This is topic Dream Crime 5 - LOTS OF SPOILERS in forum Long Live the Legion! at Legion World.

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Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Lots spilled below, so skip this post/thread if you don't want the next issue spoiled.
My gut reaction is between "ick" and "ho-hum". Maybe it will grow on me.

Sensor projected an illusion that she was knocked out, which fooled Universo. This appears to have been worked out ahead of time with KK, Ferro and Shikari. She frees Imra and Nura and gives them the torq crystals to help resist Universo.

They had to the main control to shut off power - Nura gets another "skeleton" flash and says not to shut down power, gets in a fight with Sensor over this, which Imra breaks up, siding with Nura.

Universo realizes he's been had and sics the rest of the team on the three women.

Meanwhile, on Legion World, Cub's quantum sphere collapses, and he SOMEHOW???? invades Universo's mind with baby talk. WTF??? This distracts Universo long enough to be overpowered, mind-wise, by Imra. Battle over, Universo is now in the mind-control chair - but thinks he won.

Back on LW, Nura is now a legionnaire and chummy with Thom again.

Cub is about 6 or 8 years now, can't tell, but unclear if he is mentally there - all he says is "Mama".

Imra is okay, but mourns the loss of Garth.

Universo is sent to Steeple where he dreams that he has a job as busboy in R.J.'s diner. No kidding. That's how it ends.

There are lots more details, some quite nice, that's just the bones.

[ August 27, 2003, 09:44 AM: Message edited by: Fat Cramer ]
Posted by superboymddjr on :
Karate Kid and Ferro get into any action?
Posted by Suddenly Seymour on :
That sounds like a lot of stories in the comic world lately -- issues of buildup and then a big, "That's it?" to finish it I just read last week's "Mystic," and it was the same thing.

Oh, well, I'm still eager to read it.

Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Originally posted by superboymddjr:
Karate Kid and Ferro get into any action?

Appearance, but no action.
They take Universo back to Steeple, but just stand around talking. We really don't see any fighting except between Jeka and Nura.

Sorry to be overboard with the Spoiler space, but I notice you can read the first few lines of threads on the 1st page of LW (Latest Posts/Active Topics) and I don't want to let the cat out of the bag for anyone who isn't looking for it.

Now that I've been thinking about it, there are lots of little nuggets which I enjoyed in the story; it's mostly the resolution that disappointed me. Maybe we generated too many exciting possible outcomes here and the "real world" is a let down.
Posted by Portfolio Boy on :
Originally posted by Fat Cramer:

Sorry to be overboard with the Spoiler space, but I notice you can read the first few lines of threads on the 1st page of LW (Latest Posts/Active Topics)

How's this? I just have the subject line and the poseter's name?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
PB - you're right, for the latest posts - but below that is the table of different boards with the most recent post (sometimes it loads for me, sometimes it doesn't) and if you choose Active Topics you get more post details.
Posted by icefire on :
Looking forward to the conclusion!!!!
Posted by M'onel on :
-Lukewarm, yet appropriate ending to Dream Crime.

-What the heck is up with Cub, neither of his parents had telepathic powers.

-Nura's a Legionnaire now. 'Bout time
Posted by Caleb on :
I don't think cub is a telepath. As soon as he was released from the Quantum Bubble, Universo's branching telepathy automatically tried to snag cub but cub seems to just have a strong will which momentarily disoriented Universo.

I did like how we were partially correct about Jekka's defeat being an illusion while she freed Imra and Dreamy. What I didn't like was Jekka's piss-poor attitude afterwards. Her arguing with Dreamy was annoying. We already have 1 team bitch (that being Umbra, and I like her that way) we don't need 2.

I was very pleased with the issue on every level except for parts of Jekka's personality.
Posted by minesurfer on :
Jeka's personality was about the only thing I noticed in this issue.

Very very ho hum in my book.
Posted by Tromium Crystal on :
I thought it was swell. There WERE surprises. Who woulda thought that CUB would be the deus ex machina? It was his distraction that enabled Imra was able to take Universo down. The issue also had something that has been sorely lacking from the Legion lately -- HUMOR. It was pretty funny seeing Universo and the Zombie Legionnaires mindlessly repeating Cub's gibberish. Also amusing and perfectly ironic was Universo's fate -- confined to a containment chair muttering "Nothing else matters", and living the dream life of a busboy. We also learn his name: VIDAR. Purists might appreciate that.

Fans of Karate Kid and Ferro will be appeased to learn that the two deliberately allowed themselves to be taken down in the last issue. It was all part of Sensor's plan to trick Universo.

Sensor can be such a bitch! She really deserved those sucker punches. However, she more than compensated for her bad behavior at the end by recommending Nura for Legion membership. With a little refinement, she may be Legion leadership material herself. The cat fight was pretty cool.

Nura had her chance to shine -- her determination to keep the Titanet up at all costs, as well as her comforting Imra. It was good to see her reunited with Thom, but his fate is still up in the air. It's clear he could go "black hole" for real at any time.

Imra did what she had to do but otherwise walked throught the story looking stunned. She would have earned more of my sympathy had she only acknowledged that what Universo did to her was not much different than what she did to Jo in Legion Lost, i.e., subduing him with his "heart's desire". Some people are slow learners, I guess.

Finally, back to Cub again, Universo's attempt to mind control him had no effect whatsoever. With his own mind magnified by the Titanet, he ricocheted it back on Universo, temporarily disabling him. Cub grows at least five years older in this issue alone. He'll make a dandy weapon against Darkseid if he hasn't already reached senior citizen status by the time Old Granite Face shows up. In fact, my only real disappointment was that we don't get to see Darkseid lurking (solicitations can be so misleading).

There was a lot of good characterization and character development in this issue.

[ August 27, 2003, 07:13 PM: Message edited by: Tromium Crystal ]
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
THUD! [Confused]

Actually MANY on the various boards picked Sensor as not being under Universo's control and Cub as the Deus es Machina, the DnA de facto way of ending an arc. Just that most thought it such a silly idea to use Cub, they were joking.

So a guy that wanted to take over the Universe and get revenge for his captivity is kept complacent by being put into a dream of a dead end job?

This is not the arc I would have chosen for humor, certainly the timing seemed weird to me.

A double thud from me on this one. My lowest rating in memory for the ending of a Legion arc.
Posted by Caleb on :
I think our new artist, Mr Batista, may be a fan of Farscape. The page towards the end of the issue where Universo "thinks" he has won, has a whole bunch of alien people's faces on it. I saw John, Aeryn, Rygel, Crais, Scorpius, D'argo, a bald woman that didn't have the head markings of Zhaan. The only major character that was left out was Chiana.

[Frown] I miss Farscape [Frown]
Posted by Juan on :

OK, it's official now, DnA really have to work on their arc endings. Cub? Cub??!!!

Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Originally posted by Caleb:
I think our new artist, Mr Batista, may be a fan of Farscape. The page towards the end of the issue where Universo "thinks" he has won, has a whole bunch of alien people's faces on it. I saw John, Aeryn, Rygel, Crais, Scorpius, D'argo, a bald woman that didn't have the head markings of Zhaan. The only major character that was left out was Chiana.

[Frown] I miss Farscape [Frown]

I swear I also saw a Gorn from Star Trek: TOS in that line up.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Also did anyone else notice there was no mention of the cousin connection to Imra? He is a Vidar. At least we don't have to deal with that now.

And I wanted to ask, did anyone else think the shot of Imra on page 20, panel 3, looked like Batista used Helen Hunt as the model?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
I was wondering if all those alien faces were "somebody" - never saw Farscape.

Universo is Vidar (again) - I hope we get to see Rond in the future; he was part of the earlier post-boot stories. As long as he doesn't show up with you-know-who.

Tromium Crystal makes some good points about what is enjoyable in the issue.

As for Cub - I thought he might play a part, but it was more joking - and certainly never expected it to be through mental upset. One thing that gets me is the "so innocent" label that Imra uses to describe his thoughts/presence - babies and little kids are always so innocent in comics. I'm not saying they're not in real life - but they always struck me as being selfish also, out of necessity and nature - why wouldn't Cub have been thinking "Me! Me! I want more!"? However, we certainly will see more of Cub in the future, for better or worse.

I liked the cat fight too - especially when Sensor says she doesn't think of reliable and Nura in the same sentence - although Nura's dreams have become much more accurate with her Khundish training, she still carries the dumb bunny image.

The humorous ending really jarred me - it seemed to trivialize Universo - but this Universo didn't really come across as the brilliant, devious, plan-ahead villain that he was in the past. More like a mind-drunk on a bender. Still, the ending gave us another insight into Imra - she's not above a little petty teenage revenge. Somehow, I don't think Dr. Aven would have put those same thoughts in Universo's mind.

It also raises huge questions about the 31st century justice system - but these stories always do, and it's always a sticking point with me.
Posted by The Man From Cargg on :
Originally posted by Caleb:

What I didn't like was Jekka's piss-poor attitude afterwards. Her arguing with Dreamy was annoying. We already have 1 team bitch (that being Umbra, and I like her that way) we don't need 2.

I was very pleased with the issue on every level except for parts of Jekka's personality.

I TOTALLY agree about Jekka's new persona. Why aren't more fans upset about this? It makes ABSOLUTELY no sense. The physical change just isn't enough to explain this away. I loved the fact that 3 females took down Universo - but how much more interesting if Jekka's old, polite, demure personality managed to succeed where others failed. (Kinda like in the shy Vi days).
As to her cat-fight with Nura - it would have been more effective if she pulled royal rank and commanded her to take down the Titanet, instead of just screaming and hair-pulling.
I agree, one bitch in the legion is enough. And now with Monstress dead, there is no one to play the maternal, comforting role that she and Jekka used to play.
Posted by the Maritimer on :
I thought the ending to this story arc was entirely appropriate. This was a "battle" that took place (basically) in the psi-world. Since this story opened in RJ's restaurent, it was sort of logical to end it there as well.
Overall, I'd give a "B+" for this effort. Maybe it was an issue or two too long, but maybe a re-read of the story will change that thought.
Looking forward to Steve Lightle's issue up next!
Posted by Portfolio Boy on :
Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
Also did anyone else notice there was no mention of the cousin connection to Imra? He is a Vidar. At least we don't have to deal with that now.

Reading it, it looked like Vidar was supposed to be his first name. I mean I would ear a nametag taht said "Hi my name is Duke!", not "Hi, my name is Harrington!"

So, for me it leaves it open to interpretation whether or not the cousin angle still exists. He could be Vidar Ardeen.
Posted by Portfolio Boy on :
Originally posted by Fat Cramer:

Meanwhile, on Legion World, Cub's quantum sphere collapses, and he SOMEHOW???? invades Universo's mind with baby talk. WTF???

The way I read it, Cub did not conciously take over Universo's mind. Universo was just out exploring nd taking over minds, once he had access to Cub (after the quantum sphere went down) he encountered a mind that was much too powerful for him. In attempting to take it over that mind engulfed him.

BTW, I loved the "doog?" shot of Universo and all the Legionnaires making the same face.
Posted by Portfolio Boy on :
Originally posted by M'onel:
-What the heck is up with Cub, neither of his parents had telepathic powers.

He's Darkseid. Either that or Orion.

Originally posted by M'onel:
--Nura's a Legionnaire now. 'Bout time

Agreed, Now all we need is  -
Posted by Portfolio Boy on :

No Sub Boy graemlin? Has even Legion World turned against poor Dirk?
Posted by Portfolio Boy on :
Originally posted by Caleb:
I was very pleased with the issue on every level except for parts of Jekka's personality.

I tend to agree. Jeka has done a 180 degree personality transformation to go along with her new outward appearance. While the former matronly attitude was grating, it was, at least, unique.

I am hoping she calms down soon.

...and grows legs

...and a bronze age Mike Grell costume.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Originally posted by Portfolio Boy:

No Sub Boy graemlin? Has even Legion World turned against poor Dirk?

Never! You just need to know what Gary named it.

Posted by Portfolio Boy on :
Originally posted by Tromium Crystal:

I really don't have anything to add to your post. I just wanted to take a moment to say that you had some nice insights and that I pretty much agreed with everything in your post. [Smile]

Only 56 posts, c'mon man, get busy. You've got things to say!

[ August 28, 2003, 08:34 AM: Message edited by: Portfolio Boy ]
Posted by jimgallagher on :
I thought it was another quick read. I think this story could've easily been told in 2 or 3 issues instead of 5.

The writers (I hate the DnA acronym) are making a habit of giving us a huge build up to an anticlimactic ending:

The whole Robotican war just to have Brainy give in and let Computo evolve.

Ra's escaping and running amok, only to have him give up and let himself be recaptured.

And now Universo takes over every mind in the universe, yet he's taken down by Cub and Imra rather easily IMO.

If he's that powerful is he really going to be pacified by a dream about being a busboy? And is the same machine that subdued an ordinary Titan really going to be powerful enough to subdue "the most powerful telepath Titan every produced"?

I agree that Sensor's personality has changed way too much to be believable, but I hated her old personality so I don't mind the change too much.

Dreamer still doesn't seem to be displaying that much control over her power. Her appearance in that issue of Legion World led us to believe she now has TOTAL control over her visions and can summon one any time about anything. In this issue, she again seems to be sitting around, waiting for a vision to hit her at random. How about a little consistency for a change? I would've also liked to see more of her fighting skill. She only got one punch in against Sensor and then Imra waded in to break it up? I'd have thought that with Nura's Khundian battle training she could've swatted Imra away and proceeded to put the smackdown on Sensor without raising a sweat.

On the plus side, I'm still loving Batista's art and want to have his baby. AND Dreamer's FINALLY a Legionnaire! Woohoo. Now, sign up Dirk, dammit.
Posted by minesurfer on :
I think I figured out what the deal is with Cub...

Soneone has been spiking his formula with pureed space-fish meat(it's brain food). This has given him Ultra Mental powers, but he can only use one lobe at a time.

Maybe its just a phase he's going through.

Seriously though... I'll be here all week. Try the space veal. Be sure to tip your Vidars (Vidar is the martian translation for wondering waiter).
Posted by Portfolio Boy on :
Originally posted by Fat Cramer:

I liked the cat fight too

Cat fights are COOL! [Big Grin]

And... and... a-a-a-and TWINS!!
Posted by Portfolio Boy on :
Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
Originally posted by Portfolio Boy:

No Sub Boy graemlin? Has even Legion World turned against poor Dirk?

Never! You just need to know what Gary named it.


Oh, SunBoy1


"pretty sneaky sis"

And bonus points for knowing what board game commercial that quote references... [Big Grin]

[ August 28, 2003, 08:51 AM: Message edited by: Portfolio Boy ]
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Originally posted by Portfolio Boy:
"pretty sneaky sis"

And bonus points for knowing what board game commercial that quote references... [Big Grin]

Connect Four [Big Grin]
Posted by Portfolio Boy on :
Originally posted by jimgallagher:
I thought it was another quick read. I think this story could've easily been told in 2 or 3 issues instead of 5.

That describes very nearly every 5 issue story arc published in any DC or Marvel Comic for the last 10-15 years.

Dude, I remember whan a 5 issue arc was EPIC!!

Originally posted by jimgallagher:
If he's that powerful is he really going to be pacified by a dream about being a busboy? And is the same machine that subdued an ordinary Titan really going to be powerful enough to subdue "the most powerful telepath Titan every produced"?

I would say that Imra is more than just an "ordinay Titan." Still, your point is well taken.

I took the nosebleed to signify that Universo is struggeling mightily against the machine. To me it was foreshadowing that it is only a matter of time until he breaks free.

Originally posted by jimgallagher:

On the plus side, I'm still loving Batista's art and want to have his baby.

Well I would not go quite that far, Batista is the best thing to happen to the Legion art wise in a very, VERY long time.

Originally posted by jimgallagher:
AND Dreamer's FINALLY a Legionnaire! Woohoo. Now, sign up Dirk, dammit.


 -  -  -

[ August 28, 2003, 09:05 AM: Message edited by: Portfolio Boy ]
Posted by Portfolio Boy on :
Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
Originally posted by Portfolio Boy:
"pretty sneaky sis"

And bonus points for knowing what board game commercial that quote references... [Big Grin]

Connect Four [Big Grin]
Posted by Awkward Pause Boy on :
I do want to agree with everyone who thinks the arc should have played-out in fewer issues.

I would probably have liked the development better if part four had ended with Universo discovering that Sensor was an illusion, rather than it be the beginning of part five.

I think Sensor's powers post-boot have been used much better than they were used pre-boot. This issue portrays a good example of that.

And, I'd like to open up a question for anyone to respond to: Dream Girl's powers are so often portrayed as seeing the future and being resigned to it. Here we see her predicting an outcome based on whether or not a particular action was carried out. Is that unusual?
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Originally posted by Awkward Pause Boy:

I would probably have liked the development better if part four had ended with Universo discovering that Sensor was an illusion, rather than it be the beginning of part five.

And, I'd like to open up a question for anyone to respond to: Dream Girl's powers are so often portrayed as seeing the future and being resigned to it. Here we see her predicting an outcome based on whether or not a particular action was carried out. Is that unusual?

I find these two point particularly clever.

It has become cliche, first to show a cliffhanger and second that it be the villian making the play. Showing the hero making a come back would be original.

As far as this use of Dream Girl's power, this may be a first. Off hand I do not recall her using her powers for decision making other than in a hand to hand fight. Anyone?
Posted by minesurfer on :
Can't testify to whether Dream girl has used her power like this before, but when I read part 5 yesterday, my first thought was Dead Zone. She's the new Johnny. Then the pre-cog chick from the Minority Report movie jumped into my head.

Nothing else to say, just stating facts...
Posted by jimgallagher on :
It's a mere 2 days after the newest issue came out and this thread has already slipped to page 2?

What's up with that?

Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Some people won't get their copies 'til the weekend.

We still have the "Off the Cuff" & "Duke it Out" threads to come as well (I hope); "Calling the Roll" is already up.
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
So Universo's name is Vidar after all ... are we going to ever see an explanation for this and a connection to Rond or do they just have the same name? (which in and of itself is no big deal I suppose -- nothing wrong with coincidences)

Jeckie's a tough-talkin' snake woman now --ok, I get it already. She crossed over from abrasive to plain bitch this issue. I hope she gets a handle on herself soon because while I can understand wanting to upgrade or change an unpopular character, I think it's a bit of a disservice to simply sever *all* connections to their previous personality for no apparent reason.

The whole "false happy ending" for Universo was something more than a few of us predicted.

The fight between Nura and Jeckie reminded me of Cham having to trust Saturn Girl at the end of the Blight story when they were at the stem and Brainiac's apparent betrayal during Robotica. DnA seem to like fomenting distrust at critical moments between Legionnaires. There must be other ways to create tension.
Posted by deanlegion on :
I didn't read any spoilers or speculation about this issue, so when I read it, I had a pretty open mind. I'll share some of my direct reactions:

I was delighted to learn that Sensor had fooled Vidar with her illusion powers! Good job Jeka!

Jeka was feeling frustrated with Imra and Nura's slow moving, so I excused some of her rudeness, but I was glad to see Nura hit her! I was also glad to see Imra back her up.

I'm quite interested to learn more about Cub and his Ultra Intense Innocence Power!

I cheered during the scene when Imra shouted, "Get out of our heads!" How many times has she heard that one? I was totally surprised that that was when she put in the suggestion that Universo had won. I thought he actually had!

I was glad to see Nura and Jeka's minor make-up scene and have that confirmed by Jeka's vote to make DREAMER A LEGIONNAIRE!!!! YAY!!!!!
Also glad to see her and Thom together. Now we get to wonder about her vision of his tombstone for a while longer...

Tinya and Jo are going the right way for a reconciliation...

LOVE that Imra made Vidar a busser in that cafe scenario! Hah!

In the past I've confessed that I'm rather easy to entertain, but I was readily pleased with the conclusion of this story. I *did* however, feel like the beginning of it was FOREVER ago!
Posted by Kid Quislet on :
I generally enjoyed the 5 Dream Crime issues, although I don't think it warrants a future TPB like I've seen suggested in previous posts

Applause goes out for:
1) Giving Sensor a main role in this arc. Her character has come far in 2003. Even if some don't like her cranky personna, she has been beefed up as a fighting fem in the group.
2) Some very nice artwork. I particularly like the view of Titan and the outfit Universo wore.
3) Getting Dreamer, Ferro and KK back into the Legion! I say keep inducting more candidates. Sun Boy, M-E Lad, Blok, and Quislet should be considered soon.
4) A story where the Titan wasn't reduced to rubble. The UP has enough work on their hands rebuilding Earth and Xanthu.

Some minor criticisms:
1) I hope this Cub thing plays out soon. I am not interested in a Lori Mourning/Wesley Crusher type situation where panel space is spent (annoyingly) on them while taking away from Legionnaires who could use some.
2) The Cover art was well done, but the order of the characters portrayed was cooky. The last two issues featured Dreamer and Karate Kid, niether of whom appeared that much in their respective issues
Posted by Kid Quislet on :
I was wondering if anyone noticed the Legionnaires who operated against Universo at the end of Dream Crime 4 and the start of 5? They were the 3 Shooter applicants from way back in Adventure, plus Shikari. Shikari, of course, was there instead of the yet-to-be introduced Nemesis Kid. It was fun to see this group together in action.

Big stretch here - Although Shikari was necessary for their passage thru the Theshold Device, could there also be a foreshadowing of her possibly being a traitor (like Nemesis Kid) in the upcoming battle against the Credo?
Posted by Greybird on :
The Cub becomes, literally, a deus ex machina. A god of telepathy bursting out of the machine.

I wish that this weren't so, but wishing gets us nowhere: The boys aren't showing much imagination any more in story construction. This was profoundly flat and unsatisfying.

Why, when we get intelligible and gorgeous art on a regular basis, does the storytelling fall flat? Is it that difficult to get both at once?
Posted by Arachne on :
Originally posted by Kid Quislet:
Big stretch here - Although Shikari was necessary for their passage thru the Theshold Device, could there also be a foreshadowing of her possibly being a traitor (like Nemesis Kid) in the upcoming battle against the Credo?

That's an interesting idea. Especially since I was wondering what would happen in a fight between Val and Shikari. Just because Shikari can see a path doesn't mean she has the skill to react to it, but DnA haven't shown her powers failing her in combat yet, so who knows what the outcome would be.
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
I dunno -- Shikari didn't fare too well against Ra's al Ghul.
Posted by Arachne on :
That's true. I remember liking her more after that. [Smile]
Posted by mongmong on :
have been reading the boards though new to commenting.

i thought sensor's attitude was plausible as she was in pain or straining to power the crystals that would deter universo's mind control. plus she's still adjusting to her new self. at work, i deal with a lot of good natured people who turn cranky when they are too stressed or pressured.

i enjoy the subtleties of dan and andy's set-ups [teaming up sensor, ferro and val for instance], a nod to the past so long time readers get their wink or value-added in the course of the story [albeit this arc rambled an issue and a half too long. but perhaps it was to allow chris batista's art to shine. he appears to have a cinematographer's eye in mounting his panels.]
Posted by Arachne on :
I have no problem with Sensor's attitude. I think it's perfectly resonable under the circumstances. What I do have a problem with is her new speech patterns. Speech patterns developed over a lifetime do not disapear just because your in a bad mood.
Posted by Star Boy on :
Agreed - it seems to me that far more than Sensor's body was changed. I miss her regal, slightly imperious nature. Now she's just another sprock & grife-dropping smart-mouth. [Frown]
Posted by Bicycle Repair Man on :
Originally posted by Greybird:
The Cub becomes, literally, a deus ex machina. A god of telepathy bursting out of the machine.

I wish that this weren't so, but wishing gets us nowhere: The boys aren't showing much imagination any more in story construction. This was profoundly flat and unsatisfying.

I wasn't bothered by the Cub scene, but I'm not sure if anyone else here interpreted it in quite the same way I did:

1. Kid Q's bubble collapses, exposing Cub to Universo's telepathic probes (which Universo is not devoting much of his attention to at that moment).

2. Cub (instictively?) recognizes Telepathy as a power that he can duplicate, and does so. But in his case, it's Ultra-Telepathy, which makes him powerful enough to briefly usurp control of Universo's group mind despite Universo's greater experience.

This does not require Cub to be a reincarnated Highfather, or indeed anything more exotic [Smile] than an Ultra-powered baby; who, with no preconceived notions of limitations on his use of his Ultra-energy, is doing things that his dad probably never thought of trying (perhaps Cub will turn out to be the reboot's answer to Duplicate Boy!).

If that's the interpretation that DnA had in mind, perhaps they didn't communicate it effecively enough?

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