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Posted by minesurfer on :
Well the title says it all...How do you think DnA are going to write the demise of Universo?

I'll chime in a little later, as I really don't have anything good to contribute yet.

I only hope that DnA don't go for the obvious where Imra wakes up and discovers how manipulated she was by Universo thereby becoming very angry and head strong enough to put the smack down on Universo. That ending would by very disappointing.
Posted by matlock on :
Well, I think you may be close to hitting the nail on the head minesurfer. It may be the obvious ending, but I might enjoy seeing Imra get her revenge just the same.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Oh, you want something serious? That'll cost you extra, Minesurfer.

I see two possibilities: Imra, Nura and Sensor somehow combine mental forces to knock him out. Val could break Imra or Nura out of the chair. Maybe the 4 legionnaires who came from Steeple aren't mind-controlled, they're just knocked out - and we do have Val on the next cover, if that means anything.

Another option is rescue from without. Since Cub didn't get transported along with his parents (and neither did R.J.), maybe those two are going to somehow save the day. After all, Cub could be anything and R.J. - if he's a Martian - could have some nifty mental powers of his own.
Posted by jimgallagher on :
I'm sure that damn Saturn Girl is going to defeat him single-handedly.

God, I'm sick of her.
Posted by superboymddjr on :
but you have to remember what the Previews said about..."the stealthiest and .....ever made in Legion history" ( I may have misquoted...but the word has been scarred in my memory - "Stealthiest") I have been wondering exactly what it does mean? certainly has to do with Sensor, Invisible Kid, B5, Chameleon, Saturn Girl, Karate Kid..they have the ability to do the stealthy thing....So I predict that Universo is being fooled by Sensor...somehow...remember Sensor fooled Mr. Venge by thinking that the Legion World was exploded? So...maybe Dreamer knows that they are going to win...who knows?
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
We do know R.J. has low-level mental powers of his own, but somehow I don't see that as the ending...
Posted by Tromium Crystal on :
I don't think Brande will show up. Cub might (assuming he really is grown up), but I don't know how he could resist Universo. Neither of his parents could.

KK and Ferro appear to be down for the count, but I might be wrong about KK, seeing he's featured so prominently on the cover and has demonstrated superior mental control in the past. Shikari? Perhaps she'll regain her senses too, but she's already had her 15 minutes of fame.

I believe it is Jeka who will turn out to be the real hero of Dream Crime. Despite reeling from the Universo's psi-blast, she'll find a way to defeat him. Two scenarios present themselves: she succeeds, alone, in breaking Universo's spell over the other Legionnaires, who quickly subdue him, OR she reaches out for Imra's help. I know you're all sick and tired of Imra in the spotlight, but it is a distinct possiblity here. I've always wanted to see her project that "mind monster" again -- the one Cham and Skikari fought in Legion Lost. Given her highly-charged emotional state right now, it could happen. And she wouldn't even have to leave her chair. But whatever Imra's role, or KK's, I think it will be Jeka's show in the end.
Posted by Sanity or Madness? on :
Originally posted by Tromium Crystal:
KK and Ferro appear to be down for the count, but I might be wrong about KK, seeing he's featured so prominently on the cover and has demonstrated superior mental control in the past.

1) Dreamer was on this issue's cover. She did a lot, huh [Roll Eyes]
2) Brainy's demonstrated superior mental control in the past (remember how he first kicked that telepath out of Taklon-Gatros (Sp?), then when she went back in with mechanical augmentation, he wouldn't let her leave with the info she wanted), and I don't see him saving the day somehow [although he got a cover, so I could be wrong]

Since Jeka's own power gives her resiliance, though, she'l probably have at least some part in the final result.
Posted by Caleb on :
It never really occurred to me but I wouldn't mind it if the four getting defeated in the last issue was an illusion by Jekka. In fact, I think I would like that a lot. So they were actually freeing Imra and Dreamy while Universo thinks he's won... then BAM!!!
Posted by Danny Blaine on :
Now that... would rock!

As long as Imra doesn't hog the spotlight <shameless Hussy>, I'll be happy...
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Originally posted by superboymddjr:
the stealthiest

Vi finally shrinks?

Okay, preboot, who could absorb sound, light,...?

Could anyone?

Besides Rond, who else is associated with Universo? clues, clues, where art thou?
Posted by Super Lad Kid on :
I'd really like to give the writers credit and the clues have been laid out for us already, but I just don't see it. Thinking about the four Legionnaires who have appeared on the covers solo - were they there for a reason or did the artists just feel like drawing them? I'd like to think that those four were chosen for a reason.

Karate Kid - What's the point of bringing Ferro and KK back from Steeple if they are just going to be defeated in a few pages? I have to feel that Karate Kid will play a part, perhaps giving the final blow.

Saturn Girl - Why devote an entire issue of Saturn Girl's fantasies if she does nothing in the last issue? As minesurfer says, I hope they don't do the obvious and let overcome everyone mentally. I think that maybe she is communicating to the other Legionnaires, (or at least the four who came from Steeple) and is helping to formulate the plan that ends it all. Perhaps she communicates to her fellow Legionnaires through her fantasies.

Brainiac 5 - Maybe his part has already been played by creating the stargate that allowed Shikari and Sensor to escape.

Dreamer - She's the most puzzling of all. What part has she really played in any of this up to this point? The story's called "Dream" Crime, yet Dreamer has done nothing yet. I think she will play the greatest part in overcoming this threat. Here's how - The illusions that Universo has provided have to have come from somewhere. I think that they came straight from Dreamer herself. Everything that has been seen so far isn't really happening, but WILL happen. Cub growing into an adult, Star Boy's powers losing complete control, and especially an invasion by Apokolips. I think Universo is going to tap into something in Nura's head that is going to frighten him enough to give the Legion a slight advantage. It may also be used to set up future storylines.

Anyway, that's my two cents. We'll see in a few weeks how far off I am.
Posted by minesurfer on :
As I was reading down through the responses, I think I like Dreamer as the hero the best. My initial thoughts were along the lines of Sensor snapping everybody out of the Dream Crime but that seems ALMOST as obvious as Imra being the savior...

Which leads me to ask, What crime has Universo committed? Invading thoughts seems a bit rude but not criminal. Is mind control a criminal act? If these were criminal, Imra would have been locked up long ago. Maybe a case could be made for attempted murder, but how do you prove that in court? Any 31st century lawyers on this board?

I guess what I am really looking for is an end to the arc that is written well and very unpredictable. Something like Singularity showing up unexpectedly or maybe Computo. Seems like robots and artificial intelligence should be immune to Universo.
Posted by Portfolio Boy on :
Originally posted by minesurfer:

Which leads me to ask, What crime has Universo committed? Invading thoughts seems a bit rude but not criminal. Is mind control a criminal act?

Actually, mind control IS a crime in the 30th century. Recall, from early in the reboot, that ALL Titans are required by law to display the saturn symbol that Imra wears when they are offworld. Nara Minsork had the symbol tatooed to her for refusal to wear it.
Posted by Portfolio Boy on :
My guess is that Dream Girl must play a significant part in the resolution of this story, of for no other reason than it's title measured against the fact that, so far, she has not really done a great deal. I would say that, at the conclusion of the next issue, she will be invited to formerlly join the Legion.

I would also guess that her visions of Star Boy's grave will come into play. The fact that his power has been on the fritz lately should result in a deadly denouement. I image that, when his power shorts out, he will A) hurl himself at the villain, or else B) hurl himself in from of some deadly blast aimed at Nura.

I am favoring B) which will appear to vaporize him. Hmmmm did the blast throw him into the 20th century to become Star Man? Possibly, although I suspect that if Thom dies and the body is not seen, then we can expect a new masked hero named Sir Prize to begin be-bopping around the UP within six to nine months.

We will also see something happen with Cub, which will foreshadow the coming of darksied and, most probably, Cub being a reincarnation of Orion. Darksied has dog-soldiers for bodyguards, Cub was protected by a Timber Wolf. Looking forward, Tinya's body will be found on Apokolyps. Not her missing 3rd body, but her real one. It will eb revealed that we have been watching the 3rd bodt, real name, Capt Frake, all along

It will be revealed that Frake was chosen mate with Jo so that she could give bith to the New God. Why Jo? I dunno, but we will see that Imra's attraction to Ultra Boy was merely her subconcios zeroing in on Ultra Boy's prominent role in the New Gods second coming.

Imra's vision of a 50's type world will be her mind zeroing on on the coming of Superboy, which will be the surpise that is the climax of next issue.

See Superboy arrives, big shocker, then we let it hand for a month with he visit Umbra, letting the fans stew and speculate, and then all is (seemingly) revealed in #25.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Originally posted by Super Lad Kid:
I'd really like to give the writers credit and the clues have been laid out for us already, but I just don't see it. Thinking about the four Legionnaires who have appeared on the covers solo - were they there for a reason or did the artists just feel like drawing them? I'd like to think that those four were chosen for a reason.

Dreamer - She's the most puzzling of all. What part has she really played in any of this up to this point? The story's called "Dream" Crime, yet Dreamer has done nothing yet. I think she will play the greatest part in overcoming this threat. Here's how - The illusions that Universo has provided have to have come from somewhere. I think that they came straight from Dreamer herself. Everything that has been seen so far isn't really happening, but WILL happen. Cub growing into an adult, Star Boy's powers losing complete control, and especially an invasion by Apokolips. I think Universo is going to tap into something in Nura's head that is going to frighten him enough to give the Legion a slight advantage. It may also be used to set up future storylines.

Tom Feister's response when I asked him why Dreamer was featured on the cover of The Legion #22:


To be honest Shikari was the first choice. I can't speak for Tony, but she's by far my favorite Legion chick. We pitched it to the mighty Wacker and he laughed and said no, Dreamer is the better choice for the storyline. He was right. Dreamer has much more I mean importance in the story.

I'd post the original sketch but we don't have it anymore. I'm still itching to do a hot looking Shikari cover.

Steve, are you listening?

Not sure what conclusions to draw from it, but apparently importance to the story is supposed to play a part in which characters got spotlighted on the covers.
Posted by Kid Prime on :
Originally posted by superboymddjr:
but you have to remember what the Previews said about..."the stealthiest and .....ever made in Legion history" ( I may have misquoted...but the word has been scarred in my memory - "Stealthiest") I have been wondering exactly what it does mean? certainly has to do with Sensor, Invisible Kid, B5, Chameleon, Saturn Girl, Karate Kid..they have the ability to do the stealthy thing....So I predict that Universo is being fooled by Sensor...somehow...remember Sensor fooled Mr. Venge by thinking that the Legion World was exploded? So...maybe Dreamer knows that they are going to win...who knows?

Now THAT'S a thought! Tho old Sensor Double-blind!!! Fooling BOTH the villain AND us. It could get old REALLY fast if they use it for too many cliffhangers, though.
Posted by Kid Prime on :
Originally posted by Super Lad Kid:

Dreamer - She's the most puzzling of all. What part has she really played in any of this up to this point? The story's called "Dream" Crime, yet Dreamer has done nothing yet. I think she will play the greatest part in overcoming this threat. Here's how - The illusions that Universo has provided have to have come from somewhere. I think that they came straight from Dreamer herself. Everything that has been seen so far isn't really happening, but WILL happen. Cub growing into an adult, Star Boy's powers losing complete control, and especially an invasion by Apokolips. I think Universo is going to tap into something in Nura's head that is going to frighten him enough to give the Legion a slight advantage. It may also be used to set up future storylines.

Anyway, that's my two cents. We'll see in a few weeks how far off I am.

SPOOKY, Kid! I LIKE the way your mind works!!!
Posted by Shadow Kid on :
The ending is definitely going to involve Saturn Girl in a big way otherwise what was the point of ish #20?

The way I see it, Sensor realizing that Imra is the only person who could save the legion from Universo, will feign unconciousness and contact Imra's sub-conciousness in hopes of freeing her. Imra will then have choose between her pretend life with Garth or returning to a reality in which Garth no longer exists. After making the right choice (c'mon, this Saturn Girl we're talking about) Imra takes on Universo backed up by Sensor. Although they are eventually beaten, Universo briefly loses his grip on the legionnaires and is swiftly knocked out by Karate Kid. Unknown to the legionnaires, the huge telepathic battle between Universo and Imra has woken an ancient evil on the other side of the galaxy.

Am I right or am I right? [Big Grin]
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
I think it'll end kinda the way "Bambi vs Godzilla" ended, with Universo as Bambi and Darkseid as Godzilla.
Posted by jimgallagher on :
I want Saturn Girl to be seduced by Universo and run off with him to become the new Saturn Queen. In the preboot, Saturn Queen and Universo shared something in common--the hypnotic eye. Having them team up would be an unexpected switch, but it'll never happen.

I hope the squad of 4 from last issue were not an illusion. It's been done too many times. Besides how did the Sensor illusion knock out Vi by throwing the Ferro illusion at her?
Posted by Tromium Crystal on :
Originally posted by Shadow Kid:
The way I see it, Sensor realizing that Imra is the only person who could save the legion from Universo, will feign unconciousness and contact Imra's sub-conciousness in hopes of freeing her. Imra will then have choose between her pretend life with Garth or returning to a reality in which Garth no longer exists. After making the right choice (c'mon, this Saturn Girl we're talking about) Imra takes on Universo backed up by Sensor.

Sounds good to me. Having Imra see "Garth" fade away before her eyes would introduce an ironic parallel with Legion Lost, when the team's illusory friends and lovers, created by Imra's mental manipulation, disappear into thin air. It would also serve as the shameless hussy's well-deserved comeuppance -- we're all waiting for that, right?

On the other hand, Bambi v. Godzilla does have its merits.
Posted by Nastey Lad-purveyor of odd thoughts on :
The idea of Darkseid being woken by the psychic battle is somewhat appealing.

the idea of Dreamer supplying the fodder for Universo is also good.

Still, I'm hoping Chuck Taine bounces in and saves the day...sort of randomly.
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Originally posted by DrakeB3003:
I think it'll end kinda the way "Bambi vs Godzilla" ended, with Universo as Bambi and Darkseid as Godzilla.

Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Originally posted by Blockade Boy:
Originally posted by DrakeB3003:
I think it'll end kinda the way "Bambi vs Godzilla" ended, with Universo as Bambi and Darkseid as Godzilla.

Somehow, I missed that movie. Was that with Bambi the cheerleader or Bambi the deer?
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Originally posted by Fat Cramer:
Originally posted by Blockade Boy:
Originally posted by DrakeB3003:
I think it'll end kinda the way "Bambi vs Godzilla" ended, with Universo as Bambi and Darkseid as Godzilla.

Somehow, I missed that movie. Was that with Bambi the cheerleader or Bambi the deer?
[Big Grin]

Well I was thinking of the deer.

Posted by Poverty Lad on :
I keep thinking of Bambii the pornstar versus RODzilla... [Embarrassed] [Laugh Out Loud] [Wink]

And Universo will be defeated by the rebooted TYROC! Mr. T will yodel and shatter the Big U's monocle in his eye... try holding a universe captive when you've got sumthin' in yer eye, never MIND a shattered monocle! [Aaahhh!]
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
You know... Calamity King could serve the same purpose...
Posted by Kid Prime on :
Originally posted by Tromium Crystal:
It would also serve as the shameless hussy's well-deserved comeuppance -- we're all waiting for that, right?

DAMN STRAIGHT we are!!! I need some Hussy-Come-Uppance and BAD!

Incidentally, Bambi vs. Godzilla is one of the unsung greats of modern cinema. [Big Grin]
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
I'm still not clear on this Bambi vs Godzilla business. Is this something I'll find at Blockbusters or do I have to go to one of those dark little shops with the brown paper covering their windows?

And are there any bling blings in that movie?
Posted by Poverty Lad on :
FC, it was a claymation short film-- REALLY short-- that starts off with Bambi in the center of the frame, idyllic "meadow music" playing.

He's standing around, grazing and whatnot, until we hear a series of loud "THUD!"'s, getting closer.

Bambi is looking around, in wonder.

SUDDENLY, a giant Godzilla foot comes from the top of the screen-- "THUD!!!" [Eek!] [Embarrassed]

The End. [Laugh Out Loud] [Big Grin]


"Just try it, Proty!"--Kid Prime
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Ooh, Ooh, but wasn't there a "Bambi's Revenge" or some such???
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
It wasn't claymation though -- it was a crudely done hand drawing (the one I've always seen anyway).
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
I have no idea how DnA will resolve "Dream Crime," but here's what I would do. (Hey, I wrote a fanfic. I'm entitled. [Wink] )

In Saturn Girl's dream world, Garth or one of the other Lost Legionnaires makes a statement they couldn't possibly know. Perhaps something to do with Ferro and Karate Kid being stranded on Steeple. Perhaps a reference to Jo and Tinya's child. Whatever it is, it will shock Imra into realizing the whole thing is an illusion. She will use her powers to search the minds of other Legionnaires and find that Sensor is also resisting Universo's control. They work together to gradually free the other Legionnaires -- Imra using her telepathy to undo the mind control, while Sensor keeps the illusion that they are all enthralled alive for Universo.

When enough Legionnaires are freed, they go after ol' butt-head. A battle royal ensues. Uni thinks he has the upper hand, but -- guess what! -- it's just another Sensor-scripted illusion. He then spends the rest of his life (or until his next encounter with the Legion) back in captivity on Titan, thinking he's won.

Well, if it worked for Moriarty on "Star Trek: The Next Generation," it ought to work here.
Posted by MLLASH on :
My prediction:

Infectious Lass thresholds over and gives Universo a stomach virus that his him hauling ass for the Men's Room.

She frees everyone.

While Universo is stuck on the crapper, Karate Kid stealithly sneaks in and delivers the knockout punch!

Everyone gets want they want: NO Saturn girl saving the day, an impotant, stealthy role for KARATE KID, UNIVERSO on the crapper and Infectious Lass! Hooray!!!
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
DnA tend to have villains defeated by giving them what they want, so here's my latest theory: Universo so over-exerts himself by taking over so many minds that it allows [fill-in-the-blank with you selection of favorite Legionnaires] to slip out of his control and kick his ass.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Universo gets recalled. The new villain is a blonde porn-star and easily defeated by our favorite shameless hussy.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
So, what you're saying, F.C., is that Saturn Girl turns out to be the real villain and defeats herself? [Big Grin]
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Hey - maybe she is just projecting Universo! And she's put herself in the chair as some wierd penitence, like people who used to whip themselves in Middle Ages Easter processions, and she put Nura in a chair 'cause Nura was on to what was happening ....

after all, it's all a dream.

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