I'm convinced that Cub's isn't a god and will survive Foundations intact to feature in the forthcoming "Fathers and Sons" issue, but otherwise my current, baseless theory goes along similar lines. The reawakening of Darkseid prompts the New Genesis Gods (the "good" gods) to intervene behind the scenes with an array of weird and inexplicable phenomena, including: Cub's growth spurt and enhanced powers, Superboy's sudden appearance in the 31st century (he's not Cub!!); the time anomalies Dreamer confronts; Umbra's presumed power change next issue; the return of [insert spoilers here]; and maybe the new powers in store for [insert another spoiler here] as well. In fact, the gods are modifying and manipulating Cub and the others mentioned above to become special weapons against Darkseid. Some will be returned to their previous status and power level after the threat has been contained. Some will not.

Like it or not, Cub will almost certainly play a role in Foundations. Given his tour de force in Dream Crime, however, it might not be a MAJOR role. I hope not, anyway.

Or perhaps the Legion will just decide to put Cub into permanent quantum stasis and give him the honorary codename Bubble Boy. That's sure to make the little bugger happy. [Smile]
Posted by Omni Craig on :
I too am tired of the whole Lone Wolf and Cub thing. Oh, Timber Wolf and Cub thing, sorry. Hey, let's have the baby grow at an alarming rate, so he's the same age as his teenaged parents three issues from now.

Name the kid already, and stop the instant age thing! Let's move on!!
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
Originally posted by Omni Craig:
Name the kid already, and stop the instant age thing! Let's move on!!

His name *is* "Cub". I'm surprised Jo didn't have a reaction to that considering the obvious influnce on the name, but there it is.
Posted by Arachne on :
Has Jo refered to him as "Cub" yet?
Posted by superboymddjr on :
Don't think so, unless I have #23 two weeks.
Posted by deanlegion on :
I certainly hope this unnatural growing is happening for a reason. I also hope that this reason is fulfilled and Cub can revert back to the newborn he was when the Legion returned from being Lost. Then, I want Imra to quickly and easily "show" Tinya that Jo loves her (Tinya). I want Brin to see this, and be somewhat disappointed for himself... but happy for her. I want Jo to be a good dad, not an annoyed one. I hope they discuss the boy's name, but keep calling him Cub. I hope Brin and Ayla hook up! Yeah, a nod to preboot.

Am I asking for too much?
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
Ask for cookies too. Can't hurt.
Posted by deanlegion on :
Posted by lil'rhino on :
Originally posted by Portfolio Boy:
My belief is that Cub will play a MAJOR role in the upcoming story freaturing Darkseid.

I think so too.

Posted by Portfolio Boy on :
Originally posted by superboymddjr:
if those above speculation turns out to be true, then the question is needed to be answered - HOW did Tinya ended up being the one to have a seed? ("get pregnant"?)

It was her thrid body living on Apokolypse that was actually impregnated. A strange quirk of Carggitte physiology resulted in the majority of the bodies (Tinya has 2 of the 3 recall) carrying the child instead of the one actually impregnated...

[ September 02, 2003, 08:23 AM: Message edited by: Portfolio Boy ]
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Cub seems to have Jo's powers, so it seems pretty clear that Jo's the father (even though I like the "it was the other body that was impregnated" scenario).

Okay, confession time.

As much as I have hated pretty much everything that's been done with Cub so far, from the strange growth patterns to the name, I kind of enjoyed his role in the latest issue. It got me interested in the story for once. There is something more going on here than just the child of two super-heroes with unnatural growth rate cliche, and I think it could be something interesting.

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