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Posted by Lightning Lad on :
This was just posted by Glen Cadigan at LegionPics and I thought it would be great to have here to start a discussion.

The following is something which I found recently while going through my Legion collection. It was written by Paul Levitz for the Legion's 30th anniversary, and since it's currently the Legion's 45th, I thought that it applied now, too. It appeared in the Legion of Super-Heroes # 45, cover-dated April, 1988, and reflects Paul Levitz's attitude toward the Legion, its creators, and its fans. I enjoyed it, and I figured that others would, too.

Dear Readers,

It's hard to believe the future is three decades old. When ADVENTURE COMICS # 247 came out with a Superboy story called "The Legion of Super-Heroes," the first Sputnik satellite had just begun orbiting the Earth, the first working model of a laser was under construction and the most advanced computers filled a room to work with less memory than today's video games. But we've lived comfortably for thirty years in a fantastic vision of the future created in those "primitive" times.

As long time readers know, that first story was a throw-away idea, tossed out randomly by editor Mort Weisinger, writer Otto Binder and artist Al Plastino. There was no intent to create an idea to last decades, but to simply entertain ADVENTURE's readers for another month. Yet something about the Legion had appeal, and Weisinger and his other writers picked it up for subsequent stories in ADVENTURE, or Supergirl in ACTION, and before long a trickle of mail was coming in, demanding more.

It was the readers who brought the Legion to life - demanding they receive their own series (first in ADVENTURE # 300-380 and then in ACTION # 377-392); then, demanding editor Murray Boltinoff bring them back from limbo when their series was abandoned after Weisinger's retirement; readers who have followed the Legionnaires year in and year out, carefully watching and correcting our smallest errors, creating countless ideas for characters and costumes, and urging us on.

And it was the writers and artists who brought the Legion to life - Jerry Siegel, Edmond Hamilton and John Forte when the series debuted; Jim Shooter, E. Nelson Bridwell, Curt Swan, Pete Costanza and Win Mortimer in the heyday of ADVENTURE and ACTION; Cary Bates, Shooter again, Dave Cockrum and Mike Grell when the Legion was reborn in SUPERBOY; Gerry Conway, Roy Thomas, Jim Sherman, Mike Nasser, Joe Staton, Jimmy Janes, Pat Broderick, Keith Giffen, Steve Lightle... and this writer, all in the past dozen years.

And, somehow, it was the characters themselves who brought the Legion to life. Their relationships, personalities, stories, grew untrammelled by any limitations on their creators' abilities or the space available for their stories to be told.

It's been a wonderful thirty years. Personally, I've been here for some twenty-five years as a reader and eleven (interrupted) years as a writer. Some of you have been here longer - a rare few even from the beginning - and some of you have just come in, perhaps even with this issue. To all of you, readers, writers, artists... thank you for making this world we've shared possible. And to all of you, welcome to the future... It's barely begun.

Paul Levitz

It was nice to see Paul acknowledge both the readers and the creators of the Legion, something which I don't think the industry does enough of these days. "Thank yous" to the consumer seem to have been replaced with "take it or leave its," which is ironic, considering that there's less of the consumer's dollar going around today than there was yesterday, and yet it seems to be taken for granted moreso now than then.

Anyway, those are my thoughts. What did you think?


Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
I think the reaction to readers has been affected by the growing fanaticism that has occured since that article was written. There are chats, message boards, forums etc where fans can not only voice their feelings, but their venom and anal-retentiveness in a way that wasn't expressed back when letters were the main form of feedback.

With the growing ease for expressing opinions, there has been a more varied response from the readership which makes it harder for the creatives to really trust which direction to go -- whatever they do, they know there's some contingent out there ready to rake them over the coals for it.

Maybe that's the difference between now and then.
Posted by Reep on :
What I muse about now and then is will there ever be a 100th anniversary of the Legion? Will the series still be around in 2058? Will comics as a print medium?

If the series is around, or at least in some form (net comics?,) I wonder how many of the original Adventure era Legionnaires will still be around? What many new Legionnaires will have joined in the next 55 years? Will the list of characters who've been "real" Legionnaires hit 100?

How many more reboots? What Legionnaires will die? Will the LSV ever return? Will the Adult Legion? Will the identity of The Time Trapper ever be settled or agreed to? Will Garth ever die and return again?

Will the series ever be the top selling comic? Will the Legion ever explode into multi-titles and specials like X-men in it's heyday? Will their be a Legion movie? Will there be sequels? Will the Legion Archives be reprinting issues that haven't even been published yet?

What will the 100th year anniversary issue (series?) look like? Will it have major characters we've not yet seen who will be even more identified with the team than say the founders, Brainiac 5, or Mon-el?

I won't be around to find out. Perhaps one or three reading this might. Will they say, "Wasn't there some screwy poster way back at the old, old Legion World site that wondered about what the 100th year anniversary issue would like? Sprock, remember those goofy guesses he made! How could he have guessed about the Hypertime Trapper's daughter, the Last Durlan Conspiracy, the Shanghalla Vortex, the Miracle Machinist's big mistake, or that bastard traitor Quark King!"

How could anyone! But I still wonder what the future holds for the 31st Century...

In the meantime, in just five short years, it will be the Legion's 50th anniversary. Assuming a monthly schedule, that'll be issue # 85 for the current series, or with some bi-weekly issues, maybe # 100.

Better get your seats now!

[Chameleon Boy]

[ July 30, 2003, 12:03 AM: Message edited by: Reep ]
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
I've got my tickets already!

And Reep, I just noticed you changed your From: profile. Smartass! [Wink]
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
That was a charming and classy text that Levitz wrote. I know so many have contributed to making the Legion what it is and has been, but I think Levitz deserves a permanent place named after him in the book - like Weisinger had his Plaza (but that wasn't so permanent). Or a character using his name.

I wonder if creators don't despair when they read these message boards, if they read them. I just think of my own posts, I want this, why don't they do that, that doesn't make sense, the story should have gone a different way, bring back every character that ever was, focus on everybody but give us all new and exciting characters... all this in 22 pages, once a month. It would drive them insane if they wrote to "accommodate" the fans. I guess it should be fan-sensitive, creator-driven - democracy probably doesn't work for comic books.

The Legion could be around for a 100th anniversary. I won't be here either (unless there are major advances in medecine and the treatments are free) - but it is an evolving creation, no reason it couldn't adapt as times change if DC is nimble on its feet. But I do plan on making it to the 50th anniversary. That's enough of a milestone.

I sort of like the idea of some future archaeologist discovering this message board's contents after the cataclysm and a whole new Legion cult arising. Maybe they'd even be able to salvage a few books somewhere.
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
I'll be 95 when the Legion celebrates its 100th anniversary, so I might make it. Barely. Not that I'll remember anything or care ...

I wonder what is going to happen to our comments in five years, 10 years, and beyond? Will they still be floating around the Internet, waiting for someone to discover them?

If the Legion does reach 100, then maybe someone will access these old boards and incorporate them into a book. Just think: an entire chapter devoted to "Imra Is a Shameless Hussy."
Posted by matlock on :
I'll be a spry 88 years old when the Legion hits the century mark. I'll probably have forgotten my kid's name by then, but I'll probably still have every bit of Legion lore rattling around in my head.

And surely this board shall stand forever. And I will in my dotage say unto the new posters:

Harken to my tale of the years of Legion World. In the beginning there were the DCMB's, and they were good. Then in a great season of loss came the whiteout and lo the DCMB's were born anew and they had become as a barren land where not a root could take hold. And yea did we wander long seeking a safe haven and our journey was perilous in the land of RKMB... And lo, did we at last behold unto our eyes the promised land, for it was shown to us by Nightcrawler and Lightning Lad. And they didst speak unto us, bidding us welcome to the Legion World. And as a lamb shall lie down in the manger did we find comfort there.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
We're all going to sound pretty silly in the nursing home, telling the aides we want to e-mail Lightning Lad and Nightcrawler.

And I'll probably be wandering down a hallway saying "Imra is NOT a shameless hussy!"

[ July 30, 2003, 01:51 PM: Message edited by: Fat Cramer ]
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
I'll be 92 on the 100th anniversary. I guess that's achievable.

And I'll be the one going, "I'm Lightning Lad. Where's all my e-mail. And I'm NOT Proty!"?
Posted by Omni Craig on :
I'll be 91.

I wonder how many times the Legion will have been rebooted by then?

LLLaaout (Long Live the Legion and all of us too!)
Posted by Reep on :
My inquires about the Legion's 100th anniversary remind of similar wondering I had when I was kid during the Space Race - "Wow, I wonder what will be the first comicbook on the Moon?!"

To which I can only respond after all these years and due consideration with "Jesus H. Christ. Who the fuck cares?"

[Big Grin]


[Chameleon Boy]

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