This is topic Imra Ardeen is a SHAMELESS HUSSY in forum Long Live the Legion! at Legion World.

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Posted by Kid Prime on :
Well, she is.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
You better watch what you say or I may have to ban you Kid Prime. [Wink]
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
Bless the shameless hussies!

Y'know, I'm liking Imra more and more.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Unless you are talking about the paternal aunt Imra was named after. She was a hussy! You should have seen her at the wedding hanging all over the best man!
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
She just can't win, can she?

If she's not a shameless hussy, she's the resident ice queen. poor kid.
Posted by Kid Prime on :
Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
You better watch what you say or I may have to ban you Kid Prime. [Wink]

Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
KP's just torked 'cause Imra's hussiness ain't doing him no good.
Posted by Kid Prime on :
Well, Lightning Lad, all I can say to that is, do you realize that all through the year you were lost, she was pshcyically cheating on you by impersonating Tinya and having a sexual relationship with Ultra Boy? Just because it was psychic sex doesn't make it any less real... I'm sorry, but someone has got to wake up and smell the ozone here!

And now that she's back in our galaxy, she and Jo are continuing the deception by not telling Tinya what went on in the Kwai galaxy! Sure sounds like the acts of a shameless hussy to me!

Of course, love is blind...

Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
It's not helping me out, either. Maybe I should get torked off too.
Posted by Tromium Crystal on :
To make matters worse she's now having dream sex with Garth. Why can't Imra just have real sex for a change? What the hell is wrong with her?
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
OK, we'll compromise: She's an Ice Hussy.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Not just sex but IMAGINARY SPACE-SEX!

Me? I like my hussies good and shameless.... those shy, demure hussies are a buzzkill...
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Lately, she's more of a homeless slushie - I'm starting to feel sorry for her.

Didn't you ever do something that, in hindsight, was in poor judgement, then you try to fix it and you make things worse? Then some cosmic villain kidnaps you and imprisons you in a mind control chair? That happens to me all the time. So I guess I understand Imra, to some extent.
Posted by MLLASH on :
LOL Cramey!
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
Originally posted by MLLASH:
Me? I like my hussies good and shameless.... those shy, demure hussies are a buzzkill...

Not me -- I like my hussies chock full of shame...
Posted by Danny Blaine on :
Originally posted by Kid Prime:
Well, she is.

I wish I liked Saturn Girl. I really do. But something keeps holding me back.
Posted by Kid Prime on :
Originally posted by Danny Blaine:
Originally posted by Kid Prime:
Well, she is.

I wish I liked Saturn Girl. I really do. But something keeps holding me back.
I'm not going to say for sure, but I would just like for you to consider that it MIGHT be because she's a shameless hussy!
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
I'm warning you all. You're on my list. Things might start happening if this train of thought continues. Just a kind word of warning from one of your gracious benefactors.
[Lightning Lad] [Saturn Girl]

Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
I find myself compelled to voice my support for Saturn Girl!

Funny... I had intended to post to the Spaceopoly thread...
Posted by Kid Prime on :
Posted by Stu on :
[Saturn Girl]

I LOVE Saturn Girl.

[Saturn Girl]

She is NOT a shameless hussy.

[Saturn Girl]
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Originally posted by Kid Prime:

Guess who's on top of the list? [Smile]
Posted by Kid Prime on :
Posted by MLLASH on :
Remember when Imra threw herself all over Brin on that asteroid? SHAMELESS I tells ya!!!
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
Remeber how she didn't skip a beat when it turned out her hudband was really a Proty? As if any warm body in the sack will do -- SHAMELESS!
Posted by MLLASH on :
Remember that fuschia bikini? SO shameless!
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Okay, two more for my list. And Drake gets a special place in line for mentioning the 'P' word.

Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
Originally posted by DrakeB3003:
Remeber how she didn't skip a beat when it turned out her hudband was really a Proty? As if any warm body in the sack will do -- SHAMELESS!

Is Drake just mad 'cause it's not his warm "body" sack?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
I think you're all just scared of a strong and competent woman.

Is there a male counterpart to "Shameless Hussy" - can't think of one, maybe Lothario, but that's become a bit obscure. Even "Don Juan" and "Tom Cat" have a certain flair to them, offsetting the moral condemnation.

Posted by MLLASH on :
Double Standards suck!

Y'know what... that ROKK KRINN is a shameless hussy for wearing that black camisolle for a costume!
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Originally posted by Fat Cramer:
I think you're all just scared of a strong and competent woman.

With or without whips?

I mean with whips sure. Without whips? Naw, they're just HUSSYS!!!!

I mean really, why did they need her to go to the 20th century to meet up with the teenaged (TEENAGED!) Superboy? It was so she could shake her moneymakers and seduce him. Can you not read into the obvious? [Smile]

(Wonder what the Wonder Womwn board would make of this thread)?

Hmmmm idea for threads ala "Whose line is it Anyway."

Discuss Legion in the style of the Wonder Women/GL/Marvel board.
Posted by Sonnie Boy on :
Originally posted by MLLASH:
Y'know what... that ROKK KRINN is a shameless hussy for wearing that black camisolle for a costume!

he would have been a hussy if only he had a personality!
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Originally posted by Blockade Boy:
Originally posted by Fat Cramer:
I think you're all just scared of a strong and competent woman.

With or without whips?

I mean with whips sure. Without whips? Naw, they're just HUSSYS!!!!

You've obviously never been trod on with stiletto heels. It ain't just all crackin' the whip.
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
Originally posted by Fat Cramer:
I think you're all just scared of a strong and competent woman.

She's definitely strong -- she was able to manipulate an unconscious Rokk into pretending to be her boyfriend against his will and strong enough to create a false Tinya from her mind that Jo could bed every night. She's not a shamless hussy ... not at all....
Posted by Kid Prime on :
I FORGOT about the manipulating an unconscious, comatose ROKK into being, like, her boyfriend!!!

[Saturn Girl] = Shameless Hussy
Posted by Sonnie Boy on :
Preboot she tried to get rude with her sister-in-laws fella ==== totally shameless!!!
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Can she help it if all these wolves are after her?
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
Your solidarity in defense of sisterhood is admirable FC, but can't you see this shameless hussy is dragging the rest of you down??
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
(and then there's Yera ... don't get me started on her... (come to think of it, do these instances really say something about the men who wrote these stories??))
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
All this anti Imra feeling is a little surprising. She is after all the reason the legion was formed. If Garth and Rokk hadn’t been lusting after her on that rocket ship, they would never have started talking. If they hadn’t been together whilst leaving the ship, and close to the sexy blond, then they would not have been able to save RJ.

Imra is not responsible for the reactions of others. To quote Jessica Rabbit, she’s not bad, she’s just drawn that way. [Wink]

I always saw Imra as the unobtainable beauty. She was the one all the boys fancied but because she was seen as a bit stand offish, (and if you could read the minds of 16 year old boys would you want to spend any time with them?) the boys, typically, turned her into the problem rather than themselves. She became the ice queen, the tease and in a more modern parlance, a hussy.

Irma is none of these. She is single minded, assertive, and knows what she wants and is prepared to go for it. In the work place women who act like this (in fact who act like men) are often called various unflattering names as some form of male self preservation reaction. Just look at the names Maggie Thatcher was called! When a similar, male, politician may have been just as unpopular but his policies, not his masculinity, would have been challenged.

So enough with the shameless hussy talk already. If you want to have a go at someone, what about that teenage (and for a long time single) mother Apparition. Not only is she promoting underage sex and pregnancy but she has on a number of occasions placed her child in danger. Where are social services when you need them.
[Laugh Out Loud]
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
In Tinya's case, it pays to have connections. No social services call for her!

I don't hold teenage pregnancy against her, after all - she is taking care of the little blighter now and she never left him alone. Timber Wolf allowed him to stray into danger, but you know how you turn your back for an instant and *poof* the kid is gone.

You want a shameless hussy, I think Glorith would qualify. No shame at all and very tacky lingerie. I actually can't think of another female in the Legionverse who has so much shamelessness and hussiness in her. The other bad girls were fairly shameless in their approach to law-breaking; the new Emerald Empress is just sort of psycho, the old one tried to seduce Superboy - but it was pretty amateur stuff on the hussy scale. They just don't cut the s.h. mustard.

As for the men, Rokk's black camisole certainly qualifies as shameless but what choice did he have? As was said, he was drawn that way.

Look at Sun Boy - a shameless hunk if there ever was one and yet how do they remember him in the 5YL story? "Good old Dirk - he sure enjoyed a party!"
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
[cockney] Gloorith is a laaady [/cockney]

Imra, I heard, doesn't even wear underwear when flying!

Stilettoes???? hmmmmm, ouch, hmmmmm
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
Originally posted by Faraway Lad:
If you want to have a go at someone, what about that teenage (and for a long time single) mother Apparition. Not only is she promoting underage sex and pregnancy but she has on a number of occasions placed her child in danger. Where are social services when you need them.
[Laugh Out Loud]

I realize this thread is tongue in cheek (sort of), but this is simply not accurate. Tinya was married when she became pregnant. Her husband supposedly died, leaving her with no choice but to give birth to Cub alone and face the prospect of raising him likewise. That's not the same thing as as "promoting underage sex and pregnancy." (It's not even certain if she's still a teenager at this point.)

As for placing Cub in danger, have I forgotten something? I don't remember this, apart from Cub's misadventures aboard the footstep drive ship. Tinya, of course, was unaware of his special abilities at that time.

Re: Saturn Girl. Imra made some bad choices as leader (her prolonged impersonation of Tinya being one of them), but I don't think this necessarily makes her a shameless hussy. It just means she used poor judgment.
Posted by Greybird on :
[Fat Cramer]
{[...] As for the men, Rokk's black camisole certainly qualifies as shameless but what choice did he have? }

What? "No choice"?? "Shameless"??? It's a highly functional design, as well as good-looking. (You do need to keep up the ab crunches, I'll admit.) And it doesn't have to come in black, either ...


Try calling Dawnstar a "shameless hussy," and our brother (have you met Greatfire?) will unleash some flamin' whoop-ass on YOU!
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Well, sure - they look good but who's going to vouch for their behaviour? And I still don't understand what holds the guys' camisoles up - unless it's clear plastic laces.

I don't think anyone would ever call Dawnstar a shameless hussy - except Ina, Jhodan's apprentice on Kol, but you know how kids are.

Huffy maybe, but not a hussy.
Posted by Omni Craig on :
Imra is not a shameless hussy!

And I'm not sucking up to TPTB on this board either. Garth has always been my favorite Legionnaire for three reasons:
1. Lightning is a really cool power!
2. Things don't always go his way
3. Hot blonde wife in pink bikini and disco boots. I'm sorry... <PC>His beatiful, capable, intelligent wife!</PC>

She is a strong female character, who is sometimes poorly written by men who are either afraid of a strong capable woman, or don't understand them. There's a reason most female comic book characters, heroes or villains are in bathing suits, and it ain't always their choice of fashion people. Think "geeky artist who can't get a date" (my apologies to the geeky artists who can get dates). [Wink]

As someone else said earlier, she went from Ice Maiden to Shameless Hussy. There's no in between?

That was always my biggest frustration with the Lois and Clark TV series, and why I couldn't watch it even when I tried. They couldn't portray Lois as a capable woman with intelligence and beauty. She was fluctuating between helpless victim and headstrong idiot. And a woman produced the show for crying out loud!! But I digress...

Anyway, lay off on the Imra bashing. She's had a rough year. [Saturn Girl]
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
[Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin] Amen!
Posted by lil'rhino on :
More hussy threads, NOW!

Posted by Tromium Crystal on :
hee hee. My favorite topic. [Smile]
Posted by lil'rhino on : defines HUSSY as 1.A brazen woman, 2.A saucy girl.

Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Originally posted by lil'rhino: defines HUSSY as 1.A brazen woman, 2.A saucy girl.


if so, then there's three possibilities:

1. puritanism. we as a society still feel the need to put down women who fit this definition.

2. obsolescence. even though no longer taboo, the word lingers on, just as lime is no longer used in stage 'limelighting.'

3. connotation. Feces and s--t may have the same definition, for instance, but carry different impacts. The definition may be accurate, but the use doesn't. You don't use s--t in a scientific paper, and you don't use the word feces in the 'hood.

In any case, we have to look at the double-standard:

How would we judge a guy doing similar things?
Posted by Tromium Crystal on :
Originally posted by Kent Shakespeare:
How would we judge a guy doing similar things?

If he had a steady girl who was loyal to him and loved him without question, I'd call him a shameless hussy, too. For example, Rokk was a shameless hussy that night he dated Sinde. [Smile]
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :

Check out how popular Imra was in the early days, and how Uncle Mort blatantly tried to destroy her character!


Dear Editor: Of all the Legionnaire characters, I especially like Saturn Girl. I think her powers of thought-casting are the best since flying. I also think she's a cute chick. Keep up the good work.

Jeff Stonehill, San Jose, Calif.

(We don't think Saturn Girl will be so popular with you, and other readers, when you see what she does to her fellow Legion members in the next issue of ADVENTURE comics. -Ed.)

Posted by He Who Wanders on :
What issue is this from, Eryk? What dastardly deed is Mort talking about?
Posted by Kid Quislet on :
That was the infamous "bad brownie" issue where Irma was baking while guarding the HQ, as the boys were off on a mission too dangerous for a girl, and she accidentally added salt instead of sugar to the brownie batter because she was too busy scheming of a way to impersonate Supergirl and secretly steal her mer-man boyfriend Jerro, just to make Garth jealous and piss Kara off. Not one of the Legion's best moments, but it had a breakout scene for Element Lad when he later changes the salt in the brownies to a sweeter derivative of hashish. Was it Adventure #314B?
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
Bad, BAD hussy! [LOL]

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